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// create world request initializes the environment
if( rqo.requestType == DmEnvRpc.V1.EnvironmentRequest.CreateWorldFieldNumber){
// CreateWorld comes in with config settings
// in this case just the reset position of the agent
int startPosition = 10;
// unpack the Tensor format sent in from the grpc
if (rqo.unpackedTensorDict.ContainsKey("start_position") ){
if(rqo.unpackedTensorDict["start_position"] != null && rqo.unpackedTensorDict["start_position"].Count > 0)
startPosition = rqo.unpackedTensorDict["start_position"][0];
AurelianTactics / DmEnvRpcImpl.cs
Created January 26, 2022 13:55
BasicEnvWithGRPC DmEnvRpcImpl.cs
//requests and responses are a bidirection gRPC stream.
while (await requestStream.MoveNext())
// A request is received
EnvironmentRequest envRequest = requestStream.Current;
// add the request to the RequestQUeu
// ask the session layer to do its work and generate a reponse to send to the client
var envResponseList = await this.agentSession.HandleEnvironmentRequest();
foreach (DmEnvRpc.V1.EnvironmentResponse ero in envResponseList)
AurelianTactics /
Created January 26, 2022 13:36
BasicEnvWithGRPC Python Client
# create the container
container = docker.from_env() image="basic_example", detach=True, ports={30051:30051})
# connect to the container
connection = dm_env_rpc_connection.create_secure_channel_and_connect("localhost:30051")
# create the dm_env
env, _ = dm_env_adaptor.create_and_join_world( connection, create_world_settings={}, join_world_settings={})
class UnityEnvWrapper(gym.Env):
def __init__(self, env_config):
self.vector_index = env_config.vector_index
self.worker_index = env_config.worker_index
self.worker_id = env_config["unity_worker_id"] + env_config.worker_index
# Name of the Unity environment binary to launch
env_name = '/home/jim/projects/unity_ray/basic_env_linux/basic_env_linux'
self.env = UnityEnv(env_name, worker_id=self.worker_id, use_visual=False, multiagent=False, no_graphics=True) #
self.action_space = self.env.action_space
self.observation_space = self.env.observation_space
def make_env(env_id, log_dir, rank):
def _init():
env = UnityEnv(env_id, worker_id=rank, use_visual=False)
env = Monitor(env, log_dir, allow_early_resets=True)
return _init
env_id = "unity_ray/basic_env_linux/basic_env_linux"
num_env = 2
worker_id = 9
env = SubprocVecEnv([make_env(env_id, log_dir, i+worker_id) for i in range(num_env)])
AurelianTactics /
Last active August 25, 2019 23:11
Unity ML Basic Env Stable Baselines Implementation
# create unity env
from gym_unity.envs import UnityEnv
env_id = "unity_ray/basic_env_linux/basic_env_linux"
env = UnityEnv(env_id, worker_id=2, use_visual=False, no_graphics=False)
# run stable baselines
env = DummyVecEnv([lambda: env]) # The algorithms require a vectorized environment to run
model = PPO2(MlpPolicy, env, verbose=1)
self.fc1_actor_ = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(tf.concat([self.state_, self.action_], axis=1), actor_hs_list[0], activation_fn=tf.nn.relu) #400
self.fc2_actor_ = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(self.fc1_actor_, actor_hs_list[1], activation_fn=tf.nn.relu)
self.fc3_actor_ = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(self.fc2_actor_, action_dim, activation_fn=tf.nn.tanh) * 0.05 * max_action
self.actor_clip_ = tf.clip_by_value((self.fc3_actor_ + self.action_),-max_action, max_action)
AurelianTactics /
Created January 9, 2019 18:30
#copies the mainQN values to the targetQN
#from Denny Britz's excellent RL repo
def copy_model_parameters(sess, estimator1, estimator2):
Copies the model parameters of one estimator to another.
sess: Tensorflow session instance
AurelianTactics /
Created January 9, 2019 18:15
TRFL Target Network Updating:
#in graph
target_network_update_ops = trfl.periodic_target_update(targetQN.get_qnetwork_variables(),mainQN.get_qnetwork_variables(),
#in session
with tf.Session() as sess:
for ep in range(1, train_episodes):
#update target q network
AurelianTactics /
Last active January 9, 2019 18:15
TRFL Target Network Updating:
#in graph
target_network_update_ops = trfl.update_target_variables(targetQN.get_qnetwork_variables(),
#in session
with tf.Session() as sess:
for ep in range(1, train_episodes):
#update target q network