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Attestation for MACI v2 Trusted Setup Ceremony MPC Phase 2 Trusted Setup ceremony
Hey, I'm AtHeartEngineer-1675654 and I have contributed to the MACI v2 Trusted Setup Ceremony.
The following are my contribution signatures:
Circuit # 1 (processmessages_14-9-2-3)
Contributor # 5
Contribution Hash:
81974753 088d3094 f84f676f df73993f
ea7e2072 0ec363f8 0bad0570 417bbed6
d4584d6f 4a65bf4d fc5450eb ba3c74f5
31e2f550 025c9e82 9dbbcae2 149a7fd3
Circuit # 2 (processmessagesnonqv_14-9-2-3)
Contributor # 5
Contribution Hash:
04a4b611 adfc4988 444d5331 0507d245
d96ed22b a939c821 bd29b4ee c0501221
44e120eb 62e8e4ce 92d682ff 69a72e41
7d51f419 e5734297 93801cb3 14294790
Circuit # 3 (tallyvotes_14-5-3)
Contributor # 5
Contribution Hash:
e4a9e1e5 8beef881 c46ff3ff ef7edf4a
20aefdc7 d440b89a a09dbf1d 74e7454b
4dda23ac 36e93a6f d10fef38 46be0242
970ee7f5 82107b1f 39b0d328 7a333028
Circuit # 4 (tallyvotesnonqv_14-5-3)
Contributor # 5
Contribution Hash:
c1b25096 e867763e 7746d09c 3afa1aae
917fbde0 d7285749 fca4040e b2405fbb
61f5402b e8225649 9cacadd8 5b0d15b8
a9db25ac d6e179de 5589544c e77cdc92
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