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Seattle Grace


Seattle Grace is based off of Grey's Anatomy, but you need NO knowledge of Grey's Anatomy to complete this final. Make sure to read all instructions, tasks, and user stories before getting started.

Database Information

  • Doctors have many surgeries
  • Surgeries can have many doctors.

Field Trip


Field Trip is an app that allows a user to see flights and passengers.

  • Flights have many passengers
  • Passengers can have many flights
  • Flights have a number, date, time, departure city, and arrival city
    • Ex: number: “1727”, date: “08/03/20”, departure_city: “Denver”, arrival_city: “Reno” -- for this app, it does not matter how you format the flight’s date
  • Passengers have a name and age

Railer Coaster


We are creating an application to track the maintenance of amusement park rides and mechanics working on those rides.

  • Mechanics have a name and years of experience attributes
    • ex. name: 'Kara Smith', years_experience: 11
  • Rides have a name, thrill rating, and open (boolean) attributes
    • ex. name: 'The Hurler', thrill_rating: 7, open: false


We will be creating an application to track Professors and Students at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the Harry Potter book series (you do not need any knowledge of Harry Potter to complete this challenge).

  • Professors have a name, age, and specialty
  • Students have a name and age
  • Professors have many students
  • Students have many professors

User Stories

BEM2 Final Technical Assessment (Retake)


Field Trip is an app that allows a user to see airlines, flights, and passengers.

  • Airlines have many flights
  • flights belong to airlines
  • Flights have many passengers
  • Passengers can have many flights
  • Airlines have a name


Seattle Grace is based off of Grey's Anatomy, but you need NO knowledge of Grey's Anatomy to complete this final. Make sure to read all instructions, tasks, and user stories before getting started.

Database Information

  • You will need to create all migrations.
  • Hospitals have many Doctors
  • Doctors work for just one hospital
  • Doctors have many surgeries
  • Surgeries can have many doctors.


We are creating an application to track movies. We have studios, which have movies, and movies have several actors, and actors can be in several movies.

  • Studios have a name and location
  • Movies have a title, creation year, and genre
  • Actors have a name and age

You will need to create all the migrations.


When you have completed this challenge, submit by creating a Pull Request back to the turingschool-examples repo. Include the following information:

  • Your Name
  • A reflection on how you felt you did with this challenge and what story you got through


  • TDD all new work; any model METHODS you write must be fully tested.

BEM2 Final Technical Assessment


Seattle Grace is based off of Grey’s Anatomy, but you need NO knowledge of Grey’s Anatomy to complete this final. Hospitals have many Doctors, Doctors work for just one hospital. Doctors can have many patients, and patients can have many doctors.Make sure to read all instructions and user stories before getting started. ​

Database Information

  • Hospitals have a name
  • Doctors have a name, specialty, and university that they attended
  • Patients have a name and age


Order up is an app that tracks chefs, the dishes that they make, and the ingredients that are in those dishes. Chef's have many dishes. Dishes belong to a chef. Dishes have many Ingredients and Ingredients have many dishes. Ingredients should have a name and calories.

Two migrations have been made for you. The one to many relationship has been set up. You will need to create migrations for the many to many relationship between ingredients and dishes. You do not need to do model testing for validations, just make sure you test any relationships and model methods that you create.

(Note: The plural of dish is dishes. The plural of chef is chefs.)
