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ArtemGr / druidstone-ch.ahk
Last active December 25, 2019 16:56
Example automating the Cheat Happens editor with AutoHotkey
#If WinActive("Druidstone")
MouseGetPos, mouseStartX, mouseStartY
if WinExist("Cheat Happens Trainer") {
WinMove, 600, 111
MouseMove, 210, 180, 5
MouseClick, Left
MouseMove, 900, 320, 5
ArtemGr / main.dart
Created December 11, 2019 05:25
void main() {
Map<String, dynamic> map = {
'str': 'test',
'integer': 5,
'decimal': 1.5,
'list': [1,2,3]
ArtemGr / main.dart
Created December 11, 2019 05:18
void main() {
String str = "test";
int integer = 5;
double decimal = 1.5;
List list = [1,2,3];
String s = decimal; print(s); // 1.5
int i = str; print(i); // test
ArtemGr /
Last active June 19, 2019 14:31
PIN pepper

We need a second device to enforce the time limits

Password security relies to a large degree on the time limits imposed upon password verification.

That is, if I can verify three passwords per minute then guessing an alphanumeric password of eight characters might take approximately Math.pow (36, 8) / 2 / (86400 / 20) / 365 = 2236 years, but if I can verify three million passwords per second then guessing the same password might take Math.pow (36, 8) / 2 / (86400 * 3000000) = 5 days.

If we limit a PIN to be verified no more than three times per ten minutes

ArtemGr / Cargo.toml
Last active January 28, 2018 12:08
Inline hex escape
name = "hex"
version = "0.1.0"
fomat-macros = "*"
ArtemGr /
Last active June 5, 2020 15:13
small strings map benchmark
// [build] cd .. && cargo bench
#![feature(asm, test)]
extern crate inlinable_string;
extern crate ordermap;
extern crate seahash;
extern crate test;
use inlinable_string::{InlinableString, StringExt};
ArtemGr /
Created February 25, 2017 19:26
Using OpenSSL to verify the JWT RS256 signature in Rust.
use openssl::sign::Verifier;
use openssl::rsa::Rsa;
use openssl::pkey::PKey;
use openssl::hash::MessageDigest;
use serde_json::{self as json, Value as Json};
pub fn firebase_id_token (headers: BTreeMap<&str, &str>, mut stream: &mut BufStream<TcpStream>) -> Result<(), String> {
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Post {firebase_id_token: String}
ArtemGr /
Last active October 7, 2016 12:47 - Use a proper generator under CLion
// [build] rustc -O
// cf.
use std::env::args;
use std::fs::OpenOptions;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::Path;
use std::process::Command;
fn main() {
// Asynchronous PostgreSQL INSERT.
glim::NsecTimer timer;
std::unique_ptr<PGconn, void(*)(PGconn*)> pg (PQconnectStart (pcs.c_str()), PQfinish);
if (pg.get() == nullptr || PQstatus (pg.get()) == CONNECTION_BAD) GTHROW ("!PQconnectStart");
int sock = PQsocket (pg.get());
auto evBase = EvServ::instance()->evbase();
event_callback_fn cbcoroInvokeFromCallback = [](evutil_socket_t, short, void* cbcoro) {((CBCoro*) cbcoro)->invokeFromCallback();};
std::unique_ptr<struct event, void(*)(struct event*)> evRead (event_new (evBase.get(), sock, EV_READ, cbcoroInvokeFromCallback, cbcoro), event_free);
ArtemGr /
Last active August 24, 2016 23:26
Nom tag that implements the /(?x) (.*?) (remainder)/ pattern.
/// Implements the /(?x) (.*?) (remainder)/ pattern:
/// looks for remainder first, then returns a tuple with the prefix and the remainder.
/// Discussion:
macro_rules! take_until_parse_s (
($i: expr, $submac: ident! ($($args:tt)*)) => ({
let input = $i as &str;
let mut ret = IResult::Error (nom::Err::Position (nom::ErrorKind::Custom (0), input));
for (pos, _) in $i.char_indices() {
match $submac! (&input[pos..], $($args)*) {
IResult::Done (i,o) => {ret = IResult::Done (i, (&input[0..pos], o)); break}, // Found the remainder!