Google Summer of Code 2020
Abstract (from proposal) The purpose of this GSoC project is to validate neural network packages that perform regression. It is a follow-up of a GSoC 2019 project in which we examined 49 packages::algorithms but we were short of time to publish the results in a clean format. We intend to correct some glitches in the 2019 code and use a more recent code prepared by one mentor during winter 2020 that is more flexible and permits an evaluation of all packages::algorithms in one run. Our NNbenchmark package, published on CRAN and regularly updated, will give the opportunity to package authors to eventually modify their code and benchmark it with the provided datasets against other packages. Finally, we will publish the results on a website and in an article to be published in the R-Journal.
During GSoC 2020, I have (example commit in parentheses):
- understood R better through building it with Rtools40 toolchains on Windows, using it on other systems (Linux Mint and Debian), and configuring settings;
- harmonized parameters and uploaded all 2019 code with summaries in the form of figures and tables ( );
- included Ch. Dutang’s new code, metric, and large dataset in the package NNbenchmark while also adapting it to the 2019 results format ( );
- reviewed (documentation etc), then benchmarked all packages against the new package with the inclusion of additional packages coded in 2020 ( );
- compared the new results with 2019 code;
- consolidated final results into figures and summary tables (above commit + results in article and on web);
- updated the website with new results, templates, etc ( );
- helped with the submission of NNbenchmark to CRAN by performing checks and doing changes;
- written comments for all packages and other parts of the article (see repo below);
- when keras and other packages finally worked better with changed parameters
- having the idea to make code better, for instance, allowing for nrep = 1 with 2020 trainPredict code
- getting to know Akshaj's website for NNbenchmark, which was previously handled by him in GSoC 2019
- seeing the final results from 6 months (GSoC 2019 + GSoC 2020) worth of effort Challenges
- when packages don't work and I had to figure whether the error was from the package or the benchmark setup
- deciding whether to discard a package or not
- submitting to CRAN and understanding what to write or not write for the article + how to use LaTeX formatting with rticles package and R Markdown
As soon as possible:
- Finish the revision process of the new NNbenchmark to get it on CRAN [waiting on CRAN reviewer's further responses]
- Finish editing the article & submitting it to the R Journal [waiting for an agreement on some parts, finalizing others]
For future projects:
- Further exploration of current packages included for regression with more attention to parameters such as the learning rate and other details such as computing efficiency
- Diversify the neural networks that are able to be tested from just ones for regression to classification with new datasets and code
- Original proposal for Google Summer of Code :
- NNbenchmark package repo :
- Companion repo for templates of the packages :
- Repo for R Journal submission :
- Website repo for presentation of NNbenchmark :
- Website for NNbenchmark :
All commits to the repositories under this pseudo from May 2020 to August 2020 were part of this Google Summer of Code project.
Fellow student in GSoC 2019: Akshaj Verma, who contributed code for packages AMORE to LilRhino and developed the website
Christophe Dutang
John Nash
Patrice Kiener