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Created February 27, 2017 20:09
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Check whether a page contains a given body class.
* Conditional to check whether or not the body class contains a given class.
* @param string $class The class we're lookging for in the body class.
function has_body_class( $class ) {
$body_classes = get_body_class();
return in_array( $class, $body_classes, true );
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Hello @BeardedGinger,
I added a custom class to one of my page that displays the results of a filtering plugin.
The php file used to render the results cannot be used anymore in conditionals within function.
Let's say my class is "my-class", how would I use your function to make a condition for instance to remove a breadcrumb on that specific page?
Thank you

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Thank you for sharing this. It's exactly what I needed.

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