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Last active February 10, 2019 06:47
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  • Save BananaAcid/7ff43ecc26673da3fa64d94b80ab22a4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save BananaAcid/7ff43ecc26673da3fa64d94b80ab22a4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
':' //; exec "`command -v node`" "--experimental-modules" "--no-warnings" "$0" "$@"
import fsOrig from 'fs'; const fs = fsOrig.promises;
import path from 'path';
function delay(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
// "main loop" ... a promise closure to enable await.
(async () => {
const sPath = process.cwd();
console.log('processing ...');
// async getting all filenames
let files = await fs.readdir(sPath);
// kick off all tasks async, and collect their promises
let tasks = async file => {
// filter `.` files (hidden)
if (file[0] === '.') return;
// reconstruct the full file path
let fullPath = path.resolve(sPath, file);
// artificial wait - mind: all tasks are in parallel, they end at the same time + a few nano secs (not after each other)
// so the ending time is about 1300ms, not `files.length * 1300`
await delay(1300);
// wait for all tasks to finish
await Promise.all(tasks);
"name": "promise_test",
"version": "1.0.0",
"bin": "0_promise_test.mjs"


get the files

  • git clone .
  • npm i gist:7ff43ecc26673da3fa64d94b80ab22a4 && cd node_modules/promise_test/

run the file

  • ./0_promise_test.mjs (has a shebang, you might want to chmod +x 0_promise_test.mjs to mark it as executable)
  • node --experimental-modules 0_promise_test.mjs
  • npm i esm && node -r esm 0_promise_test.mjs
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