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Created April 8, 2014 08:40
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function! s:ConvertToCharClass(cur)
if a:cur =~ '[2-9]'
return '[0-' . (a:cur-1) . ']'
return '0'
function! s:MatchNumberBefore(num)
let branches = []
let init = ''
for i in range(len(a:num))
if a:num[i] =~ '[1-9]'
call add(branches, init . s:ConvertToCharClass(a:num[i]) . repeat('\d', len(a:num) - i - 1))
let init .= a:num[i]
return '\%(' . join(branches, '\|') .'\)'
let s:beforeYear = s:MatchNumberBefore(strftime("%Y"))
let s:beforeMonth = s:MatchNumberBefore(strftime("%m"))
let s:beforeDay = s:MatchNumberBefore(strftime("%d"))
let s:year = strftime("%Y")
let s:month = strftime("%m")
let s:day = strftime("%d")
exec "syntax match TodoDatePast \"\\[\\d\\{2}-\\d\\{2}-" . s:beforeYear . "\\]\""
exec "syntax match TodoDatePast \"\\[\\d\\{2}-" . s:beforeMonth . "-" . s:year . "\\]\""
exec "syntax match TodoDatePast \"\\[" . s:beforeDay . "-" . s:month . "-" . s:year . "\\]\""
highlight link TodoDatePast TodoRed
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