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Last active March 21, 2019 12:09
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Creates a HTML Report describing the Exchange environment
Steve Goodman
Version 1.6.2
This script creates a HTML report showing the following information about an Exchange
2016, 2013, 2010 and to a lesser extent, 2007 and 2003, environment.
The following is shown:
* Report Generation Time
* Total Servers per Exchange Version (2003 > 2010 or 2007 > 2016)
* Total Mailboxes per Exchange Version, Office 365 and Organisation
* Total Roles in the environment
Then, per site:
* Total Mailboxes per site
* Internal, External and CAS Array Hostnames
* Exchange Servers with:
o Exchange Server Version
o Service Pack
o Update Rollup and rollup version
o Roles installed on server and mailbox counts
o OS Version and Service Pack
Then, per Database availability group (Exchange 2010/2013/2016):
* Total members per DAG
* Member list
* Databases, detailing:
o Mailbox Count and Average Size
o Archive Mailbox Count and Average Size (Only shown if DAG includes Archive Mailboxes)
o Database Size and whitespace
o Database and log disk free
o Last Full Backup (Only shown if one or more DAG database has been backed up)
o Circular Logging Enabled (Only shown if one or more DAG database has Circular Logging enabled)
o Mailbox server hosting active copy
o List of mailbox servers hosting copies and number of copies
Finally, per Database (Non DAG DBs/Exchange 2007/Exchange 2003)
* Databases, detailing:
o Storage Group (if applicable) and DB name
o Server hosting database
o Mailbox Count and Average Size
o Archive Mailbox Count and Average Size (Only shown if DAG includes Archive Mailboxes)
o Database Size and whitespace
o Database and log disk free
o Last Full Backup (Only shown if one or more DAG database has been backed up)
o Circular Logging Enabled (Only shown if one or more DAG database has Circular Logging enabled)
This does not detail public folder infrastructure, or examine Exchange 2007/2003 CCR/SCC clusters
(although it attempts to detect Clustered Exchange 2007/2003 servers, signified by ClusMBX).
IMPORTANT NOTE: The script requires WMI and Remote Registry access to Exchange servers from the server
it is run from to determine OS version, Update Rollup, Exchange 2007/2003 cluster and DB size information.
Filename to write HTML Report to
Send Mail after completion. Set to $True to enable. If enabled, -MailFrom, -MailTo, -MailServer are mandatory
Email address to send from. Passed directly to Send-MailMessage as -From
Email address to send to. Passed directly to Send-MailMessage as -To
SMTP Mail server to attempt to send through. Passed directly to Send-MailMessage as -SmtpServer
Attempt to schedule the command just executed for 10PM nightly. Specify the username here, schtasks (under the hood) will ask for a password later.
.PARAMETER ViewEntireForest
By default, true. Set the option in Exchange 2007 or 2010 to view all Exchange servers and recipients in the forest.
.PARAMETER ServerFilter
Use a text based string to filter Exchange Servers by, e.g. NL-* - Note the use of the wildcard (*) character to allow for multiple matches.
Generate the HTML report
.\Get-ExchangeEnvironmentReport.ps1 -HTMLReport .\report.html
[parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$false,HelpMessage='Filename to write HTML report to')][string]$HTMLReport,
[parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$false,HelpMessage='Send Mail ($True/$False)')][bool]$SendMail=$false,
[parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$false,HelpMessage='Mail From')][string]$MailFrom,
[parameter(Position=3,Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$false,HelpMessage='Mail To')]$MailTo,
[parameter(Position=4,Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$false,HelpMessage='Mail Server')][string]$MailServer,
[parameter(Position=4,Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$false,HelpMessage='Schedule as user')][string]$ScheduleAs,
[parameter(Position=5,Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$false,HelpMessage='Change view to entire forest')][bool]$ViewEntireForest=$true,
[parameter(Position=5,Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline=$false,HelpMessage='Server Name Filter (eg NL-*)')][string]$ServerFilter="*"
# Sub-Function to Get Database Information. Shorter than expected..
function _GetDAG
@{Name = $DAG.Name.ToUpper()
MemberCount = $DAG.Servers.Count
Members = [array]($DAG.Servers | % { $_.Name })
Databases = @()
# Sub-Function to Get Database Information
function _GetDB
# Circular Logging, Last Full Backup
if ($Database.CircularLoggingEnabled) { $CircularLoggingEnabled="Yes" } else { $CircularLoggingEnabled = "No" }
if ($Database.LastFullBackup) { $LastFullBackup=$Database.LastFullBackup.ToString() } else { $LastFullBackup = "Not Available" }
# Mailbox Average Sizes
$MailboxStatistics = [array]($ExchangeEnvironment.Servers[$Database.Server.Name].MailboxStatistics | Where {$_.Database -eq $Database.Identity})
if ($MailboxStatistics)
[long]$MailboxItemSizeB = 0
$MailboxStatistics | %{ $MailboxItemSizeB+=$_.TotalItemSizeB }
[long]$MailboxAverageSize = $MailboxItemSizeB / $MailboxStatistics.Count
} else {
$MailboxAverageSize = 0
# Free Disk Space Percentage
if ($ExchangeEnvironment.Servers[$Database.Server.Name].Disks)
foreach ($Disk in $ExchangeEnvironment.Servers[$Database.Server.Name].Disks)
if ($Database.EdbFilePath.PathName -like "$($Disk.Name)*")
$FreeDatabaseDiskSpace = $Disk.FreeSpace / $Disk.Capacity * 100
if ($Database.ExchangeVersion.ExchangeBuild.Major -ge 14)
if ($Database.LogFolderPath.PathName -like "$($Disk.Name)*")
$FreeLogDiskSpace = $Disk.FreeSpace / $Disk.Capacity * 100
} else {
$StorageGroupDN = $Database.DistinguishedName.Replace("CN=$($Database.Name),","")
if ($Adsi.msExchESEParamLogFilePath -like "$($Disk.Name)*")
$FreeLogDiskSpace = $Disk.FreeSpace / $Disk.Capacity * 100
} else {
if ($Database.ExchangeVersion.ExchangeBuild.Major -ge 14 -and $E2010)
# Exchange 2010 Database Only
$CopyCount = [int]$Database.Servers.Count
if ($Database.MasterServerOrAvailabilityGroup.Name -ne $Database.Server.Name)
$Copies = [array]($Database.Servers | % { $_.Name })
} else {
$Copies = @()
# Archive Info
$ArchiveMailboxCount = [int]([array]($ArchiveMailboxes | Where {$_.ArchiveDatabase -eq $Database.Name})).Count
$ArchiveStatistics = [array]($ArchiveMailboxes | Where {$_.ArchiveDatabase -eq $Database.Name} | Get-MailboxStatistics -Archive )
if ($ArchiveStatistics)
[long]$ArchiveItemSizeB = 0
$ArchiveStatistics | %{ $ArchiveItemSizeB+=$_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToBytes() }
[long]$ArchiveAverageSize = $ArchiveItemSizeB / $ArchiveStatistics.Count
} else {
$ArchiveAverageSize = 0
# DB Size / Whitespace Info
[long]$Size = $Database.DatabaseSize.ToBytes()
[long]$Whitespace = $Database.AvailableNewMailboxSpace.ToBytes()
$StorageGroup = $null
} else {
$ArchiveMailboxCount = 0
$CopyCount = 0
$Copies = @()
# 2003 & 2007, Use WMI (Based on code by Gary Siepser,
$Size = [long](get-wmiobject cim_datafile -computername $Database.Server.Name -filter ('name=''' + $Database.edbfilepath.pathname.replace("\","\\") + '''')).filesize
if (!$Size)
Write-Warning "Cannot detect database size via WMI for $($Database.Server.Name)"
[long]$Size = 0
[long]$Whitespace = 0
} else {
[long]$MailboxDeletedItemSizeB = 0
if ($MailboxStatistics)
$MailboxStatistics | %{ $MailboxDeletedItemSizeB+=$_.TotalDeletedItemSizeB }
$Whitespace = $Size - $MailboxItemSizeB - $MailboxDeletedItemSizeB
if ($Whitespace -lt 0) { $Whitespace = 0 }
$StorageGroup =$Database.DistinguishedName.Split(",")[1].Replace("CN=","")
@{Name = $Database.Name
StorageGroup = $StorageGroup
ActiveOwner = $Database.Server.Name.ToUpper()
MailboxCount = [long]([array]($Mailboxes | Where {$_.Database -eq $Database.Identity})).Count
MailboxAverageSize = $MailboxAverageSize
ArchiveMailboxCount = $ArchiveMailboxCount
ArchiveAverageSize = $ArchiveAverageSize
CircularLoggingEnabled = $CircularLoggingEnabled
LastFullBackup = $LastFullBackup
Size = $Size
Whitespace = $Whitespace
Copies = $Copies
CopyCount = $CopyCount
FreeLogDiskSpace = $FreeLogDiskSpace
FreeDatabaseDiskSpace = $FreeDatabaseDiskSpace
# Sub-Function to get mailbox count per server.
# New in 1.5.2
function _GetExSvrMailboxCount
# The following *should* work, but it doesn't. Apparently, ServerName is not always returned correctly which may be the cause of
# reports of counts being incorrect
#([array]($Mailboxes | Where {$_.ServerName -eq $ExchangeServer.Name})).Count
# ..So as a workaround, I'm going to check what databases are assigned to each server and then get the mailbox counts on a per-
# database basis and return the resulting total. As we already have this information resident in memory it should be cheap, just
# not as quick.
$MailboxCount = 0
foreach ($Database in [array]($Databases | Where {$_.Server -eq $ExchangeServer.Name}))
$MailboxCount+=([array]($Mailboxes | Where {$_.Database -eq $Database.Identity})).Count
# Sub-Function to Get Exchange Server information
function _GetExSvr
# Set Basic Variables
$MailboxCount = 0
$RollupLevel = 0
$RollupVersion = ""
$ExtNames = @()
$IntNames = @()
$CASArrayName = ""
# Get WMI Information
$tWMI = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $ExchangeServer.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($tWMI)
$OSVersion = $tWMI.Caption.Replace("(R)","").Replace("Microsoft ","").Replace("Enterprise","Ent").Replace("Standard","Std").Replace(" Edition","")
$OSServicePack = $tWMI.CSDVersion
$RealName = $tWMI.CSName.ToUpper()
} else {
Write-Warning "Cannot detect OS information via WMI for $($ExchangeServer.Name)"
$OSVersion = "N/A"
$OSServicePack = "N/A"
$RealName = $ExchangeServer.Name.ToUpper()
$tWMI=Get-WmiObject -query "Select * from Win32_Volume" -ComputerName $ExchangeServer.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($tWMI)
$Disks=$tWMI | Select Name,Capacity,FreeSpace | Sort-Object -Property Name
} else {
Write-Warning "Cannot detect OS information via WMI for $($ExchangeServer.Name)"
# Get Exchange Version
if ($ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Major -eq 6)
$ExchangeMajorVersion = "$($ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Major).$($ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Minor)"
$ExchangeSPLevel = $ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.FilePatchLevelDescription.Replace("Service Pack ","")
} elseif ($ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Major -eq 15 -and $ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Minor -eq 1) {
$ExchangeMajorVersion = [double]"$($ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Major).$($ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Minor)"
$ExchangeSPLevel = 0
} else {
$ExchangeMajorVersion = $ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Major
$ExchangeSPLevel = $ExchangeServer.AdminDisplayVersion.Minor
# Exchange 2007+
if ($ExchangeMajorVersion -ge 8)
# Get Roles
[array]$Roles = $ExchangeServer.ServerRole.ToString().Replace(" ","").Split(",");
# Add Hybrid "Role" for report
if ($Hybrids -contains $ExchangeServer.Name)
if ($Roles -contains "Mailbox")
$MailboxCount = _GetExSvrMailboxCount -Mailboxes $Mailboxes -ExchangeServer $ExchangeServer -Databases $Databases
if ($ExchangeServer.Name.ToUpper() -ne $RealName)
$Roles = [array]($Roles | Where {$_ -ne "Mailbox"})
$Roles += "ClusteredMailbox"
# Get Mailbox Statistics the normal way, return in a consitent format
$MailboxStatistics = Get-MailboxStatistics -Server $ExchangeServer | Select DisplayName,@{Name="TotalItemSizeB";Expression={$_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToBytes()}},@{Name="TotalDeletedItemSizeB";Expression={$_.TotalDeletedItemSize.Value.ToBytes()}},Database
# Get HTTPS Names (Exchange 2010 only due to time taken to retrieve data)
if ($Roles -contains "ClientAccess" -and $E2010)
Get-OWAVirtualDirectory -Server $ExchangeServer -ADPropertiesOnly | %{ $ExtNames+=$_.ExternalURL.Host; $IntNames+=$_.InternalURL.Host; }
Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -Server $ExchangeServer -ADPropertiesOnly | %{ $ExtNames+=$_.ExternalURL.Host; $IntNames+=$_.InternalURL.Host; }
Get-OABVirtualDirectory -Server $ExchangeServer -ADPropertiesOnly | %{ $ExtNames+=$_.ExternalURL.Host; $IntNames+=$_.InternalURL.Host; }
Get-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -Server $ExchangeServer -ADPropertiesOnly | %{ $ExtNames+=$_.ExternalURL.Host; $IntNames+=$_.InternalURL.Host; }
if (Get-Command Get-MAPIVirtualDirectory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
Get-MAPIVirtualDirectory -Server $ExchangeServer -ADPropertiesOnly | %{ $ExtNames+=$_.ExternalURL.Host; $IntNames+=$_.InternalURL.Host; }
if (Get-Command Get-ClientAccessService -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
$IntNames+=(Get-ClientAccessService -Identity $ExchangeServer.Name).AutoDiscoverServiceInternalURI.Host
} else {
$IntNames+=(Get-ClientAccessServer -Identity $ExchangeServer.Name).AutoDiscoverServiceInternalURI.Host
if ($ExchangeMajorVersion -ge 14)
Get-ECPVirtualDirectory -Server $ExchangeServer -ADPropertiesOnly | %{ $ExtNames+=$_.ExternalURL.Host; $IntNames+=$_.InternalURL.Host; }
$IntNames = $IntNames|Sort-Object -Unique
$ExtNames = $ExtNames|Sort-Object -Unique
$CASArray = Get-ClientAccessArray -Site $ExchangeServer.Site.Name
if ($CASArray)
$CASArrayName = $CASArray.Fqdn
# Rollup Level / Versions (Thanks to Bhargav Shukla
if ($ExchangeMajorVersion -ge 14) {
} else {
$RemoteRegistry = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $ExchangeServer.Name);
if ($RemoteRegistry)
$RUKeys = $RemoteRegistry.OpenSubKey($RegKey).GetSubKeyNames() | ForEach {"$RegKey\\$_"}
if ($RUKeys)
[array]($RUKeys | %{$RemoteRegistry.OpenSubKey($_).getvalue("DisplayName")}) | %{
if ($_ -like "Update Rollup *")
$tRU = $_.Split(" ")[2]
if ($tRU -like "*-*") { $tRUV=$tRU.Split("-")[1]; $tRU=$tRU.Split("-")[0] } else { $tRUV="" }
if ([int]$tRU -ge [int]$RollupLevel) { $RollupLevel=$tRU; $RollupVersion=$tRUV }
} else {
Write-Warning "Cannot detect Rollup Version via Remote Registry for $($ExchangeServer.Name)"
# Exchange 2013 CU or SP Level
if ($ExchangeMajorVersion -ge 15)
$RegKey="SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\Microsoft Exchange v15"
$RemoteRegistry = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $ExchangeServer.Name);
if ($RemoteRegistry)
$ExchangeSPLevel = $RemoteRegistry.OpenSubKey($RegKey).getvalue("DisplayName")
if ($ExchangeSPLevel -like "*Service Pack*" -or $ExchangeSPLevel -like "*Cumulative Update*")
$ExchangeSPLevel = $ExchangeSPLevel.Replace("Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 ","");
$ExchangeSPLevel = $ExchangeSPLevel.Replace("Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 ","");
$ExchangeSPLevel = $ExchangeSPLevel.Replace("Service Pack ","SP");
$ExchangeSPLevel = $ExchangeSPLevel.Replace("Cumulative Update ","CU");
} else {
$ExchangeSPLevel = 0;
} else {
Write-Warning "Cannot detect CU/SP via Remote Registry for $($ExchangeServer.Name)"
# Exchange 2003
if ($ExchangeMajorVersion -eq 6.5)
# Mailbox Count
$MailboxCount = _GetExSvrMailboxCount -Mailboxes $Mailboxes -ExchangeServer $ExchangeServer -Databases $Databases
# Get Role via WMI
$tWMI = Get-WMIObject Exchange_Server -Namespace "root\microsoftexchangev2" -Computername $ExchangeServer.Name -Filter "Name='$($ExchangeServer.Name)'"
if ($tWMI)
if ($tWMI.IsFrontEndServer) { $Roles=@("FE") } else { $Roles=@("BE") }
} else {
Write-Warning "Cannot detect Front End/Back End Server information via WMI for $($ExchangeServer.Name)"
# Get Mailbox Statistics using WMI, return in a consistent format
$tWMI = Get-WMIObject -class Exchange_Mailbox -Namespace ROOT\MicrosoftExchangev2 -ComputerName $ExchangeServer.Name -Filter ("ServerName='$($ExchangeServer.Name)'")
if ($tWMI)
$MailboxStatistics = $tWMI | Select @{Name="DisplayName";Expression={$_.MailboxDisplayName}},@{Name="TotalItemSizeB";Expression={$_.Size}},@{Name="TotalDeletedItemSizeB";Expression={$_.DeletedMessageSizeExtended }},@{Name="Database";Expression={((get-mailboxdatabase -Identity "$($_.ServerName)\$($_.StorageGroupName)\$($_.StoreName)").identity)}}
} else {
Write-Warning "Cannot retrieve Mailbox Statistics via WMI for $($ExchangeServer.Name)"
$MailboxStatistics = $null
# Exchange 2000
if ($ExchangeMajorVersion -eq "6.0")
# Mailbox Count
$MailboxCount = _GetExSvrMailboxCount -Mailboxes $Mailboxes -ExchangeServer $ExchangeServer -Databases $Databases
# Get Role via ADSI
if ($tADSI)
if ($tADSI.ServerRole -eq 1) { $Roles=@("FE") } else { $Roles=@("BE") }
} else {
Write-Warning "Cannot detect Front End/Back End Server information via ADSI for $($ExchangeServer.Name)"
$MailboxStatistics = $null
# Return Hashtable
@{Name = $ExchangeServer.Name.ToUpper()
RealName = $RealName
ExchangeMajorVersion = $ExchangeMajorVersion
ExchangeSPLevel = $ExchangeSPLevel
Edition = $ExchangeServer.Edition
Mailboxes = $MailboxCount
OSVersion = $OSVersion;
OSServicePack = $OSServicePack
Roles = $Roles
RollupLevel = $RollupLevel
RollupVersion = $RollupVersion
Site = $ExchangeServer.Site.Name
MailboxStatistics = $MailboxStatistics
Disks = $Disks
IntNames = $IntNames
ExtNames = $ExtNames
CASArrayName = $CASArrayName
# Sub Function to Get Totals by Version
function _TotalsByVersion
if ($ExchangeEnvironment.Sites)
foreach ($Site in $ExchangeEnvironment.Sites.GetEnumerator())
foreach ($Server in $Site.Value)
if (!$TotalMailboxesByVersion["$($Server.ExchangeMajorVersion).$($Server.ExchangeSPLevel)"])
} else {
if ($ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007)
foreach ($FakeSite in $ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007.GetEnumerator())
foreach ($Server in $FakeSite.Value)
if (!$TotalMailboxesByVersion["$($Server.ExchangeMajorVersion).$($Server.ExchangeSPLevel)"])
} else {
# Sub Function to Get Totals by Role
function _TotalsByRole
# Add Roles We Always Show
$TotalServersByRole=@{"ClientAccess" = 0
"HubTransport" = 0
"UnifiedMessaging" = 0
"Mailbox" = 0
"Edge" = 0
if ($ExchangeEnvironment.Sites)
foreach ($Site in $ExchangeEnvironment.Sites.GetEnumerator())
foreach ($Server in $Site.Value)
foreach ($Role in $Server.Roles)
if ($TotalServersByRole[$Role] -eq $null)
} else {
if ($ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007["Pre 2007 Servers"])
foreach ($Server in $ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007["Pre 2007 Servers"])
foreach ($Role in $Server.Roles)
if ($TotalServersByRole[$Role] -eq $null)
} else {
# Sub Function to return HTML Table for Sites/Pre 2007
function _GetOverview
if ($Pre2007)
} else {
foreach ($Server in $Servers.Value)
$IntNames = $IntNames|Sort -Unique
$ExtNames = $ExtNames|Sort -Unique
$IntNames = [system.String]::Join(",",$IntNames)
$ExtNames = [system.String]::Join(",",$ExtNames)
if ($IntNames)
$IntNamesText="Internal Names: $($IntNames)"
$ExtNamesText="External Names: $($ExtNames)<br >"
if ($CASArrayName)
$CASArrayText="CAS Array: $($CASArrayName)"
$Output="<table border=""0"" cellpadding=""3"" width=""100%"" style=""font-size:8pt;font-family:Segoe UI,Arial,sans-serif"">
<col width=""20%""><col width=""20%"">
<colgroup width=""25%"">";
$ExchangeEnvironment.TotalServersByRole.GetEnumerator()|Sort Name| %{$Output+="<col width=""3%"">"}
$Output+="</colgroup><col width=""20%""><col width=""20%"">
<tr bgcolor=""$($BGColHeader)""><th><font color=""#ffffff"">$($Prefix) $($Servers.Key)</font></th>
<th colspan=""$(($ExchangeEnvironment.TotalServersByRole.Count)+2)"" align=""left""><font color=""#ffffff"">$($ExtNamesText)$($IntNamesText)</font></th>
<th align=""center""><font color=""#ffffff"">$($CASArrayText)</font></th></tr>"
$Servers.Value | %{$TotalMailboxes += $_.Mailboxes}
$Output+="<tr bgcolor=""$($BGColSubHeader)""><th><font color=""#ffffff"">Mailboxes: $($TotalMailboxes)</font></th><th>"
$Output+="<font color=""#ffffff"">Exchange Version</font></th>"
$ExchangeEnvironment.TotalServersByRole.GetEnumerator()|Sort Name| %{$Output+="<th><font color=""#ffffff"">$($ExRoleStrings[$_.Key].Short)</font></th>"}
$Output+="<th><font color=""#ffffff"">OS Version</font></th><th><font color=""#ffffff"">OS Service Pack</font></th></tr>"
foreach ($Server in $Servers.Value)
$Output+="<tr "
if ($AlternateRow)
$Output+=" style=""background-color:#dddddd"""
} else
if ($Server.RealName -ne $Server.Name)
$Output+=" ($($Server.RealName))"
if ($Server.RollupLevel -gt 0)
$Output+=" UR$($Server.RollupLevel)"
if ($Server.RollupVersion)
$Output+=" $($Server.RollupVersion)"
$ExchangeEnvironment.TotalServersByRole.GetEnumerator()|Sort Name| %{
if ($Server.Roles -contains $_.Key)
$Output+=" align=""center"" style=""background-color:#00FF00"""
if (($_.Key -eq "ClusteredMailbox" -or $_.Key -eq "Mailbox" -or $_.Key -eq "BE") -and $Server.Roles -contains $_.Key)
</table><br />"
# Sub Function to return HTML Table for Databases
function _GetDBTable
# Only Show Archive Mailbox Columns, Backup Columns and Circ Logging if at least one DB has an Archive mailbox, backed up or Cir Log enabled.
foreach ($Database in $Databases)
if ($Database.ArchiveMailboxCount -gt 0)
if ($Database.LastFullBackup -ne "Not Available")
if ($Database.CircularLoggingEnabled -eq "Yes")
if ($Database.StorageGroup)
if ($Database.CopyCount -gt 0)
if ($Database.FreeDatabaseDiskSpace -ne $null)
if ($Database.FreeLogDiskSpace -ne $null)
$Output="<table border=""0"" cellpadding=""3"" width=""100%"" style=""font-size:8pt;font-family:Segoe UI,Arial,sans-serif"">
<tr align=""center"" bgcolor=""#FFD700"">
if ($ShowStorageGroups)
$Output+="<th>Storage Group</th>"
$Output+="<th>Database Name</th>
<th>Av. Mailbox Size</th>"
if ($ShowArchiveDBs)
$Output+="<th>Archive MBs</th><th>Av. Archive Size</th>"
$Output+="<th>DB Size</th><th>DB Whitespace</th>"
if ($ShowFreeDatabaseSpace)
$Output+="<th>Database Disk Free</th>"
if ($ShowFreeLogDiskSpace)
$Output+="<th>Log Disk Free</th>"
if ($ShowLastFullBackup)
$Output+="<th>Last Full Backup</th>"
if ($ShowCircularLogging)
$Output+="<th>Circular Logging</th>"
if ($ShowCopies)
$Output+="<th>Copies (n)</th>"
foreach ($Database in $Databases)
if ($AlternateRow)
$Output+=" style=""background-color:#dddddd"""
} else
if ($ShowStorageGroups)
<td align=""center"">$($Database.MailboxCount)</td>
<td align=""center"">$("{0:N2}" -f ($Database.MailboxAverageSize/1MB)) MB</td>"
if ($ShowArchiveDBs)
$Output+="<td align=""center"">$($Database.ArchiveMailboxCount)</td>
<td align=""center"">$("{0:N2}" -f ($Database.ArchiveAverageSize/1MB)) MB</td>";
$Output+="<td align=""center"">$("{0:N2}" -f ($Database.Size/1GB)) GB </td>
<td align=""center"">$("{0:N2}" -f ($Database.Whitespace/1GB)) GB</td>";
if ($ShowFreeDatabaseSpace)
$Output+="<td align=""center"">$("{0:N1}" -f $Database.FreeDatabaseDiskSpace)%</td>"
if ($ShowFreeLogDiskSpace) {
$colorAttribute = ""
#if ($Database.FreeLogDiskSpace -le 50) {
$colorAttribute = " style='background-color='yellow;'"
$Output+="<td align=""center""$($colorAttribute)>$("{0:N1}" -f $Database.FreeLogDiskSpace)%</td>"
if ($ShowLastFullBackup)
$Output+="<td align=""center"">$($Database.LastFullBackup)</td>";
if ($ShowCircularLogging)
$Output+="<td align=""center"">$($Database.CircularLoggingEnabled)</td>";
if ($ShowCopies)
$Output+="<td>$($Database.Copies|%{$_}) ($($Database.CopyCount))</td>"
$Output+="</table><br />"
# Sub Function to neatly update progress
function _UpProg1
Write-Progress -id 1 -activity "Get-ExchangeEnvironmentReport" -status $Status -percentComplete (($PercentComplete/$TotalStages)+(1/$TotalStages*$Stage*100))
# 1. Initial Startup
# 1.0 Check Powershell Version
if ((Get-Host).Version.Major -eq 1)
throw "Powershell Version 1 not supported";
# 1.1 Check Exchange Management Shell, attempt to load
if (!(Get-Command Get-ExchangeServer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
if (Test-Path "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\bin\RemoteExchange.ps1")
. 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\bin\RemoteExchange.ps1'
Connect-ExchangeServer -auto
} elseif (Test-Path "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\bin\Exchange.ps1") {
Add-PSSnapIn Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin
.'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\bin\Exchange.ps1'
} else {
throw "Exchange Management Shell cannot be loaded"
# 1.2 Check if -SendMail parameter set and if so check -MailFrom, -MailTo and -MailServer are set
if ($SendMail)
if (!$MailFrom -or !$MailTo -or !$MailServer)
throw "If -SendMail specified, you must also specify -MailFrom, -MailTo and -MailServer"
# 1.3 Check Exchange Management Shell Version
if ((Get-PSSnapin -Name Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
$E2010 = $false;
if (Get-ExchangeServer | Where {$_.AdminDisplayVersion.Major -gt 14})
Write-Warning "Exchange 2010 or higher detected. You'll get better results if you run this script from the latest management shell"
$E2010 = $true
$localserver = get-exchangeserver $Env:computername
$localversion = $localserver.admindisplayversion.major
if ($localversion -eq 15) { $E2013 = $true }
# 1.4 Check view entire forest if set (by default, true)
if ($E2010)
Set-ADServerSettings -ViewEntireForest:$ViewEntireForest
} else {
$global:AdminSessionADSettings.ViewEntireForest = $ViewEntireForest
# 1.5 Initial Variables
# 1.5.1 Hashtable to update with environment data
$ExchangeEnvironment = @{Sites = @{}
Pre2007 = @{}
Servers = @{}
DAGs = @()
NonDAGDatabases = @()
# 1.5.7 Exchange Major Version String Mapping
$ExMajorVersionStrings = @{"6.0" = @{Long="Exchange 2000";Short="E2000"}
"6.5" = @{Long="Exchange 2003";Short="E2003"}
"8" = @{Long="Exchange 2007";Short="E2007"}
"14" = @{Long="Exchange 2010";Short="E2010"}
"15" = @{Long="Exchange 2013";Short="E2013"}
"15.1" = @{Long="Exchange 2016";Short="E2016"}}
# 1.5.8 Exchange Service Pack String Mapping
$ExSPLevelStrings = @{"0" = "RTM"
"1" = "SP1"
"2" = "SP2"
"3" = "SP3"
"4" = "SP4"
"SP1" = "SP1"
"SP2" = "SP2"}
# Add many CUs
for ($i = 1; $i -le 20; $i++)
# 1.5.9 Populate Full Mapping using above info
$ExVersionStrings = @{}
foreach ($Major in $ExMajorVersionStrings.GetEnumerator())
foreach ($Minor in $ExSPLevelStrings.GetEnumerator())
$ExVersionStrings.Add("$($Major.Key).$($Minor.Key)",@{Long="$($Major.Value.Long) $($Minor.Value)";Short="$($Major.Value.Short)$($Minor.Value)"})
# 1.5.10 Exchange Role String Mapping
$ExRoleStrings = @{"ClusteredMailbox" = @{Short="ClusMBX";Long="CCR/SCC Clustered Mailbox"}
"Mailbox" = @{Short="MBX";Long="Mailbox"}
"ClientAccess" = @{Short="CAS";Long="Client Access"}
"HubTransport" = @{Short="HUB";Long="Hub Transport"}
"UnifiedMessaging" = @{Short="UM";Long="Unified Messaging"}
"Edge" = @{Short="EDGE";Long="Edge Transport"}
"FE" = @{Short="FE";Long="Front End"}
"BE" = @{Short="BE";Long="Back End"}
"Hybrid" = @{Short="HYB"; Long="Hybrid"}
"Unknown" = @{Short="Unknown";Long="Unknown"}}
# 2 Get Relevant Exchange Information Up-Front
# 2.1 Get Server, Exchange and Mailbox Information
_UpProg1 1 "Getting Exchange Server List" 1
$ExchangeServers = [array](Get-ExchangeServer $ServerFilter)
if (!$ExchangeServers)
throw "No Exchange Servers matched by -ServerFilter ""$($ServerFilter)"""
if (Get-Command Get-HybridConfiguration -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
$HybridConfig = Get-HybridConfiguration
$HybridConfig.ReceivingTransportServers|%{ $HybridServers+=$_.Name }
$HybridConfig.SendingTransportServers|%{ $HybridServers+=$_.Name }
$HybridServers = $HybridServers | Sort-Object -Unique
_UpProg1 10 "Getting Mailboxes" 1
$Mailboxes = [array](Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited) | Where {$_.Server -like $ServerFilter}
if ($E2010)
_UpProg1 60 "Getting Archive Mailboxes" 1
$ArchiveMailboxes = [array](Get-Mailbox -Archive -ResultSize Unlimited) | Where {$_.Server -like $ServerFilter}
_UpProg1 70 "Getting Remote Mailboxes" 1
$RemoteMailboxes = [array](Get-RemoteMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited)
_UpProg1 90 "Getting Databases" 1
if ($E2013)
$Databases = [array](Get-MailboxDatabase -IncludePreExchange2013 -Status) | Where {$_.Server -like $ServerFilter}
elseif ($E2010)
$Databases = [array](Get-MailboxDatabase -IncludePreExchange2010 -Status) | Where {$_.Server -like $ServerFilter}
$DAGs = [array](Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup) | Where {$_.Servers -like $ServerFilter}
} else {
$ArchiveMailboxes = $null
$ArchiveMailboxStats = $null
$DAGs = $null
_UpProg1 90 "Getting Databases" 1
$Databases = [array](Get-MailboxDatabase -IncludePreExchange2007 -Status) | Where {$_.Server -like $ServerFilter}
# 2.3 Populate Information we know
$ExchangeEnvironment.Add("TotalMailboxes",$Mailboxes.Count + $ExchangeEnvironment.RemoteMailboxes);
# 3 Process High-Level Exchange Information
# 3.1 Collect Exchange Server Information
for ($i=0; $i -lt $ExchangeServers.Count; $i++)
_UpProg1 ($i/$ExchangeServers.Count*100) "Getting Exchange Server Information" 2
# Get Exchange Info
$ExSvr = _GetExSvr -E2010 $E2010 -ExchangeServer $ExchangeServers[$i] -Mailboxes $Mailboxes -Databases $Databases -Hybrids $HybridServers
# Add to site or pre-Exchange 2007 list
if ($ExSvr.Site)
# Exchange 2007 or higher
if (!$ExchangeEnvironment.Sites[$ExSvr.Site])
} else {
} else {
# Exchange 2003 or lower
if (!$ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007["Pre 2007 Servers"])
$ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007.Add("Pre 2007 Servers",@($ExSvr))
} else {
$ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007["Pre 2007 Servers"]+=$ExSvr
# Add to Servers List
# 3.2 Calculate Environment Totals for Version/Role using collected data
_UpProg1 1 "Getting Totals" 3
$ExchangeEnvironment.Add("TotalMailboxesByVersion",(_TotalsByVersion -ExchangeEnvironment $ExchangeEnvironment))
$ExchangeEnvironment.Add("TotalServersByRole",(_TotalsByRole -ExchangeEnvironment $ExchangeEnvironment))
# 3.4 Populate Environment DAGs
_UpProg1 5 "Getting DAG Info" 3
if ($DAGs)
foreach($DAG in $DAGs)
$ExchangeEnvironment.DAGs+=(_GetDAG -DAG $DAG)
# 3.5 Get Database information
_UpProg1 60 "Getting Database Info" 3
for ($i=0; $i -lt $Databases.Count; $i++)
$Database = _GetDB -Database $Databases[$i] -ExchangeEnvironment $ExchangeEnvironment -Mailboxes $Mailboxes -ArchiveMailboxes $ArchiveMailboxes -E2010 $E2010
$DAGDB = $false
for ($j=0; $j -lt $ExchangeEnvironment.DAGs.Count; $j++)
if ($ExchangeEnvironment.DAGs[$j].Members -contains $Database.ActiveOwner)
$ExchangeEnvironment.DAGs[$j].Databases += $Database
if (!$DAGDB)
$ExchangeEnvironment.NonDAGDatabases += $Database
# 4 Write Information
_UpProg1 5 "Writing HTML Report Header" 4
# Header
<font size=""1"" face=""Segoe UI,Arial,sans-serif"">
<h2 align=""center"">Exchange Environment Report</h3>
<h4 align=""center"">Generated $((Get-Date).ToString())</h5>
<table border=""0"" cellpadding=""3"" style=""font-size:8pt;font-family:Segoe UI,Arial,sans-serif"">
<tr bgcolor=""#009900"">
<th colspan=""$($ExchangeEnvironment.TotalMailboxesByVersion.Count)""><font color=""#ffffff"">Total Servers:</font></th>"
if ($ExchangeEnvironment.RemoteMailboxes)
$Output+="<th colspan=""$($ExchangeEnvironment.TotalMailboxesByVersion.Count+2)""><font color=""#ffffff"">Total Mailboxes:</font></th>"
} else {
$Output+="<th colspan=""$($ExchangeEnvironment.TotalMailboxesByVersion.Count+1)""><font color=""#ffffff"">Total Mailboxes:</font></th>"
$Output+="<th colspan=""$($ExchangeEnvironment.TotalServersByRole.Count)""><font color=""#ffffff"">Total Roles:</font></th></tr>
<tr bgcolor=""#00CC00"">"
# Show Column Headings based on the Exchange versions we have
$ExchangeEnvironment.TotalMailboxesByVersion.GetEnumerator()|Sort Name| %{$Output+="<th>$($ExVersionStrings[$_.Key].Short)</th>"}
$ExchangeEnvironment.TotalMailboxesByVersion.GetEnumerator()|Sort Name| %{$Output+="<th>$($ExVersionStrings[$_.Key].Short)</th>"}
if ($ExchangeEnvironment.RemoteMailboxes)
$Output+="<th>Office 365</th>"
$ExchangeEnvironment.TotalServersByRole.GetEnumerator()|Sort Name| %{$Output+="<th>$($ExRoleStrings[$_.Key].Short)</th>"}
$Output+="<tr align=""center"" bgcolor=""#dddddd"">"
$ExchangeEnvironment.TotalMailboxesByVersion.GetEnumerator()|Sort Name| %{$Output+="<td>$($_.Value.ServerCount)</td>" }
$ExchangeEnvironment.TotalMailboxesByVersion.GetEnumerator()|Sort Name| %{$Output+="<td>$($_.Value.MailboxCount)</td>" }
if ($RemoteMailboxes)
$ExchangeEnvironment.TotalServersByRole.GetEnumerator()|Sort Name| %{$Output+="<td>$($_.Value)</td>"}
# Sites and Servers
_UpProg1 20 "Writing HTML Site Information" 4
foreach ($Site in $ExchangeEnvironment.Sites.GetEnumerator())
$Output+=_GetOverview -Servers $Site -ExchangeEnvironment $ExchangeEnvironment -ExRoleStrings $ExRoleStrings
_UpProg1 40 "Writing HTML Pre-2007 Information" 4
foreach ($FakeSite in $ExchangeEnvironment.Pre2007.GetEnumerator())
$Output+=_GetOverview -Servers $FakeSite -ExchangeEnvironment $ExchangeEnvironment -ExRoleStrings $ExRoleStrings -Pre2007:$true
_UpProg1 60 "Writing HTML DAG Information" 4
foreach ($DAG in $ExchangeEnvironment.DAGs)
if ($DAG.MemberCount -gt 0)
# Database Availability Group Header
$Output+="<table border=""0"" cellpadding=""3"" width=""100%"" style=""font-size:8pt;font-family:Segoe UI,Arial,sans-serif"">
<col width=""20%""><col width=""10%""><col width=""70%"">
<tr align=""center"" bgcolor=""#FF8000 ""><th>Database Availability Group Name</th><th>Member Count</th>
<th>Database Availability Group Members</th></tr>
<tr><td>$($DAG.Name)</td><td align=""center"">
$DAG.Members | % { $Output+="$($_) " }
# Get Table HTML
$Output+=_GetDBTable -Databases $DAG.Databases
if ($ExchangeEnvironment.NonDAGDatabases.Count)
_UpProg1 80 "Writing HTML Non-DAG Database Information" 4
$Output+="<table border=""0"" cellpadding=""3"" width=""100%"" style=""font-size:8pt;font-family:Segoe UI,Arial,sans-serif"">
<tr bgcolor=""#FF8000""><th>Mailbox Databases (Non-DAG)</th></table>"
$Output+=_GetDBTable -Databases $ExchangeEnvironment.NonDAGDatabases
# End
_UpProg1 90 "Finishing off.." 4
$Output | Out-File $HTMLReport
if ($SendMail)
_UpProg1 95 "Sending mail message.." 4
Send-MailMessage -Attachments $HTMLReport -To $MailTo -From $MailFrom -Subject "Exchange Environment Report" -BodyAsHtml $Output -SmtpServer $MailServer
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Here you go Brad this PS script works with all versions of Exchange by the way

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testreport1 - Copy

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