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Last active May 15, 2017 06:03
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function id(callable $fn) {
if (is_string($fn)) {
return "function_$fn";
} elseif (is_array($fn)) {
return "method_{$fn[0]}::{$fn[1]}";
} elseif ($fn instanceof \Closure) {
return "closure_".spl_object_hash($fn);
function arity(callable $fn): int {
static $reflected = [];
$id = id($fn);
if (array_key_exists($id, $reflected)) {
return $reflected[$id]->getNumberOfParameters();
if (is_string($fn) || $fn instanceof Closure) {
$reflected[$id] = new ReflectionFunction($fn);
} elseif (is_array($fn)) {
$reflected[$id] = new ReflectionMethod(...$fn);
} else {
return -1;
return $reflected[$id]->getNumberOfParameters();
function callRight(callable $fn, ...$curry) {
if (count($curry) === arity($fn)) {
return $fn(...$curry);
} else {
return function (...$args) use ($fn, $curry) {
$args = array_merge($args, $curry);
if (count($args) === arity($fn)) {
return $fn(...$args);
return call($fn, ...$args);
function call(callable $fn, ...$curry) {
if (count($curry) === arity($fn)) {
return $fn(...$curry);
} else {
return function (...$args) use ($fn, $curry) {
$args = array_merge($curry, $args);
if (count($args) === arity($fn)) {
return $fn(...$args);
return call($fn, ...$args);
function apply(callable $fn, array $curry) {
return call($fn, ...$curry);
function applyRight(callable $fn, array $curry) {
return callRight($fn, ...$curry);
function unary(callable $fn): callable {
return function ($_) use ($fn) {
return $fn($_);
function binary(callable $fn): callable {
return function ($_1, $_2) use ($fn) {
return $fn($_1, $_2);
function _column(array $ary, string $columnKey) {
return array_column($ary, $columnKey);
function pluck(...$args): callable {
return apply(binary('array_column'), $args);
function pluckWith(...$args): callable {
return applyRight(binary('array_column'), $args);
function _array_filter_with_key_passed(array $ary, callable $fn) {
return array_filter($ary, $fn, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_BOTH);
function filter(array $ary) {
return call('_array_filter_with_key_passed', $ary);
function filterWith(callable $fn) {
return callRight('_array_filter_with_key_passed', $fn);
function map(array $ary) {
return callRight('array_map', $ary);
function mapWith(callable $fn) {
return call('array_map', $fn);
function getWith($property): callable {
return unary(function ($object) use ($property) {
return $object->{$property} ?? null;
function getWithKey($key): callable {
return unary(function (array $item) use ($key) {
return $item[$key] ?? null;
function isNot(callable $predicate): callable {
return function ($value) use ($predicate): bool {
return !$predicate($value);
function ofType($type) {
return function ($value) use ($type): bool {
$fn = "is_{$type}";
return $fn($value);
function equalTo($predicate): callable {
return function ($value) use ($predicate): bool {
return $value === $predicate;
function is(callable $predicate): callable {
return $predicate;
function _send($object, string $method, ...$args) {
return $object->{$method}(...$args);
function send($method, ...$args) {
return callRight('_send', $method, ...$args);
function sendWith($object) {
return call('_send', $object);
function maybe($fn): callable {
return function ($value) use ($fn) {
return $value === null
? $value
: $fn($value);
function valueOf($value): callable {
return is_callable($value)
? $value
: function () use ($value) { return $value; };
function sequence(...$predicates): callable {
return function () use ($predicates) {
$returnValue = null;
while ($predicate = array_shift($predicates)) {
$returnValue = $predicate($returnValue);
return $returnValue;
function sequenceNow(...$predicates) {
return sequence(...$predicates)();
function compose(...$predicates) {
return function () use ($predicates) {
$returnValue = null;
while ($predicate = array_pop($predicates)) {
$returnValue = $predicate($returnValue);
return $returnValue;
function composeNow(...$predicates) {
return compose(...$predicates)();
function hello($first, $last) {
return "Hi $first $last!";
var_dump(call("hello", "Christoph", "Hochstrasser"));
$hello = call("hello", "Christoph");
$l = ["foo", "bar", "baz"];
$mapUpper = call('array_map', unary('strtoupper'));
$users = [
'first' => 'Max',
'last' => 'Mustermann',
'first' => 'Susi',
'last' => 'Mustermann',
'first' => 'Joe',
'last' => 'Johnson',
'first' => 'Carl',
'last' => 'Carlson',
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