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function module.Load(data)
--convert string to table
local newData = http:JSONDecode(data) --convert json string to table
local function traverseTable(tab) --traverse table and hunt for C3(n,n,n) strings to convert to color3
for i,v in pairs(tab) do
if type(v) == "table" then
elseif type(v) == "string" and v:match("^C3%(.+,.+,.+%)") then
--is a color3
Adidea / Create.lua
Created June 21, 2015 21:09
Create instances from a table against a list of prioritized properties
function create(name, parent)
local priority = {
--[[ LOCAL SCRIPT ]]--
local Dropdown = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Dropdown)
local Gui = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("ScreenGui")
local TestList = Dropdown.Create({"one","two","three","four","five"}, Gui)
TestList.Button.Position =,-50,0.5,-25)
print("Selected: ", value)
function LookVector(surface, cframe)
local direction = {
["Front"] = cframe.lookVector;
["Back"] = cframe.lookVector*-1;
["Left"] = (cframe * CFrame.Angles(0, -math.pi/2, 0)).lookVector;
["Right"] = (cframe * CFrame.Angles(0, math.pi/2, 0)).lookVector;
["Top"] = (cframe * CFrame.Angles(math.pi/2, 0, 0)).lookVector;
["Bottom"] = (cframe * CFrame.Angles(-math.pi/2, 0, 0)).lookVector;
return direction[surface]
Adidea / MengerSpongeRbx.lua
Last active March 1, 2016 23:01
Generate a Menger Sponge from the selected cube
function MakePartCube(cube)
local cubes = {}
local holes = {
--[[ Debug ]]
local Require = require 'Require'.path ("../debugscript.lrdevplugin")
local Debug = require 'Debug'.init ()
require 'strict'
local json = require("json")
local FileUtil = import("LrFileUtils") --for readFile
local Dialogs = import("LrDialogs") --for runOpenPanel to select tags file
local Application = import("LrApplication") --for activeCatalog
local Tasks = import("LrTasks")
Adidea / FN_Flex-Images.js
Last active August 3, 2016 04:50
A demonstration of flexImages on FurryNetwork
// JavaScript flexImages v1.0.2
var flexImages=function(){function e(e){function t(e,r,n,i){function o(e){n.maxRows&&g>n.maxRows||n.truncate&&e&&g>1?c[a][0].style.display="none":(c[a][4]&&(c[a][3].setAttribute("src",c[a][4]),c[a][4]=""),c[a][0].style.width=l+"px",c[a][0].style.height=h+"px",c[a][0].style.display="block")}for(var a,l,s,d,f=1,g=1,u=e.clientWidth-2,c=[],m=0,h=n.rowHeight,w=0;w<r.length;w++)if(c.push(r[w]),m+=r[w][2]+n.margin,m>=u){var p=c.length*n.margin;for(f=(u-p)/(m-p),h=Math.ceil(n.rowHeight*f),s=0,l,a=0;a<c.length;a++)l=Math.ceil(c[a][2]*f),s+=l+n.margin,s>u&&(l-=s-u),o();c=[],m=0,g++}for(a=0;a<c.length;a++)l=Math.floor(c[a][2]*f),d=Math.floor(n.rowHeight*f),o(!0);i||u==e.clientWidth||t(e,r,n,!0)}if(document.querySelector){var r={selector:0,container:".item",object:"img",rowHeight:180,maxRows:0,truncate:0};for(var n in e)e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(r[n]=e[n]);for(var i="object"==typeof r.selector?[r.selector]:document.querySelectorAll(r.selector
Adidea / toExifJSON.js
Last active August 11, 2016 00:34
converts JSON generated from my gallery scraper to a structure compatible with ExifTool
function toExifJSON(json) {
var data = JSON.parse(json);
var exif = [];
for (var file in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(file)) {
"SourceFile": file,
//I just noticed title is missing from the last version of my scraper, where'd it go?
"Creator": data[file].artist,
Adidea / FABetaFixes.css
Created August 15, 2017 03:51
Fa Beta fixes
/*visited links*/
.t-image a:visited {
color: #96ADFF !important;
Adidea / FACommentNotify.js
Created December 28, 2019 21:54
FA Comment Notifications
// ==UserScript==
// @name FA message notifier
// @namespace Artex
// @version 0.1
// @description
// @author Artex
// @match
// @grant none
// @require
// ==/UserScript==