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BGMcoder / IconPictureButton.ahk
Created June 19, 2015 15:41
Example of how to use a Picture Control as a Button
#SingleInstance, On
SetBatchLines, -1
#include mousey.ahk ;mousey library -
toggle := 0
gui, add, picture, h32 vIconButton hwndIconButton gtoggleicon icon45, shell32.dll
mouseycursor := mousey_init(IconButton,"hand")
BGMcoder / IconEx.ahk
Last active February 19, 2018 18:38 — forked from AHK-just-me/IconEx.ahk
/* _______________________________________________________________________________________
_____ ______ __ _
|_ _| | ____| /_ || | _ _ _ SKAN (Suresh Kumar A N)
| | ___ ___ _ __ | |__ __ __ | || |_| | | | | |
| | / __/ _ \| '_ \| __| \ \/ / | ||___| | | ' | |
_| || (_| (_) | | | | |____ > < | | | | | |__| | Created on : 13-May-2008
|_____\___\___/|_| |_|______/_/\_\ |_|(_) |_| \.___/ Last Modified : 10-Aug-2012
[ I C O N E X P L O R E R A N D E X T R A C T O R ] Version : 1.4u
BGMcoder / addon.sdk.loadSheet.js
Last active December 17, 2015 20:37
AddonSDK loadSheet example
const { browserWindows } = require("sdk/windows");
const { loadSheet } = require("sdk/stylesheet/utils");
//This is how to load an external stylesheet
for(let w of browserWindows){
loadSheet(viewFor(w), "./myStyleSheet.css","author" );
BGMcoder / addonsdk.addstylesheet.js
Last active December 17, 2015 20:38
AddonSDK How to add a stylesheet
const { browserWindows } = require("sdk/windows");
for(let w of browserWindows){
AddStyleSheet("./myStyleSheet.css", viewFor(w) );
function AddStyleSheet(whatstylesheet,whatwindow){
var attr = 'id="my-css" type="text/css" href="' + whatstylesheet + '"';
var style = whatwindow.document.createProcessingInstruction('xml-stylesheet', attr);
BGMcoder / addonsdk.mouseover.js
Created December 17, 2015 20:36
AddonSDK MouseOver Effect for Toolbar Buttons
const { browserWindows } = require("sdk/windows");
const { CustomizableUI } = require('resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm');
const { viewFor } = require("sdk/view/core");
const { ActionButton } = require("sdk/ui/button/action");
var myButton = ActionButton({
id: "myButton",
label: "My Button",
icon: { "16": "./icon-16.png", "32":"./icon-32.png", "64": "./icon-64.png" },
BGMcoder / touch.ahk
Created September 16, 2017 15:18
Sets all File Attribute Dates to Today
;Brother Gabriel-Marie
;10:00 AM Saturday, September 16, 2017
;set all file attribute dates to current date
Loop %0% ; For each file dropped
GivenPath := %A_Index%
Loop %GivenPath%, 1
BGMcoder / PhonerLiteToggle.ahk
Created December 13, 2017 20:33
PhonerLite Toggler: hides/shows/runs PhonerLite. Attach this to a hotkey.
phonerliteapp := "C:\Program Files (x86)\Phoner\PhonerLite.exe"
process, exist, PhonerLite.exe
thispid := errorlevel
;if PhonerLite window is open on the screen, then minimize it
wingettitle, thistitle, ahk_pid %thispid%
winminimize, ahk_pid %thispid%
BGMcoder / CatStack.ahk
Last active April 27, 2018 03:31
Battle Cats: Get a cat's hp or dmg based on it's level and stat's max
;3:04 PM Monday, April 23, 2018
;Get a cat's hp based on it's level
;works perfectly! Test with Ramen Cat - see the wiki for matches:
#singleinstance, force
setformat, float, 0.0