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Last active July 16, 2020 09:38
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.PHONY: default update check-fmt help build docker corpora fmt clippy clean clean-all test test-debug test-hfuzz test-afl test-libfuzzer test-nim-libfuzzer test-all
# User utils
default: build
@echo 'Management commands for eth2fuzz'
@echo 'Usage:'
@echo ' make build Compile the project.'
@echo ' make corpora Create an initial corpora.'
@echo ' make fmt Run Rust fmt.'
@echo ' make clean Clean only eth2fuzz binary.'
@echo ' make clean-all Clean all (eth2fuzz && compiled fuzz target harnesses).'
@echo ' make test Simple test to check if eth2fuzz is working.'
@echo ' make test-debug Test running a simple wasm to a debugging tool.'
@echo ' make test-{libfuzzer, hfuzz, afl} Test one fuzzing hardness over choosen fuzzer.'
@echo ' make test-all Test one fuzzing hardness over all fuzzers.'
@echo ' make test-continuously-{libfuzzer, hfuzz, afl} Test all fuzzing hardness over choosen fuzzer.'
@echo 'TODO - add other commands'
# Build the project locally
cargo +nightly build --release --out-dir=. -Z unstable-options
# Create an initial corpora
cd workspace/corpora/ && ./
# Developer utils
# Run Rust fmt to make code cleaner
cargo fmt --all
# Run Rust clippy to make code cleaner
cargo clippy --all
# Eth2fuzz
# Clean only eth2fuzz target
rm -rf target/
## Build all docker
docker-all: lighthouse lodestar nimbus prysm teku
## Fuzz all eth2 clients
fuzz-all: fuzz-lighthouse fuzz-lodestar fuzz-nimbus fuzz-prysm fuzz-teku
# Clean all (eth2fuzz && compiled fuzz target harnesses).
clean-all: clean clean-lighthouse clean-nimbus clean-prysm
rm -rf workspace/debug/target
# clean js - not needed
# clean java libfuzzer - TODO
# Lighthouse
## Fuzzing of lighthouse using docker.
docker build \
--file docker/lighthouse.Dockerfile \
-t eth2fuzz_lighthouse \
. \
@echo 'USAGE: docker run -v `pwd`/workspace:/eth2fuzz/workspace eth2fuzz_lighthouse list'
## Fuzz all lighthouse targets during 1 hour each
fuzz-lighthouse: lighthouse
docker run -v `pwd`/workspace:/eth2fuzz/workspace eth2fuzz_lighthouse continuously -q lighthouse -t 3600 -n 1
## Try to run each targets for 1 sec
for i in $(shell docker run -v `pwd`/workspace:/eth2fuzz/workspace eth2fuzz_lighthouse list); do \
docker run -v `pwd`/workspace:/eth2fuzz/workspace eth2fuzz_lighthouse target $$i -t 1; \
## clean compiled fuzzing targets
# clean lighthouse afl
rm -rf workspace/afl/target
# clean lighthouse hfuzz
rm -rf workspace/hfuzz/hfuzz_target
# clean lighthouse libfuzzer
rm -rf workspace/libfuzzer/fuzz/target
# Lodestar
## Fuzzing of lodestar using docker.
docker build \
--file docker/lodestar.Dockerfile \
-t eth2fuzz_lodestar \
. \
@echo 'USAGE: docker run -v `pwd`/workspace:/eth2fuzz/workspace eth2fuzz_lodestar list'
## Fuzz all lodestar targets during 1 hour each
fuzz-lodestar: lodestar
docker run -v `pwd`/workspace:/eth2fuzz/workspace eth2fuzz_lodestar continuously -q lodestar -t 3600
## Try to run each targets for 1 sec
for i in $(shell docker run -v `pwd`/workspace:/eth2fuzz/workspace eth2fuzz_lodestar list); do \
docker run -v `pwd`/workspace:/eth2fuzz/workspace eth2fuzz_lodestar target $$i -t 1; test $$? -eq 1; \
## Nothing to clean with lodestar since there
## is not compiled fuzzing targets
# Nimbus
## Fuzzing of nim-beacon-chain using docker.
docker build \
--file docker/nimbus.Dockerfile \
-t eth2fuzz_nimbus \
. \
@echo 'USAGE: docker run -v `pwd`/workspace:/eth2fuzz/workspace eth2fuzz_nimbus list'
## Fuzz all nimbus targets during 1 hour each
fuzz-nimbus: nimbus
docker run -v `pwd`/workspace:/eth2fuzz/workspace eth2fuzz_nimbus continuously -q nimbus -t 3600
## Try to run each targets for 1 sec
for i in $(shell docker run -v `pwd`/workspace:/eth2fuzz/workspace eth2fuzz_nimbus list); do \
docker run -v `pwd`/workspace:/eth2fuzz/workspace eth2fuzz_nimbus target $$i -t 1; \
## clean compiled fuzzing targets
for i in $(shell docker run -v `pwd`/workspace:/eth2fuzz/workspace eth2fuzz_nimbus list); do \
rm -rf workspace/nimlibfuzzer/$$i; \
# Prysm
## Fuzzing of prysm using docker.
docker build \
--file docker/prysm.Dockerfile \
-t eth2fuzz_prysm \
. \
@echo 'USAGE: docker run -v `pwd`/workspace:/eth2fuzz/workspace eth2fuzz_prysm list'
## Fuzz all prysm targets during 1 hour each
fuzz-prysm: prysm
docker run -v `pwd`/workspace:/eth2fuzz/workspace eth2fuzz_prysm continuously -q prysm -t 3600
## Try to run each targets for 1 sec
for i in $(shell docker run -v `pwd`/workspace:/eth2fuzz/workspace eth2fuzz_prysm list); do \
docker run -v `pwd`/workspace:/eth2fuzz/workspace eth2fuzz_prysm target $$i -t 1; \
## clean compiled fuzzing targets
# clean gofuzz libfuzzer
rm -rf workspace/gofuzz/*.libfuzzer
# Teku
## Fuzzing of teku using docker.
docker build \
--file docker/teku.Dockerfile \
-t eth2fuzz_teku \
. \
@echo 'USAGE: docker run -v `pwd`/workspace:/eth2fuzz/workspace eth2fuzz_teku list'
## Fuzz all teku targets during 1 hour each
fuzz-teku: teku
docker run -v `pwd`/workspace:/eth2fuzz/workspace eth2fuzz_teku continuously -q teku -t 3600
## Try to run each targets for 1 sec
for i in $(shell docker run -v `pwd`/workspace:/eth2fuzz/workspace eth2fuzz_teku list); do \
docker run -v `pwd`/workspace:/eth2fuzz/workspace eth2fuzz_teku target $$i -t 1; test $$? -eq 1; \
## clean compiled fuzzing targets
# clean javafuzz
rm -rf workspace/javafuzz/T*.class
# Testing utils
# Simple test to check if eth2fuzz is working.
test: build
./eth2fuzz list
# Test running a simple wasm to a debugging tool.
test-debug: build
./eth2fuzz debug lighthouse_attestation
./workspace/debug/target/debug/debug_lighthouse_attestation \
workspace/corpora/beaconstate/004a360e8f5b1d4a32c158c2c688fc4e.ssz \
# Run one fuzzing hardness over honggfuzz during 2s
test-hfuzz: build
./eth2fuzz target lighthouse_attestation -t 2
# Run one fuzzing hardness over afl during 2s
test-afl: build
./eth2fuzz target lighthouse_attestation --fuzzer afl -t 2
# Run one fuzzing hardness over libfuzzer during 2s
test-libfuzzer: build
./eth2fuzz target lighthouse_attestation --fuzzer libfuzzer -t 2
# Run one fuzzing hardness over nim-libfuzzer during 2s
test-nim-libfuzzer: build
./eth2fuzz target nimbus_enr --fuzzer NimLibfuzzer -t 2
# Run one fuzzing hardness over all fuzzer
test-all: test-hfuzz test-afl test-libfuzzer test-nim-libfuzzer
# Run all fuzzing hardness over honggfuzz
test-continuously-hfuzz: build
./eth2fuzz continuously -t 2 --fuzzer honggfuzz
# Run all fuzzing hardness over libfuzzer
test-continuously-libfuzzer: build
./eth2fuzz continuously -t 2 --fuzzer libfuzzer
# Run all fuzzing hardness over afl
test-continuously-afl: build
./eth2fuzz continuously -t 2 --fuzzer afl
# CI utils
# Check code style quickly by running `rustfmt` over all code
cargo fmt --all -- --check
# Check code quality by running `clippy` over all code
cargo clippy --all
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