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Created June 2, 2020 10:17
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#lang racket/base
(require db
;; db ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(define max-db-conns 1024)
(define db-conn-pool
#:max-connections max-db-conns
#:max-idle-connections max-db-conns
(λ ()
(postgresql-connect #:database "hello_world"
#:user "benchmarkdbuser"
#:password "benchmarkdbpass"
#:server "tfb-database"))))
(define db-conn-pool-sema
(make-semaphore max-db-conns))
(define current-db-conn
(make-parameter #f))
(define (call-with-db-conn f)
(call-with-semaphore db-conn-pool-sema
(lambda ()
(define conn #f)
(lambda ()
(set! conn (connection-pool-lease db-conn-pool)))
(lambda ()
(parameterize ([current-db-conn conn])
(lambda ()
(disconnect conn))))))
;; helpers ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(define (response/bytes bs
#:code [code 200]
#:headers [headers null]
#:mime-type [mime-type #"text/plain"])
#:code code
#:headers (cons (make-header #"Content-Length" (string->bytes/utf-8 (number->string (bytes-length bs))))
#:mime-type mime-type
(lambda (out)
(display bs out))))
(define (response/json e)
#:mime-type #"application/json; charset=utf-8"
(jsexpr->bytes e)))
;; world ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(struct world (id n)
(define select-one-world
(lambda (_dbsystem)
"SELECT id, randomnumber FROM world WHERE id = $1")))
(define update-one-world
(lambda (_dbsystem)
"UPDATE world SET randomnumber = $2 WHERE id = $1")))
(define (random-world-id)
(random 1 10001))
(define (random-world-ids n)
(for/list ([_ (in-range n)])
(define (worlds-ref id)
(for/first ([(id n) (in-query (current-db-conn) select-one-world id)])
(world id n)))
(define (worlds-ref/random n)
(define conn (current-db-conn))
(for*/list ([id (in-list (random-world-ids n))]
[(id n) (in-query conn select-one-world id)])
(world id n)))
(define (worlds-update! rs)
(define conn (current-db-conn))
(for ([r (in-list rs)])
(query-exec conn update-one-world (world-id r) (world-n r))))
(define (world->hash r)
(hash 'id (world-id r)
'randomNumber (world-n r)))
;; fortune ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(struct fortune (id message)
(define select-fortunes
(lambda (_dbsystem)
"SELECT id, message FROM fortune")))
(define (all-fortunes)
(define fortunes
(fortune 0 "Additional fortune added at request time.")
(for/list ([(id message) (in-query (current-db-conn) select-fortunes)])
(fortune id message))))
(sort fortunes string<? #:key fortune-message))
(define (fortune->table-row f)
(td ,(number->string (fortune-id f)))
(td ,(fortune-message f))))
;; web ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(define (parse-queries req)
(and~> (request-bindings/raw req)
(bindings-assq #"queries" _)
(min 500)
(max 1))
(define-values (dispatch _url)
(lambda (_req)
(response/bytes #"Hello, World!"))]
(lambda (_req)
(hasheq 'message "Hello, World!")))]
(lambda (_req)
(define world-id (random-world-id))
(define world
(lambda ()
(worlds-ref world-id))))
(world->hash world)))]
(lambda (_req)
(define fortunes
(call-with-db-conn all-fortunes))
#:preamble #"<!DOCTYPE html>"
(title "Fortunes"))
(th "id")
(th "message"))
,@(map fortune->table-row fortunes))))))]
(lambda (req)
(define n (parse-queries req))
(define worlds
(lambda ()
(worlds-ref/random n))))
(map world->hash worlds)))]
(lambda (req)
(define worlds
(lambda ()
(define n (parse-queries req))
(define worlds (worlds-ref/random n))
(define worlds*
(for/list ([r (in-list worlds)]
[n (in-list (random-world-ids n))])
(struct-copy world r [n n])))
(begin0 worlds*
(worlds-update! worlds*)))))
(map world->hash worlds)))]))
(module+ main
(require ffi/unsafe
(define ch (make-async-channel))
(define stop
#:confirmation-channel ch
#:dispatch (lambda (conn req)
(output-response conn (dispatch req)))
#:listen-ip ""
#:port 8080))
(define ready-or-exn (sync ch))
(when (exn:fail? ready-or-exn)
(raise ready-or-exn))
(define-ffi-definer define-libc
(case (system-type 'os)
[(macosx) (ffi-lib "libc")]
[else (ffi-lib "")]))
(define-libc fork (_fun -> _int))
(define-libc wait (_fun -> _int))
(with-handlers ([exn:break? (lambda _ (stop))])
(sync/enable-break never-evt))
(let loop ([n (* 2 (processor-count))])
(define pid (fork))
[(zero? pid)
(with-handlers ([exn:break? void])
(sync/enable-break never-evt))]
[(zero? n)
(loop (sub1 n))])))
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