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afiando a mandioca

Adriel Santos ADCDS

afiando a mandioca
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pazdera / gist:1098119
Created July 21, 2011 20:25
Singleton example in C++
* Example of a singleton design pattern.
* Copyright (C) 2011 Radek Pazdera
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
iizukak /
Created October 14, 2011 18:18
Gram-Schmidt Orthogonization using Numpy
import numpy as np
def gs_cofficient(v1, v2):
return, v1) /, v1)
def multiply(cofficient, v):
return map((lambda x : x * cofficient), v)
def proj(v1, v2):
return multiply(gs_cofficient(v1, v2) , v1)
naholyr /
Created December 13, 2012 09:39
Sample /etc/init.d script

Sample service script for debianoids

Look at LSB init scripts for more information.


Copy to /etc/init.d:

# replace "$YOUR_SERVICE_NAME" with your service's name (whenever it's not enough obvious)
snipe / gist:5512408
Created May 3, 2013 18:25
ASCII Goatse
* g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x * g o a t s e x *
g g
o / \ \ / \ o
a| | \ | | a
t| `. | | : t
s` | | \| | s
e \ | / / \\\ --__ \\ : e
x \ \/ _--~~ ~--__| \ | x
* \ \_-~ ~-_\ | *
g \_ \ _.--------.______\| | g
tott / ip_in_range.php
Created November 27, 2013 22:46
php check if IP is in given network range
* Check if a given ip is in a network
* @param string $ip IP to check in IPV4 format eg.
* @param string $range IP/CIDR netmask eg., also is accepted and /32 assumed
* @return boolean true if the ip is in this range / false if not.
function ip_in_range( $ip, $range ) {
if ( strpos( $range, '/' ) == false ) {
$range .= '/32';
nicktoumpelis /
Created April 23, 2014 13:00
Cleans and resets a git repo and its submodules
git clean -xfd
git submodule foreach --recursive git clean -xfd
git reset --hard
git submodule foreach --recursive git reset --hard
git submodule update --init --recursive
sogko / app.js
Last active November 8, 2022 12:31
gulp + expressjs + nodemon + browser-sync
'use strict';
// simple express server
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var router = express.Router();
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
Jxck /
Created May 24, 2016 08:21


The API used for DTLS is mostly the same as for TLS, because of the mapping of generic functions to protocol specifc ones. Some additional functions are still necessary, because of the new BIO objects and the timer handling for handshake messages. The generic concept of the API is described in the following sections. Examples of applications using DTLS are available at [9].

DTLS の API は TLS とほぼ同じ。 BIO オブジェクトの生成とタイマのために追加でいくつか必要。

gunjanpatel /
Last active October 5, 2024 13:53
Git HowTo: revert a commit already pushed to a remote repository

Revert the full commit

Sometimes you may want to undo a whole commit with all changes. Instead of going through all the changes manually, you can simply tell git to revert a commit, which does not even have to be the last one. Reverting a commit means to create a new commit that undoes all changes that were made in the bad commit. Just like above, the bad commit remains there, but it no longer affects the the current master and any future commits on top of it.

git revert {commit_id}

About History Rewriting

Delete the last commit

Deleting the last commit is the easiest case. Let's say we have a remote origin with branch master that currently points to commit dd61ab32. We want to remove the top commit. Translated to git terminology, we want to force the master branch of the origin remote repository to the parent of dd61ab32:

obonyojimmy / jquery-datatables-webpack
Created October 27, 2016 03:35 — forked from marcstober/jquery-datatables-webpack with webpack
Here's how to make jQuery DataTables work with npm and webpack. This is the simplest way I found to do it.
See the previous revision of this gist for a way to do it with forcing AMD to be disabled if you need that.
Install DT core: npm install
Install a DT style: npm install
Then to initialize DT in your app, do this in your main entry point:
// you can use import or require
import dt from '';