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Created December 7, 2018 21:40
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The core code of the parse feature implementation on the Go Twitz CLI App.
var parseCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "parse",
Short: "This command will extract the Twitter Accounts form a text file.",
Long: `This command will extract the Twitter Accounts and clean up or disregard other characters
or text around the twitter accounts to create a simple, clean, Twitter Accounts only list.`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
completedTwittererList := buildTwitterList()
if viper.Get("fileExport") != nil {
exportParsedTwitterList(viper.GetString("fileExport"), viper.GetString("fileFormat"), completedTwittererList)
func exportParsedTwitterList(exportFilename string, exportFormat string, twittererList []string) {
if exportFormat == "txt" {
exportTxt(exportFilename, twittererList, exportFormat)
} else if exportFormat == "json" {
exportJson(exportFilename, twittererList, exportFormat)
} else if exportFormat == "xml" {
exportXml(exportFilename, twittererList, exportFormat)
} else if exportFormat == "csv" {
exportCsv(exportFilename, twittererList, exportFormat)
} else {
fmt.Println("Export type unsupported.")
func exportXml(exportFilename string, twittererList []string, exportFormat string) {
fmt.Printf("Starting xml export to %s.", exportFilename)
xmlContent, err := xml.Marshal(twittererList)
header := xml.Header
collectedContent := header + string(xmlContent)
exportFile(collectedContent, exportFilename+"."+exportFormat)
func exportCsv(exportFilename string, twittererList []string, exportFormat string) {
fmt.Printf("Starting txt export to %s.", exportFilename)
collectedContent := rebuildForExport(twittererList, ",")
exportFile(collectedContent, exportFilename+"."+exportFormat)
func exportTxt(exportFilename string, twittererList []string, exportFormat string) {
fmt.Printf("Starting %s export to %s.", exportFormat, exportFilename)
collectedContent := rebuildForExport(twittererList, "\n")
exportFile(collectedContent, exportFilename+"."+exportFormat)
func exportJson(exportFilename string, twittererList []string, exportFormat string) {
fmt.Printf("Starting %s export to %s.", exportFormat, exportFilename)
collectedContent := collectContent(twittererList)
exportFile(string(collectedContent), exportFilename+"."+exportFormat)
func collectContent(twittererList []string) []byte {
collectedContent, err := json.Marshal(twittererList)
return collectedContent
func rebuildForExport(twittererList []string, concat string) string {
var collectedContent string
for _, twitterAccount := range twittererList {
collectedContent = collectedContent + concat + twitterAccount
if concat == "," {
collectedContent = strings.TrimLeft(collectedContent, concat)
return collectedContent
func exportFile(collectedContent string, exportFile string) {
contentBytes := []byte(collectedContent)
err := ioutil.WriteFile(exportFile, contentBytes, 0644)
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