The below table contains commands which i learn from many linux related sources i follow, Use it at your own risk
description | syntaxt / sample command |
## Create | |
git pull --> Get the latest code from the remote | |
git push --> Only when the local brach also exists in remote, push the local code changes | |
git push --set-upstream origin <#BranchName#> --> Set the remote tracking branch as per the name provided & push the local code changes | |
## Modify | |
git merge <#BranchName#> --> Merge the branch name mentioned to the current branch | |
git checkout -b <#BranchName#> --> Checkout to the branch name mentioned | |
git add . --> Stage all the changes to the | |
git commit -m <#Message#> --> Commit the staged changes with the message mentioned |
adb devices
, when launching the terminal from the extract's sub folder <parent-folder>/Android/Sdk/platform-tools
adb shell pm list packages
adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0
scoop cleanup * -k
-> cleanup old versions (to free up space)scoop cache rm *
-> clean the cache downloadsscoop config gh_token
-> to set a new github pat tokenI hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object: