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Jamie Bliss AstraLuma

snek snek snek snek
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# Based on the philips theme
if [ $UID -eq 0 ]; then NCOLOR="red"; else NCOLOR="green"; fi
PROMPT='[%?] %{$fg[blue]%}%B%~%b%{$reset_color%} $(git_prompt_info)%(!.#.$) '
# git theming
ZSH_THEME_GIT_PROMPT_SUFFIX="%b%{$fg_bold[blue]%})%{$reset_color%} "
2014-07-29 12:22:27 Looking for entities in <RegionSet regiondir='/home/astronouth7303/.local/minecraft-server/Alvancia/region'>
2014-07-29 12:22:27 Buckets has 5123 entries
2014-07-29 12:22:27 Buckets has 4461 entries
2014-07-29 12:22:28 Found 212 entities and 9 tile entities in thread 18437 so far at 250 chunks
2014-07-29 12:22:28 Found 353 entities and 14 tile entities in thread 18438 so far at 250 chunks
2014-07-29 12:22:29 Found 428 entities and 21 tile entities in thread 18437 so far at 500 chunks
2014-07-29 12:22:29 Found 532 entities and 17 tile entities in thread 18438 so far at 500 chunks
2014-07-29 12:22:30 Found 647 entities and 41 tile entities in thread 18437 so far at 750 chunks
2014-07-29 12:22:30 Found 679 entities and 17 tile entities in thread 18438 so far at 750 chunks
2014-07-29 12:22:31 Found 836 entities and 143 tile entities in thread 18437 so far at 1000 chunks
AstraLuma /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04 — forked from JoelBesada/
Dogears (Fold)

This helps "fold a corner" when reading through a website. It remembers where you are to come back to later.

Each website can only have one corner folded at a time.

Please see the companion command to unfold corners.

AstraLuma /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04 — forked from JoelBesada/
Dogears (Unfold)

This helps "unfold a corner" when reading through a website. It remembers where you are to come back to later.

Each website can only have one corner folded at a time.

Please see the companion command to fold corners.

Description=VNC Display lightdm.service lightdm.service
ExecStartPre=sleep 20s
exec x11vnc -viewonly -connect enterprise.local -rfbport 0 -nopw $*
AstraLuma /
Created October 1, 2014 14:23
Bit of code to make a stream look like a buffer
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import six
if six.PY2:
__metaclass__ = type
class StreamBuffer:
Makes a buffer look like a stream. Assumes infinite stream.
AstraLuma /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07 — forked from JoelBesada/
Backtick: Diigolet

This is a port of Diigo's simple bookmarklet. It just opens a popup to have you bookmark the page.

AstraLuma /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07 — forked from JoelBesada/
Backtick: Diigo Read Later

This is a port of Diigo's read later bookmark let. It just saves the current page as unread and gets out of the way.

AstraLuma / git-publish
Created November 7, 2014 23:07
Publish the current git branch to origin
exec git push -u origin `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`