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Last active September 30, 2020 16:02
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Required variables:
Optional variables (include for SQL Auth, exclude for WinAuth):
$errorActionPreference = "stop"
# Verifying that sqlserver module is installed
If (-not(Get-InstalledModule sqlserver -ErrorAction silentlycontinue)) {
Write-Error "This step requires the sqlserver PowerShell module. Please install it and try again."
Else {
Write-Output "PowerShell module sqlserver is already installed."
# Declaring variabes
$deployed_by = ([Environment]::UserDomainName + "\" + [Environment]::UserName)
$currentPackageVersion = $OctopusParameters["Octopus.Action[$DLM_PackageStep].Package.PackageVersion"]
$deployRequired = "False"
# Logging input variables
Write-Verbose "DLM_PackageStep step is: $DLM_PackageStep"
Write-Verbose "DLM_ServerInstance instance is: $DLM_ServerInstance"
Write-Verbose "DLM_Database is: $DLM_Database"
Write-Verbose "deployed_by is: $deployed_by"
Write-Verbose "currentPackageVersion is: $currentPackageVersion"
# For invoke-sqlcmd authentication
# Script to check whether __DeployLog exists in target database
$CheckDeployLogExists = @'
WHERE TABLE_NAME = N'__DeployLog')
# Verifying whether _DeployLog exists
$DeployLogExists = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $DLM_ServerInstance -Database $DLM_Database -Query $CheckDeployLogExists @Auth
$DeployLogExists = $DeployLogExists[0]
if($DeployLogExists -eq 'FALSE') {
Write-Warning "Table __DeployLog does not exist in $DLM_Database on $DLM_ServerInstance pre-deployment."
# Script to read the last successful package version from __DeployLog
$getLastPackageVersion = @'
SELECT TOP (1) package_version
FROM [dbo].[__DeployLog]
WHERE status_code='Succeeded'
ORDER BY utc_time DESC
# Condition 1: If there is no __DeployLog table we don't know the prior state so we need to deploy the package
if($DeployLogExists -eq 'FALSE') {
Write-Output "There is no __DeployLog table on target database. Assuming re-deployment is required."
$deployRequired = "True"}
# Condition 2: If the package version has changed we need to deploy the new package
$lastPackageVersion = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $DLM_ServerInstance -Database $DLM_Database -Query $getLastPackageVersion @Auth
$lastPackageVersion = $lastPackageVersion[0]
Write-Warning "__DeployLog is empty"
$lastPackageVersion = "NULL"
if($lastPackageVersion -ne $currentPackageVersion){
Write-Output "Package version ($currentPackageVersion) differs from previous package version ($lastPackageVersion), re-deployment is required."
$deployRequired = "True"
# If neither condition 1 or 2 above are met, __DeployLog indicates that this
# package has already been successfully deployed - so we can skip the deployment
if($deployRequired -like "False"){
Write-Output "Skipping the deployment because the __DeployLog table in $DLM_Database on $DLM_ServerInstance indicates that package $currentPackageVersion has already been successfully deployed."
Set-OctopusVariable -name "Deploy:$DLM_ServerInstance-$DLM_Database" -value $deployRequired
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