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Created May 13, 2020 08:58
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Private const fWater as string = "frm水族館"
Public const bench as integer = 1
Public const storage as integer = 200
Public const minimum as integer = 0
Private Sub cmdWater_click()
Const subf as string = "cmdWater_click"
Dim tSql as string
Dim aquarium as dao.recordset
Dim money as double
Dim deposit as double
Dim paid as double
Dim zankin as doubel
Dim number as long
Dim recent as Integer
Dim spot as String
Dim future as Long
Dim date as Long
On Error Go To Err_Proc
DoCmd.Hourglass True
future = CLng(Format(kansu1(Me.TDate.Value),"YYYYMMDD"))
date = Int(CLng(Format(Me.TDate.Value),"YYYYMMDD")) / 100)
tSql = ""
tSql = "select 水族館ID,都道府県ID from 水族館マスタ"
tSql = tSql & "where 管轄 = 1"
tSql = tSql & "and not (水族館ID =" & bench & "and 都道府県ID = " & storage & ")"
tSql = tSql & "and (開館日 is null or 開館日 > " & date & ")"
tSql = tSql & "order by 順番,水族館ID,都道府県ID"
Set aquarium = dbinfo.OpenRecordset(tSql,dbOpenDynaset)
If aquarium.EOF then GoTo Exit_proc
With aquarium
Do until.EOF
If Not kansu2(.Fields(0).Value, .Fields(1).Value, money) Then GoTo Err_Proc
If Not kansu3(.Fields(0).Value, .Fields(1).Value, deposit) Then GoTo Err_Proc
If Not kansu4(.Fields(0).Value, .Fields(1).Value, paid) Then GoTo Err_Proc
zankin = money + deposit - paid
spot = ""
spot = "予定 = " & future
spot = spot & "and 水族館ID = " & .Fields(0).Value
spot = spot & "and 都道府県ID = " & .Fields(1).Value
recent = DCount("番号","入場者数",spot)
tSql = ""
If recent = minimum Then
number = IIf(IsNull(Dmax("番号","入場者数")),1, Dmax("番号","入場者数") + 1)
tSql = "insert into 入場者数 values ("
tSql = tSql & number & "," & future & ","
tSql = tSql & .Fields(0).Value & "," & Fields(1).Value & ","
tSql = tSql & minimum & "," & minimum &"," & minimum & "," & zankin & ","
tSql = tSql & Format(Now,"YYYYMMDD") & "," & Format(Now,"HHMMSS") & ")"
number = DLookUp("番号","入場者数")
tSql = "update 入場者数 set"
tSql = tSql & "日別入場者数 = " & zankin & ","
tSql = tSql & "集計日 = " & Format(Now,"YYYYMMDD") & ","
tSql = tSql & "時刻 = " & Format(Now,"HHMMSS")
tSql = tSql & "where 番号 = " & number
End If
dbinfo.Execute tSql
End With
DoCmd.Hourglass False
Call ShowMsg(fWater,subf,"完了しました")
Exit Sub
DoCmd.Hourglass False
If Not aquarium is nothing then Set aquarium = Nothing
Call Showmsg(fWater,subf,"未入力の項目があります")
Exit Sub
DoCmd.Hourglass False
If Not aquarium is nothing then Set aquarium = Nothing
Call Showmsg(fWater,subf,Err.Description)
End Sub
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