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Last active December 28, 2019 08:08
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Deskew using EAST
def getBoundingBox(fullImage):
(H, W) = fullImage.shape[:2]
rW = W / 320
rH = H / 320
# resize the image and grab the new image dimensions
image = cv2.resize(fullImage, (320, 320))
(H, W) = image.shape[:2]
# define the two output layer names for the EAST detector model that
# we are interested -- the first is the output probabilities and the
# second can be used to derive the bounding box coordinates of text
layerNames = [
# load the pre-trained EAST text detector
print("[INFO] loading EAST text detector...")
net = cv2.dnn.readNet('frozen_east_text_detection.pb')
# construct a blob from the image and then perform a forward pass of
# the model to obtain the two output layer sets
blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(image, 1.0, (W, H),
(123.68, 116.78, 103.94), swapRB=True, crop=False)
start = time.time()
(scores, geometry) = net.forward(layerNames)
end = time.time()
# show timing information on text prediction
print("[INFO] text detection took {:.6f} seconds".format(end - start))
# grab the number of rows and columns from the scores volume, then
# initialize our set of bounding box rectangles and corresponding
# confidence scores
(numRows, numCols) = scores.shape[2:4]
rects = []
confidences = []
# loop over the number of rows
for y in range(0, numRows):
# extract the scores (probabilities), followed by the geometrical
# data used to derive potential bounding box coordinates that
# surround text
scoresData = scores[0, 0, y]
xData0 = geometry[0, 0, y]
xData1 = geometry[0, 1, y]
xData2 = geometry[0, 2, y]
xData3 = geometry[0, 3, y]
anglesData = geometry[0, 4, y]
# loop over the number of columns
for x in range(0, numCols):
# if our score does not have sufficient probability, ignore it
if scoresData[x] < 0.5:
# compute the offset factor as our resulting feature maps will
# be 4x smaller than the input image
(offsetX, offsetY) = (x * 4.0, y * 4.0)
# extract the rotation angle for the prediction and then
# compute the sin and cosine
angle = anglesData[x]
cos = np.cos(angle)
sin = np.sin(angle)
# use the geometry volume to derive the width and height of
# the bounding box
h = xData0[x] + xData2[x]
w = xData1[x] + xData3[x]
# compute both the starting and ending (x, y)-coordinates for
# the text prediction bounding box
endX = int(offsetX + (cos * xData1[x]) + (sin * xData2[x]))
endY = int(offsetY - (sin * xData1[x]) + (cos * xData2[x]))
startX = int(endX - w)
startY = int(endY - h)
# add the bounding box coordinates and probability score to
# our respective lists
rects.append((startX, startY, endX, endY))
# apply non-maxima suppression to suppress weak, overlapping bounding boxes
boxes = non_max_suppression(np.array(rects), probs=confidences)
if (len(boxes) > 0):
# if any location index is -ve then make it 0 (to correspond to image edge)
boxes[boxes < 0] = 0
# loop over the bounding boxes
for (startX, startY, endX, endY) in boxes:
# scale the bounding box coordinates based on the respective ratios
startX = int(startX * rW)
startY = int(startY * rH)
endX = int(endX * rW)
endY = int(endY * rH)
fullImage = cv2.rectangle(fullImage, (startX, startY), (endX, endY), (255, 0, 0), 2)
return fullImage[startY:endY, startX:endX]
return False
def isImgInverted(imgPath, image):
imgFullPath = imgPath + image
img = cv2.imread(imgFullPath)
imgCrop = getBoundingBox(img)
if (imgCrop is False):
return False
def main():
onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(mypath) if isfile(join(mypath, f))]
for file in onlyfiles:
isImgInverted(mypath, file)
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