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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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(* === 第8章問題 === *)
(* --- 問題8.1 --- *)
(* 本に関する情報を表す型 *)
(* 0で始まるコードもあるようなので,*)
(* isbnの型は,stringのほうがいいようだ *)
(* フィールドの順番を変えてみる *)
(* ちなみにauthorをauthourにすると処理系が *)
(* Hint : Did you mean authour?と指摘してくれる *)
# #use "" ;;
type book_t = {
title : string;
author : string;
publisher : string;
price : int;
isbn : string;
val b1 : book_t =
{title = "プログラミングの基礎"; author = "浅井健一";
publisher = "サイエンス社"; price = 2300; isbn = "4781911609"}
val b2 : book_t =
{title = "プログラミング言語C 第2版"; author = "K & R";
publisher = "共立出版"; price = 2800; isbn = "4320026926"}
val b3 : book_t =
{title = "Programming Perl"; author = "Larry Wall";
publisher = "O'Reilly Media"; price = 3776; isbn = "0596000278"}
(* --- 問題8.2 --- *)
# #use "" ;;
type okozukai_t = {
goods : string;
price : int;
shop : string;
date : int * int;
val o1 : okozukai_t =
{goods = "うまい棒"; price = 10; shop = "駄菓子屋"; date = (2, 22)}
val o2 : okozukai_t =
{goods = "えんぴつ"; price = 100; shop = "文房具"; date = (12, 13)}
val o3 : okozukai_t =
{goods = "時計"; price = 2500; shop = "デパート"; date = (4, 7)}
(* --- 問題8.3 --- *)
# #use "" ;;
type person_t = {
name : string;
height : float;
weight : float;
birth_day : int * int;
blood : string;
val o1 : person_t =
{name = "hoge"; height = 180.; weight = 80.; birth_day = (1, 1);
blood = "A"}
val o2 : person_t =
{name = "foo"; height = 150.; weight = 35.; birth_day = (3, 17);
blood = "AB"}
val o3 : person_t =
{name = "piyo"; height = 170.; weight = 60.; birth_day = (10, 28);
blood = "O"}
(* --- 問題8.4 --- *)
(* *)
(* 各人の名前・身長・誕生日・血液型を表す型 *)
type person_t = {
name : string; (* 名前 *)
height : float; (* 身長 *)
weight : float; (* 体重 *)
birth_day : int * int; (* 誕生日 *)
blood : string; (* 血液型 *)
(* 目的:person_t型のデータを受け取ったら,*)
(* "OOさんの血液型は△型です"という文字列を返す *)
(* ketsueki_hyoji : person_t -> string *)
let ketsueki_hyoji p = match p with
name = n;
height = h;
weight = w;
birth_day = bd;
blood = bl;
} -> n ^ "さんの血液型は" ^ bl ^ "" ^ "です"
(* テスト *)
let test1 = ketsueki_hyoji {
name = "hoge";
height = 180.;
weight = 80.;
birth_day = (1, 1);
blood = "A";
} = "hogeさんの血液型はA型です"
let test2 = ketsueki_hyoji {
name = "foo";
height = 150.;
weight = 35.;
birth_day = (3, 17);
blood = "AB";
} = "fooさんの血液型はAB型です"
let test3 = ketsueki_hyoji {
name = "piyo";
height = 170.;
weight = 60.;
birth_day = (10, 28);
blood = "O";
} = "piyoさんの血液型はO型です"
# #use "" ;;
type person_t = {
name : string;
height : float;
weight : float;
birth_day : int * int;
blood : string;
val ketsueki_hyoji : person_t -> string = <fun>
val test1 : bool = true
val test2 : bool = true
val test3 : bool = true
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