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Created August 8, 2023 11:28
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guykatz commented Aug 22, 2023

Best way to integrate a non xa resource into container managed transactions of stateless ejbs (wildfly)
Or in other words. Best way to implement a custom xa resource.
There is very little info about this....

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hello Adam
how do you deliver your apos on Aws with cdk, just using gitlab ci or similar, or Aws code deploy?
and how to restrict deployments to authorized users?

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another question, what are your thoughts and experience on trunk based development?

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dwamara commented Sep 1, 2023

Hi Adam, long time no writing but still following in the silence of my office :-)
I have a question regarding Quarkus that has been going through my mind since a long time but always forget to ask it, it has to do with Hibernate with Panache: I really love the concept and I never miss an occasion to use it but always stumble upon the problem when I have an Exception, like a unique constraint violation or anything that has to do with the database.
How do you proceed on catching them so they won't spoil my application by throwing an Exception to goes up unto the Front end for example?
A code like for example "member.persist()" throws no particular exception that can be explicitly caught.


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dwamara commented Sep 1, 2023

I have another question regarding jpaStreamer, I don't know if you've used it already but I have question the question on their channel but got now answer yet.

I use jpaStreamer with Quarks and I have a question regarding the query that I would like to build.

I have an entity Member which has another entity as property, say MemberContact which has two String msisdn and emailAddress
I would like to use the repository using Member, like "MemberRepository implements PanacheRepository"
and in my search code, I would like to access the msisdn, how do I do it as I can't do "stream.filter(Member$.msisdn.containsIgnoreCase(request.msisdn));" and I can do
"stream.filter(Member$.memberContact.msisdn.containsIgnoreCase(request.msisdn));" because memberContact when generated is of type com.speedment.jpastreamer.field.ReferenceField<Member, MemberContact>"


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Hello Adam,

in a RequestScoped type REST endpoint (boundary) where you inject a RequestScoped REST service and MicroProfile JsonWebToken, in case it's a long process, I would like to return the response before it's processed, in other words, asynchronously without losing the CDI context or the MicroProfile JWT.

I've tried using a CompletableFuture and it loses the CDI context. I've added 'RequestContextController,' which works for CDI but not for the JsonWebToken. I've also tried '@suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,' but it doesn't return the asynchronous response. Lastly, I've attempted MicroProfile Context Propagation, but I can't get it to work on WildFly 23.

What would be the correct approach?

Thank you very much ;).

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thiagoslino commented Sep 4, 2023

Hello Adam,
2023: can we say that the main options for new jakarta ee projects are quarkus and spring? Did you start any new thin war project ?

Thank you
ps: Cant watch today, see you later :D

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AdamBien commented Sep 4, 2023

The time machine: 14th, May 03, 2015:

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christian-frei commented Sep 4, 2023

Hi Adam,
Quarkus recommends the usage of micrometer over mp-metrics. However, i like to stay close to the standards and as of now, mp-metrics is the standard. What is your take on this?

kind regards

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