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Last active November 26, 2021 20:59
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A minimal implementation of higher dimensional slices in Zig.
// Multi Dimensional Slices in Zig
// Sort of akin to ndarrays in Python's numpy
const std = @import("std");
const runtime_safety = std.debug.runtime_safety;
const mem = std.mem;
const NDSliceErrors = error{
pub const MemoryOrdering = enum {
/// Least Signficant dimension last: [z, y, x] where consecutive x's are contiguous
/// Least Signficant dimension first: [z, y, x] where consecutive z's are contiguous
/// N Dimensional Slice over an arbitary bit of linear memory
/// See test for usage
pub fn NDSlice(comptime T: type, comptime N: comptime_int, comptime order: MemoryOrdering) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
/// Length in each dimension {x0, x1, x2, ... xN-1}
shape: [N]usize,
/// Underlying memory used to store the individual items
/// Is shrunk to the required size (buffer.len will yield number of elements)
items: []T,
pub const order = order;
// Memory used has to be passed in.
pub fn init(shape: [N]usize, buffer: []T) !Self {
var num_items: usize = 1;
for (shape) |s| {
num_items *= s;
if (num_items > buffer.len) return NDSliceErrors.InsufficientBufferSize;
if (num_items == 0) return NDSliceErrors.ZeroLengthDimensionsNotSupported;
return Self{
.shape = shape,
.items = buffer[0..num_items],
/// Computes the linear index of an element
pub fn at(self: Self, index: [N]usize) !usize {
if (runtime_safety) {
for (index) |index_i, i| {
if (index_i >= self.shape[i]) return NDSliceErrors.IndexOutOfBounds;
return switch (order) {
.row_major => blk: {
// Linear index = ( ... ((i0*s1 + i1)*s2 + i2)*s3 + ... )*s(N-1) + i(N-1)
var linear_index = index[0];
comptime var i = 1;
inline while (i < N) : (i += 1) {
linear_index = linear_index * self.shape[i] + index[i]; // Single fused multiply add
break :blk linear_index;
.col_major => blk: {
// Linear index = i0 + s0*(i1 + s1*(i2 + s2*(...(i(N-2) + s(N-2)*i(N-1)) ... ))
var linear_index = index[N - 1];
comptime var i = N - 2;
inline while (i >= 0) : (i -= 1) {
linear_index = linear_index * self.shape[i] + index[i]; // Single fused mutiply add
break :blk linear_index;
test "Simple Slice" {
// This creates a 2D slice type we can use to represent images, its a MxN slice of triplets of RGB values
const ImageSlice = NDSlice([3]u8, 2, .row_major);
// This is a buffer, we need to create a buffer to put the slice on
var image_buffer = [_][3]u8{.{ 0, 0, 0 }} ** 30; // 6x5 image (width X height)
// This slice is created over that buffer.
const image = try ImageSlice.init(.{ 5, 6 }, &image_buffer); // By convention height is the first dimension
// You use .at() and .items() to access members.
image.items[try{ 0, 0 })] = .{ 1, 2, 3 };
image.items[try{ 1, 1 })] = .{ 50, 50, 50 };
image.items[try{ 4, 5 })] = .{ 128, 255, 0 };
image.items[try{ 2, 4 })] = .{ 100, 12, 30 };
// You can get each of the individual dimensions with .shape
// and for the total number of elements use .items.len
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Tests are trash and don't actually test anything.
API is pretty much as bare bones as it gets.

The index is computed using an unrolled loop which consists of (N-1) FMA instructions (hopefully very fast).
It could technically be made faster by pre-computing the strides and doing the multiplication all in parallel using a vector multiply followed by an add reduce.

But this is a simpler implementation which in practice for a reasonable number of dimensions is extremely fast given FMA instructions.

The only technically redundant thing is that items could be a pointer to an unknown number of elements but then a product over the shape would need to be done any time the total number of elements is required.

Suggestions and tests welcome.

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Modified to support both types of memory ordering, also fixed some convention things.

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