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Last active September 9, 2019 14:12
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// A sketch for building up mergeable monoids (mms) from component mms.
// Status: A quick sketch of low quality in terminology, code and presentation...
// A *mergeable monoid* (*mm*) is a regular monoid (a carrier set S, an associative
// concatenation function + (S, S) -> S, and a neutral element e:S) together with
// a *conflict detection function* cdf (S, S) -> bool that returns true if
// s1 + s2 == s2 + s1 (i.e. if there is no merge conflict), false otherwise.
const canonic_cdf = (concat) => (s1, s2) => (concat(s1, s2) === concat(s2, s1));
// The cdf can be more efficient than actually performing that test, e.g. for a
// commutative monoid, `() => true` can be used.
// When representing an atomic mm (an mm that is directly defined rather than
// composed from further mms), we don't explicitly give the underlying set, since
// js is dynamically typed.
// +, e, and cdf are given as an object, e.g. for the string concatenation mm:
const string_concat_mm = {
tag: "atomic", // the wrapper object indicates that this is an atomic mm
def: {
concat: (s1, s2) => s1.concat(s2),
neutral: "",
cdf: canonic_cdf((s1, s2) => s1.concat(s2)),
const int_add_mm = {
tag: "atomic",
def: {
concat: (n, m) => n + m,
neutral: 0,
cdf: () => true,
// A "production-ready" version of this should be compatible with the fantasyland spec:
// It might be worth exploring cdfs that are merely conservative approimations
// (might return false even if there is no merge conflict) for efficiency
// reasons, for example `(_, s1, s2) => s1 === s2`.
// In such a framework, the representation of an mm should include a
// boolean whether it is exact or not, the flag of a composite mm would be true
// iff all child flags were true.
// Back on track: Besides atomic mms, we want to be able to compose mms:
// {
// tag: "composite",
// def: ...,
// }
// The def value can be an obejct whose values are mms, or an array whose values are mms.
const example_composite_mm = {
tag: "composite",
def: {
"some_counter": int_add_mm,
"other_thing": {
tag: "composite",
def: [string_concat_mm, int_add_mm],
// A few concrete values from this monoid:
const example_a = {
"some_counter": 3,
"other_thing": ["foo", 42],
const example_b = {
"some_counter": 4,
"other_thing": ["bar", 0],
const example_c = {
"some_counter": 1,
// omitting the other_thing entry works like implictly giving the neutral
// element of the other_thing. Note that this means that there are multiple
// ways of representing the same element of the monoid. In particular, there
// are multiple neutral elements (for this monoid, e.g. both `{}` and `{some_counter: 0}`)
// would be neutral elements. This is kinda funky since neutral elements are
// supposed to be unique
const expected_ab = {
"some_counter": 7,
"other_thing": ["foobar", 42],
const expected_ba = {
"some_counter": 7,
"other_thing": ["barfoo", 42],
const expected_ac = {
"some_counter": 4,
"other_thing": ["foo", 42],
// Concatenation and neutral elements work element-wise. We can give general
// functions that derive +, e, and cdf from such a (nested) mm descriptor.
function mm_to_concat(mm) {
if (mm.tag == "atomic") {
return mm.def.concat;
} else if (Array.isArray(mm.def)) {
return (s1, s2) => {
let ret = [];
for (var i = 0; i < mm.def.length; i++) {
ret.push(mm_to_concat(mm.def[i])(s1[i], s2[i]));
return ret;
} else {
return (s1, s2) => {
let ret = {};
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(mm.def)) {
if (mm.def.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
const concat = mm_to_concat(value);
if (s1.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (s2.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
ret[key] = concat(s1[key], s2[key]);
} else {
ret[key] = s1[key]; // absence in s2 works like neutral element
} else {
if (s2.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
ret[key] = s2[key];
} else {
// no-op, neither input has the key, so works like neutral element
return ret;
function mm_to_e(mm) {
if (mm.tag == "atomic") {
return mm.def.neutral;
} else if (Array.isArray(mm.def)) {
return => mm_to_e(def));
} else {
return {};
// Stuff we can now do:
const example_concat = mm_to_concat(example_composite_mm);
const example_e = mm_to_e(example_composite_mm);
const deep_eq = (a, b) => JSON.stringify(a) === JSON.stringify(b);
console.log(deep_eq(example_concat(example_a, example_b), expected_ab));
console.log(deep_eq(example_concat(example_b, example_a), expected_ba));
console.log(deep_eq(example_concat(example_a, example_c), expected_ac));
// Exercise to the reader: define mm_to_cdf
// Further stuff: define merge prodcedures as async functions, extend the
// description of atomic mms to include merge procedures, then write a function that
// turns an mm description into a (potentially composite) merge procedure that
// invokes the contained merge procedures, but only where the cdf reports a conflict.
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