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Created February 13, 2019 21:47
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Uber JAR support - Pack and run microservice as uber JAR

KumuluzEE (since version 2.4.0) provides support for packing and running microservices as uber JARs. It also includes a Gradle task that correctly packages the microservice.

To package a KumuluzEE microservice into an uber JAR, you need to add the following task declarations into your REST module build.gradle:

dependencies {
    kumuluzeeLoader ''

task repackageKumuluzee {
    /*Unpack and copy kumuluzee loader*/
    copy {
        from zipTree(configurations.kumuluzeeLoader.singleFile).matching { include "**/*.class" }
        into "$buildDir/classes/java/main"
        outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
    /*Create boot loader properties*/
    /*Change to correct main class*/
    file("$buildDir/classes/java/main/META-INF/kumuluzee/").text = ""

 * Configure a different path using -PwebappDir="RELATIVE_PATH" argument when running the task.
 * */
task copyOrCreateWebapp {
    def webapp_path = Paths.get("$buildDir", "classes", "webapp")
    if (!Files.isDirectory(webapp_path)) {
        def sourceWebappPath = project.hasProperty("webappDir") ? Paths.get(projectDir.path,"webappDir").toString()) : Paths.get(projectDir.path, "src", "main", "webapp")
        println("Source Webapp path: " + sourceWebappPath)
        if (Files.isDirectory(sourceWebappPath)) {
            copy {
                from sourceWebappPath
                into webapp_path
        if (!Files.isDirectory(webapp_path)) {

 * Builds the kumuluzee UberJAR.
 * */
task buildKumuluzee {
    jar {
        baseName = "kumuluz-server"
        archiveName = "${baseName}-${version}.${extension}"
        manifest {
            attributes "Main-Class": ""
        /*Copy project dependencies into lib folder as jars*/
        into("lib") {
            from configurations.runtimeClasspath
    dependsOn repackageKumuluzee
    dependsOn copyOrCreateWebapp
    finalizedBy build

 * Run the application in an executable JAR archive runtime.
 * */
task runJar(type: JavaExec) {
    main = "-jar"
    args jar.archivePath

Execution of the Uber JAR build

To build the project as Uber JAR execute the command below.

gradle clean buildKumuluzee


Start the application using the following command:

java -jar ${}.jar

or through Gradle:

gradle runJar

Command line example:

java -jar my-app-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
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