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Songhay Studio: Day Path Index JSON
<body data-ng-app="rxApp">
<div data-ng-controller="indexController">
data-ng-options="i as i.label for i in options">
<button data-ng-click="vm.loadIndex()">Load Index</button>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-refresh" aria-hidden="true" data-ng-if="vm.isLoadingIndex"></span>
<div data-ng-repeat="i in groups | orderBy: 'groupName' : vm.indexGroupingSelected.sortDescending ">
<h2 data-ng-bind-html="i.groupName"></h2>
<li data-ng-repeat="j in | orderBy: 'SortOrdinal' : true ">
<code>{{ j.SortOrdinal }}</code> <a href="#/{{ j.ItemName }}">{{ j.DisplayText }}</a>
/*jslint this, white, browser */
/*global _, angular */
(function() {
"use strict";
var rxApp = angular.module('rxApp', ['ngSanitize', '', 'rxApp.controllers']);
/* Services */
var dataService = {
getData: function($http) {
if (!$http) {
var uri = '';
return $http.get(uri).then(
function(result) {
var getItemCategoryProperties = function(i) {
var o = angular.fromJson('{' + i.ItemCategory + '}');
var topics = _(Object.keys(o)).filter(function(v) {
return v ? v.indexOf('topic-') === 0 : false;
o.topic = _(topics).isEmpty() ?
'<!--zzz-->[no topic]' :
'<!--' + _(topics).first() + '-->' + o[_(topics).first()];
o.topics = _(topics).map(function(v) {
return {
key: v,
value: o[v]
return o;
var getSortOrdinal = function(i) {
var pad = function pad(num, size) {
var s = num + "";
while (s.length < size) {
s = "0" + s;
return s;
return i.year + '-' +
pad(i.month, 2) + '-' +
pad(, 2) + '-' +
_( {
i.SortOrdinal = getSortOrdinal(i);
var services = angular.module('', []);
services.factory('dataService', ['$http',
function() {
return dataService;
/* Controllers */
var doIndexController = function($scope, $http, dataService) {
$scope.options = [{
label: 'by Date',
sortDescending: true,
value: 'dateGroup'
}, {
label: 'by Topic',
sortDescending: false,
value: 'topic'
$scope.vm = {
data: null,
indexGroupingSelected: $scope.options[0],
isLoadingIndex: false,
loadIndex: function() {
var that = this;
this.isLoadingIndex = true;
dataService.getData($http).then(function(data) {
$ = data;
that.isLoadingIndex = false;
setGroups: function() {
$scope.groups = _($
.map(function(i) {
return {
groupName: i[0],
group: i[1]
var controllers = angular.module('rxApp.controllers', []);
.controller('indexController', ['$scope', '$http', 'dataService', doIndexController]);

Songhay Studio: Day Path Index JSON ('-' * 35) ng filter and sort (ascending/descending based on view model) with grouping

A Pen by Bryan Wilhite on CodePen.


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to {
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