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All the good stuff is in private repos!

anasauce Anasauce

All the good stuff is in private repos!
  • New York, NY
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Anasauce /
Last active June 4, 2016 14:37 — forked from lg-bot/
Color Picker challenge for the Learners Guild Learnathon:

Make a Color Picker

In this challenge, you'll build a color picker for a web page.

A color picker is a simple UI (User Interface) tool that allows a user to choose from a list of colors. It is used in lots of software where users can select different colors.

For example, say you are designing a blog editor. You will likely want to let users choose the colors of things like their blog header, background, and text. A color picker is a user-friendly way to edit things like this.

In this challenge, we'll start simple and build a web page with a color picker that, when clicked, changes the background color of the page.