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Created November 29, 2014 03:58
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reaction timer program from AVR Programming
;reaction timer program from AVR programming
;button on PD2 // leds on PORTB
.equ UBBRvalue = 12
.equ UCSR0C = 0xc2 ;SRAM address of UCSR0C
.def temp = r16
.def count = r17
.def temp2 = r18
.def xL = r26 ;x reg used as global counter
.def xH = r27
.def zL = r30
.def zH = r31
.device atmega168
;---- global variables ----
.org 0
jmp reset
;----- Main -----
.org 0x0034
;inittialize Stack
ldi temp,low(RAMEND)
out SPL,temp
ldi temp,high(RAMEND)
out SPH,temp
;initialize USART
ldi temp,high(UBBRvalue) ;baud rate param
sts UBRR0H,temp
ldi temp,low(UBBRvalue)
sts UBRR0L,temp
lds temp,UCSR0A
ori temp,(1 << U2X0) ;set use 2x because %error actual baud > .5
sts UCSR0A,temp
;--- USART register values
ldi temp,(1 << TXEN0) | (1 << RXEN0) ;enable transmit and receive
sts UCSR0B,temp
ldi temp,(1 << UCSZ01) | (1 << UCSZ00) ;8 data bits, 1 stop bit
sts UCSR0C,temp
;--- init Timer ----
lds temp,TCCR1B
sbr temp,(1 << CS11) | (1 << CS10) ;set clock speed 1/64 011
sts TCCR1B,temp
;--- Init LEDs and Button port ---
ldi temp,0xff
out DDRB,temp
sbi PORTD,PD2 ;enable pullup on PD2
;--- send a message
ldi zH, high(hello_str * 2)
ldi zL, low(hello_str * 2)
rcall print_s
ldi zH,high(h2_str * 2)
ldi zL,low(h2_str * 2)
rcall print_s
ldi zH,high(press_str * 2)
ldi zL,low(press_str *2)
rcall print_s
;--- main event loop ---
;--- get a character
lp: rcall receive
brcc lp
;--- random delay?
.equ d_cnt = 50000
lds count,TCNT1L ;get psuedo random number from timer
ldi temp,0x05 ; >> 5 // use lower 3 bits for outer loop
rs_lp: lsr count
dec temp
brne rs_lp
inc count ;has to be at least one
outer: ldi r24,low(d_cnt)
ldi r25,high(d_cnt)
delay: sbiw r25:r24,1
nop ;this makes four clock cycles = 200,000 us
brne delay
dec count
brne outer
;--- go!
ldi zH,high(go_str *2)
ldi zL,low(go_str * 2)
rcall print_s
ldi temp,0xff
out PORTB,temp ;light leds
ldi temp,0x00
sts TCNT1L,temp ;reset counter
sts TCNT1H,temp
;--- check one ---
sbis PIND,PD2
rjmp press1
p_lp: sbic PIND,PD2
rjmp p_lp
;bit shift divide timer value 1/16
lds temp,TCNT1L ;always load low byte first!
lds temp2,TCNT1H
ldi count,4
sft_l: clc
ror temp2
ror temp
dec count
brne sft_l
mov r24,temp2
rcall t_htoa
mov r24,temp
rcall t_htoa
rjmp again
ldi zH,high(ch_str * 2)
ldi zL,low(ch_str * 2)
rcall print_s ;print cheat message
ldi temp,0x00
out PORTB,temp
LDI zH,high(a_str * 2)
ldi zL,low(a_str * 2)
rcall print_s
rjmp lp
;--- Subroutines ---
;print string function
;takes Z loaded with pointer to string with first byte being length
;uses r16,r17,r24
.def byte_tx = r24
lpm count,Z+
for1: lpm byte_tx,Z+
wait: lds temp,UCSR0A
sbrs temp,UDRE0 ;wait for Tx buffer to be empty
rjmp wait ;not ready
sts UDR0,byte_tx;
dec count
brne for1
;send ascii representation of one byte
;takes byte in r24. then
;uses r24 as low nibble to send and r25 for high nibble
lds temp,UCSR0A
sbrs temp,UDRE0
rjmp t_htoa
ldi temp,0x30 ;ascii offset
mov r25,r24
lsr r25
lsr r25
lsr r25
lsr r25
cpi r25,0x0A
brlt no_e
ldi temp,0x37 ;extended hex
no_e: add r25,temp
sts UDR0,r25
t_2: lds temp,UCSR0A
sbrs temp,UDRE0
rjmp t_2
ldi temp,0x30 ;ascii offset
andi r24,0x0f ;low nibble
cpi r24,0x0a
brlt no_e2
ldi temp,0x37
no_e2: add r24,temp ;add 0x30 to get ascii representation
sts UDR0,r24
lds temp,UCSR0A
sbrs temp,RXC0 ;is byte in rx buffer?
ret ;not yet
lds byte_tx,UDR0;
sec ;to indicate a byte was received
lds temp,UCSR0A
sbrs temp,UDRE0
rjmp transmit
sts UDR0,r24
hello_str: .db 22,"** Reaction Timer **",0x0d,0x0a,0x00
h2_str: .db 22,"--------------------",0x0d,0x0a,0x00
press_str: .db 26," Press any key to start.",0x0d,0x0a,0x00
rdy_str: .db 14,"Get ready...",0x0d,0x0a,0x00
go_str: .db 10,"** GO **",0x0d,0x0a,0x00
ch_str: .db 32,"You're only cheating yourself.",0x0d,0x0a,0x00
a_str: .db 30, " Press any key to try again.",0x0d,0x0a,0x00
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