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Last active January 29, 2022 05:46
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Vue 3 effect timing APIs, and their React equivalents
Vue 3 effect timing API React equivalent
setup None
onMounted useEffect with an empty dependency list
onUpdated useEffect
onUnmounted Callback returned from useEffect with an empty dependency list
onBeforeMount None
onBeforeUpdate Render function, sort of
onBeforeUnmount None
onErrorCaptured None
onRenderTracked None
onRenderTriggered None
onActivated None
onDeactivated None
onServerPrefetch None
watch with flush set to sync None
watch with flush set to pre None
watch with flush set to post useLayoutEffect

React effect timing API Vue 3 equivalent
useEffect with a list of reactive dependencies Technically none, but you can typically use watch with flush set to pre to achieve the same goals with less risk of infinite render loops
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