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Created June 1, 2014 13:57
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Jetty Async Plans with Directives Support for Unfiltered
import unfiltered.response._
import unfiltered.request._
import unfiltered.filter._
import unfiltered.directives._
import Directive._
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.Try
import javax.servlet.http.{HttpServletResponse, HttpServletRequest}
object AsyncDirective {
type AsyncDirectiveResponse[A,B] = (HttpRequest[A] => Result[ResponseFunction[B], AsyncResponse[B]])
type AsyncRequest[A,B] = HttpRequest[A] with unfiltered.Async.Responder[B]
trait AsyncResponse[A] {
val future: Future[A]
val onComplete: Try[A] => ResponseFunction[A]
def !(f: ResponseFunction[A] => Unit) = future.onComplete(onComplete.andThen(f))
object AsyncResponse {
def apply[A](f: Future[A])(func: Try[A] => ResponseFunction[A]) = new AsyncResponse[A] {
val future = f
val onComplete = func
def apply[A, B](intent: PartialFunction[HttpRequest[A], AsyncDirectiveResponse[A,B]]): async.Plan.Intent = {
case req: AsyncRequest[A,B] if intent.isDefinedAt(req) => intent(req)(req) match {
case Result.Success(asyncResponse) => asyncResponse ! (req.respond _)
case Result.Failure(response) => req.respond(response)
case Result.Error(response) => req.respond(response)
import unfiltered.filter._
import unfiltered.directives._
import Directive._
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.Try
object TestAsyncDirective {
import AsyncDirective._
def myfuture(delay: Int) =
Future {
"future "
val directiveIntent = AsyncDirective[Any, String] {
case Path(Seg("test" :: "tres" :: Nil)) => for {
_ <- GET
delay <- { (k, v) =>
BadRequest ~> ResponseString(
s"'$v' is not a valid int for $k"
} named "delay"
request <- Directives.request[Any]
v <- Directive((_: HttpRequest[Any]) => Result.Success(myfuture(delay.getOrElse(5000))))
} yield AsyncResponse(v) {
case scala.util.Success(v) => Ok ~> ResponseString("async directive succeded with value: " + v)
case scala.util.Failure(t) => BadRequest ~> ResponseString("Error processing request")
object AsyncPlan extends unfiltered.filter.async.Plan {
def intent = directiveIntent
def main(args: Array[String]) {
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We've tried to approach the problem with the use of Directives as a monad wrapper. Works like a charm and it's not limited to Futures.

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nice! I will take a look to your approach, thanks for the advise!

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