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Created November 20, 2017 13:45
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defmodule WWTK.Collector.ReportProcessor do
@moduledoc """
ReportProcessor module.
It is the main "logic processor" for processing data
given by the client.
require Logger
require Plug.Conn
alias WWTK.Collector.Unpacker
alias WWTK.Collector.Validator
alias WWTK.Collector.Assigner
alias WWTK.Collector.Considerator
alias WWTK.Collector.Report
alias WWTK.Collector.Errors.EndOfProcessing
import WWTK.Collector.Report, only: [log: 2]
@spec process(String.t, Plug.Conn.t, {:ok, binary, Plug.Conn.t} | {:error, term}) :: Report.t
def process(xri, body, _conn) do
report = body |> process_body(xri)
|> log(:read)
|> Unpacker.unpack()
|> log(:unpack)
|> Validator.validate()
|> log(:validate)
|> Assigner.assign()
|> log(:assign)
|> Considerator.consider()
|> log(:consider)
EndOfProcessing -> nil
defp process_body({:ok, data, _}, xri) do
%Report{id: xri, data: data, state: :ok}
defp process_body({:error, _}, xri) do
%Report{id: xri, data: nil, state: :error}
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