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Adrian Samuel Adrian-Samuel

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Adrian-Samuel /
Last active December 30, 2020 21:03
A script to extract all the responses to a certain number to a spreadsheet using the twilio cli
#! /bin/bash
read -p "Please enter in the full number " assignedNumber
smsExportFile="$assignedNumber"_Responses_$(date +'%Y-%m-%d')".csv"
twilio api:core:messages:list --to=$number --properties=body,from,dateSent -o=tsv > $smsExportFile
# no need to custom parse the JSON
Adrian-Samuel / smsLengthValidator.js
Last active December 29, 2020 21:15
javascript (app script) to provide live validation on length of sms message within a given cell
function onEdit({source, range}) {
const {
} = range
const nextCellR1C1Notation = `R${rowStart}C${columnStart + 1}`
if (columnStart == 3) {
{% set contactNumber = "" %}
{% for contact in Sale.Customer.Contact.Phones.ContactPhone %}
{% if contact.number != "" and contactNumber == "" %}
{% set contactNumber = contact.number %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<span> Customer Number: {{contactNumber}} </span>
const getBaseDescription = async() =>{
const baseURL = window.location.origin
const [accountID, itemID] = window.location.href.match(/\d+/g)
const descriptionNode = document.querySelector('.description')
// Gets the custom fields for the label template in Lightspeed Retail:
// Function to get custon field values
const requestBuilder = async (domain, RAD, endpoint, ID, parameters, isDisplay) => {
const url = isDisplay
? endpoint == "Label"
function birthdayMessage() {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("someID");
const [headers, ...birthdays] = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
// removing rows without dates
const cleanedList = birthdays.filter(([,date]) => date != "")
const todaysBirthdays = cleanedList.reduce((matchedBirthdays, currentBirthday) => {
package main
import (
//Option 1
func recursiveLoop(list []int, currentIndex int) {
if !(currentIndex == len(list)) {
function getImages() {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(ID);
const db = DriveApp.getFolderById(ID)
const dbFiles = db.getFiles();
while (dbFiles.hasNext()) {
const file =
const driveURL = file.getUrl()
const {
function getRandomNumber(min, max, blockList) {
const randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
if (blockList.includes(randomNumber)) return getRandomNumber(min, max, blockList)
return randomNumber
// Example on how to use
Adrian-Samuel / BibleNameFinder.js
Last active April 1, 2020 22:32
Script to find bible all names in passages of text
const getMatchingBibleBooks = async (passage) => {
const bibleSite = ""
if (window.location.href != bibleSite) window.location.href = bibleSite
const getPage = await fetch(bibleSite)
const getJSONPage = await getPage.json()
const bibleBooks = getJSONPage.testaments.reduce((bookNames, currentTestament) => {