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Last active July 19, 2018 22:18
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Count HTTP bytes inbound, outbound, grouped by an aspect of URL in HTTP request URI
#Bertrone Matteo - Polytechnic of Turin
#November 2015
#Additions made by Alex Birch, July 2018
#to correlate HTTP reply back to HTTP request, and accumulate & print statistics
#eBPF application that parses HTTP packets
#and extracts (and prints on screen) the URL contained in the GET/POST request.
#eBPF program http_filter is used as SOCKET_FILTER attached to eth0 interface.
#only packet of type ip and tcp containing HTTP GET/POST are returned to userspace, others dropped
#python script uses bcc BPF Compiler Collection by iovisor (
#and prints on stdout the first line of the HTTP GET/POST request containing the url
from __future__ import print_function
from bcc import BPF
from ctypes import *
from struct import *
from sys import argv
from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs
import sys
import socket
import os
import struct
import binascii
import time
CLEANUP_N_PACKETS = 50 #run cleanup every CLEANUP_N_PACKETS packets received
MAX_URL_STRING_LEN = 8192 #max url string len (usually 8K)
MAX_AGE_SECONDS = 121 #max age entry in bpf_sessions map (formerly 30s, but I bumped it up to TCP default timeout)
#convert a bin string into a string of hex char
#helper function to print raw packet in hex
def toHex(s):
lst = []
for ch in s:
hv = hex(ord(ch)).replace('0x', '')
if len(hv) == 1:
hv = '0'+hv
return reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, lst)
def getUntilCRLF(str):
"""text section ends on CRLF
return str.split("\r\n", 1)[0]
def isReply(text_section):
"""HTTP requests begin with URI. replies begin with HTTP version
return text_section[:5] == "HTTP/"
def getService(text_section):
"""URI ends is followed by HTTP version (space-delimited)
path = text_section.split(" HTTP", 1)[0]
parsed = urlparse(path)
query_str = parsed.query
query_params = parse_qs(query_str)
if ('s' in query_params):
return query_params['s'][-1]
eprint('HTTP request captured, but no service in URI. attributing data to _unspecified.')
return '_unspecified'
#print str until CR+LF
def printUntilCRLF(str):
for k in range (0,len(str)-1):
if (str[k] == '\n'):
if (str[k-1] == '\r'):
eprint("%c" % (str[k]), end = "")
def addBytesInboundToService(bytes, service):
current_bytes = bytes_inbound_to_service[service] if service in bytes_inbound_to_service else 0
new_bytes = current_bytes + bytes
bytes_inbound_to_service[service] = new_bytes
eprint("+%d bytes inbound to service '%s' = %d" % (bytes, service, new_bytes))
def addBytesOutboundFromService(bytes, service):
current_bytes = bytes_outbound_from_service[service] if service in bytes_outbound_from_service else 0
new_bytes = current_bytes + bytes
bytes_outbound_from_service[service] = new_bytes
eprint("+%d bytes outbound from service '%s' = %d" % (bytes, service, new_bytes))
def printTotalServiceCounts():
eprint("inbound bytes:")
eprint("outbound bytes:")
def printTotalServiceCountsFor(dict):
for key, value in dict.items():
eprint("%s -> %d" % (key, value))
def printBytesAndService(bytes, str):
# print("%d" % bytes, end = "")
request_line = str.split("\r\n", 1)[0]
path = request_line.split(" HTTP", 1)[0]
parsed = urlparse(path)
query_str = parsed.query
query_params = parse_qs(query_str)
if ('s' in query_params):
service = query_params['s'][-1]
if service in bytes_sent_by_service:
bytes_sent_by_service[service] += bytes
bytes_sent_by_service[service] = bytes
eprint("+%d bytes service '%s' = %d" % (bytes, service, bytes_sent_by_service[service]))
eprint("%d bytes no service" % (bytes))
#cleanup function
def cleanup():
#get current time in seconds
current_time = int(time.time())
#looking for leaf having:
#timestap == 0 --> update with current timestamp
#AGE > MAX_AGE_SECONDS --> delete item
for key,leaf in bpf_sessions.items():
current_leaf = bpf_sessions[key]
#set timestamp if timestamp == 0
if (current_leaf.timestamp == 0):
bpf_sessions[key] = bpf_sessions.Leaf(current_time)
#delete older entries
if (current_time - current_leaf.timestamp > MAX_AGE_SECONDS):
del bpf_sessions[key]
eprint("cleanup exception.")
def usage():
eprint("USAGE: %s [-i <if_name>]" % argv[0])
eprint("Try '%s -h' for more options." % argv[0])
def help():
eprint("USAGE: %s [-i <if_name>]" % argv[0])
eprint("optional arguments:")
eprint(" -h print this help")
eprint(" -i if_name select interface if_name. Default is eth0")
eprint(" http-parse # bind socket to eth0")
eprint(" http-parse -i wlan0 # bind socket to wlan0")
def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
if len(argv) == 2:
if str(argv[1]) == '-h':
if len(argv) == 3:
if str(argv[1]) == '-i':
interface = argv[2]
if len(argv) > 3:
print ("binding socket to '%s'" % interface)
# initialize BPF - load source code from http-parse-complete.c
bpf = BPF(src_file = "http-parse-complete.c",debug = 0)
#load eBPF program http_filter of type SOCKET_FILTER into the kernel eBPF vm
#more info about eBPF program types
function_http_filter = bpf.load_func("http_filter", BPF.SOCKET_FILTER)
#create raw socket, bind it to interface
#attach bpf program to socket created
BPF.attach_raw_socket(function_http_filter, interface)
#get file descriptor of the socket previously created inside BPF.attach_raw_socket
socket_fd = function_http_filter.sock
#create python socket object, from the file descriptor
sock = socket.fromfd(socket_fd,socket.PF_PACKET,socket.SOCK_RAW,socket.IPPROTO_IP)
#set it as blocking socket
#get pointer to bpf map of type hash
bpf_sessions = bpf.get_table("sessions")
#packets counter
packet_count = 0
#dictionary containing association <key(ipsrc,ipdst,portsrc,portdst),payload_string>
#if url is not entirely contained in only one packet, save the firt part of it in this local dict
#when I find \r\n in a next pkt, append and print all the url
local_dictionary = {}
bytes_sent_dic = {}
bytes_inbound_to_service = {}
bytes_outbound_from_service = {}
requested_service = {}
while 1:
#retrieve raw packet from socket
packet_str =,4096) #set packet length to max packet length on the interface
packet_count += 1
#DEBUG - print raw packet in hex format
#packet_hex = toHex(packet_str)
#print ("%s" % packet_hex)
#convert packet into bytearray
packet_bytearray = bytearray(packet_str)
#ethernet header length
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# |Version| IHL |Type of Service| Total Length |
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
#IHL : Internet Header Length is the length of the internet header
#value to multiply * 4 byte
#e.g. IHL = 5 ; IP Header Length = 5 * 4 byte = 20 byte
#Total length: This 16-bit field defines the entire packet size,
#including header and data, in bytes.
#calculate packet total length
total_length = packet_bytearray[ETH_HLEN + 2] #load MSB
total_length = total_length << 8 #shift MSB
total_length = total_length + packet_bytearray[ETH_HLEN+3] #add LSB
#calculate ip header length
ip_header_length = packet_bytearray[ETH_HLEN] #load Byte
ip_header_length = ip_header_length & 0x0F #mask bits 0..3
ip_header_length = ip_header_length << 2 #shift to obtain length
#retrieve ip source/dest
ip_src_str = packet_str[ETH_HLEN+12:ETH_HLEN+16] #ip source offset 12..15
ip_dst_str = packet_str[ETH_HLEN+16:ETH_HLEN+20] #ip dest offset 16..19
ip_src = int(toHex(ip_src_str),16)
ip_dst = int(toHex(ip_dst_str),16)
# 12 13 14 15
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
# | Data | |U|A|P|R|S|F| |
# | Offset| Reserved |R|C|S|S|Y|I| Window |
# | | |G|K|H|T|N|N| |
# +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
#Data Offset: This indicates where the data begins.
#The TCP header is an integral number of 32 bits long.
#value to multiply * 4 byte
#e.g. DataOffset = 5 ; TCP Header Length = 5 * 4 byte = 20 byte
#calculate tcp header length
tcp_header_length = packet_bytearray[ETH_HLEN + ip_header_length + 12] #load Byte
tcp_header_length = tcp_header_length & 0xF0 #mask bit 4..7
tcp_header_length = tcp_header_length >> 2 #SHR 4 ; SHL 2 -> SHR 2
#retrieve port source/dest
port_src_str = packet_str[ETH_HLEN+ip_header_length:ETH_HLEN+ip_header_length+2]
port_dst_str = packet_str[ETH_HLEN+ip_header_length+2:ETH_HLEN+ip_header_length+4]
port_src = int(toHex(port_src_str),16)
port_dst = int(toHex(port_dst_str),16)
#calculate payload offset
payload_offset = ETH_HLEN + ip_header_length + tcp_header_length
#payload_string contains only packet payload
payload_string = packet_str[(payload_offset):(len(packet_bytearray))]
bytes_sent = total_length
#CR + LF (substring to find)
crlf = "\r\n"
#current_Key contains ip source/dest and port source/map
#useful for direct bpf_sessions map access
current_Key = bpf_sessions.Key(ip_src,ip_dst,port_src,port_dst)
partner_Key = bpf_sessions.Key(ip_dst,ip_src,port_dst,port_src)
#looking for HTTP GET/POST request
if ((payload_string[:3] == "GET") or (payload_string[:4] == "POST") or (payload_string[:4] == "HTTP") \
or ( payload_string[:3] == "PUT") or (payload_string[:6] == "DELETE") or (payload_string[:4] == "HEAD") ):
#match: HTTP GET/POST packet found (i.e. it's a request)
if (crlf in payload_string):
text_section = getUntilCRLF(payload_string)
if (isReply(text_section)):
eprint("reply: %s" % (text_section))
partner_key_hex = binascii.hexlify(partner_Key)
if (partner_key_hex in requested_service):
service = requested_service[partner_key_hex]
eprint('HTTP reply captured, but no corresponding HTTP request known. attributing data to _unknown.')
service = '_unknown'
addBytesOutboundFromService(bytes_sent, service)
del requested_service[partner_key_hex]
eprint("error during delete from bpf map ")
eprint("request: %s" % (text_section))
service = getService(text_section)
requested_service[binascii.hexlify(current_Key)] = service
addBytesInboundToService(bytes_sent, service)
#url entirely contained in first packet -> print it all
# printUntilCRLF(payload_string)
# printBytesAndService(bytes_sent, payload_string)
#delete current_Key from bpf_sessions, url already printed. current session not useful anymore
del bpf_sessions[current_Key]
eprint("error during delete from bpf map ")
#url NOT entirely contained in first packet
#not found \r\n in payload.
#save current part of the payload_string in dictionary <key(ips,ipd,ports,portd),payload_string>
local_dictionary[binascii.hexlify(current_Key)] = payload_string
bytes_sent_dic[binascii.hexlify(current_Key)] = bytes_sent
#NO match: HTTP GET/POST NOT found
#check if the packet belong to a session saved in bpf_sessions
if (current_Key in bpf_sessions):
#check id the packet belong to a session saved in local_dictionary
#(local_dictionary mantains HTTP GET/POST url not printed yet because splitted in N packets)
if (binascii.hexlify(current_Key) in local_dictionary):
#first part of the HTTP GET/POST url is already present in local dictionary (prev_payload_string)
prev_payload_string = local_dictionary[binascii.hexlify(current_Key)]
prev_bytes_sent = bytes_sent_dic[binascii.hexlify(current_Key)]
#looking for CR+LF in current packet.
if (crlf in payload_string):
#last packet. containing last part of HTTP GET/POST url splitted in N packets.
#append current payload
prev_payload_string += payload_string
prev_bytes_sent += bytes_sent
text_section = getUntilCRLF(prev_payload_string)
if (isReply(text_section)):
eprint("reply: %s" % (text_section))
partner_key_hex = binascii.hexlify(partner_Key)
if (partner_key_hex in requested_service):
service = requested_service[partner_key_hex]
eprint('HTTP reply captured, but no corresponding HTTP request known. attributing data to _unknown.')
service = '_unknown'
addBytesOutboundFromService(prev_bytes_sent, service)
del requested_service[partner_key_hex]
eprint("error during delete from bpf map ")
eprint("request: %s" % (text_section))
service = getService(text_section)
requested_service[binascii.hexlify(current_Key)] = service
addBytesInboundToService(prev_bytes_sent, service)
#print HTTP GET/POST url
# printUntilCRLF(prev_payload_string)
# printBytesAndService(prev_bytes_sent, prev_payload_string)
#clean bpf_sessions & local_dictionary
del bpf_sessions[current_Key]
del local_dictionary[binascii.hexlify(current_Key)]
del bytes_sent_dic[binascii.hexlify(current_Key)]
eprint("error deleting from map or dictionary")
#NOT last packet. containing part of HTTP GET/POST url splitted in N packets.
#append current payload
prev_payload_string += payload_string
prev_bytes_sent += bytes_sent
#check if not size exceeding (usually HTTP GET/POST url < 8K )
if (len(prev_payload_string) > MAX_URL_STRING_LEN):
eprint("url too long")
del bpf_sessions[current_Key]
del local_dictionary[binascii.hexlify(current_Key)]
del bytes_sent_dic[binascii.hexlify(current_Key)]
eprint("error deleting from map or dict")
#update dictionary
local_dictionary[binascii.hexlify(current_Key)] = prev_payload_string
bytes_sent_dic[binascii.hexlify(current_Key)] = prev_bytes_sent
#first part of the HTTP GET/POST url is NOT present in local dictionary
#bpf_sessions contains invalid entry -> delete it
del bpf_sessions[current_Key]
eprint("error del bpf_session")
#check if dirty entry are present in bpf_sessions
if (((packet_count) % CLEANUP_N_PACKETS) == 0):
Copy link

Birch-san commented Jul 19, 2018


# Start snooping HTTP traffic on the docker0 interface
sudo ./ -i docker0

(in another terminal) launch some HTTP service:

# run Apache httpd on port 8080
docker run -it --rm --name httpd -p 8080:80 httpd

(in yet another terminal) produce some test HTTP traffic with curl:

# query param 's' specifies the service
curl -s 'http://localhost:8080/x?s=yo' -o /dev/null
curl -s 'http://localhost:8080/x?s=yo' -o /dev/null
curl -s 'http://localhost:8080/x?s=yo2' -o /dev/null

Here's what the Python program outputs when this request is handled:

binding socket to 'docker0'

request: GET /x?s=yo HTTP/1.1
+136 bytes inbound to service 'yo' = 136
inbound bytes:
yo -> 136
outbound bytes:

reply: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
+410 bytes outbound from service 'yo' = 410
inbound bytes:
yo -> 136
outbound bytes:
yo -> 410

request: GET /x?s=yo HTTP/1.1
+136 bytes inbound to service 'yo' = 272
inbound bytes:
yo -> 272
outbound bytes:
yo -> 410

reply: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
+410 bytes outbound from service 'yo' = 820
inbound bytes:
yo -> 272
outbound bytes:
yo -> 820

request: GET /x?s=yo HTTP/1.1
+136 bytes inbound to service 'yo' = 408
inbound bytes:
yo -> 408
outbound bytes:
yo -> 820

reply: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
+410 bytes outbound from service 'yo' = 1230
inbound bytes:
yo -> 408
outbound bytes:
yo -> 1230

request: GET /x?s=yo2 HTTP/1.1
+137 bytes inbound to service 'yo2' = 137
inbound bytes:
yo2 -> 137
yo -> 408
outbound bytes:
yo -> 1230

reply: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
+410 bytes outbound from service 'yo2' = 410
inbound bytes:
yo2 -> 137
yo -> 408
outbound bytes:
yo2 -> 410
yo -> 1230

It correlates HTTP replies to HTTP requests. It classifies traffic based on the HTTP request URI, and accumulates ongoing statistics into buckets based on that URI (here we group by the query param "s").

So, you could use this filter to measure how much outbound traffic each of your API endpoints is responsible for.

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