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Last active January 11, 2016 02:19
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Add-ItemVersion & Remove-ItemVersion tests
$testPath = "master:\content\item-test"
$targetLang = "pl-PL"
$format = @{Property = @("ID", "Name", "Language", "Version", "Text"); AutoSize=$true }
$giParams = @{Path=$testPath; Version="*"; }
Set-HostProperty -HostWidth 180
& {
if(Test-Path $testPath){
Remove-Item $testPath -Force -Recurse
Copy-Item master:\content\home $testPath
Copy-Item master:\content\home "$testPath\item1"
Copy-Item master:\content\home "$testPath\item2"
Copy-Item master:\content\home "$testPath\item1\item11"
function Get-ItemAndChildren {
@(Get-Item $testPath -Language $Language) + (Get-ChildItem $testPath -Language $Language -Recurse)
function Invoke-Test {
[bool]$showTestData = $false,
[string]$messageColor = "Green"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor $messageColor $Message
& $block
Get-ItemAndChildren $targetLang | ft @format
Invoke-Test "Create polish version of items out of Japanese versions (recursiveness from pipeline)" {
Get-ItemAndChildren "ja-JP" | Add-ItemVersion -TargetLanguage $targetLang -IfExist Append | Out-Null
} $true
Invoke-Test "Create a new version from German to Polish - append new version (recursiveness from pipeline)" {
Get-ItemAndChildren de-DE | Add-ItemVersion -TargetLanguage $targetLang -IfExist Append | Out-Null
} $true
Invoke-Test "Create a new version from English to Polish - append new version (recursiveness in cmdlet)" {
Add-ItemVersion -Path $testPath -Language en -TargetLanguage $targetLang -Recurse -IfExist Append | ft @format
Invoke-Test "Overwrite the English copy with Japanese copyfor the Polish version - append new version (recursiveness in cmdlet)" {
Add-ItemVersion -Path $testPath -Language ja-JP -TargetLanguage $targetLang -Recurse -IfExist OverwriteLatest | ft @format
Invoke-Test "Try Overwriting the Japanese copy with German for the Polish version - should not do anything as it already exists" {
Add-ItemVersion -Path $testPath -Language de-DE -TargetLanguage $targetLang -Recurse -IfExist Skip | ft @format
} $true
Invoke-Test "Try Overwrite the Japanese copy with German for the Polish version without recursing - only root item should change" {
Add-ItemVersion -Path $testPath -Language de-DE -TargetLanguage $targetLang -IfExist OverwriteLatest | Out-Null
} $true
Invoke-Test "Add 4 more Japanese versions based on German version to root item" {
Add-ItemVersion -Path $testPath -Language de-DE -TargetLanguage ja-JP -IfExist Append | Out-Null
Add-ItemVersion -Path $testPath -Language de-DE -TargetLanguage ja-JP -IfExist Append | Out-Null
Add-ItemVersion -Path $testPath -Language de-DE -TargetLanguage ja-JP -IfExist Append | Out-Null
Add-ItemVersion -Path $testPath -Language de-DE -TargetLanguage ja-JP -IfExist Append | Out-Null
Get-Item -Path $testPath -Language ja-JP -Version * | ft @format
Invoke-Test "Add 3 more Japanese versions based on itself" {
Add-ItemVersion -Path $testPath -Language ja-JP -IfExist Append | Out-Null
Add-ItemVersion -Path $testPath -Language ja-JP -IfExist Append | Out-Null
Add-ItemVersion -Path $testPath -Language ja-JP -IfExist Append | Out-Null
Get-Item -Path $testPath -Language ja-JP -Version * | ft @format
Invoke-Test "WhatIf - Remove version 2 from root and Children - items from pipeline" {
@(Get-Item $testPath -Language pl* -Version 2 ) + (Get-ChildItem $testPath -Language pl* -Version 2 -Recurse) | Remove-ItemVersion -WhatIf
} $false "Red"
Invoke-Test "WhatIf - Remove ALL polish versions from root and Children - items from pipeline" {
@(Get-Item $testPath -Language pl* ) + (Get-ChildItem $testPath -Language pl* -Recurse) | Remove-ItemVersion -WhatIf -Max 0
} $false "Red"
Invoke-Test "WhatIf - Remove Version '2' from ALL test items" {
Remove-ItemVersion -Path $testPath -Language * -Version 2 -What -Recurse
Invoke-Test "WhatIf - Limit version number to 1 for root test item" {
Remove-ItemVersion -Path $testPath -Language * -MaxVersions 1 -What # -Recurse
Invoke-Test "WhatIf - Remove Polish and Japanese Language from root test item" {
Remove-ItemVersion -Path $testPath -Language "pl-pl", "ja-jp" -WhatIf
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