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Created December 19, 2019 11:33
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from os import system
from random import randint
def display_board(board):
print(' | | ')
print(' ' + board[7] + ' | ' + board[8] + ' | ' + board[9] +' ')
print(' | | ')
print(' | | ')
print(' ' + board[4] + ' | ' + board[5] + ' | ' + board[6] +' ')
print(' | | ')
print(' | | ')
print(' ' + board[1] + ' | ' + board[2] + ' | ' + board[3] +' ')
print(' | | ')
def player_input():
marker = ''
while not (marker == 'X' or marker == 'O'):
marker = input('Player 1: Do you want to be X or O: ').upper()
if marker == 'X':
return ('X', 'O')
return ('O', 'X')
def choose_first():
return 'Player 1' if randint(0,1) == 0 else 'Player 2'
def place_marker(board, marker, position):
board[position] = marker
def replay():
return input('Do you want to play again? Enter Yes or No: ').upper().startswith('Y')
def space_check(board, position):
return board[position] == ' '
def full_board_check(board):
for i in range(1, 10):
if space_check(board, i):
return False
return True
def player_choice(board, turn):
position = 0
while position not in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] or not space_check(board, position):
position = int(input(turn + ',Choose your next position: (1-9) '))
return position
def win_check(board,mark):
return ((board[7] == mark and board[8] == mark and board[9] == mark) or # across the top
(board[4] == mark and board[5] == mark and board[6] == mark) or # across the middle
(board[1] == mark and board[2] == mark and board[3] == mark) or # across the bottom
(board[7] == mark and board[4] == mark and board[1] == mark) or # down the middle
(board[8] == mark and board[5] == mark and board[2] == mark) or # down the middle
(board[9] == mark and board[6] == mark and board[3] == mark) or # down the right side
(board[7] == mark and board[5] == mark and board[3] == mark) or # diagonal
(board[9] == mark and board[5] == mark and board[1] == mark)) # diagonal
print("Welcome to Tic Tac Toe!")
while True:
theBoard = [' '] * 10 # theBoard = [' ', ' ', ' '] 10 fois
player1, player2 = player_input()
print('Player1 choosed '+ player1 + ', Player 2 choosed '+player2)
turn = choose_first()
print(turn + ' will play first!')
play_game = input('Are you ready to play? Enter Yes or No: ')
if play_game.lower().startswith('y'):
play_game = True
play_game = False
while play_game:
if turn == 'Player 1':
# Player1's turn
position = player_choice(theBoard, turn)
place_marker(theBoard, player1, position)
if win_check(theBoard, player1):
print('Congratulations! Player1 has won the game!')
play_game = False
if full_board_check(theBoard):
print('It\'s a draw!')
turn = 'Player 2'
# Player's2 turn
position = player_choice(theBoard, turn)
place_marker(theBoard, player2, position)
if win_check(theBoard, player2):
print('Congratulations! Player2 has won the game!')
play_game = False
if full_board_check(theBoard):
print('It\'s a draw!')
turn = 'Player 1'
if not replay():
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