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Created August 15, 2013 11:50
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Kinect returning invalid depth values for the centre of a blob when the x,y co-ordinates are outside of a very small range
int ContourFinder::findContours( ofxCvGrayscaleImage& input, ofxDepthGenerator& depth,
int camWidth,int camHeight,
int nearThreshold, int farThreshold,
int minArea,
int maxArea,
int nConsidered,
double hullPress,
bool bFindHoles,
bool bUseApproximation) {
// opencv will clober the image it detects contours on, so we want to
// copy it into a copy before we detect contours. That copy is allocated
// if necessary (necessary = (a) not allocated or (b) wrong size)
// so be careful if you pass in different sized images to "findContours"
// there is a performance penalty, but we think there is not a memory leak
// to worry about better to create mutiple contour finders for different
// sizes, ie, if you are finding contours in a 640x480 image but also a
// 320x240 image better to make two ContourFinder objects then to use
// one, because you will get penalized less.
if( inputCopy.width == 0 ) {
inputCopy.allocate( input.width, input.height );
inputCopy = input;
} else {
if( inputCopy.width == input.width && inputCopy.height == input.height )
inputCopy = input;
else {
// we are allocated, but to the wrong size --
// been checked for memory leaks, but a warning:
// be careful if you call this function with alot of different
// sized "input" images!, it does allocation every time
// a new size is passed in....
inputCopy.allocate( input.width, input.height );
inputCopy = input;
CvSeq* contour_list = NULL;
contour_storage = cvCreateMemStorage( 1000 );
storage = cvCreateMemStorage( 1000 );
CvContourRetrievalMode retrieve_mode
cvFindContours( inputCopy.getCvImage(), contour_storage, &contour_list,
sizeof(CvContour), retrieve_mode, bUseApproximation ? CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE : CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE );
CvSeq* contour_ptr = contour_list;
nCvSeqsFound = 0;
// put the contours from the linked list, into an array for sorting
while( (contour_ptr != NULL) ) {
CvBox2D box=cvMinAreaRect2(contour_ptr);
int objectId; // If the contour is an object, then objectId is its ID
objectId=(bTrackObjects)? templates->getTemplateId(box.size.width,box.size.height): -1;
if(objectId != -1 ) { //If the blob is a object
Blob blob = Blob(); = objectId;
blob.isObject = true;
float area = cvContourArea( contour_ptr, CV_WHOLE_SEQ );
cvMoments( contour_ptr, myMoments );
// this is if using non-angle bounding box
CvRect rect = cvBoundingRect( contour_ptr, 0 );
blob.boundingRect.x = rect.x;
blob.boundingRect.y = rect.y;
blob.boundingRect.width = rect.width;
blob.boundingRect.height = rect.height;
//For anglebounding rectangle
blob.angleBoundingRect.x =;
blob.angleBoundingRect.y =;
blob.angleBoundingRect.width = box.size.height;
blob.angleBoundingRect.height = box.size.width;
blob.angle = box.angle;
//TEMPORARY INITIALIZATION TO 0, Will be calculating afterwards.This is to prevent sending wrong data
blob.D.x = 0;
blob.D.y = 0;
blob.D.z = 0;
blob.maccel = 0;
// assign other parameters
blob.area = fabs(area);
blob.hole = area < 0 ? true : false;
blob.length = cvArcLength(contour_ptr);
blob.centroid.x = (myMoments->m10 / myMoments->m00);
blob.centroid.y = (myMoments->m01 / myMoments->m00);
blob.lastCentroid.x = 0;
blob.lastCentroid.y = 0;
// Get the depth value of the x,y co-ordinates in millimetres
blob.centroid.z = depth.getPixelDepth(blob.centroid.x,blob.centroid.y);
// get the points for the blob:
CvPoint pt;
CvSeqReader reader;
cvStartReadSeq( contour_ptr, &reader, 0 );
for( int j=0; j < contour_ptr->total; j++ ) {
CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( pt, reader );
blob.pts.push_back( ofPoint((float)pt.x, (float)pt.y) );
blob.nPts = blob.pts.size();
} else if(bTrackBlobs) { // SEARCH FOR BLOBS
float area = fabs( cvContourArea(contour_ptr, CV_WHOLE_SEQ) );
if( (area > minArea) && (area < maxArea) ) {
Blob blob=Blob();
float area = cvContourArea( contour_ptr, CV_WHOLE_SEQ );
cvMoments( contour_ptr, myMoments );
// this is if using non-angle bounding box
CvRect rect = cvBoundingRect( contour_ptr, 0 );
blob.boundingRect.x = rect.x;
blob.boundingRect.y = rect.y;
blob.boundingRect.width = rect.width;
blob.boundingRect.height = rect.height;
//Angle Bounding rectangle
blob.angleBoundingRect.x =;
blob.angleBoundingRect.y =;
blob.angleBoundingRect.width = box.size.height;
blob.angleBoundingRect.height = box.size.width;
blob.angle = box.angle;
// assign other parameters
blob.area = fabs(area);
blob.hole = area < 0 ? true : false;
blob.length = cvArcLength(contour_ptr);
// AlexP
// The cast to int causes errors in tracking since centroids are calculated in
// floats and they migh land between integer pixel values (which is what we really want)
// This not only makes tracking more accurate but also more fluid
blob.centroid.x = (myMoments->m10 / myMoments->m00);
blob.centroid.y = (myMoments->m01 / myMoments->m00);
blob.lastCentroid.x = 0;
blob.lastCentroid.y = 0;
// Get the depth value of the x,y co-ordinates in millimetres
//blob.centroid.z = depth.getPixelDepth(blob.centroid.x,blob.centroid.y);
//blob.centroid.z = depth.getPixelDepth(blob.centroid.x / 2, blob.centroid.y / 2);
//Average out the depth values in a 10x10 grid
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int z[10000];
int k = 0; //the index of the z array
int a[10000];
int l = 0; //the index of the a array
int zTemp = 0; //the temporary depth reading
for (i = (int) blob.centroid.x - 5; i < (int) blob.centroid.x + 5; i++) {
//check i's bounds
if (i > 0 && i <= camWidth) {
for (j = (int) blob.centroid.y - 5; j < (int) blob.centroid.y + 5; j++) {
//check j's bounds
if (j > 0 && j <= camHeight) {
zTemp = depth.getPixelDepth(i,j);
if (zTemp >= nearThreshold && zTemp <= farThreshold) {
// This is a valid depth value
z[k] = zTemp;
else {
// This is an invalid depth value
a[l] = zTemp;
int depthTotal = 0;
int depthAverage = 0;
for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
depthTotal = depthTotal + z[i];
depthAverage = depthTotal / (k + 1);
blob.centroid.z = depthAverage;
if (k > 0) {
// Some valid depth readings found!
cout << "x:" << (int) blob.centroid.x << " y:" << (int) blob.centroid.y << " depthAverage:" << depthAverage << " k:" << k << endl;
numDepthReadingsMade = k;
kinectDepthAverage = depthAverage;
if (k == 0) {
// No valid depth readings found
depthTotal = 0;
depthAverage = 0;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
depthTotal = depthTotal + a[i];
depthAverage = depthTotal / (l + 1);
cout << " x:" << (int) blob.centroid.x << " y:" << (int) blob.centroid.y << " depthAverage: " << depthAverage << " l:" << l << endl;
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