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Created April 18, 2018 08:39
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An array with distributed storage, in Swift.
// SegmentedArray.swift
// NodeCollections
// Created by Daryle Walker on 4/15/18.
// Copyright © 2018 Daryle Walker. All rights reserved.
// MARK: Globals
/// The maximum number of elements per segment.
let globalMaxElementsPerSegment = 128
// MARK: Primary Definition
/// An array that should have its elements in segments, to gain the memory advantages of linked lists.
public struct SegmentedArray<Element>: ExpressibleByArrayLiteral {
/// The count of elements typically in a segment.
public static var maxElementsPerSegment: Int { return globalMaxElementsPerSegment }
/// A block of contigous elements.
typealias Block = ContiguousArray<Element>
/// Storage for multiple blocks.
typealias SuperBlock = [Block]
/// The storage: possibly-sparse array of contiguous arrays.
var blocks: SuperBlock
public init(arrayLiteral elements: Element...) {
let meps = SegmentedArray.maxElementsPerSegment
let elementCount = elements.count
let (blockCount, stragglerCount) = elementCount.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: meps)
blocks = SuperBlock()
blocks.reserveCapacity(blockCount + stragglerCount.signum())
for i in 0..<blockCount {
var newBlock = Block()
newBlock.append(contentsOf: elements[(i * meps)..<((i + 1) * meps)])
if stragglerCount > 0 {
var lastBlock = Block()
lastBlock.append(contentsOf: elements[(blockCount * meps)...])
// MARK: - Descriptions
extension SegmentedArray: CustomStringConvertible {
/// Generate a string representation for the collection, possibly going deep for per-element descriptions.
func normalOutput(useDebugOutput: Bool) -> String {
let elementConversion: (Element) -> String = useDebugOutput ? String.init(reflecting:) : String.init(describing:)
return "[\( { $ ", ") }.joined(separator: ", "))]"
public var description: String {
return normalOutput(useDebugOutput: true)
extension SegmentedArray: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
/// Generate debugging data for the collection, and possibly its elements.
func debuggingOutput(goingDeep: Bool) -> String {
let elementConversion: (Element) -> String = goingDeep ? String.init(reflecting:) : String.init(describing:)
var blockDescriptions = [String]()
for b in blocks {
let elementDescriptions = ", ")
let reserved = Swift.max(0, Swift.min(b.capacity, SegmentedArray.maxElementsPerSegment) - b.count)
let blockDescription: String
if reserved > 0 {
let reservedDescription = "(\(reserved) element(s) reserved)"
blockDescription = [elementDescriptions, reservedDescription].joined(separator: " ")
} else {
blockDescription = elementDescriptions
let blocksReserved = Swift.max(0, blocks.capacity - blocks.count)
if blocksReserved > 0 {
let reservedDescription = "(\(blocksReserved) block(s) reserved)"
return "[\([blockDescriptions.joined(separator: "; "), reservedDescription].joined(separator: " "))]"
} else {
return "[\(blockDescriptions.joined(separator: "; "))]"
public var debugDescription: String {
return debuggingOutput(goingDeep: false)
// MARK: Collection
extension SegmentedArray: BidirectionalCollection, MutableCollection, RangeReplaceableCollection {
public struct Index: Comparable, Hashable {
/// Points to the block of the target element
let major: SuperBlock.Index
/// Points to the element within the target block
let minor: Block.Index
public static func < (lhs: SegmentedArray<Element>.Index, rhs: SegmentedArray<Element>.Index) -> Bool {
return (lhs.major, lhs.minor) < (rhs.major, rhs.minor)
public var startIndex: Index {
guard !blocks.isEmpty else { return Index(major: 0, minor: 0) }
return Index(major: blocks.startIndex, minor: blocks.first!.startIndex)
public var endIndex: Index {
guard !blocks.isEmpty else { return Index(major: 0, minor: 0) }
return Index(major: blocks.indices.last!, minor: blocks.last!.endIndex)
public subscript(position: Index) -> Element {
get { return blocks[position.major][position.minor] }
set { blocks[position.major][position.minor] = newValue }
public func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
var majorI = i.major
var minorI = i.minor
blocks[majorI].formIndex(after: &minorI)
if minorI == blocks[majorI].endIndex, majorI < blocks.indices.last! {
blocks.formIndex(after: &majorI)
minorI = blocks[majorI].startIndex
return Index(major: majorI, minor: minorI)
public func index(before i: Index) -> Index {
var majorI = i.major
var minorI = i.minor
if minorI == blocks[majorI].startIndex {
blocks.formIndex(before: &majorI)
minorI = blocks[majorI].endIndex
blocks[majorI].formIndex(before: &minorI)
return Index(major: majorI, minor: minorI)
public init() {
self = []
public mutating func replaceSubrange<C: Collection>(_ subrange: Range<Index>, with newElements: C) where C.Element == Element {
let offset = distance(from: startIndex, to: subrange.lowerBound)
insert(contentsOf: newElements, at: index(startIndex, offsetBy: offset))
// MARK: Optimized Members
public var underestimatedCount: Int { return blocks.first?.count ?? 0 }
public var count: Int { return { $0.count }.reduce(0, +) }
public func distance(from start: Index, to end: Index) -> Int {
// Prevent an illegal dereference from the second guard.
guard start != startIndex || end != endIndex else { return count }
// The third guard and the main code can't handle this.
guard start.major != end.major else { return blocks[start.major].distance(from: start.minor, to: end.minor) }
// Don't bother with reversal calculations in the main code.
guard start.major < end.major else { return -distance(from: end, to: start) }
return blocks[start.major].distance(from: start.minor, to: blocks[start.major].endIndex) + blocks[blocks.index(after: start.major) ..< end.major].map({ $0.count }).reduce(0, +) + blocks[end.major].distance(from: blocks[end.major].startIndex, to: end.minor)
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int, limitedBy limit: Index) -> Index? {
guard n != 0 else { return i }
var runningMinor = i.minor
var runningOffset = n
if n > 0 {
guard limit >= i else { return index(i, offsetBy: n) }
for bi in blocks.indices[i.major...] {
let nextBlockIndex = blocks.index(after: bi)
let limitMinor = (bi == limit.major) ? limit.minor : blocks[bi].endIndex
if let resultMinor = blocks[bi].index(runningMinor, offsetBy: runningOffset, limitedBy: limitMinor) {
if resultMinor == blocks[bi].endIndex, nextBlockIndex < blocks.endIndex {
return Index(major: nextBlockIndex, minor: blocks[nextBlockIndex].startIndex)
} else {
return Index(major: bi, minor: resultMinor)
} else if bi == limit.major {
return nil
} else {
runningOffset -= blocks[bi].distance(from: runningMinor, to: limitMinor)
runningMinor = blocks[nextBlockIndex].startIndex
} else {
guard limit <= i else { return index(i, offsetBy: n) }
for bi in blocks.indices[...i.major].reversed() {
let limitMinor = (bi == limit.major) ? limit.minor : blocks[bi].startIndex
if let resultMinor = blocks[bi].index(runningMinor, offsetBy: runningOffset, limitedBy: limitMinor) {
return Index(major: bi, minor: resultMinor)
} else if bi == limit.major {
return nil
} else {
runningOffset -= blocks[bi].distance(from: runningMinor, to: limitMinor)
runningMinor = blocks[blocks.index(before: bi)].endIndex
preconditionFailure("The block with the limiting index was never encountered")
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
guard n != 0 else { return i }
if n > 0 {
return index(i, offsetBy: n, limitedBy: endIndex)!
} else {
return index(i, offsetBy: n, limitedBy: startIndex)!
public mutating func append(_ newElement: Element) {
let meps = SegmentedArray.maxElementsPerSegment
if (blocks.last?.count ?? Int.max) >= meps {
var newBlock = Block()
blocks[blocks.index(before: blocks.endIndex)].append(newElement)
public mutating func insert(_ newElement: Element, at i: Index) {
insert(contentsOf: CollectionOfOne(newElement), at: i)
public mutating func insert<C: Collection>(contentsOf newElements: C, at i: Index) where C.Element == Element {
guard !newElements.isEmpty else { return }
guard i != endIndex else { return append(contentsOf: newElements) }
// Fill in spaces around the insertion point with new elements before using new blocks.
var nextBlockIndex: SuperBlock.Index
let meps = SegmentedArray.maxElementsPerSegment
var newIterator = newElements.makeIterator()
var firstBlockSuffix = Block()
if i == startIndex {
// Like the else block very below, but without risking dereferencing startIndex while empty.
nextBlockIndex = blocks.startIndex
} else if i.minor > blocks[i.major].startIndex {
// Break off elements past the insertion point, turning insertions...
firstBlockSuffix[...] = blocks[i.major][i.minor...]
// ...into local appends.
while blocks[i.major].count < meps, let next = {
nextBlockIndex = blocks.index(after: i.major)
} else if let previousBlockIndex = blocks.index(i.major, offsetBy: -1, limitedBy: blocks.startIndex) {
// Can't fill in forward, but let's try locally appending backwards.
while blocks[previousBlockIndex].count < meps, let next = {
nextBlockIndex = i.major
} else {
// No wiggle room.
nextBlockIndex = i.major
// Put the remaining new elements into new blocks.
var newestBlock: Block? = nil
while let next = {
if case .none = newestBlock {
newestBlock = Block()
if newestBlock!.count >= meps {
blocks.insert(newestBlock!, at: nextBlockIndex)
blocks.formIndex(after: &nextBlockIndex)
newestBlock = nil
// Insert the incomplete block of new elements.
if let lastNewBlock = newestBlock, !lastNewBlock.isEmpty {
blocks.insert(lastNewBlock, at: nextBlockIndex)
blocks.formIndex(after: &nextBlockIndex)
newestBlock = nil
// Re-insert the broken-off elements.
while blocks[blocks.index(before: nextBlockIndex)].count < meps, !firstBlockSuffix.isEmpty {
blocks[blocks.index(before: nextBlockIndex)].append(firstBlockSuffix.removeFirst())
if !firstBlockSuffix.isEmpty {
if nextBlockIndex == blocks.endIndex {
let transferCount = Swift.max(0, Swift.min(firstBlockSuffix.count, meps - blocks[nextBlockIndex].count))
blocks[nextBlockIndex].insert(contentsOf: firstBlockSuffix.suffix(transferCount), at: blocks[nextBlockIndex].startIndex)
if !firstBlockSuffix.isEmpty {
blocks.insert(firstBlockSuffix, at: nextBlockIndex)
public mutating func remove(at position: Index) -> Element {
defer { removeSubrange(position ..< index(after: position)) }
return self[position]
public mutating func removeSubrange(_ bounds: Range<Index>) {
switch (bounds.lowerBound == startIndex, bounds.upperBound == endIndex) {
case (true, true):
// Remove everything.
blocks.removeAll(keepingCapacity: true)
case (true, false):
// Remove prefix.
case (false, true):
// Remove suffix.
if bounds.lowerBound.minor == blocks[bounds.lowerBound.major].startIndex {
} else {
blocks.removeSubrange(blocks.index(after: bounds.lowerBound.major)...)
case (false, false):
// Remove in the middle.
if bounds.lowerBound.major == bounds.upperBound.major {
// Remove in a single block.
blocks[bounds.lowerBound.major].removeSubrange(bounds.lowerBound.minor ..< bounds.upperBound.minor)
} else {
// Remove the suffix of the last prefix block and the prefix of the first suffix block.
// Remove the intermediate blocks.
switch (blocks[bounds.lowerBound.major].isEmpty, blocks[bounds.upperBound.major].isEmpty) {
case (false, false):
blocks.removeSubrange(blocks.index(after: bounds.lowerBound.major) ..< bounds.upperBound.major)
case (false, true):
blocks.removeSubrange(blocks.index(after: bounds.lowerBound.major) ... bounds.upperBound.major)
case (true, false):
blocks.removeSubrange(bounds.lowerBound.major ..< bounds.upperBound.major)
case (true, true):
blocks.removeSubrange(bounds.lowerBound.major ... bounds.upperBound.major)
// MARK: Equality
extension SegmentedArray: Equatable where Element: Equatable {
public static func == (lhs: SegmentedArray, rhs: SegmentedArray) -> Bool {
return lhs.elementsEqual(rhs)
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