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Created July 25, 2021 17:31
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function Invoke-AzDoRepoMigration {
Migrates git repo(s) from one Azure DevOps project to another.
This function migrates git repo(s) from one Azure DevOps project to another.
If a repo is already in the target project, it will be skipped.
If no repo-parameter is given, all repos will be migrated.
The source repo will not be deleted.
The Azure DevOps user name.
The Azure DevOps PAT token.
Requires full permission to:
- Code
- Service Connections
.PARAMETER OrganizationName
The Azure DevOps organization name as it is visible in the URL.
.PARAMETER SourceProjectName
The Azure DevOps project name of the source repos.
.PARAMETER SourceRepoName
The name of the source repo. If not given, all repos will be migrated.
.PARAMETER DestinationProjectName
The Azure DevOps project name where the repos will be moved to.
.PARAMETER DestinationRepoName
The name of the destination repo. If not given, the name of the source repo will be used.
Can only be used if a source repo is given.
Invoke-AzDoRepoMigration -UserName -Token $token -OrganizationName "exampleOrg" -SourceProjectName "SourceProject" -SourceRepoName "srcRepo" -DestinationProjectName "DestinationProject"
Will move the repo srcRepo from SourceProject to DestinationProject. The repo name will remain the same.
Invoke-AzDoRepoMigration -UserName -Token $token -OrganizationName "exampleOrg" -SourceProjectName "SourceProject" -DestinationProjectName "DestinationProject"
Will move all repos from SourceProject to DestinationProject.
Created by: Barbara Forbes
with help from
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[String]$UserName ,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[String]$Token ,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[String]$OrganizationName ,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[String]$SourceProjectName ,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[String]$DestinationProjectName ,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
$base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $UserName, $Token)))
$Header = @{
Authorization = ("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)
$URLBase = "$OrganizationName"
Write-Verbose "INFO: Starting with project $SourceProjectName in organization $OrganizationName"
$RepositoryURL = "$URLBase/$SourceProjectName/_apis/git/repositories?api-version=6.0"
# Collect all Repo's by default.
Try {
$AllSourceRepos = (Invoke-RestMethod $RepositoryURL -Headers $Header).value
Catch {
if ($_ -match "Access Denied") {
Throw "Access has been denied, please check your token"
else {
Throw $_
# if a specific repo is specified, only that repo will be collected.
if ($SourceRepoName) {
Write-Verbose "Found SourceRepoName: $SourceRepoName"
$AllSourceRepos = $AllSourceRepos | Where-Object { $ -eq $SourceRepoName }
Write-Verbose "Found $($AllSourceRepos.Count) repos"
$LoopCount = 0
foreach ($SourceRepo in $AllSourceRepos) {
Write-Verbose "INFO: Starting with repo $($"
$SourceRepoName = $
# Check if the repo is not empty.
try {
$null = Invoke-RestMethod "$($SourceRepo.url)/items?recursionLevel=Full&api-version=6.0" -Headers $Header -Erroraction stop
$Errormessage = "none"
catch {
$Errormessage = $_.ErrorDetails.Message
if ($Errormessage -like "*Cannot find any branches*" ) {
Write-Verbose "INFO: Repo is empty"
else {
# Start the import process.
$EndpointURL = "$URLBase/$DestinationProjectName/_apis/serviceendpoint/endpoints?api-version=5.1-preview.2"
# create endpoint
$ServiceConnection = Invoke-RestMethod $EndpointURL -Headers $Header
if ( ($ServiceConnection) -contains "Git Import") {
Write-Verbose "INFO: ServiceConnection already exists"
$Endpoint = $ServiceConnection.value
else {
Write-Verbose "INFO: Creating ServiceConnection"
$Body = @{
"name" = "Git Import"
"type" = "git"
"url" = "https://$$OrganizationName/$SourceProjectName/_git/$SourceRepoName"
"authorization" = @{
"parameters" = @{
"username" = "$UserName"
"password" = "$Token"
"scheme" = "UsernamePassword"
$Parameters = @{
Uri = $EndpointURL
Method = "POST"
ContentType = "application/json"
Headers = $Header
Body = ( $Body | ConvertTo-Json )
Try {
$Endpoint = Invoke-RestMethod @Parameters
Catch {
Throw "Could not create Endpoint: $_"
# Check if the repo already exists
if (!$DestinationRepoName) {
$DestinationRepoName = $SourceRepoName
$RepoURL = "$URLBase/$DestinationProjectName/_apis/git/repositories?api-version=6.0"
$DestinationRepos = (Invoke-RestMethod $RepoURL -Headers $Header).value
if ($ -contains $DestinationRepoName) {
Write-Verbose "Repo already exists, skipping"
else {
Write-Verbose "Creating Repo"
$Body = @{
"name" = $DestinationRepoName
$Parameters = @{
uri = "$URLBase/$DestinationProjectName/_apis/git/repositories/?api-version=5.0"
Method = 'POST'
ContentType = "application/json"
Headers = $Header
Body = ($Body | ConvertTo-Json)
Try {
Invoke-RestMethod @Parameters
Catch {
Throw "Could not create Repo: $_"
# import repository
if ($LoopCount -ge $AllSourceRepos.count) {
$deleteServiceEndpointAfterImport = $true
Write-Verbose "more repo's coming up, keeping ServiceEndpoint"
else {
$deleteServiceEndpointAfterImport = $false
Write-Verbose "Last repo, deleting ServiceEndpoint after import"
$Body = @{
"parameters" = @{
"deleteServiceEndpointAfterImportIsDone" = $deleteServiceEndpointAfterImport
"gitSource" = @{
"url" = "https://$$OrganizationName/$sourceProjectName/_git/$SourceRepoName"
"overwrite" = $false
"tfvcSource" = $null
"serviceEndpointId" = $
$Parameters = @{
uri = "$URLBase/$DestinationProjectName/_apis/git/repositories/$DestinationRepoName/importRequests?api-version=5.0-preview"
Method = 'Post'
ContentType = "application/json"
Headers = $Header
Body = ($Body | ConvertTo-Json)
Try {
Invoke-RestMethod @Parameters
Catch {
Throw "Could not import Repo: $_"
Write-Verbose "INFO: Done with Repo $DestinationReponame"
$DestinationRepoName = $null
Write-Verbose "INFO: done with project"
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