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Ariën Holthuizen ArdaXi

View GitHub Profile

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am ArdaXi on github.
  • I am ardaxi ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is E484 F236 27D3 A57C 62DA B304 86D2 133C 73F8 0E16 To claim this, I am signing this object:
    "body": {
        "key": {
Hash: SHA1

Tue Mar 18 14:33:32 CET 2014

Greetings earthlings et al,

A little over two years ago, I first generated a GPG key that I have been using actively. I’d like to think I’ve always used it securely, but I am always looking for ways to improve security. Therefore, I recently acquired a GnuPG-

; ------------------------------------------------------------------
; Machine code monitor -- by Yutaka Saito and Mike Saunders
; Accepts code in hex format, ORGed to 0x201000 (4K after where
; this program is loaded)
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
%INCLUDE "bmdev.asm"
// ==UserScript==
// @name Bring back pixelation!
// @namespace
// @description Applied the pixel font for pretty much everything except text.
// @author badp
// @homepage
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(function(){var a=document.createElement("link");a.href="";a.rel="stylesheet";a.type="text/css";document.head.appendChild(a)}());
ArdaXi / Sponsorify.user.js
Created February 25, 2011 13:17
Due to financial issues, we have to give up space to EA.
// ==UserScript==
// @description Due to financial issues, we have to give up space to EA.
// @include http://**
// ==/UserScript==
(function(){var d="Dead Space 2",a="dead-space-2",b=[[/\/space/,"/"+a],[/"tag">space</,'"tag">'+a+"<"],[/Dead\ Space(?!\ 2)/g,d],[/[sS]pace(?![- ]?2)/g,d]];for(var c=0;c<b.length;c++){document.body.innerHTML=document.body.innerHTML.replace(b[c][0],b[c][1])}})();
// ==UserScript==
// @description Replaces embedded YouTube with an image.
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// ==UserScript==
// @name Spoilers!
// @namespace
// @description Turns `` markup into spoiler tags.
// @author Arda Xi
// @homepage
// @include http://**
// @include http://**
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(function(){var a="code{background:#000!important;color:#000!important;}code:hover{color:#FFF!important;}";var c=document.getElementsByTagName("head");if(c.length>0){var b=document.createElement("style");b.type="text/css";b.appendChild(document.createTextNode(a));c[0].appendChild(b)}})();
# Provides: diaspora
# Required-Start: $local_fs $remote_fs
# Required-Stop: $local_fs $remote_fs
# Should-Start: $network
# Should-Stop: $network
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
ArdaXi / zen.js
Created October 14, 2012 15:14
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId, changeInfo, tab) {
var url = tab.url;
var js;
// Populate js with Javascript for url
chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabId, {code:js});
ArdaXi / lock
Last active December 14, 2015 02:28
command -v xlock > /dev/null 2>/dev/null || exec notify-send -u critical 'xlock is missing'
exec xlock -mode blank