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Last active June 30, 2021 13:02
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Property Graph Ontology Context
PREFIX prec: <>
PREFIX pvar: <>
PREFIX pgo: <>
PREFIX ex: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
# A PREC Context to produce RDF graphs similar to the one produced by graphConv
# graphConv:
# Usage:
# node prec.js data/movies_cypher_all.json path/to/this/pgoContext.ttl -f Neo4JCypher
# Tested on commit 2da9f5dd4a16ec5bac69905569d032ae5266ccc4
# Differences with the graphs produced by graphConv in our experiment:
# - Numeric values (year for example) are xsd:integer with PREC, xsd:string with
# graphConv. We think an xsd:integer representation is more accurate.
# - Labels are described with pgo:label with this PREC context, are exported as
# properties with graphConv. The "PGO: Describing Property Graphs in RDF"
# article, by Tomaszuk et al. gives an example where label are actually
# represented with pgo:label (in the same way as PREC does)
# We think these differences are due to our Neo4j to GraphML export
# -- Property Graph Ontology replication
ex:pgoNodeLabel a prec:NodeLabelModel ;
prec:composedOf << pvar:node pgo:label pvar:label >> .
ex:pgoEdge a prec:EdgeModel ;
<< pvar:edge pgo:startNode pvar:source >> ,
<< pvar:edge pgo:endNode pvar:destination >> ,
<< pvar:edge pgo:label pvar:label >> ,
<< pvar:edge pvar:propertyPredicate pvar:propertyObject >> .
prec:Relationships prec:templatedBy ex:pgoEdge .
prec:NodeLabels prec:templatedBy ex:pgoNodeLabel .
# -- Properties
prec:NodeProperties prec:templatedBy ex:pgoNodeProperty .
ex:pgoNodeProperty a prec:PropertyModel ;
<< pvar:entity pgo:hasNodeProperty pvar:propertyNode >> ,
<< pvar:propertyNode pgo:key pvar:label >> ,
<< pvar:propertyNode pgo:value pvar:propertyValue >> ,
<< pvar:propertyNode a pgo:Property >> ,
<< pvar:propertyNode pvar:metaPropertyPredicate pvar:metaPropertyObject >> .
prec:RelationshipProperties prec:templatedBy ex:pgoEdgeProperty .
ex:pgoEdgeProperty a prec:PropertyModel ;
<< pvar:entity pgo:hasEdgeProperty pvar:propertyNode >> ,
<< pvar:propertyNode pgo:key pvar:label >> ,
<< pvar:propertyNode pgo:value pvar:propertyValue >> ,
<< pvar:propertyNode a pgo:Property >> ,
<< pvar:propertyNode pvar:metaPropertyPredicate pvar:metaPropertyObject >> .
prec:MetaProperties prec:templatedBy ex:pgoMetaProperty .
ex:pgoMetaProperty a prec:PropertyModel ;
<< pvar:entity pgo:hasProperty pvar:propertyNode >> ,
<< pvar:propertyNode pgo:key pvar:label >> ,
<< pvar:propertyNode pgo:value pvar:propertyValue >> ,
<< pvar:propertyNode a pgo:Property >> ,
<< pvar:propertyNode pvar:metaPropertyPredicate pvar:metaPropertyObject >> .
# ---- Produce the property graph node
# We extend the pgoEdge and pgoNodeLabel templates to add a triple between
# the pg instance and the node
# PREC is unable to apply a rule on unlabeled nodes, neither it can target
# isolated nodes only. In the current state, we produce a triple between the
# PG and the node for node that is either labeled or is connected to another
# node (or both).
ex:pgoEdge prec:composedOf
<< _:thisPG pgo:hasEdge pvar:edge >> ,
<< _:thisPG pgo:hasNode pvar:source >> ,
<< _:thisPG pgo:hasNode pvar:destination >> ,
<< _:thisPG rdf:type pgo:PropertyGraph >> .
ex:pgoNodeLabel prec:composedOf
<< _:thisPG pgo:hasNode pvar:node >> ,
<< _:thisPG rdf:type pgo:PropertyGraph >> .
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