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Sidebar for notes in autohotkey (work in progress)
gui_state = closed
Return ; end of autoexecute
if gui_state != closed
; If the GUI is already open, close it.
gui, Destroy
gui_state = closed
gui_state = main
GUI_ID := WinExist() ;; Handle to the GUI give the hndl code
Gui, Color, 000000, 282a2e ;1d1f21, 282a2e :Gui, Color [, WindowColor, ControlColor] ; 010109 WindowColor
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop -SysMenu +ToolWindow -caption +Border +hwndGUI_ID
Gui, Font, s11 cRed, Segoe UI
Gui, add, text, y400, NOTE/TODO/RAPPEL `r `r transcrire mémo mindfulness ter iphone ; si texte trop long, il dépasse plutot que de passer à la ligne suivante
;Gui, Add, Edit, R20 vMyEdit
;FileAppend, %MyEdit%, C:\Users\clement\Desktop\testfileappend.txt
;FileRead, FileContents, C:\Users\clement\Desktop\testfileappend.txt
;GuiControl,, MyEdit, %FileContents%
gui, add, button, x10 y200 h20 w70 vVariable1, namebutton
gui, add, button, x10 y550 h20 w170 vVariable2, namebutto
Gui, add, tab3, x10 y700,|a|b|c
IniRead, readed, %A_ScriptDir%\noteTEST.ini, Section 1
IniRead, readed2, %A_ScriptDir%\noteTEST.ini, Section 2
;FileRead, readed, C:\Users\clement\Desktop\testfileappend.txt
GuiControl,, namebutton, % readed
GuiControl,, namebutto, % readed2
Gui, Show, hide w400 h1037 x1518 y0, guinote ; h1078
DllCall("AnimateWindow","UInt",GUI_ID,"Int",70,"UInt", "0x20002") ; duration 70
WinSet, Transparent, 200, guinote ; 255 opaque -- 0 Transparent
; seems not necessary
Return DllCall("AnimateWindow","UInt",hWnd,"Int",Duration,"UInt",Flag)
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