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Last active July 6, 2024 12:39
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  • Save AlphaKR93/cb0be4a0ae09284e32e9818bc065204a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Disable Nagle Algorithm

Simple script that disables Nagle algorithm


  • See: Official Microsoft Document
  • TL;DR: The Nagle algorithm uses a queue to transmit packets, which can cause a delay of about 300ms, which is extremely fatal to gamers.


Just open PowerShell and run: (Automatically requesting administrator privileges)

iwr '' | iex
Start-Process 'powershell' -Verb 'runAs' -WindowStyle 'Hidden' -ArgumentList {@('CurrentControlSet','ControlSet001')|%{$i=$_;@('Tcpip','Tcpip6')|%{Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\SYSTEM\$i\Services\$_\Parameters\Interfaces"|%{$_.Name.Replace('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE','HKLM:')|%{$j=$_;@('TcpAckFrequency','TcpNODelay')|%{New-ItemProperty -Path "$j" -Name "$_" -PropertyType 'DWORD' -Value '1' -Force > $null}}}}}}
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