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<title>JS Bin</title>
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//Challenge 11
//Change every letter of the string to the one that follows it and capitalize the
function letterChanges(str){
let newStr = str.toLowerCase().replace(/[a-z]/gi, function(char)
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//Challenge 10 Anagram
//Returns true if anagram is false or not
function isAnagram(str1, str2)
return formatStr(str1) === formatStr(str2);
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//Challenge 9 Flatten array
//Take an array of arrays and flatten to a single array
function flattenArray(arrays)
return arrays.reduce(function(a,b)
return a.concat(b);
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//Challenge 8: Array Chunking
//Split an array into chunked arrays of a specific length
//ex. chunkArray
function chunkArray(arr, len)
// Init chunked arr
const chunkedArr = [];
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//Challenge 7: The longest Word
//Returns the longest word of a string
//If more than one longest word, put it into an array
//ex. longestword
function longestWord(sen)
//Create filtered array
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//Challenge 6: FIZZBUZZ
//Write a program that prints all of the numbers from 1 to 11 in multiples of 3,
//instead of the number, print "fizz", for multiples of 5 print "buzz", for numbers
//Which are mutiples ofboth 3 and 5, print "Fizzbuzz".
function fizzbuzz()
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// Challenge 5. Max Character
// Returns a character that is most common in a string
function maxCharacter(str)
const charMap = {};
let maxNum = 0;
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// Challenge 4. Capitalize letters
// Returns a string with the first letter of every word capitalized
// ex. capitalizeLetters('I love javascript') === 'I love Javascript'
function capitalizeLetters(str)
//Takes a lowercase string and splits it
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// Challenge 3: Reverse an Int
// Return an integer in reverse
// ex. reverseInt(521) = 125
function reverseInt(int)
//Turns the number into a string than it reverses it
const revString = int.toString().split('').reverse().join('');