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Created May 9, 2011 13:24
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(ns primes.core
(defn bump-divisors-map
[divisors z]
(fn [m p]
(let [y (+ z (* 2 p))]
(update-in m [y] conj p)))
(dissoc divisors z)
(divisors z)))
(defn bump-divisors
[ob z]
(update-in ob [:divisors] bump-divisors-map z))
;; Initial sieve object. Starts at 3 instead of 2, since 2 is excluded
;; algorithmically. The :divisors map is a map from an upcoming composite
;; number to all of its prime divisors. The :square value is used to detect
;; when a new prime needs to be added to the :divisors map. The :primes
;; key points to a nested structure for keeping track of the next prime to
;; add to the :divisors map. The :p key keeps track of the current number
;; being tested. This number is always prime in the object returned from
;; (next-prime).
(def initial
{:p 3,
:divisors {9 '(3)},
:square 9,
:primes nil})
;; We need to declare next-prime ahead of time because of the circular
;; dependency between next-prime and bump-square
(declare next-prime)
(defn bump-square
"Finds the next prime in the nested structure and updates the :square key
with it."
[{:keys [divisors primes] :as ob}]
(let [{:keys [p] :as new-primes} (next-prime (or primes initial)),
sq (* p p)]
(assoc ob :primes new-primes,
:square sq,
:divisors (assoc divisors sq (list p)))))
(defn next-prime
[{:keys [divisors p square] :as ob}]
(let [z (+ 2 p)]
(if (divisors z)
;; then composite
(if (= z square)
(bump-square ob)
(bump-divisors z)
(assoc :p z)
;; otherwise prime
(assoc ob :p z))))
(defn all-primes
(cons 2
(map :p
(iterate next-prime initial))))
(defn -main
(doseq [p (all-primes)]
(println p)))
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