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Last active June 27, 2021 21:48
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Compiling kitzretter_backend v0.1.0 (/home/simon/projects/kitzretter_backend)
error[E0392]: parameter `'a` is never used
--> src/kitzretter/www/error/
9 | pub enum ResponseResult<'a, T> where T: Responder<'a, 'a> {
| ^^ unused parameter
= help: consider removing `'a`, referring to it in a field, or using a marker such as `PhantomData`
error[E0277]: the trait bound `T: Responder<'a, 'a>` is not satisfied
--> src/kitzretter/www/error/
9 | pub enum ResponseResult<'a, T> where T: Responder<'a, 'a> {
| ----------------- required by this bound in `ResponseResult`
15 | impl<'a, T> Responder<'a, 'a> for ResponseResult<'a, T> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `Responder<'a, 'a>` is not implemented for `T`
help: consider restricting type parameter `T`
15 | impl<'a, T: askama_rocket::Responder<'a, 'a>> Responder<'a, 'a> for ResponseResult<'a, T> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error[E0277]: the trait bound `T: Responder<'a, 'a>` is not satisfied
--> src/kitzretter/www/error/
9 | pub enum ResponseResult<'a, T> where T: Responder<'a, 'a> {
| ----------------- required by this bound in `ResponseResult`
25 | impl<'a, T> FromResidual<Result<Infallible, String>> for ResponseResult<'a, T> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `Responder<'a, 'a>` is not implemented for `T`
help: consider restricting type parameter `T`
25 | impl<'a, T: askama_rocket::Responder<'a, 'a>> FromResidual<Result<Infallible, String>> for ResponseResult<'a, T> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error[E0277]: the trait bound `T: Responder<'a, 'a>` is not satisfied
--> src/kitzretter/www/error/
9 | pub enum ResponseResult<'a, T> where T: Responder<'a, 'a> {
| ----------------- required by this bound in `ResponseResult`
34 | impl<'a, T> Try for ResponseResult<'a, T> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `Responder<'a, 'a>` is not implemented for `T`
help: consider restricting type parameter `T`
34 | impl<'a, T: askama_rocket::Responder<'a, 'a>> Try for ResponseResult<'a, T> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error[E0277]: the trait bound `T: Responder<'a, 'a>` is not satisfied
--> src/kitzretter/www/error/
9 | pub enum ResponseResult<'a, T> where T: Responder<'a, 'a> {
| ----------------- required by this bound in `ResponseResult`
16 | fn respond_to(self, request: &'a Request<'_>) -> response::Result<'a> {
| ^^^^ the trait `Responder<'a, 'a>` is not implemented for `T`
help: consider restricting type parameter `T`
15 | impl<'a, T: askama_rocket::Responder<'a, 'a>> Responder<'a, 'a> for ResponseResult<'a, T> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error[E0277]: the trait bound `T: Responder<'a, 'a>` is not satisfied
--> src/kitzretter/www/error/
9 | pub enum ResponseResult<'a, T> where T: Responder<'a, 'a> {
| ----------------- required by this bound in `ResponseResult`
26 | fn from_residual(residual: Result<Infallible, String>) -> Self {
| ^^^^ the trait `Responder<'a, 'a>` is not implemented for `T`
help: consider restricting type parameter `T`
25 | impl<'a, T: askama_rocket::Responder<'a, 'a>> FromResidual<Result<Infallible, String>> for ResponseResult<'a, T> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error[E0277]: the trait bound `T: Responder<'a, 'a>` is not satisfied
--> src/kitzretter/www/error/
9 | pub enum ResponseResult<'a, T> where T: Responder<'a, 'a> {
| ----------------- required by this bound in `ResponseResult`
38 | fn from_output(output: Self::Output) -> Self {
| ^^^^ the trait `Responder<'a, 'a>` is not implemented for `T`
help: consider restricting type parameter `T`
34 | impl<'a, T: askama_rocket::Responder<'a, 'a>> Try for ResponseResult<'a, T> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error[E0277]: the trait bound `T: Responder<'a, 'a>` is not satisfied
--> src/kitzretter/www/error/
9 | pub enum ResponseResult<'a, T> where T: Responder<'a, 'a> {
| ----------------- required by this bound in `ResponseResult`
42 | fn branch(self) -> ControlFlow<Self::Residual, Self::Output> {
| ^^^^ the trait `Responder<'a, 'a>` is not implemented for `T`
help: consider restricting type parameter `T`
34 | impl<'a, T: askama_rocket::Responder<'a, 'a>> Try for ResponseResult<'a, T> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: aborting due to 8 previous errors
Some errors have detailed explanations: E0277, E0392.
For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.
error: could not compile `kitzretter_backend`
To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.
use std::convert::Infallible;
use std::ops::{ControlFlow::{self, Break, Continue}, FromResidual, Try};
use askama_rocket::respond;
use rocket::{Request, response::{self, Responder}};
use super::ErrorTemplate;
pub enum ResponseResult<'a, T> where T: Responder<'a, 'a> {
impl<'a, T> Responder<'a, 'a> for ResponseResult<'a, T> {
fn respond_to(self, request: &'a Request<'_>) -> response::Result<'a> {
match self {
ResponseResult::Okay(r) => { r.respond_to(request) }
ResponseResult::Error(message) => { respond(&ErrorTemplate { message }, "html") }
impl<'a, T> FromResidual<Result<Infallible, String>> for ResponseResult<'a, T> {
fn from_residual(residual: Result<Infallible, String>) -> Self {
match residual {
Ok(_) => unreachable!(),
Err(e) => ResponseResult::Error(e)
impl<'a, T> Try for ResponseResult<'a, T> {
type Output = T;
type Residual = Result<Infallible, String>;
fn from_output(output: Self::Output) -> Self {
fn branch(self) -> ControlFlow<Self::Residual, Self::Output> {
match self {
ResponseResult::Okay(t) => Continue(t),
ResponseResult::Error(e) => Break(Err(e))
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