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Created May 20, 2011 23:48
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open System
open System.Threading
// Operator overload for the post message.
let (<!) (proc : MailboxProcessor<_>) msg = proc.Post(msg)
// Helpers
let thread_id = (fun () -> System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId)
let start f = MailboxProcessor.Start f
let hallo_actor (next : MailboxProcessor<_>) =
start(fun inbox ->
printfn "Hallo process (id=%d) is linked to %s" (thread_id()) (next.ToString())
let rec loop () = async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
printfn "Hallo process (id=%d) receives message: %s" (thread_id()) msg
next <! msg + " Hallo"
return! loop()}
let welt_actor (next : MailboxProcessor<_>) =
start(fun inbox ->
printfn "Welt process (id=%d) is linked to %s" (thread_id()) (next.ToString())
let rec loop () = async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
printfn "Welt process (id=%d) receives message: %s" (thread_id()) msg
next <! msg + " Welt"
return! loop()}
let print_actor =
start(fun inbox ->
let rec loop () = async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
printfn "Print process (id=%d) receives message: %s" (thread_id()) msg
return! loop()}
let agent_chain = hallo_actor (welt_actor (print_actor))
agent_chain <! "Ich sage"
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// First attempt to make it look a bit more Erlang like
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
open System
open System.Threading
// Operator overload for the post message.
let (<!) (proc : MailboxProcessor<_>) msg = proc.Post(msg)
// Message type
type command =
| Next of MailboxProcessor<command>
| Msg of string
// Helpers
let thread_id = (fun () -> System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId)
let spawn = MailboxProcessor<command>.Start
let hallo_node = (fun (actor : MailboxProcessor<command>) ->
let rec loop (next_actor) = async {
let! msg = actor.Receive()
match msg with
| Next next ->
printfn "Hallo process (id=%d) is linked to %s" (thread_id()) (next.ToString())
return! loop(Some(next))
| Msg s ->
printfn "Hallo process (id=%d) receives message: %s" (thread_id()) s
next_actor.Value <! Msg(s + " Hallo")
return! loop(None)
| _ -> return ()}
let welt_node = (fun (actor : MailboxProcessor<command>) ->
let rec loop (next_actor) = async {
let! msg = actor.Receive()
match msg with
| Next next ->
printfn "Welt process (id=%d) is linked to %s" (thread_id()) (next.ToString())
return! loop(Some(next))
| Msg s ->
printfn "Welt process (id=%d) receives message: %s" (thread_id()) s
next_actor.Value <! Msg(s + " Welt")
return! loop(None)
| _ -> return ()}
let print_node = (fun (actor : MailboxProcessor<command>) ->
let rec loop () = async {
let! msg = actor.Receive()
match msg with
| Msg s ->
printfn "Print process (id=%d) receives message: %s" (thread_id()) s
return! loop()
| _ ->
printfn "puke"
return ()}
let hallo = spawn hallo_node
let welt = spawn welt_node
let print = spawn print_node
hallo <! Next welt
welt <! Next print
hallo <! Msg "Ich sage"
open System
open System.Threading
// Operator overload for the post message.
let (<!) (proc : MailboxProcessor<_>) msg = proc.Post(msg)
// Message type
type command =
| Next of MailboxProcessor<command>
| Msg of string
// Helpers
let thread_id = (fun () -> System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId)
let spawn = MailboxProcessor<command>.Start
// Generalised message receiver
let receive (actor : MailboxProcessor<command>) msg_proc =
let rec loop next_actor = async {
let! msg = actor.Receive()
let result = msg_proc (msg, next_actor)
return! loop result
loop None
let hallo_node = (fun actor ->
receive actor (fun (msg, next_actor) ->
match msg with
| Next next ->
printfn "Hallo process (id=%d) is linked to %s" (thread_id()) (next.ToString())
| Msg s ->
printfn "Hallo process (id=%d) receives message: %s" (thread_id()) s
next_actor.Value <! Msg(s + " Hallo")
let welt_node = (fun actor ->
receive actor ( fun (msg, next_actor) ->
match msg with
| Next next ->
printfn "Welt process (id=%d) is linked to %s" (thread_id()) (next.ToString())
| Msg s ->
printfn "Welt process (id=%d) receives message: %s" (thread_id()) s
next_actor.Value <! Msg(s + " Welt")
let print_node = (fun actor ->
receive actor ( fun (msg, next_actor) ->
match msg with
| Msg s ->
printfn "Print process (id=%d) receives message: %s" (thread_id()) s
| _ ->
printfn "puke"
let hallo = spawn hallo_node
let welt = spawn welt_node
let print = spawn print_node
hallo <! Next welt
welt <! Next print
hallo <! Msg "Ich sage"
Hallo process (id=6) is linked to Microsoft.FSharp.Control.FSharpMailboxProcessor`1[System.String]
val agent_chain : MailboxProcessor<string>
Welt process (id=3) is linked to Microsoft.FSharp.Control.FSharpMailboxProcessor`1[System.String]
Hallo process (id=13) receives message: Ich sage
Welt process (id=14) receives message: Ich sage Hallo
Print process (id=14) receives message: Ich sage Hallo Welt
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