Coordinating the work of a coalition is difficult on a local level. The problem is further compounded for statewide and national coordination. The need for clear, concise visualization of organizations committed to the cause of IIC was presented by a member organization.
import folium
# Create a map object
map = folium.Map(location=[37.0902, -95.7129], zoom_start=4)
# List of Interfaith Immigration Coalition organizations and their locations
orgs = ["Interfaith Action of Central Texas", "Interfaith Works of Central New York", "Interfaith Worker Justice", "Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston"]
cities = ["Austin, TX", "Syracuse, NY", "Chicago, IL", "Houston, TX"]
# Loop through the organizations and their cities
for org, city in zip(orgs, cities):
# Get the latitude and longitude of the city using geocoding
location = folium.Map(location=city).location
# Create a marker for the location
marker = folium.Marker(location=location, popup=org)
# Add the marker to the map
# Display the map
By compiling publically available data on member organization HQs, a map was constructed of the dozens of organizations working with the IIC. Interactive map linked here.