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Last active April 16, 2021 15:49
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type IPixVis = {}
type ISensor = {}
local CLIENT = true
local SERVER = true
local MENU = true
type IBfRead = {}
type IWeapon = {}
type IVehicle = {}
type IVector = {}
type IMatrix = {}
type ITool = {}
type ITask = {}
type ISurfaceInfo = {}
type IStack = {}
type ISchedule = {}
type IProjectedTexture = {}
type IPlayer = {}
type IPhysObj = {}
type IPhysCollide = {}
type IPathFollower = {}
type IPanel = {}
type INextBot = {}
type INPC = {}
type IMarkupObject = {}
type IVideoWriter = {}
type ITexture = {}
type ISave = {}
type IRestore = {}
type IMesh = {}
type IMaterial = {}
type IGModAudioChannel = {}
type IFile = {}
type IEntity = {}
type IConVar = {}
type IColor = {}
type IUserCmd = {}
type ITakeDamageInfo = {}
type ISoundPatch = {}
type IEntity = {}
type IRecipientFilter = {}
type INewParticleEffect = {}
type INavLadder = {}
type INavArea = {}
type IMoveData = {}
type ILuaParticle = {}
type ILuaLocomotion = {}
type ILuaEmitter = {}
type IEffectData = {}
type IAngle = {}
if CLIENT then
type IBfRead.@MetaTable = IBfRead
type IBfRead.@Name = "IBfRead"
type IBfRead.__index = IBfRead
--[[ Rewinds the bitstream so it can be read again. ]]
type IBfRead.Reset = (function(IBfRead): nil)
--[[ Reads a special encoded vector normal from the bitstream and returns it, this function is not suitable to send vectors that represent a position. ]]
type IBfRead.ReadVectorNormal = (function(IBfRead): IVector)
--[[ Reads a special encoded vector from the bitstream and returns it, this function is not suitable to send normals. ]]
type IBfRead.ReadVector = (function(IBfRead): IVector)
--[[ Reads a null terminated string from the bitstream. ]]
type IBfRead.ReadString = (function(IBfRead): string)
--[[ Reads a 2 byte short from the bitstream and returns it. ]]
type IBfRead.ReadShort = (function(IBfRead): number)
--[[ Reads a 4 byte long from the bitstream and returns it. ]]
type IBfRead.ReadLong = (function(IBfRead): number)
--[[ Reads a 4 byte float from the bitstream and returns it. ]]
type IBfRead.ReadFloat = (function(IBfRead): number)
--[[ Reads a short representing an entity index and returns the matching entity handle. ]]
type IBfRead.ReadEntity = (function(IBfRead): IEntity)
--[[ Reads a signed char and returns a number from -127 to 127 representing the ascii value of that char. ]]
type IBfRead.ReadChar = (function(IBfRead): number)
--[[ Reads 1 bit an returns a bool representing the bit. ]]
type IBfRead.ReadBool = (function(IBfRead): boolean)
--[[ Reads an returns an angle object from the bitstream. ]]
type IBfRead.ReadAngle = (function(IBfRead): IAngle)
type IBfRead.@Contract = IBfRead
type IWeapon.@MetaTable = IWeapon
type IWeapon.@Name = "IWeapon"
type IWeapon.__index = IWeapon
if CLIENT or SERVER then
--[[ Sets when the weapon can alt-fire again. Time should be based on [CurTime](/gmod/Global.CurTime). ]]
type IWeapon.SetNextSecondaryFire = (function(IWeapon, time: number): nil)
--[[ Sets when the weapon can fire again. Time should be based on [CurTime](/gmod/Global.CurTime). ]]
type IWeapon.SetNextPrimaryFire = (function(IWeapon, time: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the time since this weapon last fired in seconds. Used in conjunction with [Weapon:LastShootTime](/gmod/Weapon:LastShootTime) ]]
type IWeapon.SetLastShootTime = (function(IWeapon, time: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the hold type of the weapon. This function also calls [WEAPON:SetWeaponHoldType](/gmod/WEAPON:SetWeaponHoldType) and properly networks it to all clients. ]]
type IWeapon.SetHoldType = (function(IWeapon, name: string): nil)
--[[ Lets you change the number of bullets in the given weapons secondary clip. ]]
type IWeapon.SetClip2 = (function(IWeapon, ammo: number): nil)
--[[ Lets you change the number of bullets in the given weapons primary clip. ]]
type IWeapon.SetClip1 = (function(IWeapon, ammo: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the activity the weapon is playing.
See also [Weapon:GetActivity](/gmod/Weapon:GetActivity). ]]
type IWeapon.SetActivity = (function(IWeapon, act: number): nil)
--[[ Forces weapon to play activity/animation. ]]
type IWeapon.SendWeaponAnim = (function(IWeapon, act: number): nil)
--[[ Returns the time since this weapon last fired a bullet with [Entity:FireBullets](/gmod/Entity:FireBullets) in seconds. It is not networked. ]]
type IWeapon.LastShootTime = (function(IWeapon): number)
--[[ Returns whether the weapon is visible. The term visibility is not exactly what gets checked here, first it checks if the owner is a player, then checks if the active view model has EF_NODRAW flag NOT set. ]]
type IWeapon.IsWeaponVisible = (function(IWeapon): boolean)
--[[ Checks if the weapon is a SWEP or a built-in weapon. ]]
type IWeapon.IsScripted = (function(IWeapon): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the weapon has ammo left or not. It will return false when there's no ammo left in the magazine **and** when there's no reserve ammo left. ]]
type IWeapon.HasAmmo = (function(IWeapon): boolean)
--[[ Returns the "weight" of the weapon, which is used when deciding which [Weapon](/gmod/Weapon) is better by the engine. ]]
type IWeapon.GetWeight = (function(IWeapon): number)
--[[ Returns the world model of the weapon. ]]
type IWeapon.GetWeaponWorldModel = (function(IWeapon): string)
--[[ Returns the view model of the weapon. ]]
type IWeapon.GetWeaponViewModel = (function(IWeapon): string)
--[[ Returns slot position of the weapon ]]
type IWeapon.GetSlotPos = (function(IWeapon): number)
--[[ Returns the slot of the weapon. ]]
type IWeapon.GetSlot = (function(IWeapon): number)
--[[ Gets the ammo type of the given weapons secondary fire. ]]
type IWeapon.GetSecondaryAmmoType = (function(IWeapon): number)
--[[ Returns the non-internal name of the weapon, that should be for displaying. ]]
type IWeapon.GetPrintName = (function(IWeapon): string)
--[[ Gets the primary ammo type of the given weapon. ]]
type IWeapon.GetPrimaryAmmoType = (function(IWeapon): number)
--[[ Gets the next time the weapon can secondary fire. ( Can call [WEAPON:SecondaryAttack](/gmod/WEAPON:SecondaryAttack) ) ]]
type IWeapon.GetNextSecondaryFire = (function(IWeapon): number)
--[[ Gets the next time the weapon can primary fire. ( Can call [WEAPON:PrimaryAttack](/gmod/WEAPON:PrimaryAttack) ) ]]
type IWeapon.GetNextPrimaryFire = (function(IWeapon): number)
--[[ Returns maximum secondary clip size ]]
type IWeapon.GetMaxClip2 = (function(IWeapon): number)
--[[ Returns maximum primary clip size ]]
type IWeapon.GetMaxClip1 = (function(IWeapon): number)
--[[ Returns the hold type of the weapon. ]]
type IWeapon.GetHoldType = (function(IWeapon): string)
--[[ Returns the sequence enumeration number that the weapon is playing. ]]
type IWeapon.GetActivity = (function(IWeapon): number)
--[[ Forces the weapon to reload while playing given animation. ]]
type IWeapon.DefaultReload = (function(IWeapon, act: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns how much secondary ammo is in the magazine. ]]
type IWeapon.Clip2 = (function(IWeapon): number)
--[[ Returns how much primary ammo is in the magazine. ]]
type IWeapon.Clip1 = (function(IWeapon): number)
--[[ Calls a SWEP function on client. ]]
type IWeapon.CallOnClient = (function(IWeapon, functionName: string, arguments: string): nil)
--[[ Returns whether the weapon allows to being switched to when a better ( [Weapon:GetWeight](/gmod/Weapon:GetWeight) ) weapon is being picked up. ]]
type IWeapon.AllowsAutoSwitchTo = (function(IWeapon): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the weapon allows to being switched from when a better ( [Weapon:GetWeight](/gmod/Weapon:GetWeight) ) weapon is being picked up. ]]
type IWeapon.AllowsAutoSwitchFrom = (function(IWeapon): boolean)
if CLIENT then
--[[ Returns whenever the weapon is carried by the local player. ]]
type IWeapon.IsCarriedByLocalPlayer = (function(IWeapon): boolean)
type IWeapon.@Contract = IWeapon
type IVehicle.@MetaTable = IVehicle
type IVehicle.@Name = "IVehicle"
type IVehicle.__index = IVehicle
if SERVER then
--[[ Starts or stops the engine. ]]
type IVehicle.StartEngine = (function(IVehicle, start: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets friction of given wheel. This function may be broken. ]]
type IVehicle.SetWheelFriction = (function(IVehicle, wheel: number, friction: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the vehicle parameters for given vehicle. ]]
type IVehicle.SetVehicleParams = (function(IVehicle, params: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Sets whether the entry or exit camera animation should be played or not. ]]
type IVehicle.SetVehicleEntryAnim = (function(IVehicle, bOn: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the throttle of the vehicle. It is possible that this function does not work with a valid driver in it. ]]
type IVehicle.SetThrottle = (function(IVehicle, throttle: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the maximum steering degrees of the vehicle ]]
type IVehicle.SetSteeringDegrees = (function(IVehicle, steeringDegrees: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the steering of the vehicle. ]]
type IVehicle.SetSteering = (function(IVehicle, front: number, rear: number): nil)
--[[ Sets spring length of given wheel ]]
type IVehicle.SetSpringLength = (function(IVehicle, wheel: number, length: number): nil)
--[[ Sets maximum forward throttle ]]
type IVehicle.SetMaxThrottle = (function(IVehicle, maxThrottle: number): nil)
--[[ Sets maximum reverse throttle ]]
type IVehicle.SetMaxReverseThrottle = (function(IVehicle, maxRevThrottle: number): nil)
--[[ Sets whether this vehicle has a brake pedal. ]]
type IVehicle.SetHasBrakePedal = (function(IVehicle, brakePedal: boolean): nil)
--[[ Turns on or off the Jeep handbrake so it can roll without a driver inside.
Does nothing while the vehicle has a driver in it. ]]
type IVehicle.SetHandbrake = (function(IVehicle, handbrake: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the boost. It is possible that this function does not work while the vehicle has a valid driver in it. ]]
type IVehicle.SetBoost = (function(IVehicle, boost: number): nil)
--[[ Releases the vehicle's handbrake (Jeep) so it can roll without any passengers.
This will be overwritten if the vehicle has a driver. Same as [Vehicle:SetHandbrake](/gmod/Vehicle:SetHandbrake)( false ) ]]
type IVehicle.ReleaseHandbrake = (function(IVehicle): nil)
--[[ Returns whether this vehicle's engine is underwater or not. ( Internally the attachment point "engine" or "vehicle_engine" is checked ) ]]
type IVehicle.IsVehicleBodyInWater = (function(IVehicle): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the engine is started or not. ]]
type IVehicle.IsEngineStarted = (function(IVehicle): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the engine is enabled or not, i.e. whether it can be started. ]]
type IVehicle.IsEngineEnabled = (function(IVehicle): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether this vehicle is currently boosting or not. ]]
type IVehicle.IsBoosting = (function(IVehicle): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether this vehicle has a brake pedal. See [Vehicle:SetHasBrakePedal](/gmod/Vehicle:SetHasBrakePedal). ]]
type IVehicle.HasBrakePedal = (function(IVehicle): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether this vehicle has boost at all. ]]
type IVehicle.HasBoost = (function(IVehicle): boolean)
--[[ Returns the total wheel height. ]]
type IVehicle.GetWheelTotalHeight = (function(IVehicle, wheel: number): number)
--[[ Returns the wheel count of the vehicle ]]
type IVehicle.GetWheelCount = (function(IVehicle): number)
--[[ Returns the wheel contact point. ]]
type IVehicle.GetWheelContactPoint = (function(IVehicle, wheel: number): IVector, number, boolean)
--[[ Returns the base wheel height. ]]
type IVehicle.GetWheelBaseHeight = (function(IVehicle, wheel: number): number)
--[[ Returns the [PhysObj](/gmod/PhysObj) of given wheel. ]]
type IVehicle.GetWheel = (function(IVehicle, wheel: number): IPhysObj)
--[[ Returns the vehicle parameters of given vehicle. ]]
type IVehicle.GetVehicleParams = (function(IVehicle): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the current throttle of the vehicle. ]]
type IVehicle.GetThrottle = (function(IVehicle): number)
--[[ Returns the maximum steering degree of the vehicle ]]
type IVehicle.GetSteeringDegrees = (function(IVehicle): number)
--[[ Returns the current steering of the vehicle. ]]
type IVehicle.GetSteering = (function(IVehicle): number)
--[[ Returns the current speed of the vehicle in MPH. ]]
type IVehicle.GetSpeed = (function(IVehicle): number)
--[[ Returns the current RPM of the vehicle. This value is fake and doesn't actually affect the vehicle movement. ]]
type IVehicle.GetRPM = (function(IVehicle): number)
--[[ Returns the seat position and angle of a given passenger seat. ]]
type IVehicle.GetPassengerSeatPoint = (function(IVehicle, role: number): IVector, IAngle)
--[[ Returns some info about the vehicle. ]]
type IVehicle.GetOperatingParams = (function(IVehicle): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the max speed of the vehicle in MPH. ]]
type IVehicle.GetMaxSpeed = (function(IVehicle): number)
--[[ Returns the current speed of the vehicle in Half-Life Hammer Units (in/s). Same as [Entity:GetVelocity](/gmod/Entity:GetVelocity) + [Vector:Length](/gmod/Vector:Length). ]]
type IVehicle.GetHLSpeed = (function(IVehicle): number)
--[[ Sets whether the engine is enabled or disabled, i.e. can be started or not. ]]
type IVehicle.EnableEngine = (function(IVehicle, enable: boolean): nil)
--[[ Tries to find an Exit Point for leaving vehicle, if one is unobstructed in the direction given. ]]
type IVehicle.CheckExitPoint = (function(IVehicle, yaw: number, distance: number): IVector)
--[[ Returns the remaining boosting time left. ]]
type IVehicle.BoostTimeLeft = (function(IVehicle): number)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
--[[ Sets the vehicle class name. ]]
type IVehicle.SetVehicleClass = (function(IVehicle, class: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the third person mode state. ]]
type IVehicle.SetThirdPersonMode = (function(IVehicle, enable: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the third person camera distance of the vehicle. ]]
type IVehicle.SetCameraDistance = (function(IVehicle, distance: number): nil)
--[[ Returns true if the vehicle object is a valid or not. This will return false when [Vehicle](/gmod/Vehicle) functions are not usable on the vehicle. ]]
type IVehicle.IsValidVehicle = (function(IVehicle): boolean)
--[[ Returns the view position and forward angle of a given passenger seat. ]]
type IVehicle.GetVehicleViewPosition = (function(IVehicle, role: number): IVector, IAngle, number)
--[[ Returns the vehicle class name. This is only useful for Sandbox spawned vehicles or any vehicle that properly sets the vehicle class with [Vehicle:SetVehicleClass](/gmod/Vehicle:SetVehicleClass). ]]
type IVehicle.GetVehicleClass = (function(IVehicle): string)
--[[ Returns if vehicle has thirdperson mode enabled or not. ]]
type IVehicle.GetThirdPersonMode = (function(IVehicle): boolean)
--[[ Gets the passenger of the vehicle, returns NULL if no drivers is present. ]]
type IVehicle.GetPassenger = (function(IVehicle, passenger: number): IEntity)
--[[ Gets the driver of the vehicle, returns `NULL` if no driver is present. ]]
type IVehicle.GetDriver = (function(IVehicle): IEntity)
--[[ Returns third person camera distance. ]]
type IVehicle.GetCameraDistance = (function(IVehicle): number)
if CLIENT then
--[[ Returns information about the ammo of the vehicle ]]
type IVehicle.GetAmmo = (function(IVehicle): number, number, number)
type IVehicle.@Contract = IVehicle
type IVector.@MetaTable = IVector
type IVector.@Name = "IVector"
type IVector.__index = IVector
type IVector.x = number
type IVector.y = number
type IVector.z = number
type IVector.X = number
type IVector.Y = number
type IVector.Z = number
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type IVector.__sub = (function(IVector, IVector): IVector)
type IVector.__mul = (function(IVector, IVector): IVector)
type IVector.__div = (function(IVector, IVector): IVector)
type IVector.__add = (function(IVector, IVector): IVector)
--[[ Sets x, y and z to 0. ]]
type IVector.Zero = (function(IVector): nil)
--[[ Returns whenever the given vector is in a box created by the 2 other vectors. ]]
type IVector.WithinAABox = (function(IVector, boxStart: IVector, boxEnd: IVector): boolean)
--[[ Returns the x, y, and z of the vector. ]]
type IVector.Unpack = (function(IVector): number, number, number)
--[[ Returns the vector as a table with three elements. ]]
type IVector.ToTable = (function(IVector): {[any] = any})
--[[ Translates the [Vector](/gmod/Vector) (values ranging from 0 to 1) into a [Color](/gmod/Color). This will also range the values from 0 - 1 to 0 - 255.
x * 255 -> r
y * 255 -> g
z * 255 -> b
This is the opposite of [Color:ToVector](/gmod/Color:ToVector) ]]
type IVector.ToColor = (function(IVector): {[any] = any})
--[[ Substracts the values of the second vector from the orignal vector, this function can be used to avoid garbage collection. ]]
type IVector.Sub = (function(IVector, vector: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the x, y, and z of the vector. ]]
type IVector.SetUnpacked = (function(IVector, x: number, y: number, z: number): nil)
--[[ Copies the values from the second vector to the first vector. ]]
type IVector.Set = (function(IVector, vector: IVector): nil)
--[[ Rotates a vector by the given angle.
Doesn't return anything, but rather changes the original vector. ]]
type IVector.Rotate = (function(IVector, rotation: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Normalizes the given vector. This changes the vector you call it on, if you want to return a normalized copy without affecting the original, use [Vector:GetNormalized](/gmod/Vector:GetNormalized). ]]
type IVector.Normalize = (function(IVector): nil)
--[[ Scales the vector by the given number (that means x, y and z are multiplied by that value) or Vector. ]]
type IVector.Mul = (function(IVector, multiplier: number): nil)
--[[ Returns the squared length of the vector, x² + y² + z².
This is faster than [Vector:Length](/gmod/Vector:Length) as calculating the square root is an expensive process. ]]
type IVector.LengthSqr = (function(IVector): number)
--[[ Returns the squared length of the vectors x and y value, x² + y².
This is faster than [Vector:Length2D](/gmod/Vector:Length2D) as calculating the square root is an expensive process. ]]
type IVector.Length2DSqr = (function(IVector): number)
--[[ Returns the length of the vector in two dimensions, without the Z axis. ]]
type IVector.Length2D = (function(IVector): number)
--[[ Returns the [Euclidean length]( of the vector: √(x² + y² + z²). ]]
type IVector.Length = (function(IVector): number)
--[[ Checks whenever all fields of the vector are 0. ]]
type IVector.IsZero = (function(IVector): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the vector is equal to another vector with the given tolerance. ]]
type IVector.IsEqualTol = (function(IVector, compare: IVector, tolerance: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns a normalized version of the vector. Normalized means vector with same direction but with length of 1.
This does not affect the vector you call it on; to do this, use [Vector:Normalize](/gmod/Vector:Normalize). ]]
type IVector.GetNormalized = (function(IVector): IVector)
--[[ Returns a normalized version of the vector. This is a alias of [Vector:GetNormalized](/gmod/Vector:GetNormalized). ]]
type IVector.GetNormal = (function(IVector): IVector)
--[[ Returns the dot product of the two vectors. ]]
type IVector.DotProduct = (function(IVector, Vector: IVector): number)
--[[ Returns the [dot product]( of this vector and the passed one.
The dot product of two vectors is the product of their magnitudes (lengths), and the cosine of the angle between them:
**a · b** = |**a**| |**b**| cos(θ)
where **a** and **b** are vectors.
See [Vector:Length](/gmod/Vector:Length) for obtaining magnitudes.
A dot product returns just the cosine of the angle if both vectors are normalized, and zero if the vectors are at right angles to each other. ]]
type IVector.Dot = (function(IVector, otherVector: IVector): number)
--[[ Divide the vector by the given number, that means x, y and z are divided by that value. This will change the value of the original vector, see example 2 for division without changing the value. ]]
type IVector.Div = (function(IVector, divisor: number): nil)
--[[ Returns the euclidean distance between the vector and the other vector. ]]
type IVector.Distance = (function(IVector, otherVector: IVector): number)
--[[ Returns the squared distance of 2 vectors, this is faster than [Vector:Distance](/gmod/Vector:Distance) as calculating the square root is an expensive process. ]]
type IVector.DistToSqr = (function(IVector, otherVec: IVector): number)
--[[ Calculates the cross product of this vector and the passed one.
The cross product of two vectors is a 3-dimensional vector with a direction perpendicular (at right angles) to both of them (according to the right-hand rule), and magnitude equal to the area of parallelogram they span. This is defined as the product of the magnitudes, the sine of the angle between them, and unit (normal) vector `n` defined by the right-hand rule:
:**a** × **b** = |**a**| |**b**| sin(θ) **n̂**
where **a** and **b** are vectors, and **n̂** is a unit vector (magnitude of 1) perpendicular to both. ]]
type IVector.Cross = (function(IVector, otherVector: IVector): IVector)
--[[ Returns the angle of the vector, but instead of assuming that up is [Vector](/gmod/Global.Vector)( 0, 0, 1 ) (Like [Vector:Angle](/gmod/Vector:Angle) does) you can specify which direction is 'up' for the angle. ]]
type IVector.AngleEx = (function(IVector, up: IVector): IAngle)
--[[ Returns an angle representing the normal of the vector. ]]
type IVector.Angle = (function(IVector): IAngle)
--[[ Adds the values of the argument vector to the orignal vector. This functions the same as vector1 + vector2 without creating a new vector object, skipping object construction and garbage collection. ]]
type IVector.Add = (function(IVector, vector: IVector): nil)
if CLIENT then
--[[ Returns where on the screen the specified position vector would appear. A related function is [gui.ScreenToVector](/gmod/gui.ScreenToVector), which converts a 2D coordinate to a 3D direction. ]]
type IVector.ToScreen = (function(IVector): {[any] = any})
type IVector.@Contract = IVector
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type IMatrix.@MetaTable = IMatrix
type IMatrix.@Name = "IMatrix"
type IMatrix.__index = IMatrix
type IMatrix.__sub = (function(IMatrix, IMatrix): IMatrix)
type IMatrix.__mul = (function(IMatrix, IMatrix | IVector): IMatrix)
type IMatrix.__add = (function(IMatrix, IMatrix): IMatrix)
--[[ Sets all components of the matrix to 0, also known as a [null matrix](
This function is more efficient than setting each element manually. ]]
type IMatrix.Zero = (function(IMatrix): nil)
--[[ Returns each component of the matrix, expanding rows before columns. ]]
type IMatrix.Unpack = (function(IMatrix): number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number)
--[[ Translates the matrix by the given vector aka. adds the vector to the translation.
Postmultiplies the matrix by a translation matrix (A = AT). ]]
type IMatrix.Translate = (function(IMatrix, translation: IVector): nil)
--[[ Converts the matrix to a 4x4 table. See [Matrix](/gmod/Global.Matrix) function. ]]
type IMatrix.ToTable = (function(IMatrix): {[any] = any})
--[[ Sets the up direction of the matrix.
ie. The third column of the matrix, excluding the w coordinate. ]]
type IMatrix.SetUp = (function(IMatrix, forward: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets each component of the matrix. ]]
type IMatrix.SetUnpacked = (function(IMatrix, e11: number, e12: number, e13: number, e14: number, e21: number, e22: number, e23: number, e24: number, e31: number, e32: number, e33: number, e34: number, e41: number, e42: number, e43: number, e44: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the absolute translation of the matrix. ]]
type IMatrix.SetTranslation = (function(IMatrix, translation: IVector): nil)
--[[ Modifies the scale of the matrix while preserving the rotation and translation. ]]
type IMatrix.SetScale = (function(IMatrix, scale: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the right direction of the matrix.
ie. The second column of the matrix, negated, excluding the w coordinate. ]]
type IMatrix.SetRight = (function(IMatrix, forward: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the forward direction of the matrix.
ie. The first column of the matrix, excluding the w coordinate. ]]
type IMatrix.SetForward = (function(IMatrix, forward: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets a specific field in the matrix. ]]
type IMatrix.SetField = (function(IMatrix, row: number, column: number, value: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the absolute rotation of the matrix. ]]
type IMatrix.SetAngles = (function(IMatrix, angle: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Copies values from the given matrix object. ]]
type IMatrix.Set = (function(IMatrix, src: IMatrix): nil)
--[[ Scales the absolute translation with the given value. ]]
type IMatrix.ScaleTranslation = (function(IMatrix, scale: number): nil)
--[[ Scales the matrix by the given vector.
Postmultiplies the matrix by a scaling matrix (A = AS). ]]
type IMatrix.Scale = (function(IMatrix, scale: IVector): nil)
--[[ Rotates the matrix by the given angle.
Postmultiplies the matrix by a rotation matrix (A = AR). ]]
type IMatrix.Rotate = (function(IMatrix, rotation: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Checks whenever all fields of the matrix are 0, aka if this is a [null matrix]( ]]
type IMatrix.IsZero = (function(IMatrix): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the matrix is a rotation matrix or not.
Technically it checks if the forward, right and up vectors are orthogonal and normalized. ]]
type IMatrix.IsRotationMatrix = (function(IMatrix): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the matrix is equal to Identity matrix or not. ]]
type IMatrix.IsIdentity = (function(IMatrix): boolean)
--[[ Inverts the matrix. This function will not fail, but only works correctly on matrices that contain only translation and/or rotation.
Using this function on a matrix with modified scale may return an incorrect inverted matrix.
To invert a matrix that contains other modifications, see [VMatrix:Invert](/gmod/VMatrix:Invert). ]]
type IMatrix.InvertTR = (function(IMatrix): nil)
--[[ Inverts the matrix.
Inverting the matrix will fail if its [determinant]( is 0 or close to 0. (ie. its "scale" in any direction is 0.)
If the matrix cannot be inverted, it does not get modified.
See also [VMatrix:InvertTR](/gmod/VMatrix:InvertTR). ]]
type IMatrix.Invert = (function(IMatrix): boolean)
--[[ Initializes the matrix as Identity matrix. ]]
type IMatrix.Identity = (function(IMatrix): nil)
--[[ Gets the up direction of the matrix.
ie. The third column of the matrix, excluding the w coordinate. ]]
type IMatrix.GetUp = (function(IMatrix): IVector)
--[[ Returns the absolute translation of the matrix. ]]
type IMatrix.GetTranslation = (function(IMatrix): IVector)
--[[ Returns the absolute scale of the matrix. ]]
type IMatrix.GetScale = (function(IMatrix): IVector)
--[[ Gets the right direction of the matrix.
ie. The second column of the matrix, negated, excluding the w coordinate. ]]
type IMatrix.GetRight = (function(IMatrix): IVector)
--[[ Returns an inverted matrix without modifying the original matrix. This function will not fail, but only works correctly on matrices that contain only translation and/or rotation.
Using this function on a matrix with modified scale may return an incorrect inverted matrix.
To get the inverse of a matrix that contains other modifications, see [VMatrix:GetInverse](/gmod/VMatrix:GetInverse). ]]
type IMatrix.GetInverseTR = (function(IMatrix): IMatrix)
--[[ Returns an inverted matrix without modifying the original matrix.
Inverting the matrix will fail if its [determinant]( is 0 or close to 0. (ie. its "scale" in any direction is 0.)
See also [VMatrix:GetInverseTR](/gmod/VMatrix:GetInverseTR). ]]
type IMatrix.GetInverse = (function(IMatrix): IMatrix)
--[[ Gets the forward direction of the matrix.
ie. The first column of the matrix, excluding the w coordinate. ]]
type IMatrix.GetForward = (function(IMatrix): IVector)
--[[ Returns a specific field in the matrix. ]]
type IMatrix.GetField = (function(IMatrix, row: number, column: number): number)
--[[ Returns the absolute rotation of the matrix. ]]
type IMatrix.GetAngles = (function(IMatrix): IAngle)
type IMatrix.@Contract = IMatrix
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type ITool.@MetaTable = ITool
type ITool.@Name = "ITool"
type ITool.__index = ITool
--[[ Updates the position and orientation of the ghost entity based on where the toolgun owner is looking along with data from object with id 1 set by [Tool:SetObject](/gmod/Tool:SetObject).
This should be called in the tool's [TOOL:Think](/gmod/TOOL:Think) hook.
This command is only used for tools that move props, such as easy weld, axis and motor. If you want to update a ghost like the thruster tool does it for example, check its [source code]( ]]
type ITool.UpdateGhostEntity = (function(ITool): nil)
--[[ Sets the tool's stage to how many stored objects the tool has. ]]
type ITool.UpdateData = (function(ITool): nil)
--[[ Initializes the ghost entity based on the supplied entity. ]]
type ITool.StartGhostEntity = (function(ITool, ent: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Sets the current stage of the tool. Does nothing clientside.
See also [Tool:SetOperation](/gmod/Tool:SetOperation). ]]
type ITool.SetStage = (function(ITool, stage: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the current operation of the tool. Does nothing clientside. See also [Tool:SetStage](/gmod/Tool:SetStage).
Operations and stages work as follows:
* Operation 1
* * Stage 1
* * Stage 2
* * Stage 3
* Operation 2
* * Stage 1
* * Stage 2
* * Stage ... ]]
type ITool.SetOperation = (function(ITool, operation: number): nil)
--[[ Stores an [Entity](/gmod/Entity) for later use in the tool.
The stored values can be retrieved by [Tool:GetEnt](/gmod/Tool:GetEnt), [Tool:GetPos](/gmod/Tool:GetPos), [Tool:GetLocalPos](/gmod/Tool:GetLocalPos), [Tool:GetPhys](/gmod/Tool:GetPhys), [Tool:GetBone](/gmod/Tool:GetBone) and [Tool:GetNormal](/gmod/Tool:GetNormal) ]]
type ITool.SetObject = (function(ITool, id: number, ent: IEntity, pos: IVector, phys: IPhysObj, bone: number, normal: IVector): nil)
--[[ Removes any ghost entity created for this tool. ]]
type ITool.ReleaseGhostEntity = (function(ITool): nil)
--[[ Returns the amount of stored objects ( [Entity](/gmod/Entity)s ) the tool has. ]]
type ITool.NumObjects = (function(ITool): number)
--[[ Initializes the ghost entity with the given model. Removes any old ghost entity if called multiple times.
The ghost is a regular prop_physics entity in singleplayer games, and a clientside prop in multiplayer games. ]]
type ITool.MakeGhostEntity = (function(ITool, model: string, pos: IVector, angle: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Returns the current stage of the tool set by [Tool:SetStage](/gmod/Tool:SetStage). ]]
type ITool.GetStage = (function(ITool): number)
--[[ Attempts to grab a serverside tool [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar).
This will not do anything on client, despite the function being defined shared. ]]
type ITool.GetServerInfo = (function(ITool, name: string): string)
--[[ Retrieves an vector previously stored using [Tool:SetObject](/gmod/Tool:SetObject). See also [Tool:GetLocalPos](/gmod/Tool:GetLocalPos). ]]
type ITool.GetPos = (function(ITool, id: number): IVector)
--[[ Retrieves an [PhysObj](/gmod/PhysObj) previously stored using [Tool:SetObject](/gmod/Tool:SetObject).
See also [Tool:GetEnt](/gmod/Tool:GetEnt). ]]
type ITool.GetPhys = (function(ITool, id: number): IPhysObj)
--[[ Returns the owner of this tool. ]]
type ITool.GetOwner = (function(ITool): IEntity)
--[[ Returns the current operation of the tool set by [Tool:SetOperation](/gmod/Tool:SetOperation). ]]
type ITool.GetOperation = (function(ITool): number)
--[[ Retrieves an normal vector previously stored using [Tool:SetObject](/gmod/Tool:SetObject). ]]
type ITool.GetNormal = (function(ITool, id: number): IVector)
--[[ Returns the name of the current tool mode. ]]
type ITool.GetMode = (function(ITool): string)
--[[ Retrieves an local vector previously stored using [Tool:SetObject](/gmod/Tool:SetObject).
See also [Tool:GetPos](/gmod/Tool:GetPos). ]]
type ITool.GetLocalPos = (function(ITool, id: number): IVector)
--[[ Returns a language key based on this tool's name and the current stage it is on. ]]
type ITool.GetHelpText = (function(ITool): key: string)
--[[ Retrieves an Entity previously stored using [Tool:SetObject](/gmod/Tool:SetObject). ]]
type ITool.GetEnt = (function(ITool, id: number): IEntity)
--[[ Attempts to grab a clientside tool [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar). ]]
type ITool.GetClientNumber = (function(ITool, name: string, default: number): number)
--[[ Attempts to grab a clientside tool [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar). ]]
type ITool.GetClientInfo = (function(ITool, name: string): string)
--[[ Retrieves a physics bone number previously stored using [Tool:SetObject](/gmod/Tool:SetObject). ]]
type ITool.GetBone = (function(ITool, id: number): number)
--[[ Creates clientside ConVars based on the ClientConVar table specified in the tool structure. Also creates the 'toolmode_allow_X' ConVar. ]]
type ITool.CreateConVars = (function(ITool): nil)
--[[ Initializes the tool object ]]
type ITool.Create = (function(ITool): tool: ITool)
--[[ Clears all objects previously set with [Tool:SetObject](/gmod/Tool:SetObject). ]]
type ITool.ClearObjects = (function(ITool): nil)
--[[ Checks all added objects to see if they're still valid, if not, clears the list of objects. ]]
type ITool.CheckObjects = (function(ITool): nil)
--[[ Builds a list of all ConVars set via the ClientConVar variable on the [TOOL](/gmod/Structures/TOOL) and their default values. This is used for the preset system. ]]
type ITool.BuildConVarList = (function(ITool): convars: {[any] = any})
--[[ Checks whether the tool is allowed on the server. This will always return true clientside and will not be affected by [SANDBOX:CanTool](/gmod/SANDBOX:CanTool).
This function uses **TOOL.AllowedCVar** which is a [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar) object pointing to **toolmode_allow_`*toolname***` convar. ]]
type ITool.Allowed = (function(ITool): boolean)
type ITool.@Contract = ITool
if SERVER then
type ITask.@MetaTable = ITask
type ITask.@Name = "ITask"
type ITask.__index = ITask
--[[ Starts the AI task as an NPC method. ]]
type ITask.Start_FName = (function(ITask, target: INPC): nil)
--[[ Starts the AI task. ]]
type ITask.Start = (function(ITask, target: INPC): nil)
--[[ Runs the AI task as an NPC method. This requires the task to be of type `TYPE_FNAME`. ]]
type ITask.Run_FName = (function(ITask, target: INPC): nil)
--[[ Runs the AI task. ]]
type ITask.Run = (function(ITask, target: INPC): nil)
--[[ Determines if the task is an NPC method-based task (`TYPE_FNAME`, 2). ]]
type ITask.IsFNameType = (function(ITask): nil)
--[[ Determines if the task is an engine task (`TYPE_ENGINE`, 1). ]]
type ITask.IsEngineType = (function(ITask): nil)
--[[ Initialises the AI task as NPC method-based. ]]
type ITask.InitFunctionName = (function(ITask, startname: string, runname: string, taskdata: number): nil)
--[[ Initialises the AI task as an engine task. ]]
type ITask.InitEngine = (function(ITask, taskname: string, taskdata: number): nil)
--[[ Initialises the AI task. Called by [ai_task.New](/gmod/ai_task.New). ]]
type ITask.Init = (function(ITask): nil)
type ITask.@Contract = ITask
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type ISurfaceInfo.@MetaTable = ISurfaceInfo
type ISurfaceInfo.@Name = "ISurfaceInfo"
type ISurfaceInfo.__index = ISurfaceInfo
--[[ Checks if the brush surface is water. ]]
type ISurfaceInfo.IsWater = (function(ISurfaceInfo): boolean)
--[[ Checks if the brush surface is displaying the skybox. ]]
type ISurfaceInfo.IsSky = (function(ISurfaceInfo): boolean)
--[[ Checks if the brush surface is a nodraw surface, meaning it will not be drawn by the engine. ]]
type ISurfaceInfo.IsNoDraw = (function(ISurfaceInfo): boolean)
--[[ Returns a list of vertices the brush surface is built from. ]]
type ISurfaceInfo.GetVertices = (function(ISurfaceInfo): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the brush surface's material. ]]
type ISurfaceInfo.GetMaterial = (function(ISurfaceInfo): IMaterial)
type ISurfaceInfo.@Contract = ISurfaceInfo
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type IStack.@MetaTable = IStack
type IStack.@Name = "IStack"
type IStack.__index = IStack
--[[ Get the item at the top of the stack ]]
type IStack.Top = (function(IStack): any)
--[[ Returns the size of the stack ]]
type IStack.Size = (function(IStack): number)
--[[ Push an item onto the stack ]]
type IStack.Push = (function(IStack, object: any): nil)
--[[ Pop an item from the stack ]]
type IStack.Pop = (function(IStack, amount: number): nil)
type IStack.@Contract = IStack
if SERVER then
type ISchedule.@MetaTable = ISchedule
type ISchedule.@Name = "ISchedule"
type ISchedule.__index = ISchedule
--[[ Returns the number of tasks in the schedule. ]]
type ISchedule.NumTasks = (function(ISchedule): number)
--[[ Initialises the Schedule. Called by [ai_schedule.New](/gmod/ai_schedule.New) when the Schedule is created. ]]
type ISchedule.Init = (function(ISchedule, debugName: string): nil)
--[[ Returns the task at the given index. ]]
type ISchedule.GetTask = (function(ISchedule, num: number): nil)
--[[ Adds an engine task to the schedule. ]]
type ISchedule.EngTask = (function(ISchedule, taskname: string, taskdata: number): nil)
--[[ Adds a task to the schedule with completely custom function names.
See also [Schedule:AddTask](/gmod/Schedule:AddTask). ]]
type ISchedule.AddTaskEx = (function(ISchedule, start: string, run: string, data: number): nil)
--[[ Adds a task to the schedule. See also [Schedule:AddTaskEx](/gmod/Schedule:AddTaskEx) if you wish to customize task start and run function names.
See also [ENTITY:StartSchedule](/gmod/ENTITY:StartSchedule), [NPC:StartEngineTask](/gmod/NPC:StartEngineTask), and [NPC:RunEngineTask](/gmod/NPC:RunEngineTask). ]]
type ISchedule.AddTask = (function(ISchedule, taskname: string, taskdata: any): nil)
type ISchedule.@Contract = ISchedule
if CLIENT then
type IProjectedTexture.@MetaTable = IProjectedTexture
type IProjectedTexture.@Name = "IProjectedTexture"
type IProjectedTexture.__index = IProjectedTexture
--[[ Updates the Projected Light and applies all previously set parameters. ]]
type IProjectedTexture.Update = (function(IProjectedTexture): nil)
--[[ Sets the vertical angle of projection without affecting the horizontal angle.
You must call [ProjectedTexture:Update](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:Update) after using this function for it to take effect. ]]
type IProjectedTexture.SetVerticalFOV = (function(IProjectedTexture, vFOV: number): nil)
--[[ For animated textures, this will choose which frame in the animation will be projected.
You must call [ProjectedTexture:Update](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:Update) after using this function for it to take effect. ]]
type IProjectedTexture.SetTextureFrame = (function(IProjectedTexture, frame: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the texture to be projected.
You must call [ProjectedTexture:Update](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:Update) after using this function for it to take effect. ]]
type IProjectedTexture.SetTexture = (function(IProjectedTexture, texture: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the target entity for this projected texture, meaning it will only be lighting the given entity and the world. ]]
type IProjectedTexture.SetTargetEntity = (function(IProjectedTexture, target: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Sets the shadow depth slope scale bias of the projected texture.
The initial value is `2`. Normal projected textures obey the value of the `mat_slopescaledepthbias_shadowmap` [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar). ]]
type IProjectedTexture.SetShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias = (function(IProjectedTexture, bias: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the shadow "filter size" of the projected texture. `0` is fully pixelated, higher values will blur the shadow more. The initial value is the value of `r_projectedtexture_grain` [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar). ]]
type IProjectedTexture.SetShadowFilter = (function(IProjectedTexture, filter: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the shadow depth bias of the projected texture.
The initial value is `0.0001`. Normal projected textures obey the value of the `mat_depthbias_shadowmap` [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar). ]]
type IProjectedTexture.SetShadowDepthBias = (function(IProjectedTexture, bias: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the quadratic attenuation of the projected texture.
See also [ProjectedTexture:SetLinearAttenuation](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetLinearAttenuation) and [ProjectedTexture:SetConstantAttenuation](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetConstantAttenuation).
You must call [ProjectedTexture:Update](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:Update) after using this function for it to take effect. ]]
type IProjectedTexture.SetQuadraticAttenuation = (function(IProjectedTexture, quadAtten: number): nil)
--[[ Move the Projected Texture to the specified position.
You must call [ProjectedTexture:Update](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:Update) after using this function for it to take effect. ]]
type IProjectedTexture.SetPos = (function(IProjectedTexture, position: IVector): nil)
--[[ Changes the current projected texture between orthographic and perspective projection.
You must call [ProjectedTexture:Update](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:Update) after using this function for it to take effect. ]]
type IProjectedTexture.SetOrthographic = (function(IProjectedTexture, orthographic: boolean, left: number, top: number, right: number, bottom: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the distance at which the projected texture begins its projection.
You must call [ProjectedTexture:Update](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:Update) after using this function for it to take effect. ]]
type IProjectedTexture.SetNearZ = (function(IProjectedTexture, nearZ: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the linear attenuation of the projected texture.
See also [ProjectedTexture:SetConstantAttenuation](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetConstantAttenuation) and [ProjectedTexture:SetQuadraticAttenuation](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetQuadraticAttenuation).
The default value of linear attenuation when the projected texture is created is 100. (others are 0, as you are not supposed to mix them)
You must call [ProjectedTexture:Update](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:Update) after using this function for it to take effect. ]]
type IProjectedTexture.SetLinearAttenuation = (function(IProjectedTexture, linearAtten: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the horizontal angle of projection without affecting the vertical angle.
You must call [ProjectedTexture:Update](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:Update) after using this function for it to take effect. ]]
type IProjectedTexture.SetHorizontalFOV = (function(IProjectedTexture, hFOV: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the distance at which the projected texture ends.
You must call [ProjectedTexture:Update](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:Update) after using this function for it to take effect. ]]
type IProjectedTexture.SetFarZ = (function(IProjectedTexture, farZ: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the angle of projection.
You must call [ProjectedTexture:Update](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:Update) after using this function for it to take effect. ]]
type IProjectedTexture.SetFOV = (function(IProjectedTexture, fov: number): nil)
--[[ Enable or disable shadows cast from the projected texture.
You must call [ProjectedTexture:Update](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:Update) after using this function for it to take effect. ]]
type IProjectedTexture.SetEnableShadows = (function(IProjectedTexture, newState: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the constant attenuation of the projected texture.
See also [ProjectedTexture:SetLinearAttenuation](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetLinearAttenuation) and [ProjectedTexture:SetQuadraticAttenuation](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetQuadraticAttenuation).
You must call [ProjectedTexture:Update](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:Update) after using this function for it to take effect. ]]
type IProjectedTexture.SetConstantAttenuation = (function(IProjectedTexture, constAtten: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the color of the projected texture.
You must call [ProjectedTexture:Update](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:Update) after using this function for it to take effect. ]]
type IProjectedTexture.SetColor = (function(IProjectedTexture, color: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Sets the brightness of the projected texture.
You must call [ProjectedTexture:Update](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:Update) after using this function for it to take effect. ]]
type IProjectedTexture.SetBrightness = (function(IProjectedTexture, brightness: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the angles (direction) of the projected texture.
You must call [ProjectedTexture:Update](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:Update) after using this function for it to take effect. ]]
type IProjectedTexture.SetAngles = (function(IProjectedTexture, angle: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Removes the projected texture. After calling this, [ProjectedTexture:IsValid](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:IsValid) will return false, and any hooks with the projected texture as the identifier will be automatically deleted. ]]
type IProjectedTexture.Remove = (function(IProjectedTexture): nil)
--[[ Returns true if the projected texture is valid (i.e. has not been removed), false otherwise.
Instead of calling this directly it's a good idea to call [IsValid](/gmod/Global.IsValid) in case the variable is nil.
IsValid( ptexture )
This not only checks whether the projected texture is valid - but also checks whether it's nil. ]]
type IProjectedTexture.IsValid = (function(IProjectedTexture): boolean)
--[[ Returns the vertical FOV of the ProjectedTexture, which was previously set by [ProjectedTexture:SetVerticalFOV](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetVerticalFOV) or [ProjectedTexture:SetFOV](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetFOV) ]]
type IProjectedTexture.GetVerticalFOV = (function(IProjectedTexture): number)
--[[ Returns the texture frame of the ProjectedTexture, which was previously set by [ProjectedTexture:SetTextureFrame](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetTextureFrame) ]]
type IProjectedTexture.GetTextureFrame = (function(IProjectedTexture): number)
--[[ Returns the texture of the ProjectedTexture, which was previously set by [ProjectedTexture:SetTexture](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetTexture) ]]
type IProjectedTexture.GetTexture = (function(IProjectedTexture): ITexture)
--[[ Returns the target entity of this projected texture. ]]
type IProjectedTexture.GetTargetEntity = (function(IProjectedTexture): IEntity)
--[[ Returns the shadow depth slope scale bias of the projected texture.
Set by [ProjectedTexture:SetShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias). ]]
type IProjectedTexture.GetShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias = (function(IProjectedTexture): number)
--[[ Returns the shadow "filter size" of the projected texture. `0` is fully pixelated, higher values will blur the shadow more.
Set by [ProjectedTexture:SetShadowFilter](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetShadowFilter). ]]
type IProjectedTexture.GetShadowFilter = (function(IProjectedTexture): number)
--[[ Returns the shadow depth bias of the projected texture.
Set by [ProjectedTexture:SetShadowDepthBias](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetShadowDepthBias). ]]
type IProjectedTexture.GetShadowDepthBias = (function(IProjectedTexture): bias: number)
--[[ Returns the quadratic attenuation of the projected texture, which can also be set by [ProjectedTexture:SetQuadraticAttenuation](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetQuadraticAttenuation). ]]
type IProjectedTexture.GetQuadraticAttenuation = (function(IProjectedTexture): number)
--[[ Returns the position of the ProjectedTexture, which was previously set by [ProjectedTexture:SetPos](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetPos) ]]
type IProjectedTexture.GetPos = (function(IProjectedTexture): IVector)
--[[ Returns the current orthographic settings of the Projected Texture. To set these values, use [ProjectedTexture:SetOrthographic](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetOrthographic). ]]
type IProjectedTexture.GetOrthographic = (function(IProjectedTexture): boolean, number, number, number, number)
--[[ Returns the NearZ value of the ProjectedTexture, which was previously set by [ProjectedTexture:SetNearZ](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetNearZ) ]]
type IProjectedTexture.GetNearZ = (function(IProjectedTexture): number)
--[[ Returns the linear attenuation of the projected texture, which can also be set by [ProjectedTexture:SetLinearAttenuation](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetLinearAttenuation). ]]
type IProjectedTexture.GetLinearAttenuation = (function(IProjectedTexture): number)
--[[ Returns the horizontal FOV of the ProjectedTexture, which was previously set by [ProjectedTexture:SetHorizontalFOV](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetHorizontalFOV) or [ProjectedTexture:SetFOV](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetFOV) ]]
type IProjectedTexture.GetHorizontalFOV = (function(IProjectedTexture): number)
--[[ Returns the projection distance of the ProjectedTexture, which was previously set by [ProjectedTexture:SetFarZ](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetFarZ) ]]
type IProjectedTexture.GetFarZ = (function(IProjectedTexture): number)
--[[ Returns whether shadows are enabled for this ProjectedTexture, which was previously set by [ProjectedTexture:SetEnableShadows](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetEnableShadows) ]]
type IProjectedTexture.GetEnableShadows = (function(IProjectedTexture): boolean)
--[[ Returns the constant attenuation of the projected texture, which can also be set by [ProjectedTexture:SetConstantAttenuation](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetConstantAttenuation). ]]
type IProjectedTexture.GetConstantAttenuation = (function(IProjectedTexture): number)
--[[ Returns the color of the ProjectedTexture, which was previously set by [ProjectedTexture:SetColor](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetColor). ]]
type IProjectedTexture.GetColor = (function(IProjectedTexture): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the brightness of the ProjectedTexture, which was previously set by [ProjectedTexture:SetBrightness](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetBrightness) ]]
type IProjectedTexture.GetBrightness = (function(IProjectedTexture): number)
--[[ Returns the angle of the ProjectedTexture, which were previously set by [ProjectedTexture:SetAngles](/gmod/ProjectedTexture:SetAngles) ]]
type IProjectedTexture.GetAngles = (function(IProjectedTexture): IAngle)
type IProjectedTexture.@Contract = IProjectedTexture
type IPlayer.@MetaTable = IPlayer
type IPlayer.@Name = "IPlayer"
type IPlayer.__index = IPlayer
if SERVER then
--[[ Stops the player from spectating another entity. ]]
type IPlayer.UnSpectate = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Unlocks the player movement if locked previously.
Will disable godmode for the player if locked previously. ]]
type IPlayer.UnLock = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Performs a trace hull and applies damage to the entities hit, returns the first entity hit. ]]
type IPlayer.TraceHullAttack = (function(IPlayer, startPos: IVector, endPos: IVector, mins: IVector, maxs: IVector, damage: number, damageFlags: number, damageForce: number, damageAllNPCs: boolean): IEntity)
--[[ Returns the time in seconds since the player connected. ]]
type IPlayer.TimeConnected = (function(IPlayer): connectTime: number)
--[[ Attempts to switch the player weapon to the one specified in the "cl_defaultweapon" convar, if the player does not own the specified weapon nothing will happen.
If you want to switch to a specific weapon, use: [Player:SetActiveWeapon](/gmod/Player:SetActiveWeapon) ]]
type IPlayer.SwitchToDefaultWeapon = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Prevents a hint from showing up. ]]
type IPlayer.SuppressHint = (function(IPlayer, name: string): nil)
--[[ Removes all weapons from a certain player ]]
type IPlayer.StripWeapons = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Removes the specified weapon class from a certain player ]]
type IPlayer.StripWeapon = (function(IPlayer, weapon: string): nil)
--[[ Removes all ammo from the player. ]]
type IPlayer.StripAmmo = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Turns off the zoom mode of the player. (+zoom console command)
Basically equivalent of entering "-zoom" into player's console. ]]
type IPlayer.StopZooming = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Enables the sprint on the player. ]]
type IPlayer.SprintEnable = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Disables the sprint on the player. ]]
type IPlayer.SprintDisable = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Makes a player spray their decal. ]]
type IPlayer.SprayDecal = (function(IPlayer, sprayOrigin: IVector, sprayEndPos: IVector): nil)
--[[ Makes the player spectate the entity.
To get the applied spectated entity, use [Player:GetObserverTarget](/gmod/Player:GetObserverTarget). ]]
type IPlayer.SpectateEntity = (function(IPlayer, entity: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Starts spectate mode for given player. This will also affect the players movetype in some cases. ]]
type IPlayer.Spectate = (function(IPlayer, mode: number): nil)
--[[ Signals the entity that it was picked up by the gravity gun. This call is only required if you want to simulate the situation of picking up objects. ]]
type IPlayer.SimulateGravGunPickup = (function(IPlayer, ent: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Signals the entity that it was dropped by the gravity gun. ]]
type IPlayer.SimulateGravGunDrop = (function(IPlayer, ent: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Sets whether the player's current weapon should drop on death. ]]
type IPlayer.ShouldDropWeapon = (function(IPlayer, drop: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets up the players view model hands. Calls [GM:PlayerSetHandsModel](/gmod/GM:PlayerSetHandsModel) to set the model of the hands. ]]
type IPlayer.SetupHands = (function(IPlayer, ent: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Attaches the players view to the position and angles of the specified entity. ]]
type IPlayer.SetViewEntity = (function(IPlayer, viewEntity: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Sets the usergroup of the player. ]]
type IPlayer.SetUserGroup = (function(IPlayer, groupName: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the player to the chosen team. ]]
type IPlayer.SetTeam = (function(IPlayer, Team: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the players visibility towards NPCs.
Internally this toggles the [FL_NOTARGET](/gmod/Enums/FL) flag, which you can manually test for using [Entity:IsFlagSet](/gmod/Entity:IsFlagSet) ]]
type IPlayer.SetNoTarget = (function(IPlayer, visibility: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets whenever the player should not collide with their teammates. ]]
type IPlayer.SetNoCollideWithTeammates = (function(IPlayer, shouldNotCollide: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the maximum amount of armor the player should have. This affects default built-in armor pickups, but not [Player:SetArmor](/gmod/Player:SetArmor). ]]
type IPlayer.SetMaxArmor = (function(IPlayer, maxarmor: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the hitgroup where the player was last hit. ]]
type IPlayer.SetLastHitGroup = (function(IPlayer, hitgroup: number): nil)
--[[ Slows down the player movement simulation by the timescale, this is used internally in the HL2 weapon stripping sequence.
It achieves such behavior by multiplying the [FrameTime](/gmod/Global.FrameTime) by the specified timescale at the start of the movement simulation and then restoring it afterwards. ]]
type IPlayer.SetLaggedMovementValue = (function(IPlayer, timescale: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the jump power, eg. the velocity the player will applied to when he jumps. ]]
type IPlayer.SetJumpPower = (function(IPlayer, jumpPower: number): nil)
--[[ Sets a player's frags (kills) ]]
type IPlayer.SetFrags = (function(IPlayer, fragcount: number): nil)
--[[ Sets a player's death count ]]
type IPlayer.SetDeaths = (function(IPlayer, deathcount: number): nil)
--[[ Sets whether the player can use the HL2 suit zoom ("+zoom" bind) or not. ]]
type IPlayer.SetCanZoom = (function(IPlayer, canZoom: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the player armor to the argument. ]]
type IPlayer.SetArmor = (function(IPlayer, Amount: number): nil)
--[[ Allows player to use his weapons in a vehicle. You need to call this before entering a vehicle. ]]
type IPlayer.SetAllowWeaponsInVehicle = (function(IPlayer, allow: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the player's activity. ]]
type IPlayer.SetActivity = (function(IPlayer, act: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the player's active weapon. You should use [CUserCmd:SelectWeapon](/gmod/CUserCmd:SelectWeapon) or [Player:SelectWeapon](/gmod/Player:SelectWeapon), instead in most cases.
This function will not trigger the weapon switch events or associated equip animations. It will bypass
[GM:PlayerSwitchWeapon](/gmod/GM:PlayerSwitchWeapon) and the currently active weapon's [WEAPON:Holster](/gmod/WEAPON:Holster) return value. ]]
type IPlayer.SetActiveWeapon = (function(IPlayer, weapon: IWeapon): nil)
--[[ Executes a simple Lua string on the player. ]]
type IPlayer.SendLua = (function(IPlayer, script: string): nil)
--[[ Sends a hint to a player. ]]
type IPlayer.SendHint = (function(IPlayer, name: string, delay: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the active weapon of the player by its class name. ]]
type IPlayer.SelectWeapon = (function(IPlayer, className: string): nil)
--[[ Forces the player to say whatever the first argument is. Works on bots too. ]]
type IPlayer.Say = (function(IPlayer, text: string, teamOnly: boolean): nil)
--[[ Strips the player's suit item. ]]
type IPlayer.RemoveSuit = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Removes all weapons and ammo from the player. ]]
type IPlayer.RemoveAllItems = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Removes all ammo from a certain player ]]
type IPlayer.RemoveAllAmmo = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Plays the correct step sound according to what the player is staying on. ]]
type IPlayer.PlayStepSound = (function(IPlayer, volume: number): nil)
--[[ Forces the player to pickup an existing weapon entity. The player will not pick up the weapon if they already own a weapon of given type, or if the player could not normally have this weapon in their inventory.
This function **will** bypass [GM:PlayerCanPickupWeapon](/gmod/GM:PlayerCanPickupWeapon). ]]
type IPlayer.PickupWeapon = (function(IPlayer, wep: IWeapon, ammoOnly: boolean): result: boolean)
--[[ This makes the player hold ( same as pressing on a small prop ) the provided entity. ]]
type IPlayer.PickupObject = (function(IPlayer, entity: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Returns the 64-bit SteamID aka CommunityID of the Steam Account that owns the Garry's Mod license this player is using. This is useful for detecting players using Steam Family Sharing.
If player is not using Steam Family Sharing, this will return the player's actual SteamID64(). ]]
type IPlayer.OwnerSteamID64 = (function(IPlayer): string)
--[[ Stops a player from using any inputs, such as moving, turning, or attacking. Key binds are still called. Similar to [Player:Freeze](/gmod/Player:Freeze) but the player takes no damage.
Adds the [FL_FROZEN](/gmod/Enums/FL) and [FL_GODMODE](/gmod/Enums/FL) flags to the player. ]]
type IPlayer.Lock = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Returns the hitgroup where the player was last hit. ]]
type IPlayer.LastHitGroup = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Kills a player without notifying the rest of the server.
This will call [GM:PlayerSilentDeath](/gmod/GM:PlayerSilentDeath) instead of [GM:PlayerDeath](/gmod/GM:PlayerDeath). ]]
type IPlayer.KillSilent = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Kills a player and calls [GM:PlayerDeath](/gmod/GM:PlayerDeath). ]]
type IPlayer.Kill = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Kicks the player from the server. ]]
type IPlayer.Kick = (function(IPlayer, reason: string): nil)
--[[ Returns true if the player is timing out (i.e. is losing connection), false otherwise. ]]
type IPlayer.IsTimingOut = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Returns if a player is the host of the current session. ]]
type IPlayer.IsListenServerHost = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the player identity was confirmed by the steam network.
See also [GM:PlayerAuthed](/gmod/GM:PlayerAuthed). ]]
type IPlayer.IsFullyAuthenticated = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Returns true from the point when the player is sending client info but not fully in the game until they disconnect. ]]
type IPlayer.IsConnected = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Returns the player's IP address and connection port in ip:port form ]]
type IPlayer.IPAddress = (function(IPlayer): string)
--[[ Enables god mode on the player. ]]
type IPlayer.GodEnable = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Disables god mode on the player. ]]
type IPlayer.GodDisable = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Gives ammo to a player ]]
type IPlayer.GiveAmmo = (function(IPlayer, amount: number, type: string, hidePopup: boolean): number)
--[[ Gives the player a weapon. ]]
type IPlayer.Give = (function(IPlayer, weaponClassName: string, bNoAmmo: boolean): IWeapon)
--[[ Returns the number of seconds that the player has been timing out for. You can check if a player is timing out with [Player:IsTimingOut](/gmod/Player:IsTimingOut). ]]
type IPlayer.GetTimeoutSeconds = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Returns the preferred carry angles of an object, if any are set.
Calls [GM:GetPreferredCarryAngles](/gmod/GM:GetPreferredCarryAngles) with the target entity and returns the carry angles. ]]
type IPlayer.GetPreferredCarryAngles = (function(IPlayer, carryEnt: IEntity): IAngle)
--[[ Returns the player's current activity. ]]
type IPlayer.GetActivity = (function(IPlayer): act: number)
--[[ Freeze the player. Frozen players cannot move, look around, or attack. Key bindings are still called. Similar to [Player:Lock](/gmod/Player:Lock) but the player can still take damage.
Adds or removes the [FL_FROZEN](/gmod/Enums/FL) flag from the player. ]]
type IPlayer.Freeze = (function(IPlayer, frozen: boolean): nil)
--[[ Enables/Disables the player's flashlight.[Player:CanUseFlashlight](/gmod/Player:CanUseFlashlight) must be true in order for the player's flashlight to be changed. ]]
type IPlayer.Flashlight = (function(IPlayer, isOn: boolean): nil)
--[[ Makes the player exit the vehicle if they're in one. ]]
type IPlayer.ExitVehicle = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Equips the player with the HEV suit.
Allows the player to zoom, walk slowly, sprint, pickup armor batteries, use the health and armor stations and also shows the HUD.
The player also emits a flatline sound on death, which can be overridden with [GM:PlayerDeathSound](/gmod/GM:PlayerDeathSound).
The player is automatically equipped with the suit on spawn, if you wish to stop that, use [Player:RemoveSuit](/gmod/Player:RemoveSuit). ]]
type IPlayer.EquipSuit = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Enters the player into specified vehicle ]]
type IPlayer.EnterVehicle = (function(IPlayer, vehicle: IVehicle): nil)
--[[ Forces the player to drop the specified weapon ]]
type IPlayer.DropWeapon = (function(IPlayer, weapon: IWeapon, target: IVector, velocity: IVector): nil)
--[[ Drops any object the player is currently holding with either gravitygun or +Use (E key) ]]
type IPlayer.DropObject = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Drops the players' weapon of a specific class. ]]
type IPlayer.DropNamedWeapon = (function(IPlayer, class: string, target: IVector, velocity: IVector): nil)
--[[ Show/Hide the player's weapon's worldmodel. ]]
type IPlayer.DrawWorldModel = (function(IPlayer, draw: boolean): nil)
--[[ Detonates all tripmines belonging to the player. ]]
type IPlayer.DetonateTripmines = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Prints the players' name and position to the console. ]]
type IPlayer.DebugInfo = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Enables the player's crosshair, if it was previously disabled via [Player:CrosshairDisable](/gmod/Player:CrosshairDisable). ]]
type IPlayer.CrosshairEnable = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Disables the default player's crosshair. Can be reenabled with [Player:CrosshairEnable](/gmod/Player:CrosshairEnable). This will affect [WEAPON:DoDrawCrosshair](/gmod/WEAPON:DoDrawCrosshair). ]]
type IPlayer.CrosshairDisable = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Creates the player's death ragdoll entity and deletes the old one.
This is normally used when a player dies, to create their death ragdoll.
The ragdoll will be created with the player's properties such as [Position](/gmod/Entity:GetPos), [Angles](/gmod/Entity:GetAngles), [PlayerColor](/gmod/Player:GetPlayerColor), [Velocity](/gmod/Entity:GetVelocity) and [Model](/gmod/Entity:GetModel).
You can retrieve the entity this creates with [Player:GetRagdollEntity](/gmod/Player:GetRagdollEntity). ]]
type IPlayer.CreateRagdoll = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Bans the player from the server for a certain amount of minutes. ]]
type IPlayer.Ban = (function(IPlayer, minutes: number, kick: boolean): nil)
--[[ Lets the player spray his decal without delay ]]
type IPlayer.AllowImmediateDecalPainting = (function(IPlayer, allow: boolean): nil)
--[[ Adds a entity to the players list of frozen objects. ]]
type IPlayer.AddFrozenPhysicsObject = (function(IPlayer, ent: IEntity, physobj: IPhysObj): nil)
--[[ Add a certain amount to the player's frag count (or kills count) ]]
type IPlayer.AddFrags = (function(IPlayer, count: number): nil)
--[[ Add a certain amount to the player's death count ]]
type IPlayer.AddDeaths = (function(IPlayer, count: number): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
--[[ Resets the player's view punch (and the view punch velocity, read more at [Player:ViewPunch](/gmod/Player:ViewPunch)) effect back to normal. ]]
type IPlayer.ViewPunchReset = (function(IPlayer, tolerance: number): nil)
--[[ Simulates a push on the client's screen. This **adds** view punch velocity, and does not touch the current view punch angle, for which you can use [Player:SetViewPunchAngles](/gmod/Player:SetViewPunchAngles). ]]
type IPlayer.ViewPunch = (function(IPlayer, PunchAngle: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Returns the player's ID.
You can use [Player](/gmod/Global.Player)() to get the player by their ID. ]]
type IPlayer.UserID = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Returns a table that will stay allocated for the specific player between connects until the server shuts down. Note, that this table is not synchronized between client and server. ]]
type IPlayer.UniqueIDTable = (function(IPlayer, key: any): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a 32 bit integer that remains constant for a player across joins/leaves and across different servers. This can be used when a string is inappropriate - e.g. in a database primary key. ]]
type IPlayer.UniqueID = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Unfreezes all objects the player has frozen with their Physics Gun. Same as double pressing R while holding Physics Gun. ]]
type IPlayer.UnfreezePhysicsObjects = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Translates [ACT](/gmod/Enums/ACT) according to the holdtype of players currently held weapon. ]]
type IPlayer.TranslateWeaponActivity = (function(IPlayer, act: number): number)
--[[ Returns the player's team ID.
Returns 0 clientside when the game is not fully loaded. ]]
type IPlayer.Team = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ When used in a [GM:SetupMove](/gmod/GM:SetupMove) hook, this function behaves unexpectedly by preventing the player from sprinting similar to [Player:StopSprinting](/gmod/Player:StopSprinting). ]]
type IPlayer.StopWalking = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ When used in a [GM:SetupMove](/gmod/GM:SetupMove) hook, this function will prevent the player from sprinting.
When +walk is engaged, the player will still be able to sprint to half speed (normal run speed) as opposed to full sprint speed without this function. ]]
type IPlayer.StopSprinting = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Returns the player's 64-bit SteamID aka CommunityID.
See [Player:AccountID](/gmod/Player:AccountID) for a shorter version of the SteamID. ]]
type IPlayer.SteamID64 = (function(IPlayer): string)
--[[ Returns the player's SteamID. In singleplayer, this will be STEAM_ID_PENDING serverside.
For Bots this will return `BOT` on the server and on the client it returns `NULL`.
Use [Player:AccountID](/gmod/Player:AccountID) for a shorter version of the SteamID. ]]
type IPlayer.SteamID = (function(IPlayer): string)
--[[ When used in a [GM:SetupMove](/gmod/GM:SetupMove) hook, this function will force the player to walk, as well as preventing the player from sprinting. ]]
type IPlayer.StartWalking = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Doesn't appear to do anything. ]]
type IPlayer.StartSprinting = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Sets the player weapon's color. The part of the model that is colored is determined by the model itself, and is different for each model. ]]
type IPlayer.SetWeaponColor = (function(IPlayer, Color: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the player's normal walking speed. Not sprinting, not slow walking .
See also [Player:SetSlowWalkSpeed](/gmod/Player:SetSlowWalkSpeed), [Player:GetWalkSpeed](/gmod/Player:GetWalkSpeed), [Player:SetCrouchedWalkSpeed](/gmod/Player:SetCrouchedWalkSpeed), [Player:SetMaxSpeed](/gmod/Player:SetMaxSpeed) and [Player:SetRunSpeed](/gmod/Player:SetRunSpeed). ]]
type IPlayer.SetWalkSpeed = (function(IPlayer, walkSpeed: number): nil)
--[[ Sets client's view punch velocity. See [Player:ViewPunch](/gmod/Player:ViewPunch) and [Player:SetViewPunchAngles](/gmod/Player:SetViewPunchAngles) ]]
type IPlayer.SetViewPunchVelocity = (function(IPlayer, punchVel: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Sets client's view punch angle, but not the velocity. See [Player:ViewPunch](/gmod/Player:ViewPunch) ]]
type IPlayer.SetViewPunchAngles = (function(IPlayer, punchAngle: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Sets the **desired** view offset which equals the difference between the players actual position and their view when crouching.
If you want to set **actual** view offset, use [Player:SetCurrentViewOffset](/gmod/Player:SetCurrentViewOffset)
See also [Player:SetViewOffset](/gmod/Player:SetViewOffset) for **desired** view offset when standing. ]]
type IPlayer.SetViewOffsetDucked = (function(IPlayer, viewOffset: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the **desired** view offset which equals the difference between the players actual position and their view when standing.
If you want to set **actual** view offset, use [Player:SetCurrentViewOffset](/gmod/Player:SetCurrentViewOffset)
See also [Player:SetViewOffsetDucked](/gmod/Player:SetViewOffsetDucked) for **desired** view offset when crouching. ]]
type IPlayer.SetViewOffset = (function(IPlayer, viewOffset: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets how quickly a player un-ducks ]]
type IPlayer.SetUnDuckSpeed = (function(IPlayer, UnDuckSpeed: number): nil)
--[[ Sets whenever to suppress the pickup notification for the player. ]]
type IPlayer.SetSuppressPickupNotices = (function(IPlayer, doSuppress: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the player's HEV suit power. ]]
type IPlayer.SetSuitPower = (function(IPlayer, power: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the maximum height a player can step onto without jumping. ]]
type IPlayer.SetStepSize = (function(IPlayer, stepHeight: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the player's slow walking speed, which is activated via keybind.
See [Player:SetWalkSpeed](/gmod/Player:SetWalkSpeed) for normal walking speed, [Player:SetRunSpeed](/gmod/Player:SetRunSpeed) for sprinting speed and [Player:SetLadderClimbSpeed](/gmod/Player:SetLadderClimbSpeed) for ladder climb speed. ]]
type IPlayer.SetSlowWalkSpeed = (function(IPlayer, speed: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the player's sprint speed.
See also [Player:GetRunSpeed](/gmod/Player:GetRunSpeed), [Player:SetWalkSpeed](/gmod/Player:SetWalkSpeed) and [Player:SetMaxSpeed](/gmod/Player:SetMaxSpeed). ]]
type IPlayer.SetRunSpeed = (function(IPlayer, runSpeed: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the render angles of a player. ]]
type IPlayer.SetRenderAngles = (function(IPlayer, ang: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Sets the widget that is currently in use by the player's mouse.
Having a pressed widget stops the player from firing his weapon to allow input to be passed onto the widget. ]]
type IPlayer.SetPressedWidget = (function(IPlayer, pressedWidget: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Sets the player model's color. The part of the model that is colored is determined by the model itself, and is different for each model. ]]
type IPlayer.SetPlayerColor = (function(IPlayer, Color: IVector): nil)
--[[ Writes a **P**layer **Data** key-value pair to the SQL database. (sv.db when called on server, cl.db when called on client)
Internally uses the [sql](/gmod/sql). ]]
type IPlayer.SetPData = (function(IPlayer, key: string, value: any): boolean)
--[[ Sets the players observer mode. You must start the spectating first with [Player:Spectate](/gmod/Player:Spectate). ]]
type IPlayer.SetObserverMode = (function(IPlayer, mode: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the maximum speed which the player can move at. ]]
type IPlayer.SetMaxSpeed = (function(IPlayer, walkSpeed: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the player's ladder climbing speed.
See [Player:SetWalkSpeed](/gmod/Player:SetWalkSpeed) for normal walking speed, [Player:SetRunSpeed](/gmod/Player:SetRunSpeed) for sprinting speed and [Player:SetSlowWalkSpeed](/gmod/Player:SetSlowWalkSpeed) for slow walking speed. ]]
type IPlayer.SetLadderClimbSpeed = (function(IPlayer, speed: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the mins and maxs of the AABB of the players collision when ducked.
See [Player:SetHull](/gmod/Player:SetHull) for setting the hull while standing. ]]
type IPlayer.SetHullDuck = (function(IPlayer, hullMins: IVector, hullMaxs: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the mins and maxs of the AABB of the players collision.
See [Player:SetHullDuck](/gmod/Player:SetHullDuck) for the hull while crouching/ducking. ]]
type IPlayer.SetHull = (function(IPlayer, hullMins: IVector, hullMaxs: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the widget that is currently hovered by the player's mouse. ]]
type IPlayer.SetHoveredWidget = (function(IPlayer, widget: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Sets the hands entity of a player.
The hands entity is an entity introduced in Garry's Mod 13 and it's used to show the player's hands attached to the viewmodel.
This is similar to the approach used in L4D and CS:GO, for more information on how to implement this system in your gamemode visit [Using Viewmodel Hands](/gmod/Using%20Viewmodel%20Hands). ]]
type IPlayer.SetHands = (function(IPlayer, hands: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Set a player's FOV (Field Of View) over a certain amount of time. ]]
type IPlayer.SetFOV = (function(IPlayer, fov: number, time: number, requester: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Sets the angle of the player's view (may rotate body too if angular difference is large) ]]
type IPlayer.SetEyeAngles = (function(IPlayer, angle: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Sets how quickly a player ducks. ]]
type IPlayer.SetDuckSpeed = (function(IPlayer, duckSpeed: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the driving entity and driving mode.
Use [drive.PlayerStartDriving](/gmod/drive.PlayerStartDriving) instead, see [Entity Driving](/gmod/Entity%20Driving). ]]
type IPlayer.SetDrivingEntity = (function(IPlayer, drivingEntity: IEntity, drivingMode: number): nil)
--[[ Applies the specified sound filter to the player. ]]
type IPlayer.SetDSP = (function(IPlayer, soundFilter: number, fastReset: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the **actual** view offset which equals the difference between the players actual position and their view when standing.
Do not confuse with [Player:SetViewOffset](/gmod/Player:SetViewOffset) and [Player:SetViewOffsetDucked](/gmod/Player:SetViewOffsetDucked) ]]
type IPlayer.SetCurrentViewOffset = (function(IPlayer, viewOffset: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the crouched walk speed multiplier.
Doesn't work for values above 1.
See also [Player:SetWalkSpeed](/gmod/Player:SetWalkSpeed) and [Player:GetCrouchedWalkSpeed](/gmod/Player:GetCrouchedWalkSpeed). ]]
type IPlayer.SetCrouchedWalkSpeed = (function(IPlayer, speed: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the player's class id. ]]
type IPlayer.SetClassID = (function(IPlayer, classID: number): nil)
--[[ Set if the player should be allowed to walk using the (default) alt key. ]]
type IPlayer.SetCanWalk = (function(IPlayer, abletowalk: boolean): nil)
--[[ Pushes the player away from another player whenever it's inside the other players bounding box. ]]
type IPlayer.SetAvoidPlayers = (function(IPlayer, avoidPlayers: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the amount of the specified ammo for the player. ]]
type IPlayer.SetAmmo = (function(IPlayer, ammoCount: number, ammoType: any): nil)
--[[ Set if the players' model is allowed to rotate around the pitch and roll axis. ]]
type IPlayer.SetAllowFullRotation = (function(IPlayer, Allowed: boolean): nil)
--[[ Fades the screen ]]
type IPlayer.ScreenFade = (function(IPlayer, flags: number, clr: number, fadeTime: number, fadeHold: number): nil)
--[[ Resets both normal and duck hulls to their default values. ]]
type IPlayer.ResetHull = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Removes a **P**layer **Data** key-value pair from the SQL database. (sv.db when called on server, cl.db when called on client)
Internally uses the [sql](/gmod/sql). ]]
type IPlayer.RemovePData = (function(IPlayer, key: string): boolean)
--[[ Removes the amount of the specified ammo from the player. ]]
type IPlayer.RemoveAmmo = (function(IPlayer, ammoCount: number, ammoName: string): nil)
--[[ Displays a message either in their chat, console, or center of the screen. See also [PrintMessage](/gmod/Global.PrintMessage). ]]
type IPlayer.PrintMessage = (function(IPlayer, type: number, message: string): nil)
--[[ Returns the player's ping to server. ]]
type IPlayer.Ping = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Unfreezes the props player is looking at. This is essentially the same as pressing reload with the physics gun, including double press for unfreeze all. ]]
type IPlayer.PhysgunUnfreeze = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Returns the packet loss of the client. It is not networked so it only returns 0 when run clientside. ]]
type IPlayer.PacketLoss = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Returns the player's nickname. ]]
type IPlayer.Nick = (function(IPlayer): string)
--[[ Returns the players name. Identical to [Player:Nick](/gmod/Player:Nick) and [Player:GetName](/gmod/Player:GetName). ]]
type IPlayer.Name = (function(IPlayer): string)
--[[ Returns the position of a Kinect bone. ]]
type IPlayer.MotionSensorPos = (function(IPlayer, bone: number): IVector)
--[[ Shows "limit hit" notification in sandbox. ]]
type IPlayer.LimitHit = (function(IPlayer, type: string): nil)
--[[ This allows the server to mitigate the lag of the player by moving back all the entities that can be lag compensated to the time the player attacked with his weapon.
This technique is most commonly used on things that hit other entities instantaneously, such as traces.
Lag compensation only works for players and entities that have been enabled with [Entity:SetLagCompensated](/gmod/Entity:SetLagCompensated)
Despite being defined shared, it can only be used server-side in a [Predicted Hook](/gmod/~search:%3Cpredicted%3EYes). ]]
type IPlayer.LagCompensation = (function(IPlayer, lagCompensation: boolean): nil)
--[[ Gets whether a key was just released this tick. ]]
type IPlayer.KeyReleased = (function(IPlayer, key: number): boolean)
--[[ Gets whether a key was just pressed this tick. ]]
type IPlayer.KeyPressed = (function(IPlayer, key: number): boolean)
--[[ Gets whether a key was down one tick ago. ]]
type IPlayer.KeyDownLast = (function(IPlayer, key: number): boolean)
--[[ Gets whether a key is down. This is not networked to other players, meaning only the local client can see the keys they are pressing. ]]
type IPlayer.KeyDown = (function(IPlayer, key: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the player is in the context menu. ]]
type IPlayer.IsWorldClicking = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Returns true/false if the player is in specified group or not. ]]
type IPlayer.IsUserGroup = (function(IPlayer, groupname: string): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the player is typing in their chat.
This may not work properly if the server uses a custom chatbox. ]]
type IPlayer.IsTyping = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the player is a superadmin. ]]
type IPlayer.IsSuperAdmin = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Returns whenever the player is equipped with the suit item. ]]
type IPlayer.IsSuitEquipped = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the player is currently sprinting or not, specifically if they are holding their sprint key and are allowed to sprint.
This will not check if the player is currently sprinting into a wall. (i.e. holding their sprint key but not moving) ]]
type IPlayer.IsSprinting = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Returns true if the player is playing a taunt. ]]
type IPlayer.IsPlayingTaunt = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the players movement is currently frozen, controlled by [Player:Freeze](/gmod/Player:Freeze). ]]
type IPlayer.IsFrozen = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Used to find out if a player is currently 'driving' an entity (by which we mean 'right click > drive' ). ]]
type IPlayer.IsDrivingEntity = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the player is an bot or not ]]
type IPlayer.IsBot = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the player is an admin or not. ]]
type IPlayer.IsAdmin = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the player is in a vehicle ]]
type IPlayer.InVehicle = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the player has the specified weapon ]]
type IPlayer.HasWeapon = (function(IPlayer, className: string): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the player has god mode or not, contolled by [Player:GodEnable](/gmod/Player:GodEnable) and [Player:GodDisable](/gmod/Player:GodDisable). ]]
type IPlayer.HasGodMode = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Returns a table of the player's weapons. ]]
type IPlayer.GetWeapons = (function(IPlayer): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a player's weapon color. The part of the model that is colored is determined by the model itself, and is different for each model. The format is Vector(r,g,b), and each color should be between 0 and 1. ]]
type IPlayer.GetWeaponColor = (function(IPlayer): IVector)
--[[ Returns the weapon for the specified class ]]
type IPlayer.GetWeapon = (function(IPlayer, className: string): IWeapon)
--[[ Returns the player's normal walking speed. Not sprinting, not slow walking. (+walk)
See also [Player:SetWalkSpeed](/gmod/Player:SetWalkSpeed), [Player:GetMaxSpeed](/gmod/Player:GetMaxSpeed) and [Player:GetRunSpeed](/gmod/Player:GetRunSpeed). ]]
type IPlayer.GetWalkSpeed = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Returns client's view punch velocity. See [Player:ViewPunch](/gmod/Player:ViewPunch) and [Player:SetViewPunchVelocity](/gmod/Player:SetViewPunchVelocity) ]]
type IPlayer.GetViewPunchVelocity = (function(IPlayer): punchVel: IAngle)
--[[ Returns players screen punch effect angle. ]]
type IPlayer.GetViewPunchAngles = (function(IPlayer): IAngle)
--[[ Returns the view offset of the player which equals the difference between the players actual position and their view when ducked.
See also [Player:GetViewOffset](/gmod/Player:GetViewOffset). ]]
type IPlayer.GetViewOffsetDucked = (function(IPlayer): IVector)
--[[ Returns the view offset of the player which equals the difference between the players actual position and their view.
See also [Player:GetViewOffsetDucked](/gmod/Player:GetViewOffsetDucked). ]]
type IPlayer.GetViewOffset = (function(IPlayer): IVector)
--[[ Returns the player's view model entity by the index.
Each player has 3 view models by default, but only the first one is used.
To use the other viewmodels in your SWEP, see [Entity:SetWeaponModel](/gmod/Entity:SetWeaponModel). ]]
type IPlayer.GetViewModel = (function(IPlayer, index: number): IEntity)
--[[ Returns the entity the player is using to see from (such as the player itself, the camera, or another entity). ]]
type IPlayer.GetViewEntity = (function(IPlayer): IEntity)
--[[ Gets the vehicle the player is driving, returns NULL ENTITY if the player is not driving. ]]
type IPlayer.GetVehicle = (function(IPlayer): IVehicle)
--[[ Returns the player's user group. ]]
type IPlayer.GetUserGroup = (function(IPlayer): string)
--[[ Returns the entity the player would use if they would press their `+use` keybind. ]]
type IPlayer.GetUseEntity = (function(IPlayer): ent: IEntity)
--[[ Returns a player's unduck speed (in seconds) ]]
type IPlayer.GetUnDuckSpeed = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Returns TOOL table of players current tool, or of the one specified. ]]
type IPlayer.GetTool = (function(IPlayer, mode: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the player's HEV suit power. ]]
type IPlayer.GetSuitPower = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Returns the maximum height player can step onto. ]]
type IPlayer.GetStepSize = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Returns the player's slow walking speed, which is activated via keybind.
See [Player:GetWalkSpeed](/gmod/Player:GetWalkSpeed) for normal walking speed, [Player:GetRunSpeed](/gmod/Player:GetRunSpeed) for sprinting speed and [Player:GetLadderClimbSpeed](/gmod/Player:GetLadderClimbSpeed) for ladder climb speed. ]]
type IPlayer.GetSlowWalkSpeed = (function(IPlayer): speed: number)
--[[ Returns the position of a Player's view ]]
type IPlayer.GetShootPos = (function(IPlayer): IVector)
--[[ Returns the player's sprint speed.
See also [Player:SetRunSpeed](/gmod/Player:SetRunSpeed), [Player:GetWalkSpeed](/gmod/Player:GetWalkSpeed) and [Player:GetMaxSpeed](/gmod/Player:GetMaxSpeed). ]]
type IPlayer.GetRunSpeed = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Returns the render angles for the player. ]]
type IPlayer.GetRenderAngles = (function(IPlayer): IAngle)
--[[ Returns players death ragdoll. The ragdoll is created by [Player:CreateRagdoll](/gmod/Player:CreateRagdoll). ]]
type IPlayer.GetRagdollEntity = (function(IPlayer): IEntity)
--[[ Returns players screen punch effect angle. ]]
type IPlayer.GetPunchAngle = (function(IPlayer): IAngle)
--[[ Returns the weapon the player previously had equipped. ]]
type IPlayer.GetPreviousWeapon = (function(IPlayer): IEntity)
--[[ Returns the widget entity the player is using.
Having a pressed widget stops the player from firing his weapon to allow input to be passed onto the widget. ]]
type IPlayer.GetPressedWidget = (function(IPlayer): IEntity)
--[[ Returns a player model's color. The part of the model that is colored is determined by the model itself, and is different for each model. The format is Vector(r,g,b), and each color should be between 0 and 1. ]]
type IPlayer.GetPlayerColor = (function(IPlayer): IVector)
--[[ Returns a **P**layer **Data** key-value pair from the SQL database. (sv.db when called on server, cl.db when called on client)
Internally uses the [sql](/gmod/sql). ]]
type IPlayer.GetPData = (function(IPlayer, key: string, default: any): string)
--[[ Returns the entity the player is currently observing.
Set using [Player:SpectateEntity](/gmod/Player:SpectateEntity). ]]
type IPlayer.GetObserverTarget = (function(IPlayer): IEntity)
--[[ Returns the the observer mode of the player ]]
type IPlayer.GetObserverMode = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Returns whenever the player is set not to collide with their teammates. ]]
type IPlayer.GetNoCollideWithTeammates = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Returns the player's name, this is an alias of [Player:Nick](/gmod/Player:Nick). ]]
type IPlayer.GetName = (function(IPlayer): string)
--[[ Returns the player's maximum movement speed.
See also [Player:SetMaxSpeed](/gmod/Player:SetMaxSpeed), [Player:GetWalkSpeed](/gmod/Player:GetWalkSpeed) and [Player:GetRunSpeed](/gmod/Player:GetRunSpeed). ]]
type IPlayer.GetMaxSpeed = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Returns the maximum amount of armor the player should have. Default value is 100. ]]
type IPlayer.GetMaxArmor = (function(IPlayer): maxarmor: number)
--[[ Returns the timescale multiplier of the player movement. ]]
type IPlayer.GetLaggedMovementValue = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Returns the player's ladder climbing speed.
See [Player:GetWalkSpeed](/gmod/Player:GetWalkSpeed) for normal walking speed, [Player:GetRunSpeed](/gmod/Player:GetRunSpeed) for sprinting speed and [Player:GetSlowWalkSpeed](/gmod/Player:GetSlowWalkSpeed) for slow walking speed. ]]
type IPlayer.GetLadderClimbSpeed = (function(IPlayer): speed: number)
--[[ Returns the jump power of the player ]]
type IPlayer.GetJumpPower = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Retrieves the numeric value of a client-side convar, returns nil if value is not convertible to a number. The [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar) must have a [FCVAR_USERINFO](/gmod/Enums/FCVAR) flag for this to work. ]]
type IPlayer.GetInfoNum = (function(IPlayer, cVarName: string, default: number): number)
--[[ Retrieves the value of a client-side [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar). The [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar) must have a [FCVAR_USERINFO](/gmod/Enums/FCVAR) flag for this to work. ]]
type IPlayer.GetInfo = (function(IPlayer, cVarName: string): string)
--[[ Gets the bottom base and the top base size of the player's crouch hull. ]]
type IPlayer.GetHullDuck = (function(IPlayer): IVector, IVector)
--[[ Gets the bottom base and the top base size of the player's hull. ]]
type IPlayer.GetHull = (function(IPlayer): IVector, IVector)
--[[ Returns the widget the player is hovering with his mouse. ]]
type IPlayer.GetHoveredWidget = (function(IPlayer): IEntity)
--[[ Gets the hands entity of a player ]]
type IPlayer.GetHands = (function(IPlayer): IEntity)
--[[ Returns the FOV of the player. ]]
type IPlayer.GetFOV = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Returns the trace according to the players view direction, ignoring their mouse (holding and moving the mouse in Sandbox).
The results of this function are **cached** clientside every frame.
Uses [util.GetPlayerTrace](/gmod/util.GetPlayerTrace) internally and is therefore bound by its limits.
See also [Player:GetEyeTrace](/gmod/Player:GetEyeTrace). ]]
type IPlayer.GetEyeTraceNoCursor = (function(IPlayer): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a table with information of what the player is looking at.
The results of this function are **cached** clientside every frame.
Uses [util.GetPlayerTrace](/gmod/util.GetPlayerTrace) internally and is therefore bound by its limits.
See also [Player:GetEyeTraceNoCursor](/gmod/Player:GetEyeTraceNoCursor). ]]
type IPlayer.GetEyeTrace = (function(IPlayer): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the entity the player is currently using, like func_tank mounted turrets or +use prop pickups. ]]
type IPlayer.GetEntityInUse = (function(IPlayer): IEntity)
--[[ Returns a player's duck speed (in seconds) ]]
type IPlayer.GetDuckSpeed = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Returns driving mode of the player. See [Entity Driving](/gmod/Entity%20Driving). ]]
type IPlayer.GetDrivingMode = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Gets the entity the player is currently driving. ]]
type IPlayer.GetDrivingEntity = (function(IPlayer): IEntity)
--[[ Gets the **actual** view offset which equals the difference between the players actual position and their view when standing.
Do not confuse with [Player:GetViewOffset](/gmod/Player:GetViewOffset) and [Player:GetViewOffsetDucked](/gmod/Player:GetViewOffsetDucked) ]]
type IPlayer.GetCurrentViewOffset = (function(IPlayer): IVector)
--[[ Returns the last command which was sent by the specified player. This can only be called on the player which [GetPredictionPlayer](/gmod/Global.GetPredictionPlayer)() returns. ]]
type IPlayer.GetCurrentCommand = (function(IPlayer): IUserCmd)
--[[ Returns the crouched walk speed multiplier.
See also [Player:GetWalkSpeed](/gmod/Player:GetWalkSpeed) and [Player:SetCrouchedWalkSpeed](/gmod/Player:SetCrouchedWalkSpeed). ]]
type IPlayer.GetCrouchedWalkSpeed = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Gets total count of entities of same class. ]]
type IPlayer.GetCount = (function(IPlayer, type: string, minus: number): count: number)
--[[ Returns the player's class id. ]]
type IPlayer.GetClassID = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Determines whenever the player is allowed to use the zoom functionality. ]]
type IPlayer.GetCanZoom = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Returns true if the player is able to walk using the (default) alt key. ]]
type IPlayer.GetCanWalk = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Gets if the player will be pushed out of nocollided players. ]]
type IPlayer.GetAvoidPlayers = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Gets the amount of ammo the player has. ]]
type IPlayer.GetAmmoCount = (function(IPlayer, ammotype: any): number)
--[[ Returns a table of all ammo the player has. ]]
type IPlayer.GetAmmo = (function(IPlayer): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns whether the player is allowed to use his weapons in a vehicle or not. ]]
type IPlayer.GetAllowWeaponsInVehicle = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Returns true if the players' model is allowed to rotate around the pitch and roll axis. ]]
type IPlayer.GetAllowFullRotation = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Returns the direction that the player is aiming. ]]
type IPlayer.GetAimVector = (function(IPlayer): IVector)
--[[ Returns the player's active weapon.
If used on a [LocalPlayer](/gmod/Global.LocalPlayer)() and the player is spectating another player with `OBS_MODE_IN_EYE`, the weapon returned will be of the spectated player. ]]
type IPlayer.GetActiveWeapon = (function(IPlayer): IWeapon)
--[[ Returns the amount of kills a player has. ]]
type IPlayer.Frags = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Returns true if the player's flashlight is on. ]]
type IPlayer.FlashlightIsOn = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Show/Hide the player's weapon's viewmodel. ]]
type IPlayer.DrawViewModel = (function(IPlayer, draw: boolean, vm: number): nil)
--[[ Sends a third person secondary fire animation event to the player.
Similar to other animation event functions, calls [GM:DoAnimationEvent](/gmod/GM:DoAnimationEvent) with [PLAYERANIMEVENT_ATTACK_SECONDARY](/gmod/Enums/PLAYERANIMEVENT) as the event and no extra data. ]]
type IPlayer.DoSecondaryAttack = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Sends a third person reload animation event to the player.
Similar to other animation event functions, calls [GM:DoAnimationEvent](/gmod/GM:DoAnimationEvent) with [PLAYERANIMEVENT_RELOAD](/gmod/Enums/PLAYERANIMEVENT) as the event and no extra data. ]]
type IPlayer.DoReloadEvent = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Sends a specified third person animation event to the player.
Calls [GM:DoAnimationEvent](/gmod/GM:DoAnimationEvent) with specified arguments. ]]
type IPlayer.DoCustomAnimEvent = (function(IPlayer, event: number, data: number): nil)
--[[ Starts the player's attack animation. The attack animation is determined by the weapon's HoldType.
Similar to other animation event functions, calls [GM:DoAnimationEvent](/gmod/GM:DoAnimationEvent) with [PLAYERANIMEVENT_ATTACK_PRIMARY](/gmod/Enums/PLAYERANIMEVENT) as the event and no extra data. ]]
type IPlayer.DoAttackEvent = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Sends a third person animation event to the player.
Calls [GM:DoAnimationEvent](/gmod/GM:DoAnimationEvent) with [PLAYERANIMEVENT_CUSTOM_GESTURE](/gmod/Enums/PLAYERANIMEVENT) as the event, data as the given data. ]]
type IPlayer.DoAnimationEvent = (function(IPlayer, data: number): nil)
--[[ Returns the player's death count ]]
type IPlayer.Deaths = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Returns whether the player is crouching or not ([FL_DUCKING](/gmod/Enums/FL) flag). ]]
type IPlayer.Crouching = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Runs the concommand on the player. This does not work on bots.
If you wish to directly modify the movement input of bots, use [GM:StartCommand](/gmod/GM:StartCommand) instead. ]]
type IPlayer.ConCommand = (function(IPlayer, command: string): nil)
--[[ Checks if the limit is hit or not. If it is, it will throw a notification saying so. ]]
type IPlayer.CheckLimit = (function(IPlayer, limitType: string): boolean)
--[[ Prints a string to the chatbox of the client. ]]
type IPlayer.ChatPrint = (function(IPlayer, message: string): nil)
--[[ Returns true if the player's flashlight hasn't been disabled by [Player:AllowFlashlight](/gmod/Player:AllowFlashlight). ]]
type IPlayer.CanUseFlashlight = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Returns the player's armor. ]]
type IPlayer.Armor = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Sets the weight of the animation playing in the given gesture slot. ]]
type IPlayer.AnimSetGestureWeight = (function(IPlayer, slot: number, weight: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the sequence of the animation playing in the given gesture slot. ]]
type IPlayer.AnimSetGestureSequence = (function(IPlayer, slot: number, sequenceID: number): nil)
--[[ Restarts the main animation on the player, has the same effect as calling [Entity:SetCycle](/gmod/Entity:SetCycle)( 0 ). ]]
type IPlayer.AnimRestartMainSequence = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Restart a gesture on a player, within a gesture slot. ]]
type IPlayer.AnimRestartGesture = (function(IPlayer, slot: number, activity: number, autokill: boolean): nil)
--[[ Resets player gesture in selected slot. ]]
type IPlayer.AnimResetGestureSlot = (function(IPlayer, slot: number): nil)
--[[ Sets if the player can toggle his flashlight. Function exists on both the server and client but has no effect when ran on the client. ]]
type IPlayer.AllowFlashlight = (function(IPlayer, canFlashlight: boolean): nil)
--[[ Checks if the player is alive. ]]
type IPlayer.Alive = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Plays a sequence directly from a sequence number, similar to [Player:AnimRestartGesture](/gmod/Player:AnimRestartGesture). This function has the advantage to play sequences that haven't been bound to an existing [ACT](/gmod/Enums/ACT) ]]
type IPlayer.AddVCDSequenceToGestureSlot = (function(IPlayer, slot: number, sequenceId: number, cycle: number, autokill: boolean): nil)
--[[ Adds an entity to the total count of entities of same class. ]]
type IPlayer.AddCount = (function(IPlayer, str: string, ent: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Adds an entity to the players clean up list. ]]
type IPlayer.AddCleanup = (function(IPlayer, type: string, ent: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Returns the player's AccountID aka SteamID3.
For bots this will return values starting with 0 for the first bot, 1 for the second bot and so on.
In singleplayer, this will return no value. ]]
type IPlayer.AccountID = (function(IPlayer): number)
if CLIENT then
--[[ Returns the players voice volume, how loud the player's voice communication currently is, as a normal number. Doesn't work on local player unless the voice_loopback convar is set to 1. ]]
type IPlayer.VoiceVolume = (function(IPlayer): number)
--[[ Opens the player steam profile page in the steam overlay browser. ]]
type IPlayer.ShowProfile = (function(IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Returns whether the player's player model will be drawn at the time the function is called. ]]
type IPlayer.ShouldDrawLocalPlayer = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Sets if the player should be muted locally. ]]
type IPlayer.SetMuted = (function(IPlayer, mute: boolean): nil)
--[[ Returns if the player can be heard by the local player. ]]
type IPlayer.IsVoiceAudible = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Returns whenever the player is heard by the local player. ]]
type IPlayer.IsSpeaking = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether or not the player is muted locally. ]]
type IPlayer.IsMuted = (function(IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Returns a table containing player information. ]]
type IPlayer.GetPlayerInfo = (function(IPlayer): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the steam "relationship" towards the player. ]]
type IPlayer.GetFriendStatus = (function(IPlayer): string)
--[[ Sets up the voting system for the player.
This is a really barebone system. By calling this a vote gets started, when the player presses 0-9 the callback function gets called along with the key the player pressed. Use the draw callback to draw the vote panel. ]]
type IPlayer.AddPlayerOption = (function(IPlayer, name: string, timeout: number, vote_callback: (function(...any): any), draw_callback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
type IPlayer.@Contract = IPlayer
type IPhysObj.@MetaTable = IPhysObj
type IPhysObj.@Name = "IPhysObj"
type IPhysObj.__index = IPhysObj
if SERVER then
--[[ Returns the stress of the entity. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetStress = (function(IPhysObj): number)
--[[ Returns the friction snapshot of this physics object. This is useful for determining if an object touching ground for example. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetFrictionSnapshot = (function(IPhysObj): {[any] = any})
if CLIENT or SERVER then
--[[ Rotate a vector from the world frame to the local frame of the physics object. ]]
type IPhysObj.WorldToLocalVector = (function(IPhysObj, WorldVec: IVector): IVector)
--[[ Converts a vector to a relative to the physics object coordinate system. ]]
type IPhysObj.WorldToLocal = (function(IPhysObj, vec: IVector): IVector)
--[[ Wakes the physics object.
See [PhysObj:Sleep](/gmod/PhysObj:Sleep) for more information. ]]
type IPhysObj.Wake = (function(IPhysObj): nil)
--[[ Unlike [PhysObj:SetPos](/gmod/PhysObj:SetPos) and [PhysObj:SetAngles](/gmod/PhysObj:SetAngles), this allows the movement of a physobj while leaving physics interactions intact.
This is used internally by the motion controller of the Gravity Gun , the +use pickup and the Physics Gun, and entities such as the crane. ]]
type IPhysObj.UpdateShadow = (function(IPhysObj, targetPosition: IVector, targetAngles: IAngle, frameTime: number): nil)
--[[ Makes the physics object "sleep".
The physics object will no longer be moving unless it is "woken up" by either a collision with another moving object, or by [PhysObj:Wake](/gmod/PhysObj:Wake). This is an optimization feature of the physics engine. ]]
type IPhysObj.Sleep = (function(IPhysObj): nil)
--[[ Sets the velocity of the physics object. ]]
type IPhysObj.SetVelocityInstantaneous = (function(IPhysObj, velocity: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the velocity of the physics object for the next iteration. ]]
type IPhysObj.SetVelocity = (function(IPhysObj, velocity: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the position of the physobject. ]]
type IPhysObj.SetPos = (function(IPhysObj, position: IVector, teleport: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the material of the physobject. ]]
type IPhysObj.SetMaterial = (function(IPhysObj, materialName: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the mass of the physics object. ]]
type IPhysObj.SetMass = (function(IPhysObj, mass: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the directional inertia. ]]
type IPhysObj.SetInertia = (function(IPhysObj, directionalInertia: IVector): nil)
--[[ Modifies how much drag (air resistance) affects the object. ]]
type IPhysObj.SetDragCoefficient = (function(IPhysObj, drag: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the linear and angular damping of the physics object. ]]
type IPhysObj.SetDamping = (function(IPhysObj, linearDamping: number, angularDamping: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the contents flag of the [PhysObj](/gmod/PhysObj). ]]
type IPhysObj.SetContents = (function(IPhysObj, contents: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the buoyancy ratio of the physics object. (How well it floats in water) ]]
type IPhysObj.SetBuoyancyRatio = (function(IPhysObj, buoyancy: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the angles of the physobject. ]]
type IPhysObj.SetAngles = (function(IPhysObj, angles: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Sets the amount of [drag]( to apply to a physics object when attempting to rotate. ]]
type IPhysObj.SetAngleDragCoefficient = (function(IPhysObj, coefficient: number): nil)
--[[ A convinience function for [Angle:RotateAroundAxis](/gmod/Angle:RotateAroundAxis). ]]
type IPhysObj.RotateAroundAxis = (function(IPhysObj, dir: IVector, ang: number): IAngle)
--[[ Call this when the collision filter conditions change due to this object's state (e.g. changing solid type or collision group) ]]
type IPhysObj.RecheckCollisionFilter = (function(IPhysObj): nil)
--[[ Prints debug info about the state of the physics object to the console. ]]
type IPhysObj.OutputDebugInfo = (function(IPhysObj): nil)
--[[ Rotate a vector from the local frame of the physics object to world frame. ]]
type IPhysObj.LocalToWorldVector = (function(IPhysObj, LocalVec: IVector): IVector)
--[[ Mapping a vector in local frame of the physics object to world frame. ]]
type IPhysObj.LocalToWorld = (function(IPhysObj, LocalVec: IVector): IVector)
--[[ Returns if the physics object is valid/not NULL. ]]
type IPhysObj.IsValid = (function(IPhysObj): boolean)
--[[ Returns whenever the physics object is penetrating another physics object.
This is internally implemented as `PhysObj:HasGameFlag( FVPHYSICS_PENETRATING )` and thus is only updated for non-static physics objects. ]]
type IPhysObj.IsPenetrating = (function(IPhysObj): boolean)
--[[ Returns whenever the entity is able to move. ]]
type IPhysObj.IsMoveable = (function(IPhysObj): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the physics object can move itself (by velocity, acceleration) ]]
type IPhysObj.IsMotionEnabled = (function(IPhysObj): boolean)
--[[ Returns whenever the entity is affected by gravity. ]]
type IPhysObj.IsGravityEnabled = (function(IPhysObj): boolean)
--[[ Returns whenever the entity is affected by drag. ]]
type IPhysObj.IsDragEnabled = (function(IPhysObj): boolean)
--[[ Returns whenever the entity is able to collide or not. ]]
type IPhysObj.IsCollisionEnabled = (function(IPhysObj): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the physics object is "sleeping".
See [PhysObj:Sleep](/gmod/PhysObj:Sleep) for more information. ]]
type IPhysObj.IsAsleep = (function(IPhysObj): boolean)
--[[ Returns whenever the specified flag(s) is/are set. ]]
type IPhysObj.HasGameFlag = (function(IPhysObj, flags: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns the volume in source units³. Or nil if the PhysObj is a generated sphere or box. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetVolume = (function(IPhysObj): number)
--[[ Returns the world velocity of a point in world coordinates about the object. This is useful for objects rotating around their own axis/origin. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetVelocityAtPoint = (function(IPhysObj, point: IVector): velocity: IVector)
--[[ Returns the absolute directional velocity of the physobject. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetVelocity = (function(IPhysObj): IVector)
--[[ Returns the surface area of the physics object in source-units². Or nil if the PhysObj is a generated sphere or box. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetSurfaceArea = (function(IPhysObj): number)
--[[ Returns the speed damping of the physics object. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetSpeedDamping = (function(IPhysObj): number)
--[[ Returns the position of the [PhysObj](/gmod/PhysObj) shadow. See [PhysObj:UpdateShadow](/gmod/PhysObj:UpdateShadow). ]]
type IPhysObj.GetShadowPos = (function(IPhysObj): IVector)
--[[ Returns the angles of the [PhysObj](/gmod/PhysObj) shadow. See [PhysObj:UpdateShadow](/gmod/PhysObj:UpdateShadow). ]]
type IPhysObj.GetShadowAngles = (function(IPhysObj): IAngle)
--[[ Returns the rotation damping of the physics object. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetRotDamping = (function(IPhysObj): number)
--[[ Returns the position and angle of the physics object as a 3x4 matrix ([VMatrix](/gmod/VMatrix) is 4x4 so the fourth row goes unused). The first three columns store the angle as a [rotation matrix](, and the fourth column stores the position vector. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetPositionMatrix = (function(IPhysObj): IMatrix)
--[[ Returns the position of the physics object. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetPos = (function(IPhysObj): IVector)
--[[ Returns the name of the physics object. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetName = (function(IPhysObj): string)
--[[ Returns all convex physics meshes of the object. See [Entity:PhysicsInitMultiConvex](/gmod/Entity:PhysicsInitMultiConvex) for more information. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetMeshConvexes = (function(IPhysObj): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the physics mesh of the object which is used for physobj-on-physobj collision. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetMesh = (function(IPhysObj): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the physical material of the physics object. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetMaterial = (function(IPhysObj): string)
--[[ Returns the center of mass of the physics object as a local vector. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetMassCenter = (function(IPhysObj): IVector)
--[[ Returns the mass of the physics object. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetMass = (function(IPhysObj): number)
--[[ Returns 1 divided by the physics object's mass. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetInvMass = (function(IPhysObj): number)
--[[ Returns 1 divided by the inertia. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetInvInertia = (function(IPhysObj): number)
--[[ Returns the directional inertia of the physics object. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetInertia = (function(IPhysObj): IVector)
--[[ Returns the parent entity of the physics object. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetEntity = (function(IPhysObj): IEntity)
--[[ Returns the sum of the linear and rotational kinetic energies of the physics object. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetEnergy = (function(IPhysObj): number)
--[[ Returns the linear and angular damping of the physics object. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetDamping = (function(IPhysObj): number, number)
--[[ Returns the contents flag of the [PhysObj](/gmod/PhysObj). ]]
type IPhysObj.GetContents = (function(IPhysObj): number)
--[[ Returns the angles of the physics object. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetAngles = (function(IPhysObj): IAngle)
--[[ Gets the angular velocity of the object in degrees per second as a local vector. You can use dot product to read the magnitude from a specific axis. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetAngleVelocity = (function(IPhysObj): IVector)
--[[ Returns the mins and max of the physics object. ]]
type IPhysObj.GetAABB = (function(IPhysObj): IVector, IVector)
--[[ Sets whether the physobject should be able to move or not.
This is the exact method the Physics Gun uses to freeze props. If a motion-disabled physics object is grabbed with the physics gun, the object will be able to move again. To disallow this, use [GM:PhysgunPickup](/gmod/GM:PhysgunPickup). ]]
type IPhysObj.EnableMotion = (function(IPhysObj, enable: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets whether the PhysObject should be affected by gravity ]]
type IPhysObj.EnableGravity = (function(IPhysObj, enable: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets whenever the physics object should be affected by drag. ]]
type IPhysObj.EnableDrag = (function(IPhysObj, enable: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets whether the physics object should collide with anything or not, including world. ]]
type IPhysObj.EnableCollisions = (function(IPhysObj, enable: boolean): nil)
--[[ Allows you to move a PhysObj to a point and angle in 3D space. ]]
type IPhysObj.ComputeShadowControl = (function(IPhysObj, shadowparams: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Removes one of more specified flags. ]]
type IPhysObj.ClearGameFlag = (function(IPhysObj, flags: number): nil)
--[[ Calculates the linear and angular velocities on the center of mass for an offset force impulse. The outputs can be directly passed to [PhysObj:AddVelocity](/gmod/PhysObj:AddVelocity) and [PhysObj:AddAngleVelocity](/gmod/PhysObj:AddAngleVelocity), respectively. ]]
type IPhysObj.CalculateVelocityOffset = (function(IPhysObj, force: IVector, pos: IVector): IVector, IVector)
--[[ Calculates the force and torque on the center of mass for an offset force impulse. The outputs can be directly passed to [PhysObj:ApplyForceCenter](/gmod/PhysObj:ApplyForceCenter) and [PhysObj:ApplyTorqueCenter](/gmod/PhysObj:ApplyTorqueCenter), respectively. ]]
type IPhysObj.CalculateForceOffset = (function(IPhysObj, force: IVector, pos: IVector): IVector, IVector)
--[[ Applies specified angular impulse to the physics object. See [PhysObj:CalculateForceOffset](/gmod/PhysObj:CalculateForceOffset) ]]
type IPhysObj.ApplyTorqueCenter = (function(IPhysObj, torque: IVector): nil)
--[[ Applies the specified force on the physics object at the specified position ]]
type IPhysObj.ApplyForceOffset = (function(IPhysObj, force: IVector, position: IVector): nil)
--[[ Applies the specified force to the physics object (in [Newtons]( ]]
type IPhysObj.ApplyForceCenter = (function(IPhysObj, force: IVector): nil)
--[[ Rotates the object so that it's angles are aligned to the ones inputted. ]]
type IPhysObj.AlignAngles = (function(IPhysObj, from: IAngle, to: IAngle): IAngle)
--[[ Adds the specified velocity to the current. ]]
type IPhysObj.AddVelocity = (function(IPhysObj, velocity: IVector): nil)
--[[ Adds one or more bit flags. ]]
type IPhysObj.AddGameFlag = (function(IPhysObj, flags: number): nil)
--[[ Adds the specified velocity to the current. ]]
type IPhysObj.AddAngleVelocity = (function(IPhysObj, angularVelocity: IVector): nil)
type IPhysObj.@Contract = IPhysObj
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type IPhysCollide.@MetaTable = IPhysCollide
type IPhysCollide.@Name = "IPhysCollide"
type IPhysCollide.__index = IPhysCollide
--[[ Performs a trace against this PhysCollide with the given parameters. This can be used for both line traces and box traces. ]]
type IPhysCollide.TraceBox = (function(IPhysCollide, origin: IVector, angles: IAngle, rayStart: IVector, rayEnd: IVector, rayMins: IVector, rayMaxs: IVector): IVector, IVector, number)
--[[ Checks whether this [PhysCollide](/gmod/PhysCollide) object is valid or not.
You should just use [IsValid](/gmod/Global.IsValid) instead. ]]
type IPhysCollide.IsValid = (function(IPhysCollide): boolean)
--[[ Destroys the [PhysCollide](/gmod/PhysCollide) object. ]]
type IPhysCollide.Destroy = (function(IPhysCollide): nil)
type IPhysCollide.@Contract = IPhysCollide
if SERVER then
type IPathFollower.@MetaTable = IPathFollower
type IPathFollower.@Name = "IPathFollower"
type IPathFollower.__index = IPathFollower
--[[ Move the bot along the path. ]]
type IPathFollower.Update = (function(IPathFollower, bot: INextBot): nil)
--[[ Sets minimum range movement goal must be along path ]]
type IPathFollower.SetMinLookAheadDistance = (function(IPathFollower, mindist: number): nil)
--[[ How close we can get to the goal to call it done ]]
type IPathFollower.SetGoalTolerance = (function(IPathFollower, distance: number): nil)
--[[ Resets the age which is retrieved by [PathFollower:GetAge](/gmod/PathFollower:GetAge) to 0. ]]
type IPathFollower.ResetAge = (function(IPathFollower): nil)
--[[ Moves the cursor to the end of the path ]]
type IPathFollower.MoveCursorToStart = (function(IPathFollower): nil)
--[[ Moves the cursor to the end of the path ]]
type IPathFollower.MoveCursorToEnd = (function(IPathFollower): nil)
--[[ Moves the cursor of the path to the closest position compared to given vector. ]]
type IPathFollower.MoveCursorToClosestPosition = (function(IPathFollower, pos: IVector, type: number, alongLimit: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the cursor position to given distance.
For relative distance, see [PathFollower:MoveCursor](/gmod/PathFollower:MoveCursor). ]]
type IPathFollower.MoveCursorTo = (function(IPathFollower, distance: number): nil)
--[[ Moves the cursor by give distance.
For a function that sets the distance, see [PathFollower:MoveCursorTo](/gmod/PathFollower:MoveCursorTo). ]]
type IPathFollower.MoveCursor = (function(IPathFollower, distance: number): nil)
--[[ Returns the last segment of the path. ]]
type IPathFollower.LastSegment = (function(IPathFollower): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns true if the path is valid ]]
type IPathFollower.IsValid = (function(IPathFollower): boolean)
--[[ Invalidates the current path ]]
type IPathFollower.Invalidate = (function(IPathFollower): nil)
--[[ Returns the path start position ]]
type IPathFollower.GetStart = (function(IPathFollower): IVector)
--[[ Returns the vector position of distance along path ]]
type IPathFollower.GetPositionOnPath = (function(IPathFollower, distance: number): IVector)
--[[ Returns the minimum range movement goal must be along path. ]]
type IPathFollower.GetMinLookAheadDistance = (function(IPathFollower): number)
--[[ Returns the total length of the path ]]
type IPathFollower.GetLength = (function(IPathFollower): number)
type IPathFollower.GetHindrance = (function(IPathFollower): IEntity)
--[[ Returns how close we can get to the goal to call it done. ]]
type IPathFollower.GetGoalTolerance = (function(IPathFollower): number)
--[[ Returns the path end position ]]
type IPathFollower.GetEnd = (function(IPathFollower): IVector)
--[[ Returns the current progress along the path ]]
type IPathFollower.GetCursorPosition = (function(IPathFollower): number)
--[[ Returns the cursor data ]]
type IPathFollower.GetCursorData = (function(IPathFollower): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the current goal data. Can return nil if the current goal is invalid, for example immediately after [PathFollower:Update](/gmod/PathFollower:Update). ]]
type IPathFollower.GetCurrentGoal = (function(IPathFollower): {[any] = any})
--[[ The closest position along the path to a position ]]
type IPathFollower.GetClosestPosition = (function(IPathFollower, position: IVector): IVector)
--[[ Returns all of the segments of the given path. ]]
type IPathFollower.GetAllSegments = (function(IPathFollower): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the age since the path was built ]]
type IPathFollower.GetAge = (function(IPathFollower): number)
--[[ Returns the first segment of the path. ]]
type IPathFollower.FirstSegment = (function(IPathFollower): {[any] = any})
--[[ Draws the path. This is meant for debugging - and uses debug overlay. ]]
type IPathFollower.Draw = (function(IPathFollower): nil)
--[[ Compute shortest path from bot to 'goal' via A* algorithm. ]]
type IPathFollower.Compute = (function(IPathFollower, from: INextBot, to: IVector, generator: (function(...any): any)): boolean)
--[[ If you created your path with type "Chase" this functions should be used in place of [PathFollower:Update](/gmod/PathFollower:Update) to cause the bot to chase the specified entity. ]]
type IPathFollower.Chase = (function(IPathFollower, bot: INextBot, ent: IEntity): nil)
type IPathFollower.@Contract = IPathFollower
if CLIENT then
type IPanel.@MetaTable = IPanel
type IPanel.@Name = "IPanel"
type IPanel.__index = IPanel
--[[ Returns if a given panel is valid or not. ]]
type IPanel.Valid = (function(IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Forcibly updates the panels' HTML Material, similar to when Paint is called on it.This is only useful if the panel is not normally visible, i.e the panel exists purely for its HTML Material. ]]
type IPanel.UpdateHTMLTexture = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Recursively deselects this panel object and all of its children. This will cascade to all child objects at every level below the parent. ]]
type IPanel.UnselectAll = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Restores the last saved state (caret position and the text inside) of a [TextEntry](/gmod/TextEntry). Should act identically to pressing CTRL+Z in a [TextEntry](/gmod/TextEntry).
See also [Panel:SaveUndoState](/gmod/Panel:SaveUndoState). ]]
type IPanel.Undo = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Toggles the visibility of a panel and all its children. ]]
type IPanel.ToggleVisible = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Toggles the selected state of a selectable panel object. This functionality is set with [Panel:SetSelectable](/gmod/Panel:SetSelectable) and checked with [Panel:IsSelectable](/gmod/Panel:IsSelectable). To check whether the object is selected or not, [Panel:IsSelected](/gmod/Panel:IsSelected) is used. ]]
type IPanel.ToggleSelection = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Sets the dimensions of the panel to fill its parent. It will only stretch in directions that aren't nil. ]]
type IPanel.StretchToParent = (function(IPanel, offsetLeft: number, offsetTop: number, offsetRight: number, offsetBottom: number): nil)
--[[ Resizes the panel object's width so that its right edge is aligned with the left of the passed panel. An offset greater than zero will reduce the panel's width to leave a gap between it and the passed panel. ]]
type IPanel.StretchRightTo = (function(IPanel, tgtPanel: IPanel, offset: number): nil)
--[[ Resizes the panel object's height so that its bottom is aligned with the top of the passed panel. An offset greater than zero will reduce the panel's height to leave a gap between it and the passed panel. ]]
type IPanel.StretchBottomTo = (function(IPanel, tgtPanel: IPanel, offset: number): nil)
--[[ Stops all panel animations by clearing its animation list. This also clears all delayed animations. ]]
type IPanel.Stop = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Begins a box selection, enables mouse capture for the panel object, and sets the start point of the selection box to the mouse cursor's position, relative to this object. For this to work, either the object or its parent must be enabled as a selection canvas. This is set using [Panel:SetSelectionCanvas](/gmod/Panel:SetSelectionCanvas). ]]
type IPanel.StartBoxSelection = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Slides the panel out to the top. ]]
type IPanel.SlideUp = (function(IPanel, Length: number): nil)
--[[ Slides the panel in from above. ]]
type IPanel.SlideDown = (function(IPanel, Length: number): nil)
--[[ Resizes the panel object's height to accommodate all child objects/contents.
Only works on [Label](/gmod/Label) derived panels such as [DLabel](/gmod/DLabel) by default, and on any panel that manually implemented [Panel:GetContentSize](/gmod/Panel:GetContentSize) method. ]]
type IPanel.SizeToContentsY = (function(IPanel, addVal: number): nil)
--[[ Resizes the panel object's width to accommodate all child objects/contents.
Only works on [Label](/gmod/Label) derived panels such as [DLabel](/gmod/DLabel) by default, and on any panel that manually implemented [Panel:GetContentSize](/gmod/Panel:GetContentSize) method. ]]
type IPanel.SizeToContentsX = (function(IPanel, addVal: number): nil)
--[[ Resizes the panel so that its width and height fit all of the content inside. ]]
type IPanel.SizeToContents = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Resizes the panel to fit the bounds of its children. ]]
type IPanel.SizeToChildren = (function(IPanel, sizeW: boolean, sizeH: boolean): nil)
--[[ Uses animation to resize the panel to the specified size. ]]
type IPanel.SizeTo = (function(IPanel, sizeW: number, sizeH: number, time: number, delay: number, ease: number, callback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Makes a panel visible. ]]
type IPanel.Show = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Sets the panels z position which determines the rendering order.
Panels with lower z positions appear behind panels with higher z positions.
This also controls in which order panels docked with [Panel:Dock](/gmod/Panel:Dock) appears. ]]
type IPanel.SetZPos = (function(IPanel, zIndex: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the Y position of the panel.
Uses [Panel:SetPos](/gmod/Panel:SetPos) internally. ]]
type IPanel.SetY = (function(IPanel, y: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the X position of the panel.
Uses [Panel:SetPos](/gmod/Panel:SetPos) internally. ]]
type IPanel.SetX = (function(IPanel, x: number): nil)
--[[ Sets whether text wrapping should be enabled or disabled on [Label](/gmod/Label) and [DLabel](/gmod/DLabel) panels.
Use [DLabel:SetAutoStretchVertical](/gmod/DLabel:SetAutoStretchVertical) to automatically correct vertical size; [Panel:SizeToContents](/gmod/Panel:SizeToContents) will not set the correct height. ]]
type IPanel.SetWrap = (function(IPanel, wrap: boolean): nil)
--[[ This makes it so that when you're hovering over this panel you can `click` on the world. Your viewmodel will aim etc. This is primarily used for the Sandbox context menu. ]]
type IPanel.SetWorldClicker = (function(IPanel, enabled: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the width of the panel.
Calls [PANEL:OnSizeChanged](/gmod/PANEL:OnSizeChanged) and marks this panel for layout ([Panel:InvalidateLayout](/gmod/Panel:InvalidateLayout)).
See also [Panel:SetSize](/gmod/Panel:SetSize). ]]
type IPanel.SetWidth = (function(IPanel, width: number): nil)
--[[ Sets width of a panel. An alias of [Panel:SetWidth](/gmod/Panel:SetWidth). ]]
type IPanel.SetWide = (function(IPanel, width: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the "visibility" of the panel. ]]
type IPanel.SetVisible = (function(IPanel, visible: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the visibility of the vertical scrollbar.
Works for [RichText](/gmod/RichText) and [TextEntry](/gmod/TextEntry). ]]
type IPanel.SetVerticalScrollbarEnabled = (function(IPanel, display: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the underlined font for use by clickable text in a [RichText](/gmod/RichText). See also [Panel:InsertClickableTextStart](/gmod/Panel:InsertClickableTextStart)
This function will only work on [RichText](/gmod/RichText) panels. ]]
type IPanel.SetUnderlineFont = (function(IPanel, fontName: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the URL of a link-based panel such as [DLabelURL](/gmod/DLabelURL). ]]
type IPanel.SetURL = (function(IPanel, url: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the panel class to be created instead of [DTooltip](/gmod/DTooltip) when the player hovers over this panel and a tooltip needs creating. ]]
type IPanel.SetTooltipPanelOverride = (function(IPanel, override: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the panel to be displayed as contents of a [DTooltip](/gmod/DTooltip) when a player hovers over the panel object with their cursor. See [Panel:SetTooltipPanelOverride](/gmod/Panel:SetTooltipPanelOverride) if you are looking to override [DTooltip](/gmod/DTooltip) itself. ]]
type IPanel.SetTooltipPanel = (function(IPanel, tooltipPanel: IPanel): nil)
--[[ Sets the tooltip to be displayed when a player hovers over the panel object with their cursor. ]]
type IPanel.SetTooltip = (function(IPanel, str: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the height of a [RichText](/gmod/RichText) element to accommodate the text inside. ]]
type IPanel.SetToFullHeight = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Sets the left and top text margins of a text-based panel object, such as a [DButton](/gmod/DButton) or [DLabel](/gmod/DLabel). ]]
type IPanel.SetTextInset = (function(IPanel, insetX: number, insetY: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the text value of a panel object containing text, such as a [Label](/gmod/Label), [TextEntry](/gmod/TextEntry) or [RichText](/gmod/RichText) and their derivatives, such as [DLabel](/gmod/DLabel), [DTextEntry](/gmod/DTextEntry) or [DButton](/gmod/DButton). ]]
type IPanel.SetText = (function(IPanel, text: string): nil)
--[[ Removes the panel after given time in seconds. ]]
type IPanel.SetTerm = (function(IPanel, delay: number): nil)
--[[ Sets height of a panel. An alias of [Panel:SetHeight](/gmod/Panel:SetHeight). ]]
type IPanel.SetTall = (function(IPanel, height: number): nil)
--[[ When TAB is pressed, the next selectable panel in the number sequence is selected. ]]
type IPanel.SetTabPosition = (function(IPanel, position: number): nil)
--[[ Used by [AvatarImage](/gmod/AvatarImage) panels to load an avatar by its 64-bit Steam ID (community ID). ]]
type IPanel.SetSteamID = (function(IPanel, steamid: string, size: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the `.png` image to be displayed on a [SpawnIcon](/gmod/SpawnIcon) or the panel it is based on - [ModelImage](/gmod/ModelImage).
Only `.png` images can be used with this function. ]]
type IPanel.SetSpawnIcon = (function(IPanel, icon: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the derma skin that the panel object will use, and refreshes all panels with [derma.RefreshSkins](/gmod/derma.RefreshSkins). ]]
type IPanel.SetSkin = (function(IPanel, skinName: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the size of the panel.
Calls [PANEL:OnSizeChanged](/gmod/PANEL:OnSizeChanged) and marks this panel for layout ([Panel:InvalidateLayout](/gmod/Panel:InvalidateLayout)).
See also [Panel:SetWidth](/gmod/Panel:SetWidth) and [Panel:SetHeight](/gmod/Panel:SetHeight). ]]
type IPanel.SetSize = (function(IPanel, width: number, height: number): nil)
--[[ Enables the panel object for selection (much like the spawn menu). ]]
type IPanel.SetSelectionCanvas = (function(IPanel, selCanvas: any): nil)
--[[ Sets the selected state of a selectable panel object. This functionality is set with [Panel:SetSelectable](/gmod/Panel:SetSelectable) and checked with [Panel:IsSelectable](/gmod/Panel:IsSelectable). ]]
type IPanel.SetSelected = (function(IPanel, selected: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets whether the panel object can be selected or not (like icons in the Spawn Menu, holding ). If enabled, this will affect the function of a [DButton](/gmod/DButton) whilst is pressed. [Panel:SetSelected](/gmod/Panel:SetSelected) can be used to select/deselect the object. ]]
type IPanel.SetSelectable = (function(IPanel, selectable: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets whenever the panel should be rendered in the next screenshot. ]]
type IPanel.SetRenderInScreenshots = (function(IPanel, renderInScreenshot: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the position of the panel's top left corner.
This will trigger [PANEL:PerformLayout](/gmod/PANEL:PerformLayout). You should avoid calling this function in [PANEL:PerformLayout](/gmod/PANEL:PerformLayout) to avoid infinite loops.
See also [Panel:SetX](/gmod/Panel:SetX) and [Panel:SetY](/gmod/Panel:SetY). ]]
type IPanel.SetPos = (function(IPanel, posX: number, posY: number): nil)
--[[ If this panel object has been made a popup with [Panel:MakePopup](/gmod/Panel:MakePopup), this method will prevent it from drawing in front of other panels when it receives input focus. ]]
type IPanel.SetPopupStayAtBack = (function(IPanel, stayAtBack: boolean): nil)
--[[ Used by [AvatarImage](/gmod/AvatarImage) to load an avatar for given player. ]]
type IPanel.SetPlayer = (function(IPanel, player: IPlayer, size: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the parent of the panel. ]]
type IPanel.SetParent = (function(IPanel, parent: IPanel): nil)
--[[ Enables or disables painting of the panel manually with [Panel:PaintManual](/gmod/Panel:PaintManual). ]]
type IPanel.SetPaintedManually = (function(IPanel, paintedManually: boolean): nil)
--[[ This function does nothing. ]]
type IPanel.SetPaintFunction = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Sets whenever all the default border of the panel should be drawn or not. ]]
type IPanel.SetPaintBorderEnabled = (function(IPanel, paintBorder: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets whenever all the default background of the panel should be drawn or not. ]]
type IPanel.SetPaintBackgroundEnabled = (function(IPanel, paintBackground: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the internal name of the panel. ]]
type IPanel.SetName = (function(IPanel, name: string): nil)
--[[ Enables or disables the mouse input for the panel. ]]
type IPanel.SetMouseInputEnabled = (function(IPanel, mouseInput: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the model to be displayed by [SpawnIcon](/gmod/SpawnIcon). ]]
type IPanel.SetModel = (function(IPanel, ModelPath: string, skin: number, bodygroups: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the minimum dimensions of the panel or object.
You can restrict either or both values.
Calling the function without arguments will remove the minimum size. ]]
type IPanel.SetMinimumSize = (function(IPanel, minW: number, minH: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the maximum character count this panel should have.
This function will only work on [RichText](/gmod/RichText) and [TextEntry](/gmod/TextEntry) panels and their derivatives. ]]
type IPanel.SetMaximumCharCount = (function(IPanel, maxChar: number): nil)
--[[ Enables or disables the keyboard input for the panel. ]]
type IPanel.SetKeyBoardInputEnabled = (function(IPanel, keyboardInput: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the height of the panel.
Calls [PANEL:OnSizeChanged](/gmod/PANEL:OnSizeChanged) and marks this panel for layout ([Panel:InvalidateLayout](/gmod/Panel:InvalidateLayout)).
See also [Panel:SetSize](/gmod/Panel:SetSize). ]]
type IPanel.SetHeight = (function(IPanel, height: number): nil)
--[[ Allows you to set HTML code within a panel. ]]
type IPanel.SetHTML = (function(IPanel, HTML_code: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the font used to render this panel's text.
To retrieve the font used by a panel, call [Panel:GetFont](/gmod/Panel:GetFont). ]]
type IPanel.SetFontInternal = (function(IPanel, fontName: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the panel that owns this FocusNavGroup to be the root in the focus traversal hierarchy. This function will only work on EditablePanel class panels and its derivatives. ]]
type IPanel.SetFocusTopLevel = (function(IPanel, state: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the foreground color of the panel.
For labels, this is the color of their text. ]]
type IPanel.SetFGColorEx = (function(IPanel, r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the foreground color of a panel.
For a [Label](/gmod/Label) or [RichText](/gmod/RichText), this is the color of its text.
This function calls [Panel:SetFGColorEx](/gmod/Panel:SetFGColorEx) internally. ]]
type IPanel.SetFGColor = (function(IPanel, r_or_color: number, g: number, b: number, a: number): nil)
--[[ Adds a shadow falling to the bottom right corner of the panel's text. This has no effect on panels that do not derive from Label. ]]
type IPanel.SetExpensiveShadow = (function(IPanel, distance: number, Color: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Sets the enabled state of a disable-able panel object, such as a [DButton](/gmod/DButton) or [DTextEntry](/gmod/DTextEntry).
See [Panel:IsEnabled](/gmod/Panel:IsEnabled) for a function that retrieves the "enabled" state of a panel. ]]
type IPanel.SetEnabled = (function(IPanel, enable: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the target area for dropping when an object is being dragged around this panel using the [dragndrop](/gmod/dragndrop).
This draws a target box of the specified size and position, until [Panel:DragHoverEnd](/gmod/Panel:DragHoverEnd) is called. It uses [Panel:DrawDragHover](/gmod/Panel:DrawDragHover) to draw this area. ]]
type IPanel.SetDropTarget = (function(IPanel, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): nil)
--[[ Makes the panel render in front of all others, including the spawn menu and main menu.
Priority is given based on the last call, so of two panels that call this method, the second will draw in front of the first. ]]
type IPanel.SetDrawOnTop = (function(IPanel, drawOnTop: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets where to draw the language selection box.
See [Panel:SetDrawLanguageID](/gmod/Panel:SetDrawLanguageID) for a function that hides or shows the language selection box. ]]
type IPanel.SetDrawLanguageIDAtLeft = (function(IPanel, left: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the visibility of the language selection box in a TextEntry when typing in non-English mode.
See [Panel:SetDrawLanguageIDAtLeft](/gmod/Panel:SetDrawLanguageIDAtLeft) for a function that changes the position of the language selection box. ]]
type IPanel.SetDrawLanguageID = (function(IPanel, visible: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the drag parent.
Drag parent means that when we start to drag this panel, we'll really start dragging the defined parent. ]]
type IPanel.SetDragParent = (function(IPanel, parent: IPanel): nil)
--[[ Sets the appearance of the cursor. You can find a list of all available cursors with image previews [here]( ]]
type IPanel.SetCursor = (function(IPanel, cursor: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the panel's cookie name. Calls [PANEL:LoadCookies](/gmod/PANEL:LoadCookies) if defined. ]]
type IPanel.SetCookieName = (function(IPanel, name: string): nil)
--[[ Stores a string in the named cookie using [Panel:GetCookieName](/gmod/Panel:GetCookieName) as prefix.
You can also retrieve and modify this cookie by using the [cookie](/gmod/cookie). Cookies are stored in this format:
``` ]]
type IPanel.SetCookie = (function(IPanel, cookieName: string, value: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the alignment of the contents. ]]
type IPanel.SetContentAlignment = (function(IPanel, alignment: number): nil)
--[[ Sets this panel's convar. When the convar changes this panel will update automatically.
For developer implementation, see [Derma_Install_Convar_Functions](/gmod/Global.Derma_Install_Convar_Functions). ]]
type IPanel.SetConVar = (function(IPanel, convar: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the action signal command that's fired when a [Button](/gmod/Button) is clicked. The hook [PANEL:ActionSignal](/gmod/PANEL:ActionSignal) is called as the click response.
This has no effect on buttons unless it has had its `AddActionSignalTarget` method called (an internal function not available by default in Garry's Mod LUA).
A better alternative is calling [Panel:Command](/gmod/Panel:Command) when a [DButton](/gmod/DButton) is clicked. ]]
type IPanel.SetCommand = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Sets the position of the caret (or text cursor) in a text-based panel object. ]]
type IPanel.SetCaretPos = (function(IPanel, offset: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the background color of the panel. ]]
type IPanel.SetBGColorEx = (function(IPanel, r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the background color of a panel such as a [RichText](/gmod/RichText), [Label](/gmod/Label) or [DColorCube](/gmod/DColorCube).
For [DLabel](/gmod/DLabel) elements, you must use [Panel:SetPaintBackgroundEnabled](/gmod/Panel:SetPaintBackgroundEnabled)( true ) before applying the color.
This will not work on setup of the panel - you should use this function in a hook like [PANEL:ApplySchemeSettings](/gmod/PANEL:ApplySchemeSettings) or [PANEL:PerformLayout](/gmod/PANEL:PerformLayout). ]]
type IPanel.SetBGColor = (function(IPanel, r_or_color: number, g: number, b: number, a: number): nil)
--[[ Sets whenever the panel should be removed if the parent was removed. ]]
type IPanel.SetAutoDelete = (function(IPanel, autoDelete: boolean): nil)
--[[ Enables or disables animations for the panel object by overriding the [PANEL:AnimationThink](/gmod/PANEL:AnimationThink) hook to nil and back. ]]
type IPanel.SetAnimationEnabled = (function(IPanel, enable: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the alpha multiplier for the panel ]]
type IPanel.SetAlpha = (function(IPanel, alpha: number): nil)
--[[ Configures a text input to allow user to type characters that are not included in the US-ASCII (7-bit ASCII) character set.
Characters not included in US-ASCII are multi-byte characters in UTF-8. They can be accented characters, non-Latin characters and special characters. ]]
type IPanel.SetAllowNonAsciiCharacters = (function(IPanel, allowed: boolean): nil)
--[[ Used in [Button](/gmod/Button) to call a function when the button is clicked and in [Slider](/gmod/Slider) when the value changes. ]]
type IPanel.SetActionFunction = (function(IPanel, func: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Sets the achievement to be displayed by [AchievementIcon](/gmod/AchievementIcon). ]]
type IPanel.SetAchievement = (function(IPanel, id: number): nil)
--[[ Deselects all items in a panel object. For text-based objects, this will deselect all text. ]]
type IPanel.SelectNone = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Selects all the text in a panel object. Will not select non-text items; for this, use [Panel:SelectAll](/gmod/Panel:SelectAll). ]]
type IPanel.SelectAllText = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ If called on a text entry, clicking the text entry for the first time will automatically select all of the text ready to be copied by the user. ]]
type IPanel.SelectAllOnFocus = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Selects all items within a panel or object. For text-based objects, selects all text. ]]
type IPanel.SelectAll = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Translates global screen coordinate to coordinates relative to the panel.
See also [Panel:LocalToScreen](/gmod/Panel:LocalToScreen). ]]
type IPanel.ScreenToLocal = (function(IPanel, screenX: number, screenY: number): number, number)
--[[ Saves the current state (caret position and the text inside) of a [TextEntry](/gmod/TextEntry) as an undo state.
See also [Panel:Undo](/gmod/Panel:Undo). ]]
type IPanel.SaveUndoState = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Runs/Executes a string as JavaScript code in a panel. ]]
type IPanel.RunJavascript = (function(IPanel, js: string): nil)
--[[ Resets all text fades in a [RichText](/gmod/RichText) element made with [Panel:InsertFade](/gmod/Panel:InsertFade). ]]
type IPanel.ResetAllFades = (function(IPanel, hold: boolean, expiredOnly: boolean, newSustain: number): nil)
--[[ Attempts to obtain focus for this panel. ]]
type IPanel.RequestFocus = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Marks a panel for deletion so it will be deleted on the next frame.
This will not mark child panels for deletion this frame, but they will be marked and deleted in the next frame.
See also [Panel:IsMarkedForDeletion](/gmod/Panel:IsMarkedForDeletion)
Will automatically call [Panel:InvalidateParent](/gmod/Panel:InvalidateParent). ]]
type IPanel.Remove = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Refreshes the HTML panel's current page. ]]
type IPanel.Refresh = (function(IPanel, ignoreCache: boolean): nil)
--[[ Allows the panel to receive drag and drop events. Can be called multiple times with different names to receive multiple different draggable panel events. ]]
type IPanel.Receiver = (function(IPanel, name: string, func: (function(...any): any), menu: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Re-renders a spawn icon with customized cam data.
[PositionSpawnIcon](/gmod/Global.PositionSpawnIcon) can be used to easily calculate the necessary camera parameters. ]]
type IPanel.RebuildSpawnIconEx = (function(IPanel, data: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Causes a [SpawnIcon](/gmod/SpawnIcon) to rebuild its model image. ]]
type IPanel.RebuildSpawnIcon = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Enables the queue for panel animations. If enabled, the next new animation will begin after all current animations have ended. This must be called before [Panel:NewAnimation](/gmod/Panel:NewAnimation) to work, and only applies to the next new animation. If you want to queue many, you must call this before each. ]]
type IPanel.Queue = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Installs Lua defined functions into the panel. ]]
type IPanel.Prepare = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Sends a command to the panel. ]]
type IPanel.PostMessage = (function(IPanel, messageName: string, valueType: string, value: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the width and position of a [DLabel](/gmod/DLabel) and places the passed panel object directly to the right of it. Returns the `y` value of the bottom of the tallest object. The panel on which this method is run is not relevant; only the passed objects are affected. ]]
type IPanel.PositionLabel = (function(IPanel, lblWidth: number, x: number, y: number, lbl: IPanel, panelObj: IPanel): number)
--[[ Only works for TextEntries.
Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the TextEntry. ]]
type IPanel.Paste = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Parents the panel to the HUD.
Makes it invisible on the escape-menu and disables controls. ]]
type IPanel.ParentToHUD = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Paints the panel at its current position. To use this you must call [Panel:SetPaintedManually](/gmod/Panel:SetPaintedManually)(true). ]]
type IPanel.PaintManual = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Paints a ghost copy of the panel at the given position. ]]
type IPanel.PaintAt = (function(IPanel, posX: number, posY: number): nil)
--[[ Returns the number of children of the panel object that are selected. This is equivalent to calling [Panel:IsSelected](/gmod/Panel:IsSelected) on all child objects and counting the number of returns that are `true`. ]]
type IPanel.NumSelectedChildren = (function(IPanel): number)
--[[ Sets whether this panel's drawings should be clipped within the parent panel's bounds.
See also [DisableClipping](/gmod/Global.DisableClipping). ]]
type IPanel.NoClipping = (function(IPanel, clip: boolean): nil)
type IPanel.NewObjectCallback = (function(IPanel, objectName: string, callbackName: string): nil)
type IPanel.NewObject = (function(IPanel, objectName: string): nil)
--[[ Creates a new animation for the panel object.
Methods that use this function:
* [Panel:MoveTo](/gmod/Panel:MoveTo)
* [Panel:SizeTo](/gmod/Panel:SizeTo)
* [Panel:SlideUp](/gmod/Panel:SlideUp)
* [Panel:SlideDown](/gmod/Panel:SlideDown)
* [Panel:ColorTo](/gmod/Panel:ColorTo)
* [Panel:AlphaTo](/gmod/Panel:AlphaTo)
* [Panel:MoveBy](/gmod/Panel:MoveBy)
* [Panel:LerpPositions](/gmod/Panel:LerpPositions) ]]
type IPanel.NewAnimation = (function(IPanel, length: number, delay: number, ease: number, callback: (function(...any): any)): {[any] = any})
--[[ Moves the panel in front of all other panels on screen. Unless the panel has been made a pop-up using [Panel:MakePopup](/gmod/Panel:MakePopup), it will still draw behind any that have. ]]
type IPanel.MoveToFront = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Moves this panel object behind the specified sibling (child of the same parent) in the render order, and shuffles up the [Panel:SetZPos](/gmod/Panel:SetZPos) of siblings now in front. ]]
type IPanel.MoveToBefore = (function(IPanel, siblingPanel: IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Moves the panel object behind all other panels on screen. If the panel has been made a pop-up with [Panel:MakePopup](/gmod/Panel:MakePopup), it will still draw in front of any panels that haven't. ]]
type IPanel.MoveToBack = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Moves this panel object in front of the specified sibling (child of the same parent) in the render order, and shuffles up the Z-positions of siblings now behind. ]]
type IPanel.MoveToAfter = (function(IPanel, siblingPanel: IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Moves the panel to the specified position using animation. ]]
type IPanel.MoveTo = (function(IPanel, posX: number, posY: number, time: number, delay: number, ease: number, callback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Places the panel right to the passed panel with the specified offset. ]]
type IPanel.MoveRightOf = (function(IPanel, panel: IPanel, offset: number): nil)
--[[ Places the panel left to the passed panel with the specified offset. ]]
type IPanel.MoveLeftOf = (function(IPanel, panel: IPanel, offset: number): nil)
--[[ Moves the panel by the specified coordinates using animation. ]]
type IPanel.MoveBy = (function(IPanel, moveX: number, moveY: number, time: number, delay: number, ease: number, callback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Places the panel below the passed panel with the specified offset. ]]
type IPanel.MoveBelow = (function(IPanel, panel: IPanel, offset: number): nil)
--[[ Places the panel above the passed panel with the specified offset. ]]
type IPanel.MoveAbove = (function(IPanel, panel: IPanel, offset: number): nil)
--[[ Allows the panel to receive mouse input even if the mouse cursor is outside the bounds of the panel. ]]
type IPanel.MouseCapture = (function(IPanel, doCapture: boolean): nil)
--[[ Focuses the panel and enables it to receive input.
This automatically calls [Panel:SetMouseInputEnabled](/gmod/Panel:SetMouseInputEnabled) and [Panel:SetKeyboardInputEnabled](/gmod/Panel:SetKeyboardInputEnabled) and sets them to `true`. ]]
type IPanel.MakePopup = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Gets the absolute screen position of the position specified relative to the panel.
See also [Panel:ScreenToLocal](/gmod/Panel:ScreenToLocal). ]]
type IPanel.LocalToScreen = (function(IPanel, posX: number, posY: number): number, number)
--[[ Returns the cursor position local to the position of the panel (usually the upper-left corner). ]]
type IPanel.LocalCursorPos = (function(IPanel): number, number)
--[[ Sets a new image to be loaded by a [TGAImage](/gmod/TGAImage). ]]
type IPanel.LoadTGAImage = (function(IPanel, imageName: string, strPath: string): nil)
--[[ Loads controls for the panel from a JSON string. ]]
type IPanel.LoadGWENString = (function(IPanel, str: string): nil)
--[[ Loads a .gwen file (created by GWEN Designer) and calls [Panel:LoadGWENString](/gmod/Panel:LoadGWENString) with the contents of the loaded file.
Used to load panel controls from a file. ]]
type IPanel.LoadGWENFile = (function(IPanel, filename: string, path: string): nil)
--[[ Loads controls(positions, etc) from given data. This is what the default options menu uses. ]]
type IPanel.LoadControlsFromString = (function(IPanel, data: string): nil)
--[[ Similar to [Panel:LoadControlsFromString](/gmod/Panel:LoadControlsFromString) but loads controls from a file. ]]
type IPanel.LoadControlsFromFile = (function(IPanel, path: string): nil)
--[[ Redefines the panel object's [Panel:SetPos](/gmod/Panel:SetPos) method to operate using frame-by-frame linear interpolation ([Lerp](/gmod/Global.Lerp)). When the panel's position is changed, it will move to the target position at the speed defined. You can undo this with [Panel:DisableLerp](/gmod/Panel:DisableLerp).
Unlike the other panel animation functions, such as [Panel:MoveTo](/gmod/Panel:MoveTo), this animation method will not operate whilst the game is paused. This is because it relies on [FrameTime](/gmod/Global.FrameTime). ]]
type IPanel.LerpPositions = (function(IPanel, speed: number, easeOut: boolean): nil)
--[[ Remove the focus from the panel. ]]
type IPanel.KillFocus = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Returns if a panel allows world clicking set by [Panel:SetWorldClicker](/gmod/Panel:SetWorldClicker). ]]
type IPanel.IsWorldClicker = (function(IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the panel is visible. This will **NOT** take into account visibility of the parent. ]]
type IPanel.IsVisible = (function(IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the panel is valid and not marked for deletion. ]]
type IPanel.IsValid = (function(IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Determines if the panel object is a selection canvas or not. This is set with [Panel:SetSelectionCanvas](/gmod/Panel:SetSelectionCanvas). ]]
type IPanel.IsSelectionCanvas = (function(IPanel): any)
--[[ Returns if the panel object is selected (like icons in the Spawn Menu, holding ). This can be set in Lua using [Panel:SetSelected](/gmod/Panel:SetSelected). ]]
type IPanel.IsSelected = (function(IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Determines if the panel object is selectable (like icons in the Spawn Menu, holding ). This is set with [Panel:SetSelectable](/gmod/Panel:SetSelectable). ]]
type IPanel.IsSelectable = (function(IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the panel was made popup or not. See [Panel:MakePopup](/gmod/Panel:MakePopup) ]]
type IPanel.IsPopup = (function(IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the panel contains the given panel, recursively. ]]
type IPanel.IsOurChild = (function(IPanel, childPanel: IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Returns true if the panel can receive mouse input. ]]
type IPanel.IsMouseInputEnabled = (function(IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the panel was made modal or not. See [Panel:DoModal](/gmod/Panel:DoModal). ]]
type IPanel.IsModal = (function(IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the panel is going to be deleted in the next frame. ]]
type IPanel.IsMarkedForDeletion = (function(IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Determines whether or not a [HTML](/gmod/HTML) or [DHTML](/gmod/DHTML) element is currently loading a page. ]]
type IPanel.IsLoading = (function(IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Returns true if the panel can receive keyboard input. ]]
type IPanel.IsKeyboardInputEnabled = (function(IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the mouse cursor is hovering over this panel or not
Uses [vgui.GetHoveredPanel](/gmod/vgui.GetHoveredPanel) internally.
Requires [Panel:SetMouseInputEnabled](/gmod/Panel:SetMouseInputEnabled) to be set to true. ]]
type IPanel.IsHovered = (function(IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the the panel is enabled or disabled.
See [Panel:SetEnabled](/gmod/Panel:SetEnabled) for a function that makes the panel enabled or disabled. ]]
type IPanel.IsEnabled = (function(IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether this panel is currently being dragged or not. ]]
type IPanel.IsDragging = (function(IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether this panel is draggable ( if user is able to drag it ) or not. ]]
type IPanel.IsDraggable = (function(IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Determines whether the mouse cursor is hovered over one of this panel object's children. This is a reverse process using [vgui.GetHoveredPanel](/gmod/vgui.GetHoveredPanel), and looks upward to find the parent. ]]
type IPanel.IsChildHovered = (function(IPanel, immediate: boolean): boolean)
--[[ Calls [Panel:InvalidateLayout](/gmod/Panel:InvalidateLayout) on the panel's [parent](/gmod/Panel:GetParent). This function will silently fail if the panel has no parent.
This will cause the parent panel to re-layout, calling [PANEL:PerformLayout](/gmod/PANEL:PerformLayout).
Internally sets `LayingOutParent` to `true` on this panel, and will silently fail if it is already set. ]]
type IPanel.InvalidateParent = (function(IPanel, layoutNow: boolean): nil)
--[[ Causes the panel to re-layout in the next frame. During the layout process [PANEL:PerformLayout](/gmod/PANEL:PerformLayout) will be called on the target panel.
You should avoid calling this function every frame. ]]
type IPanel.InvalidateLayout = (function(IPanel, layoutNow: boolean): nil)
--[[ Invalidates the layout of this panel object and all its children. This will cause these objects to re-layout immediately, calling [PANEL:PerformLayout](/gmod/PANEL:PerformLayout). If you want to perform the layout in the next frame, you will have loop manually through all children, and call [Panel:InvalidateLayout](/gmod/Panel:InvalidateLayout) on each. ]]
type IPanel.InvalidateChildren = (function(IPanel, recursive: boolean): nil)
--[[ Begins a text fade for a [RichText](/gmod/RichText) element where the last appended text segment is fully faded out after a specific amount of time, at a specific speed.
The alpha of the text at any given time is determined by the text's base alpha * ((`sustain` - [CurTime](/gmod/Global.CurTime)) / `length`) where [CurTime](/gmod/Global.CurTime) is added to `sustain` when this method is called. ]]
type IPanel.InsertFade = (function(IPanel, sustain: number, length: number): nil)
--[[ Inserts a color change in a [RichText](/gmod/RichText) element, which affects the color of all text added with [Panel:AppendText](/gmod/Panel:AppendText) until another color change is applied. ]]
type IPanel.InsertColorChange = (function(IPanel, r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number): nil)
--[[ Starts the insertion of clickable text for a [RichText](/gmod/RichText) element. Any text appended with [Panel:AppendText](/gmod/Panel:AppendText) between this call and [Panel:InsertClickableTextEnd](/gmod/Panel:InsertClickableTextEnd) will become clickable text.
The hook [PANEL:ActionSignal](/gmod/PANEL:ActionSignal) is called when the text is clicked, with "TextClicked" as the signal name and `signalValue` as the signal value. ]]
type IPanel.InsertClickableTextStart = (function(IPanel, signalValue: string): nil)
--[[ Marks the end of a clickable text segment in a [RichText](/gmod/RichText) element, started with [Panel:InsertClickableTextStart](/gmod/Panel:InsertClickableTextStart). ]]
type IPanel.InsertClickableTextEnd = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Makes a panel invisible. ]]
type IPanel.Hide = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Returns whether the panel is a descendent of the given panel. ]]
type IPanel.HasParent = (function(IPanel, parentPanel: IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the panel or any of its children(sub children and so on) has the focus. ]]
type IPanel.HasHierarchicalFocus = (function(IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the panel is focused. ]]
type IPanel.HasFocus = (function(IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Returns whenever the panel has child panels. ]]
type IPanel.HasChildren = (function(IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Causes a [RichText](/gmod/RichText) element to scroll to the top of its text. ]]
type IPanel.GotoTextStart = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Causes a [RichText](/gmod/RichText) element to scroll to the bottom of its text. ]]
type IPanel.GotoTextEnd = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Goes to the page in the HTML panel's history at the specified relative offset. ]]
type IPanel.GoToHistoryOffset = (function(IPanel, offset: number): nil)
--[[ Goes forward one page in the HTML panel's history if available. ]]
type IPanel.GoForward = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Goes back one page in the HTML panel's history if available. ]]
type IPanel.GoBack = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Returns the Z position of the panel. ]]
type IPanel.GetZPos = (function(IPanel): number)
--[[ Returns the Y position of the panel relative to its [Panel:GetParent](/gmod/Panel:GetParent).
Uses [Panel:GetPos](/gmod/Panel:GetPos) internally. ]]
type IPanel.GetY = (function(IPanel): number)
--[[ Returns the X position of the panel relative to its [Panel:GetParent](/gmod/Panel:GetParent).
Uses [Panel:GetPos](/gmod/Panel:GetPos) internally. ]]
type IPanel.GetX = (function(IPanel): number)
--[[ Returns the width of the panel. ]]
type IPanel.GetWide = (function(IPanel): number)
--[[ Returns the value the panel holds.
In engine is only implemented for [CheckButton](/gmod/CheckButton), [Label](/gmod/Label) and [TextEntry](/gmod/TextEntry) as a string. ]]
type IPanel.GetValue = (function(IPanel): any)
--[[ Gets valid receiver slot of currently dragged panel. ]]
type IPanel.GetValidReceiverSlot = (function(IPanel): IPanel, {[any] = any})
--[[ Gets the size of the text within a [Label](/gmod/Label) derived panel. ]]
type IPanel.GetTextSize = (function(IPanel): number, number)
--[[ Gets the left and top text margins of a text-based panel object, such as a [DButton](/gmod/DButton) or [DLabel](/gmod/DLabel). This is set with [Panel:SetTextInset](/gmod/Panel:SetTextInset). ]]
type IPanel.GetTextInset = (function(IPanel): number, number)
--[[ Returns the panel's text (where applicable).
This method returns a maximum of 1023 bytes, except for [DTextEntry](/gmod/DTextEntry). ]]
type IPanel.GetText = (function(IPanel): string)
--[[ Returns the height of the panel. ]]
type IPanel.GetTall = (function(IPanel): number)
--[[ Returns the internal Lua table of the panel. ]]
type IPanel.GetTable = (function(IPanel): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the table for the derma skin currently being used by this panel object. ]]
type IPanel.GetSkin = (function(IPanel): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the size of the panel.
If you require both the panel's position and size, consider using [Panel:GetBounds](/gmod/Panel:GetBounds) instead. ]]
type IPanel.GetSize = (function(IPanel): number, number)
--[[ Returns the panel object (`self`) if it has been enabled as a selection canvas. This is achieved using [Panel:SetSelectionCanvas](/gmod/Panel:SetSelectionCanvas). ]]
type IPanel.GetSelectionCanvas = (function(IPanel): IPanel)
--[[ Returns the currently selected range of text.
This function will only work on [RichText](/gmod/RichText) and [TextEntry](/gmod/TextEntry) panels and their derivatives. ]]
type IPanel.GetSelectedTextRange = (function(IPanel): start: number, endrange: number)
--[[ Returns a table of all children of the panel object that are selected. This is recursive, and the returned table will include tables for any child objects that also have children. This means that not all first-level members in the returned table will be of type [Panel](/gmod/Panel). ]]
type IPanel.GetSelectedChildren = (function(IPanel): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the position of the panel relative to its [Panel:GetParent](/gmod/Panel:GetParent).
If you require the panel's position **and** size, consider using [Panel:GetBounds](/gmod/Panel:GetBounds) instead.
If you need the position in screen space, see [Panel:LocalToScreen](/gmod/Panel:LocalToScreen).
See also [Panel:GetX](/gmod/Panel:GetX) and [Panel:GetY](/gmod/Panel:GetY). ]]
type IPanel.GetPos = (function(IPanel): number, number)
--[[ Returns the parent of the panel, returns nil if there is no parent. ]]
type IPanel.GetParent = (function(IPanel): IPanel)
--[[ Returns the number of lines in a [RichText](/gmod/RichText). You must wait a couple frames before calling this after using [Panel:AppendText](/gmod/Panel:AppendText) or [Panel:SetText](/gmod/Panel:SetText), otherwise it will return the number of text lines before the text change. ]]
type IPanel.GetNumLines = (function(IPanel): number)
--[[ Returns the internal name of the panel. ]]
type IPanel.GetName = (function(IPanel): string)
--[[ Returns the current maximum character count.
This function will only work on [RichText](/gmod/RichText) and [TextEntry](/gmod/TextEntry) panels and their derivatives. ]]
type IPanel.GetMaximumCharCount = (function(IPanel): maxChar: number)
--[[ Returns the panel's HTML material. Only works with [Awesomium](/gmod/Awesomium), [HTML](/gmod/HTML) and [DHTML](/gmod/DHTML) panels that have been fully loaded. ]]
type IPanel.GetHTMLMaterial = (function(IPanel): IMaterial)
--[[ Returns the name of the font that the panel renders its text with.
This is the same font name set with [Panel:SetFontInternal](/gmod/Panel:SetFontInternal). ]]
type IPanel.GetFont = (function(IPanel): string)
--[[ Returns the foreground color of the panel.
For a [Label](/gmod/Label) or [RichText](/gmod/RichText), this is the color of its text. ]]
type IPanel.GetFGColor = (function(IPanel): color: {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the docked padding of the panel. (set by [Panel:DockPadding](/gmod/Panel:DockPadding)) ]]
type IPanel.GetDockPadding = (function(IPanel): number, number, number, number)
--[[ Returns the docked margins of the panel. (set by [Panel:DockMargin](/gmod/Panel:DockMargin)) ]]
type IPanel.GetDockMargin = (function(IPanel): number, number, number, number)
--[[ Returns a dock enum for the panel's current docking type. ]]
type IPanel.GetDock = (function(IPanel): number)
--[[ Gets the value of a cookie stored by the panel object, as a number. This can also be done with [cookie.GetNumber](/gmod/cookie.GetNumber), using the panel's cookie name, a fullstop, and then the actual name of the cookie.
Make sure the panel's cookie name has not changed since writing, or the cookie will not be accessible. This can be done with [Panel:GetCookieName](/gmod/Panel:GetCookieName) and [Panel:SetCookieName](/gmod/Panel:SetCookieName). ]]
type IPanel.GetCookieNumber = (function(IPanel, cookieName: string, default: number): number)
--[[ Gets the name the panel uses to store cookies. This is set with [Panel:SetCookieName](/gmod/Panel:SetCookieName). ]]
type IPanel.GetCookieName = (function(IPanel): string)
--[[ Gets the value of a cookie stored by the panel object. This can also be done with [cookie.GetString](/gmod/cookie.GetString), using the panel's cookie name, a fullstop, and then the actual name of the cookie.
Make sure the panel's cookie name has not changed since writing, or the cookie will not be accessible. This can be done with [Panel:GetCookieName](/gmod/Panel:GetCookieName) and [Panel:SetCookieName](/gmod/Panel:SetCookieName). ]]
type IPanel.GetCookie = (function(IPanel, cookieName: string, default: string): string)
--[[ Gets the size of the content/children within a panel object.
Only works with [Label](/gmod/Label) derived panels by default such as [DLabel](/gmod/DLabel).
Will also work on any panel that manually implements this method. ]]
type IPanel.GetContentSize = (function(IPanel): number, number)
--[[ Returns the child of this panel object that is closest to the specified point. The point is relative to the object on which the method is called. The distance the child is from this point is also returned. ]]
type IPanel.GetClosestChild = (function(IPanel, x: number, y: number): IPanel, number)
--[[ Returns the class name of the panel. ]]
type IPanel.GetClassName = (function(IPanel): string)
--[[ Returns a table of all visible, selectable children of the panel object that lie at least partially within the specified rectangle. ]]
type IPanel.GetChildrenInRect = (function(IPanel, x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a table with all the child panels of the panel. ]]
type IPanel.GetChildren = (function(IPanel): {[any] = any})
--[[ Gets a child object's position relative to this panel object. The number of levels is not relevant; the child may have many parents between itself and the object on which the method is called. ]]
type IPanel.GetChildPosition = (function(IPanel, pnl: IPanel): number, number)
--[[ Gets a child by its index. ]]
type IPanel.GetChild = (function(IPanel, childIndex: number): nil)
--[[ Returns the position/offset of the caret (or text cursor) in a text-based panel object. ]]
type IPanel.GetCaretPos = (function(IPanel): number)
--[[ Returns the position and size of the panel.
This is equivalent to calling [Panel:GetPos](/gmod/Panel:GetPos) and [Panel:GetSize](/gmod/Panel:GetSize) together. ]]
type IPanel.GetBounds = (function(IPanel): number, number, number, number)
--[[ Returns the background color of a panel such as a [RichText](/gmod/RichText), [Label](/gmod/Label) or [DColorCube](/gmod/DColorCube). ]]
type IPanel.GetBGColor = (function(IPanel): color: number)
--[[ Returns the alpha multiplier for this panel. ]]
type IPanel.GetAlpha = (function(IPanel): number)
--[[ Used by [Panel:ApplyGWEN](/gmod/Panel:ApplyGWEN) to apply the `Text` property to a panel. ]]
type IPanel.GWEN_SetText = (function(IPanel, txt: string): nil)
--[[ Used by [Panel:ApplyGWEN](/gmod/Panel:ApplyGWEN) to apply the `Size` property to a panel object. This calls [Panel:SetSize](/gmod/Panel:SetSize). ]]
type IPanel.GWEN_SetSize = (function(IPanel, size: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Used by [Panel:ApplyGWEN](/gmod/Panel:ApplyGWEN) to apply the `Position` property to a panel object. This calls [Panel:SetPos](/gmod/Panel:SetPos). ]]
type IPanel.GWEN_SetPosition = (function(IPanel, pos: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Used by [Panel:ApplyGWEN](/gmod/Panel:ApplyGWEN) to apply the `Min` property to a [DNumberWang](/gmod/DNumberWang), [Slider](/gmod/Slider), [DNumSlider](/gmod/DNumSlider) or [DNumberScratch](/gmod/DNumberScratch). This calls `SetMin` on one of the previously listed methods. ]]
type IPanel.GWEN_SetMin = (function(IPanel, minValue: number): nil)
--[[ Used by [Panel:ApplyGWEN](/gmod/Panel:ApplyGWEN) to apply the `Max` property to a [DNumberWang](/gmod/DNumberWang), [Slider](/gmod/Slider), [DNumSlider](/gmod/DNumSlider) or [DNumberScratch](/gmod/DNumberScratch). This calls `SetMax` on one of the previously listed methods. ]]
type IPanel.GWEN_SetMax = (function(IPanel, maxValue: number): nil)
--[[ Used by [Panel:ApplyGWEN](/gmod/Panel:ApplyGWEN) to apply the `Margin` property to a panel object. This calls [Panel:DockMargin](/gmod/Panel:DockMargin). ]]
type IPanel.GWEN_SetMargin = (function(IPanel, margins: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Used by [Panel:ApplyGWEN](/gmod/Panel:ApplyGWEN) to apply the `HorizontalAlign` property to a panel object. This calls [Panel:SetContentAlignment](/gmod/Panel:SetContentAlignment). ]]
type IPanel.GWEN_SetHorizontalAlign = (function(IPanel, hAlign: string): nil)
--[[ Used by [Panel:ApplyGWEN](/gmod/Panel:ApplyGWEN) to apply the `Dock` property to a panel object. This calls [Panel:Dock](/gmod/Panel:Dock). ]]
type IPanel.GWEN_SetDock = (function(IPanel, dockState: string): nil)
--[[ Used by [Panel:ApplyGWEN](/gmod/Panel:ApplyGWEN) to apply the `ControlName` property to a panel. This calls [Panel:SetName](/gmod/Panel:SetName). ]]
type IPanel.GWEN_SetControlName = (function(IPanel, name: string): nil)
--[[ Used by [Panel:ApplyGWEN](/gmod/Panel:ApplyGWEN) to apply the `CheckboxText` property to a [DCheckBoxLabel](/gmod/DCheckBoxLabel). This does exactly the same as [Panel:GWEN_SetText](/gmod/Panel:GWEN_SetText), but exists to cater for the seperate GWEN properties. ]]
type IPanel.GWEN_SetCheckboxText = (function(IPanel, txt: string): nil)
--[[ Focuses the previous panel in the focus queue. ]]
type IPanel.FocusPrevious = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Focuses the next panel in the focus queue. ]]
type IPanel.FocusNext = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Finds a panel in its children(and sub children) with the given name. ]]
type IPanel.Find = (function(IPanel, panelName: string): IPanel)
--[[ Used to run commands within a [DHTML](/gmod/DHTML) window. ]]
type IPanel.Exec = (function(IPanel, cmd: string): nil)
--[[ Completes a box selection. If the end point of the selection box is within the selection canvas, mouse capture is disabled for the panel object, and the selected state of each child object within the selection box is toggled. ]]
type IPanel.EndBoxSelection = (function(IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Makes this panel droppable. This is used with [Panel:Receiver](/gmod/Panel:Receiver) to create drag and drop events.
Can be called multiple times with different names allowing to be dropped onto different receivers. ]]
type IPanel.Droppable = (function(IPanel, name: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Draws a textured rectangle to fill the panel object this method is called on. The texture is set using [surface.SetTexture](/gmod/surface.SetTexture) or [surface.SetMaterial](/gmod/surface.SetMaterial). This should only be called within the object's [PANEL:Paint](/gmod/PANEL:Paint) or [PANEL:PaintOver](/gmod/PANEL:PaintOver) hooks, as a shortcut for [surface.DrawTexturedRect](/gmod/surface.DrawTexturedRect). ]]
type IPanel.DrawTexturedRect = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Used to draw the text in a [DTextEntry](/gmod/DTextEntry) within a derma skin. This should be called within the [SKIN:PaintTextEntry](/gmod/SKIN:PaintTextEntry) skin hook. ]]
type IPanel.DrawTextEntryText = (function(IPanel, textCol: {[any] = any}, highlightCol: {[any] = any}, cursorCol: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Used to draw the magenta highlight colour of a panel object when it is selected. This should be called in the object's [PANEL:PaintOver](/gmod/PANEL:PaintOver) hook. Once this is implemented, the highlight colour will be displayed only when the object is selectable and selected. This is achieved using [Panel:SetSelectable](/gmod/Panel:SetSelectable) and [Panel:SetSelected](/gmod/Panel:SetSelected) respectively. ]]
type IPanel.DrawSelections = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Draws a hollow rectangle the size of the panel object this method is called on, with a border width of 1 px. The border colour is set using [surface.SetDrawColor](/gmod/surface.SetDrawColor). This should only be called within the object's [PANEL:Paint](/gmod/PANEL:Paint) or [PANEL:PaintOver](/gmod/PANEL:PaintOver) hooks, as a shortcut for [surface.DrawOutlinedRect](/gmod/surface.DrawOutlinedRect). ]]
type IPanel.DrawOutlinedRect = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Draws a coloured rectangle to fill the panel object this method is called on. The colour is set using [surface.SetDrawColor](/gmod/surface.SetDrawColor). This should only be called within the object's [PANEL:Paint](/gmod/PANEL:Paint) or [PANEL:PaintOver](/gmod/PANEL:PaintOver) hooks, as a shortcut for [surface.DrawRect](/gmod/surface.DrawRect). ]]
type IPanel.DrawFilledRect = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Called to draw the drop target when an object is being dragged across another. See [Panel:SetDropTarget](/gmod/Panel:SetDropTarget). ]]
type IPanel.DrawDragHover = (function(IPanel, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): nil)
--[[ Called to inform the [dragndrop](/gmod/dragndrop) that a mouse button has been depressed on a panel object. ]]
type IPanel.DragMouseRelease = (function(IPanel, mouseCode: number): boolean)
--[[ Called to inform the [dragndrop](/gmod/dragndrop) that a mouse button is being held down on a panel object. ]]
type IPanel.DragMousePress = (function(IPanel, mouseCode: number): nil)
--[[ Called to end a drag and hover action. This resets the panel's [PANEL:PaintOver](/gmod/PANEL:PaintOver) method, and is primarily used by [dragndrop.StopDragging](/gmod/dragndrop.StopDragging). ]]
type IPanel.DragHoverEnd = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Called by [dragndrop.HoverThink](/gmod/dragndrop.HoverThink) to perform actions on an object that is dragged and hovered over another. ]]
type IPanel.DragHover = (function(IPanel, HoverTime: number): nil)
--[[ Called by [Panel:DragMouseRelease](/gmod/Panel:DragMouseRelease) when a user clicks one mouse button whilst dragging with another. ]]
type IPanel.DragClick = (function(IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Sets the dock padding of the panel.
The dock padding is the extra space that will be left around the edge when child elements are docked inside this element. ]]
type IPanel.DockPadding = (function(IPanel, paddingLeft: number, paddingTop: number, paddingRight: number, paddingBottom: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the dock margin of the panel.
The dock margin is the extra space that will be left around the edge when this element is docked inside its parent element. ]]
type IPanel.DockMargin = (function(IPanel, marginLeft: number, marginTop: number, marginRight: number, marginBottom: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the dock type for the panel, making the panel "dock" in a certain direction, modifying it's position and size.
You can set the inner spacing of a panel's docking using [Panel:DockPadding](/gmod/Panel:DockPadding), which will affect docked child panels, and you can set the outer spacing of a panel's docking using [Panel:DockMargin](/gmod/Panel:DockMargin), which affects how docked siblings are positioned/sized.
You may need to use [Panel:SetZPos](/gmod/Panel:SetZPos) to ensure child panels ([DTextEntry](/gmod/DTextEntry)) stay in a specific order. ]]
type IPanel.Dock = (function(IPanel, dockType: number): nil)
--[[ Makes the panel "lock" the screen until it is removed. All input will be directed to the given panel.
It will silently fail if used while cursor is not visible.
Call [Panel:MakePopup](/gmod/Panel:MakePopup) before calling this function.
This must be called on a panel derived from [EditablePanel](/gmod/EditablePanel). ]]
type IPanel.DoModal = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Returns the distance between the center of this panel object and a specified point **local to the parent panel**. ]]
type IPanel.DistanceFrom = (function(IPanel, posX: number, posY: number): number)
--[[ Returns the linear distance from the center of this panel object and another. **Both panels must have the same parent for this function to work properly.** ]]
type IPanel.Distance = (function(IPanel, tgtPanel: IPanel): number)
--[[ Resets the panel object's [Panel:SetPos](/gmod/Panel:SetPos) method and removes its animation table (`Panel.LerpAnim`). This effectively undoes the changes made by [Panel:LerpPositions](/gmod/Panel:LerpPositions).
In order to use Lerp animation again, you must call [Panel:Stop](/gmod/Panel:Stop) before setting its `SetPosReal` property to `nil`. See the example below. ]]
type IPanel.DisableLerp = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Deletes a cookie value using the panel's cookie name ( [Panel:GetCookieName](/gmod/Panel:GetCookieName) ) and the passed extension. ]]
type IPanel.DeleteCookie = (function(IPanel, cookieName: string): nil)
--[[ Performs the "CONTROL + X" ( delete text and copy it to clipboard buffer ) action on selected text. ]]
type IPanel.CutSelected = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Returns the cursor position relative to the top left of the panel.
This is equivalent to calling [gui.MousePos](/gmod/gui.MousePos) and then [Panel:ScreenToLocal](/gmod/Panel:ScreenToLocal). ]]
type IPanel.CursorPos = (function(IPanel): number, number)
--[[ Copies the width of the panel. ]]
type IPanel.CopyWidth = (function(IPanel, base: IPanel): nil)
--[[ Performs the "CONTROL + C" key combination effect ( Copy selection to clipboard ) on selected text. ]]
type IPanel.CopySelected = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Copies the position of the panel. ]]
type IPanel.CopyPos = (function(IPanel, base: IPanel): nil)
--[[ Copies the height of the panel. ]]
type IPanel.CopyHeight = (function(IPanel, base: IPanel): nil)
--[[ Copies position and size of the panel. ]]
type IPanel.CopyBounds = (function(IPanel, base: IPanel): nil)
--[[ Gets the size, position and dock state of the passed panel object, and applies it to this one. ]]
type IPanel.CopyBase = (function(IPanel, srcPanel: IPanel): nil)
--[[ A think hook for [panels](/gmod/Panel) using ConVars as a value. Call it in the Think hook. Sets the panel's value should the convar change.
This function is best for: text inputs, read-only inputs, dropdown selects
For a number alternative, see [Panel:ConVarNumberThink](/gmod/Panel:ConVarNumberThink).
`Important`: Make sure your Panel has a SetValue function, else you may get errors. ]]
type IPanel.ConVarStringThink = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ A think hook for [Panel](/gmod/Panel)s using ConVars as a value. Call it in the Think hook. Sets the panel's value should the convar change.
This function is best for: checkboxes, sliders, number wangs
For a string alternative, see [Panel:ConVarStringThink](/gmod/Panel:ConVarStringThink).
`Important`: Make sure your Panel has a SetValue function, else you may get errors. ]]
type IPanel.ConVarNumberThink = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Updates a panel object's associated console variable. This must first be set up with [Derma_Install_Convar_Functions](/gmod/Global.Derma_Install_Convar_Functions), and have a ConVar set using [Panel:SetConVar](/gmod/Panel:SetConVar). ]]
type IPanel.ConVarChanged = (function(IPanel, newValue: string): nil)
--[[ Sends an action command signal to the panel. The response is handled by [PANEL:ActionSignal](/gmod/PANEL:ActionSignal). ]]
type IPanel.Command = (function(IPanel, command: string): nil)
--[[ Fades panels color to specified one. It won't work unless panel has SetColor function. ]]
type IPanel.ColorTo = (function(IPanel, color: {[any] = any}, length: number, delay: number, callback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Marks all of the panel's children for deletion. ]]
type IPanel.Clear = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Returns the width and height of the space between the position of the panel (upper-left corner) and the max bound of the children panels (farthest reaching lower-right corner). ]]
type IPanel.ChildrenSize = (function(IPanel): number, number)
--[[ Returns the amount of children of the of panel. ]]
type IPanel.ChildCount = (function(IPanel): number)
--[[ Centers the panel vertically with specified fraction. ]]
type IPanel.CenterVertical = (function(IPanel, fraction: number): nil)
--[[ Centers the panel horizontally with specified fraction. ]]
type IPanel.CenterHorizontal = (function(IPanel, fraction: number): nil)
--[[ Centers the panel on its parent. ]]
type IPanel.Center = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Used by [Panel:LoadGWENFile](/gmod/Panel:LoadGWENFile) and [Panel:LoadGWENString](/gmod/Panel:LoadGWENString) to apply a GWEN controls table to a panel object.
You can do this manually using [file.Read](/gmod/file.Read) and [util.JSONToTable](/gmod/util.JSONToTable) to import and create a GWEN table structure from a `.gwen` file. This method can then be called, passing the GWEN table's `Controls` member. ]]
type IPanel.ApplyGWEN = (function(IPanel, GWENTable: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Appends text to a [RichText](/gmod/RichText) element. This does not automatically add a new line. ]]
type IPanel.AppendText = (function(IPanel, txt: string): nil)
--[[ Performs the per-frame operations required for panel animations.
This is called every frame by [PANEL:AnimationThink](/gmod/PANEL:AnimationThink). ]]
type IPanel.AnimationThinkInternal = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Returns the [SysTime](/gmod/Global.SysTime) value when all animations for this panel object will end. ]]
type IPanel.AnimTail = (function(IPanel): number)
--[[ Uses animation to transition the current alpha value of a panel to a new alpha, over a set period of time and after a specified delay. ]]
type IPanel.AlphaTo = (function(IPanel, alpha: number, duration: number, delay: number, callback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Aligns the panel on the top of its parent with the specified offset. ]]
type IPanel.AlignTop = (function(IPanel, offset: number): nil)
--[[ Aligns the panel on the right of its parent with the specified offset. ]]
type IPanel.AlignRight = (function(IPanel, offset: number): nil)
--[[ Aligns the panel on the left of its parent with the specified offset. ]]
type IPanel.AlignLeft = (function(IPanel, offset: number): nil)
--[[ Aligns the panel on the bottom of its parent with the specified offset. ]]
type IPanel.AlignBottom = (function(IPanel, offset: number): nil)
--[[ This function does nothing. ]]
type IPanel.AddText = (function(IPanel): nil)
--[[ Adds the specified object to the panel. ]]
type IPanel.Add = (function(IPanel, object: IPanel): IPanel)
type IPanel.@Contract = IPanel
if SERVER then
type INextBot.@MetaTable = INextBot
type INextBot.@Name = "INextBot"
type INextBot.__index = INextBot
--[[ Start doing an activity (animation) ]]
type INextBot.StartActivity = (function(INextBot, activity: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the solid mask for given NextBot.
The default solid mask of a NextBot is [MASK_NPCSOLID](/gmod/Enums/MASK). ]]
type INextBot.SetSolidMask = (function(INextBot, mask: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the maximum range the nextbot can see other nextbots/players at. See [NextBot:IsAbleToSee](/gmod/NextBot:IsAbleToSee). ]]
type INextBot.SetMaxVisionRange = (function(INextBot, range: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the Field of View for the Nextbot NPC, used for its vision functionality, such as [NextBot:IsAbleToSee](/gmod/NextBot:IsAbleToSee). ]]
type INextBot.SetFOV = (function(INextBot, fov: number): nil)
--[[ To be called in the behaviour coroutine only! Plays an animation sequence and waits for it to end before returning. ]]
type INextBot.PlaySequenceAndWait = (function(INextBot, name: string, speed: number): nil)
--[[ To be called in the behaviour coroutine only! Will yield until the bot has reached the goal or is stuck ]]
type INextBot.MoveToPos = (function(INextBot, pos: IVector, options: {[any] = any}): string)
--[[ Returns if the Nextbot NPC can see the give entity or not. ]]
type INextBot.IsAbleToSee = (function(INextBot, ent: IEntity, useFOV: number): boolean)
--[[ Called from Lua when the NPC is stuck. This should only be called from the behaviour coroutine - so if you want to override this function and do something special that yields - then go for it.
You should always call self.loco:ClearStuck() in this function to reset the stuck status - so it knows it's unstuck. See [CLuaLocomotion:ClearStuck](/gmod/CLuaLocomotion:ClearStuck). ]]
type INextBot.HandleStuck = (function(INextBot): nil)
--[[ Returns the solid mask for given NextBot. ]]
type INextBot.GetSolidMask = (function(INextBot): number)
--[[ Returns the distance to an entity or position.
See also [NextBot:GetRangeSquaredTo](/gmod/NextBot:GetRangeSquaredTo). ]]
type INextBot.GetRangeTo = (function(INextBot, to: IVector): number)
--[[ Returns squared distance to an entity or a position.
See also [NextBot:GetRangeTo](/gmod/NextBot:GetRangeTo). ]]
type INextBot.GetRangeSquaredTo = (function(INextBot, to: IVector): number)
--[[ Returns the maximum range the nextbot can see other nextbots/players at. See [NextBot:IsAbleToSee](/gmod/NextBot:IsAbleToSee). ]]
type INextBot.GetMaxVisionRange = (function(INextBot): number)
--[[ Returns the Field of View of the Nextbot NPC, used for its vision functionality, such as [NextBot:IsAbleToSee](/gmod/NextBot:IsAbleToSee). ]]
type INextBot.GetFOV = (function(INextBot): fov: number)
--[[ Returns the currently running activity ]]
type INextBot.GetActivity = (function(INextBot): number)
--[[ Returns a table of hiding spots. ]]
type INextBot.FindSpots = (function(INextBot, specs: {[any] = any}): {[any] = any})
--[[ Like [NextBot:FindSpots](/gmod/NextBot:FindSpots) but only returns a vector. ]]
type INextBot.FindSpot = (function(INextBot, type: string, options: {[any] = any}): IVector)
--[[ Should only be called in [NEXTBOT:BodyUpdate](/gmod/NEXTBOT:BodyUpdate). This sets the `move_x` and `move_y` pose parameters of the bot to fit how they're currently moving, sets the animation speed ([Entity:GetPlaybackRate](/gmod/Entity:GetPlaybackRate)) to suit the ground speed, and calls [Entity:FrameAdvance](/gmod/Entity:FrameAdvance). ]]
type INextBot.BodyMoveXY = (function(INextBot): nil)
--[[ Become a ragdoll and remove the entity. ]]
type INextBot.BecomeRagdoll = (function(INextBot, info: ITakeDamageInfo): IEntity)
type INextBot.@Contract = INextBot
type INPC.@MetaTable = INPC
type INPC.@Name = "INPC"
type INPC.__index = INPC
if SERVER then
--[[ Undoes the other Use*Behavior functions.
Only usable on "ai" base entities. ]]
type INPC.UseNoBehavior = (function(INPC): nil)
type INPC.UseLeadBehavior = (function(INPC): boolean)
type INPC.UseFuncTankBehavior = (function(INPC): boolean)
--[[ Only usable on "ai" base entities. ]]
type INPC.UseFollowBehavior = (function(INPC): boolean)
type INPC.UseAssaultBehavior = (function(INPC): boolean)
--[[ Only usable on "ai" base entities. ]]
type INPC.UseActBusyBehavior = (function(INPC): boolean)
--[[ Updates the turn activity. Basically applies the turn animations depending on the current turn yaw. ]]
type INPC.UpdateTurnActivity = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Force the NPC to update information on the supplied enemy, as if it had line of sight to it. ]]
type INPC.UpdateEnemyMemory = (function(INPC, enemy: IEntity, pos: IVector): nil)
--[[ Marks the current NPC task as failed.
This is meant to be used alongside [NPC:TaskComplete](/gmod/NPC:TaskComplete) to complete or fail custom Lua defined tasks. ([Schedule:AddTask](/gmod/Schedule:AddTask)) ]]
type INPC.TaskFail = (function(INPC, task: string): nil)
--[[ Marks the current NPC task as completed.
This is meant to be used alongside [NPC:TaskFail](/gmod/NPC:TaskFail) to complete or fail custom Lua defined tasks. ([Schedule:AddTask](/gmod/Schedule:AddTask)) ]]
type INPC.TaskComplete = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Cancels [NPC:MoveOrder](/gmod/NPC:MoveOrder) basically.
Only works on Citizens (npc_citizen) and is a part of the Half-Life 2 squad system.
The NPC **must** be in the player's squad for this to work. ]]
type INPC.TargetOrder = (function(INPC, target: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Resets the NPC's movement animation and velocity. Does not actually stop the NPC from moving. ]]
type INPC.StopMoving = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Forces the NPC to start an engine task, this has different results for every NPC. ]]
type INPC.StartEngineTask = (function(INPC, task: number, taskData: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the status of the current task. ]]
type INPC.SetTaskStatus = (function(INPC, status: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the NPC's target. This is used in some engine schedules. ]]
type INPC.SetTarget = (function(INPC, entity: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Assigns the NPC to a new squad. A squad can have up to 16 NPCs. NPCs in a single squad should be friendly to each other. ]]
type INPC.SetSquad = (function(INPC, name: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the NPC's current schedule. ]]
type INPC.SetSchedule = (function(INPC, schedule: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the navigation type of the NPC. ]]
type INPC.SetNavType = (function(INPC, navtype: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the state the NPC is in to help it decide on a ideal schedule. ]]
type INPC.SetNPCState = (function(INPC, state: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the sequence the NPC navigation path uses for speed calculation. Doesn't seem to have any visible effect on NPC movement. ]]
type INPC.SetMovementSequence = (function(INPC, sequenceId: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the activity the NPC uses when it moves. ]]
type INPC.SetMovementActivity = (function(INPC, activity: number): nil)
--[[ Sets whether the current movement should locked on the Yaw axis or not. ]]
type INPC.SetMoveYawLocked = (function(INPC, lock: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the move velocity of the NPC ]]
type INPC.SetMoveVelocity = (function(INPC, vel: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the timestep the internal NPC motor is working on. ]]
type INPC.SetMoveInterval = (function(INPC, time: number): nil)
--[[ Sets how long to try rebuilding path before failing task. ]]
type INPC.SetMaxRouteRebuildTime = (function(INPC, time: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the last registered or memorized position for an npc. When using scheduling, the NPC will focus on navigating to the last position via nodes. ]]
type INPC.SetLastPosition = (function(INPC, Position: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the ideal yaw angle (left-right rotation) for the NPC and forces them to turn to that angle. ]]
type INPC.SetIdealYawAndUpdate = (function(INPC, angle: number, speed: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the ideal activity the NPC currently wants to achieve. This is most useful for custom SNPCs. ]]
type INPC.SetIdealActivity = (function(INPC, number): nil)
--[[ Sets the hull type for the NPC. ]]
type INPC.SetHullType = (function(INPC, hullType: number): nil)
--[[ Updates the NPC's hull and physics hull in order to match its model scale. [Entity:SetModelScale](/gmod/Entity:SetModelScale) seems to take care of this regardless. ]]
type INPC.SetHullSizeNormal = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Sets the NPC's .vcd expression. Similar to [Entity:PlayScene](/gmod/Entity:PlayScene) except the scene is looped until it's interrupted by default NPC behavior or [NPC:ClearExpression](/gmod/NPC:ClearExpression). ]]
type INPC.SetExpression = (function(INPC, expression: string): number)
--[[ Sets the target for an NPC. ]]
type INPC.SetEnemy = (function(INPC, enemy: IEntity, newenemy: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the weapon proficiency of an NPC (how skilled an NPC is with its current weapon). ]]
type INPC.SetCurrentWeaponProficiency = (function(INPC, proficiency: number): nil)
--[[ Sets an NPC condition. ]]
type INPC.SetCondition = (function(INPC, condition: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the arrival speed? of the NPC ]]
type INPC.SetArrivalSpeed = (function(INPC, speed: number): nil)
type INPC.SetArrivalSequence = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Sets the distance to goal at which the NPC should stop moving and continue to other business such as doing the rest of their tasks in a schedule. ]]
type INPC.SetArrivalDistance = (function(INPC, dist: number): nil)
type INPC.SetArrivalDirection = (function(INPC): nil)
type INPC.SetArrivalActivity = (function(INPC, act: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the NPC's current activity. ]]
type INPC.SetActivity = (function(INPC, act: number): nil)
--[[ Stops any sounds (speech) the NPC is currently palying.
Equivalent to `Entity:EmitSound( "AI_BaseNPC.SentenceStop" )` ]]
type INPC.SentenceStop = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Forces the NPC to switch to a specific weapon the NPC owns. See [NPC:GetWeapons](/gmod/NPC:GetWeapons). ]]
type INPC.SelectWeapon = (function(INPC, class: string): nil)
--[[ Starts an engine task.
Used internally by the [ai_task](/gmod/ai_task). ]]
type INPC.RunEngineTask = (function(INPC, taskID: number, taskData: number): nil)
--[[ Resets all the movement calculations.
Related functions are [NPC:MoveStart](/gmod/NPC:MoveStart), [NPC:MovePause](/gmod/NPC:MovePause) and [NPC:MoveStop](/gmod/NPC:MoveStop). ]]
type INPC.ResetMoveCalc = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Resets the ideal activity of the NPC. See also [NPC:SetIdealActivity](/gmod/NPC:SetIdealActivity). ]]
type INPC.ResetIdealActivity = (function(INPC, act: number): nil)
--[[ This function crashes the game no matter how it is used and will be removed in a future update.
Use [NPC:ClearEnemyMemory](/gmod/NPC:ClearEnemyMemory) instead. ]]
type INPC.RemoveMemory = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Makes the NPC remember an entity or an enemy as unreachable, for a specified amount of time. Use [NPC:IsUnreachable](/gmod/NPC:IsUnreachable) to check if an entity is still unreachable. ]]
type INPC.RememberUnreachable = (function(INPC, ent: IEntity, time: number): nil)
--[[ Forces the NPC to play a sentence from scripts/sentences.txt ]]
type INPC.PlaySentence = (function(INPC, sentence: string, delay: number, volume: number): number)
--[[ Forces the NPC to pickup an existing weapon entity. The NPC will not pick up the weapon if they already own a weapon of given type, or if the NPC could not normally have this weapon in their inventory. ]]
type INPC.PickupWeapon = (function(INPC, wep: IWeapon): result: boolean)
--[[ Sets a goal in x, y offsets for the NPC to wander to ]]
type INPC.NavSetWanderGoal = (function(INPC, xOffset: number, yOffset: number): boolean)
--[[ Creates a random path of specified minimum length between a closest start node and random node in the specified direction. This won't actually force the NPC to move. ]]
type INPC.NavSetRandomGoal = (function(INPC, minPathLength: number, dir: IVector): boolean)
--[[ Set the goal target for an NPC. ]]
type INPC.NavSetGoalTarget = (function(INPC, target: IEntity, offset: IVector): boolean)
--[[ Works similarly to [NPC:NavSetRandomGoal](/gmod/NPC:NavSetRandomGoal). ]]
type INPC.NavSetGoal = (function(INPC, pos: IVector, length: number, dir: IVector): boolean)
--[[ Stops the NPC movement?
Related functions are [NPC:MoveStart](/gmod/NPC:MoveStart), [NPC:MovePause](/gmod/NPC:MovePause) and [NPC:ResetMoveCalc](/gmod/NPC:ResetMoveCalc). ]]
type INPC.MoveStop = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Starts NPC movement?
Related functions are [NPC:MoveStop](/gmod/NPC:MoveStop), [NPC:MovePause](/gmod/NPC:MovePause) and [NPC:ResetMoveCalc](/gmod/NPC:ResetMoveCalc). ]]
type INPC.MoveStart = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Pauses the NPC movement?
Related functions are [NPC:MoveStart](/gmod/NPC:MoveStart), [NPC:MoveStop](/gmod/NPC:MoveStop) and [NPC:ResetMoveCalc](/gmod/NPC:ResetMoveCalc). ]]
type INPC.MovePause = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Makes the NPC walk toward the given position. The NPC will return to the player after amount of time set by **player_squad_autosummon_time** [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar).
Only works on Citizens (npc_citizen) and is a part of the Half-Life 2 squad system.
The NPC **must** be in the player's squad for this to work. ]]
type INPC.MoveOrder = (function(INPC, position: IVector): nil)
--[[ Stops a jump move.
Related functions are [NPC:MoveJumpExec](/gmod/NPC:MoveJumpExec) and [NPC:MoveJumpStart](/gmod/NPC:MoveJumpStart). ]]
type INPC.MoveJumpStop = (function(INPC): number)
--[[ Starts a jump move.
Related functions are [NPC:MoveJumpExec](/gmod/NPC:MoveJumpExec) and [NPC:MoveJumpStop](/gmod/NPC:MoveJumpStop). ]]
type INPC.MoveJumpStart = (function(INPC, vel: IVector): nil)
--[[ Executes a jump move.
Related functions are [NPC:MoveJumpStart](/gmod/NPC:MoveJumpStart) and [NPC:MoveJumpStop](/gmod/NPC:MoveJumpStop). ]]
type INPC.MoveJumpExec = (function(INPC): number)
--[[ Stops a climb move.
Related functions are [NPC:MoveClimbExec](/gmod/NPC:MoveClimbExec) and [NPC:MoveClimbStart](/gmod/NPC:MoveClimbStart). ]]
type INPC.MoveClimbStop = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Starts a climb move.
Related functions are [NPC:MoveClimbExec](/gmod/NPC:MoveClimbExec) and [NPC:MoveClimbStop](/gmod/NPC:MoveClimbStop). ]]
type INPC.MoveClimbStart = (function(INPC, destination: IVector, dir: IVector, distance: number, yaw: number): nil)
--[[ Executes a climb move.
Related functions are [NPC:MoveClimbStart](/gmod/NPC:MoveClimbStart) and [NPC:MoveClimbStop](/gmod/NPC:MoveClimbStop). ]]
type INPC.MoveClimbExec = (function(INPC, destination: IVector, dir: IVector, distance: number, yaw: number, left: number): number)
--[[ Causes the NPC to temporarily forget the current enemy and switch on to a better one. ]]
type INPC.MarkEnemyAsEluded = (function(INPC, enemy: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Tries to achieve our ideal animation state, playing any transition sequences that we need to play to get there. ]]
type INPC.MaintainActivity = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Force an NPC to play his LostEnemy sound. ]]
type INPC.LostEnemySound = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Returns true if the entity was remembered as unreachable. The memory is updated automatically from following engine tasks if they failed:
* SCHED_FAIL_ESTABLISH_LINE_OF_FIRE - Combine NPCs, also when failing to change their enemy ]]
type INPC.IsUnreachable = (function(INPC, testEntity: IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the current NPC is the leader of the squad it is in. ]]
type INPC.IsSquadLeader = (function(INPC): is_leader: boolean)
--[[ Checks if the NPC is running an **ai_goal**. ( e.g. An npc_citizen NPC following the Player. ) ]]
type INPC.IsRunningBehavior = (function(INPC): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the NPC is moving or not. ]]
type INPC.IsMoving = (function(INPC): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the current movement is locked on the Yaw axis. ]]
type INPC.IsMoveYawLocked = (function(INPC): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the NPC has an active goal. ]]
type INPC.IsGoalActive = (function(INPC): act: boolean)
--[[ Returns whether or not the NPC is performing the given schedule. ]]
type INPC.IsCurrentSchedule = (function(INPC, schedule: number): boolean)
--[[ Force an NPC to play his Idle sound. ]]
type INPC.IdleSound = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Returns true if the current navigation has a obstacle, this is different from [NPC:GetBlockingEntity](/gmod/NPC:GetBlockingEntity), this includes obstacles that it can steer around. ]]
type INPC.HasObstacles = (function(INPC): boolean)
--[[ Polls the enemy memory to check if the NPC has any memory of given enemy. ]]
type INPC.HasEnemyMemory = (function(INPC, enemy: IEntity): eluded: boolean)
--[[ Polls the enemy memory to check if the given entity has eluded us or not. ]]
type INPC.HasEnemyEluded = (function(INPC, enemy: IEntity): eluded: boolean)
--[[ Returns whether or not the NPC has the given condition. ]]
type INPC.HasCondition = (function(INPC, condition: number): boolean)
--[[ Used to give a weapon to an already spawned NPC. ]]
type INPC.Give = (function(INPC, weapon: string): IWeapon)
--[[ Returns a table of the NPC's weapons. ]]
type INPC.GetWeapons = (function(INPC): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a specific weapon the NPC owns. ]]
type INPC.GetWeapon = (function(INPC, class: string): wep: IWeapon)
--[[ Returns the status of the current task. ]]
type INPC.GetTaskStatus = (function(INPC): number)
--[[ Returns the NPC's current target set by [NPC:SetTarget](/gmod/NPC:SetTarget). ]]
type INPC.GetTarget = (function(INPC): IEntity)
--[[ Returns the current squad name of the NPC. ]]
type INPC.GetSquad = (function(INPC): name: string)
--[[ Returns the shooting position of the NPC. ]]
type INPC.GetShootPos = (function(INPC): IVector)
--[[ Returns the amount of time it will take for the NPC to get to its Target Goal. ]]
type INPC.GetPathTimeToGoal = (function(INPC): number)
--[[ Returns the distance the NPC is from Target Goal. ]]
type INPC.GetPathDistanceToGoal = (function(INPC): number)
--[[ Gets the NPC's next waypoint position, where NPC will be moving after reaching current waypoint, if any is available. ]]
type INPC.GetNextWaypointPos = (function(INPC): IVector)
--[[ Returns the nearest member of the squad the NPC is in. ]]
type INPC.GetNearestSquadMember = (function(INPC): nearest_member: INPC)
--[[ Returns the NPC's navigation type. ]]
type INPC.GetNavType = (function(INPC): number)
--[[ Returns the NPC's state. ]]
type INPC.GetNPCState = (function(INPC): number)
--[[ Returns the index of the sequence the NPC uses to move. ]]
type INPC.GetMovementSequence = (function(INPC): number)
--[[ Returns the NPC's current movement activity. ]]
type INPC.GetMovementActivity = (function(INPC): number)
--[[ Returns the current move velocity of the NPC. ]]
type INPC.GetMoveVelocity = (function(INPC): IVector)
--[[ Returns the current timestep the internal NPC motor is working on. ]]
type INPC.GetMoveInterval = (function(INPC): number)
--[[ Returns how far before the NPC can come to a complete stop. ]]
type INPC.GetMinMoveStopDist = (function(INPC, minResult_: number): number)
--[[ Returns how far should the NPC look ahead in its route. ]]
type INPC.GetMinMoveCheckDist = (function(INPC): number)
--[[ Returns the ideal move speed of the NPC. ]]
type INPC.GetIdealMoveSpeed = (function(INPC): number)
--[[ Returns the ideal move acceleration of the NPC. ]]
type INPC.GetIdealMoveAcceleration = (function(INPC): number)
--[[ Returns the ideal activity the NPC currently wants to achieve. ]]
type INPC.GetIdealActivity = (function(INPC): number)
--[[ Returns NPCs hull type set by [NPC:SetHullType](/gmod/NPC:SetHullType). ]]
type INPC.GetHullType = (function(INPC): number)
--[[ Returns the expression file the NPC is currently playing. ]]
type INPC.GetExpression = (function(INPC): string)
--[[ Returns the last time an NPC's enemy was seen by the NPC. ]]
type INPC.GetEnemyLastTimeSeen = (function(INPC, enemy: IEntity): time: number)
--[[ Returns the last seen position of an NPC's enemy. ]]
type INPC.GetEnemyLastSeenPos = (function(INPC, enemy: IEntity): pos: IVector)
--[[ Returns the last known position of an NPC's enemy. ]]
type INPC.GetEnemyLastKnownPos = (function(INPC, enemy: IEntity): pos: IVector)
--[[ Returns the first time an NPC's enemy was seen by the NPC. ]]
type INPC.GetEnemyFirstTimeSeen = (function(INPC, enemy: IEntity): time: number)
--[[ Returns the entity that this NPC is trying to fight. ]]
type INPC.GetEnemy = (function(INPC): INPC)
--[[ Returns how proficient (skilled) an NPC is with its current weapon. ]]
type INPC.GetCurrentWeaponProficiency = (function(INPC): number)
--[[ Returns the NPC's current schedule. ]]
type INPC.GetCurrentSchedule = (function(INPC): number)
--[[ Gets the NPC's current waypoint position (where NPC is currently moving towards), if any is available. ]]
type INPC.GetCurWaypointPos = (function(INPC): IVector)
--[[ Returns the entity blocking the NPC along its path. ]]
type INPC.GetBlockingEntity = (function(INPC): IEntity)
--[[ Returns the sequence to be played when the NPC arrives at its goal. ]]
type INPC.GetArrivalSequence = (function(INPC): number)
--[[ Returns the activity to be played when the NPC arrives at its goal ]]
type INPC.GetArrivalActivity = (function(INPC): number)
--[[ Returns the aim vector of the NPC. NPC alternative of [Player:GetAimVector](/gmod/Player:GetAimVector). ]]
type INPC.GetAimVector = (function(INPC): IVector)
--[[ Returns the NPC's current activity. ]]
type INPC.GetActivity = (function(INPC): number)
--[[ Force an NPC to play its FoundEnemy sound. ]]
type INPC.FoundEnemySound = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Force an NPC to play his Fear sound. ]]
type INPC.FearSound = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Makes an NPC exit a scripted sequence, if one is playing. ]]
type INPC.ExitScriptedSequence = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Forces the NPC to drop the specified weapon. ]]
type INPC.DropWeapon = (function(INPC, weapon: IWeapon, target: IVector, velocity: IVector): nil)
--[[ Returns the way the NPC "feels" about the entity. ]]
type INPC.Disposition = (function(INPC, ent: IEntity): number)
--[[ Translates condition ID to a string. ]]
type INPC.ConditionName = (function(INPC, cond: number): string)
--[[ Stops the current schedule that the NPC is doing. ]]
type INPC.ClearSchedule = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Clears the current NPC goal or target. ]]
type INPC.ClearGoal = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Clears the NPC's current expression which can be set with [NPC:SetExpression](/gmod/NPC:SetExpression). ]]
type INPC.ClearExpression = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Clears the Enemy from the NPC's memory, effectively forgetting it until met again with either the NPC vision or with [NPC:UpdateEnemyMemory](/gmod/NPC:UpdateEnemyMemory). ]]
type INPC.ClearEnemyMemory = (function(INPC, enemy: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Clears out the specified [COND](/gmod/Enums/COND) on this NPC. ]]
type INPC.ClearCondition = (function(INPC, condition: number): nil)
--[[ Resets the [NPC:GetBlockingEntity](/gmod/NPC:GetBlockingEntity). ]]
type INPC.ClearBlockingEntity = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Returns the NPC class. Do not confuse with [Entity:GetClass](/gmod/Entity:GetClass)! ]]
type INPC.Classify = (function(INPC): number)
--[[ Remove a certain capability. ]]
type INPC.CapabilitiesRemove = (function(INPC, capabilities: number): nil)
--[[ Returns the NPC's capabilities along the ones defined on its weapon. ]]
type INPC.CapabilitiesGet = (function(INPC): number)
--[[ Removes all of Capabilities the NPC has. ]]
type INPC.CapabilitiesClear = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Adds a capability to the NPC. ]]
type INPC.CapabilitiesAdd = (function(INPC, capabilities: number): nil)
--[[ Executes any movement the current sequence may have. ]]
type INPC.AutoMovement = (function(INPC, interval: number, target: IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Force an NPC to play his Alert sound. ]]
type INPC.AlertSound = (function(INPC): nil)
--[[ Changes how an NPC feels towards another NPC. If you want to setup relationship towards a certain `entity`, use [NPC:AddEntityRelationship](/gmod/NPC:AddEntityRelationship). ]]
type INPC.AddRelationship = (function(INPC, relationstring: string): nil)
--[[ Makes the NPC like, hate, feel neutral towards, or fear the entity in question. If you want to setup relationship towards a certain entity `class`, use [NPC:AddRelationship](/gmod/NPC:AddRelationship). ]]
type INPC.AddEntityRelationship = (function(INPC, target: IEntity, disposition: number, priority: number): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
--[[ Returns the weapon the NPC is currently carrying, or [NULL](/gmod/Global_Variables). ]]
type INPC.GetActiveWeapon = (function(INPC): IEntity)
type INPC.@Contract = INPC
if CLIENT then
type IMarkupObject.@MetaTable = IMarkupObject
type IMarkupObject.@Name = "IMarkupObject"
type IMarkupObject.__index = IMarkupObject
--[[ Gets computed the width and height of the markupobject. ]]
type IMarkupObject.Size = (function(IMarkupObject): number, number)
--[[ Gets computed the width of the markupobject. ]]
type IMarkupObject.GetWidth = (function(IMarkupObject): Width: number)
--[[ Gets computed the height of the markupobject. ]]
type IMarkupObject.GetHeight = (function(IMarkupObject): Height: number)
--[[ Draws the computed markupobject to the screen. ]]
type IMarkupObject.Draw = (function(IMarkupObject, xOffset: number, yOffset: number, xAlign: number, yAlign: number, alphaoverride: number): nil)
type IMarkupObject.@Contract = IMarkupObject
if CLIENT then
type IVideoWriter.@MetaTable = IVideoWriter
type IVideoWriter.@Name = "IVideoWriter"
type IVideoWriter.__index = IVideoWriter
--[[ Returns the width of the video stream. ]]
type IVideoWriter.Width = (function(IVideoWriter): number)
--[[ Sets whether to record sound or not. ]]
type IVideoWriter.SetRecordSound = (function(IVideoWriter, record: boolean): nil)
--[[ Returns the height of the video stream. ]]
type IVideoWriter.Height = (function(IVideoWriter): number)
--[[ Ends the video recording and dumps it to disk. ]]
type IVideoWriter.Finish = (function(IVideoWriter): nil)
--[[ Adds the current framebuffer to the video stream. ]]
type IVideoWriter.AddFrame = (function(IVideoWriter, frameTime: number, downsample: boolean): nil)
type IVideoWriter.@Contract = IVideoWriter
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type ITexture.@MetaTable = ITexture
type ITexture.@Name = "ITexture"
type ITexture.__index = ITexture
--[[ Returns the modified width of the texture, this value may be affected by mipmapping and other factors. ]]
type ITexture.Width = (function(ITexture): number)
--[[ Returns whenever the texture is the error texture (pink and black checkerboard pattern). ]]
type ITexture.IsErrorTexture = (function(ITexture): boolean)
--[[ Returns whenever the texture is valid. (i.e. was loaded successfully or not) ]]
type ITexture.IsError = (function(ITexture): boolean)
--[[ Returns the modified height of the texture, this value may be affected by mipmapping and other factors. ]]
type ITexture.Height = (function(ITexture): number)
--[[ Returns the number of animation frames in this texture. ]]
type ITexture.GetNumAnimationFrames = (function(ITexture): number)
--[[ Returns the name of the texture, in most cases the path. ]]
type ITexture.GetName = (function(ITexture): string)
--[[ Returns the true unmodified width of the texture. ]]
type ITexture.GetMappingWidth = (function(ITexture): number)
--[[ Returns the true unmodified height of the texture. ]]
type ITexture.GetMappingHeight = (function(ITexture): number)
--[[ Returns the color of the specified pixel, only works for textures created from PNG files. ]]
type ITexture.GetColor = (function(ITexture, x: number, y: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Invokes the generator of the texture. Reloads file based textures from disk and clears render target textures. ]]
type ITexture.Download = (function(ITexture): nil)
type ITexture.@Contract = ITexture
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type ISave.@MetaTable = ISave
type ISave.@Name = "ISave"
type ISave.__index = ISave
--[[ Writes a [Vector](/gmod/Vector) to the save object. ]]
type ISave.WriteVector = (function(ISave, vec: IVector): nil)
--[[ Writes a [string](/gmod/string) to the save object. ]]
type ISave.WriteString = (function(ISave, str: string): nil)
--[[ Writes an integer [number](/gmod/number) to the save object. ]]
type ISave.WriteInt = (function(ISave, int: number): nil)
--[[ Writes a floating point [number](/gmod/number) to the save object. ]]
type ISave.WriteFloat = (function(ISave, float: number): nil)
--[[ Writes an [Entity](/gmod/Entity) to the save object. ]]
type ISave.WriteEntity = (function(ISave, ent: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Writes a [boolean](/gmod/boolean) to the save object. ]]
type ISave.WriteBool = (function(ISave, bool: boolean): nil)
--[[ Writes an [Angle](/gmod/Angle) to the save object. ]]
type ISave.WriteAngle = (function(ISave, ang: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Starts a new block of data that you can write to inside current block. Blocks **must** be ended with [ISave:EndBlock](/gmod/ISave:EndBlock). ]]
type ISave.StartBlock = (function(ISave, name: string): nil)
--[[ Ends current data block started with [ISave:StartBlock](/gmod/ISave:StartBlock) and returns to the parent block.
To avoid all sorts of errors, you **must** end all blocks you start. ]]
type ISave.EndBlock = (function(ISave): nil)
type ISave.@Contract = ISave
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type IRestore.@MetaTable = IRestore
type IRestore.@Name = "IRestore"
type IRestore.__index = IRestore
--[[ Loads next block of data to be read inside current block. Blocks **must** be ended with [IRestore:EndBlock](/gmod/IRestore:EndBlock). ]]
type IRestore.StartBlock = (function(IRestore): string)
--[[ Reads next bytes from the restore object as a [Vector](/gmod/Vector). ]]
type IRestore.ReadVector = (function(IRestore): IVector)
--[[ Reads next bytes from the restore object as a [string](/gmod/string). ]]
type IRestore.ReadString = (function(IRestore): string)
--[[ Reads next bytes from the restore object as an integer [number](/gmod/number). ]]
type IRestore.ReadInt = (function(IRestore): number)
--[[ Reads next bytes from the restore object as a floating point [number](/gmod/number). ]]
type IRestore.ReadFloat = (function(IRestore): number)
--[[ Reads next bytes from the restore object as an [Entity](/gmod/Entity). ]]
type IRestore.ReadEntity = (function(IRestore): IEntity)
--[[ Reads next bytes from the restore object as a [boolean](/gmod/boolean). ]]
type IRestore.ReadBool = (function(IRestore): boolean)
--[[ Reads next bytes from the restore object as an [Angle](/gmod/Angle). ]]
type IRestore.ReadAngle = (function(IRestore): IAngle)
--[[ Ends current data block started with [IRestore:StartBlock](/gmod/IRestore:StartBlock) and returns to the parent block.
To avoid all sorts of errors, you **must** end all blocks you start. ]]
type IRestore.EndBlock = (function(IRestore): nil)
type IRestore.@Contract = IRestore
if CLIENT then
type IMesh.@MetaTable = IMesh
type IMesh.@Name = "IMesh"
type IMesh.__index = IMesh
--[[ Returns whether this [IMesh](/gmod/IMesh) is valid or not. ]]
type IMesh.IsValid = (function(IMesh): boolean)
--[[ Renders the mesh with the active matrix. ]]
type IMesh.Draw = (function(IMesh): nil)
--[[ Deletes the mesh and frees the memory used by it. ]]
type IMesh.Destroy = (function(IMesh): nil)
--[[ Builds the mesh from a table mesh vertexes.
See [Mesh](/gmod/Global.Mesh) and [util.GetModelMeshes](/gmod/util.GetModelMeshes) for examples. ]]
type IMesh.BuildFromTriangles = (function(IMesh, vertexes: {[any] = any}): nil)
type IMesh.@Contract = IMesh
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type IMaterial.@MetaTable = IMaterial
type IMaterial.@Name = "IMaterial"
type IMaterial.__index = IMaterial
--[[ Returns the width of the member texture set for $basetexture. ]]
type IMaterial.Width = (function(IMaterial): number)
--[[ Sets the specified material vector to the specified 4 component vector, does nothing on a type mismatch. ]]
type IMaterial.SetVector4D = (function(IMaterial, name: string, x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the specified material vector to the specified vector, does nothing on a type mismatch. ]]
type IMaterial.SetVector = (function(IMaterial, MaterialVector: string, vec: IVector): nil)
--[[ Unsets the value for the specified material value. ]]
type IMaterial.SetUndefined = (function(IMaterial, materialValueName: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the specified material texture to the specified texture, does nothing on a type mismatch. ]]
type IMaterial.SetTexture = (function(IMaterial, materialTexture: string, texture: ITexture): nil)
--[[ Sets the specified material value to the specified string, does nothing on a type mismatch. ]]
type IMaterial.SetString = (function(IMaterial, materialString: string, string: string): nil)
--[[ The functionality of this function was removed due to the amount of crashes it caused. ]]
type IMaterial.SetShader = (function(IMaterial, shaderName: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the specified material value to the specified matrix, does nothing on a type mismatch. ]]
type IMaterial.SetMatrix = (function(IMaterial, materialMatrix: string, matrix: IMatrix): nil)
--[[ Sets the specified material value to the specified int, does nothing on a type mismatch. ]]
type IMaterial.SetInt = (function(IMaterial, materialInt: string, int: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the specified material float to the specified float, does nothing on a type mismatch. ]]
type IMaterial.SetFloat = (function(IMaterial, materialFloat: string, float: number): nil)
--[[ Recomputes the material's snapshot. This needs to be called if you have changed variables on your material and it isn't changing.
Be careful though - this function is slow - so try to call it only when needed! ]]
type IMaterial.Recompute = (function(IMaterial): nil)
--[[ Returns whenever the material is valid, i.e. whether it was not loaded successfully from disk or not. ]]
type IMaterial.IsError = (function(IMaterial): boolean)
--[[ Returns the height of the member texture set for $basetexture. ]]
type IMaterial.Height = (function(IMaterial): number)
--[[ Returns the specified material linear color vector, or nil if the value is not set.
See also [IMaterial:GetVector](/gmod/IMaterial:GetVector) ]]
type IMaterial.GetVectorLinear = (function(IMaterial, materialVector: string): IVector)
--[[ Returns the specified material vector as a 4 component vector. ]]
type IMaterial.GetVector4D = (function(IMaterial, name: string): x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number)
--[[ Returns the specified material vector, or nil if the value is not set.
See also [IMaterial:GetVectorLinear](/gmod/IMaterial:GetVectorLinear) ]]
type IMaterial.GetVector = (function(IMaterial, materialVector: string): IVector)
--[[ Returns an [ITexture](/gmod/ITexture) based on the passed shader parameter. ]]
type IMaterial.GetTexture = (function(IMaterial, param: string): ITexture)
--[[ Returns the specified material string, or nil if the value is not set or if the value can not be converted to a string. ]]
type IMaterial.GetString = (function(IMaterial, materialString: string): string)
--[[ Returns the name of the materials shader. ]]
type IMaterial.GetShader = (function(IMaterial): string)
--[[ Returns the name of the material, in most cases the path. ]]
type IMaterial.GetName = (function(IMaterial): string)
--[[ Returns the specified material matrix as a int, or nil if the value is not set or is not a matrix. ]]
type IMaterial.GetMatrix = (function(IMaterial, materialMatrix: string): IMatrix)
--[[ Gets all the key values defined for the material. ]]
type IMaterial.GetKeyValues = (function(IMaterial): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the specified material value as a int, rounds the value if its a float, or nil if the value is not set. ]]
type IMaterial.GetInt = (function(IMaterial, materialInt: string): number)
--[[ Returns the specified material value as a float, or nil if the value is not set. ]]
type IMaterial.GetFloat = (function(IMaterial, materialFloat: string): number)
--[[ Returns the color of the specified pixel of the $basetexture, only works for materials created from PNG files.
Basically identical to [ITexture:GetColor](/gmod/ITexture:GetColor) used on [IMaterial:GetTexture](/gmod/IMaterial:GetTexture)( "$basetexture" ). ]]
type IMaterial.GetColor = (function(IMaterial, x: number, y: number): {[any] = any})
type IMaterial.@Contract = IMaterial
if CLIENT then
type IGModAudioChannel.@MetaTable = IGModAudioChannel
type IGModAudioChannel.@Name = "IGModAudioChannel"
type IGModAudioChannel.__index = IGModAudioChannel
--[[ Stop the stream. It can be started again using [IGModAudioChannel:Play](/gmod/IGModAudioChannel:Play). ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.Stop = (function(IGModAudioChannel): nil)
--[[ Sets the volume of a sound channel ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.SetVolume = (function(IGModAudioChannel, volume: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the sound channel to specified time ( Rewind to that position of the song ). Does not work on online radio streams.
Streamed sounds must have "noblock" parameter for this to work and [IGModAudioChannel:IsBlockStreamed](/gmod/IGModAudioChannel:IsBlockStreamed) must return false. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.SetTime = (function(IGModAudioChannel, secs: number, dont_decode: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets position of sound channel in case the sound channel has a 3d option set. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.SetPos = (function(IGModAudioChannel, pos: IVector, dir: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the playback rate of the sound channel. May not work with high values for radio streams. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.SetPlaybackRate = (function(IGModAudioChannel, rate: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the relative volume of the left and right channels. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.SetPan = (function(IGModAudioChannel, pan: number): nil)
--[[ Sets 3D fade distances of a sound channel. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.Set3DFadeDistance = (function(IGModAudioChannel, min: number, max: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the 3D mode of the channel. This will affect [IGModAudioChannel:Get3DEnabled](/gmod/IGModAudioChannel:Get3DEnabled) but not [IGModAudioChannel:Is3D](/gmod/IGModAudioChannel:Is3D).
This feature **requires** the channel to be initially created in 3D mode, i.e. [IGModAudioChannel:Is3D](/gmod/IGModAudioChannel:Is3D) should return true or this function will do nothing. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.Set3DEnabled = (function(IGModAudioChannel, enable: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets 3D cone of the sound channel. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.Set3DCone = (function(IGModAudioChannel, innerAngle: number, outerAngle: number, outerVolume: number): nil)
--[[ Starts playing the stream. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.Play = (function(IGModAudioChannel): nil)
--[[ Pauses the stream. It can be started again using [IGModAudioChannel:Play](/gmod/IGModAudioChannel:Play) ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.Pause = (function(IGModAudioChannel): nil)
--[[ Returns if the sound channel is valid or not. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.IsValid = (function(IGModAudioChannel): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the sound channel is streamed from the Internet or not. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.IsOnline = (function(IGModAudioChannel): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the sound channel is looping or not. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.IsLooping = (function(IGModAudioChannel): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the audio stream is block streamed or not. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.IsBlockStreamed = (function(IGModAudioChannel): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the sound channel is in 3D mode or not. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.Is3D = (function(IGModAudioChannel): boolean)
--[[ Returns volume of a sound channel ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.GetVolume = (function(IGModAudioChannel): number)
--[[ Returns the current time of the sound channel ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.GetTime = (function(IGModAudioChannel): number)
--[[ Retrieves OGG Vendor tag, usually containing the application that created the file, from a bass channel created by [sound.PlayURL](/gmod/sound.PlayURL) or [sound.PlayFile](/gmod/sound.PlayFile), if available. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.GetTagsVendor = (function(IGModAudioChannel): info: string)
--[[ Retrieves OGG media info tag, from a bass channel created by [sound.PlayURL](/gmod/sound.PlayURL) or [sound.PlayFile](/gmod/sound.PlayFile), if available. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.GetTagsOGG = (function(IGModAudioChannel): info: {[any] = any})
--[[ Retrieves meta stream info from a bass stream channel created by [sound.PlayURL](/gmod/sound.PlayURL), if available. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.GetTagsMeta = (function(IGModAudioChannel): info: string)
--[[ Retrieves the ID3 version 1 info from a bass channel created by [sound.PlayFile](/gmod/sound.PlayFile) or [sound.PlayURL](/gmod/sound.PlayURL), if available.
ID3v2 is not supported. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.GetTagsID3 = (function(IGModAudioChannel): info: {[any] = any})
--[[ Retrieves HTTP headers from a bass stream channel created by [sound.PlayURL](/gmod/sound.PlayURL), if available. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.GetTagsHTTP = (function(IGModAudioChannel): info: {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the state of a sound channel ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.GetState = (function(IGModAudioChannel): number)
--[[ Returns the sample rate for currently playing sound. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.GetSamplingRate = (function(IGModAudioChannel): number)
--[[ Returns position of the sound channel ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.GetPos = (function(IGModAudioChannel): IVector)
--[[ Returns the playback rate of the sound channel. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.GetPlaybackRate = (function(IGModAudioChannel): number)
--[[ Gets the relative volume of the left and right channels. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.GetPan = (function(IGModAudioChannel): pan: number)
--[[ Returns the right and left levels of sound played by the sound channel. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.GetLevel = (function(IGModAudioChannel): number, number)
--[[ Returns the length of sound played by the sound channel. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.GetLength = (function(IGModAudioChannel): number)
--[[ Returns the filename for the sound channel. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.GetFileName = (function(IGModAudioChannel): string)
--[[ Retrieves the number of bits per sample of the sound channel.
Doesn't work for mp3 and ogg files. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.GetBitsPerSample = (function(IGModAudioChannel): number)
--[[ Returns the average bit rate of the sound channel. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.GetAverageBitRate = (function(IGModAudioChannel): number)
--[[ Returns 3D fade distances of a sound channel. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.Get3DFadeDistance = (function(IGModAudioChannel): number, number)
--[[ Returns if the sound channel is currently in 3D mode or not. This value will be affected by [IGModAudioChannel:Set3DEnabled](/gmod/IGModAudioChannel:Set3DEnabled). ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.Get3DEnabled = (function(IGModAudioChannel): boolean)
--[[ Returns 3D cone of the sound channel. See [IGModAudioChannel:Set3DCone](/gmod/IGModAudioChannel:Set3DCone). ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.Get3DCone = (function(IGModAudioChannel): number, number, number)
--[[ Computes the [DFT (discrete Fourier transform)]( of the sound channel.
The size parameter specifies the number of consecutive audio samples to use as the input to the DFT and is restricted to a power of two. A [Hann window]( is applied to the input data.
The computed DFT has the same number of frequency bins as the number of samples. Only half of this DFT is returned, since [the DFT magnitudes are symmetric for real input data]( The magnitudes of the DFT (values from 0 to 1) are used to fill the output table, starting at index 1.
**Visualization protip:** For a size N DFT, bin k (1-indexed) corresponds to a frequency of (k - 1) / N * sampleRate.
**Visualization protip:** Sound energy is proportional to the square of the magnitudes. Adding magnitudes together makes no sense physically, but adding energies does.
**Visualization protip:** The human ear works on a logarithmic amplitude scale. You can convert to [decibels]( by taking 20 * [math.log10](/gmod/math.log10) of frequency magnitudes, or 10 * [math.log10](/gmod/math.log10) of energy. The decibel values will range from -infinity to 0. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.FFT = (function(IGModAudioChannel, tbl: {[any] = any}, size: number): number)
--[[ Enables or disables looping of audio channel, requires noblock flag. ]]
type IGModAudioChannel.EnableLooping = (function(IGModAudioChannel, enable: boolean): nil)
type IGModAudioChannel.@Contract = IGModAudioChannel
if CLIENT or SERVER or MENU then
type IFile.@MetaTable = IFile
type IFile.@Name = "IFile"
type IFile.__index = IFile
--[[ Writes an unsigned little-endian 16-bit integer to the file. ]]
type IFile.WriteUShort = (function(IFile, uint16: number): nil)
--[[ Writes an unsigned little-endian 32-bit integer to the file. ]]
type IFile.WriteULong = (function(IFile, uint32: number): nil)
--[[ Writes a signed little-endian 16-bit integer to the file. ]]
type IFile.WriteShort = (function(IFile, int16: number): nil)
--[[ Writes a signed little-endian 32-bit integer to the file. ]]
type IFile.WriteLong = (function(IFile, int32: number): nil)
--[[ Writes an IEEE 754 little-endian 4-byte float to the file. ]]
type IFile.WriteFloat = (function(IFile, float: number): nil)
--[[ Writes an 8-byte little-endian IEEE-754 floating point double to the file. ]]
type IFile.WriteDouble = (function(IFile, double: number): nil)
--[[ Write an 8-bit unsigned integer to the file. ]]
type IFile.WriteByte = (function(IFile, uint8: number): nil)
--[[ Writes a boolean value to the file as one **byte**. ]]
type IFile.WriteBool = (function(IFile, bool: boolean): nil)
--[[ Writes the given string into the file. ]]
type IFile.Write = (function(IFile, data: string): nil)
--[[ Returns the current position of the file pointer. ]]
type IFile.Tell = (function(IFile): number)
--[[ Moves the file pointer by the specified amount of chars. ]]
type IFile.Skip = (function(IFile, amount: number): number)
--[[ Returns the size of the file in bytes. ]]
type IFile.Size = (function(IFile): size: number)
--[[ Sets the file pointer to the specified position. ]]
type IFile.Seek = (function(IFile, pos: number): nil)
--[[ Reads an unsigned little-endian 16-bit integer from the file. ]]
type IFile.ReadUShort = (function(IFile): number)
--[[ Reads an unsigned little-endian 32-bit integer from the file. ]]
type IFile.ReadULong = (function(IFile): number)
--[[ Reads a signed little-endian 16-bit integer from the file. ]]
type IFile.ReadShort = (function(IFile): number)
--[[ Reads a signed little-endian 32-bit integer from the file. ]]
type IFile.ReadLong = (function(IFile): number)
--[[ Returns the contents of the file from the current position up until the end of the current line. ]]
type IFile.ReadLine = (function(IFile): string)
--[[ Reads an IEEE 754 little-endian 4-byte float from the file. ]]
type IFile.ReadFloat = (function(IFile): number)
--[[ Reads an 8-byte little-endian IEEE-754 floating point double from the file. ]]
type IFile.ReadDouble = (function(IFile): number)
--[[ Reads one unsigned 8-bit integer from the file. ]]
type IFile.ReadByte = (function(IFile): number)
--[[ Reads one byte of the file and returns whether that byte was not 0. ]]
type IFile.ReadBool = (function(IFile): boolean)
--[[ Reads the specified amount of chars and returns them as a binary string. ]]
type IFile.Read = (function(IFile, length: number): data: string)
--[[ Dumps the file changes to disk and saves the file. ]]
type IFile.Flush = (function(IFile): nil)
--[[ Returns whether the [File](/gmod/File) object has reached the end of file or not. ]]
type IFile.EndOfFile = (function(IFile): boolean)
--[[ Dumps the file changes to disk and closes the file handle which makes the handle useless. ]]
type IFile.Close = (function(IFile): nil)
type IFile.@Contract = IFile
type IEntity.@MetaTable = IEntity
type IEntity.@Name = "IEntity"
type IEntity.__index = IEntity
if SERVER then
--[[ Returns true if supplied vector is visible from the entity's line of sight.
This is achieved similarly to a trace. ]]
type IEntity.VisibleVec = (function(IEntity, pos: IVector): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the target/given entity is visible from the this entity.
This is meant to be used only with NPCs.
Differences from a simple trace include:
* If target has **FL_NOTARGET**, returns false
* If **ai_ignoreplayers** is turned on and target is a player, returns false
* Reacts to **ai_LOS_mode**:
* * If 1, does a simple trace with **COLLISION_GROUP_NONE** and **MASK_BLOCKLOS**
* * If not, does a trace with **MASK_BLOCKLOS_AND_NPCS** ( - **CONTENTS_BLOCKLOS** is target is player ) and a custom LOS filter ( **CTraceFilterLOS** )
* Returns true if hits a vehicle the target is driving ]]
type IEntity.Visible = (function(IEntity, target: IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Simulates a `+use` action on an entity. ]]
type IEntity.Use = (function(IEntity, activator: IEntity, caller: IEntity, useType: number, value: number): nil)
--[[ Updates positions of bone followers created by [Entity:CreateBoneFollowers](/gmod/Entity:CreateBoneFollowers).
This should be called every tick. ]]
type IEntity.UpdateBoneFollowers = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Check if the given position or entity is within this entity's PVS.
See also [Entity:IsDormant](/gmod/Entity:IsDormant). ]]
type IEntity.TestPVS = (function(IEntity, testPoint: any): boolean)
--[[ Applies forces to our physics object in response to damage. ]]
type IEntity.TakePhysicsDamage = (function(IEntity, dmginfo: ITakeDamageInfo): nil)
--[[ Applies the damage specified by the damage info to the entity. ]]
type IEntity.TakeDamageInfo = (function(IEntity, damageInfo: ITakeDamageInfo): nil)
--[[ Applies the specified amount of damage to the entity with [DMG_GENERIC](/gmod/Enums/DMG) flag. ]]
type IEntity.TakeDamage = (function(IEntity, damageAmount: number, attacker: IEntity, inflictor: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Sets the use type of an entity, affecting how often [ENTITY:Use](/gmod/ENTITY:Use) will be called for Lua entities. ]]
type IEntity.SetUseType = (function(IEntity, useType: number): nil)
--[[ Sets whether an entity can be unfrozen, meaning that it cannot be unfrozen using the physgun. ]]
type IEntity.SetUnFreezable = (function(IEntity, freezable: boolean): nil)
--[[ Marks the entity as a trigger, so it will generate [ENTITY:StartTouch](/gmod/ENTITY:StartTouch), [ENTITY:Touch](/gmod/ENTITY:Touch) and [ENTITY:EndTouch](/gmod/ENTITY:EndTouch) callbacks.
Internally this is stored as [FSOLID_TRIGGER](/gmod/Enums/FSOLID) flag. ]]
type IEntity.SetTrigger = (function(IEntity, maketrigger: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the bone position. This is used alongside Kinect in [Entity:SetRagdollBuildFunction](/gmod/Entity:SetRagdollBuildFunction), for more info see ragdoll_motion entity. ]]
type IEntity.SetRagdollPos = (function(IEntity, boneid: number, pos: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the function to build the ragdoll. This is used alongside Kinect, for more info see ragdoll_motion entity. ]]
type IEntity.SetRagdollBuildFunction = (function(IEntity, func: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Sets the bone angles. This is used alongside Kinect in [Entity:SetRagdollBuildFunction](/gmod/Entity:SetRagdollBuildFunction), for more info see ragdoll_motion entity. ]]
type IEntity.SetRagdollAng = (function(IEntity, boneid: number, pos: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Prevents the server from sending any further information about the entity to a player. ]]
type IEntity.SetPreventTransmit = (function(IEntity, player: IPlayer, stopTransmitting: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the player who gets credit if this entity kills something with physics damage within the time limit. ]]
type IEntity.SetPhysicsAttacker = (function(IEntity, ent: IPlayer, timeLimit: number): nil)
--[[ When called on a constraint entity, sets the two physics objects to be constrained.
Usage is not recommended as the Constraint library provides easier ways to deal with constraints. ]]
type IEntity.SetPhysConstraintObjects = (function(IEntity, Phys1: IPhysObj, Phys2: IPhysObj): nil)
--[[ Sets the mapping name of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.SetName = (function(IEntity, mappingName: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the NPC classification. Internally sets the `m_iClass` variable which is polled by the engine. ]]
type IEntity.SetNPCClass = (function(IEntity, classification: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the NPC max yaw speed. Internally sets the `m_fMaxYawSpeed` variable which is polled by the engine. ]]
type IEntity.SetMaxYawSpeed = (function(IEntity, maxyaw: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the maximum health for entity. Note, that you can still set entity's health above this amount with [Entity:SetHealth](/gmod/Entity:SetHealth). ]]
type IEntity.SetMaxHealth = (function(IEntity, maxhealth: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the entity to be used as the light origin position for this entity. ]]
type IEntity.SetLightingOriginEntity = (function(IEntity, lightOrigin: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Sets the priority of given layer. ]]
type IEntity.SetLayerPriority = (function(IEntity, layerID: number, priority: number): nil)
--[[ Sets whether the layer should loop or not. ]]
type IEntity.SetLayerLooping = (function(IEntity, layerID: number, loop: boolean): nil)
--[[ This allows the entity to be lag compensated during [Player:LagCompensation](/gmod/Player:LagCompensation).
As a side note for parented entities, if your entity can be shot at, keep in mind that its collision bounds need to be bigger than the bone's hitbox the entity is parented to, or hull/line traces ( such as the crowbar attack or bullets ) might not hit at all. ]]
type IEntity.SetLagCompensated = (function(IEntity, enable: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the health of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.SetHealth = (function(IEntity, newHealth: number): nil)
--[[ Sets how much friction an entity has when sliding against a surface. Entities default to 1 (100%) and can be higher or even negative. ]]
type IEntity.SetFriction = (function(IEntity, friction: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the creator of the Entity. This is set automatically in Sandbox gamemode when spawning SENTs, but is never used/read by default. ]]
type IEntity.SetCreator = (function(IEntity, ply: IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Sets the blood color this entity uses. ]]
type IEntity.SetBloodColor = (function(IEntity, bloodColor: number): nil)
--[[ Restarts the entity's animation gesture. If the given gesture is already playing, it will reset it and play it from the beginning. ]]
type IEntity.RestartGesture = (function(IEntity, activity: number, addIfMissing: boolean, autokill: boolean): nil)
--[[ Makes the entity/weapon respawn.
Only usable on HL2 pickups and any weapons. Seems to be buggy with weapons.
Very unreliable. ]]
type IEntity.Respawn = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Removes and stops the gesture with given activity. ]]
type IEntity.RemoveGesture = (function(IEntity, activity: number): nil)
--[[ Removes and stops all gestures. ]]
type IEntity.RemoveAllGestures = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Makes the physics objects follow the set bone positions. This is used alongside Kinect in [Entity:SetRagdollBuildFunction](/gmod/Entity:SetRagdollBuildFunction), for more info see ragdoll_motion entity. ]]
type IEntity.RagdollUpdatePhysics = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Sets the function to build the ragdoll. This is used alongside Kinect in [Entity:SetRagdollBuildFunction](/gmod/Entity:SetRagdollBuildFunction), for more info see ragdoll_motion entity. ]]
type IEntity.RagdollStopControlling = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Normalizes the ragdoll. This is used alongside Kinect in [Entity:SetRagdollBuildFunction](/gmod/Entity:SetRagdollBuildFunction), for more info see ragdoll_motion entity. ]]
type IEntity.RagdollSolve = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Precaches gibs for the entity's model.
Normally this function should be ran when the entity is spawned, for example the [ENTITY:Initialize](/gmod/ENTITY:Initialize), after [Entity:SetModel](/gmod/Entity:SetModel) is called.
This is required for [Entity:GibBreakServer](/gmod/Entity:GibBreakServer) and [Entity:GibBreakClient](/gmod/Entity:GibBreakClient) to work. ]]
type IEntity.PrecacheGibs = (function(IEntity): gibCount: number)
--[[ Changes an entities angles so that it faces the target entity. ]]
type IEntity.PointAtEntity = (function(IEntity, target: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Makes the entity play a .vcd scene. [All scenes from Half-Life 2]( ]]
type IEntity.PlayScene = (function(IEntity, scene: string, delay: number): number, IEntity)
--[[ Tests whether the entity passes the entity filter.
This will call [ENTITY:PassesFilter](/gmod/ENTITY:PassesFilter) on scripted entities of the type "filter". ]]
type IEntity.PassesFilter = (function(IEntity, caller: IEntity, ent: IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Tests whether the damage passes the entity filter.
This will call [ENTITY:PassesDamageFilter](/gmod/ENTITY:PassesDamageFilter) on scripted entities of the type "filter". ]]
type IEntity.PassesDamageFilter = (function(IEntity, dmg: ITakeDamageInfo): boolean)
--[[ Returns entity's map creation ID. Unlike [Entity:EntIndex](/gmod/Entity:EntIndex) or [Entity:GetCreationID](/gmod/Entity:GetCreationID), it will always be the same on same map, no matter how much you clean up or restart it.
To be used in conjunction with [ents.GetMapCreatedEntity](/gmod/ents.GetMapCreatedEntity). ]]
type IEntity.MapCreationID = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns whether there's a gesture is given activity being played. ]]
type IEntity.IsPlayingGesture = (function(IEntity, activity: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns true if the entity is being held by a player. Either by physics gun, gravity gun or use-key (+use). ]]
type IEntity.IsPlayerHolding = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the entity is lag compensated or not. ]]
type IEntity.IsLagCompensated = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the entity is inside a wall or outside of the map. ]]
type IEntity.IsInWorld = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Returns if entity is constraint or not ]]
type IEntity.IsConstraint = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Fires input to the entity with the ability to make another entity responsible, bypassing the event queue system.
You should only use this function over [Entity:Fire](/gmod/Entity:Fire) if you know what you are doing.
See also [Entity:Fire](/gmod/Entity:Fire) for a function that conforms to the internal map IO event queue and [GM:AcceptInput](/gmod/GM:AcceptInput) for a hook that can intercept inputs. ]]
type IEntity.Input = (function(IEntity, input: string, activator: IEntity, caller: IEntity, param: any): nil)
--[[ Sets the entity on fire.
See also [Entity:Extinguish](/gmod/Entity:Extinguish). ]]
type IEntity.Ignite = (function(IEntity, length: number, radius: number): nil)
--[[ Returns the position of the head of this entity, NPCs use this internally to aim at their targets. ]]
type IEntity.HeadTarget = (function(IEntity, origin: IVector): IVector)
--[[ Returns ID of workshop addon that the entity is from. ]]
type IEntity.GetWorkshopID = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns if the entity is unfreezable, meaning it can't be frozen with the physgun. By default props are freezable, so this function will typically return false. ]]
type IEntity.GetUnFreezable = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Returns the change in heading direction in between the start and the end of the sequence. ]]
type IEntity.GetSequenceMoveYaw = (function(IEntity, seq: number): number)
--[[ Returns an entity's sequence move distance (the change in position over the course of the entire sequence). ]]
type IEntity.GetSequenceMoveDist = (function(IEntity, sequenceId: number): number)
--[[ Called to override the preferred carry angles of this object. ]]
type IEntity.GetPreferredCarryAngles = (function(IEntity, ply: IPlayer): IAngle)
--[[ Returns player who is claiming kills of physics damage the entity deals. ]]
type IEntity.GetPhysicsAttacker = (function(IEntity, timeLimit: number): IPlayer)
--[[ Returns the mapping name of this entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetName = (function(IEntity): string)
--[[ Returns the amount a momentary_rot_button entity is turned based on the given angle. 0 meaning completely turned closed, 1 meaning completely turned open. ]]
type IEntity.GetMomentaryRotButtonPos = (function(IEntity, turnAngle: IAngle): number)
--[[ Returns the surface material of this entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetMaterialType = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns the entity that is being used as the light origin position for this entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetLightingOriginEntity = (function(IEntity): IEntity)
--[[ Returns a table containing all key values the entity has.
Single key values can usually be retrieved with [Entity:GetInternalVariable](/gmod/Entity:GetInternalVariable).
Here's a list of keyvalues that will not appear in this list, as they are not stored/defined as actual keyvalues internally:
* rendercolor - [Entity:GetColor](/gmod/Entity:GetColor) (Only RGB)
* rendercolor32 - [Entity:GetColor](/gmod/Entity:GetColor) (RGBA)
* renderamt - [Entity:GetColor](/gmod/Entity:GetColor) (Alpha)
* disableshadows - EF_NOSHADOW
* mins - [Entity:GetCollisionBounds](/gmod/Entity:GetCollisionBounds)
* maxs - [Entity:GetCollisionBounds](/gmod/Entity:GetCollisionBounds)
* disablereceiveshadows - EF_NORECEIVESHADOW
* nodamageforces - EFL_NO_DAMAGE_FORCES
* angle - [Entity:GetAngles](/gmod/Entity:GetAngles)
* angles - [Entity:GetAngles](/gmod/Entity:GetAngles)
* origin - [Entity:GetPos](/gmod/Entity:GetPos)
* targetname - [Entity:GetName](/gmod/Entity:GetName) ]]
type IEntity.GetKeyValues = (function(IEntity): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the entity's ground speed velocity, which is based on the entity's walk/run speed and/or the ground speed of their sequence ( [Entity:GetSequenceGroundSpeed](/gmod/Entity:GetSequenceGroundSpeed) ). Will return an empty [Vector](/gmod/Vector) if the entity isn't moving on the ground. ]]
type IEntity.GetGroundSpeedVelocity = (function(IEntity): IVector)
--[[ Returns how much friction an entity has. Entities default to 1 (100%) and can be higher or even negative. ]]
type IEntity.GetFriction = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Gets the creator of the SENT. ]]
type IEntity.GetCreator = (function(IEntity): IPlayer)
--[[ Returns entity's creation ID. Unlike [Entity:EntIndex](/gmod/Entity:EntIndex) or [Entity:MapCreationID](/gmod/Entity:MapCreationID), it will always increase and old values won't be reused. ]]
type IEntity.GetCreationID = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns the two entities physobjects involved in a constraint ent, or no value if the entity is not a constraint. ]]
type IEntity.GetConstrainedPhysObjects = (function(IEntity): IPhysObj, IPhysObj)
--[[ Returns the two entities involved in a constraint ent, or nil if the entity is not a constraint. ]]
type IEntity.GetConstrainedEntities = (function(IEntity): IEntity, IEntity)
--[[ Returns the blood color of this entity. This can be set with [Entity:SetBloodColor](/gmod/Entity:SetBloodColor). ]]
type IEntity.GetBloodColor = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Fires an entity's input, conforming to the map IO event queue system. You can find inputs for most entities on the [Valve Developer Wiki](
See also [Entity:Input](/gmod/Entity:Input) for a function that bypasses the event queue and [GM:AcceptInput](/gmod/GM:AcceptInput). ]]
type IEntity.Fire = (function(IEntity, input: string, param: string, delay: number, activator: IEntity, caller: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Extinguishes the entity if it is on fire.
Has no effect if called inside [GM:EntityTakeDamage](/gmod/GM:EntityTakeDamage) (and the attacker is the flame that's hurting the entity)
See also [Entity:Ignite](/gmod/Entity:Ignite). ]]
type IEntity.Extinguish = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Toggles the constraints of this ragdoll entity on and off. ]]
type IEntity.EnableConstraints = (function(IEntity, toggleConstraints: boolean): nil)
--[[ Move an entity down until it collides with something. ]]
type IEntity.DropToFloor = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ This removes the argument entity from an ent's list of entities to 'delete on remove' ]]
type IEntity.DontDeleteOnRemove = (function(IEntity, entityToUnremove: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Destroys bone followers created by [Entity:CreateBoneFollowers](/gmod/Entity:CreateBoneFollowers). ]]
type IEntity.DestroyBoneFollowers = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Whenever the entity is removed, entityToRemove will be removed also. ]]
type IEntity.DeleteOnRemove = (function(IEntity, entityToRemove: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Returns whether the entity was created by map or not. ]]
type IEntity.CreatedByMap = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Creates bone followers based on the current entity model.
Bone followers are physics objects that follow the visual mesh. This is what is used by `prop_dynamic` for things like big combine doors for vehicles with multiple physics objects which follow the visual mesh of the door when it animates.
You must call [Entity:UpdateBoneFollowers](/gmod/Entity:UpdateBoneFollowers) every tick for bone followers to update their positions. ]]
type IEntity.CreateBoneFollowers = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Returns a centered vector of this entity, NPCs use this internally to aim at their targets. ]]
type IEntity.BodyTarget = (function(IEntity, origin: IVector, noisy: boolean): IVector)
--[[ Dispatches blocked events to this entity's blocked handler. This function is only useful when interacting with entities like func_movelinear. ]]
type IEntity.Blocked = (function(IEntity, entity: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Adds a gesture animation to the entity and plays it.
See [Entity:AddGestureSequence](/gmod/Entity:AddGestureSequence) for a function that doesn't take priority.
See [Entity:AddGesture](/gmod/Entity:AddGesture) for a function that takes [ACT](/gmod/Enums/ACT). ]]
type IEntity.AddLayeredSequence = (function(IEntity, sequence: number, priority: number): number)
--[[ Adds a gesture animation to the entity and plays it.
See [Entity:AddGesture](/gmod/Entity:AddGesture) for a function that takes [ACT](/gmod/Enums/ACT).
See also [Entity:AddLayeredSequence](/gmod/Entity:AddLayeredSequence). ]]
type IEntity.AddGestureSequence = (function(IEntity, sequence: number, autokill: boolean): number)
--[[ Adds a gesture animation to the entity and plays it.
See [Entity:AddGestureSequence](/gmod/Entity:AddGestureSequence) and [Entity:AddLayeredSequence](/gmod/Entity:AddLayeredSequence) for functions that takes sequences instead of [ACT](/gmod/Enums/ACT). ]]
type IEntity.AddGesture = (function(IEntity, activity: number, autokill: boolean): number)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
--[[ Converts world angles to local angles ( local to the entity ) ]]
type IEntity.WorldToLocalAngles = (function(IEntity, ang: IAngle): IAngle)
--[[ Converts a worldspace vector into a vector local to an entity ]]
type IEntity.WorldToLocal = (function(IEntity, wpos: IVector): IVector)
--[[ Returns the center of the entity according to its collision model. ]]
type IEntity.WorldSpaceCenter = (function(IEntity): IVector)
--[[ Returns two vectors representing the minimum and maximum extent of the entity's bounding box. ]]
type IEntity.WorldSpaceAABB = (function(IEntity): IVector, IVector)
--[[ Calls and returns [WEAPON:TranslateActivity](/gmod/WEAPON:TranslateActivity) on the weapon the entity ( player or NPC ) carries.
Despite existing on client, it doesn't actually do anything on client. ]]
type IEntity.Weapon_TranslateActivity = (function(IEntity, act: number): number)
--[[ Sets the activity of the entity's active weapon. ]]
type IEntity.Weapon_SetActivity = (function(IEntity, act: number, duration: number): nil)
--[[ Returns an integer that represents how deep in water the entity is.
* **0** - The entity isn't in water.
* **1** - Slightly submerged (at least to the feet).
* **2** - The majority of the entity is submerged (at least to the waist).
* **3** - Completely submerged. ]]
type IEntity.WaterLevel = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns the index of this view model, it can be used to identify which one of the player's view models this entity is. ]]
type IEntity.ViewModelIndex = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Enables or disables trigger bounds.
This will give the entity a "trigger box" that extends around its bounding box by boundSize units in X/Y and (boundSize / 2) in +Z (-Z remains the same).
The trigger box is world aligned and will work regardless of the object's solidity and collision group.
Valve use trigger boxes for all pickup items. Their bloat size is 24, a surprisingly large figure. ]]
type IEntity.UseTriggerBounds = (function(IEntity, enable: boolean, boundSize: number): nil)
--[[ Animations will be handled purely clientside instead of a fixed animtime, enabling interpolation. This does not affect layers and gestures. ]]
type IEntity.UseClientSideAnimation = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Returns the boneID of the bone the given [PhysObj](/gmod/PhysObj) is attached to.
See [Entity:TranslateBoneToPhysBone](/gmod/Entity:TranslateBoneToPhysBone) for reverse function. ]]
type IEntity.TranslatePhysBoneToBone = (function(IEntity, physNum: number): number)
--[[ Returns the ID of a [PhysObj](/gmod/PhysObj) attached to the given bone. To be used with [Entity:GetPhysicsObjectNum](/gmod/Entity:GetPhysicsObjectNum).
See [Entity:TranslatePhysBoneToBone](/gmod/Entity:TranslatePhysBoneToBone) for reverse function. ]]
type IEntity.TranslateBoneToPhysBone = (function(IEntity, boneID: number): number)
--[[ Stops emitting the given sound from the entity, especially useful for looping sounds. ]]
type IEntity.StopSound = (function(IEntity, sound: string): nil)
--[[ Stops any attached to the entity .pcf particles using [ParticleEffectAttach](/gmod/Global.ParticleEffectAttach).
On client, this is the same as [Entity:StopParticleEmission](/gmod/Entity:StopParticleEmission). ( and you should use StopParticleEmission instead )
On server, this is the same as running [Entity:StopParticleEmission](/gmod/Entity:StopParticleEmission) on every client. ]]
type IEntity.StopParticles = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Stops the motion controller created with [Entity:StartMotionController](/gmod/Entity:StartMotionController). ]]
type IEntity.StopMotionController = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Stops a sound created by [Entity:StartLoopingSound](/gmod/Entity:StartLoopingSound). ]]
type IEntity.StopLoopingSound = (function(IEntity, id: number): nil)
--[[ Starts a motion controller in the physics engine tied to this entity's [PhysObj](/gmod/PhysObj), which enables the use of [ENTITY:PhysicsSimulate](/gmod/ENTITY:PhysicsSimulate).
The motion controller can later be destroyed via [Entity:StopMotionController](/gmod/Entity:StopMotionController).
Motion controllers are used internally to control other Entities' [PhysObj](/gmod/PhysObj)ects, such as the Gravity Gun, +use pickup and the Physics Gun.
This function should be called every time you recreate the Entity's [PhysObj](/gmod/PhysObj). Or alternatively you should call [Entity:AddToMotionController](/gmod/Entity:AddToMotionController) on the new [PhysObj](/gmod/PhysObj).
Also see [Entity:AddToMotionController](/gmod/Entity:AddToMotionController) and [Entity:RemoveFromMotionController](/gmod/Entity:RemoveFromMotionController). ]]
type IEntity.StartMotionController = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Starts a "looping" sound. As with any other sound playing methods, this function expects the sound file to be looping itself and will not automatically loop a non looping sound file as one might expect.
This function is almost identical to [CreateSound](/gmod/Global.CreateSound), with the exception of the sound being created in the STATIC channel and with normal attenuation.
See also [Entity:StopLoopingSound](/gmod/Entity:StopLoopingSound) ]]
type IEntity.StartLoopingSound = (function(IEntity, sound: string): number)
--[[ Initializes the entity and starts its networking. If called on a player, it will respawn them.
This calls [ENTITY:Initialize](/gmod/ENTITY:Initialize) on Lua-defined entities. ]]
type IEntity.Spawn = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Returns the amount of skins the entity has. ]]
type IEntity.SkinCount = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Sets the model and associated weapon to this viewmodel entity.
This is used internally when the player switches weapon. ]]
type IEntity.SetWeaponModel = (function(IEntity, viewModel: string, weapon: IWeapon): nil)
--[[ Sets the entity's velocity. For entities with physics, consider using [PhysObj:SetVelocity](/gmod/PhysObj:SetVelocity) on the [PhysObj](/gmod/PhysObj) of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.SetVelocity = (function(IEntity, velocity: IVector): nil)
--[[ Allows to quickly set variable to entity's [Entity:GetTable](/gmod/Entity:GetTable). ]]
type IEntity.SetVar = (function(IEntity, key: any, value: any): nil)
--[[ When this flag is set the entity will only transmit to the player when its parent is transmitted. This is useful for things like viewmodel attachments since without this flag they will transmit to everyone (and cause the viewmodels to transmit to everyone too). ]]
type IEntity.SetTransmitWithParent = (function(IEntity, onoff: boolean): nil)
--[[ Changes the table that can be accessed by indexing an entity. Each entity starts with its own table by default. ]]
type IEntity.SetTable = (function(IEntity, tab: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Overrides a single material on the model of this entity.
To set a Lua material created with [CreateMaterial](/gmod/Global.CreateMaterial), just prepend a "!" to the material name. ]]
type IEntity.SetSubMaterial = (function(IEntity, index: number, material: string): nil)
--[[ Sets whether the entity should use a spawn effect when it is created on the client.
See [Entity:GetSpawnEffect](/gmod/Entity:GetSpawnEffect) for more information on how the effect is applied. ]]
type IEntity.SetSpawnEffect = (function(IEntity, spawnEffect: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets solid flag(s) for the entity.
This overrides any other flags the entity might have had. See [Entity:AddSolidFlags](/gmod/Entity:AddSolidFlags) for adding flags. ]]
type IEntity.SetSolidFlags = (function(IEntity, flags: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the solidity of an entity. ]]
type IEntity.SetSolid = (function(IEntity, solid_type: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the skin of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.SetSkin = (function(IEntity, skinIndex: number): nil)
--[[ Sets if entity should create a server ragdoll on death or a client one. ]]
type IEntity.SetShouldServerRagdoll = (function(IEntity, serverragdoll: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets whether or not the entity should make a physics contact sound when it's been picked up by a player. ]]
type IEntity.SetShouldPlayPickupSound = (function(IEntity, playsound: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the entity's model sequence.
If the specified sequence is already active, the animation will not be restarted. See [Entity:ResetSequence](/gmod/Entity:ResetSequence) for a function that restarts the animation even if it is already playing.
In some cases you want to run [Entity:ResetSequenceInfo](/gmod/Entity:ResetSequenceInfo) to make this function run. ]]
type IEntity.SetSequence = (function(IEntity, sequenceId: number): nil)
--[[ Sets a save value for an entity. You can see a full list of an entity's save values by creating it and printing [Entity:GetSaveTable](/gmod/Entity:GetSaveTable)().
See [Entity:GetInternalVariable](/gmod/Entity:GetInternalVariable) for the opposite of this function. ]]
type IEntity.SetSaveValue = (function(IEntity, name: string, value: any): boolean)
--[[ Sets the render mode of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.SetRenderMode = (function(IEntity, renderMode: number): nil)
--[[ Sets entity's render FX. ]]
type IEntity.SetRenderFX = (function(IEntity, renderFX: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the specified pose parameter to the specified value.
You should call [Entity:InvalidateBoneCache](/gmod/Entity:InvalidateBoneCache) after calling this function. ]]
type IEntity.SetPoseParameter = (function(IEntity, poseName: string, poseValue: number): nil)
--[[ Moves the entity to the specified position. ]]
type IEntity.SetPos = (function(IEntity, position: IVector): nil)
--[[ Allows you to set how fast an entity's animation will play, with 1.0 being the default speed. ]]
type IEntity.SetPlaybackRate = (function(IEntity, fSpeed: number): nil)
--[[ Sets whether or not the given entity is persistent. A persistent entity will be saved on server shutdown and loaded back when the server starts up. Additionally, by default persistent entities cannot be grabbed with the physgun and tools cannot be used on them.
In sandbox, this can be set on an entity by opening the context menu, right clicking the entity, and choosing "Make Persistent". ]]
type IEntity.SetPersistent = (function(IEntity, persist: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the parent of an entity to another entity with the given physics bone number. Similar to [Entity:SetParent](/gmod/Entity:SetParent), except it is parented to a physbone. This function is useful mainly for ragdolls. ]]
type IEntity.SetParentPhysNum = (function(IEntity, bone: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the parent of this entity, making it move with its parent. This will make the child entity non solid, nothing can interact with them, including traces. ]]
type IEntity.SetParent = (function(IEntity, parent: IEntity, attachmentId: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the owner of this entity, disabling all physics interaction with it. ]]
type IEntity.SetOwner = (function(IEntity, owner: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Sets whether the entity is solid or not. ]]
type IEntity.SetNotSolid = (function(IEntity, IsNotSolid: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets if the entity's model should render at all.
If set on the server, this entity will no longer network to clients, and for all intents and purposes cease to exist clientside. ]]
type IEntity.SetNoDraw = (function(IEntity, shouldNotDraw: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets a networked vector value at specified index on the entity.
The value then can be accessed with [Entity:GetNetworkedVector](/gmod/Entity:GetNetworkedVector) both from client and server. ]]
type IEntity.SetNetworkedVector = (function(IEntity, key: string, value: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets callback function to be called when given NWVar changes. ]]
type IEntity.SetNetworkedVarProxy = (function(IEntity, name: string, callback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Sets a networked string value at specified index on the entity.
The value then can be accessed with [Entity:GetNetworkedString](/gmod/Entity:GetNetworkedString) both from client and server. ]]
type IEntity.SetNetworkedString = (function(IEntity, key: string, value: string): nil)
--[[ Sets a networked number at the specified index on the entity. ]]
type IEntity.SetNetworkedNumber = (function(IEntity, index: any, number: number): nil)
--[[ Sets a networked integer value at specified index on the entity.
The value then can be accessed with [Entity:GetNetworkedInt](/gmod/Entity:GetNetworkedInt) both from client and server. ]]
type IEntity.SetNetworkedInt = (function(IEntity, key: string, value: number): nil)
--[[ Sets a networked float value at specified index on the entity.
The value then can be accessed with [Entity:GetNetworkedFloat](/gmod/Entity:GetNetworkedFloat) both from client and server.
Seems to be the same as [Entity:GetNetworkedInt](/gmod/Entity:GetNetworkedInt). ]]
type IEntity.SetNetworkedFloat = (function(IEntity, key: string, value: number): nil)
--[[ Sets a networked entity value at specified index on the entity.
The value then can be accessed with [Entity:GetNetworkedEntity](/gmod/Entity:GetNetworkedEntity) both from client and server. ]]
type IEntity.SetNetworkedEntity = (function(IEntity, key: string, value: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Sets a networked boolean value at specified index on the entity.
The value then can be accessed with [Entity:GetNetworkedBool](/gmod/Entity:GetNetworkedBool) both from client and server. ]]
type IEntity.SetNetworkedBool = (function(IEntity, key: string, value: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets a networked angle value at specified index on the entity.
The value then can be accessed with [Entity:GetNetworkedAngle](/gmod/Entity:GetNetworkedAngle) both from client and server. ]]
type IEntity.SetNetworkedAngle = (function(IEntity, key: string, value: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Virtually changes entity position for clients. Does the same thing as [Entity:SetPos](/gmod/Entity:SetPos) when used serverside. ]]
type IEntity.SetNetworkOrigin = (function(IEntity, origin: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets a networked vector value on the entity.
The value can then be accessed with [Entity:GetNWVector](/gmod/Entity:GetNWVector) both from client and server. ]]
type IEntity.SetNWVector = (function(IEntity, key: string, value: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets a function to be called when the NWVar changes. ]]
type IEntity.SetNWVarProxy = (function(IEntity, key: any, callback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Sets a networked string value on the entity.
The value can then be accessed with [Entity:GetNWString](/gmod/Entity:GetNWString) both from client and server. ]]
type IEntity.SetNWString = (function(IEntity, key: string, value: string): nil)
--[[ Sets a networked integer (whole number) value on the entity.
The value can then be accessed with [Entity:GetNWInt](/gmod/Entity:GetNWInt) both from client and server.
See [Entity:SetNWFloat](/gmod/Entity:SetNWFloat) for numbers that aren't integers. ]]
type IEntity.SetNWInt = (function(IEntity, key: string, value: number): nil)
--[[ Sets a networked float (number) value on the entity.
The value can then be accessed with [Entity:GetNWFloat](/gmod/Entity:GetNWFloat) both from client and server.
Unlike [Entity:SetNWInt](/gmod/Entity:SetNWInt), floats don't have to be whole numbers. ]]
type IEntity.SetNWFloat = (function(IEntity, key: string, value: number): nil)
--[[ Sets a networked entity value on the entity.
The value can then be accessed with [Entity:GetNWEntity](/gmod/Entity:GetNWEntity) both from client and server. ]]
type IEntity.SetNWEntity = (function(IEntity, key: string, value: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Sets a networked boolean value on the entity.
The value can then be accessed with [Entity:GetNWBool](/gmod/Entity:GetNWBool) both from client and server. ]]
type IEntity.SetNWBool = (function(IEntity, key: string, value: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets a networked angle value on the entity.
The value can then be accessed with [Entity:GetNWAngle](/gmod/Entity:GetNWAngle) both from client and server. ]]
type IEntity.SetNWAngle = (function(IEntity, key: string, value: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Sets the entity's move type. This should be called before initializing the physics object on the entity, unless it will override SetMoveType such as [Entity:PhysicsInitBox](/gmod/Entity:PhysicsInitBox).
Despite existing on client, it doesn't actually do anything on client. ]]
type IEntity.SetMoveType = (function(IEntity, movetype: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the Movement Parent of an entity to another entity.
Similar to [Entity:SetParent](/gmod/Entity:SetParent), except the object's coordinates are not translated automatically before parenting. ]]
type IEntity.SetMoveParent = (function(IEntity, Parent: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Sets the move collide type of the entity. The move collide is the way a physics object reacts to hitting an object - will it bounce, slide? ]]
type IEntity.SetMoveCollide = (function(IEntity, moveCollideType: number): nil)
--[[ Scales the model of the entity, if the entity is a [Player](/gmod/Player) or an [NPC](/gmod/NPC) the hitboxes will be scaled as well.
For some entities, calling [Entity:Activate](/gmod/Entity:Activate) after this will scale the collision bounds and [PhysObj](/gmod/PhysObj) as well; be wary as there's no optimization being done internally and highly complex collision models might crash the server.
This is the same system used in TF2 for the Mann Vs Machine robots.
To resize the entity along any axis, use [Entity:EnableMatrix](/gmod/Entity:EnableMatrix) instead.
If your old scales are wrong, use [Entity:SetLegacyTransform](/gmod/Entity:SetLegacyTransform) as a quick fix. ]]
type IEntity.SetModelScale = (function(IEntity, scale: number, deltaTime: number): nil)
--[[ Alter the model name returned by [Entity:GetModel](/gmod/Entity:GetModel). Does not affect the entity's actual model. ]]
type IEntity.SetModelName = (function(IEntity, modelname: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the model of the entity.
This does not update the physics of the entity - see [Entity:PhysicsInit](/gmod/Entity:PhysicsInit). ]]
type IEntity.SetModel = (function(IEntity, modelName: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the rendering material override of the entity.
To set a Lua material created with [CreateMaterial](/gmod/Global.CreateMaterial), just prepend a "!" to the material name.
If you wish to override a single material on the model, use [Entity:SetSubMaterial](/gmod/Entity:SetSubMaterial) instead. ]]
type IEntity.SetMaterial = (function(IEntity, materialName: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the entity's local velocity which is their velocity due to movement in the world from forces such as gravity. Does not include velocity from entity-on-entity collision or other world movement. ]]
type IEntity.SetLocalVelocity = (function(IEntity, velocity: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets local position relative to the parented position. This is for use with [Entity:SetParent](/gmod/Entity:SetParent) to offset position. ]]
type IEntity.SetLocalPos = (function(IEntity, pos: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the entity's angular velocity (rotation speed). ]]
type IEntity.SetLocalAngularVelocity = (function(IEntity, angVel: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Sets angles relative to angles of [Entity:GetParent](/gmod/Entity:GetParent) ]]
type IEntity.SetLocalAngles = (function(IEntity, ang: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Sets the layer weight. This influences how strongly the animation should be overriding the normal animations of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.SetLayerWeight = (function(IEntity, layerID: number, weight: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the sequence of given layer. ]]
type IEntity.SetLayerSequence = (function(IEntity, layerID: number, seq: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the layer playback rate. See also [Entity:SetLayerDuration](/gmod/Entity:SetLayerDuration). ]]
type IEntity.SetLayerPlaybackRate = (function(IEntity, layerID: number, rate: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the duration of given layer. This internally overrides the [Entity:SetLayerPlaybackRate](/gmod/Entity:SetLayerPlaybackRate). ]]
type IEntity.SetLayerDuration = (function(IEntity, layerID: number, duration: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the animation cycle/frame of given layer. ]]
type IEntity.SetLayerCycle = (function(IEntity, layerID: number, cycle: number): nil)
type IEntity.SetLayerBlendOut = (function(IEntity, layerID: number, blendOut: number): nil)
type IEntity.SetLayerBlendIn = (function(IEntity, layerID: number, blendIn: number): nil)
--[[ Sets Hammer key values on an entity.
You can look up which entities have what key values on the [Valve Developer Community]( on entity pages.
A list of basic entities can be found [here](
Alternatively you can look at the .fgd files shipped with Garry's Mod in the bin/ folder with a text editor to see the key values as they appear in Hammer. ]]
type IEntity.SetKeyValue = (function(IEntity, key: string, value: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the current Hitbox set for the entity. ]]
type IEntity.SetHitboxSet = (function(IEntity, id: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the ground the entity is standing on. ]]
type IEntity.SetGroundEntity = (function(IEntity, ground: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Sets the gravity multiplier of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.SetGravity = (function(IEntity, gravityMultiplier: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the flex weight. ]]
type IEntity.SetFlexWeight = (function(IEntity, flex: number, weight: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the flex scale of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.SetFlexScale = (function(IEntity, scale: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the position an entity's eyes look toward. ]]
type IEntity.SetEyeTarget = (function(IEntity, pos: IVector): nil)
--[[ Allows you to set the Start or End entity attachment for the rope. ]]
type IEntity.SetEntity = (function(IEntity, name: string, entity: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Sets the elasticity of this entity, used by some flying entities such as the Helicopter NPC to determine how much it should bounce around when colliding. ]]
type IEntity.SetElasticity = (function(IEntity, elasticity: number): nil)
--[[ This is called internally by the [Entity:NetworkVar](/gmod/Entity:NetworkVar) system, you can use this in cases where using NetworkVar is not possible.
Sets the specified vector on the entity's datatable. ]]
type IEntity.SetDTVector = (function(IEntity, key: number, vec: IVector): nil)
--[[ This is called internally by the [Entity:NetworkVar](/gmod/Entity:NetworkVar) system, you can use this in cases where using NetworkVar is not possible.
Sets the specified string on the entity's datatable. ]]
type IEntity.SetDTString = (function(IEntity, key: number, str: string): nil)
--[[ This is called internally by the [Entity:NetworkVar](/gmod/Entity:NetworkVar) system, you can use this in cases where using NetworkVar is not possible.
Sets the specified integer on the entity's datatable. ]]
type IEntity.SetDTInt = (function(IEntity, key: number, integer: number): nil)
--[[ This is called internally by the [Entity:NetworkVar](/gmod/Entity:NetworkVar) system, you can use this in cases where using NetworkVar is not possible.
Sets the specified float on the entity's datatable. ]]
type IEntity.SetDTFloat = (function(IEntity, key: number, float: number): nil)
--[[ This is called internally by the [Entity:NetworkVar](/gmod/Entity:NetworkVar) system, you can use this in cases where using NetworkVar is not possible.
Sets the specified entity on this entity's datatable. ]]
type IEntity.SetDTEntity = (function(IEntity, key: number, ent: IEntity): nil)
--[[ This is called internally by the [Entity:NetworkVar](/gmod/Entity:NetworkVar) system, you can use this in cases where using NetworkVar is not possible.
Sets the specified bool on the entity's datatable. ]]
type IEntity.SetDTBool = (function(IEntity, key: number, bool: boolean): nil)
--[[ This is called internally by the [Entity:NetworkVar](/gmod/Entity:NetworkVar) system, you can use this in cases where using NetworkVar is not possible.
Sets the specified angle on the entity's datatable. ]]
type IEntity.SetDTAngle = (function(IEntity, key: number, ang: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Sets the progress of the current animation to a specific value between 0 and 1. ]]
type IEntity.SetCycle = (function(IEntity, value: number): nil)
--[[ Marks the entity to call [GM:ShouldCollide](/gmod/GM:ShouldCollide). Not to be confused with [Entity:EnableCustomCollisions](/gmod/Entity:EnableCustomCollisions). ]]
type IEntity.SetCustomCollisionCheck = (function(IEntity, enable: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the color of an entity.
Some entities may need a custom [render mode](Enums/RENDERMODE) set for transparency to work. See example 2.
Entities also must have a proper [render group](Enums/RENDERGROUP) set for transparency to work. ]]
type IEntity.SetColor = (function(IEntity, color: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Sets the entity's collision group. ]]
type IEntity.SetCollisionGroup = (function(IEntity, group: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the collision bounds for the entity, which are used for triggers ( [Entity:SetTrigger](/gmod/Entity:SetTrigger), [ENTITY:Touch](/gmod/ENTITY:Touch) ), determining if rendering is necessary clientside, and collision ( If [Entity:SetSolid](/gmod/Entity:SetSolid) set as [SOLID_BBOX](/gmod/Enums/SOLID) ).
Input bounds are in world coordinates!
See also [Entity:SetCollisionBounds](/gmod/Entity:SetCollisionBounds). ]]
type IEntity.SetCollisionBoundsWS = (function(IEntity, vec1: IVector, vec2: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the collision bounds for the entity, which are used for triggers ( [Entity:SetTrigger](/gmod/Entity:SetTrigger), [ENTITY:Touch](/gmod/ENTITY:Touch) ), and collision ( If [Entity:SetSolid](/gmod/Entity:SetSolid) set as [SOLID_BBOX](/gmod/Enums/SOLID) ).
Input bounds are relative to [Entity:GetPos](/gmod/Entity:GetPos)!
See also [Entity:SetCollisionBoundsWS](/gmod/Entity:SetCollisionBoundsWS). ]]
type IEntity.SetCollisionBounds = (function(IEntity, mins: IVector, maxs: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the bone matrix of given bone to given matrix. See also [Entity:GetBoneMatrix](/gmod/Entity:GetBoneMatrix). ]]
type IEntity.SetBoneMatrix = (function(IEntity, boneid: number, matrix: IMatrix): nil)
--[[ Sets the specified value on the bone controller with the given ID of this entity, it's used in HL1 to change the head rotation of NPCs, turret aiming and so on. ]]
type IEntity.SetBoneController = (function(IEntity, boneControllerID: number, value: number): nil)
--[[ Sets an entities' bodygroup. ]]
type IEntity.SetBodygroup = (function(IEntity, bodygroup: number, value: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the bodygroups from a string. A convenience function for [Entity:SetBodygroup](/gmod/Entity:SetBodygroup). ]]
type IEntity.SetBodyGroups = (function(IEntity, bodygroups: string): nil)
--[[ Parents the sprite to an attachment on another model.
Works only on env_sprite.
Despite existing on client, it doesn't actually do anything on client. ]]
type IEntity.SetAttachment = (function(IEntity, ent: IEntity, attachment: number): nil)
--[[ Sets a player's third-person animation. Mainly used by [Weapon](/gmod/Weapon)s to start the player's weapon attack and reload animations. ]]
type IEntity.SetAnimation = (function(IEntity, playerAnim: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the angles of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.SetAngles = (function(IEntity, angles: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Sets the entity's velocity. ]]
type IEntity.SetAbsVelocity = (function(IEntity, velocity: IVector): nil)
--[[ Returns length of currently played sequence. ]]
type IEntity.SequenceDuration = (function(IEntity, seqid: number): number)
--[[ Sends sequence animation to the view model. It is recommended to use this for view model animations, instead of [Entity:ResetSequence](/gmod/Entity:ResetSequence).
This function is only usable on view models. ]]
type IEntity.SendViewModelMatchingSequence = (function(IEntity, seq: number): nil)
--[[ Returns the sequence ID corresponding to given activity ID, and uses the provided seed for random selection. The seed should be the same server-side and client-side if used in a predicted environment.
See [Entity:SelectWeightedSequence](/gmod/Entity:SelectWeightedSequence) for a provided-seed version of this function. ]]
type IEntity.SelectWeightedSequenceSeeded = (function(IEntity, act: number, seed: number): number)
--[[ Returns sequence ID corresponding to given activity ID.
Opposite of [Entity:GetSequenceActivity](/gmod/Entity:GetSequenceActivity).
Similar to [Entity:LookupSequence](/gmod/Entity:LookupSequence).
See also [Entity:SelectWeightedSequenceSeeded](/gmod/Entity:SelectWeightedSequenceSeeded). ]]
type IEntity.SelectWeightedSequence = (function(IEntity, act: number): number)
--[[ Reset entity sequence info such as playback rate, ground speed, last event check, etc. ]]
type IEntity.ResetSequenceInfo = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Plays an animation on the entity. This may not always work on engine entities. ]]
type IEntity.ResetSequence = (function(IEntity, sequence: number): nil)
--[[ Removes solid flag(s) from the entity. ]]
type IEntity.RemoveSolidFlags = (function(IEntity, flags: number): nil)
--[[ Breaks internal Ragdoll constrains, so you can for example separate an arm from the body of a ragdoll and preserve all physics.
The visual mesh will still stretch as if it was properly connected unless the ragdoll model is specifically designed to avoid that. ]]
type IEntity.RemoveInternalConstraint = (function(IEntity, num: number): nil)
--[[ Removes a [PhysObj](/gmod/PhysObj)ect from the entity's motion controller so that [ENTITY:PhysicsSimulate](/gmod/ENTITY:PhysicsSimulate) will no longer be called for given [PhysObj](/gmod/PhysObj)ect.
You must first create a motion controller with [Entity:StartMotionController](/gmod/Entity:StartMotionController). ]]
type IEntity.RemoveFromMotionController = (function(IEntity, physObj: IPhysObj): nil)
--[[ Removes specified flag(s) from the entity ]]
type IEntity.RemoveFlags = (function(IEntity, flag: number): nil)
--[[ Removes an engine effect applied to an entity. ]]
type IEntity.RemoveEffects = (function(IEntity, effect: number): nil)
--[[ Removes specified engine flag ]]
type IEntity.RemoveEFlags = (function(IEntity, flag: number): nil)
--[[ Removes a callback previously added with [Entity:AddCallback](/gmod/Entity:AddCallback) ]]
type IEntity.RemoveCallback = (function(IEntity, hook: string, callbackid: number): nil)
--[[ Removes a function previously added via [Entity:CallOnRemove](/gmod/Entity:CallOnRemove). ]]
type IEntity.RemoveCallOnRemove = (function(IEntity, identifier: string): nil)
--[[ Removes all decals from the entities surface. ]]
type IEntity.RemoveAllDecals = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Removes the entity it is used on. The entity will be removed at the start of next tick. ]]
type IEntity.Remove = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Initializes a static physics object of the entity using its [current model](/gmod/Entity:GetModel). If successful, the previous physics object is removed.
This is what used by entities such as func_breakable, prop_dynamic, item_suitcharger, prop_thumper and npc_rollermine while it is in its "buried" state in the Half-Life 2 Campaign.
If the entity's current model has no physics mesh associated to it, no physics object will be created. ]]
type IEntity.PhysicsInitStatic = (function(IEntity, solidType: number): boolean)
--[[ Makes the physics object of the entity a sphere.
This function will automatically destroy any previous physics objects and do the following:
* [Entity:SetSolid](/gmod/Entity:SetSolid)( SOLID_BBOX )
* [Entity:SetMoveType](/gmod/Entity:SetMoveType)( MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS ) ]]
type IEntity.PhysicsInitSphere = (function(IEntity, radius: number, physmat: string): boolean)
--[[ Initializes the entity's physics object as a physics shadow. Removes the previous physics object if successful. This is used internally for the Player's and NPC's physics object, and certain HL2 entities such as the crane.
A physics shadow can be used to have static entities that never move by setting both arguments to false. ]]
type IEntity.PhysicsInitShadow = (function(IEntity, allowPhysicsMovement: boolean, allowPhysicsRotation: boolean): boolean)
--[[ An advanced version of [Entity:PhysicsInitConvex](/gmod/Entity:PhysicsInitConvex) which initializes a physics object from multiple convex meshes. This should be used for physics objects with a custom shape which cannot be represented by a single convex mesh.
If successful, the previous physics object will be removed. ]]
type IEntity.PhysicsInitMultiConvex = (function(IEntity, vertices: {[any] = any}): boolean)
--[[ Initializes the physics mesh of the entity with a convex mesh defined by a table of points. The resulting mesh is the of all the input points. If successful, the previous physics object will be removed.
This is the standard way of creating moving physics objects with a custom convex shape. For more complex, concave shapes, see [Entity:PhysicsInitMultiConvex](/gmod/Entity:PhysicsInitMultiConvex). ]]
type IEntity.PhysicsInitConvex = (function(IEntity, points: {[any] = any}): boolean)
--[[ Makes the physics object of the entity a AABB.
This function will automatically destroy any previous physics objects and do the following:
* [Entity:SetSolid](/gmod/Entity:SetSolid)( SOLID_BBOX )
* [Entity:SetMoveType](/gmod/Entity:SetMoveType)( MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS )
* [Entity:SetCollisionBounds](/gmod/Entity:SetCollisionBounds)( mins, maxs ) ]]
type IEntity.PhysicsInitBox = (function(IEntity, mins: IVector, maxs: IVector): boolean)
--[[ Initializes the [physics object](/gmod/Entity:GetPhysicsObject) of the entity using its current [model](/gmod/Entity:GetModel). Deletes the previous physics object if it existed and the new object creation was successful.
If the entity's current model has no physics mesh associated to it, no physics object will be created and the previous object will still exist, if applicable. ]]
type IEntity.PhysicsInit = (function(IEntity, solidType: number): boolean)
--[[ Initializes the physics mesh of the entity from a triangle soup defined by a table of vertices. The resulting mesh is hollow, may contain holes, and always has a volume of 0.
While this is very useful for static geometry such as terrain displacements, it is advised to use [Entity:PhysicsInitConvex](/gmod/Entity:PhysicsInitConvex) or [Entity:PhysicsInitMultiConvex](/gmod/Entity:PhysicsInitMultiConvex) for moving solid objects instead.
[Entity:EnableCustomCollisions](/gmod/Entity:EnableCustomCollisions) needs to be called if you want players to collide with the entity correctly. ]]
type IEntity.PhysicsFromMesh = (function(IEntity, vertices: {[any] = any}): boolean)
--[[ Destroys the current physics object of an entity. ]]
type IEntity.PhysicsDestroy = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Wakes up the entity's physics object ]]
type IEntity.PhysWake = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Returns true if the entity is on the ground, and false if it isn't.
Internally, this checks if [FL_ONGROUND](/gmod/Enums/FL) is set on the entity. This is only updated for players and NPCs, and thus won't inherently work for other entities. ]]
type IEntity.OnGround = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Returns the entity's capabilities as a bitfield.
In the engine this function is mostly used to check the use type, the save/restore system and level transitions flags.
Even though the function is defined shared, it is not guaranteed to return the same value across states. ]]
type IEntity.ObjectCaps = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns the lowest corner of an entity's bounding box as a local vector. ]]
type IEntity.OBBMins = (function(IEntity): IVector)
--[[ Returns the highest corner of an entity's bounding box as a local vector. ]]
type IEntity.OBBMaxs = (function(IEntity): IVector)
--[[ Returns the center of an entity's bounding box as a local vector. ]]
type IEntity.OBBCenter = (function(IEntity): IVector)
--[[ In the case of a scripted entity, this will cause the next [ENTITY:Think](/gmod/ENTITY:Think) event to be run at the given time.
Does not work clientside! Use [Entity:SetNextClientThink](/gmod/Entity:SetNextClientThink) instead. ]]
type IEntity.NextThink = (function(IEntity, timestamp: number): nil)
--[[ Creates a callback that will execute when the given network variable changes - that is, when the `Set ]]
type IEntity.NetworkVarNotify = (function(IEntity, name: string, callback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Similarly to [Entity:NetworkVar](/gmod/Entity:NetworkVar), creates a network variable on the entity and adds Set/Get functions for it. This method stores it's value as a member value of a vector or an angle. This allows to go beyond the normal variable limit of [Entity:NetworkVar](/gmod/Entity:NetworkVar) for `Int` and `Float` types, at the expense of `Vector` and `Angle` limit.
This function should only be called in [ENTITY:SetupDataTables](/gmod/ENTITY:SetupDataTables). ]]
type IEntity.NetworkVarElement = (function(IEntity, type: string, slot: number, element: string, name: string, extended: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Creates a network variable on the entity and adds Set/Get functions for it. This function should only be called in [ENTITY:SetupDataTables](/gmod/ENTITY:SetupDataTables).
See [Entity:NetworkVarNotify](/gmod/Entity:NetworkVarNotify) for a function to hook NetworkVar changes. ]]
type IEntity.NetworkVar = (function(IEntity, type: string, slot: number, name: string, extended: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Performs a Ray-Orientated Bounding Box intersection from the given position to the origin of the OBBox with the entity and returns the hit position on the OBBox.
This relies on the entity having a collision mesh (not a physics object) and will be affected by `SOLID_NONE` ]]
type IEntity.NearestPoint = (function(IEntity, position: IVector): IVector)
--[[ Fires the muzzle flash effect of the weapon the entity is carrying. This only creates a light effect and is often called alongside [Weapon:SendWeaponAnim](/gmod/Weapon:SendWeaponAnim) ]]
type IEntity.MuzzleFlash = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Sets custom bone scale. ]]
type IEntity.ManipulateBoneScale = (function(IEntity, boneID: number, scale: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets custom bone offsets. ]]
type IEntity.ManipulateBonePosition = (function(IEntity, boneID: number, pos: IVector): nil)
--[[ Manipulates the bone's jiggle status. This allows non jiggly bones to become jiggly. ]]
type IEntity.ManipulateBoneJiggle = (function(IEntity, boneID: number, enabled: number): nil)
--[[ Sets custom bone angles. ]]
type IEntity.ManipulateBoneAngles = (function(IEntity, boneID: number, ang: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Turns the [Entity:GetPhysicsObject](/gmod/Entity:GetPhysicsObject) into a physics shadow.
It's used internally for the Player's and NPC's physics object, and certain HL2 entities such as the crane.
A physics shadow can be used to have static entities that never move by setting both arguments to false. ]]
type IEntity.MakePhysicsObjectAShadow = (function(IEntity, allowPhysicsMovement: boolean, allowPhysicsRotation: boolean): nil)
--[[ Returns sequence ID from its name. ]]
type IEntity.LookupSequence = (function(IEntity, name: string): number, number)
--[[ Returns pose parameter ID from its name. ]]
type IEntity.LookupPoseParameter = (function(IEntity, name: string): number)
--[[ Gets the bone index of the given bone name, returns nothing if the bone does not exist. ]]
type IEntity.LookupBone = (function(IEntity, boneName: string): number)
--[[ Returns the attachment index of the given attachment name. ]]
type IEntity.LookupAttachment = (function(IEntity, attachmentName: string): number)
--[[ Converts a local angle (local to the entity) to a world angle. ]]
type IEntity.LocalToWorldAngles = (function(IEntity, ang: IAngle): IAngle)
--[[ Converts a vector local to an entity into a worldspace vector ]]
type IEntity.LocalToWorld = (function(IEntity, lpos: IVector): IVector)
--[[ Returns if the entity is the map's Entity[0] worldspawn ]]
type IEntity.IsWorld = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the entity is a widget or not.
This is used by the "Edit Bones" context menu property. ]]
type IEntity.IsWidget = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Checks if the entity is a weapon or not. ]]
type IEntity.IsWeapon = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Checks if the entity is a vehicle or not. ]]
type IEntity.IsVehicle = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the given layer ID is valid and exists on this entity. ]]
type IEntity.IsValidLayer = (function(IEntity, layerID: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the entity is a valid entity or not.
An entity is valid if:
* It is not a [NULL](/gmod/Global_Variables) entity
* It is not the worldspawn entity ([game.GetWorld](/gmod/game.GetWorld))
It will check whether the given variable contains an object (an Entity) or nothing at all for you. See examples.
This might be a cause for a lot of headache. Usually happening during networking etc., when completely valid entities suddenly become invalid on the client, but are never filtered with IsValid(). See [GM:InitPostEntity](/gmod/GM:InitPostEntity) for more details. ]]
type IEntity.IsValid = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the entity is solid or not.
Very useful for determining if the entity is a trigger or not. ]]
type IEntity.IsSolid = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the entity's current sequence is finished or not. ]]
type IEntity.IsSequenceFinished = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Checks if the entity is a SENT or a built-in entity. ]]
type IEntity.IsScripted = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Checks if the entity is a ragdoll. ]]
type IEntity.IsRagdoll = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Checks if the entity is a player or not. ]]
type IEntity.IsPlayer = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the entity is on ground or not.
Internally, this checks if [FL_ONGROUND](/gmod/Enums/FL) is set on the entity.
This function is an alias of [Entity:OnGround](/gmod/Entity:OnGround). ]]
type IEntity.IsOnGround = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the entity is on fire. ]]
type IEntity.IsOnFire = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Checks if the entity is a [NextBot](/gmod/NextBot) or not. ]]
type IEntity.IsNextBot = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Checks if the entity is an NPC or not.
This will return false for [NextBot](/gmod/NextBot)s, see [Entity:IsNextBot](/gmod/Entity:IsNextBot) for that. ]]
type IEntity.IsNPC = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the entity is going to be deleted in the next frame. ]]
type IEntity.IsMarkedForDeletion = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Returns true if the target is in line of sight. ]]
type IEntity.IsLineOfSightClear = (function(IEntity, target: IVector): boolean)
--[[ Checks if given flag(s) is set or not. ]]
type IEntity.IsFlagSet = (function(IEntity, flag: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether an entity has engine effect applied or not. ]]
type IEntity.IsEffectActive = (function(IEntity, effect: number): boolean)
--[[ Checks if given flag is set or not. ]]
type IEntity.IsEFlagSet = (function(IEntity, flag: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the entity is dormant or not. Client/server entities become dormant when they leave the PVS on the server. Client side entities can decide for themselves whether to become dormant. This mainly applies to PVS. ]]
type IEntity.IsDormant = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Returns true if the entity has constraints attached to it ]]
type IEntity.IsConstrained = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Sets up Data Tables from entity to use with [Entity:NetworkVar](/gmod/Entity:NetworkVar). ]]
type IEntity.InstallDataTable = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Returns the health of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.Health = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns whether this entity has the specified spawnflags bits set. ]]
type IEntity.HasSpawnFlags = (function(IEntity, spawnFlags: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether or not the the entity has had flex manipulations performed with [Entity:SetFlexWeight](/gmod/Entity:SetFlexWeight) or [Entity:SetFlexScale](/gmod/Entity:SetFlexScale). ]]
type IEntity.HasFlexManipulatior = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether or not the bone manipulation functions have ever been called on given entity.
Related functions are [Entity:ManipulateBonePosition](/gmod/Entity:ManipulateBonePosition), [Entity:ManipulateBoneAngles](/gmod/Entity:ManipulateBoneAngles), [Entity:ManipulateBoneJiggle](/gmod/Entity:ManipulateBoneJiggle), and [Entity:ManipulateBoneScale](/gmod/Entity:ManipulateBoneScale). ]]
type IEntity.HasBoneManipulations = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Causes the entity to break into its current models gibs, if it has any.
You must call [Entity:PrecacheGibs](/gmod/Entity:PrecacheGibs) on the entity before using this function, or it will not create any gibs.
The gibs will be spawned on the server and be synchronized with all clients.
Note, that this function will not remove or hide the entity it is called on.
This function is affected by `props_break_max_pieces_perframe` and `props_break_max_pieces` console variables. ]]
type IEntity.GibBreakServer = (function(IEntity, force: IVector): nil)
--[[ Causes the entity to break into its current models gibs, if it has any.
You must call [Entity:PrecacheGibs](/gmod/Entity:PrecacheGibs) on the entity before using this function, or it will not create any gibs.
If called on server, the gibs will be spawned on the currently connected clients and will not be synchronized. Otherwise the gibs will be spawned only for the client the function is called on.
Note, that this function will not remove or hide the entity it is called on.
For more expensive version of this function see [Entity:GibBreakServer](/gmod/Entity:GibBreakServer). ]]
type IEntity.GibBreakClient = (function(IEntity, force: IVector, clr: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Returns the position and angle of the entity as a 3x4 matrix ([VMatrix](/gmod/VMatrix) is 4x4 so the fourth row goes unused). The first three columns store the angle as a [rotation matrix](, and the fourth column stores the position vector. ]]
type IEntity.GetWorldTransformMatrix = (function(IEntity): IMatrix)
--[[ Returns the entity's velocity. ]]
type IEntity.GetVelocity = (function(IEntity): IVector)
--[[ Retrieves a value from entity's [Entity:GetTable](/gmod/Entity:GetTable). Set by [Entity:SetVar](/gmod/Entity:SetVar). ]]
type IEntity.GetVar = (function(IEntity, key: any, default: any): any)
--[[ Returns the upward vector of the entity, as a normalized direction vector ]]
type IEntity.GetUp = (function(IEntity): IVector)
--[[ Returns true if the TransmitWithParent flag is set or not. ]]
type IEntity.GetTransmitWithParent = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Returns the last trace used in the collision callbacks such as [ENTITY:StartTouch](/gmod/ENTITY:StartTouch), [ENTITY:Touch](/gmod/ENTITY:Touch) and [ENTITY:EndTouch](/gmod/ENTITY:EndTouch). ]]
type IEntity.GetTouchTrace = (function(IEntity): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the table that contains all values saved within the entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetTable = (function(IEntity): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a list of models included into the entity's model in the .qc file. ]]
type IEntity.GetSubModels = (function(IEntity): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the material override for the given index.
Returns "" if no material override exists. Use [Entity:GetMaterials](/gmod/Entity:GetMaterials) to list it's default materials. ]]
type IEntity.GetSubMaterial = (function(IEntity, index: number): string)
--[[ Returns the bitwise spawn flags used by the entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetSpawnFlags = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns if we should show a spawn effect on spawn on this entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetSpawnEffect = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Returns solid flag(s) of an entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetSolidFlags = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns solid type of an entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetSolid = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns the skin index of the current skin. ]]
type IEntity.GetSkin = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns if entity should create a server ragdoll on death or a client one. ]]
type IEntity.GetShouldServerRagdoll = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Checks if the entity plays a sound when picked up by a player. ]]
type IEntity.GetShouldPlayPickupSound = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Return the name of the sequence for the index provided.
Refer to [Entity:GetSequence](/gmod/Entity:GetSequence) to find the current active sequence on this entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetSequenceName = (function(IEntity, index: number): string)
--[[ Returns the delta movement and angles of a sequence of the entity's model. ]]
type IEntity.GetSequenceMovement = (function(IEntity, sequenceId: number, startCycle: number, endCyclnde: number): boolean, IVector, IAngle)
--[[ Returns a list of all sequences ( animations ) the model has. ]]
type IEntity.GetSequenceList = (function(IEntity): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a table of information about an entity's sequence. ]]
type IEntity.GetSequenceInfo = (function(IEntity, sequenceId: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the ground speed of the entity's sequence. ]]
type IEntity.GetSequenceGroundSpeed = (function(IEntity, sequenceId: number): number)
--[[ Returns the amount of sequences ( animations ) the entity's model has. ]]
type IEntity.GetSequenceCount = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns the activity name for the given sequence id. ]]
type IEntity.GetSequenceActivityName = (function(IEntity, sequenceId: number): string)
--[[ Return activity id out of sequence id. Opposite of [Entity:SelectWeightedSequence](/gmod/Entity:SelectWeightedSequence). ]]
type IEntity.GetSequenceActivity = (function(IEntity, seq: number): number)
--[[ Return the index of the model sequence that is currently active for the entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetSequence = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns a table of save values for an entity.
These tables are not the same between the client and the server, and different entities may have different fields.
You can get the list different fields an entity has by looking at it's source code (the 2013 SDK can be found [online]( Accessible fields are defined by each `DEFINE_FIELD` and `DEFINE_KEYFIELD` inside the `DATADESC` block.
Take the headcrab, for example:
// m_nGibCount - don't save
DEFINE_FIELD( m_flIgnoreWorldCollisionTime, FIELD_TIME ),
DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_bStartBurrowed, FIELD_BOOLEAN, "startburrowed" ),
DEFINE_FIELD( m_bCrawlFromCanister, FIELD_BOOLEAN ),
DEFINE_FIELD( m_nJumpFromCanisterDir, FIELD_INTEGER ),
DEFINE_FIELD( m_bHangingFromCeiling, FIELD_BOOLEAN ),
DEFINE_FIELD( m_flIlluminatedTime, FIELD_TIME ),
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "Burrow", InputBurrow ),
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "BurrowImmediate", InputBurrowImmediate ),
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "Unburrow", InputUnburrow ),
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "StartHangingFromCeiling", InputStartHangingFromCeiling ),
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "DropFromCeiling", InputDropFromCeiling ),
// Function Pointers
DEFINE_THINKFUNC( EliminateRollAndPitch ),
* For each **DEFINE_FIELD**, the save table will have a key with name of **first** argument.
* For each **DEFINE_KEYFIELD**, the save table will have a key with name of the **third** argument.
See [Entity:GetInternalVariable](/gmod/Entity:GetInternalVariable) for only retrieving one key of the save table. ]]
type IEntity.GetSaveTable = (function(IEntity, showAll: boolean): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the min and max of the entity's axis-aligned bounding box. ]]
type IEntity.GetRotatedAABB = (function(IEntity, min: IVector, max: IVector): IVector, IVector)
--[[ Returns the rightward vector of the entity, as a normalized direction vector ]]
type IEntity.GetRight = (function(IEntity): IVector)
--[[ Returns the render mode of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetRenderMode = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns current render FX of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetRenderFX = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns the entity which the ragdoll came from. The opposite of [Player:GetRagdollEntity](/gmod/Player:GetRagdollEntity). ]]
type IEntity.GetRagdollOwner = (function(IEntity): IEntity)
--[[ Returns pose parameter range ]]
type IEntity.GetPoseParameterRange = (function(IEntity, id: number): number, number)
--[[ Returns name of given pose parameter ]]
type IEntity.GetPoseParameterName = (function(IEntity, id: number): string)
--[[ Returns the pose parameter value ]]
type IEntity.GetPoseParameter = (function(IEntity, name: string): number)
--[[ Gets the position of entity in world. ]]
type IEntity.GetPos = (function(IEntity): IVector)
--[[ Returns the playback rate of the main sequence on this entity, with 1.0 being the default speed. ]]
type IEntity.GetPlaybackRate = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns a specific physics object from an entity with multiple [PhysObj](/gmod/PhysObj)ects (like ragdolls)
See also [Entity:TranslateBoneToPhysBone](/gmod/Entity:TranslateBoneToPhysBone). ]]
type IEntity.GetPhysicsObjectNum = (function(IEntity, physNum: number): IPhysObj)
--[[ Returns the number of physics objects an entity has (usually 1 for non-ragdolls) ]]
type IEntity.GetPhysicsObjectCount = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns the entity's physics object, if the entity has physics. ]]
type IEntity.GetPhysicsObject = (function(IEntity): IPhysObj)
--[[ Returns whether the entity is persistent or not.
See [Entity:SetPersistent](/gmod/Entity:SetPersistent) for more information on persistence. ]]
type IEntity.GetPersistent = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Returns the position and angle of the entity's move parent as a 3x4 matrix ([VMatrix](/gmod/VMatrix) is 4x4 so the fourth row goes unused). The first three columns store the angle as a [rotation matrix](, and the fourth column stores the position vector. ]]
type IEntity.GetParentWorldTransformMatrix = (function(IEntity): IMatrix)
--[[ If the entity is parented to an entity that has a model with multiple physics objects (like a ragdoll), this is used to retrieve what physics object number the entity is parented to on it's parent. ]]
type IEntity.GetParentPhysNum = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns the attachment index of the entity's parent. Returns 0 if the entity is not parented to a specific attachment or if it isn't parented at all.
This is set by second argument of [Entity:SetParent](/gmod/Entity:SetParent) or the **SetParentAttachment** input. ]]
type IEntity.GetParentAttachment = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns the parent entity of this entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetParent = (function(IEntity): IEntity)
--[[ Returns the owner entity of this entity. See [Entity:SetOwner](/gmod/Entity:SetOwner) for more info. ]]
type IEntity.GetOwner = (function(IEntity): IEntity)
--[[ Returns the number of pose parameters this entity has. ]]
type IEntity.GetNumPoseParameters = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns the body group count of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetNumBodyGroups = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns if the entity's rendering and transmitting has been disabled. ]]
type IEntity.GetNoDraw = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Retrieves a networked vector value at specified index on the entity that is set by [Entity:SetNetworkedVector](/gmod/Entity:SetNetworkedVector). ]]
type IEntity.GetNetworkedVector = (function(IEntity, key: string, fallback: IVector): IVector)
--[[ Returns all the networked variables in an entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetNetworkedVarTable = (function(IEntity): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns callback function for given NWVar of this entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetNetworkedVarProxy = (function(IEntity, name: string): (function(...any): any))
--[[ Retrieves a networked string value at specified index on the entity that is set by [Entity:SetNetworkedString](/gmod/Entity:SetNetworkedString). ]]
type IEntity.GetNetworkedString = (function(IEntity, key: string, fallback: string): string)
--[[ Retrieves a networked integer value at specified index on the entity that is set by [Entity:SetNetworkedInt](/gmod/Entity:SetNetworkedInt). ]]
type IEntity.GetNetworkedInt = (function(IEntity, key: string, fallback: number): number)
--[[ Retrieves a networked float value at specified index on the entity that is set by [Entity:SetNetworkedFloat](/gmod/Entity:SetNetworkedFloat).
Seems to be the same as [Entity:GetNetworkedInt](/gmod/Entity:GetNetworkedInt). ]]
type IEntity.GetNetworkedFloat = (function(IEntity, key: string, fallback: number): number)
--[[ Retrieves a networked float value at specified index on the entity that is set by [Entity:SetNetworkedEntity](/gmod/Entity:SetNetworkedEntity). ]]
type IEntity.GetNetworkedEntity = (function(IEntity, key: string, fallback: IEntity): IEntity)
--[[ Retrieves a networked boolean value at specified index on the entity that is set by [Entity:SetNetworkedBool](/gmod/Entity:SetNetworkedBool). ]]
type IEntity.GetNetworkedBool = (function(IEntity, key: string, fallback: boolean): boolean)
--[[ Retrieves a networked angle value at specified index on the entity that is set by [Entity:SetNetworkedAngle](/gmod/Entity:SetNetworkedAngle). ]]
type IEntity.GetNetworkedAngle = (function(IEntity, key: string, fallback: IAngle): IAngle)
--[[ Returns all network vars created by [Entity:NetworkVar](/gmod/Entity:NetworkVar) and [Entity:NetworkVarElement](/gmod/Entity:NetworkVarElement) and their current values.
This is used internally by the duplicator.
For NWVars see [Entity:GetNWVarTable](/gmod/Entity:GetNWVarTable). ]]
type IEntity.GetNetworkVars = (function(IEntity): data: {[any] = any})
--[[ Gets networked origin for entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetNetworkOrigin = (function(IEntity): IVector)
--[[ Retrieves a networked vector value at specified index on the entity that is set by [Entity:SetNWVector](/gmod/Entity:SetNWVector). ]]
type IEntity.GetNWVector = (function(IEntity, key: string, fallback: any): any)
--[[ Returns all the networked variables in an entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetNWVarTable = (function(IEntity): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns callback function for given NWVar of this entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetNWVarProxy = (function(IEntity, key: any): (function(...any): any))
--[[ Retrieves a networked string value at specified index on the entity that is set by [Entity:SetNWString](/gmod/Entity:SetNWString). ]]
type IEntity.GetNWString = (function(IEntity, key: string, fallback: any): any)
--[[ Retrieves a networked integer (whole number) value that was previously set by [Entity:SetNWInt](/gmod/Entity:SetNWInt). ]]
type IEntity.GetNWInt = (function(IEntity, key: string, fallback: any): any)
--[[ Retrieves a networked float value at specified index on the entity that is set by [Entity:SetNWFloat](/gmod/Entity:SetNWFloat). ]]
type IEntity.GetNWFloat = (function(IEntity, key: string, fallback: any): any)
--[[ Retrieves a networked entity value at specified index on the entity that is set by [Entity:SetNWEntity](/gmod/Entity:SetNWEntity). ]]
type IEntity.GetNWEntity = (function(IEntity, key: string, fallback: any): any)
--[[ Retrieves a networked boolean value at specified index on the entity that is set by [Entity:SetNWBool](/gmod/Entity:SetNWBool). ]]
type IEntity.GetNWBool = (function(IEntity, key: string, fallback: any): any)
--[[ Retrieves a networked angle value at specified index on the entity that is set by [Entity:SetNWAngle](/gmod/Entity:SetNWAngle). ]]
type IEntity.GetNWAngle = (function(IEntity, key: string, fallback: any): any)
--[[ Returns the entity's movetype ]]
type IEntity.GetMoveType = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns the movement parent of this entity.
See [Entity:SetMoveParent](/gmod/Entity:SetMoveParent) for more info. ]]
type IEntity.GetMoveParent = (function(IEntity): IEntity)
--[[ Returns the move collide type of the entity. The move collide is the way a physics object reacts to hitting an object - will it bounce, slide? ]]
type IEntity.GetMoveCollide = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Gets the selected entity's model scale. ]]
type IEntity.GetModelScale = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns the entity's model render bounds. By default this will return the same bounds as [Entity:GetModelBounds](/gmod/Entity:GetModelBounds). ]]
type IEntity.GetModelRenderBounds = (function(IEntity): IVector, IVector)
--[[ Gets the models radius. ]]
type IEntity.GetModelRadius = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns the contents of the entity's current model. ]]
type IEntity.GetModelContents = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns the entity's model bounds. This is different than the collision bounds/hull. This is not scaled with [Entity:SetModelScale](/gmod/Entity:SetModelScale), and will return the model's original, unmodified mins and maxs. This can be used to get world bounds. ]]
type IEntity.GetModelBounds = (function(IEntity): IVector, IVector)
--[[ Gets the model of given entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetModel = (function(IEntity): string)
--[[ Returns the max health that the entity was given. It can be set via [Entity:SetMaxHealth](/gmod/Entity:SetMaxHealth). ]]
type IEntity.GetMaxHealth = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns all materials of the entity's model.
This function is unaffected by [Entity:SetSubMaterial](/gmod/Entity:SetSubMaterial) as it returns the original materials. ]]
type IEntity.GetMaterials = (function(IEntity): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the material override for this entity.
Returns an empty string if no material override exists. Use [Entity:GetMaterials](/gmod/Entity:GetMaterials) to list it's default materials. ]]
type IEntity.GetMaterial = (function(IEntity): string)
--[[ Gets the entity's scale manipulation of the given bone. Normal scale is Vector( 1, 1, 1 ) ]]
type IEntity.GetManipulateBoneScale = (function(IEntity, boneID: number): IVector)
--[[ Gets the entity's position manipulation of the given bone. This is relative to the default position, so it is zero when unmodified. ]]
type IEntity.GetManipulateBonePosition = (function(IEntity, boneId: number): IVector)
--[[ Returns the jiggle amount of the entity's bone.
See [Entity:ManipulateBoneJiggle](/gmod/Entity:ManipulateBoneJiggle) for more info. ]]
type IEntity.GetManipulateBoneJiggle = (function(IEntity, boneID: number): number)
--[[ Gets the entity's angle manipulation of the given bone. This is relative to the default angle, so the angle is zero when unmodified. ]]
type IEntity.GetManipulateBoneAngles = (function(IEntity, boneID: number): IAngle)
--[[ Returns entity's position relative to it's parent. ]]
type IEntity.GetLocalPos = (function(IEntity): IVector)
--[[ Returns the non-VPhysics angular velocity of the entity relative to its parent entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetLocalAngularVelocity = (function(IEntity): IAngle)
--[[ Returns the rotation of the entity relative to its parent entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetLocalAngles = (function(IEntity): IAngle)
--[[ Returns the current weight of the layer. See [Entity:SetLayerWeight](/gmod/Entity:SetLayerWeight) for more information. ]]
type IEntity.GetLayerWeight = (function(IEntity, layerID: number): number)
--[[ Returns the sequence id of given layer. ]]
type IEntity.GetLayerSequence = (function(IEntity, layerID: number): number)
--[[ Returns the layer playback rate. See also [Entity:GetLayerDuration](/gmod/Entity:GetLayerDuration). ]]
type IEntity.GetLayerPlaybackRate = (function(IEntity, layerID: number): rate: number)
--[[ Returns the duration of given layer. ]]
type IEntity.GetLayerDuration = (function(IEntity, layerID: number): number)
--[[ Returns the animation cycle/frame for given layer. ]]
type IEntity.GetLayerCycle = (function(IEntity, layerID: number): number)
--[[ An interface for accessing internal key values on entities.
See [Entity:GetSaveTable](/gmod/Entity:GetSaveTable) for a more detailed explanation. See [Entity:SetSaveValue](/gmod/Entity:SetSaveValue) for the opposite of this function. ]]
type IEntity.GetInternalVariable = (function(IEntity, variableName: string): any)
--[[ Returns the amount of hitbox sets in the entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetHitboxSetCount = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns entity's current hit box set ]]
type IEntity.GetHitboxSet = (function(IEntity): number, string)
--[[ Gets the hit group of a given hitbox in a given hitbox set. ]]
type IEntity.GetHitBoxHitGroup = (function(IEntity, hitbox: number, hitboxset: number): group: number)
--[[ Returns the number of hit box sets that an entity has. Functionally identical to [Entity:GetHitboxSetCount](/gmod/Entity:GetHitboxSetCount) ]]
type IEntity.GetHitBoxGroupCount = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Gets how many hit boxes are in a given hit box group. ]]
type IEntity.GetHitBoxCount = (function(IEntity, group: number): number)
--[[ Gets the bounds (min and max corners) of a hit box. ]]
type IEntity.GetHitBoxBounds = (function(IEntity, hitbox: number, group: number): IVector, IVector)
--[[ Gets the bone the hit box is attached to. ]]
type IEntity.GetHitBoxBone = (function(IEntity, hitbox: number, hboxset: number): number)
--[[ Returns the object the entity is standing on. ]]
type IEntity.GetGroundEntity = (function(IEntity): IEntity)
--[[ Gets the gravity multiplier of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetGravity = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns the forward vector of the entity, as a normalized direction vector ]]
type IEntity.GetForward = (function(IEntity): IVector)
--[[ Returns current weight ( value ) of the flex. ]]
type IEntity.GetFlexWeight = (function(IEntity, flex: number): number)
--[[ Returns the flex scale of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetFlexScale = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns the number of flexes this entity has. ]]
type IEntity.GetFlexNum = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns flex name. ]]
type IEntity.GetFlexName = (function(IEntity, id: number): string)
--[[ Returns the ID of the flex based on given name. ]]
type IEntity.GetFlexIDByName = (function(IEntity, name: string): number)
--[[ Returns acceptable value range for the flex. ]]
type IEntity.GetFlexBounds = (function(IEntity, flex: number): number, number)
--[[ Returns all flags of given entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetFlags = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns the elasticity of this entity, used by some flying entities such as the Helicopter NPC to determine how much it should bounce around when colliding. ]]
type IEntity.GetElasticity = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns a bit flag of all engine effect flags of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetEffects = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns internal data about editable [Entity:NetworkVar](/gmod/Entity:NetworkVar)s.
This is used internally by [DEntityProperties](/gmod/DEntityProperties) and [Editable Entities](/gmod/Editable%20Entities) system. ]]
type IEntity.GetEditingData = (function(IEntity): data: {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a bit flag of all engine flags of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetEFlags = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ This is called internally by the [Entity:NetworkVar](/gmod/Entity:NetworkVar) system, you can use this in cases where using NetworkVar is not possible.
Get a vector stored in the datatable of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetDTVector = (function(IEntity, key: number): IVector)
--[[ This is called internally by the [Entity:NetworkVar](/gmod/Entity:NetworkVar) system, you can use this in cases where using NetworkVar is not possible.
Get a string stored in the datatable of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetDTString = (function(IEntity, key: number): string)
--[[ This is called internally by the [Entity:NetworkVar](/gmod/Entity:NetworkVar) system, you can use this in cases where using NetworkVar is not possible.
Get an integer stored in the datatable of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetDTInt = (function(IEntity, key: number): number)
--[[ This is called internally by the [Entity:NetworkVar](/gmod/Entity:NetworkVar) system, you can use this in cases where using NetworkVar is not possible.
Get a float stored in the datatable of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetDTFloat = (function(IEntity, key: number): number)
--[[ This is called internally by the [Entity:NetworkVar](/gmod/Entity:NetworkVar) system, you can use this in cases where using NetworkVar is not possible.
Returns an entity stored in the datatable of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetDTEntity = (function(IEntity, key: number): IEntity)
--[[ This is called internally by the [Entity:NetworkVar](/gmod/Entity:NetworkVar) system, you can use this in cases where using NetworkVar is not possible.
Get a boolean stored in the datatable of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetDTBool = (function(IEntity, key: number): boolean)
--[[ This is called internally by the [Entity:NetworkVar](/gmod/Entity:NetworkVar) system, you can use this in cases where using NetworkVar is not possible.
Get an angle stored in the datatable of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetDTAngle = (function(IEntity, key: number): IAngle)
--[[ Returns the frame of the currently played sequence. This will be a number between 0 and 1 as a representation of sequence progress. ]]
type IEntity.GetCycle = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns whether this entity uses custom collision check set by [Entity:SetCustomCollisionCheck](/gmod/Entity:SetCustomCollisionCheck). ]]
type IEntity.GetCustomCollisionCheck = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Returns the time the entity was created on, relative to [CurTime](/gmod/Global.CurTime). ]]
type IEntity.GetCreationTime = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns the color the entity is set to. ]]
type IEntity.GetColor = (function(IEntity): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the entity's collision group ]]
type IEntity.GetCollisionGroup = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns an entity's collision bounding box. In most cases, this will return the same bounding box as [Entity:GetModelBounds](/gmod/Entity:GetModelBounds) unless the entity does not have a physics mesh or it has a [PhysObj](/gmod/PhysObj) different from the default. ]]
type IEntity.GetCollisionBounds = (function(IEntity): IVector, IVector)
--[[ Returns the classname of a entity. This is often the name of the Lua file or folder containing the files for the entity ]]
type IEntity.GetClass = (function(IEntity): string)
--[[ Gets the children of the entity - that is, every entity whose move parent is this entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetChildren = (function(IEntity): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns ids of child bones of given bone. ]]
type IEntity.GetChildBones = (function(IEntity, boneid: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the specified hook callbacks for this entity added with [Entity:AddCallback](/gmod/Entity:AddCallback)
The callbacks can then be removed with [Entity:RemoveCallback](/gmod/Entity:RemoveCallback). ]]
type IEntity.GetCallbacks = (function(IEntity, hook: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a table of brushes surfaces for brush model entities. ]]
type IEntity.GetBrushSurfaces = (function(IEntity): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the amount of planes of non-nodraw brush model surfaces of the entity's model. ]]
type IEntity.GetBrushPlaneCount = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns info about given plane of non-nodraw brush model surfaces of the entity's model. Works on worldspawn as well. ]]
type IEntity.GetBrushPlane = (function(IEntity, id: number): IVector, IVector, number)
--[[ Returns the surface property of the specified bone. ]]
type IEntity.GetBoneSurfaceProp = (function(IEntity, bone: number): string)
--[[ Returns the position and angle of the given attachment, relative to the world. ]]
type IEntity.GetBonePosition = (function(IEntity, boneIndex: number): IVector, IAngle)
--[[ Returns parent bone of given bone. ]]
type IEntity.GetBoneParent = (function(IEntity, bone: number): number)
--[[ Returns name of given bone id. ]]
type IEntity.GetBoneName = (function(IEntity, index: number): string)
--[[ Returns the transformation matrix of a given bone on the entity's model. The matrix contains the transformation used to position the bone in the world. It is not relative to the parent bone.
This is equivalent to constructing a [VMatrix](/gmod/VMatrix) using [Entity:GetBonePosition](/gmod/Entity:GetBonePosition). ]]
type IEntity.GetBoneMatrix = (function(IEntity, boneID: number): IMatrix)
--[[ Returns the amount of bones in the entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetBoneCount = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns the value of the bone controller with the specified ID. ]]
type IEntity.GetBoneController = (function(IEntity, boneID: number): number)
--[[ Returns the contents of the specified bone. ]]
type IEntity.GetBoneContents = (function(IEntity, bone: number): number)
--[[ Gets the name of specific bodygroup for given entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetBodygroupName = (function(IEntity, id: number): string)
--[[ Returns the count of possible values for this bodygroup.
This is **not** the maximum value, since the bodygroups start with 0, not 1. ]]
type IEntity.GetBodygroupCount = (function(IEntity, bodygroup: number): number)
--[[ Gets the exact value for specific bodygroup of given entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetBodygroup = (function(IEntity, id: number): number)
--[[ Returns a list of all bodygroups of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetBodyGroups = (function(IEntity): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the entity's base velocity which is their velocity due to forces applied by other entities. This includes entity-on-entity collision or riding a treadmill. ]]
type IEntity.GetBaseVelocity = (function(IEntity): IVector)
--[[ Returns a table containing all attachments of the given entitys model.
Returns an empty table or **nil** in case it's model has no attachments. ]]
type IEntity.GetAttachments = (function(IEntity): {[any] = any})
--[[ Gets the orientation and position of the attachment by its ID, returns nothing if the attachment does not exist. ]]
type IEntity.GetAttachment = (function(IEntity, attachmentId: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the amount of time since last animation.
Works only on `CBaseAnimating` entities. ]]
type IEntity.GetAnimTimeInterval = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns a table containing the number of frames, flags, name, and FPS of an entity's animation ID. ]]
type IEntity.GetAnimInfo = (function(IEntity, animIndex: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Gets the angles of given entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetAngles = (function(IEntity): IAngle)
--[[ Returns the entity's velocity. ]]
type IEntity.GetAbsVelocity = (function(IEntity): IVector)
--[[ Advances the cycle of an animated entity.
Animations that loop will automatically reset the cycle so you don't have to - ones that do not will stop animating once you reach the end of their sequence. ]]
type IEntity.FrameAdvance = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Forces the Entity to be dropped, when it is being held by a player's gravitygun or physgun. ]]
type IEntity.ForcePlayerDrop = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Makes an entity follow another entity's bone.
Internally this function calls [Entity:SetParent](/gmod/Entity:SetParent)( parent, boneid ), [Entity:AddEffects](/gmod/Entity:AddEffects)( EF_FOLLOWBONE
) and sets an internal flag to always rebuild all bones. ]]
type IEntity.FollowBone = (function(IEntity, parent: IEntity, boneid: number): nil)
--[[ Fires a bullet.
When used in a hook such as [WEAPON:Think](/gmod/WEAPON:Think) or [WEAPON:PrimaryAttack](/gmod/WEAPON:PrimaryAttack), it will use [Player:LagCompensation](/gmod/Player:LagCompensation) internally. ]]
type IEntity.FireBullets = (function(IEntity, bulletInfo: {[any] = any}, suppressHostEvents: boolean): nil)
--[[ Returns a transition from the given start and end sequence.
This function was only used by HL1 entities and NPCs, before the advent of sequence blending and gestures. ]]
type IEntity.FindTransitionSequence = (function(IEntity, currentSequence: number, goalSequence: number): number)
--[[ Searches for bodygroup with given name. ]]
type IEntity.FindBodygroupByName = (function(IEntity, name: string): number)
--[[ Returns the position of an Player/NPC's view. ]]
type IEntity.EyePos = (function(IEntity): IVector)
--[[ Returns the direction a player/npc/ragdoll is looking as a world-oriented angle. ]]
type IEntity.EyeAngles = (function(IEntity): IAngle)
--[[ Gets the unique entity index of an entity. ]]
type IEntity.EntIndex = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Flags an entity as using custom lua defined collisions. Fixes entities having spongy player collisions or not hitting traces, such as after [Entity:PhysicsFromMesh](/gmod/Entity:PhysicsFromMesh)
Internally identical to `Entity:AddSolidFlags( bit.bor( FSOLID_CUSTOMRAYTEST, FSOLID_CUSTOMBOXTEST ) )`
Do not confuse this function with [Entity:SetCustomCollisionCheck](/gmod/Entity:SetCustomCollisionCheck), they are not the same. ]]
type IEntity.EnableCustomCollisions = (function(IEntity, useCustom: boolean): nil)
--[[ Plays a sound on an entity. If run clientside, the sound will only be heard locally.
If used on a player or NPC character with the mouth rigged, the character will "lip-sync". This does not work with all sound files. ]]
type IEntity.EmitSound = (function(IEntity, soundName: string, soundLevel: number, pitchPercent: number, volume: number, channel: number, soundFlags: number, dsp: number): nil)
--[[ Sets whether an entity's shadow should be drawn. ]]
type IEntity.DrawShadow = (function(IEntity, shouldDraw: boolean): nil)
--[[ Performs a trace attack. ]]
type IEntity.DispatchTraceAttack = (function(IEntity, damageInfo: ITakeDamageInfo, traceRes: {[any] = any}, dir: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets up a self.dt.NAME alias for a Data Table variable. ]]
type IEntity.DTVar = (function(IEntity, Type: string, ID: number, Name: string): nil)
--[[ Declares that the collision rules of the entity have changed, and subsequent calls for [GM:ShouldCollide](/gmod/GM:ShouldCollide) with this entity may return a different value than they did previously. ]]
type IEntity.CollisionRulesChanged = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Resets all pose parameters such as aim_yaw, aim_pitch and rotation. ]]
type IEntity.ClearPoseParameters = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Causes a specified function to be run if the entity is removed by any means. This can later be undone by [Entity:RemoveCallOnRemove](/gmod/Entity:RemoveCallOnRemove) if you need it to not run. ]]
type IEntity.CallOnRemove = (function(IEntity, identifier: string, removeFunc: (function(...any): any), argn___: ...any): nil)
--[[ Returns the distance between the center of the bounding box and the furthest bounding box corner. ]]
type IEntity.BoundingRadius = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns the length between given bone's position and the position of given bone's parent. ]]
type IEntity.BoneLength = (function(IEntity, boneID: number): number)
--[[ Returns whether the entity's bone has the flag or not. ]]
type IEntity.BoneHasFlag = (function(IEntity, boneID: number, flag: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns an angle based on the ones inputted that you can use to align an object. ]]
type IEntity.AlignAngles = (function(IEntity, from: IAngle, to: IAngle): IAngle)
--[[ Adds a [PhysObj](/gmod/PhysObj)ect to the entity's motion controller so that [ENTITY:PhysicsSimulate](/gmod/ENTITY:PhysicsSimulate) will be called for given [PhysObj](/gmod/PhysObj)ect as well.
You must first create a motion controller with [Entity:StartMotionController](/gmod/Entity:StartMotionController).
You can remove added [PhysObj](/gmod/PhysObj)ects by using [Entity:RemoveFromMotionController](/gmod/Entity:RemoveFromMotionController). ]]
type IEntity.AddToMotionController = (function(IEntity, physObj: IPhysObj): nil)
--[[ Adds solid flag(s) to the entity. ]]
type IEntity.AddSolidFlags = (function(IEntity, flags: number): nil)
--[[ Adds flags to the entity. ]]
type IEntity.AddFlags = (function(IEntity, flag: number): nil)
--[[ Applies an engine effect to an entity.
See also [Entity:IsEffectActive](/gmod/Entity:IsEffectActive) and [Entity:RemoveEffects](/gmod/Entity:RemoveEffects). ]]
type IEntity.AddEffects = (function(IEntity, effect: number): nil)
--[[ Adds engine flags. ]]
type IEntity.AddEFlags = (function(IEntity, flag: number): nil)
--[[ Add a callback function to a specific event. This is used instead of hooks to avoid calling empty functions unnecessarily.
This also allows you to use certain hooks in engine entities (non-scripted entities). ]]
type IEntity.AddCallback = (function(IEntity, hook: string, func: (function(...any): any)): number)
--[[ Activates the entity. This needs to be used on some entities (like constraints) after being spawned. ]]
type IEntity.Activate = (function(IEntity): nil)
if CLIENT then
--[[ Stops all particle effects parented to the entity with given name on given attachment. ]]
type IEntity.StopParticlesWithNameAndAttachment = (function(IEntity, name: string, attachment: number): nil)
--[[ Stops all particle effects parented to the entity with given name. ]]
type IEntity.StopParticlesNamed = (function(IEntity, name: string): nil)
--[[ Stops all particle effects parented to the entity.
This is ran automatically on every client by [Entity:StopParticles](/gmod/Entity:StopParticles) if called on the server. ]]
type IEntity.StopParticleEmission = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Stops all particle effects parented to the entity and immediately destroys them. ]]
type IEntity.StopAndDestroyParticles = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Moves the model instance from the source entity to this entity. This can be used to transfer decals that have been applied on one entity to another.
Both entities must have the same model. ]]
type IEntity.SnatchModelInstance = (function(IEntity, srcEntity: IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Initializes the class names of an entity's phoneme mappings (mouth movement data). This is called by default with argument "phonemes" when a flex-based entity (such as an [NPC](/gmod/NPC)) is created. ]]
type IEntity.SetupPhonemeMappings = (function(IEntity, fileRoot: string): nil)
--[[ Forces the entity to reconfigure its bones. You might need to call this after changing your model's scales or when manually drawing the entity multiple times at different positions. ]]
type IEntity.SetupBones = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Set the origin in which the Entity will be drawn from. ]]
type IEntity.SetRenderOrigin = (function(IEntity, newOrigin: IVector): nil)
--[[ Enables the use of clipping planes to "cut" objects. ]]
type IEntity.SetRenderClipPlaneEnabled = (function(IEntity, enabled: boolean): nil)
--[[ Used to specify a plane, past which an object will be visually clipped. ]]
type IEntity.SetRenderClipPlane = (function(IEntity, planeNormal: IVector, planePosition: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the render bounds for the entity in world space coordinates. For relative coordinates see [Entity:SetRenderBounds](/gmod/Entity:SetRenderBounds). ]]
type IEntity.SetRenderBoundsWS = (function(IEntity, mins: IVector, maxs: IVector, add: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the render bounds for the entity. For world space coordinates see [Entity:SetRenderBoundsWS](/gmod/Entity:SetRenderBoundsWS). ]]
type IEntity.SetRenderBounds = (function(IEntity, mins: IVector, maxs: IVector, add: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the render angles of the Entity. ]]
type IEntity.SetRenderAngles = (function(IEntity, newAngles: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Sets whether an entity should be predictable or not.
When an entity is set as predictable, its DT vars can be changed during predicted hooks. This is useful for entities which can be controlled by player input.
Any datatable value that mismatches from the server will be overridden and a prediction error will be spewed.
Weapons are predictable by default, and the drive system uses this function to make the controlled prop predictable as well.
Visit for a list of all predicted hooks, and the [Prediction](/gmod/Prediction) page.
For further technical information on the subject, visit [valve's wiki]( ]]
type IEntity.SetPredictable = (function(IEntity, setPredictable: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the next time the clientside [ENTITY:Think](/gmod/ENTITY:Think) is called. ]]
type IEntity.SetNextClientThink = (function(IEntity, nextthink: number): nil)
--[[ Alters the entity's perceived serverside angle on the client. ]]
type IEntity.SetNetworkAngles = (function(IEntity, angle: IAngle): nil)
--[[ This forces an entity to use the bone transformation behaviour from versions prior to **8 July 2014**.
This behaviour affects [Entity:EnableMatrix](/gmod/Entity:EnableMatrix) and [Entity:SetModelScale](/gmod/Entity:SetModelScale) and is incorrect, therefore this function be used exclusively as a quick fix for old scripts that rely on it. ]]
type IEntity.SetLegacyTransform = (function(IEntity, enabled: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the Level Of Detail model to use with this entity. This may not work for all models if the model doesn't include any LOD sub models.
This function works exactly like the clientside r_lod convar and takes priority over it. ]]
type IEntity.SetLOD = (function(IEntity, lod: number): nil)
--[[ Enables or disable the inverse kinematic usage of this entity. ]]
type IEntity.SetIK = (function(IEntity, useIK: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the bone position and angles. ]]
type IEntity.SetBonePosition = (function(IEntity, bone: number, pos: IVector, ang: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Sets the start time (relative to [CurTime](/gmod/Global.CurTime)) of the current animation, which is used to determine [Entity:GetCycle](/gmod/Entity:GetCycle). Should be less than CurTime to play an animation from the middle. ]]
type IEntity.SetAnimTime = (function(IEntity, time: number): nil)
--[[ Refreshes the shadow of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.MarkShadowAsDirty = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Resets the entity's bone cache values in order to prepare for a model change.
This should be called after calling [Entity:SetPoseParameter](/gmod/Entity:SetPoseParameter). ]]
type IEntity.InvalidateBoneCache = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Initializes this entity as being clientside only.
Only works on entities fully created clientside, and as such it has currently no use due this being automatically called by [ents.CreateClientProp](/gmod/ents.CreateClientProp), [ents.CreateClientside](/gmod/ents.CreateClientside), [ClientsideModel](/gmod/Global.ClientsideModel) and [ClientsideScene](/gmod/Global.ClientsideScene). ]]
type IEntity.InitializeAsClientEntity = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Returns the entity's render origin, set by [Entity:SetRenderOrigin](/gmod/Entity:SetRenderOrigin) in a drawing hook. ]]
type IEntity.GetRenderOrigin = (function(IEntity): IVector)
--[[ Returns the render group of the entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetRenderGroup = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns render bounds of the entity. Can be overridden by [Entity:SetRenderBounds](/gmod/Entity:SetRenderBounds).
If the render bounds are not inside players view, the entity will not be drawn! ]]
type IEntity.GetRenderBounds = (function(IEntity): IVector, IVector)
--[[ Returns the entity's render angles, set by [Entity:SetRenderAngles](/gmod/Entity:SetRenderAngles) in a drawing hook. ]]
type IEntity.GetRenderAngles = (function(IEntity): IAngle)
--[[ Returns whether this entity is predictable or not.
See [Entity:SetPredictable](/gmod/Entity:SetPredictable) for more information ]]
type IEntity.GetPredictable = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Gets networked angles for entity. ]]
type IEntity.GetNetworkAngles = (function(IEntity): IAngle)
--[[ Gets the physics bone count of the entity's model. This is only applicable to `anim` type [Scripted Entities](/gmod/Scripted%20Entities) with ragdoll models. ]]
type IEntity.GetModelPhysBoneCount = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns the last time the entity had an animation update. Returns 0 if the entity doesn't animate. ]]
type IEntity.GetAnimTime = (function(IEntity): number)
--[[ Can be used to apply a custom [VMatrix](/gmod/VMatrix) to the entity, mostly used for scaling the model by a [Vector](/gmod/Vector).
To disable it, use [Entity:DisableMatrix](/gmod/Entity:DisableMatrix).
If your old scales are wrong due to a recent update, use [Entity:SetLegacyTransform](/gmod/Entity:SetLegacyTransform) as a quick fix. ]]
type IEntity.EnableMatrix = (function(IEntity, matrixType: string, matrix: IMatrix): nil)
--[[ Draws the entity or model.
If called inside [ENTITY:Draw](/gmod/ENTITY:Draw) or [ENTITY:DrawTranslucent](/gmod/ENTITY:DrawTranslucent), it only draws the entity's model itself.
If called outside of those hooks, it will call both of said hooks depending on [Entity:GetRenderGroup](/gmod/Entity:GetRenderGroup), drawing the entire entity again. ]]
type IEntity.DrawModel = (function(IEntity, flags: number): nil)
--[[ Disables an active matrix. ]]
type IEntity.DisableMatrix = (function(IEntity, matrixType: string): nil)
--[[ Removes the shadow for the entity.
The shadow will be recreated as soon as the entity wakes. ]]
type IEntity.DestroyShadow = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Draws the shadow of an entity. ]]
type IEntity.CreateShadow = (function(IEntity): nil)
--[[ Creates a clientside particle system attached to the entity. See also [CreateParticleSystem](/gmod/Global.CreateParticleSystem) ]]
type IEntity.CreateParticleEffect = (function(IEntity, particle: string, attachment: number, options: {[any] = any}): INewParticleEffect)
--[[ Returns true if the entity is being looked at by the local player and is within 256 units of distance. ]]
type IEntity.BeingLookedAtByLocalPlayer = (function(IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Spawns a clientside ragdoll for the entity, positioning it in place of the original entity, and makes the entity invisible. It doesn't preserve flex values (face posing) as CSRagdolls don't support flex.
It does not work on players. Use [Player:CreateRagdoll](/gmod/Player:CreateRagdoll) instead.
The original entity is not removed, and neither are any ragdolls previously generated with this function.
To make the entity re-appear, run [Entity:SetNoDraw](/gmod/Entity:SetNoDraw)( false ) ]]
type IEntity.BecomeRagdollOnClient = (function(IEntity): IEntity)
type IEntity.@Contract = IEntity
if CLIENT or SERVER or MENU then
type IConVar.@MetaTable = IConVar
type IConVar.@Name = "IConVar"
type IConVar.__index = IConVar
--[[ Sets a ConVar's value to the input string. This can only be ran on ConVars created from within Lua. ]]
type IConVar.SetString = (function(IConVar, value: string): nil)
--[[ Sets a ConVar's value to the input number after converting it to an integer. ]]
type IConVar.SetInt = (function(IConVar, value: number): nil)
--[[ Sets a ConVar's value to the input number. ]]
type IConVar.SetFloat = (function(IConVar, value: number): nil)
--[[ Sets a ConVar's value to 1 or 0 based on the input boolean. This can only be ran on ConVars created from within Lua. ]]
type IConVar.SetBool = (function(IConVar, value: boolean): nil)
--[[ Reverts [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar) to its default value ]]
type IConVar.Revert = (function(IConVar): nil)
--[[ Returns whether the specified flag is set on the [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar) ]]
type IConVar.IsFlagSet = (function(IConVar, flag: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns the current [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar) value as a string. ]]
type IConVar.GetString = (function(IConVar): string)
--[[ Returns the name of the [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar). ]]
type IConVar.GetName = (function(IConVar): string)
--[[ Returns the minimum value of the [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar) ]]
type IConVar.GetMin = (function(IConVar): number)
--[[ Returns the maximum value of the [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar) ]]
type IConVar.GetMax = (function(IConVar): number)
--[[ Attempts to convert the [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar) value to a integer. ]]
type IConVar.GetInt = (function(IConVar): number)
--[[ Returns the help text assigned to that convar. ]]
type IConVar.GetHelpText = (function(IConVar): string)
--[[ Attempts to convert the [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar) value to a float ]]
type IConVar.GetFloat = (function(IConVar): number)
--[[ Returns the [FCVAR](/gmod/Enums/FCVAR) flags of the ConVar ]]
type IConVar.GetFlags = (function(IConVar): flag: number)
--[[ Returns the default value of the [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar) ]]
type IConVar.GetDefault = (function(IConVar): string)
--[[ Tries to convert the current string value of a [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar) to a boolean. ]]
type IConVar.GetBool = (function(IConVar): boolean)
type IConVar.@Contract = IConVar
type IColor.@MetaTable = IColor
type IColor.@Name = "IColor"
type IColor.__index = IColor
if CLIENT or SERVER or MENU then
--[[ Converts a [Color](/gmod/Color) into HSV color space. This calls [ColorToHSV](/gmod/Global.ColorToHSV) internally. ]]
type IColor.ToHSV = (function(IColor): number, number, number)
--[[ Converts a [Color](/gmod/Color) into HSL color space. This calls [ColorToHSL](/gmod/Global.ColorToHSL) internally. ]]
type IColor.ToHSL = (function(IColor): number, number, number)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
--[[ Returns the red, green, blue, and alpha of the color. ]]
type IColor.Unpack = (function(IColor): number, number, number, number)
--[[ Translates the [Color](/gmod/Color) into a [Vector](/gmod/Vector), losing the alpha channel.
This will also range the values from 0 - 255 to 0 - 1
r / 255 -> x
g / 255 -> y
b / 255 -> z
This is the opposite of [Vector:ToColor](/gmod/Vector:ToColor) ]]
type IColor.ToVector = (function(IColor): IVector)
--[[ Returns the color as a table with four elements. ]]
type IColor.ToTable = (function(IColor): {[any] = any})
--[[ Sets the red, green, blue, and alpha of the color. ]]
type IColor.SetUnpacked = (function(IColor, r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number): nil)
type IColor.@Contract = IColor
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type IUserCmd.@MetaTable = IUserCmd
type IUserCmd.@Name = "IUserCmd"
type IUserCmd.__index = IUserCmd
--[[ Returns tick count since joining the server. ]]
type IUserCmd.TickCount = (function(IUserCmd): number)
--[[ Sets the direction the client wants to move in. ]]
type IUserCmd.SetViewAngles = (function(IUserCmd, viewAngle: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Sets speed the client wishes to move upwards with, negative to move down.
See also [CUserCmd:SetSideMove](/gmod/CUserCmd:SetSideMove) and [CUserCmd:SetForwardMove](/gmod/CUserCmd:SetForwardMove). ]]
type IUserCmd.SetUpMove = (function(IUserCmd, speed: number): nil)
--[[ Sets speed the client wishes to move sidewards with, positive to move right, negative to move left.
See also [CUserCmd:SetForwardMove](/gmod/CUserCmd:SetForwardMove) and [CUserCmd:SetUpMove](/gmod/CUserCmd:SetUpMove). ]]
type IUserCmd.SetSideMove = (function(IUserCmd, speed: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the delta of the angular vertical mouse movement of the player.
See also [CUserCmd:SetMouseX](/gmod/CUserCmd:SetMouseX). ]]
type IUserCmd.SetMouseY = (function(IUserCmd, speed: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the delta of the angular horizontal mouse movement of the player.
See also [CUserCmd:SetMouseY](/gmod/CUserCmd:SetMouseY). ]]
type IUserCmd.SetMouseX = (function(IUserCmd, speed: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the scroll delta. ]]
type IUserCmd.SetMouseWheel = (function(IUserCmd, speed: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the impulse command to be sent to the server.
Here are a few examples of impulse numbers:
- `100` toggles their flashlight
- `101` gives the player all Half-Life 2 weapons with `sv_cheats` set to `1`
- `200` toggles holstering / restoring the current weapon
When holstered, the `EF_NODRAW` flag is set on the active weapon.
- `154` toggles noclip
[See full list]( ]]
type IUserCmd.SetImpulse = (function(IUserCmd, impulse: number): nil)
--[[ Sets speed the client wishes to move forward with, negative if the clients wants to move backwards.
See also [CUserCmd:ClearMovement](/gmod/CUserCmd:ClearMovement), [CUserCmd:SetSideMove](/gmod/CUserCmd:SetSideMove) and [CUserCmd:SetUpMove](/gmod/CUserCmd:SetUpMove). ]]
type IUserCmd.SetForwardMove = (function(IUserCmd, speed: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the buttons as a bitflag. See also [CUserCmd:GetButtons](/gmod/CUserCmd:GetButtons). ]]
type IUserCmd.SetButtons = (function(IUserCmd, buttons: number): nil)
--[[ Forces the associated player to select a weapon. This is used internally in the default HL2 weapon selection HUD.
This may not work immediately if the current command is in prediction. Use [input.SelectWeapon](/gmod/input.SelectWeapon) to switch the weapon from the client when the next available command can do so. ]]
type IUserCmd.SelectWeapon = (function(IUserCmd, weapon: IWeapon): nil)
--[[ Removes a key bit from the current key bitflag. For movement you will want to use [CUserCmd:SetForwardMove](/gmod/CUserCmd:SetForwardMove), [CUserCmd:SetUpMove](/gmod/CUserCmd:SetUpMove) and [CUserCmd:SetSideMove](/gmod/CUserCmd:SetSideMove). ]]
type IUserCmd.RemoveKey = (function(IUserCmd, button: number): nil)
--[[ Returns true if the specified button(s) is pressed. ]]
type IUserCmd.KeyDown = (function(IUserCmd, key: number): boolean)
--[[ When players are not sending usercommands to the server (often due to lag), their last usercommand will be executed multiple times as a backup. This function returns true if that is happening.
This will never return true clientside. ]]
type IUserCmd.IsForced = (function(IUserCmd): boolean)
--[[ Gets the direction the player is looking in. ]]
type IUserCmd.GetViewAngles = (function(IUserCmd): IAngle)
--[[ The speed the client wishes to move up with, negative if the clients wants to move down. ]]
type IUserCmd.GetUpMove = (function(IUserCmd): number)
--[[ The speed the client wishes to move sideways with, positive if it wants to move right, negative if it wants to move left. ]]
type IUserCmd.GetSideMove = (function(IUserCmd): number)
--[[ Returns the delta of the angular vertical mouse movement of the player. ]]
type IUserCmd.GetMouseY = (function(IUserCmd): number)
--[[ Returns the delta of the angular horizontal mouse movement of the player. ]]
type IUserCmd.GetMouseX = (function(IUserCmd): number)
--[[ Returns the scroll delta as whole number. ]]
type IUserCmd.GetMouseWheel = (function(IUserCmd): number)
--[[ Gets the current impulse from the client, usually 0. [See impulses list]( and some [GMod specific impulses](/gmod/CUserCmd:SetImpulse). ]]
type IUserCmd.GetImpulse = (function(IUserCmd): number)
--[[ The speed the client wishes to move forward with, negative if the clients wants to move backwards. ]]
type IUserCmd.GetForwardMove = (function(IUserCmd): number)
--[[ Returns a bitflag indicating which buttons are pressed. ]]
type IUserCmd.GetButtons = (function(IUserCmd): number)
--[[ Returns an increasing number representing the index of the user cmd. ]]
type IUserCmd.CommandNumber = (function(IUserCmd): number)
--[[ Clears the movement from the command.
See also [CUserCmd:SetForwardMove](/gmod/CUserCmd:SetForwardMove), [CUserCmd:SetSideMove](/gmod/CUserCmd:SetSideMove) and [CUserCmd:SetUpMove](/gmod/CUserCmd:SetUpMove). ]]
type IUserCmd.ClearMovement = (function(IUserCmd): nil)
--[[ Removes all keys from the command. ]]
type IUserCmd.ClearButtons = (function(IUserCmd): nil)
type IUserCmd.@Contract = IUserCmd
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type ITakeDamageInfo.@MetaTable = ITakeDamageInfo
type ITakeDamageInfo.@Name = "ITakeDamageInfo"
type ITakeDamageInfo.__index = ITakeDamageInfo
--[[ Subtracts the specified amount from the damage. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.SubtractDamage = (function(ITakeDamageInfo, damage: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the origin of the damage. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.SetReportedPosition = (function(ITakeDamageInfo, pos: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the maximum damage the object can cause. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.SetMaxDamage = (function(ITakeDamageInfo, maxDamage: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the inflictor of the damage for example a weapon.
For hitscan/bullet weapons this should the weapon.
For projectile ( rockets, etc ) weapons this should be the projectile. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.SetInflictor = (function(ITakeDamageInfo, inflictor: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Sets the damage type. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.SetDamageType = (function(ITakeDamageInfo, type: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the position of where the damage gets applied to. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.SetDamagePosition = (function(ITakeDamageInfo, pos: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the directional force of the damage. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.SetDamageForce = (function(ITakeDamageInfo, force: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the custom damage type. This is used by Day of Defeat: Source and Team Fortress 2 for extended damage info, but isn't used in Garry's Mod by default. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.SetDamageCustom = (function(ITakeDamageInfo, DamageType: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the bonus damage. Bonus damage isn't automatically applied, so this will have no outer effect by default. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.SetDamageBonus = (function(ITakeDamageInfo, damage: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the amount of damage. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.SetDamage = (function(ITakeDamageInfo, damage: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the initial unmodified by skill level ( [game.GetSkillLevel](/gmod/game.GetSkillLevel) ) damage. This function will not update or touch [CTakeDamageInfo:GetDamage](/gmod/CTakeDamageInfo:GetDamage). ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.SetBaseDamage = (function(ITakeDamageInfo, number): nil)
--[[ Sets the attacker ( character who originated the attack ) of the damage, for example a player or an NPC. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.SetAttacker = (function(ITakeDamageInfo, ent: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Changes the ammo type used by the weapon that inflicted the damage. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.SetAmmoType = (function(ITakeDamageInfo, ammoType: number): nil)
--[[ Scales the damage by the given value. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.ScaleDamage = (function(ITakeDamageInfo, scale: number): nil)
--[[ Returns whenever the damageinfo contains fall damage. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.IsFallDamage = (function(ITakeDamageInfo): boolean)
--[[ Returns whenever the damageinfo contains explosion damage. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.IsExplosionDamage = (function(ITakeDamageInfo): boolean)
--[[ Returns whenever the damageinfo contains the damage type specified. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.IsDamageType = (function(ITakeDamageInfo, dmgType: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns true if the damage was caused by a bullet. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.IsBulletDamage = (function(ITakeDamageInfo): boolean)
--[[ Returns the initial, unmodified position where the damage occured. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.GetReportedPosition = (function(ITakeDamageInfo): IVector)
--[[ Returns the maximum damage. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.GetMaxDamage = (function(ITakeDamageInfo): number)
--[[ Returns the inflictor of the damage. This is not necessarily a weapon.
For hitscan weapons this is the weapon.
For projectile weapons this is the projectile.
For a more reliable method of getting the weapon that damaged an entity, use [GetAttacker](/gmod/CTakeDamageInfo:GetAttacker) with [GetActiveWeapon](/gmod/Player:GetActiveWeapon). ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.GetInflictor = (function(ITakeDamageInfo): IEntity)
--[[ Returns a bitflag which indicates the damage type(s) of the damage.
Consider using [CTakeDamageInfo:IsDamageType](/gmod/CTakeDamageInfo:IsDamageType) instead. Value returned by this function can contain multiple damage types. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.GetDamageType = (function(ITakeDamageInfo): number)
--[[ Returns the position where the damage was or is going to be applied to.
Can be set using [CTakeDamageInfo:SetDamagePosition](/gmod/CTakeDamageInfo:SetDamagePosition). ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.GetDamagePosition = (function(ITakeDamageInfo): IVector)
--[[ Returns a vector representing the damage force.
Can be set with [CTakeDamageInfo:SetDamageForce](/gmod/CTakeDamageInfo:SetDamageForce). ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.GetDamageForce = (function(ITakeDamageInfo): IVector)
--[[ Gets the custom damage type. This is used by Day of Defeat: Source and Team Fortress 2 for extended damage info, but isn't used in Garry's Mod by default. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.GetDamageCustom = (function(ITakeDamageInfo): number)
--[[ Gets the current bonus damage. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.GetDamageBonus = (function(ITakeDamageInfo): number)
--[[ Returns the total damage. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.GetDamage = (function(ITakeDamageInfo): number)
--[[ Returns the initial unmodified by skill level ( [game.GetSkillLevel](/gmod/game.GetSkillLevel) ) damage. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.GetBaseDamage = (function(ITakeDamageInfo): number)
--[[ Returns the attacker ( character who originated the attack ), for example a player or an NPC that shot the weapon. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.GetAttacker = (function(ITakeDamageInfo): IEntity)
--[[ Returns the ammo type used by the weapon that inflicted the damage. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.GetAmmoType = (function(ITakeDamageInfo): number)
--[[ Increases the damage by damageIncrease. ]]
type ITakeDamageInfo.AddDamage = (function(ITakeDamageInfo, damageIncrease: number): nil)
type ITakeDamageInfo.@Contract = ITakeDamageInfo
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type ISoundPatch.@MetaTable = ISoundPatch
type ISoundPatch.@Name = "ISoundPatch"
type ISoundPatch.__index = ISoundPatch
--[[ Stops the sound from being played. ]]
type ISoundPatch.Stop = (function(ISoundPatch): nil)
--[[ Sets the sound level in decibel. ]]
type ISoundPatch.SetSoundLevel = (function(ISoundPatch, level: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the DSP (Digital Signal Processor) effect for the sound. Similar to [Player:SetDSP](/gmod/Player:SetDSP) but for individual sounds. ]]
type ISoundPatch.SetDSP = (function(ISoundPatch, dsp: number): nil)
--[[ Same as [CSoundPatch:Play](/gmod/CSoundPatch:Play) but with 2 extra arguments allowing to set volume and pitch directly. ]]
type ISoundPatch.PlayEx = (function(ISoundPatch, volume: number, pitch: number): nil)
--[[ Starts to play the sound. This will reset the sound's volume and pitch to their default values. See [CSoundPatch:PlayEx](/gmod/CSoundPatch:PlayEx) ]]
type ISoundPatch.Play = (function(ISoundPatch): nil)
--[[ Returns whenever the sound is being played. ]]
type ISoundPatch.IsPlaying = (function(ISoundPatch): boolean)
--[[ Returns the current volume. ]]
type ISoundPatch.GetVolume = (function(ISoundPatch): number)
--[[ Returns the current sound level. ]]
type ISoundPatch.GetSoundLevel = (function(ISoundPatch): number)
--[[ Returns the current pitch. ]]
type ISoundPatch.GetPitch = (function(ISoundPatch): number)
--[[ Returns the DSP ( Digital Signal Processor ) effect for the sound. ]]
type ISoundPatch.GetDSP = (function(ISoundPatch): number)
--[[ Fades out the volume of the sound from the current volume to 0 in the given amount of seconds. ]]
type ISoundPatch.FadeOut = (function(ISoundPatch, seconds: number): nil)
--[[ Adjusts the volume of the sound played.
Appears to only work while the sound is being played. ]]
type ISoundPatch.ChangeVolume = (function(ISoundPatch, volume: number, deltaTime: number): nil)
--[[ Adjust the pitch, alias the speed at which the sound is being played.
This invokes the [GM:EntityEmitSound](/gmod/GM:EntityEmitSound). ]]
type ISoundPatch.ChangePitch = (function(ISoundPatch, pitch: number, deltaTime: number): nil)
type ISoundPatch.@Contract = ISoundPatch
if CLIENT then
type IEntity.@MetaTable = IEntity
type IEntity.@Name = "IEntity"
type IEntity.__index = IEntity
--[[ Removes the clientside entity ]]
type IEntity.Remove = (function(IEntity): nil)
type IEntity.@Contract = IEntity
if SERVER then
type IRecipientFilter.@MetaTable = IRecipientFilter
type IRecipientFilter.@Name = "IRecipientFilter"
type IRecipientFilter.__index = IRecipientFilter
--[[ Removes all players that are not on the given team from the filter. ]]
type IRecipientFilter.RemoveRecipientsNotOnTeam = (function(IRecipientFilter, teamid: number): nil)
--[[ Removes all players that are on the given team from the filter. ]]
type IRecipientFilter.RemoveRecipientsByTeam = (function(IRecipientFilter, teamid: number): nil)
--[[ Removes the player from the recipient filter. ]]
type IRecipientFilter.RemovePlayer = (function(IRecipientFilter, Player: IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Removes all players that can see this PVS from the recipient filter. ]]
type IRecipientFilter.RemovePVS = (function(IRecipientFilter, pos: IVector): nil)
--[[ Removes all players from the filter that are in Potentially Audible Set for given position. ]]
type IRecipientFilter.RemovePAS = (function(IRecipientFilter, position: IVector): nil)
--[[ Removes all players from the recipient filter. ]]
type IRecipientFilter.RemoveAllPlayers = (function(IRecipientFilter): nil)
--[[ Returns a table of all valid players currently in the recipient filter. ]]
type IRecipientFilter.GetPlayers = (function(IRecipientFilter): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the number of valid players in the recipient filter. ]]
type IRecipientFilter.GetCount = (function(IRecipientFilter): number)
--[[ Adds all players that are on the given team to the filter. ]]
type IRecipientFilter.AddRecipientsByTeam = (function(IRecipientFilter, teamid: number): nil)
--[[ Adds a player to the recipient filter ]]
type IRecipientFilter.AddPlayer = (function(IRecipientFilter, Player: IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Adds all players that are in the same [PVS(Potential Visibility Set)]( "PVS - Valve Developer Community") as this position. ]]
type IRecipientFilter.AddPVS = (function(IRecipientFilter, Position: IVector): nil)
--[[ Adds all players that are in the same [PAS (Potentially Audible Set)]( "PAS - Valve Developer Community") as this position. ]]
type IRecipientFilter.AddPAS = (function(IRecipientFilter, pos: IVector): nil)
--[[ Adds all players to the recipient filter. ]]
type IRecipientFilter.AddAllPlayers = (function(IRecipientFilter): nil)
type IRecipientFilter.@Contract = IRecipientFilter
if CLIENT then
type INewParticleEffect.@MetaTable = INewParticleEffect
type INewParticleEffect.@Name = "INewParticleEffect"
type INewParticleEffect.__index = INewParticleEffect
--[[ Stops particle emission and destroys all particles instantly. Also detaches the particle effect from the entity it was attached to.
Consider using [CNewParticleEffect:StopEmission](/gmod/CNewParticleEffect:StopEmission)( false, true ) instead, which has same effect, but doesn't require owner entity, and does't detach the particle system from its entity. ]]
type INewParticleEffect.StopEmissionAndDestroyImmediately = (function(INewParticleEffect): nil)
--[[ Stops the particle emission. ]]
type INewParticleEffect.StopEmission = (function(INewParticleEffect, infiniteOnly: boolean, removeAllParticles: boolean, wakeOnStop: boolean): nil)
--[[ Starts the particle emission. ]]
type INewParticleEffect.StartEmission = (function(INewParticleEffect, infiniteOnly: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the sort origin for given particle system. This is used as a helper to determine which particles are in front of which. ]]
type INewParticleEffect.SetSortOrigin = (function(INewParticleEffect, origin: IVector): nil)
--[[ Forces the particle system to stop automatically rendering.
Used in conjunction with [CNewParticleEffect:Render](/gmod/CNewParticleEffect:Render). ]]
type INewParticleEffect.SetShouldDraw = (function(INewParticleEffect, should: boolean): nil)
type INewParticleEffect.SetIsViewModelEffect = (function(INewParticleEffect, isViewModel: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the upward direction for given control point. ]]
type INewParticleEffect.SetControlPointUpVector = (function(INewParticleEffect, cpID: number, upward: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the right direction for given control point. ]]
type INewParticleEffect.SetControlPointRightVector = (function(INewParticleEffect, cpID: number, right: IVector): nil)
--[[ Essentially makes child control point follow the parent control point. ]]
type INewParticleEffect.SetControlPointParent = (function(INewParticleEffect, child: number, parent: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the orientation for given control point. ]]
type INewParticleEffect.SetControlPointOrientation = (function(INewParticleEffect, cpID: number, forward: IVector, right: IVector, up: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the forward direction for given control point. ]]
type INewParticleEffect.SetControlPointForwardVector = (function(INewParticleEffect, cpID: number, forward: IVector): nil)
--[[ Essentially makes child control point follow the parent entity. ]]
type INewParticleEffect.SetControlPointEntity = (function(INewParticleEffect, child: number, parent: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Sets a value for given control point. ]]
type INewParticleEffect.SetControlPoint = (function(INewParticleEffect, cpID: number, value: IVector): nil)
--[[ Forces the particle system to restart emitting particles. ]]
type INewParticleEffect.Restart = (function(INewParticleEffect): nil)
--[[ Forces the particle system to render using current rendering context.
Can be used to render the particle system in vgui panels, etc.
Used in conjunction with [CNewParticleEffect:SetShouldDraw](/gmod/CNewParticleEffect:SetShouldDraw). ]]
type INewParticleEffect.Render = (function(INewParticleEffect): nil)
--[[ Returns whether the particle system is intended to be used on a view model? ]]
type INewParticleEffect.IsViewModelEffect = (function(INewParticleEffect): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the particle system is valid or not. ]]
type INewParticleEffect.IsValid = (function(INewParticleEffect): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the particle system has finished emitting particles or not. ]]
type INewParticleEffect.IsFinished = (function(INewParticleEffect): boolean)
--[[ Returns the owner of the particle system, the entity the particle system is attached to. ]]
type INewParticleEffect.GetOwner = (function(INewParticleEffect): IEntity)
--[[ Returns the highest control point number for given particle system. ]]
type INewParticleEffect.GetHighestControlPoint = (function(INewParticleEffect): boolean)
--[[ Returns the name of the particle effect this system is set to emit. ]]
type INewParticleEffect.GetEffectName = (function(INewParticleEffect): string)
type INewParticleEffect.GetAutoUpdateBBox = (function(INewParticleEffect): boolean)
--[[ Adds a control point to the particle system. ]]
type INewParticleEffect.AddControlPoint = (function(INewParticleEffect, cpID: number, ent: IEntity, partAttachment: number, entAttachment: number, offset: IVector): nil)
type INewParticleEffect.@Contract = INewParticleEffect
if SERVER then
type INavLadder.@MetaTable = INavLadder
type INavLadder.@Name = "INavLadder"
type INavLadder.__index = INavLadder
--[[ Sets the top right area of the [CNavLadder](/gmod/CNavLadder). ]]
type INavLadder.SetTopRightArea = (function(INavLadder, area: INavArea): nil)
--[[ Sets the top left area of the [CNavLadder](/gmod/CNavLadder). ]]
type INavLadder.SetTopLeftArea = (function(INavLadder, area: INavArea): nil)
--[[ Sets the top forward area of the [CNavLadder](/gmod/CNavLadder). ]]
type INavLadder.SetTopForwardArea = (function(INavLadder, area: INavArea): nil)
--[[ Sets the top behind area of the [CNavLadder](/gmod/CNavLadder). ]]
type INavLadder.SetTopBehindArea = (function(INavLadder, area: INavArea): nil)
--[[ Sets the bottom area of the [CNavLadder](/gmod/CNavLadder). ]]
type INavLadder.SetBottomArea = (function(INavLadder, area: INavArea): nil)
--[[ Removes the given nav ladder. ]]
type INavLadder.Remove = (function(INavLadder): nil)
--[[ Returns whether this [CNavLadder](/gmod/CNavLadder) is valid or not. ]]
type INavLadder.IsValid = (function(INavLadder): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether this [CNavLadder](/gmod/CNavLadder) has an outgoing ( one or two way ) connection **to** given [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) in given direction. ]]
type INavLadder.IsConnectedAtSide = (function(INavLadder, navArea: INavArea, navDirType: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns the width of the ladder in Hammer Units. ]]
type INavLadder.GetWidth = (function(INavLadder): number)
--[[ Returns the top right [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) of the [CNavLadder](/gmod/CNavLadder). ]]
type INavLadder.GetTopRightArea = (function(INavLadder): INavArea)
--[[ Returns the top left [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) of the [CNavLadder](/gmod/CNavLadder). ]]
type INavLadder.GetTopLeftArea = (function(INavLadder): INavArea)
--[[ Returns the top forward [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) of the [CNavLadder](/gmod/CNavLadder). ]]
type INavLadder.GetTopForwardArea = (function(INavLadder): INavArea)
--[[ Returns the top behind [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) of the [CNavLadder](/gmod/CNavLadder). ]]
type INavLadder.GetTopBehindArea = (function(INavLadder): INavArea)
--[[ Returns the topmost position of the ladder. ]]
type INavLadder.GetTop = (function(INavLadder): IVector)
--[[ Returns the world position based on given height relative to the ladder. ]]
type INavLadder.GetPosAtHeight = (function(INavLadder, height: number): IVector)
--[[ Returns the direction of this [CNavLadder](/gmod/CNavLadder). ( The direction in which players back will be facing if they are looking directly at the ladder ) ]]
type INavLadder.GetNormal = (function(INavLadder): IVector)
--[[ Returns the length of the ladder. ]]
type INavLadder.GetLength = (function(INavLadder): number)
--[[ Returns this [CNavLadder](/gmod/CNavLadder)s unique ID. ]]
type INavLadder.GetID = (function(INavLadder): number)
--[[ Returns the bottom area of the [CNavLadder](/gmod/CNavLadder). ]]
type INavLadder.GetBottomArea = (function(INavLadder): INavArea)
--[[ Returns the bottom most position of the ladder. ]]
type INavLadder.GetBottom = (function(INavLadder): IVector)
--[[ Disconnects this ladder from given area in a single direction. ]]
type INavLadder.Disconnect = (function(INavLadder, area: INavArea): nil)
--[[ Connects this ladder to a [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) with a one way connection. ( From this ladder to the target area ).
See [CNavArea:ConnectTo](/gmod/CNavArea:ConnectTo) for making the connection from area to ladder. ]]
type INavLadder.ConnectTo = (function(INavLadder, area: INavArea): nil)
type INavLadder.@Contract = INavLadder
if SERVER then
type INavArea.@MetaTable = INavArea
type INavArea.@Name = "INavArea"
type INavArea.__index = INavArea
--[[ Moves this open list to appropriate position based on its [CNavArea:GetTotalCost](/gmod/CNavArea:GetTotalCost) compared to the total cost of other areas in the open list.
Used in pathfinding via the [A* algorithm](*_search_algorithm).
More information can be found on the [Simple Pathfinding](/gmod/Simple%20Pathfinding) page. ]]
type INavArea.UpdateOnOpenList = (function(INavArea): nil)
--[[ Sets the total cost when passing from starting area to the goal area through this node.
Used in pathfinding via the [A* algorithm](*_search_algorithm).
More information can be found on the [Simple Pathfinding](/gmod/Simple%20Pathfinding) page. ]]
type INavArea.SetTotalCost = (function(INavArea, cost: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the Place of the nav area.
There is a limit of 256 Places per nav file. ]]
type INavArea.SetPlace = (function(INavArea, place: string): boolean)
--[[ Sets the new parent of this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea). ]]
type INavArea.SetParent = (function(INavArea, parent: INavArea): nil)
--[[ Sets the cost from starting area this area when pathfinding.
Used in pathfinding via the [A* algorithm](*_search_algorithm).
More information can be found on the [Simple Pathfinding](/gmod/Simple%20Pathfinding) page. ]]
type INavArea.SetCostSoFar = (function(INavArea, cost: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the position of a corner of a nav area. ]]
type INavArea.SetCorner = (function(INavArea, corner: number, position: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the attributes for given CNavArea. ]]
type INavArea.SetAttributes = (function(INavArea, attribs: number): nil)
--[[ Removes this node from the Closed List.
Used in pathfinding via the [A* algorithm](*_search_algorithm).
More information can be found on the [Simple Pathfinding](/gmod/Simple%20Pathfinding) page. ]]
type INavArea.RemoveFromClosedList = (function(INavArea): nil)
--[[ Removes the given nav area. ]]
type INavArea.Remove = (function(INavArea): nil)
--[[ Removes a CNavArea from the Open List with the lowest cost to traverse to from the starting node, and returns it.
Used in pathfinding via the [A* algorithm](*_search_algorithm).
More information can be found on the [Simple Pathfinding](/gmod/Simple%20Pathfinding) page. ]]
type INavArea.PopOpenList = (function(INavArea): INavArea)
--[[ Drops a corner or all corners of a [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) to the ground below it. ]]
type INavArea.PlaceOnGround = (function(INavArea, corner: number): nil)
--[[ Returns whether we can be seen from the given position. ]]
type INavArea.IsVisible = (function(INavArea, pos: IVector): boolean, IVector)
--[[ Returns whether this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) is valid or not. ]]
type INavArea.IsValid = (function(INavArea): boolean)
--[[ Whether this Nav Area is placed underwater. ]]
type INavArea.IsUnderwater = (function(INavArea): boolean)
--[[ Returns if we're shaped like a square. ]]
type INavArea.IsRoughlySquare = (function(INavArea): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) can potentially see the given [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea). ]]
type INavArea.IsPotentiallyVisible = (function(INavArea, area: INavArea): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) can see given position. ]]
type INavArea.IsPartiallyVisible = (function(INavArea, pos: IVector, ignoreEnt: IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Returns true if this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) is overlapping the given [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea). ]]
type INavArea.IsOverlappingArea = (function(INavArea, navArea: INavArea): boolean)
--[[ Returns if this position overlaps the Nav Area within the given tolerance. ]]
type INavArea.IsOverlapping = (function(INavArea, pos: IVector, tolerance: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the Open List is empty or not.
Used in pathfinding via the [A* algorithm](*_search_algorithm).
More information can be found on the [Simple Pathfinding](/gmod/Simple%20Pathfinding) page. ]]
type INavArea.IsOpenListEmpty = (function(INavArea): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether this area is in the Open List.
Used in pathfinding via the [A* algorithm](*_search_algorithm).
More information can be found on the [Simple Pathfinding](/gmod/Simple%20Pathfinding) page. ]]
type INavArea.IsOpen = (function(INavArea): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether this Nav Area is flat within the tolerance of the **nav_coplanar_slope_limit_displacement** and **nav_coplanar_slope_limit** convars. ]]
type INavArea.IsFlat = (function(INavArea): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether this Nav Area is in the same plane as the given one. ]]
type INavArea.IsCoplanar = (function(INavArea, navArea: INavArea): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) has an outgoing ( one or two way ) connection **to** given [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) in given direction.
See [CNavArea:IsConnected](/gmod/CNavArea:IsConnected) for a function that checks all sides. ]]
type INavArea.IsConnectedAtSide = (function(INavArea, navArea: INavArea, navDirType: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) has an outgoing ( one or two way ) connection **to** given [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea).
See [CNavArea:IsConnectedAtSide](/gmod/CNavArea:IsConnectedAtSide) for a function that only checks for outgoing connections in one direction. ]]
type INavArea.IsConnected = (function(INavArea, navArea: INavArea): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) can completely (i.e. all corners of this area can see all corners of the given area) see the given [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea). ]]
type INavArea.IsCompletelyVisible = (function(INavArea, area: INavArea): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether this node is in the Closed List.
Used in pathfinding via the [A* algorithm](*_search_algorithm).
More information can be found on the [Simple Pathfinding](/gmod/Simple%20Pathfinding) page. ]]
type INavArea.IsClosed = (function(INavArea): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the nav area is blocked or not, i.e. whether it can be walked through or not. ]]
type INavArea.IsBlocked = (function(INavArea, teamID: number, ignoreNavBlockers: boolean): boolean)
--[[ Returns true if the given [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) has this attribute flag set. ]]
type INavArea.HasAttributes = (function(INavArea, attribs: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns the elevation of this Nav Area at the given position. ]]
type INavArea.GetZ = (function(INavArea, pos: IVector): number)
--[[ Returns the total cost when passing from starting area to the goal area through this node. Set by [CNavArea:SetTotalCost](/gmod/CNavArea:SetTotalCost).
Used in pathfinding via the [A* algorithm](*_search_algorithm).
More information can be found on the [Simple Pathfinding](/gmod/Simple%20Pathfinding) page. ]]
type INavArea.GetTotalCost = (function(INavArea): number)
--[[ Returns the height of this Nav Area. ]]
type INavArea.GetSizeY = (function(INavArea): number)
--[[ Returns the width this Nav Area. ]]
type INavArea.GetSizeX = (function(INavArea): number)
--[[ Returns a random point on the nav area. ]]
type INavArea.GetRandomPoint = (function(INavArea): IVector)
--[[ Returns a random [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) that has an outgoing ( one or two way ) connection **from** this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) in given direction. ]]
type INavArea.GetRandomAdjacentAreaAtSide = (function(INavArea, navDir: number): INavArea)
--[[ Returns the Place of the nav area. ]]
type INavArea.GetPlace = (function(INavArea): string)
--[[ Returns how this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) is connected to its parent. ]]
type INavArea.GetParentHow = (function(INavArea): number)
--[[ Returns the parent [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) ]]
type INavArea.GetParent = (function(INavArea): INavArea)
--[[ Returns all [CNavLadder](/gmod/CNavLadder)s that have a ( one or two way ) connection **from** ( one and two way ) this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) in given direction.
See [CNavArea:GetLadders](/gmod/CNavArea:GetLadders) for a function that returns [CNavLadder](/gmod/CNavLadder) from/in all sides/directions. ]]
type INavArea.GetLaddersAtSide = (function(INavArea, navDir: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns all [CNavLadder](/gmod/CNavLadder)s that have a ( one or two way ) connection **from** this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea).
See [CNavArea:GetLaddersAtSide](/gmod/CNavArea:GetLaddersAtSide) for a function that only returns [CNavLadder](/gmod/CNavLadder)s in given direction. ]]
type INavArea.GetLadders = (function(INavArea): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a table of all the [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea)s that have a one-way connection **to** this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) from given direction.
If a [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) has a two-way connection **to or from** this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) then it will not be returned from this function, use [CNavArea:GetAdjacentAreas](/gmod/CNavArea:GetAdjacentAreas) to get outgoing ( one and two way ) connections.
See [CNavArea:GetIncomingConnections](/gmod/CNavArea:GetIncomingConnections) for a function that returns one-way incoming connections from all sides/directions. ]]
type INavArea.GetIncomingConnectionsAtSide = (function(INavArea, navDir: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a table of all the [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea)s that have a one-way connection **to** this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea).
If a [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) has a two-way connection **to or from** this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) then it will not be returned from this function, use [CNavArea:GetAdjacentAreas](/gmod/CNavArea:GetAdjacentAreas) to get outgoing ( one and two way ) connections.
See [CNavArea:GetIncomingConnectionsAtSide](/gmod/CNavArea:GetIncomingConnectionsAtSide) for a function that returns one-way incoming connections from only one side/direction. ]]
type INavArea.GetIncomingConnections = (function(INavArea): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea)s unique ID. ]]
type INavArea.GetID = (function(INavArea): number)
--[[ Returns a table of good hiding spots in this area.
See also [CNavArea:GetExposedSpots](/gmod/CNavArea:GetExposedSpots). ]]
type INavArea.GetHidingSpots = (function(INavArea, type: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns size info about the nav area. ]]
type INavArea.GetExtentInfo = (function(INavArea): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a table of very bad hiding spots in this area.
See also [CNavArea:GetHidingSpots](/gmod/CNavArea:GetHidingSpots). ]]
type INavArea.GetExposedSpots = (function(INavArea): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the cost from starting area this area when pathfinding. Set by [CNavArea:SetCostSoFar](/gmod/CNavArea:SetCostSoFar).
Used in pathfinding via the [A* algorithm](*_search_algorithm).
More information can be found on the [Simple Pathfinding](/gmod/Simple%20Pathfinding) page. ]]
type INavArea.GetCostSoFar = (function(INavArea): number)
--[[ Returns the vector position of the corner for the given [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea). ]]
type INavArea.GetCorner = (function(INavArea, cornerid: number): IVector)
--[[ Returns the closest point of this Nav Area from the given position. ]]
type INavArea.GetClosestPointOnArea = (function(INavArea, pos: IVector): IVector)
--[[ Returns the center most vector point for the given [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea). ]]
type INavArea.GetCenter = (function(INavArea): IVector)
--[[ Returns the attribute mask for the given [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea). ]]
type INavArea.GetAttributes = (function(INavArea): boolean)
--[[ Returns the amount of [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea)s that have a connection ( one or two way ) **from** this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) in given direction.
See [CNavArea:GetAdjacentCount](/gmod/CNavArea:GetAdjacentCount) for a function that returns [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) count from/in all sides/directions. ]]
type INavArea.GetAdjacentCountAtSide = (function(INavArea, navDir: number): number)
--[[ Returns the amount of [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea)s that have a connection ( one and two way ) **from** this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea).
See [CNavArea:GetAdjacentCountAtSide](/gmod/CNavArea:GetAdjacentCountAtSide) for a function that only returns area count from one side/direction. ]]
type INavArea.GetAdjacentCount = (function(INavArea): number)
--[[ Returns a table of all the [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea)s that have a ( one and two way ) connection **from** this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) in given direction.
If an area has a one-way incoming connection to this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea), then it will **not** be returned from this function, use [CNavArea:GetIncomingConnections](/gmod/CNavArea:GetIncomingConnections) to get all incoming connections.
See [CNavArea:GetAdjacentAreas](/gmod/CNavArea:GetAdjacentAreas) for a function that returns all areas from all sides/directions. ]]
type INavArea.GetAdjacentAreasAtSide = (function(INavArea, navDir: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a table of all the [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea)s that have a ( one and two way ) connection **from** this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea).
If an area has a one-way incoming connection to this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea), then it will **not** be returned from this function, use [CNavArea:GetIncomingConnections](/gmod/CNavArea:GetIncomingConnections) to get all one-way incoming connections.
See [CNavArea:GetAdjacentAreasAtSide](/gmod/CNavArea:GetAdjacentAreasAtSide) for a function that only returns areas from one side/direction. ]]
type INavArea.GetAdjacentAreas = (function(INavArea): {[any] = any})
--[[ Draws the hiding spots on debug overlay. This includes sniper/exposed spots too! ]]
type INavArea.DrawSpots = (function(INavArea): nil)
--[[ Draws this navarea on debug overlay. ]]
type INavArea.Draw = (function(INavArea): nil)
--[[ Disconnects this nav area from given area or ladder. (Only disconnects one way) ]]
type INavArea.Disconnect = (function(INavArea, area: INavArea): nil)
--[[ Returns true if this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) contains the given vector. ]]
type INavArea.Contains = (function(INavArea, pos: IVector): boolean)
--[[ Connects this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) to another [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) or [CNavLadder](/gmod/CNavLadder) with a one way connection. ( From this area to the target )
See [CNavLadder:ConnectTo](/gmod/CNavLadder:ConnectTo) for making the connection from ladder to area. ]]
type INavArea.ConnectTo = (function(INavArea, area: INavArea): nil)
--[[ Returns the height difference on the Z axis of the two [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea)s. This is calculated from the center most point on both [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea)s. ]]
type INavArea.ComputeGroundHeightChange = (function(INavArea, navArea: INavArea): number)
--[[ Returns the [NavDir](/gmod/Enums/NavDir) direction that the given vector faces on this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea). ]]
type INavArea.ComputeDirection = (function(INavArea, pos: IVector): number)
--[[ Returns the height difference between the edges of two connected navareas. ]]
type INavArea.ComputeAdjacentConnectionHeightChange = (function(INavArea, navarea: INavArea): number)
--[[ Clears the open and closed lists for a new search.
Used in pathfinding via the [A* algorithm](*_search_algorithm).
More information can be found on the [Simple Pathfinding](/gmod/Simple%20Pathfinding) page. ]]
type INavArea.ClearSearchLists = (function(INavArea): nil)
--[[ Adds this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) to the Open List.
Used in pathfinding via the [A* algorithm](*_search_algorithm).
More information can be found on the [Simple Pathfinding](/gmod/Simple%20Pathfinding) page. ]]
type INavArea.AddToOpenList = (function(INavArea): nil)
--[[ Adds this [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) to the closed list, a list of areas that have been checked by A* pathfinding algorithm.
Used in pathfinding via the [A* algorithm](*_search_algorithm).
More information can be found on the [Simple Pathfinding](/gmod/Simple%20Pathfinding) page. ]]
type INavArea.AddToClosedList = (function(INavArea): nil)
--[[ Adds a hiding spot onto this nav area.
There's a limit of 255 hiding spots per area. ]]
type INavArea.AddHidingSpot = (function(INavArea, pos: IVector, flags: number): nil)
type INavArea.@Contract = INavArea
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type IMoveData.@MetaTable = IMoveData
type IMoveData.@Name = "IMoveData"
type IMoveData.__index = IMoveData
--[[ Sets the player's velocity ]]
type IMoveData.SetVelocity = (function(IMoveData, velocity: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets vertical speed of the player. ( Z axis of [CMoveData:SetVelocity](/gmod/CMoveData:SetVelocity) ) ]]
type IMoveData.SetUpSpeed = (function(IMoveData, speed: number): nil)
--[[ Sets players strafe speed. ]]
type IMoveData.SetSideSpeed = (function(IMoveData, speed: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the players position. ]]
type IMoveData.SetOrigin = (function(IMoveData, pos: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the 'old' pressed buttons on the move data. These buttons are used to work out which buttons have been released, which have just been pressed and which are being held down. ]]
type IMoveData.SetOldButtons = (function(IMoveData, buttons: number): nil)
--[[ Sets old aim angles. ( ? ) Doesn't seem to be doing anything. ]]
type IMoveData.SetOldAngles = (function(IMoveData, aimAng: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Sets the serverside move angles, making the movement keys act as if player was facing that direction. ]]
type IMoveData.SetMoveAngles = (function(IMoveData, dir: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Sets the maximum speed of the player. This must match with [CMoveData:SetMaxClientSpeed](/gmod/CMoveData:SetMaxClientSpeed) both, on server and client.
Doesn't seem to be doing anything on it's own, use [CMoveData:SetMaxClientSpeed](/gmod/CMoveData:SetMaxClientSpeed) instead. ]]
type IMoveData.SetMaxSpeed = (function(IMoveData, maxSpeed: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the maximum player speed. Player won't be able to run or sprint faster then this value.
This also automatically sets [CMoveData:SetMaxSpeed](/gmod/CMoveData:SetMaxSpeed) when used in the [GM:SetupMove](/gmod/GM:SetupMove) hook. You must set it manually in the [GM:Move](/gmod/GM:Move) hook.
This must be called on both client and server to avoid prediction errors.
This will **not** reduce speed in air. ]]
type IMoveData.SetMaxClientSpeed = (function(IMoveData, maxSpeed: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the impulse command. This isn't actually utilised in the engine anywhere. ]]
type IMoveData.SetImpulseCommand = (function(IMoveData, impulse: number): nil)
--[[ Sets players forward speed. ]]
type IMoveData.SetForwardSpeed = (function(IMoveData, speed: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the radius that constrains the players movement.
It is unknown what this function does as changing its values doesn't affect player movement. ]]
type IMoveData.SetConstraintRadius = (function(IMoveData, radius: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the pressed buttons on the move data ]]
type IMoveData.SetButtons = (function(IMoveData, buttons: number): nil)
--[[ Sets angles. ]]
type IMoveData.SetAngles = (function(IMoveData, ang: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Sets absolute move angles.( ? ) Doesn't seem to do anything. ]]
type IMoveData.SetAbsMoveAngles = (function(IMoveData, ang: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Returns whether the key was down or not.
Unlike [CMoveData:KeyDown](/gmod/CMoveData:KeyDown), it will return false if [CMoveData:KeyPressed](/gmod/CMoveData:KeyPressed) is true and it will return true if [CMoveData:KeyReleased](/gmod/CMoveData:KeyReleased) is true. ]]
type IMoveData.KeyWasDown = (function(IMoveData, key: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the key was released ]]
type IMoveData.KeyReleased = (function(IMoveData, key: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the key was pressed. If you want to check if the key is held down, try [CMoveData:KeyDown](/gmod/CMoveData:KeyDown) ]]
type IMoveData.KeyPressed = (function(IMoveData, key: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the key is down or not ]]
type IMoveData.KeyDown = (function(IMoveData, key: number): boolean)
--[[ Gets the players velocity. ]]
type IMoveData.GetVelocity = (function(IMoveData): IVector)
--[[ Returns the vertical speed of the player. ( Z axis of [CMoveData:GetVelocity](/gmod/CMoveData:GetVelocity) ) ]]
type IMoveData.GetUpSpeed = (function(IMoveData): number)
--[[ Returns the strafe speed of the player. ]]
type IMoveData.GetSideSpeed = (function(IMoveData): number)
--[[ Gets the player's position. ]]
type IMoveData.GetOrigin = (function(IMoveData): IVector)
--[[ Get which buttons were down last frame ]]
type IMoveData.GetOldButtons = (function(IMoveData): number)
--[[ Gets the aim angle. Only works clientside, server returns same as [CMoveData:GetAngles](/gmod/CMoveData:GetAngles). ]]
type IMoveData.GetOldAngles = (function(IMoveData): IAngle)
--[[ Returns the angle the player is moving at. For more info, see [CMoveData:SetMoveAngles](/gmod/CMoveData:SetMoveAngles). ]]
type IMoveData.GetMoveAngles = (function(IMoveData): IAngle)
--[[ Returns the maximum speed of the player. ]]
type IMoveData.GetMaxSpeed = (function(IMoveData): number)
--[[ Returns the maximum client speed of the player ]]
type IMoveData.GetMaxClientSpeed = (function(IMoveData): number)
--[[ Gets the number passed to "impulse" console command ]]
type IMoveData.GetImpulseCommand = (function(IMoveData): number)
--[[ Returns the players forward speed. ]]
type IMoveData.GetForwardSpeed = (function(IMoveData): number)
--[[ Returns the radius that constrains the players movement. ]]
type IMoveData.GetConstraintRadius = (function(IMoveData): number)
--[[ Gets which buttons are down ]]
type IMoveData.GetButtons = (function(IMoveData): number)
--[[ Gets the aim angle. On client is the same as [Entity:GetAngles](/gmod/Entity:GetAngles). ]]
type IMoveData.GetAngles = (function(IMoveData): IAngle)
--[[ Gets the aim angle. Seems to be same as [CMoveData:GetAngles](/gmod/CMoveData:GetAngles). ]]
type IMoveData.GetAbsMoveAngles = (function(IMoveData): IAngle)
--[[ Adds keys to the move data, as if player pressed them. ]]
type IMoveData.AddKey = (function(IMoveData, keys: number): nil)
type IMoveData.@Contract = IMoveData
if CLIENT then
type ILuaParticle.@MetaTable = ILuaParticle
type ILuaParticle.@Name = "ILuaParticle"
type ILuaParticle.__index = ILuaParticle
--[[ Scales the velocity based on the particle speed. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetVelocityScale = (function(ILuaParticle, doScale: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the velocity of the particle. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetVelocity = (function(ILuaParticle, vel: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the think function of the particle. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetThinkFunction = (function(ILuaParticle, thinkFunc: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Sets the initial size value of the particle. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetStartSize = (function(ILuaParticle, startSize: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the initial length value of the particle. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetStartLength = (function(ILuaParticle, startLength: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the initial alpha value of the particle. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetStartAlpha = (function(ILuaParticle, startAlpha: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the rotation speed of the particle in radians. This should only be used for 2D particles. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetRollDelta = (function(ILuaParticle, rollDelta: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the roll of the particle in radians. This should only be used for 2D particles. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetRoll = (function(ILuaParticle, roll: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the absolute position of the particle. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetPos = (function(ILuaParticle, pos: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets when the particles think function should be called next, this uses the synchronized server time returned by [CurTime](/gmod/Global.CurTime). ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetNextThink = (function(ILuaParticle, nextThink: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the material of the particle. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetMaterial = (function(ILuaParticle, mat: IMaterial): nil)
--[[ Sets whether the particle should be affected by lighting. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetLighting = (function(ILuaParticle, useLighting: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the 'life time' of the particle, how long the particle existed since its creation.
This value should always be between 0 and [CLuaParticle:GetDieTime](/gmod/CLuaParticle:GetDieTime).
It changes automatically as time goes.
If the life time of the particle will be more than [CLuaParticle:GetDieTime](/gmod/CLuaParticle:GetDieTime), it will be removed. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetLifeTime = (function(ILuaParticle, lifeTime: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the directional gravity aka. acceleration of the particle. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetGravity = (function(ILuaParticle, gravity: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the size of the particle that it will reach when it dies. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetEndSize = (function(ILuaParticle, endSize: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the length of the particle that it will reach when it dies. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetEndLength = (function(ILuaParticle, endLength: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the alpha value of the particle that it will reach when it dies. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetEndAlpha = (function(ILuaParticle, endAlpha: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the time where the particle will be removed. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetDieTime = (function(ILuaParticle, dieTime: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the color of the particle. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetColor = (function(ILuaParticle, r: number, g: number, b: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the function that gets called whenever the particle collides with the world. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetCollideCallback = (function(ILuaParticle, collideFunc: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Sets the whether the particle should collide with the world or not. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetCollide = (function(ILuaParticle, shouldCollide: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the 'bounciness' of the the particle. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetBounce = (function(ILuaParticle, bounce: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the angles of the particle. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetAngles = (function(ILuaParticle, ang: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Sets the angular velocity of the the particle. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetAngleVelocity = (function(ILuaParticle, angVel: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Sets the air resistance of the the particle. ]]
type ILuaParticle.SetAirResistance = (function(ILuaParticle, airResistance: number): nil)
--[[ Returns the current velocity of the particle. ]]
type ILuaParticle.GetVelocity = (function(ILuaParticle): IVector)
--[[ Returns the size which the particle has when it's created. ]]
type ILuaParticle.GetStartSize = (function(ILuaParticle): number)
--[[ Returns the length which the particle has when it's created. ]]
type ILuaParticle.GetStartLength = (function(ILuaParticle): number)
--[[ Returns the alpha value which the particle has when it's created. ]]
type ILuaParticle.GetStartAlpha = (function(ILuaParticle): number)
--[[ Returns the current rotation speed of the particle in radians, this should only be used for 2D particles. ]]
type ILuaParticle.GetRollDelta = (function(ILuaParticle): number)
--[[ Returns the current rotation of the particle in radians, this should only be used for 2D particles. ]]
type ILuaParticle.GetRoll = (function(ILuaParticle): number)
--[[ Returns the absolute position of the particle. ]]
type ILuaParticle.GetPos = (function(ILuaParticle): IVector)
--[[ Returns the current material of the particle. ]]
type ILuaParticle.GetMaterial = (function(ILuaParticle): mat: IMaterial)
--[[ Returns the 'life time' of the particle, how long the particle existed since its creation.
This value will always be between 0 and [CLuaParticle:GetDieTime](/gmod/CLuaParticle:GetDieTime).
It changes automatically as time goes.
It can be manipulated using [CLuaParticle:SetLifeTime](/gmod/CLuaParticle:SetLifeTime).
If the life time of the particle will be more than [CLuaParticle:GetDieTime](/gmod/CLuaParticle:GetDieTime), it will be removed. ]]
type ILuaParticle.GetLifeTime = (function(ILuaParticle): number)
--[[ Returns the gravity of the particle. ]]
type ILuaParticle.GetGravity = (function(ILuaParticle): IVector)
--[[ Returns the size that the particle will reach on its death. ]]
type ILuaParticle.GetEndSize = (function(ILuaParticle): number)
--[[ Returns the length that the particle will reach on its death. ]]
type ILuaParticle.GetEndLength = (function(ILuaParticle): number)
--[[ Returns the alpha value that the particle will reach on its death. ]]
type ILuaParticle.GetEndAlpha = (function(ILuaParticle): number)
--[[ Returns the amount of time in seconds after which the particle will be destroyed. ]]
type ILuaParticle.GetDieTime = (function(ILuaParticle): number)
--[[ Returns the color of the particle. ]]
type ILuaParticle.GetColor = (function(ILuaParticle): number, number, number)
--[[ Returns the 'bounciness' of the particle. ]]
type ILuaParticle.GetBounce = (function(ILuaParticle): number)
--[[ Returns the current orientation of the particle. ]]
type ILuaParticle.GetAngles = (function(ILuaParticle): IAngle)
--[[ Returns the angular velocity of the particle ]]
type ILuaParticle.GetAngleVelocity = (function(ILuaParticle): IAngle)
--[[ Returns the air resistance of the particle. ]]
type ILuaParticle.GetAirResistance = (function(ILuaParticle): number)
type ILuaParticle.@Contract = ILuaParticle
if SERVER then
type ILuaLocomotion.@MetaTable = ILuaLocomotion
type ILuaLocomotion.@Name = "ILuaLocomotion"
type ILuaLocomotion.__index = ILuaLocomotion
--[[ Sets the current movement velocity ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.SetVelocity = (function(ILuaLocomotion, velocity: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the max height the bot can step up ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.SetStepHeight = (function(ILuaLocomotion, height: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the max rate at which the NextBot can visually rotate. This will not affect moving or pathing. ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.SetMaxYawRate = (function(ILuaLocomotion, yawRate: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the height of the bot's jump ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.SetJumpHeight = (function(ILuaLocomotion, height: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the locomotion's gravity. ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.SetGravity = (function(ILuaLocomotion, gravity: number): nil)
--[[ Sets movement speed. ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.SetDesiredSpeed = (function(ILuaLocomotion, speed: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the deceleration speed. ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.SetDeceleration = (function(ILuaLocomotion, deceleration: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the height the bot is scared to fall from. ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.SetDeathDropHeight = (function(ILuaLocomotion, height: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the acceleration speed ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.SetAcceleration = (function(ILuaLocomotion, speed: number): nil)
--[[ Makes the bot jump across a gap. The bot must be on ground ([Entity:IsOnGround](/gmod/Entity:IsOnGround)) and its model must have `ACT_JUMP` activity. ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.JumpAcrossGap = (function(ILuaLocomotion, landingGoal: IVector, landingForward: IVector): nil)
--[[ Makes the bot jump. It must be on ground ([Entity:IsOnGround](/gmod/Entity:IsOnGround)) and its model must have `ACT_JUMP` activity. ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.Jump = (function(ILuaLocomotion): nil)
--[[ Returns whether or not the target in question is on a ladder or not. ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.IsUsingLadder = (function(ILuaLocomotion): boolean)
--[[ Returns true if we're stuck ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.IsStuck = (function(ILuaLocomotion): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the nextbot this locomotion is attached to is on ground or not. ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.IsOnGround = (function(ILuaLocomotion): boolean)
--[[ Returns true of the locomotion engine is jumping or climbing ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.IsClimbingOrJumping = (function(ILuaLocomotion): boolean)
--[[ Returns true if we're trying to move. ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.IsAttemptingToMove = (function(ILuaLocomotion): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether this [CLuaLocomotion](/gmod/CLuaLocomotion) can reach and/or traverse/move in given [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea). ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.IsAreaTraversable = (function(ILuaLocomotion, area: INavArea): boolean)
--[[ Returns the current movement velocity as a vector ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.GetVelocity = (function(ILuaLocomotion): IVector)
--[[ Gets the max height the bot can step up ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.GetStepHeight = (function(ILuaLocomotion): number)
--[[ Returns the [NextBot](/gmod/NextBot) this locomotion is associated with. ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.GetNextBot = (function(ILuaLocomotion): INextBot)
--[[ Returns the max rate at which the NextBot can visually rotate. ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.GetMaxYawRate = (function(ILuaLocomotion): number)
--[[ Returns maximum jump height of this [CLuaLocomotion](/gmod/CLuaLocomotion). ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.GetMaxJumpHeight = (function(ILuaLocomotion): number)
--[[ Gets the height of the bot's jump ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.GetJumpHeight = (function(ILuaLocomotion): number)
--[[ Return unit vector in XY plane describing our direction of motion - even if we are currently not moving ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.GetGroundMotionVector = (function(ILuaLocomotion): IVector)
--[[ Returns the locomotion's gravity. ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.GetGravity = (function(ILuaLocomotion): number)
--[[ Gets the deceleration speed ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.GetDeceleration = (function(ILuaLocomotion): number)
--[[ Gets the height the bot is scared to fall from ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.GetDeathDropHeight = (function(ILuaLocomotion): number)
--[[ Returns the current acceleration as a vector ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.GetCurrentAcceleration = (function(ILuaLocomotion): IVector)
--[[ Returns the acceleration speed ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.GetAcceleration = (function(ILuaLocomotion): number)
--[[ Sets the direction we want to face ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.FaceTowards = (function(ILuaLocomotion, goal: IVector): nil)
--[[ Removes the stuck status from the bot ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.ClearStuck = (function(ILuaLocomotion): nil)
--[[ Sets the location we want to get to ]]
type ILuaLocomotion.Approach = (function(ILuaLocomotion, goal: IVector, goalweight: number): nil)
type ILuaLocomotion.@Contract = ILuaLocomotion
if CLIENT then
type ILuaEmitter.@MetaTable = ILuaEmitter
type ILuaEmitter.@Name = "ILuaEmitter"
type ILuaEmitter.__index = ILuaEmitter
--[[ Sets the position of the particle emitter. ]]
type ILuaEmitter.SetPos = (function(ILuaEmitter, position: IVector): nil)
--[[ The function name has not much in common with its actual function, it applies a radius to every particles that affects the building of the bounding box, as it, usually is constructed by the particle that has the lowest x, y and z and the highest x, y and z, this function just adds/subtracts the radius and inflates the bounding box. ]]
type ILuaEmitter.SetParticleCullRadius = (function(ILuaEmitter, radius: number): nil)
--[[ Prevents all particles of the emitter from automatically drawing. ]]
type ILuaEmitter.SetNoDraw = (function(ILuaEmitter, noDraw: boolean): nil)
--[[ This function sets the the distance between the render camera and the emitter at which the particles should start fading and at which distance fade ends ( alpha becomes 0 ). ]]
type ILuaEmitter.SetNearClip = (function(ILuaEmitter, distanceMin: number, distanceMax: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the bounding box for this emitter.
Usually the bounding box is automatically determined by the particles, but this function overrides it. ]]
type ILuaEmitter.SetBBox = (function(ILuaEmitter, mins: IVector, maxs: IVector): nil)
--[[ Returns whether this [CLuaEmitter](/gmod/CLuaEmitter) is valid or not. ]]
type ILuaEmitter.IsValid = (function(ILuaEmitter): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether this emitter is 3D or not. This is set when creating the emitter with [ParticleEmitter](/gmod/Global.ParticleEmitter). ]]
type ILuaEmitter.Is3D = (function(ILuaEmitter): boolean)
--[[ Returns the position of this emitter. This is set when creating the emitter with [ParticleEmitter](/gmod/Global.ParticleEmitter). ]]
type ILuaEmitter.GetPos = (function(ILuaEmitter): IVector)
--[[ Returns the amount of active particles of this emitter. ]]
type ILuaEmitter.GetNumActiveParticles = (function(ILuaEmitter): number)
--[[ Removes the emitter, making it no longer usable from Lua. If particles remain, the emitter will be removed when all particles die. ]]
type ILuaEmitter.Finish = (function(ILuaEmitter): nil)
--[[ Manually renders all particles the emitter has created. ]]
type ILuaEmitter.Draw = (function(ILuaEmitter): nil)
--[[ Creates a new [CLuaParticle](/gmod/CLuaParticle) with the given material and position. ]]
type ILuaEmitter.Add = (function(ILuaEmitter, material: string, position: IVector): ILuaParticle)
type ILuaEmitter.@Contract = ILuaEmitter
type IEffectData.@MetaTable = IEffectData
type IEffectData.@Name = "IEffectData"
type IEffectData.__index = IEffectData
if SERVER then
--[[ Sets the entity of the effect via its index. ]]
type IEffectData.SetEntIndex = (function(IEffectData, entIndex: number): nil)
--[[ Returns the entity index of the entity set for the effect. ]]
type IEffectData.GetEntIndex = (function(IEffectData): number)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
--[[ Sets the surface property index of the effect. ]]
type IEffectData.SetSurfaceProp = (function(IEffectData, surfaceProperties: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the start of the effect to be created with this effect data. ]]
type IEffectData.SetStart = (function(IEffectData, start: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the scale of the effect to be created with this effect data. ]]
type IEffectData.SetScale = (function(IEffectData, scale: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the radius of the effect to be created with this effect data. ]]
type IEffectData.SetRadius = (function(IEffectData, radius: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the origin of the effect to be created with this effect data. ]]
type IEffectData.SetOrigin = (function(IEffectData, origin: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the normalized (length=1) direction vector of the effect to be created with this effect data. This **must** be a normalized vector for networking purposes. ]]
type IEffectData.SetNormal = (function(IEffectData, normal: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the material index of the effect. ]]
type IEffectData.SetMaterialIndex = (function(IEffectData, materialIndex: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the magnitude of the effect. ]]
type IEffectData.SetMagnitude = (function(IEffectData, magnitude: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the hit box index of the effect. ]]
type IEffectData.SetHitBox = (function(IEffectData, hitBoxIndex: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the flags of the effect. ]]
type IEffectData.SetFlags = (function(IEffectData, flags: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the entity of the effect to be created with this effect data. ]]
type IEffectData.SetEntity = (function(IEffectData, entity: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Sets the damage type of the effect to be created with this effect data. ]]
type IEffectData.SetDamageType = (function(IEffectData, damageType: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the "color" of the effect.
All this does is provide an addition 8 bits of data for the effect to use. What this will actually do will vary from effect to effect, depending on how a specific effect uses this given data, if at all. ]]
type IEffectData.SetColor = (function(IEffectData, color: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the attachment id of the effect to be created with this effect data. ]]
type IEffectData.SetAttachment = (function(IEffectData, attachment: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the angles of the effect. ]]
type IEffectData.SetAngles = (function(IEffectData, ang: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Returns the surface property index of the effect. ]]
type IEffectData.GetSurfaceProp = (function(IEffectData): number)
--[[ Returns the start position of the effect. ]]
type IEffectData.GetStart = (function(IEffectData): IVector)
--[[ Returns the scale of the effect. ]]
type IEffectData.GetScale = (function(IEffectData): number)
--[[ Returns the radius of the effect. ]]
type IEffectData.GetRadius = (function(IEffectData): number)
--[[ Returns the origin position of the effect. ]]
type IEffectData.GetOrigin = (function(IEffectData): IVector)
--[[ Returns the normalized direction vector of the effect. ]]
type IEffectData.GetNormal = (function(IEffectData): IVector)
--[[ Returns the material ID of the effect. ]]
type IEffectData.GetMaterialIndex = (function(IEffectData): number)
--[[ Returns the magnitude of the effect. ]]
type IEffectData.GetMagnitude = (function(IEffectData): number)
--[[ Returns the hit box ID of the effect. ]]
type IEffectData.GetHitBox = (function(IEffectData): number)
--[[ Returns the flags of the effect. ]]
type IEffectData.GetFlags = (function(IEffectData): number)
--[[ Returns the entity assigned to the effect. ]]
type IEffectData.GetEntity = (function(IEffectData): IEntity)
--[[ Returns the damage type of the effect ]]
type IEffectData.GetDamageType = (function(IEffectData): number)
--[[ Returns byte which represents the color of the effect. ]]
type IEffectData.GetColor = (function(IEffectData): number)
--[[ Returns the attachment ID for the effect. ]]
type IEffectData.GetAttachment = (function(IEffectData): number)
--[[ Returns the angles of the effect. ]]
type IEffectData.GetAngles = (function(IEffectData): IAngle)
type IEffectData.@Contract = IEffectData
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type IAngle.@MetaTable = IAngle
type IAngle.@Name = "IAngle"
type IAngle.__index = IAngle
type IAngle.p = number
type IAngle.y = number
type IAngle.r = number
type IAngle.P = number
type IAngle.Y = number
type IAngle.R = number
type IAngle.__sub = (function(IAngle, IAngle): IAngle)
type IAngle.__mul = (function(IAngle, IAngle): IAngle)
type IAngle.__div = (function(IAngle, IAngle): IAngle)
type IAngle.__add = (function(IAngle, IAngle): IAngle)
--[[ Sets pitch, yaw and roll to 0.
This function is faster than doing it manually. ]]
type IAngle.Zero = (function(IAngle): nil)
--[[ Returns a normal vector facing in the direction that points up relative to the angle's direction. ]]
type IAngle.Up = (function(IAngle): IVector)
--[[ Returns the pitch, yaw, and roll components of the angle. ]]
type IAngle.Unpack = (function(IAngle): number, number, number)
--[[ Returns the angle as a table with three elements. ]]
type IAngle.ToTable = (function(IAngle): {[any] = any})
--[[ Subtracts the values of the argument angle to the orignal angle. This functions the same as angle1 - angle2 without creating a new angle object, skipping object construction and garbage collection. ]]
type IAngle.Sub = (function(IAngle, angle: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Snaps the angle to nearest interval of degrees. ]]
type IAngle.SnapTo = (function(IAngle, axis: string, target: number): IAngle)
--[[ Sets the p, y, and r of the angle. ]]
type IAngle.SetUnpacked = (function(IAngle, p: number, y: number, r: number): nil)
--[[ Copies pitch, yaw and roll from the second angle to the first. ]]
type IAngle.Set = (function(IAngle, originalAngle: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Rotates the angle around the specified axis by the specified degrees. ]]
type IAngle.RotateAroundAxis = (function(IAngle, axis: IVector, rotation: number): nil)
--[[ Returns a normal vector facing in the direction that points right relative to the angle's direction. ]]
type IAngle.Right = (function(IAngle): IVector)
--[[ Normalizes the angles by applying a module with 360 to pitch, yaw and roll. ]]
type IAngle.Normalize = (function(IAngle): nil)
--[[ Multiplies a scalar to all the values of the orignal angle. This functions the same as num * angle without creating a new angle object, skipping object construction and garbage collection. ]]
type IAngle.Mul = (function(IAngle, scalar: number): nil)
--[[ Returns whether the pitch, yaw and roll are 0 or not. ]]
type IAngle.IsZero = (function(IAngle): boolean)
--[[ Returns a normal vector facing in the direction that the angle points. ]]
type IAngle.Forward = (function(IAngle): IVector)
--[[ Divides all values of the original angle by a scalar. This functions the same as angle1 / num without creating a new angle object, skipping object construction and garbage collection. ]]
type IAngle.Div = (function(IAngle, scalar: number): nil)
--[[ Adds the values of the argument angle to the orignal angle.
This functions the same as angle1 + angle2 without creating a new angle object, skipping object construction and garbage collection. ]]
type IAngle.Add = (function(IAngle, angle: IAngle): nil)
type IAngle.@Contract = IAngle
--[[ Attempts to return an appropriate boolean for the given value ]]
type tobool = (function(val: any): boolean)
--[[ Returns a new userdata object. ]]
type newproxy = (function(addMetatable: boolean): {[any] = any})
--[[ Creates a table with the specified module name and sets the function environment for said table.
Any passed loaders are called with the table as an argument. An example of this is [package.seeall](/gmod/package.seeall). ]]
type module = (function(name: string, loaders: ...any): nil)
--[[ Returns if the passed object is a [Vector](/gmod/Vector). ]]
type isvector = (function(variable: any): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the passed object is a [table](/gmod/table). ]]
type istable = (function(variable: any): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the passed object is a [string](/gmod/string). ]]
type isstring = (function(variable: any): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the passed object is a [Panel](/gmod/Panel). ]]
type ispanel = (function(variable: any): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the passed object is a [number](/gmod/number). ]]
type isnumber = (function(variable: any): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the passed object is a [VMatrix](/gmod/VMatrix). ]]
type ismatrix = (function(variable: any): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the passed object is a [function](/gmod/function). ]]
type isfunction = (function(variable: any): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the passed object is a [boolean](/gmod/boolean). ]]
type isbool = (function(variable: any): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the passed object is an [Angle](/gmod/Angle). ]]
type isangle = (function(variable: any): boolean)
--[[ Executes a Lua script. ]]
type include = (function(fileName: string): ...any)
--[[ Returns the current floored dynamic memory usage of Lua in kilobytes. ]]
type gcinfo = (function(): number)
--[[ Translates the specified position and angle into the specified coordinate system. ]]
type WorldToLocal = (function(position: IVector, angle: IAngle, newSystemOrigin: IVector, newSystemAngles: IAngle): IVector, IAngle)
--[[ Returns a new WorkshopFileBase element ]]
type WorkshopFileBase = (function(namespace: string, requiredTags: {[any] = any}): {[any] = any})
--[[ Briefly displays layout details of the given panel on-screen ]]
type VisualizeLayout = (function(panel: IPanel): nil)
--[[ Returns a random vector whose components are each between min(inclusive), max(exclusive). ]]
type VectorRand = (function(min: number, max: number): IVector)
--[[ Creates a [Vector](/gmod/Vector) object. ]]
type Vector = (function(x: number, y: number, z: number): IVector)
--[[ Returns if a panel is safe to use. ]]
type ValidPanel = (function(panel: IPanel): nil)
--[[ Creates and returns a [DShape](/gmod/DShape) rectangle GUI element with the given dimensions. ]]
type VGUIRect = (function(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number): IPanel)
--[[ Returns the time in seconds it took to render the VGUI. ]]
type VGUIFrameTime = (function(): nil)
--[[ Runs JavaScript on the loading screen panel ([GetLoadPanel](/gmod/Global.GetLoadPanel)). ]]
type UpdateLoadPanel = (function(javascript: string): nil)
--[[ Returns the current asynchronous in-game time. ]]
type UnPredictedCurTime = (function(): number)
--[[ Returns whether or not a model is useless by checking that the file path is that of a proper model.
If the string ".mdl" is not found in the model name, the function will return true.
The function will also return true if any of the following strings are found in the given model name:
* "_gesture"
* "_anim"
* "_gst"
* "_pst"
* "_shd"
* "_ss"
* "_posture"
* "_anm"
* "ghostanim"
* "_paths"
* "_shared"
* "anim_"
* "gestures_"
* "shared_ragdoll_" ]]
type UTIL_IsUselessModel = (function(modelName: string): boolean)
--[[ Gets the associated type ID of the variable. Unlike [type](/gmod/Global.type), this does not work with [no value](/gmod/no%20value) - an argument must be provided. ]]
type TypeID = (function(variable: any): number)
--[[ Returns "Lua Cache File" if the given file name is in a certain string table, nothing otherwise. ]]
type TranslateDownloadableName = (function(filename: string): string)
--[[ Toggles whether or not the named map is favorited in the new game list. ]]
type ToggleFavourite = (function(map: string): nil)
--[[ Returns a sine value that fluctuates based on [CurTime](/gmod/Global.CurTime). The value returned will be between the start value plus/minus the range value. ]]
type TimedSin = (function(frequency: number, origin: number, max: number, offset: number): number)
--[[ Returns a cosine value that fluctuates based on the current time ]]
type TimedCos = (function(frequency: number, min: number, max: number, offset: number): number)
--[[ Clears focus from any text entries player may have focused. ]]
type TextEntryLoseFocus = (function(): nil)
--[[ Returns a TauntCamera object ]]
type TauntCamera = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a highly accurate time in seconds since the start up, ideal for benchmarking. Unlike [RealTime](/gmod/Global.RealTime), this value will be updated any time the function is called, allowing for sub-think precision. ]]
type SysTime = (function(): number)
--[[ Suppress any networking from the server to the specified player. This is automatically called by the engine before/after a player fires their weapon, reloads, or causes any other similar shared-predicted event to occur. ]]
type SuppressHostEvents = (function(suppressPlayer: IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Returns the duration of the specified sound in seconds. ]]
type SoundDuration = (function(soundName: string): number)
--[[ Runs [util.PrecacheSound](/gmod/util.PrecacheSound) and returns the string. ]]
type Sound = (function(soundPath: string): string)
--[[ Returns an iterator function that can be used to loop through a table in order of its **values**.
To sort by specific **value member**, use [SortedPairsByMemberValue](/gmod/Global.SortedPairsByMemberValue).
To sort by **keys**, use [SortedPairs](/gmod/Global.SortedPairs). ]]
type SortedPairsByValue = (function(table: {[any] = any}, descending: boolean): (function(...any): any), {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns an iterator function that can be used to loop through a table in order of member values, when the values of the table are also tables and contain that member.
To sort by **value**, use [SortedPairsByValue](/gmod/Global.SortedPairsByValue).
To sort by **keys**, use [SortedPairs](/gmod/Global.SortedPairs). ]]
type SortedPairsByMemberValue = (function(table: {[any] = any}, memberKey: any, descending: boolean): (function(...any): any), {[any] = any})
--[[ This function can be used in a for loop instead of [pairs](/gmod/Global.pairs). It sorts all **keys** alphabetically.
For sorting by specific **value member**, use [SortedPairsByMemberValue](/gmod/Global.SortedPairsByMemberValue).
For sorting by **value**, use [SortedPairsByValue](/gmod/Global.SortedPairsByValue). ]]
type SortedPairs = (function(table: {[any] = any}, desc: boolean): (function(...any): any), {[any] = any})
--[[ Called by the engine to set which [constraint system]( the next created constraints should use. ]]
type SetPhysConstraintSystem = (function(constraintSystem: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Defines a vector to be automatically networked to clients ]]
type SetGlobalVector = (function(index: any, vec: IVector): nil)
--[[ Defines a string with a maximum of 199 characters to be automatically networked to clients ]]
type SetGlobalString = (function(index: any, string: string): nil)
--[[ Sets an integer that is shared between the server and all clients. ]]
type SetGlobalInt = (function(index: string, value: number): nil)
--[[ Defines a floating point number to be automatically networked to clients ]]
type SetGlobalFloat = (function(index: any, float: number): nil)
--[[ Defines an entity to be automatically networked to clients ]]
type SetGlobalEntity = (function(index: any, ent: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Defined a boolean to be automatically networked to clients ]]
type SetGlobalBool = (function(index: any, bool: boolean): nil)
--[[ Defines an angle to be automatically networked to clients ]]
type SetGlobalAngle = (function(index: any, angle: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Adds the given string to the computers clipboard, which can then be pasted in or outside of GMod with Ctrl + V. ]]
type SetClipboardText = (function(text: string): nil)
--[[ Prints "ServerLog: PARAM" without a newline, to the server log and console. ]]
type ServerLog = (function(parameter: string): nil)
--[[ Returns approximate duration of a sentence by name. See [EmitSentence](/gmod/Global.EmitSentence). ]]
type SentenceDuration = (function(name: string): number)
--[[ Send a usermessage ]]
type SendUserMessage = (function(name: string, recipients: any, args: ...any): nil)
--[[ Returns a number based on the Size argument and your screen's width. The screen's width is always equal to size 640. This function is primarily used for scaling font sizes. ]]
type ScreenScale = (function(Size: number): nil)
--[[ Gets the width of the game's window (in pixels). ]]
type ScrW = (function(): number)
--[[ Gets the height of the game's window (in pixels). ]]
type ScrH = (function(): number)
--[[ Overwrites all presets with the supplied table. Used by the [presets](/gmod/presets) for preset saving ]]
type SavePresets = (function(presets: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ This function is used to save the last map and category to which the map belongs as a . ]]
type SaveLastMap = (function(map: string, category: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the content of `addonpresets.txt` located in the `garrysmod/settings` folder. By default, this file stores your addon presets as JSON.
You can use [LoadAddonPresets](/gmod/Global.LoadAddonPresets) to retrieve the data in this file. ]]
type SaveAddonPresets = (function(JSON: string): nil)
--[[ Removes entity after delay using [SafeRemoveEntity](/gmod/Global.SafeRemoveEntity) ]]
type SafeRemoveEntityDelayed = (function(entity: IEntity, delay: number): nil)
--[[ Removes the given entity unless it is a player or the world entity ]]
type SafeRemoveEntity = (function(ent: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Returns the ordinal suffix of a given number. ]]
type STNDRD = (function(number: number): string)
--[[ Returns a number based on the Size argument and your screen's width. Alias of [ScreenScale](/gmod/Global.ScreenScale). ]]
type SScale = (function(Size: number): nil)
--[[ Returns the input value in an escaped form so that it can safely be used inside of queries. The returned value is surrounded by quotes unless noQuotes is true. Alias of [sql.SQLStr](/gmod/sql.SQLStr) ]]
type SQLStr = (function(input: string, noQuotes: boolean): string)
--[[ Alias of [RunString](/gmod/Global.RunString). ]]
type RunStringEx = (function(): nil)
--[[ Evaluates and executes the given code, will throw an error on failure. ]]
type RunString = (function(code: string, identifier: string, handleError: boolean): string)
--[[ Runs a menu command. Equivalent to [RunConsoleCommand](/gmod/Global.RunConsoleCommand)( "gamemenucommand", command ) unless the command starts with the "engine" keyword in which case it is equivalent to [RunConsoleCommand](/gmod/Global.RunConsoleCommand)( command ). ]]
type RunGameUICommand = (function(command: string): nil)
--[[ Executes the given console command with the parameters. ]]
type RunConsoleCommand = (function(command: string, arguments: ...any): nil)
--[[ Restores position of your cursor on screen. You can save it by using [RememberCursorPosition](/gmod/Global.RememberCursorPosition). ]]
type RestoreCursorPosition = (function(): nil)
--[[ Renders the Super Depth of Field post-process effect ]]
type RenderSuperDoF = (function(viewOrigin: IVector, viewAngles: IAngle, viewFOV: number): nil)
--[[ Renders the stereoscopic post-process effect ]]
type RenderStereoscopy = (function(viewOrigin: IVector, viewAngles: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Renders a Depth of Field effect ]]
type RenderDoF = (function(origin: IVector, angle: IAngle, usableFocusPoint: IVector, angleSize: number, radialSteps: number, passes: number, spin: boolean, inView: {[any] = any}, fov: number): nil)
--[[ Returns the angle that the clients view is being rendered at ]]
type RenderAngles = (function(): IAngle)
--[[ Does the removing of the tooltip panel. Called by [EndTooltip](/gmod/Global.EndTooltip). ]]
type RemoveTooltip = (function(): nil)
--[[ Saves position of your cursor on screen. You can restore it by using
[RestoreCursorPosition](/gmod/Global.RestoreCursorPosition). ]]
type RememberCursorPosition = (function(): nil)
--[[ Registers a Derma element to be closed the next time [CloseDermaMenus](/gmod/Global.CloseDermaMenus) is called ]]
type RegisterDermaMenuForClose = (function(menu: IPanel): nil)
--[[ Adds a frame to the currently recording demo. ]]
type RecordDemoFrame = (function(): nil)
--[[ Creates a new [CRecipientFilter](/gmod/CRecipientFilter). ]]
type RecipientFilter = (function(unreliable: boolean): IRecipientFilter)
--[[ Returns the uptime of the game/server in seconds (to at least **4** decimal places). This value updates itself once every time the realm thinks. For servers, this is the server tickrate. For clients, its their current FPS.
You should use this function (or [SysTime](/gmod/Global.SysTime)) for timing real-world events such as user interaction, but not for timing game events such as animations.
See also: [CurTime](/gmod/Global.CurTime), [SysTime](/gmod/Global.SysTime) ]]
type RealTime = (function(): number)
--[[ Returns the real frame-time which is unaffected by host_timescale. To be used for GUI effects (for example) ]]
type RealFrameTime = (function(): number)
--[[ Returns an iterator function that can be used to loop through a table in random order ]]
type RandomPairs = (function(table: {[any] = any}, descending: boolean): (function(...any): any))
--[[ Runs a function without stopping the whole script on error.
This function is similar to [pcall](/gmod/Global.pcall) and [xpcall](/gmod/Global.xpcall) except the errors are still printed and sent to the error handler (i.e. sent to server console if clientside and [GM:OnLuaError](/gmod/GM:OnLuaError) called). ]]
type ProtectedCall = (function(func: (function(...any): any)): boolean)
--[[ Creates a new [ProjectedTexture](/gmod/ProjectedTexture). ]]
type ProjectedTexture = (function(): IProjectedTexture)
--[[ Recursively prints the contents of a table to the console. ]]
type PrintTable = (function(tableToPrint: {[any] = any}, indent: number, done: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Displays a message in the chat, console, or center of screen of every player.
This uses the archaic user message system ([umsg](/gmod/umsg)) and hence is limited to ≈250 characters. ]]
type PrintMessage = (function(type: number, message: string): nil)
--[[ Precache a sentence group in a sentences.txt definition file. ]]
type PrecacheSentenceGroup = (function(group: string): nil)
--[[ Load and precache a custom sentence file. ]]
type PrecacheSentenceFile = (function(filename: string): nil)
--[[ Precaches a scene file. ]]
type PrecacheScene = (function(scene: string): nil)
--[[ Precaches the particle with the specified name. ]]
type PrecacheParticleSystem = (function(particleSystemName: string): nil)
--[[ Moves the given model to the given position and calculates appropriate camera parameters for rendering the model to an icon.
The output table interacts nicely with [Panel:RebuildSpawnIconEx](/gmod/Panel:RebuildSpawnIconEx) with a few key renames. ]]
type PositionSpawnIcon = (function(model: IEntity, position: IVector, noAngles: boolean): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the player with the matching [Player:UserID](/gmod/Player:UserID).
For a function that returns a player based on their [Entity:EntIndex](/gmod/Entity:EntIndex), see [Entity](/gmod/Global.Entity).
For a function that returns a player based on their connection ID, see [player.GetByID](/gmod/player.GetByID). ]]
type Player = (function(playerIndex: number): IPlayer)
--[[ Creates a path for the bot to follow ]]
type Path = (function(type: string): IPathFollower)
--[[ Creates a new [CLuaEmitter](/gmod/CLuaEmitter). ]]
type ParticleEmitter = (function(position: IVector, use3D: boolean): ILuaEmitter)
--[[ Creates a particle effect with specialized parameters. ]]
type ParticleEffectAttach = (function(particleName: string, attachType: number, entity: IEntity, attachmentID: number): nil)
--[[ Creates a particle effect. ]]
type ParticleEffect = (function(particleName: string, position: IVector, angles: IAngle, parent: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Calls [game.AddParticles](/gmod/game.AddParticles) and returns given string. ]]
type Particle = (function(file: string): string)
--[[ Modifies the given vectors so that all of vector2's axis are larger than vector1's by switching them around. Also known as ordering vectors. ]]
type OrderVectors = (function(vector1: IVector, vector2: IVector): nil)
--[[ Opens a folder with the given name in the garrysmod folder using the operating system's file browser. ]]
type OpenFolder = (function(folder: string): nil)
--[[ Called by the engine when a model has been loaded. Caches model information with the [sql](/gmod/sql). ]]
type OnModelLoaded = (function(modelName: string, numPostParams: number, numSeq: number, numAttachments: number, numBoneControllers: number, numSkins: number, size: number): nil)
--[[ Returns the amount of skins the specified model has.
See also [Entity:SkinCount](/gmod/Entity:SkinCount) if you have an entity. ]]
type NumModelSkins = (function(modelName: string): number)
--[[ Returns the number of files needed from the server you are currently joining. ]]
type NumDownloadables = (function(): number)
--[[ Returns named color defined in resource/ClientScheme.res. ]]
type NamedColor = (function(name: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Same as [print](/gmod/Global.print), except it concatinates the arguments without inserting any whitespace in between them.
See also [Msg](/gmod/Global.Msg), which doesn't add a newline (`"\n"`) at the end. ]]
type MsgN = (function(args: ...any): nil)
--[[ Just like [Msg](/gmod/Global.Msg), except it can also print colored text, just like [chat.AddText](/gmod/chat.AddText). ]]
type MsgC = (function(args: ...any): nil)
--[[ Works exactly like [Msg](/gmod/Global.Msg) except that, if called on the server, will print to all players consoles plus the server console. ]]
type MsgAll = (function(args: ...any): nil)
--[[ Writes every given argument to the console.
Automatically attempts to convert each argument to a string. (See [tostring](/gmod/Global.tostring))
Unlike [print](/gmod/Global.print), arguments are not separated by anything. They are simply concatenated.
Additionally, a newline isn't added automatically to the end, so subsequent Msg or print operations will continue the same line of text in the console. See [MsgN](/gmod/Global.MsgN) for a version that does add a newline.
The text is blue on the server, orange on the client, and green on the menu: ]]
type Msg = (function(args: ...any): nil)
--[[ Runs [util.PrecacheModel](/gmod/util.PrecacheModel) and returns the string. ]]
type Model = (function(model: string): string)
--[[ Returns a new mesh object. ]]
type Mesh = (function(mat: IMaterial): IMesh)
--[[ Returns a [VMatrix](/gmod/VMatrix) object. ]]
type Matrix = (function(data: {[any] = any} | nil): IMatrix)
--[[ Either returns the material with the given name, or loads the material interpreting the first argument as the path. ]]
type Material = (function(materialName: string, pngParameters: string): IMaterial, number)
--[[ Returns a localisation for the given token, if none is found it will return the default (second) parameter. ]]
type Localize = (function(localisationToken: string, default: string): nil)
--[[ Translates the specified position and angle from the specified local coordinate system into worldspace coordinates.
If you're working with an entity's local vectors, use [Entity:LocalToWorld](/gmod/Entity:LocalToWorld) and/or [Entity:LocalToWorldAngles](/gmod/Entity:LocalToWorldAngles) instead.
See also: [WorldToLocal](/gmod/Global.WorldToLocal), the reverse of this function. ]]
type LocalToWorld = (function(localPos: IVector, localAng: IAngle, originPos: IVector, originAngle: IAngle): IVector, IAngle)
--[[ Returns the player object of the current client. ]]
type LocalPlayer = (function(): IPlayer)
--[[ Loads all preset settings for the [presets](/gmod/presets) and returns them in a table ]]
type LoadPresets = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ This function is used to get the last map and category to which the map belongs from the cookie saved with [SaveLastMap](/gmod/Global.SaveLastMap). ]]
type LoadLastMap = (function(): nil)
--[[ Returns the contents of `addonpresets.txt` located in the `garrysmod/settings` folder. By default, this file stores your addon presets as JSON.
You can use [SaveAddonPresets](/gmod/Global.SaveAddonPresets) to modify this file. ]]
type LoadAddonPresets = (function(): JSON: string)
--[[ Linear interpolation between two vectors. It is commonly used to smooth movement between two vectors ]]
type LerpVector = (function(fraction: number, from: IVector, to: IVector): IVector)
--[[ Returns point between first and second angle using given fraction and linear interpolation ]]
type LerpAngle = (function(ratio: number, angleStart: IAngle, angleEnd: IAngle): IAngle)
--[[ Performs a linear interpolation from the start number to the end number.
This function provides a very efficient and easy way to smooth out movements. ]]
type Lerp = (function(t: number, from: number, to: number): number)
--[[ Callback function for when the client's language changes. Called by the engine. ]]
type LanguageChanged = (function(lang: string): nil)
--[[ Convenience function that creates a [DLabel](/gmod/DLabel), sets the text, and returns it ]]
type Label = (function(text: string, parent: IPanel): IPanel)
--[[ Joins the server with the specified IP. ]]
type JoinServer = (function(IP: string): nil)
--[[ Adds workshop related javascript functions to an HTML panel, used by the "Dupes" and "Saves" tabs in the spawnmenu. ]]
type JS_Workshop = (function(htmlPanel: IPanel): nil)
--[[ Adds javascript function 'util.MotionSensorAvailable' to an HTML panel as a method to call Lua's [motionsensor.IsAvailable](/gmod/motionsensor.IsAvailable) function. ]]
type JS_Utility = (function(htmlPanel: IPanel): nil)
--[[ Adds javascript function 'language.Update' to an HTML panel as a method to call Lua's [language.GetPhrase](/gmod/language.GetPhrase) function. ]]
type JS_Language = (function(htmlPanel: IPanel): nil)
--[[ Returns whether an object is valid or not. (Such as [Entity](/gmod/Entity)s, [Panel](/gmod/Panel)s, custom [table](/gmod/table) objects and more).
Checks that an object is not nil, has an IsValid method and if this method returns true. ]]
type IsValid = (function(toBeValidated: any): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether or not a model is useless by checking that the file path is that of a proper model.
If the string ".mdl" is not found in the model name, the function will return true.
The function will also return true if any of the following strings are found in the given model name:
* "_gesture"
* "_anim"
* "_gst"
* "_pst"
* "_shd"
* "_ss"
* "_posture"
* "_anm"
* "ghostanim"
* "_paths"
* "_shared"
* "anim_"
* "gestures_"
* "shared_ragdoll_" ]]
type IsUselessModel = (function(modelName: string): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether or not every element within a table is a valid entity ]]
type IsTableOfEntitiesValid = (function(table: {[any] = any}): boolean)
--[[ Checks whether or not a game is currently mounted. Uses data given by [engine.GetGames](/gmod/engine.GetGames). ]]
type IsMounted = (function(game: string): boolean)
--[[ Returns true if the client is currently playing either a singleplayer or multiplayer game. ]]
type IsInGame = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the given NPC class name is a friend.
Returns true if the entity name is one of the following:
* "npc_alyx"
* "npc_barney"
* "npc_citizen"
* "npc_dog"
* "npc_eli"
* "npc_fisherman"
* "npc_gman"
* "npc_kleiner"
* "npc_magnusson"
* "npc_monk"
* "npc_mossman"
* "npc_odessa"
* "npc_vortigaunt" ]]
type IsFriendEntityName = (function(className: string): boolean)
--[[ Returns if this is the first time this hook was predicted.
This is useful for one-time logic in your SWEPs PrimaryAttack, SecondaryAttack and Reload and other (to prevent those hooks from being called rapidly in succession). It's also useful in a Move hook for when the client predicts movement.
Visit [Prediction](/gmod/Prediction) for more information about this behavior. ]]
type IsFirstTimePredicted = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the passed object is an [Entity](/gmod/Entity). Alias of [Global.isentity](/gmod/Global.isentity). ]]
type IsEntity = (function(variable: any): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the given NPC class name is an enemy.
Returns true if the entity name is one of the following:
* "npc_antlion"
* "npc_antlionguard"
* "npc_antlionguardian"
* "npc_barnacle"
* "npc_breen"
* "npc_clawscanner"
* "npc_combine_s"
* "npc_cscanner"
* "npc_fastzombie"
* "npc_fastzombie_torso"
* "npc_headcrab"
* "npc_headcrab_fast"
* "npc_headcrab_poison"
* "npc_hunter"
* "npc_metropolice"
* "npc_manhack"
* "npc_poisonzombie"
* "npc_strider"
* "npc_stalker"
* "npc_zombie"
* "npc_zombie_torso"
* "npc_zombine" ]]
type IsEnemyEntityName = (function(className: string): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the given object does or doesn't have a `metatable` of a color. ]]
type IsColor = (function(Object: any): boolean)
--[[ This function works exactly the same as [include](/gmod/Global.include) both clientside and serverside.
The only difference is that on the serverside it also calls [AddCSLuaFile](/gmod/Global.AddCSLuaFile) on the filename, so that it gets sent to the client. ]]
type IncludeCS = (function(filename: string): nil)
--[[ Launches an asynchronous http request with the given parameters. ]]
type HTTP = (function(parameters: {[any] = any}): boolean)
--[[ Converts a color from [HSV color space]( into RGB color space and returns a [Color](/gmod/Color). ]]
type HSVToColor = (function(hue: number, saturation: number, value: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Converts a color from [HSL color space]( into RGB color space and returns a [Color](/gmod/Color). ]]
type HSLToColor = (function(hue: number, saturation: number, value: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the entity the client is using to see from (such as the player itself, the camera, or another entity). ]]
type GetViewEntity = (function(): IEntity)
--[[ Returns if the client is timing out, and time since last ping from the server. Similar to the server side [Player:IsTimingOut](/gmod/Player:IsTimingOut). ]]
type GetTimeoutInfo = (function(): boolean, number)
--[[ Retrieves data about the save with the specified filename. Similar to [GetDemoFileDetails](/gmod/Global.GetDemoFileDetails). ]]
type GetSaveFileDetails = (function(filename: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Gets (or creates if it does not exist) the rendertarget with the given name, this function allows to adjust the creation of a rendertarget more than [GetRenderTarget](/gmod/Global.GetRenderTarget).
See also [render.PushRenderTarget](/gmod/render.PushRenderTarget) and [render.SetRenderTarget](/gmod/render.SetRenderTarget). ]]
type GetRenderTargetEx = (function(name: string, width: number, height: number, sizeMode: number, depthMode: number, textureFlags: number, rtFlags: number, imageFormat: number): ITexture)
--[[ Creates or gets the rendertarget with the given name.
See [GetRenderTargetEx](/gmod/Global.GetRenderTargetEx) for an advanced version of this function with more options. ]]
type GetRenderTarget = (function(name: string, width: number, height: number): ITexture)
--[[ Returns the player whose movement commands are currently being processed. The player this returns can safely have [Player:GetCurrentCommand](/gmod/Player:GetCurrentCommand)() called on them. See [Prediction](/gmod/Prediction). ]]
type GetPredictionPlayer = (function(): IPlayer)
--[[ Returns the menu overlay panel, a container for panels like the error panel created in [GM:OnLuaError](/gmod/GM:OnLuaError). ]]
type GetOverlayPanel = (function(): IPanel)
--[[ Returns a table with the names of all maps and categories that you have on your client. ]]
type GetMapList = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the current status of the server join progress. ]]
type GetLoadStatus = (function(): string)
--[[ Returns the loading screen panel and creates it if it doesn't exist. ]]
type GetLoadPanel = (function(): IPanel)
--[[ Returns the name of the current server. ]]
type GetHostName = (function(): string)
--[[ Returns the panel that is used as a wrapper for the HUD. If you want your panel to be hidden when the main menu is opened, parent it to this. Child panels will also have their controls disabled.
See also [vgui.GetWorldPanel](/gmod/vgui.GetWorldPanel) ]]
type GetHUDPanel = (function(): IPanel)
--[[ Returns a vector that is shared between the server and all clients. ]]
type GetGlobalVector = (function(Index: string, Default: IVector): IVector)
--[[ Returns a string that is shared between the server and all clients. ]]
type GetGlobalString = (function(index: string, default: string): string)
--[[ Returns an integer that is shared between the server and all clients. ]]
type GetGlobalInt = (function(index: string, default: number): number)
--[[ Returns a float that is shared between the server and all clients. ]]
type GetGlobalFloat = (function(index: string, default: number): number)
--[[ Returns an entity that is shared between the server and all clients. ]]
type GetGlobalEntity = (function(index: string, default: IEntity): IEntity)
--[[ Returns a boolean that is shared between the server and all clients. ]]
type GetGlobalBool = (function(index: string, default: boolean): boolean)
--[[ Returns an angle that is shared between the server and all clients. ]]
type GetGlobalAngle = (function(index: string, default: IAngle): IAngle)
--[[ Returns a table with the names of files needed from the server you are currently joining. ]]
type GetDownloadables = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Retrieves data about the demo with the specified filename. Similar to [GetSaveFileDetails](/gmod/Global.GetSaveFileDetails). ]]
type GetDemoFileDetails = (function(filename: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the default loading screen URL (asset://garrysmod/html/loading.html) ]]
type GetDefaultLoadingHTML = (function(): string)
--[[ Gets the ConVar with the specified name. This function doesn't cache the convar. ]]
type GetConVar_Internal = (function(name: string): IConVar)
--[[ Gets the string value ConVar with the specified name. ]]
type GetConVarString = (function(name: string): string)
--[[ Gets the numeric value ConVar with the specified name. ]]
type GetConVarNumber = (function(name: string): number)
--[[ Gets the [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar) with the specified name. ]]
type GetConVar = (function(name: string): IConVar)
--[[ Callback function for when the client has joined a server. This function shows the server's loading URL by default. ]]
type GameDetails = (function(servername: string, serverurl: string, mapname: string, maxplayers: number, steamid: string, gamemode: string): nil)
--[[ Returns the [CurTime](/gmod/Global.CurTime)-based time in seconds it took to render the last frame.
This should be used for frame/tick based timing, such as movement prediction or animations.
For real-time-based frame time that isn't affected by host_timescale, use [RealFrameTime](/gmod/Global.RealFrameTime). RealFrameTime is more suited for things like GUIs or HUDs. ]]
type FrameTime = (function(): number)
--[[ Returns the number of frames rendered since the game was launched. ]]
type FrameNumber = (function(): nil)
--[[ Formats the specified values into the string given. Same as [string.format](/gmod/string.format). ]]
type Format = (function(format: string, formatParameters: ...any): string)
--[[ Returns the tool-tip text and tool-tip-panel (if any) of the given panel as well as itself ]]
type FindTooltip = (function(panel: IPanel): string, IPanel, IPanel)
--[[ Returns the meta table for the class with the matching name.
Internally returns [debug.getregistry](/gmod/debug.getregistry)()[metaName]
You can learn more about meta tables on the [Meta Tables](/gmod/Meta%20Tables) page.
You can find a list of meta tables that can be retrieved with this function on [TYPE](/gmod/Enums/TYPE). The name in the description is the string to use with this function. ]]
type FindMetaTable = (function(metaName: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the normal vector of the current render context as calculated by [GM:CalcView](/gmod/GM:CalcView), similar to [EyeAngles](/gmod/Global.EyeAngles). ]]
type EyeVector = (function(): IVector)
--[[ Returns the origin of the current render context as calculated by [GM:CalcView](/gmod/GM:CalcView). ]]
type EyePos = (function(): IVector)
--[[ Returns the angles of the current render context as calculated by [GM:CalcView](/gmod/GM:CalcView). ]]
type EyeAngles = (function(): IAngle)
--[[ Throws a Lua error but does not break out of the current call stack.
This function will print a stack trace like a normal error would. ]]
type ErrorNoHaltWithStack = (function(arguments: ...any): nil)
--[[ Throws a Lua error but does not break out of the current call stack.
This function will not print a stack trace like a normal error would.
Essentially similar if not equivalent to [Msg](/gmod/Global.Msg). ]]
type ErrorNoHalt = (function(arguments: ...any): nil)
--[[ Throws an error. This is currently an alias of [ErrorNoHalt](/gmod/Global.ErrorNoHalt) despite it once throwing a halting error like [error](/gmod/Global.error(lowercase)) without the stack trace appended. ]]
type Error = (function(arguments: ...any): nil)
--[[ Returns the entity with the matching [Entity:EntIndex](/gmod/Entity:EntIndex).
Indices `1` through [game.MaxPlayers](/gmod/game.MaxPlayers)() are always reserved for players. ]]
type Entity = (function(entityIndex: number): IEntity)
--[[ Removes the currently active tool tip from the screen. ]]
type EndTooltip = (function(panel: IPanel): nil)
--[[ Emits the specified sound at the specified position. ]]
type EmitSound = (function(soundName: string, position: IVector, entity: number, channel: number, volume: number, soundLevel: number, soundFlags: number, pitch: number, dsp: number): nil)
--[[ Plays a sentence from `scripts/sentences.txt` ]]
type EmitSentence = (function(soundName: string, position: IVector, entity: number, channel: number, volume: number, soundLevel: number, soundFlags: number, pitch: number): nil)
--[[ An [eagerly evaluated]( [ternary operator](, or, in layman's terms, a compact "if then else" statement.
In most cases, you should just use Lua's ["pseudo" ternary operator](, like this:
local myCondition = true
local consequent = "myCondition is true"
local alternative = "myCondition is false"
print(myCondition and consequent or alternative)
However, in very rare cases, you may find `Either` useful. In the above example, due to [short-circuit evaluation](, `consequent` would be "skipped" and ignored (not evaluated) by Lua due to `myCondition` being `true`, and only `alternative` would be evaluated. However, when using `Either`, both `consequent` and `alternative` would be evaluated. A practical example of this can be found below. ]]
type Either = (function(condition: any, truevar: any, falsevar: any): any)
--[[ Returns a [CEffectData](/gmod/CEffectData) object to be used with [util.Effect](/gmod/util.Effect). ]]
type EffectData = (function(): IEffectData)
--[[ Creates or replaces a dynamic light with the given id. ]]
type DynamicLight = (function(index: number, elight: boolean): {[any] = any})
--[[ Drops the specified entity if it is being held by any player with Gravity Gun or +use pickup. ]]
type DropEntityIfHeld = (function(ent: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Draws the toy town shader, which blurs the top and bottom of your screen. This can make very large objects look like toys, hence the name. ]]
type DrawToyTown = (function(Passes: number, Height: number): nil)
--[[ Draws the texturize shader, which replaces each pixel on your screen with a different part of the texture depending on its brightness. See [g_texturize](/gmod/Shaders/g_texturize) for information on making the texture. ]]
type DrawTexturize = (function(Scale: number, BaseTexture: number): nil)
--[[ Renders the post-processing effect of beams of light originating from the map's sun. Utilises the `pp/sunbeams` material. ]]
type DrawSunbeams = (function(darken: number, multiplier: number, sunSize: number, sunX: number, sunY: number): nil)
--[[ Draws the sobel shader, which detects edges and draws a black border. ]]
type DrawSobel = (function(Threshold: number): nil)
--[[ Draws the sharpen shader, which creates more contrast. ]]
type DrawSharpen = (function(Contrast: number, Distance: number): nil)
--[[ Creates a motion blur effect by drawing your screen multiple times. ]]
type DrawMotionBlur = (function(AddAlpha: number, DrawAlpha: number, Delay: number): nil)
--[[ Draws a material overlay on the screen. ]]
type DrawMaterialOverlay = (function(Material: string, RefractAmount: number): nil)
--[[ Draws the Color Modify shader, which can be used to adjust colors on screen. ]]
type DrawColorModify = (function(modifyParameters: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Draws the bloom shader, which creates a glowing effect from bright objects. ]]
type DrawBloom = (function(Darken: number, Multiply: number, SizeX: number, SizeY: number, Passes: number, ColorMultiply: number, Red: number, Green: number, Blue: number): nil)
--[[ Draws the currently active main menu background image and handles transitioning between background images.
This is called by default in the menu panel's Paint hook. ]]
type DrawBackground = (function(): nil)
--[[ Sets whether rendering should be limited to being inside a panel or not.
See also [Panel:NoClipping](/gmod/Panel:NoClipping). ]]
type DisableClipping = (function(disable: boolean): oldState: boolean)
--[[ Creates a derma window asking players to input a string. ]]
type Derma_StringRequest = (function(title: string, subtitle: string, default: string, confirm: (function(...any): any), cancel: (function(...any): any), confirmText: string, cancelText: string): IPanel)
--[[ Shows a message box in the middle of the screen, with up to 4 buttons they can press. ]]
type Derma_Query = (function(text: string, title: string, btn1text: string, btn1func: (function(...any): any), btn2text: string, btn2func: (function(...any): any), btn3text: string, btn3func: (function(...any): any), btn4text: string, btn4func: (function(...any): any)): IPanel)
--[[ Creates a derma window to display information ]]
type Derma_Message = (function(Text: string, Title: string, Button: string): IPanel)
--[[ Makes the panel (usually an input of sorts) respond to changes in console variables by adding next functions to the panel:
* [Panel:SetConVar](/gmod/Panel:SetConVar)
* [Panel:ConVarChanged](/gmod/Panel:ConVarChanged)
* [Panel:ConVarStringThink](/gmod/Panel:ConVarStringThink)
* [Panel:ConVarNumberThink](/gmod/Panel:ConVarNumberThink)
The console variable value is saved in the `m_strConVar` property of the panel.
The panel should call
[Panel:ConVarStringThink](/gmod/Panel:ConVarStringThink) or
in its [PANEL:Think](/gmod/PANEL:Think) hook and should call [Panel:ConVarChanged](/gmod/Panel:ConVarChanged) when the panel's value has changed. ]]
type Derma_Install_Convar_Functions = (function(target: IPanel): nil)
--[[ Creates panel method that calls the supplied Derma skin hook via [derma.SkinHook](/gmod/derma.SkinHook) ]]
type Derma_Hook = (function(panel: IPanel, functionName: string, hookName: string, typeName: string): nil)
--[[ Draws background blur around the given panel. ]]
type Derma_DrawBackgroundBlur = (function(panel: IPanel, startTime: number): nil)
--[[ Creates a new derma animation. ]]
type Derma_Anim = (function(name: string, panel: IPanel, func: (function(...any): any)): {[any] = any})
--[[ Creates a [DMenu](/gmod/DMenu) and closes any current menus. ]]
type DermaMenu = (function(keepOpen: boolean, parent: IPanel): menu: IPanel)
--[[ Loads and registers the specified gamemode, setting the GM table's DerivedFrom field to the value provided, if the table exists. The DerivedFrom field is used post-gamemode-load as the "derived" parameter for [gamemode.Register](/gmod/gamemode.Register). ]]
type DeriveGamemode = (function(base: string): nil)
--[[ Writes text to the right hand side of the screen, like the old error system. Messages disappear after a couple of seconds. ]]
type DebugInfo = (function(slot: number, info: string): nil)
--[[ Returns an [CTakeDamageInfo](/gmod/CTakeDamageInfo) object. ]]
type DamageInfo = (function(): ITakeDamageInfo)
--[[ Cancels any existing DOF post-process effects.
Begins the DOF post-process effect. ]]
type DOF_Start = (function(): nil)
--[[ Cancels current DOF post-process effect started with [DOF_Start](/gmod/Global.DOF_Start) ]]
type DOF_Kill = (function(): nil)
--[[ A hacky method used to fix some bugs regarding DoF. ]]
type DOFModeHack = (function(enable: boolean): nil)
--[[ This is not a function. This is a preprocessor keyword that translates to:
local BaseClass = baseclass.Get( "my_weapon" )
If you type `DEFINE_BASECLASS( "my_weapon" )` in your script.
See [baseclass.Get](/gmod/baseclass.Get) for more information. ]]
type DEFINE_BASECLASS = (function(value: string): nil)
--[[ Returns the uptime of the server in seconds (to at least 4 decimal places)
This is a synchronised value and affected by various factors such as host_timescale (or [game.GetTimeScale](/gmod/game.GetTimeScale)) and the server being paused - either by sv_pausable or all players disconnecting.
You should use this function for timing in-game events but not for real-world events.
See also: [RealTime](/gmod/Global.RealTime), [SysTime](/gmod/Global.SysTime) ]]
type CurTime = (function(): number)
--[[ Creates and returns a new [DSprite](/gmod/DSprite) element with the supplied material. ]]
type CreateSprite = (function(material: IMaterial): IPanel)
--[[ Returns a sound parented to the specified entity. ]]
type CreateSound = (function(targetEnt: IEntity, soundName: string, filter: IRecipientFilter): ISoundPatch)
--[[ Creates [PhysCollide](/gmod/PhysCollide) objects for every physics object the model has. The model must be precached with [util.PrecacheModel](/gmod/util.PrecacheModel) before being used with this function. ]]
type CreatePhysCollidesFromModel = (function(modelName: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Creates a new [PhysCollide](/gmod/PhysCollide) from the given bounds. ]]
type CreatePhysCollideBox = (function(mins: IVector, maxs: IVector): IPhysCollide)
--[[ Creates a new particle system. ]]
type CreateParticleSystem = (function(ent: IEntity, effect: string, partAttachment: number, entAttachment: number, offset: IVector): INewParticleEffect)
--[[ Creates a new material with the specified name and shader. ]]
type CreateMaterial = (function(name: string, shaderName: string, materialData: {[any] = any}): IMaterial)
--[[ Creates a console variable ([ConVar](/gmod/ConVar)), in general these are for things like gamemode/server settings. ]]
type CreateConVar = (function(name: string, value: string, flags: number, helptext: string, min: number, max: number): IConVar)
--[[ Makes a clientside-only console variable
Although this function is shared, it should only be used clientside. ]]
type CreateClientConVar = (function(name: string, default: string, shouldsave: boolean, userinfo: boolean, helptext: string, min: number, max: number): IConVar)
--[[ Returns a table of console command names beginning with the given text. ]]
type ConsoleAutoComplete = (function(text: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns whether a [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar) with the given name exists or not ]]
type ConVarExists = (function(name: string): boolean)
--[[ This function will compile the code argument as lua code and return a function that will execute that code.
Please note that this function will not automatically execute the given code after compiling it. ]]
type CompileString = (function(code: string, identifier: string, HandleError: boolean): (function(...any): any))
--[[ Attempts to compile the given file. If successful, returns a function that can be called to perform the actual execution of the script. ]]
type CompileFile = (function(path: string): (function(...any): any))
--[[ Converts a [Color](/gmod/Color) into HSV color space. ]]
type ColorToHSV = (function(color: {[any] = any}): number, number, number)
--[[ Converts a [Color](/gmod/Color) into HSL color space. ]]
type ColorToHSL = (function(color: {[any] = any}): number, number, number)
--[[ Creates a [Color](/gmod/Color) with randomized red, green, and blue components. If the alpha argument is true, alpha will also be randomized. ]]
type ColorRand = (function(a: boolean): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a new [Color](/gmod/Color) with the RGB components of the given [Color](/gmod/Color) and the alpha value specified. ]]
type ColorAlpha = (function(color: {[any] = any}, alpha: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Creates a [Color](/gmod/Color). ]]
type Color = (function(r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Closes all Derma menus that have been passed to [RegisterDermaMenuForClose](/gmod/Global.RegisterDermaMenuForClose) and calls [GM:CloseDermaMenus](/gmod/GM:CloseDermaMenus) ]]
type CloseDermaMenus = (function(): nil)
--[[ Creates a scene entity based on the scene name and the entity. ]]
type ClientsideScene = (function(name: string, targetEnt: IEntity): IEntity)
--[[ Creates a fully clientside ragdoll. ]]
type ClientsideRagdoll = (function(model: string, renderGroup: number): IEntity)
--[[ Creates a non physical entity that only exists on the client. See also [ents.CreateClientProp](/gmod/ents.CreateClientProp). ]]
type ClientsideModel = (function(model: string, renderGroup: number): IEntity)
--[[ Empties the pool of main menu background images. ]]
type ClearBackgroundImages = (function(): nil)
--[[ Automatically called by the engine when a panel is hovered over with the mouse ]]
type ChangeTooltip = (function(panel: IPanel): nil)
--[[ Sets the active main menu background image to a random entry from the background images pool. Images are added with [AddBackgroundImage](/gmod/Global.AddBackgroundImage). ]]
type ChangeBackground = (function(currentgm: string): nil)
--[[ Aborts joining of the server you are currently joining. ]]
type CancelLoading = (function(): nil)
--[[ Used internally to check if the current server the player is on can be added to favorites or not. Does not check if the server is ALREADY in the favorites. ]]
type CanAddServerToFavorites = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Dumps the networked variables of all entities into one table and returns it. ]]
type BuildNetworkedVarsTable = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Sends the specified Lua code to all connected clients and executes it. ]]
type BroadcastLua = (function(code: string): nil)
--[[ Returns an angle with a randomized pitch, yaw, and roll between min(inclusive), max(exclusive). ]]
type AngleRand = (function(min: number, max: number): IAngle)
--[[ Creates an [Angle](/gmod/Angle) object. ]]
type Angle = (function(pitch: number, yaw: number, roll: number): IAngle)
--[[ Loads the specified image from the `/cache` folder, used in combination [steamworks.Download](/gmod/steamworks.Download). Most addons will provide a 512x512 png image. ]]
type AddonMaterial = (function(name: string): IMaterial)
--[[ Defines a global entity class variable with an automatic value in order to prevent collisions with other [CLASS](/gmod/Enums/CLASS). You should prefix your variable with CLASS_ for consistency. ]]
type Add_NPC_Class = (function(name: string): nil)
--[[ This function creates a World Tip, similar to the one shown when aiming at a Thruster where it shows you its force.
This function will make a World Tip that will only last 50 milliseconds (1/20th of a second), so you must call it continuously as long as you want the World Tip to be shown. It is common to call it inside a Think hook.
Contrary to what the function's name implies, it is impossible to create more than one World Tip at the same time. A new World Tip will overwrite the old one, so only use this function when you know nothing else will also be using it.
See [SANDBOX:PaintWorldTips](/gmod/SANDBOX:PaintWorldTips) for more information. ]]
type AddWorldTip = (function(entindex: number, text: string, dieTime: number, pos: IVector, ent: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Adds the specified vector to the PVS which is currently building. This allows all objects in visleafs visible from that vector to be drawn. ]]
type AddOriginToPVS = (function(position: IVector): nil)
--[[ Tells the engine to register a console command. If the command was ran, the engine calls [concommand.Run](/gmod/concommand.Run). ]]
type AddConsoleCommand = (function(name: string, helpText: string, flags: number): nil)
--[[ Marks a Lua file to be sent to clients when they join the server. Doesn't do anything on the client - this means you can use it in a shared file without problems. ]]
type AddCSLuaFile = (function(file: string): nil)
--[[ Adds the specified image path to the main menu background pool. Image can be png or jpeg. ]]
type AddBackgroundImage = (function(path: string): nil)
--[[ Adds simple Get/Set accessor functions on the specified table.
Can also force the value to be set to a number, bool or string. ]]
type AccessorFunc = (function(tab: {[any] = any}, key: any, name: string, force: number): nil)
type widgets = {}
if CLIENT or SERVER then
--[[ Automatically called to update all widgets. ]]
type widgets.PlayerTick = (function(ply: IPlayer, mv: IMoveData): nil)
if CLIENT then
--[[ Renders a widget. Normally you won't need to call this. ]]
type widgets.RenderMe = (function(ent: IEntity): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type weapons = {}
--[[ Registers a Scripted Weapon (SWEP) class manually. When the engine spawns an entity, weapons registered with this function will be created if the class names match.
See also [scripted_ents.Register](/gmod/scripted_ents.Register) for Scritped Entities (SENTs) ]]
type weapons.Register = (function(swep_table: {[any] = any}, classname: string): nil)
--[[ Called after all SWEPS have been loaded and runs [baseclass.Set](/gmod/baseclass.Set) on each one.
You can retrieve all the currently registered SWEPS with [weapons.GetList](/gmod/weapons.GetList). ]]
type weapons.OnLoaded = (function(): nil)
--[[ Checks if name is based on base ]]
type weapons.IsBasedOn = (function(name: string, base: string): boolean)
--[[ Gets the REAL weapon table, not a copy. The produced table does `not` inherit fields from the weapon's base class, unlike [weapons.Get](/gmod/weapons.Get). ]]
type weapons.GetStored = (function(weapon_class: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Get a list of all the registered SWEPs. This does not include weapons added to spawnmenu manually. ]]
type weapons.GetList = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Get a `copy` of weapon table by name. This function also inherits fields from the weapon's base class, unlike [weapons.GetStored](/gmod/weapons.GetStored). ]]
type weapons.Get = (function(classname: string): {[any] = any})
if CLIENT or MENU then
type video = {}
--[[ Attempts to create an [IVideoWriter](/gmod/IVideoWriter). ]]
type video.Record = (function(config: {[any] = any}): IVideoWriter, string)
if CLIENT or MENU then
type vgui = {}
--[[ Registers a table to use as a panel. All this function does is assigns Base key to your table and returns the table. ]]
type vgui.RegisterTable = (function(panel: {[any] = any}, base: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Registers a new VGUI panel from a file. ]]
type vgui.RegisterFile = (function(file: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Registers a panel for later creation. ]]
type vgui.Register = (function(classname: string, panelTable: {[any] = any}, baseName: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns whenever the cursor is hovering the world panel. ]]
type vgui.IsHoveringWorld = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Returns the global world panel which is the parent to all others, except for the HUD panel.
See also [GetHUDPanel](/gmod/Global.GetHUDPanel). ]]
type vgui.GetWorldPanel = (function(): IPanel)
--[[ Returns the panel which is currently receiving keyboard input. ]]
type vgui.GetKeyboardFocus = (function(): IPanel)
--[[ Returns the panel the cursor is hovering above. ]]
type vgui.GetHoveredPanel = (function(): IPanel)
--[[ Gets the method table of this panel. Does not return parent methods! ]]
type vgui.GetControlTable = (function(Panelname: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns whether the currently focused panel is a child of the given one. ]]
type vgui.FocusedHasParent = (function(parent: IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Returns whenever the cursor is currently active and visible. ]]
type vgui.CursorVisible = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Creates a engine panel. ]]
type vgui.CreateX = (function(class: string, parent: IPanel, name: string): IPanel)
--[[ Creates a panel from table. ]]
type vgui.CreateFromTable = (function(metatable: {[any] = any}, parent: IPanel, name: string): IPanel)
--[[ Creates a panel by the specified classname. ]]
type vgui.Create = (function(classname: string, parent: IPanel, name: string): IPanel)
type util = {}
if SERVER then
--[[ Adds a trail to the specified entity. ]]
type util.SpriteTrail = (function(ent: IEntity, attachmentID: number, color: {[any] = any}, additive: boolean, startWidth: number, endWidth: number, lifetime: number, textureRes: number, texture: string): IEntity)
--[[ Checks if a certain position is within the world bounds. ]]
type util.IsInWorld = (function(position: IVector): boolean)
--[[ Returns a table of all SteamIDs that have a usergroup. ]]
type util.GetUserGroups = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Applies spherical damage based on damage info to all entities in the specified radius. ]]
type util.BlastDamageInfo = (function(dmg: ITakeDamageInfo, damageOrigin: IVector, damageRadius: number): nil)
--[[ Applies explosion damage to all entities in the specified radius. ]]
type util.BlastDamage = (function(inflictor: IEntity, attacker: IEntity, damageOrigin: IVector, damageRadius: number, damage: number): nil)
--[[ Adds the specified string to a string table, which will cache it and network it to all clients automatically.
Whenever you want to create a net message with [net.Start](/gmod/net.Start), you must add the name of that message as a networked string via this function.
If the passed string already exists, nothing will happen and the ID of the existing item will be returned. ]]
type util.AddNetworkString = (function(str: string): number)
if CLIENT or SERVER or MENU then
--[[ Converts string or a number to a bool, if possible. Alias of [tobool](/gmod/Global.tobool). ]]
type util.tobool = (function(input: any): boolean)
--[[ Converts a type to a (nice, but still parsable) string ]]
type util.TypeToString = (function(input: any): string)
--[[ Returns the time since this function has been last called ]]
type util.TimerCycle = (function(): number)
--[[ Creates a timer object. ]]
type util.Timer = (function(startdelay: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Converts the given table into a key value string. ]]
type util.TableToKeyValues = (function(table: {[any] = any}, parentKey: string): string)
--[[ Converts a table to a JSON string. ]]
type util.TableToJSON = (function(table: {[any] = any}, prettyPrint: boolean): string)
--[[ Converts a string to the specified type.
This can be useful when dealing with ConVars. ]]
type util.StringToType = (function(str: string, typename: string): any)
--[[ Returns a new [Stack](/gmod/Stack) object ]]
type util.Stack = (function(): IStack)
--[[ Sets PData for offline player using his SteamID ]]
type util.SetPData = (function(steamID: string, name: string, value: any): nil)
--[[ Removes PData of offline player using his SteamID. ]]
type util.RemovePData = (function(steamID: string, name: string): nil)
--[[ Performs a trace with the given origin, direction and filter. ]]
type util.QuickTrace = (function(origin: IVector, endpos: IVector, filter: IEntity): {[any] = any})
--[[ Formats a float by stripping off extra `0's` and `.'s`. ]]
type util.NiceFloat = (function(float: number): string)
--[[ Returns a vector in world coordinates based on an entity and local coordinates ]]
type util.LocalToWorld = (function(ent: IEntity, lpos: IVector, bonenum: number): IVector)
--[[ Similar to [util.KeyValuesToTable](/gmod/util.KeyValuesToTable) but it also preserves order of keys. ]]
type util.KeyValuesToTablePreserveOrder = (function(keyvals: string, usesEscapeSequences: boolean, preserveKeyCase: boolean): {[any] = any})
--[[ Converts a KeyValue string to a Lua table. ]]
type util.KeyValuesToTable = (function(keyValues: string, usesEscapeSequences: boolean, preserveKeyCase: boolean): {[any] = any})
--[[ Converts a JSON string to a Lua table. ]]
type util.JSONToTable = (function(json: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Checks if given numbered physics object of given entity is valid or not. Most useful for ragdolls. ]]
type util.IsValidPhysicsObject = (function(ent: IEntity, physobj: number): boolean)
--[[ Utility function to quickly generate a trace table that starts at the players view position, and ends `32768` units along a specified direction. ]]
type util.GetPlayerTrace = (function(ply: IPlayer, dir: IVector): {[any] = any})
--[[ Gets PData of an offline player using their SteamID ]]
type util.GetPData = (function(steamID: string, name: string, default: string): string)
--[[ Decompresses the given string using [LZMA]( algorithm. Used to decompress strings previously compressed with [util.Compress](/gmod/util.Compress). ]]
type util.Decompress = (function(compressedString: string, maxSize: number): string)
--[[ Returns the current date formatted like '2012-10-31 18-00-00' ]]
type util.DateStamp = (function(): string)
--[[ Compresses the given string using the [LZMA]( algorithm.
Use with [net.WriteData](/gmod/net.WriteData) and [net.ReadData](/gmod/net.ReadData) for networking and [util.Decompress](/gmod/util.Decompress) to decompress the data. ]]
type util.Compress = (function(str: string): string)
--[[ Encodes the specified string to base64. ]]
type util.Base64Encode = (function(str: string): string)
--[[ Decodes the specified string from base64. ]]
type util.Base64Decode = (function(str: string): string)
--[[ Function used to calculate aim vector from 2D screen position. It is used in SuperDOF calculate Distance.
Essentially a generic version of [gui.ScreenToVector](/gmod/gui.ScreenToVector). ]]
type util.AimVector = (function(ViewAngles: IAngle, ViewFOV: number, x: number, y: number, scrWidth: number, scrHeight: number): IVector)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
--[[ Performs a trace with the given trace data. ]]
type util.TraceLine = (function(TraceData: {[any] = any}): {[any] = any})
--[[ Performs an AABB hull (axis-aligned bounding box, aka not rotated) trace with the given trace data. ]]
type util.TraceHull = (function(TraceData: {[any] = any}): {[any] = any})
--[[ Traces from one entity to another. ]]
type util.TraceEntityHull = (function(ent1: IEntity, ent2: IEntity): {[any] = any})
--[[ Runs a trace using the entity's collisionmodel between two points. This does not take the entity's angles into account and will trace its unrotated collisionmodel. ]]
type util.TraceEntity = (function(tracedata: {[any] = any}, ent: IEntity): {[any] = any})
--[[ Given a STEAM_0 style Steam ID will return a 64bit Steam ID ]]
type util.SteamIDTo64 = (function(id: string): string)
--[[ Given a 64bit SteamID will return a STEAM_0: style Steam ID ]]
type util.SteamIDFrom64 = (function(id: string): string)
--[[ Generates a random float value that should be the same on client and server. ]]
type util.SharedRandom = (function(uniqueName: string, min: number, max: number, additionalSeed: number): number)
--[[ Makes the screen shake. ]]
type util.ScreenShake = (function(pos: IVector, amplitude: number, frequency: number, duration: number, radius: number): nil)
--[[ Precaches a sound for later use. Sound is cached after being loaded once. ]]
type util.PrecacheSound = (function(soundName: string): nil)
--[[ Precaches a model for later use. Model is cached after being loaded once. ]]
type util.PrecacheModel = (function(modelName: string): nil)
--[[ Returns the contents of the position specified. ]]
type util.PointContents = (function(position: IVector): number)
--[[ Creates a tracer effect with the given parameters. ]]
type util.ParticleTracerEx = (function(name: string, startPos: IVector, endPos: IVector, doWhiz: boolean, entityIndex: number, attachmentIndex: number): nil)
--[[ Creates a tracer effect with the given parameters. ]]
type util.ParticleTracer = (function(name: string, startPos: IVector, endPos: IVector, doWhiz: boolean): nil)
--[[ Returns the networked ID associated with the given string from the string table. ]]
type util.NetworkStringToID = (function(networkString: string): number)
--[[ Returns the networked string associated with the given ID from the string table. ]]
type util.NetworkIDToString = (function(stringTableID: number): string)
--[[ Checks if the specified model name points to a valid ragdoll. ]]
type util.IsValidRagdoll = (function(ragdollName: string): boolean)
--[[ Checks if the specified prop is valid. ]]
type util.IsValidProp = (function(modelName: string): boolean)
--[[ Checks if the specified model is valid.
A model is considered invalid in following cases:
* Starts with a space or **maps**
* Doesn't start with **models**
* Contains any of the following:
* * _gestures
* * _animations
* * _postures
* * _gst
* * _pst
* * _shd
* * _ss
* * _anm
* * .bsp
* * cs_fix
* On server: If the model isn't precached, if the model file doesn't exist on the disk
* If precache failed
* Model is the error model
Running this function will also precache the model. ]]
type util.IsValidModel = (function(modelName: string): boolean)
--[[ Checks if the model is loaded in the game. ]]
type util.IsModelLoaded = (function(modelName: string): boolean)
--[[ Performs a [ray-plane intersection]( and returns the hit position or nil. ]]
type util.IntersectRayWithPlane = (function(rayOrigin: IVector, rayDirection: IVector, planePosition: IVector, planeNormal: IVector): IVector)
--[[ Performs a "ray" box intersection and returns position, normal and the fraction. ]]
type util.IntersectRayWithOBB = (function(rayStart: IVector, rayDelta: IVector, boxOrigin: IVector, boxAngles: IAngle, boxMins: IVector, boxMaxs: IVector): IVector, IVector, number)
--[[ Returns the name of a surface property at given ID.
See also [util.GetSurfaceData](/gmod/util.GetSurfaceData) and [util.GetSurfaceIndex](/gmod/util.GetSurfaceIndex) for opposite function. ]]
type util.GetSurfacePropName = (function(id: number): string)
--[[ Returns the matching surface property index for the given surface property name.
See also [util.GetSurfaceData](/gmod/util.GetSurfaceData) and [util.GetSurfacePropName](/gmod/util.GetSurfacePropName) for opposite function. ]]
type util.GetSurfaceIndex = (function(surfaceName: string): number)
--[[ Returns data of a surface property at given ID. ]]
type util.GetSurfaceData = (function(id: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a table containing the info about the model. ]]
type util.GetModelInfo = (function(mdl: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Creates an effect with the specified data.
For Orange Box `.pcf` particles, see [ParticleEffect](/gmod/Global.ParticleEffect), [ParticleEffectAttach](/gmod/Global.ParticleEffectAttach) and [CreateParticleSystem](/gmod/Global.CreateParticleSystem). ]]
type util.Effect = (function(effectName: string, effectData: IEffectData, allowOverride: boolean, ignorePredictionOrRecipientFilter: any): nil)
--[[ Gets the distance between a line and a point in 3d space. ]]
type util.DistanceToLine = (function(lineStart: IVector, lineEnd: IVector, pointPos: IVector): number, IVector, number)
--[[ Gets the full material path by the decal name. Used with [util.DecalEx](/gmod/util.DecalEx). ]]
type util.DecalMaterial = (function(decalName: string): string)
--[[ Performs a trace and paints a decal to the surface hit. ]]
type util.Decal = (function(name: string, start: IVector, end: IVector, filter: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Generates the [CRC Checksum]( of the specified string. ]]
type util.CRC = (function(stringToHash: string): string)
if CLIENT then
--[[ Returns the visibility of a sphere in the world. ]]
type util.PixelVisible = (function(position: IVector, radius: number, PixVis: IPixVis): number)
--[[ Check whether the skybox is visible from the point specified. ]]
type util.IsSkyboxVisibleFromPoint = (function(position: IVector): boolean)
--[[ Gets information about the sun position and obstruction or nil if there is no sun. ]]
type util.GetSunInfo = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Creates a new PixVis handle. See [util.PixelVisible](/gmod/util.PixelVisible). ]]
type util.GetPixelVisibleHandle = (function(): IPixVis)
--[[ Returns a table of visual meshes of given model.
See also [ENTITY:GetRenderMesh](/gmod/ENTITY:GetRenderMesh). ]]
type util.GetModelMeshes = (function(model: string, lod: number, bodygroupMask: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Performs a trace and paints a decal to the surface hit. ]]
type util.DecalEx = (function(material: IMaterial, ent: IEntity, position: IVector, normal: IVector, color: {[any] = any}, w: number, h: number): nil)
type util.worldpicker = {
Start = (function(callback: (function(...any): any)): nil),
Active = (function(): boolean),
Finish = (function(tr: {[any] = any}): nil),
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type utf8 = {}
if CLIENT or SERVER then
--[[ A UTF-8 compatible version of [string.sub](/gmod/string.sub). ]]
type utf8.sub = (function(string: string, StartPos: number, EndPos: number): string)
--[[ Returns the byte-index of the n'th UTF-8-character after the given startPos (nil if none). startPos defaults to 1 when n is positive and -1 when n is negative. If n is zero, this function instead returns the byte-index of the UTF-8-character startPos lies within. ]]
type utf8.offset = (function(string: string, n: number, startPos: number): number)
--[[ Returns the number of UTF-8 sequences in the given string between positions startPos and endPos (both inclusive). If it finds any invalid UTF-8 byte sequence, returns false as well as the position of the first invalid byte. ]]
type utf8.len = (function(string: string, startPos: number, endPos: number): number, number)
--[[ Forces a string to contain only valid UTF-8 data. Invalid sequences are replaced with U+FFFD (the Unicode replacement character).
This is a lazy way for users to ensure a string contains only valid UTF-8 data. ]]
type utf8.force = (function(string: string): string)
--[[ Returns an iterator (like [string.gmatch](/gmod/string.gmatch)) which returns both the position and codepoint of each utf8 character in the string. It raises an error if it meets any invalid byte sequence. ]]
type = (function(string: string): (function(...any): any))
--[[ Returns the codepoints (as numbers) from all characters in the given string that start between byte position startPos and endPos. It raises an error if it meets any invalid byte sequence. This functions similarly to [string.byte](/gmod/string.byte). ]]
type utf8.codepoint = (function(string: string, startPos: number, endPos: number): ...any)
--[[ Receives zero or more integers, converts each one to its corresponding UTF-8 byte sequence and returns a string with the concatenation of all these sequences. ]]
type utf8.char = (function(codepoints: ...any): string)
--[[ A UTF-8 compatible version of [string.GetChar](/gmod/string.GetChar). ]]
type utf8.GetChar = (function(str: string, index: number): string)
--[[ # Not a function
This is NOT a function, it's the [pattern](/gmod/Patterns) (a string, not a function)
which matches exactly one UTF-8 byte sequence, assuming that the subject is a valid UTF-8 string. ]]
type utf8.charpattern = "[%z-�-�][�-�]*"
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type usermessage = {}
--[[ Called by the engine when a usermessage arrives, this method calls the hook function specified by [usermessage.Hook](/gmod/usermessage.Hook) if any. ]]
type usermessage.IncomingMessage = (function(name: string, msg: IBfRead): nil)
--[[ Sets a hook for the specified to be called when a usermessage with the specified name arrives. ]]
type usermessage.Hook = (function(name: string, callback: (function(...any): any), preArgs: ...any): nil)
--[[ Returns a table of every usermessage hook ]]
type usermessage.GetTable = (function(): {[any] = any})
type undo = {}
if SERVER then
--[[ Sets the player which the current undo block belongs to ]]
type undo.SetPlayer = (function(ply: IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Sets a custom undo text for the current undo block ]]
type undo.SetCustomUndoText = (function(customText: string): nil)
--[[ Replaces any instance of the "from" reference with the "to" reference, in any existing undo block. Returns true if something was replaced ]]
type undo.ReplaceEntity = (function(from: IEntity, to: IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Processes an undo block (in table form). This is used internally by the undo manager when a player presses Z.
You should use `gm_undo` or `gm_undonum *num*` console commands instead of calling this function directly. ]]
type undo.Do_Undo = (function(tab: {[any] = any}): number)
--[[ Begins a new undo entry ]]
type undo.Create = (function(name: string): nil)
--[[ Adds a function to call when the current undo block is undone. Note that if an undo has a function, the player will always be notified when this undo is performed, even if the entity it is meant to undo no longer exists. ]]
type undo.AddFunction = (function(func: (function(...any): any), arguments: ...any): nil)
--[[ Adds an entity to the current undo block ]]
type undo.AddEntity = (function(ent: IEntity): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
--[[ Serverside, returns a table containing all undo blocks of all players. Clientside, returns a table of the local player's undo blocks. ]]
type undo.GetTable = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Completes an undo entry, and registers it with the player's client ]]
type undo.Finish = (function(NiceText: string): nil)
if CLIENT then
--[[ Adds a hook (CPanelPaint) to the control panel paint function so we can determine when it is being drawn. ]]
type undo.SetupUI = (function(): nil)
--[[ Makes the UI dirty - it will re-create the controls the next time it is viewed. ]]
type undo.MakeUIDirty = (function(): nil)
if SERVER then
type umsg = {}
--[[ Writes a vector normal to the usermessage. ]]
type umsg.VectorNormal = (function(normal: IVector): nil)
--[[ Writes a Vector to the usermessage. ]]
type umsg.Vector = (function(vector: IVector): nil)
--[[ Writes a null terminated string to the usermessage. ]]
type umsg.String = (function(string: string): nil)
--[[ Starts a new usermessage. ]]
type umsg.Start = (function(name: string, filter: IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Writes a signed short (16 bit) to the usermessage. ]]
type umsg.Short = (function(short: number): nil)
--[[ The string specified will be networked to the client and receive a identifying number, which will be sent instead of the string to optimize networking. ]]
type umsg.PoolString = (function(string: string): nil)
--[[ Writes a signed int (32 bit) to the usermessage. ]]
type umsg.Long = (function(int: number): nil)
--[[ Writes a float to the usermessage. ]]
type umsg.Float = (function(float: number): nil)
--[[ Writes an entity object to the usermessage. ]]
type umsg.Entity = (function(entity: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Dispatches the usermessage to the client(s). ]]
type umsg.End = (function(): nil)
--[[ Writes a signed char to the usermessage. ]]
type umsg.Char = (function(char: number): nil)
--[[ Writes a bool to the usermessage. ]]
type umsg.Bool = (function(bool: boolean): nil)
--[[ Writes an angle to the usermessage. ]]
type umsg.Angle = (function(angle: IAngle): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER or MENU then
type timer = {}
--[[ Unpauses the timer. ]]
type timer.UnPause = (function(identifier: any): boolean)
--[[ Runs either [timer.Pause](/gmod/timer.Pause) or [timer.UnPause](/gmod/timer.UnPause) based on the timer's current status. ]]
type timer.Toggle = (function(identifier: any): boolean)
--[[ Returns amount of time left (in seconds) before the timer executes its function. ]]
type timer.TimeLeft = (function(identifier: any): number)
--[[ Stops the given timer and rewinds it. ]]
type timer.Stop = (function(identifier: any): boolean)
--[[ Restarts the given timer. ]]
type timer.Start = (function(identifier: any): boolean)
--[[ Creates a simple timer that runs the given function after a specified delay.
For a more advanced version that you can control after creation, see [timer.Create](/gmod/timer.Create). ]]
type timer.Simple = (function(delay: number, func: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Returns amount of repetitions/executions left before the timer destroys itself. ]]
type timer.RepsLeft = (function(identifier: any): number)
--[[ Stops and removes a timer created by [timer.Create](/gmod/timer.Create). ]]
type timer.Remove = (function(identifier: string): nil)
--[[ Pauses the given timer. ]]
type timer.Pause = (function(identifier: any): boolean)
--[[ Returns whenever the given timer exists or not. ]]
type timer.Exists = (function(identifier: string): boolean)
--[[ Stops and destroys the given timer. Alias of [timer.Remove](/gmod/timer.Remove). ]]
type timer.Destroy = (function(identifier: string): nil)
--[[ Creates a new timer that will repeat its function given amount of times.
This function also requires the timer to be named, which allows you to control it after it was created via the [timer](/gmod/timer).
For a simple one-time timer with no identifiers, see [timer.Simple](/gmod/timer.Simple). ]]
type timer.Create = (function(identifier: string, delay: number, repetitions: number, func: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ This function does nothing. ]]
type timer.Check = (function(): nil)
--[[ Adjusts the timer if the timer with the given identifier exists. ]]
type timer.Adjust = (function(identifier: any, delay: number, repetitions: number, func: (function(...any): any)): boolean)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type team = {}
--[[ Returns true if the given team index is valid ]]
type team.Valid = (function(index: number): boolean)
--[[ Get's the total frags in a team. ]]
type team.TotalFrags = (function(Entity_or_number: IEntity): number)
--[[ Returns the sum of deaths of all players of the team. ]]
type team.TotalDeaths = (function(teamIndex: number): number)
--[[ Creates a new team. ]]
type team.SetUp = (function(teamIndex: number, teamName: string, teamColor: {[any] = any}, isJoinable: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets valid spawnpoint classes for use by a team. ]]
type team.SetSpawnPoint = (function(index: number, classes: any): nil)
--[[ Sets the score of the given team ]]
type team.SetScore = (function(index: number, score: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the team's color. ]]
type team.SetColor = (function(teamIndex: number, color: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Sets valid classes for use by a team. Classes can be created using [player_manager.RegisterClass](/gmod/player_manager.RegisterClass) ]]
type team.SetClass = (function(index: number, classes: any): nil)
--[[ Returns the amount of players in a team. ]]
type team.NumPlayers = (function(teamIndex: number): number)
--[[ Returns if a team is joinable or not. This is set in [team.SetUp](/gmod/team.SetUp). ]]
type team.Joinable = (function(index: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns a table of valid spawnpoint entities the team can use. These are set with [team.SetSpawnPoint](/gmod/team.SetSpawnPoint). ]]
type team.GetSpawnPoints = (function(index: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a table of valid spawnpoint classes the team can use. These are set with [team.SetSpawnPoint](/gmod/team.SetSpawnPoint). ]]
type team.GetSpawnPoint = (function(index: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the score of the team. ]]
type team.GetScore = (function(teamIndex: number): number)
--[[ Returns a table with all player of the specified team. ]]
type team.GetPlayers = (function(teamIndex: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the name of the team. ]]
type team.GetName = (function(teamIndex: number): string)
--[[ Returns the team's color. ]]
type team.GetColor = (function(teamIndex: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the selectable classes for the given team. This can be added to with [team.SetClass](/gmod/team.SetClass) ]]
type team.GetClass = (function(index: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a table consisting of information on every defined team ]]
type team.GetAllTeams = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the team index of the team with the least players. Falls back to TEAM_UNASSIGNED ]]
type team.BestAutoJoinTeam = (function(): number)
--[[ Increases the score of the given team ]]
type team.AddScore = (function(index: number, increment: number): nil)
type system = {}
if CLIENT or SERVER or MENU then
--[[ Returns the amount of seconds since the Steam user last moved their mouse.
This is a direct binding to ISteamUtils->GetSecondsSinceComputerActive, and is most likely related to Steam's automatic "Away" online status. ]]
type system.UpTime = (function(): number)
--[[ Returns the synchronized Steam time. This is the number of seconds since the [Unix epoch]( ]]
type system.SteamTime = (function(): number)
--[[ Returns whether the current OS is Windows. ]]
type system.IsWindows = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the current OS is OSX. ]]
type system.IsOSX = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the current OS is Linux. ]]
type system.IsLinux = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether or not the game window has focus. ]]
type system.HasFocus = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Returns the country code of this computer, determined by the localisation settings of the OS. ]]
type system.GetCountry = (function(): string)
--[[ Returns the current battery power. ]]
type system.BatteryPower = (function(): number)
--[[ Returns the total uptime of the current application as reported by Steam.
This will return a similar value to [SysTime](/gmod/Global.SysTime). ]]
type system.AppTime = (function(): number)
if CLIENT or MENU then
--[[ Returns whether the game is being run in a window or in fullscreen (you can change this by opening the menu, clicking 'Options', then clicking the 'Video' tab, and changing the Display Mode using the dropdown menu): ]]
type system.IsWindowed = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Flashes the window, turning the border to white briefly ]]
type system.FlashWindow = (function(): nil)
type surface = {}
if CLIENT or MENU then
--[[ Sets the texture to be used in all upcoming draw operations using the surface library.
See also [surface.SetMaterial](/gmod/surface.SetMaterial) for an [IMaterial](/gmod/IMaterial) alternative. ]]
type surface.SetTexture = (function(textureID: number): nil)
--[[ Set the top-left position to draw any future text at. ]]
type surface.SetTextPos = (function(x: number, y: number): nil)
--[[ Set the color of any future text to be drawn, can be set by either using R, G, B, A as separate numbers or by a [Color](/gmod/Color).
Using a color structure is not recommended to be created procedurally. ]]
type surface.SetTextColor = (function(r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the material to be used in all upcoming draw operations using the surface library.
Not to be confused with [render.SetMaterial](/gmod/render.SetMaterial).
See also [surface.SetTexture](/gmod/surface.SetTexture).
If you need to unset the texture, use the [draw.NoTexture](/gmod/draw.NoTexture) convenience function. ]]
type surface.SetMaterial = (function(material: IMaterial): nil)
--[[ Set the current font to be used for text operations later.
The fonts must first be created with [surface.CreateFont](/gmod/surface.CreateFont) or be one of the [Default Fonts](/gmod/Default%20Fonts). ]]
type surface.SetFont = (function(fontName: string): nil)
--[[ Set the color of any future shapes to be drawn, can be set by either using R, G, B, A as separate values or by a [Color](/gmod/Color). Using a color structure is not recommended to be created procedurally. ]]
type surface.SetDrawColor = (function(r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the alpha multiplier that will influence all upcoming drawing operations.
See also [render.SetBlend](/gmod/render.SetBlend). ]]
type surface.SetAlphaMultiplier = (function(multiplier: number): nil)
--[[ Returns the width of the current client's screen. ]]
type surface.ScreenWidth = (function(): number)
--[[ Returns the height of the current client's screen. ]]
type surface.ScreenHeight = (function(): number)
--[[ Play a sound file directly on the client (such as UI sounds, etc). ]]
type surface.PlaySound = (function(soundfile: string): nil)
--[[ Returns the size of the texture with the associated texture ID.
For `.png/.jpg` textures loaded with [Material](/gmod/Global.Material) you can use the `$realheight` and `$realwidth` material parameters ([IMaterial:GetInt](/gmod/IMaterial:GetInt)) to get the size of the image. ]]
type surface.GetTextureSize = (function(textureID: number): number, number)
--[[ Returns the texture id of the material with the given name/path. ]]
type surface.GetTextureID = (function(name_path: string): number)
--[[ Returns the width and height (in pixels) of the given text, but only if the font has been set with [surface.SetFont](/gmod/surface.SetFont). ]]
type surface.GetTextSize = (function(text: string): number, number)
--[[ Returns the current color affecting text draw operations. ]]
type surface.GetTextColor = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the current color affecting draw operations. ]]
type surface.GetDrawColor = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the current alpha multiplier affecting drawing operations. This is set by [surface.SetAlphaMultiplier](/gmod/surface.SetAlphaMultiplier) or by the game engine in certain other cases. ]]
type surface.GetAlphaMultiplier = (function(): number)
--[[ Draws a textured rectangle with a repeated or partial texture.
u and v refer to texture coordinates.
* (u, v) = (0, 0) is the top left
* (u, v) = (1, 0) is the top right
* (u, v) = (1, 1) is the bottom right
* (u, v) = (0, 1) is the bottom left
Using a start point of (1, 0) and an end point to (0, 1), you can draw an image flipped horizontally, same goes with other directions. Going above 1 will tile the texture. Negative values are allowed as well.
Here's a helper image: ]]
type surface.DrawTexturedRectUV = (function(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, startU: number, startV: number, endU: number, endV: number): nil)
--[[ Draw a textured rotated rectangle with the given position and dimensions and angle on the screen, using the current active texture. ]]
type surface.DrawTexturedRectRotated = (function(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, rotation: number): nil)
--[[ Draw a textured rectangle with the given position and dimensions on the screen, using the current active texture set with [surface.SetMaterial](/gmod/surface.SetMaterial). It is also affected by [surface.SetDrawColor](/gmod/surface.SetDrawColor).
See also [render.SetMaterial](/gmod/render.SetMaterial) and [render.DrawScreenQuadEx](/gmod/render.DrawScreenQuadEx).
See also [surface.DrawTexturedRectUV](/gmod/surface.DrawTexturedRectUV). ]]
type surface.DrawTexturedRect = (function(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): nil)
--[[ Draw the specified text on the screen, using the previously set position, font and color. ]]
type surface.DrawText = (function(text: string, forceAdditive: boolean): nil)
--[[ Draws a solid rectangle on the screen. ]]
type surface.DrawRect = (function(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): nil)
--[[ Draws a textured polygon (secretly a triangle fan) with a maximum of 4096 vertices.
Only works properly with convex polygons. You may try to render concave polygons, but there is no guarantee that things wont get messed up.
Unlike most surface library functions, non-integer coordinates are not rounded. ]]
type surface.DrawPoly = (function(vertices: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Draws a hollow box with a given border width. ]]
type surface.DrawOutlinedRect = (function(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, thickness: number): nil)
--[[ Draws a line from one point to another. ]]
type surface.DrawLine = (function(startX: number, startY: number, endX: number, endY: number): nil)
--[[ Draws a hollow circle, made of lines. For a filled circle, see examples for [surface.DrawPoly](/gmod/surface.DrawPoly). ]]
type surface.DrawCircle = (function(originX: number, originY: number, radius: number, r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number): nil)
--[[ Enables or disables the clipping used by the VGUI that limits the drawing operations to a panels bounds.
Identical to [DisableClipping](/gmod/Global.DisableClipping). See also [Panel:NoClipping](/gmod/Panel:NoClipping). ]]
type surface.DisableClipping = (function(disable: boolean): nil)
--[[ Creates a new font.
To prevent the font from displaying incorrectly when using the `outline` setting, set `antialias` to false. This will ensure the text properly fills out the entire outline.
Be sure to check the [List of Default Fonts](/gmod/Default_Fonts) first! Those fonts can be used without using this function.
See Also: [Finding the Font Name](/gmod/Finding%20the%20Font%20Name). ]]
type surface.CreateFont = (function(fontName: string, fontData: {[any] = any}): nil)
if CLIENT then
--[[ Gets the [HUD icon]( TextureID with the specified name. ]]
type surface.GetHUDTexture = (function(name: string): TextureID: number)
type steamworks = {}
if MENU then
--[[ Makes the user vote for the specified addon ]]
type steamworks.Vote = (function(workshopItemID: string, upOrDown: boolean): nil)
--[[ Unsubscribes to the specified workshop addon. Call [steamworks.ApplyAddons](/gmod/steamworks.ApplyAddons) afterwards to update.
This function should `never` be called without a user's consent and should not be called if the addon is currently in use (aka: the user is not in the main menu) as it may result in unexpected behaviour. ]]
type steamworks.Unsubscribe = (function(workshopItemID: string): nil)
--[[ Subscribes to the specified workshop addon. Call [steamworks.ApplyAddons](/gmod/steamworks.ApplyAddons) afterwards to update. ]]
type steamworks.Subscribe = (function(workshopItemID: string): nil)
--[[ Sets if an addon should be enabled or disabled. Call [steamworks.ApplyAddons](/gmod/steamworks.ApplyAddons) afterwards to update. ]]
type steamworks.SetShouldMountAddon = (function(workshopItemID: string, shouldMount: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets whether you have played this addon or not. This will be shown to the user in the Steam Workshop itself: ]]
type steamworks.SetFilePlayed = (function(workshopid: string): string)
type steamworks.SetFileCompleted = (function(workshopid: string): string)
--[[ Publishes dupes, saves or demos to workshop. ]]
type steamworks.Publish = (function(tags: {[any] = any}, filename: string, image: string, name: string, desc: string): nil)
--[[ Refreshes clients addons. ]]
type steamworks.ApplyAddons = (function(): nil)
if CLIENT or MENU then
--[[ Retrieves vote info of supplied addon. ]]
type steamworks.VoteInfo = (function(workshopItemID: string, resultCallback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Opens the workshop website for specified Steam Workshop item in the Steam overlay browser. ]]
type steamworks.ViewFile = (function(workshopItemID: string): nil)
--[[ Returns whenever the specified Steam Workshop addon will be mounted or not. ]]
type steamworks.ShouldMountAddon = (function(workshopItemID: string): boolean)
--[[ Requests information of the player with SteamID64 for later use with [steamworks.GetPlayerName](/gmod/steamworks.GetPlayerName). ]]
type steamworks.RequestPlayerInfo = (function(steamID64: string, callback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Opens the workshop website in the steam overlay browser. ]]
type steamworks.OpenWorkshop = (function(): nil)
--[[ Returns whenever the client is subscribed to the specified Steam Workshop item. ]]
type steamworks.IsSubscribed = (function(workshopItemID: string): boolean)
--[[ Retrieves players name by his 64bit SteamID.
You must call [steamworks.RequestPlayerInfo](/gmod/steamworks.RequestPlayerInfo) a decent amount of time before calling this function. ]]
type steamworks.GetPlayerName = (function(steamID64: string): string)
--[[ Retrieves a customized list of Steam Workshop addons. ]]
type steamworks.GetList = (function(type: string, tags: {[any] = any}, offset: number, numRetrieve: number, days: number, userID: string, resultCallback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Retrieves info about supplied Steam Workshop addon. ]]
type steamworks.FileInfo = (function(workshopItemID: string, resultCallback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Downloads a Steam Workshop file by its ID and returns a path to it. ]]
type steamworks.DownloadUGC = (function(workshopID: string, resultCallback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Downloads a file from the supplied addon and saves it as a .cache file in garrysmod/cache folder.
This is mostly used to download the preview image of the addon, but the game seems to also use it to download replays and saves.
In case the retrieved file is an image and you need the [IMaterial](/gmod/IMaterial), use [AddonMaterial](/gmod/Global.AddonMaterial) with the path supplied from the callback. ]]
type steamworks.Download = (function(workshopPreviewID: string, uncompress: boolean, resultCallback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER or MENU then
type sql = {}
--[[ Returns true if the table with the specified name exists. ]]
type sql.TableExists = (function(tableName: string): boolean)
--[[ Escapes dangerous characters and symbols from user input used in an SQLite SQL Query. ]]
type sql.SQLStr = (function(string: string, bNoQuotes: boolean): string)
--[[ Performs the query like [sql.QueryRow](/gmod/sql.QueryRow), but returns the first value found. ]]
type sql.QueryValue = (function(query: string): string)
--[[ Performs the query like [sql.Query](/gmod/sql.Query), but returns the first row found.
Basically equivalent to :
sql.Query( "*query* LIMIT 1;" )
``` ]]
type sql.QueryRow = (function(query: string, row: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Performs a query on the local SQLite database, returns a table as result set, nil if result is empty and false on error. ]]
type sql.Query = (function(query: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the last error from a SQLite query. ]]
type sql.LastError = (function(): string)
--[[ Returns true if the index with the specified name exists. ]]
type sql.IndexExists = (function(indexName: string): boolean)
--[[ Tells the engine to execute a series of queries queued for execution, must be preceded by [sql.Begin](/gmod/sql.Begin).
This is equivalent to `sql.Query( "COMMIT;" )`. ]]
type sql.Commit = (function(): nil)
--[[ Tells the engine a set of queries is coming. Will wait until [sql.Commit](/gmod/sql.Commit) is called to run them.
This is most useful when you run more than 100+ queries.
This is equivalent to :
sql.Query( "BEGIN;" )
``` ]]
type sql.Begin = (function(): nil)
if CLIENT then
type spawnmenu = {}
--[[ Supposed to open specified tool tab in spawnmenu, in reality does nothing. ]]
type spawnmenu.SwitchToolTab = (function(id: number): nil)
--[[ Sets currently active control panel to be returned by [spawnmenu.ActiveControlPanel](/gmod/spawnmenu.ActiveControlPanel). ]]
type spawnmenu.SetActiveControlPanel = (function(pnl: IPanel): nil)
--[[ Saves a table of spawnlists to files. ]]
type spawnmenu.SaveToTextFiles = (function(spawnlists: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Loads spawnlists from text files. ]]
type spawnmenu.PopulateFromTextFiles = (function(callback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Calls [spawnmenu.PopulateFromTextFiles](/gmod/spawnmenu.PopulateFromTextFiles). ]]
type spawnmenu.PopulateFromEngineTextFiles = (function(): nil)
--[[ Gets a table of tools on the client. ]]
type spawnmenu.GetTools = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Adds a new tool tab (or returns an existing one by name) to the right side of the spawnmenu via the [SANDBOX:AddToolMenuTabs](/gmod/SANDBOX:AddToolMenuTabs) hook. ]]
type spawnmenu.GetToolMenu = (function(name: string, label: string, icon: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a table of all prop categories and their props in the spawnmenu.
Note that if the spawnmenu has not been populated, this will return an empty table.
This will not return spawnlists created by addons, see [spawnmenu.GetCustomPropTable](/gmod/spawnmenu.GetCustomPropTable) for that. ]]
type spawnmenu.GetPropTable = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Similar to [spawnmenu.GetPropTable](/gmod/spawnmenu.GetPropTable), but only returns spawnlists created by addons via [spawnmenu.AddPropCategory](/gmod/spawnmenu.AddPropCategory).
These spawnlists are shown in a separate menu in-game. ]]
type spawnmenu.GetCustomPropTable = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Gets the CreationMenus table, which was filled with creation menu tabs from [spawnmenu.AddCreationTab](/gmod/spawnmenu.AddCreationTab). ]]
type spawnmenu.GetCreationTabs = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the function to create an vgui element for a specified content type ]]
type spawnmenu.GetContentType = (function(contentType: string): (function(...any): any))
--[[ Calls [spawnmenu.SaveToTextFiles](/gmod/spawnmenu.SaveToTextFiles). ]]
type spawnmenu.DoSaveToTextFiles = (function(spawnlists: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Creates a new content icon. ]]
type spawnmenu.CreateContentIcon = (function(type: string, parent: IPanel, data: {[any] = any}): IPanel)
--[[ Clears all the tools from the different tool categories and the categories itself, if ran at the correct place.
Seems to only work when ran at initialization. ]]
type spawnmenu.ClearToolMenus = (function(): nil)
--[[ Adds a new tool tab to the right side of the spawnmenu via the [SANDBOX:AddToolMenuTabs](/gmod/SANDBOX:AddToolMenuTabs) hook.
This function is a inferior duplicate of [spawnmenu.GetToolMenu](/gmod/spawnmenu.GetToolMenu), just without its return value. ]]
type spawnmenu.AddToolTab = (function(name: string, label: string, icon: string): nil)
--[[ Adds an option to the right side of the spawnmenu ]]
type spawnmenu.AddToolMenuOption = (function(tab: string, category: string, class: string, name: string, cmd: string, config: string, cpanel: (function(...any): any), table: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Used to create a new category in the list inside of a spawnmenu ToolTab.
You must call this function from [SANDBOX:AddToolMenuCategories](/gmod/SANDBOX:AddToolMenuCategories) for it to work properly. ]]
type spawnmenu.AddToolCategory = (function(tab: string, RealName: string, PrintName: string): nil)
--[[ Used to add addon spawnlists to the spawnmenu tree. This function should be called within [SANDBOX:PopulatePropMenu](/gmod/SANDBOX:PopulatePropMenu).
Addon spawnlists will not save to disk if edited. ]]
type spawnmenu.AddPropCategory = (function(classname: string, name: string, contents: {[any] = any}, icon: string, id: number, parentID: number, needsApp: string): nil)
--[[ Inserts a new tab into the CreationMenus table, which will be used by the creation menu to generate its tabs (Spawnlists, Weapons, Entities, etc.) ]]
type spawnmenu.AddCreationTab = (function(name: string, function: (function(...any): any), material: string, order: number, tooltip: string): nil)
--[[ Registers a new content type that is saveable into spawnlists.
Created/called by [spawnmenu.CreateContentIcon](/gmod/spawnmenu.CreateContentIcon). ]]
type spawnmenu.AddContentType = (function(name: string, constructor: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Returns currently opened control panel of a tool, post process effect or some other menu in spawnmenu. ]]
type spawnmenu.ActiveControlPanel = (function(): IPanel)
--[[ Activates tools context menu in specified tool tab. ]]
type spawnmenu.ActivateToolPanel = (function(tab: number, cp: IPanel): nil)
--[[ Activates a tool, opens context menu and brings up the tool gun. ]]
type spawnmenu.ActivateTool = (function(tool: string, menu_only: boolean): nil)
type sound = {}
if SERVER then
--[[ Emits a sound hint to the game elements to react to, for example to repel or attract antlions. ]]
type sound.EmitHint = (function(hint: number, pos: IVector, volume: number, duration: number, owner: IEntity): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
--[[ Plays a sound from the specified position in the world.
If you want to play a sound without a position, such as a UI sound, use [surface.PlaySound](/gmod/surface.PlaySound) instead. ]]
type sound.Play = (function(Name: string, Pos: IVector, Level: number, Pitch: number, Volume: number): nil)
--[[ Returns a list of all registered sound scripts. ]]
type sound.GetTable = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns properties of the soundscript. ]]
type sound.GetProperties = (function(name: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Overrides sounds defined inside of a txt file; typically used for adding map-specific sounds. ]]
type sound.AddSoundOverrides = (function(filepath: string): nil)
--[[ Creates a sound script. It can also override sounds, which seems to only work when set on the server. ]]
type sound.Add = (function(soundData: {[any] = any}): nil)
if CLIENT then
--[[ Allows you to play external sound files, as well as online radio streams.
You can find a list of all error codes [here](
For offline file playback, see [sound.PlayFile](/gmod/sound.PlayFile). ]]
type sound.PlayURL = (function(url: string, flags: string, callback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Plays a file from GMod directory. You can find a list of all error codes [here](
For external file/stream playback, see [sound.PlayURL](/gmod/sound.PlayURL). ]]
type sound.PlayFile = (function(path: string, flags: string, callback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Creates a sound from a function. ]]
type sound.Generate = (function(indentifier: string, samplerate: number, length: number, callback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
if MENU then
type serverlist = {}
--[[ Queries the master server for server list. ]]
type serverlist.Query = (function(data: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Queries a server for its player list. ]]
type serverlist.PlayerList = (function(ip: string, callback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Queries a server for its information/ping. ]]
type serverlist.PingServer = (function(ip: string, callback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Adds current server the player is on to their favorites. ]]
type serverlist.AddCurrentServerToFavorites = (function(): nil)
if CLIENT then
type search = {}
--[[ Retrieves search results. ]]
type search.GetResults = (function(query: string, types: string, maxResults: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Adds a search result provider. For examples, see gamemodes/sandbox/gamemode/cl_search_models.lua ]]
type search.AddProvider = (function(provider: (function(...any): any), id: string): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type scripted_ents = {}
--[[ Registers an ENT table with a classname. Reregistering an existing classname will automatically update the functions of all existing entities of that class. ]]
type scripted_ents.Register = (function(ENT: {[any] = any}, classname: string): nil)
--[[ Called after all ENTS have been loaded and runs [baseclass.Set](/gmod/baseclass.Set) on each one.
You can retrieve all the currently registered ENTS with [scripted_ents.GetList](/gmod/scripted_ents.GetList). ]]
type scripted_ents.OnLoaded = (function(): nil)
--[[ Checks if name is based on base ]]
type scripted_ents.IsBasedOn = (function(name: string, base: string): boolean)
--[[ Returns the 'type' of a class, this will one of the following: 'anim', 'ai', 'brush', 'point'. ]]
type scripted_ents.GetType = (function(classname: string): string)
--[[ Returns the actual ENT table for a class. Modifying functions/variables in this table will change newly spawned entities ]]
type scripted_ents.GetStored = (function(classname: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a list of all ENT tables which contain ENT.Spawnable ]]
type scripted_ents.GetSpawnable = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Retrieves a member of entity's table. ]]
type scripted_ents.GetMember = (function(class: string, name: string): any)
--[[ Returns a copy of the list of all ENT tables registered ]]
type scripted_ents.GetList = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a copy of the ENT table for a class, including functions defined by the base class ]]
type scripted_ents.Get = (function(classname: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Defines an alias string that can be used to refer to another classname ]]
type scripted_ents.Alias = (function(alias: string, classname: string): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type saverestore = {}
--[[ Writes a variable to the save game file that is being saved. ]]
type saverestore.WriteVar = (function(value: any, save: ISave): nil)
--[[ Write a table to a save game file that is being saved. ]]
type saverestore.WriteTable = (function(table: {[any] = any}, save: ISave): nil)
--[[ Returns how many writable keys are in the given table. ]]
type saverestore.WritableKeysInTable = (function(table: {[any] = any}): number)
--[[ Called by engine when a save is being saved.
This handles saving gamemode and calls all of the hooks added with [saverestore.AddSaveHook](/gmod/saverestore.AddSaveHook). ]]
type saverestore.SaveGlobal = (function(save: ISave): nil)
--[[ Saves entitys [Entity:GetTable](/gmod/Entity:GetTable) to the save game file that is being saved. ]]
type saverestore.SaveEntity = (function(ent: IEntity, save: ISave): nil)
--[[ Loads a variable from the save game file that is being loaded.
Variables will be read in the save order you have saved them. ]]
type saverestore.ReadVar = (function(save: IRestore): any)
--[[ Reads a table from the save game file that is being loaded. ]]
type saverestore.ReadTable = (function(save: IRestore): {[any] = any})
--[[ Called by the engine just before [saverestore.SaveGlobal](/gmod/saverestore.SaveGlobal) is. ]]
type saverestore.PreSave = (function(): nil)
--[[ Called by the engine just before [saverestore.LoadGlobal](/gmod/saverestore.LoadGlobal) is. ]]
type saverestore.PreRestore = (function(): nil)
--[[ Called by engine when a save is being loaded.
This handles loading gamemode and calls all of the hooks added with [saverestore.AddRestoreHook](/gmod/saverestore.AddRestoreHook). ]]
type saverestore.LoadGlobal = (function(save: IRestore): nil)
--[[ Loads [Entity:GetTable](/gmod/Entity:GetTable) from the save game file that is being loaded and merges it with the given entitys [Entity:GetTable](/gmod/Entity:GetTable). ]]
type saverestore.LoadEntity = (function(ent: IEntity, save: IRestore): nil)
--[[ Adds a save hook for the Half-Life 2 save system. You can this to carry data through level transitions in Half-Life 2. ]]
type saverestore.AddSaveHook = (function(identifier: string, callback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Adds a restore/load hook for the Half-Life 2 save system. ]]
type saverestore.AddRestoreHook = (function(identifier: string, callback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
if SERVER then
type resource = {}
--[[ Adds a workshop addon for the client to download before entering the server.
Having the raw files from a workshop item does not count as having already downloaded it.
So players who previously downloaded a map through Fast Download will have to re-download it if you use the workshop.
You should try to only add addons that have custom content ( models, sounds, etc ).
Gamemodes that are [workshop enabled](/gmod/Gamemode_Creation#Gamemode_Text_File) are automatically added to this list - so there's no need to add them.
The server's current map is also automatically added, if it is loaded from a workshop addon. ]]
type resource.AddWorkshop = (function(workshopid: string): nil)
--[[ Adds the specified file to the files the client should download.
If you wish to add textures or models, consider using [resource.AddFile](/gmod/resource.AddFile) to add all the files required for a texture/model. ]]
type resource.AddSingleFile = (function(path: string): nil)
--[[ Adds the specified and all related files to the files the client should download.
For convenience, this function will automatically add any other files that are related to the selected one, and throw an error if it can't find them. For example, a `.vmt` file will automatically add the `.vtf` with the same name, and a `.mdl` file will automatically add all `.vvd`, `.ani`, `.dx80.vtx`, `.dx90.vtx`, `.sw.vtx`, `.phy` and `.jpg` files with the same name, with a separate error for each missing file.
If you do not want it to do this, use [resource.AddSingleFile](/gmod/resource.AddSingleFile). ]]
type resource.AddFile = (function(path: string): nil)
if CLIENT then
type render = {}
--[[ Copies the entire screen to the screen effect texture, which can be acquired via [render.GetScreenEffectTexture](/gmod/render.GetScreenEffectTexture). This function is mainly intended to be used in [GM:RenderScreenspaceEffects](/gmod/GM:RenderScreenspaceEffects) ]]
type render.UpdateScreenEffectTexture = (function(): nil)
--[[ Pretty much alias of [render.UpdatePowerOfTwoTexture](/gmod/render.UpdatePowerOfTwoTexture) but does not return the texture. ]]
type render.UpdateRefractTexture = (function(): nil)
--[[ Updates the power of two texture. ]]
type render.UpdatePowerOfTwoTexture = (function(): ITexture)
--[[ Updates the texture returned by [render.GetFullScreenDepthTexture](/gmod/render.GetFullScreenDepthTexture).
Silently fails if [render.SupportsPixelShaders_2_0](/gmod/render.SupportsPixelShaders_2_0) returns false. ]]
type render.UpdateFullScreenDepthTexture = (function(): nil)
--[[ Enables HDR tone mapping which influences the brightness. ]]
type render.TurnOnToneMapping = (function(): nil)
--[[ Suppresses or enables any engine lighting for any upcoming render operation. ]]
type render.SuppressEngineLighting = (function(suppressLighting: boolean): nil)
--[[ Returns if the current settings and the system allow the usage of vertex shaders 2.0. ]]
type render.SupportsVertexShaders_2_0 = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the current settings and the system allow the usage of pixel shaders 2.0. ]]
type render.SupportsPixelShaders_2_0 = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Returns if the current settings and the system allow the usage of pixel shaders 1.4. ]]
type render.SupportsPixelShaders_1_4 = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the player's hardware supports HDR. (High Dynamic Range) HDR can still be disabled by the `mat_hdr_level` console variable or just not be supported by the map. ]]
type render.SupportsHDR = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Start a new beam draw operation. ]]
type render.StartBeam = (function(segmentCount: number): nil)
--[[ Swaps the frame buffers/cycles the frame. In other words, this updates the screen.
If you take a really long time during a single frame render, it is a good idea to use this and let the user know that the game isn't stuck. ]]
type render.Spin = (function(): nil)
--[[ Sets the internal parameter **INT_RENDERPARM_WRITE_DEPTH_TO_DESTALPHA** ]]
type render.SetWriteDepthToDestAlpha = (function(enable: boolean): nil)
--[[ Changes the view port position and size. The values will be clamped to the game's screen resolution.
If you are looking to render something to a texture (render target), you should use [render.PushRenderTarget](/gmod/render.PushRenderTarget). ]]
type render.SetViewPort = (function(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number): nil)
type render.SetToneMappingScaleLinear = (function(vec: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the operation to be performed on the stencil buffer values if the stencil test is passed but the depth buffer test fails. ]]
type render.SetStencilZFailOperation = (function(zFailOperation: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the unsigned 8-bit write bitflag mask to be used for any writes to the stencil buffer. ]]
type render.SetStencilWriteMask = (function(mask: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the unsigned 8-bit test bitflag mask to be used for any stencil testing. ]]
type render.SetStencilTestMask = (function(mask: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the reference value which will be used for all stencil operations. This is an unsigned integer. ]]
type render.SetStencilReferenceValue = (function(referenceValue: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the operation to be performed on the stencil buffer values if the compare function was successful. ]]
type render.SetStencilPassOperation = (function(passOperation: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the operation to be performed on the stencil buffer values if the compare function was not successful.
Note that this takes place **before** depth testing. ]]
type render.SetStencilFailOperation = (function(failOperation: number): nil)
--[[ Sets whether stencil tests are carried out for each rendered pixel.
Only pixels passing the stencil test are written to the render target. ]]
type render.SetStencilEnable = (function(newState: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the compare function of the stencil.
Pixels which fail the stencil comparison function are not written to the render target. The operation to be performed on the stencil buffer values for these pixels can be set using [render.SetStencilFailOperation](/gmod/render.SetStencilFailOperation).
Pixels which pass the stencil comparison function are written to the render target unless they fail the depth buffer test (where applicable). The operation to perform on the stencil buffer values for these pixels can be set using [render.SetStencilPassOperation](/gmod/render.SetStencilPassOperation) and [render.SetStencilZFailOperation](/gmod/render.SetStencilZFailOperation). ]]
type render.SetStencilCompareFunction = (function(compareFunction: number): nil)
--[[ Sets whether any future render operations will ignore shadow drawing. ]]
type render.SetShadowsDisabled = (function(newState: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the maximum shadow projection range. ]]
type render.SetShadowDistance = (function(shadowDistance: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the shadow projection direction. ]]
type render.SetShadowDirection = (function(shadowDirections: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the shadow color. ]]
type render.SetShadowColor = (function(red: number, green: number, blue: number): nil)
--[[ Sets a scissoring rect which limits the drawing area. ]]
type render.SetScissorRect = (function(startX: number, startY: number, endX: number, endY: number, enable: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets the render target with the specified index to the specified rt. ]]
type render.SetRenderTargetEx = (function(rtIndex: number, texture: ITexture): nil)
--[[ Sets the render target to the specified rt. ]]
type render.SetRenderTarget = (function(texture: ITexture): nil)
--[[ Sets up the ambient lighting for any upcoming render operation. Ambient lighting can be seen as a cube enclosing the object to be drawn, each of its faces representing a directional light source that shines towards the object. Thus, there is a total of six different light sources that can be configured separately.
Light color components are not restricted to a specific range (i.e. 0-255), instead, higher values will result in a brighter light. ]]
type render.SetModelLighting = (function(lightDirection: number, red: number, green: number, blue: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the material to be used in any upcoming render operation using the [render](/gmod/render).
Not to be confused with [surface.SetMaterial](/gmod/surface.SetMaterial). ]]
type render.SetMaterial = (function(mat: IMaterial): nil)
--[[ Sets up the local lighting for any upcoming render operation. Up to 4 local lights can be defined, with one of three different types (point, directional, spot).
Disables all local lights if called with no arguments. ]]
type render.SetLocalModelLights = (function(lights: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Sets the texture to be used as the lightmap in upcoming rendering operations. This is required when rendering meshes using a material with a lightmapped shader such as LightmappedGeneric. ]]
type render.SetLightmapTexture = (function(tex: ITexture): nil)
--[[ Sets the lighting origin. ]]
type render.SetLightingOrigin = (function(lightingOrigin: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets lighting mode when rendering something. ]]
type render.SetLightingMode = (function(Mode: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the goal HDR tone mapping scale.
Use this in a rendering/think hook as it is reset every frame. ]]
type render.SetGoalToneMappingScale = (function(scale: number): nil)
--[[ If the fog mode is set to [MATERIAL_FOG_LINEAR_BELOW_FOG_Z](/gmod/Enums/MATERIAL_FOG), the fog will only be rendered below the specified height. ]]
type render.SetFogZ = (function(fogZ: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the color modulation. ]]
type render.SetColorModulation = (function(r: number, g: number, b: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the current drawing material to `color_ignorez`.
The material is defined as:
"$basetexture" "color/white"
"$model" 1
"$translucent" 1
"$vertexalpha" 1
"$vertexcolor" 1
"$ignorez" 1
``` ]]
type render.SetColorMaterialIgnoreZ = (function(): nil)
--[[ Sets the current drawing material to "color".
The material is defined as:
"$basetexture" "color/white"
"$model" 1
"$translucent" 1
"$vertexalpha" 1
"$vertexcolor" 1
``` ]]
type render.SetColorMaterial = (function(): nil)
--[[ Sets the alpha blending for every upcoming render operation. ]]
type render.SetBlend = (function(blending: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the ambient lighting for any upcoming render operation. ]]
type render.SetAmbientLight = (function(r: number, g: number, b: number): nil)
--[[ Resets the HDR tone multiplier to the specified value.
This will only work on HDR maps, and the value will automatically fade to what it was ( or whatever [render.SetGoalToneMappingScale](/gmod/render.SetGoalToneMappingScale) is ) if called only once. ]]
type render.ResetToneMappingScale = (function(scale: number): nil)
--[[ Resets the model lighting to the specified color.
Calls [render.SetModelLighting](/gmod/render.SetModelLighting) for every direction with given color. ]]
type render.ResetModelLighting = (function(r: number, g: number, b: number): nil)
--[[ Renders the scene with the specified viewData to the current active render target. ]]
type render.RenderView = (function(view: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Renders the HUD on the screen. ]]
type render.RenderHUD = (function(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number): nil)
--[[ This applies the changes made to map lighting using [engine.LightStyle](/gmod/engine.LightStyle). ]]
type render.RedownloadAllLightmaps = (function(DoStaticProps: boolean, UpdateStaticLighting: boolean): nil)
--[[ Reads the color of the specified pixel from the RenderTarget sent by [render.CapturePixels](/gmod/render.CapturePixels) ]]
type render.ReadPixel = (function(x: number, y: number): number, number, number)
--[[ Pushes the current render target and viewport to the RT stack then sets a new current render target and viewport. If the viewport is not specified, the dimensions of the render target are used instead.
This is similar to a call to [render.SetRenderTarget](/gmod/render.SetRenderTarget) and [render.SetViewPort](/gmod/render.SetViewPort) where the current render target and viewport have been saved beforehand, except the viewport isn't clipped to screen bounds.
See also [render.PopRenderTarget](/gmod/render.PopRenderTarget). ]]
type render.PushRenderTarget = (function(texture: ITexture, x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number): nil)
--[[ Enables the flashlight projection for the upcoming rendering. ]]
type render.PushFlashlightMode = (function(enable: boolean): nil)
--[[ Pushes a texture filter onto the minification texture filter stack. ]]
type render.PushFilterMin = (function(texFilterType: number): nil)
--[[ Pushes a texture filter onto the magnification texture filter stack. ]]
type render.PushFilterMag = (function(texFilterType: number): nil)
--[[ Pushes a new clipping plane of the clip plane stack and sets it as active. ]]
type render.PushCustomClipPlane = (function(normal: IVector, distance: number): nil)
--[[ Pops the last render target and viewport from the RT stack and sets them as the current render target and viewport.
This is should be called to restore the previous render target and viewport after a call to [render.PushRenderTarget](/gmod/render.PushRenderTarget). ]]
type render.PopRenderTarget = (function(): nil)
--[[ Pops the current flashlight mode from the flashlight mode stack. ]]
type render.PopFlashlightMode = (function(): nil)
--[[ Pops the current texture minification filter from the filter stack.
See [render.PushFilterMin](/gmod/render.PushFilterMin) ]]
type render.PopFilterMin = (function(): nil)
--[[ Pops the current texture magnification filter from the filter stack.
See [render.PushFilterMag](/gmod/render.PushFilterMag) ]]
type render.PopFilterMag = (function(): nil)
--[[ Removes the current active clipping plane from the clip plane stack. ]]
type render.PopCustomClipPlane = (function(): nil)
type render.PerformFullScreenStencilOperation = (function(): nil)
--[[ Overrides the write behaviour of all next rendering operations towards the depth buffer. ]]
type render.OverrideDepthEnable = (function(enable: boolean, shouldWrite: boolean): nil)
--[[ Overrides the write behaviour of all next rendering operations towards the color channel of the current render target. ]]
type render.OverrideColorWriteEnable = (function(enable: boolean, shouldWrite: boolean): nil)
--[[ Overrides the internal graphical functions used to determine the final color and alpha of a rendered texture.
See also [render.OverrideAlphaWriteEnable](/gmod/render.OverrideAlphaWriteEnable). ]]
type render.OverrideBlendFunc = (function(enabled: boolean, srcBlend: number, destBlend: number, srcBlendAlpha: number, destBlendAlpha: number): nil)
--[[ Overrides the internal graphical functions used to determine the final color and alpha of a rendered texture.
See also [render.OverrideAlphaWriteEnable](/gmod/render.OverrideAlphaWriteEnable). ]]
type render.OverrideBlend = (function(enabled: boolean, srcBlend: number, destBlend: number, blendFunc: number, srcBlendAlpha: number, destBlendAlpha: number, blendFuncAlpha: number): nil)
--[[ Overrides the write behaviour of all next rendering operations towards the alpha channel of the current render target.
See also [render.OverrideBlend](/gmod/render.OverrideBlend). ]]
type render.OverrideAlphaWriteEnable = (function(enable: boolean, shouldWrite: boolean): nil)
--[[ Sets a material to override a model's default material. Similar to [Entity:SetMaterial](/gmod/Entity:SetMaterial) except it uses an [IMaterial](/gmod/IMaterial) argument and it can be used to change materials on models which are part of the world geometry. ]]
type render.ModelMaterialOverride = (function(material: IMaterial): nil)
--[[ Creates a new [ClientsideModel](/gmod/Global.ClientsideModel), renders it at the specified pos/ang, and removes it. Can also be given an existing [CSEnt](/gmod/CSEnt) to reuse instead. ]]
type render.Model = (function(settings: {[any] = any}, ent: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Returns the maximum texture width the renderer can handle. ]]
type render.MaxTextureWidth = (function(): number)
--[[ Returns the maximum texture height the renderer can handle. ]]
type render.MaxTextureHeight = (function(): number)
--[[ Similar to [render.MaterialOverride](/gmod/render.MaterialOverride), but overrides the materials per index.
[render.MaterialOverride](/gmod/render.MaterialOverride) overrides effects of this function. ]]
type render.MaterialOverrideByIndex = (function(index: number, material: IMaterial): nil)
--[[ Sets the render material override for all next calls of [Entity:DrawModel](/gmod/Entity:DrawModel). Also overrides [render.MaterialOverrideByIndex](/gmod/render.MaterialOverrideByIndex). ]]
type render.MaterialOverride = (function(material: IMaterial): nil)
--[[ Returns a vector representing linear tone mapping scale. ]]
type render.GetToneMappingScaleLinear = (function(): IVector)
--[[ Performs a render trace and returns the color of the surface hit, this uses a low res version of the texture. ]]
type render.GetSurfaceColor = (function(startPos: IVector, endPos: IVector): IVector)
--[[ See [render.GetSuperFPTex](/gmod/render.GetSuperFPTex) ]]
type render.GetSuperFPTex2 = (function(): ITexture)
--[[ Returns a floating point texture the same resolution as the screen. ]]
type render.GetSuperFPTex = (function(): ITexture)
type render.GetSmallTex1 = (function(): ITexture)
type render.GetSmallTex0 = (function(): ITexture)
--[[ Obtain an [ITexture](/gmod/ITexture) of the screen. You must call [render.UpdateScreenEffectTexture](/gmod/render.UpdateScreenEffectTexture) in order to update this texture with the currently rendered scene.
This texture is mainly used within [GM:RenderScreenspaceEffects](/gmod/GM:RenderScreenspaceEffects) ]]
type render.GetScreenEffectTexture = (function(textureIndex: number): ITexture)
--[[ Returns the _rt_ResolvedFullFrameDepth texture for SSAO depth. ]]
type render.GetResolvedFullFrameDepth = (function(): ITexture)
--[[ Returns the currently active render target.
Instead of saving the current render target using this function and restoring to it later, it is generally better practice to use [render.PushRenderTarget](/gmod/render.PushRenderTarget) and [render.PopRenderTarget](/gmod/render.PopRenderTarget). ]]
type render.GetRenderTarget = (function(): ITexture)
--[[ Alias of [render.GetPowerOfTwoTexture](/gmod/render.GetPowerOfTwoTexture). ]]
type render.GetRefractTexture = (function(): ITexture)
--[[ Returns the render target's power of two texture. ]]
type render.GetPowerOfTwoTexture = (function(): ITexture)
type render.GetMorphTex1 = (function(): ITexture)
type render.GetMorphTex0 = (function(): ITexture)
type render.GetMoBlurTex1 = (function(): ITexture)
type render.GetMoBlurTex0 = (function(): ITexture)
--[[ Gets the light exposure on the specified position. ]]
type render.GetLightColor = (function(position: IVector): IVector)
--[[ Returns whether HDR is currently enabled or not. This takes into account hardware support, current map and current client settings. ]]
type render.GetHDREnabled = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Returns the _rt_FullFrameDepth texture. Alias of _rt_PowerOfTwoFB ]]
type render.GetFullScreenDepthTexture = (function(): ITexture)
--[[ Returns the fog mode. ]]
type render.GetFogMode = (function(): number)
--[[ Returns the fog start and end distance. ]]
type render.GetFogDistances = (function(): number, number, number)
--[[ Returns the current fog color. ]]
type render.GetFogColor = (function(): number, number, number)
--[[ Returns the maximum available directX version. ]]
type render.GetDXLevel = (function(): number)
--[[ Returns the current color modulation values as normals. ]]
type render.GetColorModulation = (function(): number, number, number)
type render.GetBloomTex1 = (function(): ITexture)
type render.GetBloomTex0 = (function(): ITexture)
--[[ Returns the current alpha blending. ]]
type render.GetBlend = (function(): number)
--[[ Returns the ambient color of the map. ]]
type render.GetAmbientLightColor = (function(): IVector)
--[[ Sets the distance at which the fog starts showing up. ]]
type render.FogStart = (function(fogStart: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the mode of fog. ]]
type render.FogMode = (function(fogMode: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the maximum density of the fog. ]]
type render.FogMaxDensity = (function(maxDensity: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the at which the fog reaches its max density. ]]
type render.FogEnd = (function(distance: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the color of the fog. ]]
type render.FogColor = (function(red: number, green: number, blue: number): nil)
--[[ Ends the beam mesh of a beam started with [render.StartBeam](/gmod/render.StartBeam). ]]
type render.EndBeam = (function(): nil)
--[[ Sets the status of the clip renderer, returning previous state. ]]
type render.EnableClipping = (function(state: boolean): boolean)
--[[ Draws a wireframe sphere in 3d space. ]]
type render.DrawWireframeSphere = (function(position: IVector, radius: number, longitudeSteps: number, latitudeSteps: number, color: {[any] = any}, writeZ: boolean): nil)
--[[ Draws a wireframe box in 3D space. ]]
type render.DrawWireframeBox = (function(position: IVector, angle: IAngle, mins: IVector, maxs: IVector, color: {[any] = any}, writeZ: boolean): nil)
--[[ Draws a textured rectangle. ]]
type render.DrawTextureToScreenRect = (function(tex: ITexture, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): nil)
--[[ Draws a texture over the whole screen. ]]
type render.DrawTextureToScreen = (function(tex: ITexture): nil)
--[[ Draws a sprite in 3D space. ]]
type render.DrawSprite = (function(position: IVector, width: number, height: number, color: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Draws a sphere in 3D space. The material previously set with [render.SetMaterial](/gmod/render.SetMaterial) will be applied the sphere's surface.
See also [render.DrawWireframeSphere](/gmod/render.DrawWireframeSphere) for a wireframe equivalent. ]]
type render.DrawSphere = (function(position: IVector, radius: number, longitudeSteps: number, latitudeSteps: number, color: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Draws the the current material set by [render.SetMaterial](/gmod/render.SetMaterial) to the area specified. Color cannot be customized.
See also [render.DrawScreenQuad](/gmod/render.DrawScreenQuad). ]]
type render.DrawScreenQuadEx = (function(startX: number, startY: number, width: number, height: number): nil)
--[[ Draws the current material set by [render.SetMaterial](/gmod/render.SetMaterial) to the whole screen. The color cannot be customized.
See also [render.DrawScreenQuadEx](/gmod/render.DrawScreenQuadEx). ]]
type render.DrawScreenQuad = (function(applyPoster: boolean): nil)
--[[ Draws a quad. ]]
type render.DrawQuadEasy = (function(position: IVector, normal: IVector, width: number, height: number, color: {[any] = any}, rotation: number): nil)
--[[ Draws 2 connected triangles. Expects material to be set by [render.SetMaterial](/gmod/render.SetMaterial). ]]
type render.DrawQuad = (function(vert1: IVector, vert2: IVector, vert3: IVector, vert4: IVector, color: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Draws a line in 3D space. ]]
type render.DrawLine = (function(startPos: IVector, endPos: IVector, color: {[any] = any}, writeZ: boolean): nil)
--[[ Draws a box in 3D space. ]]
type render.DrawBox = (function(position: IVector, angles: IAngle, mins: IVector, maxs: IVector, color: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Draws textured beam. ]]
type render.DrawBeam = (function(startPos: IVector, endPos: IVector, width: number, textureStart: number, textureEnd: number, color: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Set's the depth range of the upcoming render. ]]
type render.DepthRange = (function(depthmin: number, depthmax: number): nil)
--[[ Changes the cull mode. ]]
type render.CullMode = (function(cullMode: number): nil)
--[[ Copies the contents of one texture to another. Only works with rendertargets. ]]
type render.CopyTexture = (function(texture_from: ITexture, texture_to: ITexture): nil)
--[[ Copies the currently active Render Target to the specified texture. ]]
type render.CopyRenderTargetToTexture = (function(Target: ITexture): nil)
--[[ Calculates the light color of a certain surface. ]]
type render.ComputeLighting = (function(position: IVector, normal: IVector): IVector)
--[[ Calculates the lighting caused by dynamic lights for the specified surface. ]]
type render.ComputeDynamicLighting = (function(position: IVector, normal: IVector): IVector)
--[[ Sets the stencil value in a specified rect.
This is **not** affected by [render.SetStencilWriteMask](/gmod/render.SetStencilWriteMask) ]]
type render.ClearStencilBufferRectangle = (function(originX: number, originY: number, endX: number, endY: number, stencilValue: number): nil)
--[[ Resets all values in the stencil buffer to zero. ]]
type render.ClearStencil = (function(): nil)
--[[ Clears a render target
It uses [render.Clear](/gmod/render.Clear) then [render.SetRenderTarget](/gmod/render.SetRenderTarget) on the modified render target. ]]
type render.ClearRenderTarget = (function(texture: ITexture, color: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Resets the depth buffer. ]]
type render.ClearDepth = (function(): nil)
--[[ Clears the current rendertarget for obeying the current stencil buffer conditions. ]]
type render.ClearBuffersObeyStencil = (function(r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number, depth: boolean): nil)
--[[ Clears the current render target and the specified buffers. ]]
type render.Clear = (function(r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number, clearDepth: boolean, clearStencil: boolean): nil)
--[[ Dumps the current render target and allows the pixels to be accessed by [render.ReadPixel](/gmod/render.ReadPixel). ]]
type render.CapturePixels = (function(): nil)
--[[ Captures a part of the current render target and returns the data as a binary string in the given format.
Since the pixel buffer clears itself every frame, this will return a black screen outside of. To capture the user's final view, use [GM:PostRender](/gmod/GM:PostRender). This will not capture the Steam overlay or third-party injections (such as the Discord overlay, Overwolf, and advanced cheats) on the user's screen. ]]
type render.Capture = (function(captureData: {[any] = any}): string)
--[[ This function overrides the brush material for next render operations. It can be used with [Entity:DrawModel](/gmod/Entity:DrawModel). ]]
type render.BrushMaterialOverride = (function(mat: IMaterial): nil)
--[[ Blurs the render target ( or a given texture ) ]]
type render.BlurRenderTarget = (function(rendertarget: ITexture, blurx: number, blury: number, passes: number): nil)
--[[ Adds a beam segment to the beam started by [render.StartBeam](/gmod/render.StartBeam). ]]
type render.AddBeam = (function(startPos: IVector, width: number, textureEnd: number, color: {[any] = any}): nil)
type properties = {}
if CLIENT or SERVER then
--[[ Opens properties menu for given entity. ]]
type properties.OpenEntityMenu = (function(ent: IEntity, tr: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Checks if player hovers over any entities and open a properties menu for it. ]]
type properties.OnScreenClick = (function(eyepos: IVector, eyevec: IVector): nil)
--[[ Returns true if given entity can be targeted by the player via the properties system.
This should be used serverside in your properties to prevent abuse by clientside scripting. ]]
type properties.CanBeTargeted = (function(ent: IEntity, ply: IPlayer): boolean)
--[[ Add properties to the properties module ]]
type properties.Add = (function(name: string, propertyData: {[any] = any}): nil)
if CLIENT then
--[[ Returns an entity player is hovering over with his cursor. ]]
type properties.GetHovered = (function(pos: IVector, aimVec: IVector): IEntity)
if CLIENT then
type presets = {}
--[[ Renames preset. ]]
type presets.Rename = (function(groupname: string, oldname: string, newname: string): nil)
--[[ Removes a preset entry from a preset group. ]]
type presets.Remove = (function(groupname: string, name: string): nil)
--[[ Used internally to ask the player if they want to override an already existing preset. ]]
type presets.OverwritePresetPrompt = (function(callback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Returns a table with preset names and values from a single preset group. ]]
type presets.GetTable = (function(groupname: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns whether a preset with given name exists or not ]]
type presets.Exists = (function(type: string, name: string): boolean)
--[[ Used internally to tell the player that the name they tried to use in their preset is not acceptable. ]]
type presets.BadNameAlert = (function(): nil)
--[[ Adds preset to a preset group. ]]
type presets.Add = (function(groupname: string, name: string, values: {[any] = any}): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type player_manager = {}
--[[ Returns the simplified name for a valid model path of a player model.
Opposite of [player_manager.TranslatePlayerModel](/gmod/player_manager.TranslatePlayerModel). ]]
type player_manager.TranslateToPlayerModelName = (function(model: string): string)
--[[ Returns the valid model path for a simplified name. ]]
type player_manager.TranslatePlayerModel = (function(shortName: string): string)
--[[ Retrieves correct hands for given player model. By default returns citizen hands. ]]
type player_manager.TranslatePlayerHands = (function(name: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Sets a player's class ]]
type player_manager.SetPlayerClass = (function(ply: IPlayer, classname: string): nil)
--[[ Execute a named function within the player's set class ]]
type player_manager.RunClass = (function(ply: IPlayer, funcName: string, arguments: ...any): ...any)
--[[ Register a class metatable to be assigned to players later ]]
type player_manager.RegisterClass = (function(name: string, table: {[any] = any}, base: string): nil)
--[[ Applies basic class variables when the player spawns.
Called from [GM:PlayerSpawn](/gmod/GM:PlayerSpawn) in the base gamemode. ]]
type player_manager.OnPlayerSpawn = (function(ply: IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Retrieves a copy of all registered player classes. ]]
type player_manager.GetPlayerClasses = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Gets a players class ]]
type player_manager.GetPlayerClass = (function(ply: IPlayer): string)
--[[ Clears a player's class association by setting their ClassID to 0 ]]
type player_manager.ClearPlayerClass = (function(ply: IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Returns the entire list of valid player models. ]]
type player_manager.AllValidModels = (function(): nil)
--[[ Associates a simplified name with a path to a valid player model.
Only used internally. ]]
type player_manager.AddValidModel = (function(name: string, model: string): nil)
--[[ Assigns view model hands to player model. ]]
type player_manager.AddValidHands = (function(name: string, model: string, skin: number, bodygroups: string): nil)
type player = {}
if SERVER then
--[[ Similar to the serverside command "bot", this function creates a new Player bot with the given name. This bot will not obey to the usual "bot_*" commands, and it's the same bot base used in TF2 and CS:S.
The best way to control the behaviour of a Player bot right now is to use the [GM:StartCommand](/gmod/GM:StartCommand) hook and modify its input serverside. ]]
type player.CreateNextBot = (function(botName: string): IPlayer)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
--[[ Returns a table of all human ( non bot/AI ) players.
Unlike [player.GetAll](/gmod/player.GetAll), this does not include bots. ]]
type player.GetHumans = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Gives you the player count. ]]
type player.GetCount = (function(): number)
--[[ Gets the player with the specified uniqueID (not recommended way to identify players). ]]
type player.GetByUniqueID = (function(uniqueID: string): IPlayer)
--[[ Gets the player with the specified SteamID64. ]]
type player.GetBySteamID64 = (function(steamID64: string): IPlayer)
--[[ Gets the player with the specified SteamID. ]]
type player.GetBySteamID = (function(steamID: string): IPlayer)
--[[ Gets the player with the specified connection ID.
Connection ID can be retrieved via [gameevent.Listen](/gmod/gameevent.Listen) events.
For a function that returns a player based on their [Entity:EntIndex](/gmod/Entity:EntIndex), see [Entity](/gmod/Global.Entity).
For a function that returns a player based on their [Player:UserID](/gmod/Player:UserID), see [Player](/gmod/Global.Player). ]]
type player.GetByID = (function(connectionID: number): IPlayer)
--[[ Gets the player with the specified AccountID. ]]
type player.GetByAccountID = (function(accountID: number): IPlayer)
--[[ Returns a table of all bots on the server. ]]
type player.GetBots = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Gets all the current players in the server (not including connecting clients). ]]
type player.GetAll = (function(): {[any] = any})
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type physenv = {}
--[[ Sets the performance settings. ]]
type physenv.SetPerformanceSettings = (function(performanceSettings: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Sets the directional gravity, does not work on players. ]]
type physenv.SetGravity = (function(gravity: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the air density. ]]
type physenv.SetAirDensity = (function(airDensity: number): nil)
--[[ Gets the current performance settings in table form. ]]
type physenv.GetPerformanceSettings = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Gets the global gravity. ]]
type physenv.GetGravity = (function(): IVector)
--[[ Returns the air density. ]]
type physenv.GetAirDensity = (function(): number)
--[[ Adds surface properties to the game's physics environment. ]]
type physenv.AddSurfaceData = (function(properties: string): nil)
if SERVER then
type numpad = {}
--[[ Either runs [numpad.Activate](/gmod/numpad.Activate) or [numpad.Deactivate](/gmod/numpad.Deactivate) depending on the key's current state ]]
type numpad.Toggle = (function(ply: IPlayer, key: number): nil)
--[[ Removes a function added by either [numpad.OnUp](/gmod/numpad.OnUp) or [numpad.OnDown](/gmod/numpad.OnDown) ]]
type numpad.Remove = (function(ID: number): nil)
--[[ Registers a numpad library action for use with [numpad.OnDown](/gmod/numpad.OnDown) and [numpad.OnUp](/gmod/numpad.OnUp) ]]
type numpad.Register = (function(id: string, func: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Calls a function registered with [numpad.Register](/gmod/numpad.Register) when a player releases specified key.
See for key pressed action: [numpad.OnDown](/gmod/numpad.OnDown) ]]
type numpad.OnUp = (function(ply: IPlayer, key: number, name: string, ___: ...any): number)
--[[ Calls a function registered with [numpad.Register](/gmod/numpad.Register) when a player presses specified key.
See for key released action: [numpad.OnUp](/gmod/numpad.OnUp) ]]
type numpad.OnDown = (function(ply: IPlayer, key: number, name: string, ___: ...any): number)
--[[ Returns true during a function added with [numpad.Register](/gmod/numpad.Register) when the third argument to [numpad.Activate](/gmod/numpad.Activate) is true.
This is caused when a numpad function is triggered by a button SENT being used. ]]
type numpad.FromButton = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Deactivates numpad key owned by the player ]]
type numpad.Deactivate = (function(ply: IPlayer, key: number, isButton: boolean): nil)
--[[ Activates numpad key owned by the player ]]
type numpad.Activate = (function(ply: IPlayer, key: number, isButton: boolean): nil)
if CLIENT or MENU then
type notification = {}
--[[ Removes the notification after 0.8 seconds. ]]
type notification.Kill = (function(uid: any): nil)
--[[ Adds a notification with an animated progress bar. ]]
type notification.AddProgress = (function(id: any, strText: string, frac: number): nil)
--[[ Adds a standard notification to your screen. ]]
type notification.AddLegacy = (function(text: string, type: number, length: number): nil)
type net = {}
if SERVER then
--[[ Sends the message to all players the position is in the PVS of or, more simply said, sends the message to players that can potentially see this position. ]]
type net.SendPVS = (function(position: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sends the message to all players that are in the same potentially audible set(PAS) as the position, or simply said, it adds all players that can potentially hear sounds from this position. ]]
type net.SendPAS = (function(position: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sends the current message to all except the specified, or to all except all players in the table. ]]
type net.SendOmit = (function(ply: IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Sends the current message to the specified player, or to all players listed in the table. ]]
type net.Send = (function(ply: IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Sends the currently built net message to all connected players.
More information can be found in [Net Library Usage](/gmod/Net%20Library%20Usage). ]]
type net.Broadcast = (function(): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
--[[ Appends a vector to the current net message.
Vectors sent by this function are compressed, which may result in precision loss. XYZ components greater than 16384 or less than -16384 are irrecoverably altered (most significant bits are trimmed) and precision after the decimal point is low. ]]
type net.WriteVector = (function(vector: IVector): nil)
--[[ Appends an unsigned integer with the specified number of bits to the current net message.
Use [net.WriteInt](/gmod/net.WriteInt) if you want to send negative and positive numbers. Use [net.WriteFloat](/gmod/net.WriteFloat) for a non-whole number (e.g. 2.25). ]]
type net.WriteUInt = (function(unsignedInteger: number, numberOfBits: number): nil)
--[[ Appends any type of value to the current net message. ]]
type net.WriteType = (function(Data: any): nil)
--[[ Appends a table to the current net message. Adds 16 extra bits per key/value pair so you're better off writing each individual key/value as the exact type if possible. ]]
type net.WriteTable = (function(table: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Appends a string to the current net message. The size of the string is 8 bits plus 8 bits for every ASCII character in the string. The maximum allowed length of a single written string is 65533 characters. ]]
type net.WriteString = (function(string: string): nil)
--[[ Writes a normalized/direction vector ( Vector with length of 1 ) to the net message.
This function uses less bandwidth compared to [net.WriteVector](/gmod/net.WriteVector) and will not send vectors with length of > 1 properly. ]]
type net.WriteNormal = (function(normal: IVector): nil)
--[[ Writes a [VMatrix](/gmod/VMatrix) to the current net message. ]]
type net.WriteMatrix = (function(matrix: IMatrix): nil)
--[[ Appends an integer - a whole number - to the current net message. Can be read back with [net.ReadInt](/gmod/net.ReadInt) on the receiving end.
Use [net.WriteUInt](/gmod/net.WriteUInt) to send an unsigned number (that you know will never be negative). Use [net.WriteFloat](/gmod/net.WriteFloat) for a non-whole number (e.g. 2.25). ]]
type net.WriteInt = (function(integer: number, bitCount: number): nil)
--[[ Appends a float (number with decimals) to the current net message. ]]
type net.WriteFloat = (function(float: number): nil)
--[[ Appends an entity to the current net message. ]]
type net.WriteEntity = (function(entity: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Appends a double-precision number to the current net message. ]]
type net.WriteDouble = (function(double: number): nil)
--[[ Writes a chunk of binary data to the message. ]]
type net.WriteData = (function(binaryData: string, length: number): nil)
--[[ Appends a [Color](/gmod/Color) to the current net message. ]]
type net.WriteColor = (function(Color: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Appends a boolean to the current net message. Alias of [net.WriteBit](/gmod/net.WriteBit) ]]
type net.WriteBool = (function(boolean: boolean): nil)
--[[ Appends a boolean (as 1 or 0) to the current net message.
Please note that the bit is written here from a [boolean](/gmod/boolean) (true/false) but [net.ReadBit](/gmod/net.ReadBit) returns a number. ]]
type net.WriteBit = (function(boolean: boolean): nil)
--[[ Writes an angle to the current net message. ]]
type net.WriteAngle = (function(angle: IAngle): nil)
--[[ Begins a new net message. If another net message is already started and hasn't been sent yet, it will be discarded. ]]
type net.Start = (function(messageName: string, unreliable: boolean): boolean)
--[[ Adds a net message handler. Only one receiver can be used to receive the net message. ]]
type net.Receive = (function(messageName: string, callback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Reads a vector from the received net message. Vectors sent by this function are compressed, which may result in precision loss. See [net.WriteVector](/gmod/net.WriteVector) for more information. ]]
type net.ReadVector = (function(): IVector)
--[[ Reads an unsigned integer with the specified number of bits from the received net message. ]]
type net.ReadUInt = (function(numberOfBits: number): number)
--[[ Reads a value from the net message with the specified type, written by [net.WriteType](/gmod/net.WriteType). ]]
type net.ReadType = (function(typeID: number): any)
--[[ Reads a table from the received net message.
See [net.WriteTable](/gmod/net.WriteTable) for extra info.
You may get `net.ReadType: Couldn't read type X` during the execution of the function, the problem is that you are sending objects that cannot be serialized/sent over the network. ]]
type net.ReadTable = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Reads a null terminated string from the net stream. The size of the string is 8 bits plus 8 bits for every ASCII character in the string. ]]
type net.ReadString = (function(): string)
--[[ Reads a normal vector from the net message. ]]
type net.ReadNormal = (function(): IVector)
--[[ Reads a [VMatrix](/gmod/VMatrix) from the received net message. ]]
type net.ReadMatrix = (function(): IMatrix)
--[[ Reads an integer from the received net message. ]]
type net.ReadInt = (function(bitCount: number): number)
--[[ Reads a word, basically unsigned short. This is used internally to read the "header" of the message which is an unsigned short which can be converted to the corresponding message name via [util.NetworkIDToString](/gmod/util.NetworkIDToString). ]]
type net.ReadHeader = (function(): number)
--[[ Reads a floating point number from the received net message. ]]
type net.ReadFloat = (function(): number)
--[[ Reads an entity from the received net message. You should always check if the specified entity exists as it may have been removed and therefor NULL if it is outside of the players PVS or was already removed. ]]
type net.ReadEntity = (function(): IEntity)
--[[ Reads a double-precision number from the received net message. ]]
type net.ReadDouble = (function(): number)
--[[ Reads pure binary data from the message. ]]
type net.ReadData = (function(length: number): string)
--[[ Reads a [Color](/gmod/Color) from the current net message. ]]
type net.ReadColor = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Reads a boolean from the received net message. ]]
type net.ReadBool = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Reads a bit from the received net message. ]]
type net.ReadBit = (function(): number)
--[[ Reads an angle from the received net message. ]]
type net.ReadAngle = (function(): IAngle)
--[[ Function called by the engine to tell the lua state a message arrived. ]]
type net.Incoming = (function(length: number, client: IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Returns the size of the current message in bytes. ]]
type net.BytesWritten = (function(): number, number)
--[[ Returns the amount of data left to read in the current message in bytes. Does nothing when sending data. ]]
type net.BytesLeft = (function(): number, number)
if CLIENT then
--[[ Sends the current message to the server. ]]
type net.SendToServer = (function(): nil)
if SERVER then
type navmesh = {}
--[[ Sets the classname of the default spawn point entity, used before generating a new navmesh with [navmesh.BeginGeneration](/gmod/navmesh.BeginGeneration). ]]
type navmesh.SetPlayerSpawnName = (function(spawnPointClass: string): nil)
--[[ Sets the [CNavLadder](/gmod/CNavLadder) as marked, so it can be used with editing console commands. ]]
type navmesh.SetMarkedLadder = (function(area: INavLadder): nil)
--[[ Sets the [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) as marked, so it can be used with editing console commands. ]]
type navmesh.SetMarkedArea = (function(area: INavArea): nil)
--[[ Saves any changes made to navmesh to the .nav file. ]]
type navmesh.Save = (function(): nil)
--[[ Deletes every [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) and [CNavLadder](/gmod/CNavLadder) on the map **without saving the changes**. ]]
type navmesh.Reset = (function(): nil)
--[[ Loads a new navmesh from the .nav file for current map discarding any changes made to the navmesh previously. ]]
type navmesh.Load = (function(): nil)
--[[ Returns true if a navmesh has been loaded when loading the map. ]]
type navmesh.IsLoaded = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Whether we're currently generating a new navmesh with [navmesh.BeginGeneration](/gmod/navmesh.BeginGeneration). ]]
type navmesh.IsGenerating = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Returns the classname of the player spawn entity. ]]
type navmesh.GetPlayerSpawnName = (function(): string)
--[[ Returns the closest [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) to given position at the same height, or beneath it.
This function will ignore blocked [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea)s. See [navmesh.GetNavArea](/gmod/navmesh.GetNavArea) for a function that does see blocked areas. ]]
type navmesh.GetNearestNavArea = (function(pos: IVector, anyZ: boolean, maxDist: number, checkLOS: boolean, checkGround: boolean, team: number): INavArea)
--[[ Returns a [CNavLadder](/gmod/CNavLadder) by the given ID. ]]
type navmesh.GetNavLadderByID = (function(id: number): INavLadder)
--[[ Returns the highest ID of all nav areas on the map. While this can be used to get all nav areas, this number may not actually be the actual number of nav areas on the map. ]]
type navmesh.GetNavAreaCount = (function(): number)
--[[ Returns a [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea) by the given ID. ]]
type navmesh.GetNavAreaByID = (function(id: number): INavArea)
--[[ Returns the Nav Area contained in this position that also satisfies the elevation limit.
This function will properly see blocked [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea)s. See [navmesh.GetNearestNavArea](/gmod/navmesh.GetNearestNavArea). ]]
type navmesh.GetNavArea = (function(pos: IVector, beneathLimit: number): INavArea)
--[[ Returns the currently marked [CNavLadder](/gmod/CNavLadder), for use with editing console commands. ]]
type navmesh.GetMarkedLadder = (function(): INavLadder)
--[[ Returns the currently marked [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea), for use with editing console commands. ]]
type navmesh.GetMarkedArea = (function(): INavArea)
--[[ Finds the closest standable ground at, above, or below the provided position. ]]
type navmesh.GetGroundHeight = (function(pos: IVector): number, IVector)
--[[ Returns the position of the edit cursor when nav_edit is set to 1. ]]
type navmesh.GetEditCursorPosition = (function(): IVector)
--[[ Returns an integer indexed table of all [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea)s on the current map. If the map doesn't have a navmesh generated then this will return an empty table. ]]
type navmesh.GetAllNavAreas = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a bunch of areas within distance, used to find hiding spots by [NextBot](/gmod/NextBot)s for example. ]]
type navmesh.Find = (function(pos: IVector, radius: number, stepdown: number, stepup: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Creates a new [CNavArea](/gmod/CNavArea). ]]
type navmesh.CreateNavArea = (function(corner: IVector, opposite_corner: IVector): INavArea)
--[[ Clears all the walkable positions, used before calling [navmesh.BeginGeneration](/gmod/navmesh.BeginGeneration). ]]
type navmesh.ClearWalkableSeeds = (function(): nil)
--[[ Starts the generation of a new navmesh. ]]
type navmesh.BeginGeneration = (function(): nil)
--[[ Add this position and normal to the list of walkable positions, used before map generation with [navmesh.BeginGeneration](/gmod/navmesh.BeginGeneration) ]]
type navmesh.AddWalkableSeed = (function(pos: IVector, dir: IVector): nil)
type motionsensor = {}
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type motionsensor.ProcessPositionTable = (function(translator: {[any] = any}, sensor: {[any] = any}): IVector)
type motionsensor.ProcessAnglesTable = (function(translator: {[any] = any}, sensor: {[any] = any}, pos: IVector, rotation: IAngle): IAngle)
type motionsensor.ProcessAngle = (function(translator: {[any] = any}, sensor: {[any] = any}, pos: IVector, ang: IAngle, special_vectors: {[any] = any}, boneid: number, v: {[any] = any}): boolean)
type motionsensor.ChooseBuilderFromEntity = (function(ent: IEntity): string)
type motionsensor.BuildSkeleton = (function(translator: {[any] = any}, player: IPlayer, rotation: IAngle): IVector, IAngle, ISensor)
if CLIENT or MENU then
--[[ This starts access to the kinect sensor. Note that this usually freezes the game for a couple of seconds. ]]
type motionsensor.Start = (function(): nil)
--[[ Returns true if we have detected that there's a kinect connected to the PC ]]
type motionsensor.IsAvailable = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Returns the depth map material. ]]
type motionsensor.GetColourMaterial = (function(): IMaterial)
if CLIENT then
--[[ Stops the motion capture. ]]
type motionsensor.Stop = (function(): nil)
--[[ Return whether a kinect is connected - and active (ie - Start has been called). ]]
type motionsensor.IsActive = (function(): boolean)
type motionsensor.GetSkeleton = (function(): nil)
if CLIENT then
type mesh = {}
--[[ Returns the amount of vertex that have yet been pushed. ]]
type mesh.VertexCount = (function(): number)
--[[ A table of four numbers. This is used by most shaders in Source to hold tangent information of the vertex ( tangentX, tangentY, tangentZ, tangentHandedness ). ]]
type mesh.UserData = (function(tangentX: number, tangentY: number, tangentZ: number, tangentHandedness: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the texture coordinates for the next vertex.
Non-zero values of stage require the currently bound material to support it. For example, any LightmappedGeneric material supports stages 1 and 2 (lightmap texture coordinates). ]]
type mesh.TexCoord = (function(stage: number, u: number, v: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the T tangent to be used.
This function actually does nothing. ]]
type mesh.TangentT = (function(tTanger: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the s tangent to be used.
This function actually does nothing. ]]
type mesh.TangentS = (function(sTanger: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the specular map values.
This function actually does nothing. ]]
type mesh.Specular = (function(r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number): nil)
--[[ Draws a quad using a position, a normal and the size. ]]
type mesh.QuadEasy = (function(position: IVector, normal: IVector, sizeX: number, sizeY: number): nil)
--[[ Draws a quad using 4 vertices. ]]
type mesh.Quad = (function(vertex1: IVector, vertex2: IVector, vertex3: IVector, vertex4: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the position to be used for the next vertex. ]]
type mesh.Position = (function(position: IVector): nil)
--[[ Sets the normal to be used for the next vertex. ]]
type mesh.Normal = (function(normal: IVector): nil)
--[[ Ends the mesh and renders it. ]]
type mesh.End = (function(): nil)
--[[ Sets the color to be used for the next vertex. ]]
type mesh.Color = (function(r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number): nil)
--[[ Starts a new dynamic mesh. If an [IMesh](/gmod/IMesh) is passed, it will use that mesh instead. ]]
type mesh.Begin = (function(mesh: IMesh, primitiveType: number, primiteCount: number): nil)
--[[ Pushes the new vertex data onto the render stack. ]]
type mesh.AdvanceVertex = (function(): nil)
if CLIENT then
type menubar = {}
--[[ Parents the menubar to the panel and displays the menubar. ]]
type menubar.ParentTo = (function(pnl: IPanel): nil)
--[[ Checks if the supplied panel is parent to the menubar ]]
type menubar.IsParent = (function(pnl: IPanel): boolean)
--[[ Creates the menu bar ( The bar at the top of the screen when holding C or Q in sandbox ) and docks it to the top of the screen. It will not appear.
Calling this multiple times will **NOT** remove previous panel. ]]
type menubar.Init = (function(): nil)
if CLIENT then
type menu = {}
--[[ Used by "Demo to Video" to record the frame. ]]
type menu.RecordFrame = (function(): nil)
if CLIENT then
type matproxy = {}
--[[ Called by engine, returns true if we're overriding a proxy ]]
type matproxy.ShouldOverrideProxy = (function(name: string): boolean)
--[[ Called by the engine from OnBind ]]
type matproxy.Init = (function(name: string, uname: string, mat: IMaterial, values: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Called by the engine from OnBind ]]
type matproxy.Call = (function(uname: string, mat: IMaterial, ent: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Adds a material proxy. ]]
type matproxy.Add = (function(MatProxyData: {[any] = any}): nil)
if CLIENT then
type markup = {}
--[[ Parses markup into a [MarkupObject](/gmod/MarkupObject). Currently, this only supports fonts and colors as demonstrated in the example. ]]
type markup.Parse = (function(markup: string, maxWidth: number): IMarkupObject)
if CLIENT or SERVER or MENU then
type list = {}
--[[ Sets a specific position in the named list to a value. ]]
type list.Set = (function(identifier: string, key: any, item: any): nil)
--[[ Returns true if the list contains the given key.
For a function that looks for values and not keys see [list.Contains](/gmod/list.Contains). ]]
type list.HasEntry = (function(list: string, key: any): boolean)
--[[ Returns a a list of all lists currently in use. ]]
type list.GetTable = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the actual table of the list stored at identifier. Modifying this will affect the stored list ]]
type list.GetForEdit = (function(identifier: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a copy of the list stored at identifier ]]
type list.Get = (function(identifier: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns true if the list contains the value. (as a value - not a key)
For a function that looks for a key and not a value see [list.HasEntry](/gmod/list.HasEntry). ]]
type list.Contains = (function(list: string, value: any): boolean)
--[[ Adds an item to a named list ]]
type list.Add = (function(identifier: string, item: any): number)
if CLIENT or MENU then
type language = {}
--[[ Retrieves the translated version of inputted string. Useful for concentrating multiple translated strings. ]]
type language.GetPhrase = (function(phrase: string): string)
--[[ Adds a language item. Language placeholders preceded with "#" are replaced with full text in Garry's Mod once registered with this function. ]]
type language.Add = (function(placeholder: string, fulltext: string): nil)
if CLIENT then
type killicon = {}
--[[ Returns the size of a kill icon. ]]
type killicon.GetSize = (function(name: string): number, number)
--[[ Checks if kill icon exists for given class. ]]
type killicon.Exists = (function(class: string): boolean)
--[[ Draws a kill icon. ]]
type killicon.Draw = (function(x: number, y: number, name: string, alpha: number): nil)
--[[ Adds kill icon for given weapon/entity class using special font. ]]
type killicon.AddFont = (function(class: string, font: string, symbol: string, color: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Creates kill icon from existing one. ]]
type killicon.AddAlias = (function(new_class: string, existing_class: string): nil)
--[[ Creates new kill icon using a texture. ]]
type killicon.Add = (function(class: string, texture: string, color: {[any] = any}): nil)
type input = {}
if CLIENT or MENU then
--[[ Returns whether a mouse key was released in the same frame this function was called.
This function only works in Move hooks, and will detect mouse events even in main menu or when a typing in a text field. ]]
type input.WasMouseReleased = (function(key: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether a mouse key was initially pressed in the same frame this function was called.
If [input.WasMouseDoublePressed](/gmod/input.WasMouseDoublePressed) returns true, this function will return false.
This function only works in Move hooks, and will detect mouse events even in main menu or when a typing in a text field. ]]
type input.WasMousePressed = (function(key: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether a mouse key was double pressed in the same frame this function was called.
If this function returns true, [input.WasMousePressed](/gmod/input.WasMousePressed) will return false.
This function only works in Move hooks, and will detect mouse events even in main menu or when a typing in a text field. ]]
type input.WasMouseDoublePressed = (function(button: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the key is being held down or not.
This function only works in Move hooks, and will detect key events even in main menu or when a typing in a text field. ]]
type input.WasKeyTyped = (function(key: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether a key was released in the same frame this function was called.
This function only works in Move hooks, and will detect key releases even in main menu or when a typing in a text field. ]]
type input.WasKeyReleased = (function(key: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether a key was initially pressed in the same frame this function was called.
This function only works in Move hooks, and will detect key presses even in main menu or when a typing in a text field. ]]
type input.WasKeyPressed = (function(key: number): boolean)
--[[ Translates a console command alias, basically reverse of the `alias` console command. ]]
type input.TranslateAlias = (function(command: string): string)
--[[ Begins waiting for a key to be pressed so we can save it for [input.CheckKeyTrapping](/gmod/input.CheckKeyTrapping). Used by the [DBinder](/gmod/DBinder). ]]
type input.StartKeyTrapping = (function(): nil)
--[[ Sets the cursor's position on the screen, relative to the topleft corner of the window ]]
type input.SetCursorPos = (function(mouseX: number, mouseY: number): nil)
--[[ Returns the bind string that the given key is bound to. ]]
type input.LookupKeyBinding = (function(key: number): string)
--[[ Returns the client's bound key for the specified console command. If the player has multiple keys bound to a single command, there is no defined behavior of which key will be returned. ]]
type input.LookupBinding = (function(binding: string, exact: boolean): string)
--[[ Gets whether a shift key is being pressed ]]
type input.IsShiftDown = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Gets whether a mouse button is down ]]
type input.IsMouseDown = (function(mouseKey: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether key trapping is activate and the next key press will be captured. ]]
type input.IsKeyTrapping = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Gets whether a key is down. ]]
type input.IsKeyDown = (function(key: number): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether a control key is being pressed ]]
type input.IsControlDown = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Gets whether the specified button code is down.
Unlike [input.IsKeyDown](/gmod/input.IsKeyDown) this can also detect joystick presses from [JOYSTICK](/gmod/Enums/JOYSTICK) ]]
type input.IsButtonDown = (function(button: number): boolean)
--[[ Gets the button name from a numeric button code. The name needs to be translated with [language.GetPhrase](/gmod/language.GetPhrase) before being displayed. ]]
type input.GetKeyName = (function(button: number): string)
--[[ Gets the button code from a button name. This is opposite of [input.GetKeyName](/gmod/input.GetKeyName). ]]
type input.GetKeyCode = (function(button: string): number)
--[[ Returns the cursor's position on the screen ]]
type input.GetCursorPos = (function(): number, number)
--[[ Returns the digital value of an analog stick on the current (set up via convars) controller. ]]
type input.GetAnalogValue = (function(axis: number): number)
--[[ Returns the last key captured by key trapping. ]]
type input.CheckKeyTrapping = (function(): number)
if CLIENT then
--[[ Switches to the provided weapon on the next CUserCmd generation/CreateMove call. Direct binding to [CInput::MakeWeaponSelection]( ]]
type input.SelectWeapon = (function(weapon: IWeapon): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER or MENU then
type http = {}
--[[ Sends an asynchronous **POST** request to a HTTP server.
HTTP requests returning a status code >= `400` are still considered a success and will call the [onSuccess](/gmod/Structures/HTTPRequest) callback.
The [onFailure](/gmod/Structures/HTTPRequest) callback is usually only called on DNS or TCP errors (e.g. the website is unavailable or the domain does not exist). ]]
type http.Post = (function(url: string, parameters: {[any] = any}, onSuccess: (function(...any): any), onFailure: (function(...any): any), headers: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Launches an asynchronous **GET** request to a HTTP server.
HTTP requests returning a status code >= `400` are still considered a success and will call the [onSuccess](/gmod/Structures/HTTPRequest) callback.
The [onFailure](/gmod/Structures/HTTPRequest) callback is usually only called on DNS or TCP errors (e.g. the website is unavailable or the domain does not exist). ]]
type http.Fetch = (function(url: string, onSuccess: (function(...any): any), onFailure: (function(...any): any), headers: {[any] = any}): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER or MENU then
type hook = {}
--[[ Calls hooks associated with the given event.
Calls all hooks until one returns something other than nil and then returns that data.
If no hook returns any data, it will try to call the GAMEMODE:<eventName> alternative, if one exists.
This function internally calls [hook.Call](/gmod/hook.Call).
See also: [gamemode.Call](/gmod/gamemode.Call) - same as this, but does not call hooks if the gamemode hasn't defined the function. ]]
type hook.Run = (function(eventName: string, args: ...any): any)
--[[ Removes the hook with the supplied identifier from the given event. ]]
type hook.Remove = (function(eventName: string, identifier: any): nil)
--[[ Returns a list of all the hooks registered with [hook.Add](/gmod/hook.Add). ]]
type hook.GetTable = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Calls all hooks associated with the given event until one returns something other than nil, and then returns that data.
In almost all cases, you should use [hook.Run](/gmod/hook.Run) instead - it calls hook.Call internally but supplies the gamemode table by itself, making your code neater. ]]
type hook.Call = (function(eventName: string, gamemodeTable: {[any] = any}, args: ...any): ...any)
--[[ Add a hook to be called upon the given event occurring. ]]
type hook.Add = (function(eventName: string, identifier: any, func: (function(...any): any)): nil)
if SERVER then
type hammer = {}
--[[ Sends command to Hammer, if Hammer is running with the current map loaded. ]]
type hammer.SendCommand = (function(cmd: string): string)
if CLIENT then
type halo = {}
--[[ Returns the entity the halo library is currently rendering the halo for.
The main purpose of this function is to be used in [ENTITY:Draw](/gmod/ENTITY:Draw) in order not to draw certain parts of the entity when the halo is being rendered, so there's no halo around unwanted entity parts, such as lasers, 3D2D displays, etc. ]]
type halo.RenderedEntity = (function(): IEntity)
--[[ Renders a halo according to the specified table, only used internally, called from a [GM:PostDrawEffects](/gmod/GM:PostDrawEffects) hook added by the halo library. ]]
type halo.Render = (function(entry: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Applies a [halo](/gmod/halo) glow effect to one or multiple entities. ]]
type halo.Add = (function(entities: {[any] = any}, color: {[any] = any}, blurX: number, blurY: number, passes: number, additive: boolean, ignoreZ: boolean): nil)
type gui = {}
if MENU then
--[[ Shows console in the game UI. ]]
type gui.ShowConsole = (function(): nil)
if CLIENT or MENU then
--[[ Sets the cursor's position on the screen, relative to the topleft corner of the window ]]
type gui.SetMousePos = (function(mouseX: number, mouseY: number): nil)
--[[ Opens specified URL in the steam overlay browser. The URL has to start with either http:// or https:// ]]
type gui.OpenURL = (function(url: string): nil)
--[[ Returns y component of the mouse position. ]]
type gui.MouseY = (function(): number)
--[[ Returns x component of the mouse position. ]]
type gui.MouseX = (function(): number)
--[[ Returns the cursor's position on the screen, or 0, 0 if cursor is not visible. ]]
type gui.MousePos = (function(): number, number)
--[[ Returns whenever the game menu overlay ( main menu ) is open or not. ]]
type gui.IsGameUIVisible = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether the console is visible or not. ]]
type gui.IsConsoleVisible = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Simulates a mouse wheel scroll with the given delta. ]]
type gui.InternalMouseWheeled = (function(delta: number): nil)
--[[ Simulates a mouse key release for the given mouse key. ]]
type gui.InternalMouseReleased = (function(key: number): nil)
--[[ Simulates a mouse key press for the given mouse key. ]]
type gui.InternalMousePressed = (function(key: number): nil)
--[[ Simulates a double mouse key press for the given mouse key. ]]
type gui.InternalMouseDoublePressed = (function(key: number): nil)
--[[ Simulates an ASCII symbol writing.
Use to write text in the chat or in VGUI.
Doesn't work while the main menu is open! ]]
type gui.InternalKeyTyped = (function(code: number): nil)
--[[ Simulates a key type typing to the specified key. ]]
type gui.InternalKeyCodeTyped = (function(key: number): nil)
--[[ Simulates a key release for the given key. ]]
type gui.InternalKeyCodeReleased = (function(key: number): nil)
--[[ Simulates a key press for the given key. ]]
type gui.InternalKeyCodePressed = (function(key: number): nil)
--[[ Simulates a mouse move with the given deltas. ]]
type gui.InternalCursorMoved = (function(deltaX: number, deltaY: number): nil)
--[[ Hides the game menu overlay. ]]
type gui.HideGameUI = (function(): nil)
--[[ Opens the game menu overlay. ]]
type gui.ActivateGameUI = (function(): nil)
if CLIENT then
--[[ Converts the specified screen position to a **direction** vector local to the player's view. A related function is [Vector:ToScreen](/gmod/Vector:ToScreen), which translates a 3D position to a screen coordinate.
[util.AimVector](/gmod/util.AimVector) is a more generic version of this, using a custom view instead of the player's current view. ]]
type gui.ScreenToVector = (function(x: number, y: number): IVector)
--[[ Enables the mouse cursor without restricting player movement, like using Sandbox's context menu. ]]
type gui.EnableScreenClicker = (function(enabled: boolean): nil)
if SERVER then
type gmsave = {}
--[[ Returns if we should save this entity in a duplication or a map save or not. ]]
type gmsave.ShouldSaveEntity = (function(ent: IEntity, t: {[any] = any}): boolean)
--[[ Saves the map ]]
type gmsave.SaveMap = (function(ply: IPlayer): string)
--[[ Returns a table containing player position and angles. Used by [gmsave.SaveMap](/gmod/gmsave.SaveMap). ]]
type gmsave.PlayerSave = (function(ply: IPlayer): {[any] = any})
--[[ Sets player position and angles from supplied table ]]
type gmsave.PlayerLoad = (function(ply: IPlayer, data: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Loads a saved map. ]]
type gmsave.LoadMap = (function(mapData: string, ply: IPlayer, callback: (function(...any): any)): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type gmod = {}
--[[ Returns [GAMEMODE](/gmod/GAMEMODE). ]]
type gmod.GetGamemode = (function(): {[any] = any})
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type gamemode = {}
--[[ Called by the engine when a gamemode is being loaded. ]]
type gamemode.Register = (function(gm: {[any] = any}, name: string, derived: string): nil)
--[[ This returns the internally stored gamemode table. ]]
type gamemode.Get = (function(name: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Called by the engine to call a hook within the loaded gamemode.
The supplied event 'name' must be defined in the active gamemode. Otherwise, nothing will happen - not even hooks added with [hook.Add](/gmod/hook.Add) will be called.
This is similar to [hook.Run](/gmod/hook.Run) and [hook.Call](/gmod/hook.Call), except the hook library will call hooks created with hook.Add even if there is no corresponding gamemode function. ]]
type gamemode.Call = (function(name: string, args: ...any): any)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type gameevent = {}
--[[ Add a game event listener. ]]
type gameevent.Listen = (function(eventName: string): nil)
type game = {}
if SERVER then
--[[ Sets the time scale of the game.
This function is supposed to remove the need of using the host_timescale convar, which is cheat protected.
To slow down or speed up the movement of a specific player, use [Player:SetLaggedMovementValue](/gmod/Player:SetLaggedMovementValue) instead. ]]
type game.SetTimeScale = (function(timeScale: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the difficulty level of the game, can be retrieved with [game.GetSkillLevel](/gmod/game.GetSkillLevel).
This will automatically change whenever the "skill" convar is modified serverside. ]]
type game.SetSkillLevel = (function(level: number): nil)
--[[ Sets whether a Global State is off, active or dead ( inactive )
See [Global States](/gmod/Global%20States) for more information. ]]
type game.SetGlobalState = (function(name: string, state: number): nil)
--[[ Sets the counter of a Global State.
See [Global States](/gmod/Global%20States) for more information. ]]
type game.SetGlobalCounter = (function(name: string, count: number): nil)
--[[ Returns the map load type of the current map.
After changing the map with the console command `changelevel`, "newgame" is returned. With `changelevel2` (single player only), "transition" is returned. ]]
type game.MapLoadType = (function(): string)
--[[ Loads the next map according to the nextlevel convar, or from the current mapcycle file set by the respective convar. ]]
type game.LoadNextMap = (function(): nil)
--[[ Kicks a player from the server. This can be ran before the player has spawned. ]]
type game.KickID = (function(id: string, reason: string): nil)
--[[ Returns the VBSP version of the current map. ]]
type game.GetMapVersion = (function(): number)
--[[ Returns the next map that would be loaded according to the file that is set by the mapcyclefile convar. ]]
type game.GetMapNext = (function(): string)
--[[ Returns whether a Global State is off, active or dead ( inactive )
See [Global States](/gmod/Global%20States) for more information. ]]
type game.GetGlobalState = (function(name: string): number)
--[[ Returns the counter of a Global State.
See [Global States](/gmod/Global%20States) for more information. ]]
type game.GetGlobalCounter = (function(name: string): number)
--[[ Runs a console command.
Make sure to add a newline ("\n") at the end of the command. ]]
type game.ConsoleCommand = (function(stringCommand: string): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER or MENU then
--[[ Returns the name of the current map, without a file extension.
On the menu state, returns "menu". ]]
type game.GetMap = (function(): string)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
--[[ Returns position the player should start from, this is not the same thing as spawn points, it is used to properly transit the player between maps. ]]
type game.StartSpot = (function(): IVector)
--[[ Returns whether the current session is a single player game. ]]
type game.SinglePlayer = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Removes all the clientside ragdolls. ]]
type game.RemoveRagdolls = (function(): nil)
--[[ Mounts a GMA addon from the disk.
Can be used with [steamworks.DownloadUGC](/gmod/steamworks.DownloadUGC) ]]
type game.MountGMA = (function(path: string): boolean, {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the maximum amount of players (including bots) that the server can have. ]]
type game.MaxPlayers = (function(): number)
--[[ Returns true if the server is a dedicated server, false if it is a listen server or a singleplayer game. ]]
type game.IsDedicated = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Returns the worldspawn entity. ]]
type game.GetWorld = (function(): IEntity)
--[[ Returns the time scale of the game ]]
type game.GetTimeScale = (function(): number)
--[[ Returns the difficulty level of the game.
**TIP:** You can use this function in your scripted NPCs or Nextbots to make them harder, however, it is a good idea to lock powerful attacks behind the highest difficulty instead of just increasing the health. ]]
type game.GetSkillLevel = (function(): number)
--[[ Returns the public IP address and port of the current server. This will return the IP/port that you are connecting through when ran clientside. ]]
type game.GetIPAddress = (function(): string)
--[[ Returns a list of all ammo types currently registered. ]]
type game.GetAmmoTypes = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the damage given ammo type should do to players. ]]
type game.GetAmmoPlayerDamage = (function(id: number): number)
--[[ Returns the ammo name for given ammo type ID.
See [game.GetAmmoID](/gmod/game.GetAmmoID) for reverse. ]]
type game.GetAmmoName = (function(id: number): string)
--[[ Returns the damage given ammo type should do to NPCs. ]]
type game.GetAmmoNPCDamage = (function(id: number): number)
--[[ Returns the real maximum amount of ammo of given ammo ID, regardless of the setting of `gmod_maxammo` convar. ]]
type game.GetAmmoMax = (function(id: number): number)
--[[ Returns the ammo type ID for given ammo type name.
See [game.GetAmmoName](/gmod/game.GetAmmoName) for reverse. ]]
type game.GetAmmoID = (function(name: string): number)
--[[ Returns the ammo bullet force that is applied when an entity is hit by a bullet of given ammo type. ]]
type game.GetAmmoForce = (function(id: number): number)
--[[ Returns the [AmmoData](/gmod/Structures/AmmoData) for given ID. ]]
type game.GetAmmoData = (function(id: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the damage type of given ammo type. ]]
type game.GetAmmoDamageType = (function(id: number): number)
--[[ If called serverside it will remove **ALL** entities which were not created by the map (not players or weapons held by players).
On the client it will remove decals, sounds, gibs, dead NPCs, and entities created via [ents.CreateClientProp](/gmod/ents.CreateClientProp).
This function calls [GM:PreCleanupMap](/gmod/GM:PreCleanupMap) before cleaning up the map and [GM:PostCleanupMap](/gmod/GM:PostCleanupMap) after cleaning up the map. ]]
type game.CleanUpMap = (function(dontSendToClients: boolean, extraFilters: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Called by the engine to retrieve the ammo types. ]]
type game.BuildAmmoTypes = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Loads a particle file. ]]
type game.AddParticles = (function(particleFileName: string): nil)
--[[ Registers a new decal. ]]
type game.AddDecal = (function(decalName: string, materialName: string): nil)
--[[ Adds a new ammo type to the game.
You can find a list of default ammo types [here]( ]]
type game.AddAmmoType = (function(ammoData: {[any] = any}): nil)
if CLIENT then
type frame_blend = {}
--[[ Returns whether we should skip frame or not ]]
type frame_blend.ShouldSkipFrame = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Returns amount of frames needed to render? ]]
type frame_blend.RenderableFrames = (function(): number)
--[[ Returns whether the current frame is the last frame? ]]
type frame_blend.IsLastFrame = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Returns whether frame blend post processing effect is enabled or not. ]]
type frame_blend.IsActive = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Actually draws the frame blend effect. ]]
type frame_blend.DrawPreview = (function(): nil)
--[[ Renders the frame onto internal render target. ]]
type frame_blend.CompleteFrame = (function(): nil)
--[[ Blends the frame(s). ]]
type frame_blend.BlendFrame = (function(): nil)
--[[ Adds a frame to the blend. Calls [frame_blend.CompleteFrame](/gmod/frame_blend.CompleteFrame) once enough frames have passed since last [frame_blend.CompleteFrame](/gmod/frame_blend.CompleteFrame) call. ]]
type frame_blend.AddFrame = (function(): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER or MENU then
type file = {}
--[[ Writes the given string to a file. Erases all previous data in the file. To add data without deleting previous data, use [file.Append](/gmod/file.Append). ]]
type file.Write = (function(fileName: string, content: string): nil)
--[[ Returns when the file or folder was lasted modified in Unix time. ]]
type file.Time = (function(path: string, gamePath: string): number)
--[[ Returns the file's size in bytes. If the file is not found, returns `-1`. ]]
type file.Size = (function(fileName: string, gamePath: string): nil)
--[[ Attempts to rename a file with the given name to another given name.
This function is constrained to the `data/` folder. ]]
type file.Rename = (function(orignalFileName: string, targetFileName: string): boolean)
--[[ Returns the content of a file.
Beware of casing -- some filesystems are case-sensitive. SRCDS on Linux seems to force file/directory creation to lowercase, but will not modify read operations. ]]
type file.Read = (function(fileName: string, gamePath: string): string)
--[[ Attempts to open a file with the given mode. ]]
type file.Open = (function(fileName: string, fileMode: string, gamePath: string): File: IFile)
--[[ Returns whether the given file is a directory or not. ]]
type file.IsDir = (function(fileName: string, gamePath: string): boolean)
--[[ Returns a list of files and directories inside a single folder. ]]
type file.Find = (function(name: string, path: string, sorting: string): {[any] = any}, {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a boolean of whether the file or directory exists or not. ]]
type file.Exists = (function(name: string, gamePath: string): boolean)
--[[ Deletes a file or `empty` folder that is relative to the **data** folder. You can't remove any files outside of **data** folder. ]]
type file.Delete = (function(name: string): nil)
--[[ Creates a directory that is relative to the `data` folder. ]]
type file.CreateDir = (function(name: string): nil)
--[[ Returns the content of a file asynchronously.
All limitations of [file.Read](/gmod/file.Read) also apply. ]]
type file.AsyncRead = (function(fileName: string, gamePath: string, callback: (function(...any): any), sync: boolean): nil)
--[[ Appends a file relative to the `data` folder. ]]
type file.Append = (function(name: string, content: string): nil)
type ents = {}
if SERVER then
--[[ Returns entity that has given [Entity:MapCreationID](/gmod/Entity:MapCreationID). ]]
type ents.GetMapCreatedEntity = (function(id: number): IEntity)
--[[ Returns the amount of networked entities, which is limited to 8192. [ents.Create](/gmod/ents.Create) will fail somewhere between 8064 and 8176 - this can vary based on the amount of existing temp ents. ]]
type ents.GetEdictCount = (function(): number)
--[[ Fires a use event. ]]
type ents.FireTargets = (function(target: string, activator: IEntity, caller: IEntity, usetype: number, value: number): nil)
--[[ Finds all entities that lie within a [PVS]( ]]
type ents.FindInPVS = (function(viewPoint: any): {[any] = any})
--[[ Creates an entity. This function will fail and return `NULL` if the networked-edict limit is hit (around **8176**), or the provided entity class doesn't exist. ]]
type ents.Create = (function(class: string): IEntity)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
--[[ Gives you the amount of currently existing entities. ]]
type ents.GetCount = (function(IncludeKillMe: boolean): number)
--[[ Returns an entity by its index. Same as [Entity](/gmod/Global.Entity). ]]
type ents.GetByIndex = (function(entIdx: number): IEntity)
--[[ Returns a table of all existing entities. The table is sequential ]]
type ents.GetAll = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Gets all entities within the specified sphere. ]]
type ents.FindInSphere = (function(origin: IVector, radius: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Finds and returns all entities within the specified cone. Only entities whose [Entity:WorldSpaceCenter](/gmod/Entity:WorldSpaceCenter) is within the cone are considered to be in it.
The "cone" is actually a conical "slice" of an axis-aligned box (see: [ents.FindInBox](/gmod/ents.FindInBox)). The image to the right shows approximately how this function would look in 2D. Due to this, the entity may be farther than the specified range! ]]
type ents.FindInCone = (function(origin: IVector, normal: IVector, range: number, angle_cos: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns all entities within the specified box. ]]
type ents.FindInBox = (function(boxMins: IVector, boxMaxs: IVector): {[any] = any})
--[[ Gets all entities with the given hammer targetname. This works internally by iterating over [ents.GetAll](/gmod/ents.GetAll).
Doesn't do anything on client. ]]
type ents.FindByName = (function(name: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Gets all entities with the given model, supports wildcards. This works internally by iterating over [ents.GetAll](/gmod/ents.GetAll). ]]
type ents.FindByModel = (function(model: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Finds all entities that are of given class and are children of given entity. This works internally by iterating over [ents.GetAll](/gmod/ents.GetAll). ]]
type ents.FindByClassAndParent = (function(class: string, parent: IEntity): {[any] = any})
--[[ Gets all entities with the given class, supports wildcards. This works internally by iterating over [ents.GetAll](/gmod/ents.GetAll). Even if internally ents.GetAll is used, It is faster to use ents.FindByClass than ents.GetAll with a single class comparison. ]]
type ents.FindByClass = (function(class: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a table of all entities along the ray. The ray does not stop on collisions, meaning it will go through walls/entities. ]]
type ents.FindAlongRay = (function(start: IVector, end: IVector, mins: IVector, maxs: IVector): {[any] = any})
if CLIENT then
--[[ Creates a clientside only scripted entity. The scripted entity must be of "anim" type. ]]
type ents.CreateClientside = (function(class: string): IEntity)
--[[ Creates a clientside only prop. See also [ClientsideModel](/gmod/Global.ClientsideModel).
For physics to work you **must** use the _model_ argument, a simple `SetModel` call will not be enough. ]]
type ents.CreateClientProp = (function(model: string): IEntity)
type engine = {}
if SERVER then
--[[ This is a direct binding to the function `engine->LightStyle`. This function allows you to change the default light style of the map - so you can make lighting lighter or darker. You’ll need to call [render.RedownloadAllLightmaps](/gmod/render.RedownloadAllLightmaps) clientside to refresh the lightmaps to this new color. ]]
type engine.LightStyle = (function(lightstyle: number, pattern: string): nil)
--[[ Closes the server and completely exits.
This is only functional when running in server test mode (launch option -systemtest). Server test mode is used internally at Facepunch as part of the build process to make sure that the dedicated servers aren't crashing on startup. ]]
type engine.CloseServer = (function(): nil)
if MENU then
--[[ Sets the mounting options for mountable content. ]]
type engine.SetMounted = (function(depotID: string, doMount: boolean): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER or MENU then
--[[ Returns the number of seconds between each gametick. ]]
type engine.TickInterval = (function(): number)
--[[ Returns the UGC (demos, saves and dupes) the player have subscribed to on the workshop. ]]
type engine.GetUserContent = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns an array of tables corresponding to all games from which Garry's Mod supports mounting content. ]]
type engine.GetGames = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a table containing info for all installed gamemodes ]]
type engine.GetGamemodes = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a list of addons the player have subscribed to on the workshop.
This list will also include "Floating" .gma addons that are mounted by the game, but not the folder addons. ]]
type engine.GetAddons = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the name of the currently running gamemode. ]]
type engine.ActiveGamemode = (function(): string)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
--[[ Returns the number of ticks since the game server started. ]]
type engine.TickCount = (function(): number)
if CLIENT or MENU then
--[[ Returns true if the game is currently recording a demo file (.dem) using gm_demo ]]
type engine.IsRecordingDemo = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Returns true if we're currently playing a demo.
You will notice that there's no server-side version of this. That's because there is no server when playing a demo. Demos are both recorded and played back purely clientside. ]]
type engine.IsPlayingDemo = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Returns total amount of ticks of currently loaded demo.
If not playing a demo, returns 0 or the value of last played demo. ]]
type engine.GetDemoPlaybackTotalTicks = (function(): number)
--[[ Returns time scale of demo playback.
If not during demo playback, returns 1. ]]
type engine.GetDemoPlaybackTimeScale = (function(): number)
--[[ Current tick of currently loaded demo.
If not playing a demo, it will return amount of ticks since last demo playback. ]]
type engine.GetDemoPlaybackTick = (function(): number)
--[[ When starting playing a demo, [engine.GetDemoPlaybackTick](/gmod/engine.GetDemoPlaybackTick) will be reset and its old value will be added to this functions return value. ]]
type engine.GetDemoPlaybackStartTick = (function(): number)
if CLIENT then
--[[ Stores savedata into the game (can be loaded using the LoadGame menu) ]]
type engine.WriteSave = (function(saveData: string, name: string, time: number, map: string): nil)
--[[ Saves a duplication as a file. ]]
type engine.WriteDupe = (function(dupe: string, jpeg: string): nil)
--[[ Returns video recording settings set by [video.Record](/gmod/video.Record). Used by Demo-To-Video feature. ]]
type engine.VideoSettings = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns an estimate of the server's performance. Equivalent to calling [FrameTime](/gmod/Global.FrameTime) from the server, according to source code. ]]
type engine.ServerFrameTime = (function(): number, number)
--[[ Loads a duplication from the local filesystem. ]]
type engine.OpenDupe = (function(dupeName: string): string)
type effects = {}
if CLIENT or SERVER then
--[[ Creates a bunch of bubbles inside a defined box. ]]
type effects.Bubbles = (function(mins: IVector, maxs: IVector, count: number, height: number, speed: number, delay: number): nil)
--[[ Creates a bubble trail effect, the very same you get when shooting underwater. ]]
type effects.BubbleTrail = (function(startPos: IVector, endPos: IVector, count: number, height: number, speed: number, delay: number): nil)
--[[ Creates a "beam ring point" effect. ]]
type effects.BeamRingPoint = (function(pos: IVector, lifetime: number, startRad: number, endRad: number, width: number, amplitude: number, color: {[any] = any}, extra: {[any] = any}): nil)
if CLIENT then
--[[ Registers a new effect. ]]
type effects.Register = (function(effect_table: {[any] = any}, name: string): nil)
--[[ Returns a list of all Lua-defined effects. ]]
type effects.GetList = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the table of the effect specified. ]]
type effects.Create = (function(name: string): {[any] = any})
type duplicator = {}
if SERVER then
--[[ "Work out the AABB size" ]]
type duplicator.WorkoutSize = (function(Ents: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Stores an entity modifier into an entity for saving ]]
type duplicator.StoreEntityModifier = (function(entity: IEntity, name: string, data: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Stores bone mod data for a registered bone modification function ]]
type duplicator.StoreBoneModifier = (function(ent: IEntity, boneID: number, key: any, data: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Help to remove certain map created entities before creating the saved entities
This is obviously so we don't get duplicate props everywhere.
It should be called before calling Paste. ]]
type duplicator.RemoveMapCreatedEntities = (function(): nil)
--[[ "Given entity list and constraint list, create all entities and return their tables"
Calls [duplicator.CreateEntityFromTable](/gmod/duplicator.CreateEntityFromTable) on each sub-table of EntityList. If an entity is actually created, it calls [ENTITY:OnDuplicated](/gmod/ENTITY:OnDuplicated) with the entity's duplicator data, then [duplicator.ApplyEntityModifiers](/gmod/duplicator.ApplyEntityModifiers), [duplicator.ApplyBoneModifiers](/gmod/duplicator.ApplyBoneModifiers) and finally [ENTITY:PostEntityPaste](/gmod/ENTITY:PostEntityPaste) is called.
The constraints are then created with [duplicator.CreateConstraintFromTable](/gmod/duplicator.CreateConstraintFromTable). ]]
type duplicator.Paste = (function(Player: IPlayer, EntityList: {[any] = any}, ConstraintList: {[any] = any}): {[any] = any}, {[any] = any})
--[[ Fills entStorageTable with all of the entities in a group connected with constraints. Fills constraintStorageTable with all of the constrains constraining the group. ]]
type duplicator.GetAllConstrainedEntitiesAndConstraints = (function(ent: IEntity, entStorageTable: {[any] = any}, constraintStorageTable: {[any] = any}): {[any] = any}, {[any] = any})
--[[ "Generic function for duplicating stuff"
This is called when [duplicator.CreateEntityFromTable](/gmod/duplicator.CreateEntityFromTable) can't find an entity factory to build with. It calls [duplicator.DoGeneric](/gmod/duplicator.DoGeneric) and [duplicator.DoGenericPhysics](/gmod/duplicator.DoGenericPhysics) to apply standard duplicator stored things such as the model and position. ]]
type duplicator.GenericDuplicatorFunction = (function(ply: IPlayer, data: {[any] = any}): IEntity)
--[[ "Applies bone data, generically."
If data contains a PhysicsObjects table, it moves, re-angles and if relevent freezes all specified bones, first converting from local coordinates to world coordinates. ]]
type duplicator.DoGenericPhysics = (function(ent: IEntity, ply: IPlayer, data: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ "Applies generic every-day entity stuff for ent from table data."
Depending on the values of Model, Angle, Pos, Skin, Flex, Bonemanip, ModelScale, ColGroup, Name, and BodyG ([table](/gmod/table) of multiple values) in the data table, this calls [Entity:SetModel](/gmod/Entity:SetModel), [Entity:SetAngles](/gmod/Entity:SetAngles), [Entity:SetPos](/gmod/Entity:SetPos), [Entity:SetSkin](/gmod/Entity:SetSkin), [duplicator.DoFlex](/gmod/duplicator.DoFlex), [duplicator.DoBoneManipulator](/gmod/duplicator.DoBoneManipulator), [Entity:SetModelScale](/gmod/Entity:SetModelScale), [Entity:SetCollisionGroup](/gmod/Entity:SetCollisionGroup), [Entity:SetName](/gmod/Entity:SetName), [Entity:SetBodygroup](/gmod/Entity:SetBodygroup) on ent.
If ent has a RestoreNetworkVars function, it is called with data.DT. ]]
type duplicator.DoGeneric = (function(ent: IEntity, data: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Restores the flex data using [Entity:SetFlexWeight](/gmod/Entity:SetFlexWeight) and [Entity:SetFlexScale](/gmod/Entity:SetFlexScale) ]]
type duplicator.DoFlex = (function(ent: IEntity, flex: {[any] = any}, scale: number): nil)
--[[ "Restores the bone's data."
Loops through Bones and calls [Entity:ManipulateBoneScale](/gmod/Entity:ManipulateBoneScale), [Entity:ManipulateBoneAngles](/gmod/Entity:ManipulateBoneAngles) and [Entity:ManipulateBonePosition](/gmod/Entity:ManipulateBonePosition) on ent with the table keys and the subtable values s, a and p respectively. ]]
type duplicator.DoBoneManipulator = (function(ent: IEntity, bones: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ "Create an entity from a table."
This creates an entity using the data in EntTable.
If an entity factory has been registered for the entity's Class, it will be called.
Otherwise, [duplicator.GenericDuplicatorFunction](/gmod/duplicator.GenericDuplicatorFunction) will be called instead. ]]
type duplicator.CreateEntityFromTable = (function(ply: IPlayer, entTable: {[any] = any}): IEntity)
--[[ Creates a constraint from a saved/copied constraint table. ]]
type duplicator.CreateConstraintFromTable = (function(constraint: {[any] = any}, entityList: {[any] = any}): IEntity)
--[[ Copies the passed table of entities to save for later. ]]
type duplicator.CopyEnts = (function(ents: {[any] = any}): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a table with some entity data that can be used to create a new entity with [duplicator.CreateEntityFromTable](/gmod/duplicator.CreateEntityFromTable) ]]
type duplicator.CopyEntTable = (function(ent: IEntity): {[any] = any})
--[[ Copies the entity, and all of its constraints and entities, then returns them in a table. ]]
type duplicator.Copy = (function(ent: IEntity, tableToAdd: {[any] = any}): {[any] = any})
--[[ Clears/removes the chosen entity modifier from the entity. ]]
type duplicator.ClearEntityModifier = (function(ent: IEntity, key: any): nil)
--[[ Calls every function registered with [duplicator.RegisterEntityModifier](/gmod/duplicator.RegisterEntityModifier) on the entity. ]]
type duplicator.ApplyEntityModifiers = (function(ply: IPlayer, ent: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Calls every function registered with [duplicator.RegisterBoneModifier](/gmod/duplicator.RegisterBoneModifier) on each bone the ent has. ]]
type duplicator.ApplyBoneModifiers = (function(ply: IPlayer, ent: IEntity): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
--[[ "When a copy is copied it will be translated according to these.
If you set them - make sure to set them back to 0 0 0!" ]]
type duplicator.SetLocalPos = (function(v: IVector): nil)
--[[ "When a copy is copied it will be translated according to these.
If you set them - make sure to set them back to 0 0 0!" ]]
type duplicator.SetLocalAng = (function(v: IAngle): nil)
--[[ This allows you to register tweaks to entities. For instance, if you were making an "unbreakable" addon, you would use this to enable saving the "unbreakable" state of entities between duplications.
This function registers a piece of generic code that is run on all entities with this modifier. In order to have it actually run, use [duplicator.StoreEntityModifier](/gmod/duplicator.StoreEntityModifier).
This function does nothing when run clientside. ]]
type duplicator.RegisterEntityModifier = (function(name: string, func: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ This allows you to specify a specific function to be run when your SENT is pasted with the duplicator, instead of relying on the generic automatic functions. ]]
type duplicator.RegisterEntityClass = (function(name: string, function: (function(...any): any), args: ...any): nil)
--[[ Register a function used for creating a duplicated constraint. ]]
type duplicator.RegisterConstraint = (function(name: string, callback: (function(...any): any), ___: any): nil)
--[[ Registers a function to be called on each of an entity's bones when [duplicator.ApplyBoneModifiers](/gmod/duplicator.ApplyBoneModifiers) is called. ]]
type duplicator.RegisterBoneModifier = (function(key: any, boneModifier: (function(...any): any)): nil)
--[[ Returns whether the entity can be duplicated or not ]]
type duplicator.IsAllowed = (function(classname: string): boolean)
--[[ Returns the entity class factory registered with [duplicator.RegisterEntityClass](/gmod/duplicator.RegisterEntityClass). ]]
type duplicator.FindEntityClass = (function(name: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Allow this entity to be duplicated ]]
type duplicator.Allow = (function(classname: string): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type drive = {}
--[[ The user command is received by the server and then converted into a move. This is also run clientside when in multiplayer, for prediction to work. ]]
type drive.StartMove = (function(ply: IPlayer, mv: IMoveData, cmd: IUserCmd): boolean)
--[[ Called when the player first starts driving this entity ]]
type drive.Start = (function(ply: IPlayer, ent: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Registers a new entity drive. ]]
type drive.Register = (function(name: string, data: {[any] = any}, base: string): nil)
--[[ Stops the player from driving anything. ( For example a prop in sandbox ) ]]
type drive.PlayerStopDriving = (function(ply: IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Starts driving for the player. ]]
type drive.PlayerStartDriving = (function(ply: IPlayer, ent: IEntity, mode: string): nil)
--[[ The move is executed here. ]]
type drive.Move = (function(ply: IPlayer, mv: IMoveData): boolean)
--[[ Returns ( or creates if inexistent ) a driving method. ]]
type drive.GetMethod = (function(ply: IPlayer): {[any] = any})
--[[ The move is finished. Copy mv back into the target. ]]
type drive.FinishMove = (function(ply: IPlayer, mv: IMoveData): boolean)
--[[ Player has stopped driving the entity. ]]
type drive.End = (function(ply: IPlayer, ent: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Destroys players current driving method. ]]
type drive.DestroyMethod = (function(ply: IPlayer): nil)
--[[ Clientside, the client creates the cmd (usercommand) from their input device (mouse, keyboard) and then it's sent to the server. Restrict view angles here. ]]
type drive.CreateMove = (function(cmd: IUserCmd): boolean)
--[[ Optionally alter the view. ]]
type drive.CalcView = (function(ply: IPlayer, view: {[any] = any}): boolean)
if CLIENT or MENU then
type draw = {}
--[[ Draws a rounded box with text in it. ]]
type draw.WordBox = (function(bordersize: number, x: number, y: number, text: string, font: string, boxcolor: {[any] = any}, textcolor: {[any] = any}): number, number)
--[[ Draws a texture with a table structure. ]]
type draw.TexturedQuad = (function(texturedata: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Works like [draw.Text](/gmod/draw.Text), but draws the text as a shadow. ]]
type draw.TextShadow = (function(textdata: {[any] = any}, distance: number, alpha: number): nil)
--[[ Works like [draw.SimpleText](/gmod/draw.SimpleText) but uses a table structure instead. ]]
type draw.Text = (function(textdata: {[any] = any}): number, number)
--[[ Creates a simple line of text that is outlined. ]]
type draw.SimpleTextOutlined = (function(Text: string, font: string, x: number, y: number, color: {[any] = any}, xAlign: number, yAlign: number, outlinewidth: number, outlinecolor: {[any] = any}): number, number)
--[[ Draws text on the screen. ]]
type draw.SimpleText = (function(text: string, font: string, x: number, y: number, color: {[any] = any}, xAlign: number, yAlign: number): number, number)
--[[ Draws a rounded rectangle. This function also lets you specify which corners are drawn rounded. ]]
type draw.RoundedBoxEx = (function(cornerRadius: number, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, color: {[any] = any}, roundTopLeft: boolean, roundTopRight: boolean, roundBottomLeft: boolean, roundBottomRight: boolean): nil)
--[[ Draws a rounded rectangle. ]]
type draw.RoundedBox = (function(cornerRadius: number, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, color: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Sets drawing texture to a default white texture (vgui/white) via [surface.SetMaterial](/gmod/surface.SetMaterial). Useful for resetting the drawing texture. ]]
type draw.NoTexture = (function(): nil)
--[[ Returns the height of the specified font in pixels. This is equivalent to the height of the character `W`. See [surface.GetTextSize](/gmod/surface.GetTextSize). ]]
type draw.GetFontHeight = (function(font: string): number)
--[[ Simple draw text at position, but this will expand newlines and tabs.
See also [MarkupObject](/gmod/MarkupObject) for limited width and markup support. ]]
type draw.DrawText = (function(text: string, font: string, x: number, y: number, color: {[any] = any}, xAlign: number): nil)
if CLIENT or MENU then
type dragndrop = {}
--[[ Updates the receiver to drop the panels onto. Called from [dragndrop.Think](/gmod/dragndrop.Think). ]]
type dragndrop.UpdateReceiver = (function(): nil)
--[[ Handles all the drag'n'drop processes. Calls [dragndrop.UpdateReceiver](/gmod/dragndrop.UpdateReceiver) and [dragndrop.HoverThink](/gmod/dragndrop.HoverThink). ]]
type dragndrop.Think = (function(): nil)
--[[ Stops the drag'n'drop and calls [dragndrop.Clear](/gmod/dragndrop.Clear). ]]
type dragndrop.StopDragging = (function(): nil)
--[[ Starts the drag'n'drop. ]]
type dragndrop.StartDragging = (function(): nil)
--[[ Returns whether the user is dragging something with the drag'n'drop system. ]]
type dragndrop.IsDragging = (function(): boolean)
--[[ Handles the hover think. Called from [dragndrop.Think](/gmod/dragndrop.Think). ]]
type dragndrop.HoverThink = (function(): nil)
--[[ If returns true, calls [dragndrop.StopDragging](/gmod/dragndrop.StopDragging) in [dragndrop.Drop](/gmod/dragndrop.Drop). Seems to be broken and does nothing. Is it for override? ]]
type dragndrop.HandleDroppedInGame = (function(): nil)
--[[ Returns a table of currently dragged panels. ]]
type dragndrop.GetDroppable = (function(name: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Handles the drop action of drag'n'drop library. ]]
type dragndrop.Drop = (function(): nil)
--[[ Clears all the internal drag'n'drop variables. ]]
type dragndrop.Clear = (function(): nil)
--[[ Calls the receiver function of hovered panel. ]]
type dragndrop.CallReceiverFunction = (function(bDoDrop: boolean, command: number, mx: number, my: number): nil)
if CLIENT or MENU then
type derma = {}
if CLIENT or MENU then
--[[ Returns a function to draw a specified texture of panels skin. ]]
type derma.SkinTexture = (function(name: string, pnl: IPanel, fallback: any): (function(...any): any))
--[[ Calls the specified hook for the given panel ]]
type derma.SkinHook = (function(type: string, name: string, panel: IPanel, w: number, h: number): any)
--[[ Returns how many times [derma.RefreshSkins](/gmod/derma.RefreshSkins) has been called. ]]
type derma.SkinChangeIndex = (function(): number)
--[[ Clears all cached panels so that they reassess which skin they should be using. ]]
type derma.RefreshSkins = (function(): nil)
--[[ Returns a copy of the table containing every Derma skin ]]
type derma.GetSkinTable = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the skin table of the skin with the supplied name ]]
type derma.GetNamedSkin = (function(name: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the default skin table, which can be changed with the hook [GM:ForceDermaSkin](/gmod/GM:ForceDermaSkin) ]]
type derma.GetDefaultSkin = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the [derma.Controls](/gmod/derma.Controls) table, a list of all derma controls registered with [derma.DefineControl](/gmod/derma.DefineControl). ]]
type derma.GetControlList = (function(): {[any] = any})
--[[ Defines a new skin so that it is usable by Derma. The default skin can be found in `garrysmod/lua/skins/default.lua` ]]
type derma.DefineSkin = (function(name: string, descriptions: string, skin: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Defines a new Derma control with an optional base.
This calls [vgui.Register](/gmod/vgui.Register) internally, but also does the following:
* Adds the control to [derma.GetControlList](/gmod/derma.GetControlList)
* Adds a key "Derma" - This is returned by [derma.GetControlList](/gmod/derma.GetControlList)
* Makes a global table with the name of the control (This is technically deprecated and should not be relied upon)
* If reloading (i.e. called this function with name of an existing panel), updates all existing instances of panels with this name. (Updates functions, calls [PANEL:PreAutoRefresh](/gmod/PANEL:PreAutoRefresh) and [PANEL:PostAutoRefresh](/gmod/PANEL:PostAutoRefresh), etc.) ]]
type derma.DefineControl = (function(name: string, description: string, tab: {[any] = any}, base: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Gets the color from a Derma skin of a panel and returns default color if not found ]]
type derma.Color = (function(name: string, pnl: IPanel, default: {[any] = any}): nil)
type derma.SkinList = {[number] = any}
--[[ [derma.DefineControl](/gmod/derma.DefineControl).
Use [derma.GetControlList](/gmod/derma.GetControlList) to retrieve this list.
It's a list of tables, each having 3 keys, all from [derma.DefineControl](/gmod/derma.DefineControl) arguments:
* [string](/gmod/string) ClassName - The class name of the panel
* [string](/gmod/string) Description - The description of the panel
* [string](/gmod/string) BaseClass - The base class of the panel ]]
type derma.Controls = {ClassName = string, Description = string, BaseClass = string}
if CLIENT or SERVER then
type debugoverlay = {}
--[[ Displays a colored triangle at the specified coordinates. ]]
type debugoverlay.Triangle = (function(pos1: IVector, pos2: IVector, pos3: IVector, lifetime: number, color: {[any] = any}, ignoreZ: boolean): nil)
--[[ Displays text at the specified position. ]]
type debugoverlay.Text = (function(origin: IVector, text: string, lifetime: number, viewCheck: boolean): nil)
--[[ Displays "swept" box, two boxes connected with lines by their verices. ]]
type debugoverlay.SweptBox = (function(vStart: IVector, vEnd: IVector, vMins: IVector, vMaxs: IVector, ang: IAngle, lifetime: number, color: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Displays a coloured sphere at the specified position. ]]
type debugoverlay.Sphere = (function(origin: IVector, size: number, lifetime: number, color: {[any] = any}, ignoreZ: boolean): nil)
--[[ Displays text triangle at the specified coordinates. ]]
type debugoverlay.ScreenText = (function(x: number, y: number, text: string, lifetime: number, color: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Displays a coloured line at the specified position. ]]
type debugoverlay.Line = (function(pos1: IVector, pos2: IVector, lifetime: number, color: {[any] = any}, ignoreZ: boolean): nil)
--[[ Draws a 3D grid of limited size in given position. ]]
type debugoverlay.Grid = (function(position: IVector): nil)
--[[ Displays 2D text at the specified coordinates. ]]
type debugoverlay.EntityTextAtPosition = (function(pos: IVector, line: number, text: string, lifetime: number, color: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Creates a coloured cross at the specified position for the specified time. ]]
type debugoverlay.Cross = (function(position: IVector, size: number, lifetime: number, color: {[any] = any}, ignoreZ: boolean): nil)
--[[ Displays a solid colored rotated box at the specified position. ]]
type debugoverlay.BoxAngles = (function(pos: IVector, mins: IVector, maxs: IVector, ang: IAngle, lifetime: number, color: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Displays a solid coloured box at the specified position. ]]
type debugoverlay.Box = (function(origin: IVector, mins: IVector, maxs: IVector, lifetime: number, color: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Displays an axis indicator at the specified position. ]]
type debugoverlay.Axis = (function(origin: IVector, ang: IAngle, size: number, lifetime: number, ignoreZ: boolean): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER or MENU then
type cvars = {}
--[[ Retrieves console variable as a string. ]]
type cvars.String = (function(cvar: string, default: any): string)
--[[ Removes a callback for a convar using the the callback's identifier. The identifier should be the third argument specified for [cvars.AddChangeCallback](/gmod/cvars.AddChangeCallback). ]]
type cvars.RemoveChangeCallback = (function(name: string, indentifier: string): nil)
--[[ Called by the engine when a convar value changes. ]]
type cvars.OnConVarChanged = (function(name: string, oldVal: string, newVal: string): nil)
--[[ Retrieves console variable as a number. ]]
type cvars.Number = (function(cvar: string, default: any): number)
--[[ Returns a table of the given [ConVar](/gmod/ConVar)s callbacks. ]]
type cvars.GetConVarCallbacks = (function(name: string, createIfNotFound: boolean): {[any] = any})
--[[ Retrieves console variable as a boolean. ]]
type cvars.Bool = (function(cvar: string, default: boolean): boolean)
--[[ Adds a callback to be called when the named convar changes. ]]
type cvars.AddChangeCallback = (function(name: string, callback: (function(...any): any), identifier: string): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER or MENU then
type cookie = {}
--[[ Sets the value of a cookie, which is saved automatically by the [sql](/gmod/sql).
These are stored in the *.db files - cl.db for clients, mn.db for menu state and sv.db for servers. ]]
type cookie.Set = (function(key: string, value: string): nil)
--[[ Gets the value of a cookie on the client as a string. ]]
type cookie.GetString = (function(name: string, default: any): string)
--[[ Gets the value of a cookie on the client as a number. ]]
type cookie.GetNumber = (function(name: string, default: any): number)
--[[ Deletes a cookie on the client. ]]
type cookie.Delete = (function(name: string): nil)
if CLIENT then
type controlpanel = {}
--[[ Returns (or creates if not exists) a control panel. ]]
type controlpanel.Get = (function(name: string): IPanel)
--[[ Clears ALL the control panels ( for tools ) ]]
type controlpanel.Clear = (function(): nil)
if SERVER then
type construct = {}
--[[ Sets props physical properties. ]]
type construct.SetPhysProp = (function(ply: IPlayer, ent: IEntity, physObjID: number, physObj: IPhysObj, data: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Creates a magnet. ]]
type construct.Magnet = (function(ply: IPlayer, pos: IVector, ang: IAngle, model: string, material: string, key: number, maxObjects: number, strength: number, nopull: number, allowrot: number, startOn: number, toggle: number, vel: IVector, aVel: IAngle, frozen: boolean): IEntity)
if SERVER then
type constraint = {}
--[[ Creates a Winch constraint. ]]
type constraint.Winch = (function(pl: IPlayer, Ent1: IEntity, Ent2: IEntity, Bone1: number, Bone2: number, LPos1: IVector, LPos2: IVector, width: number, fwd_bind: number, bwd_bind: number, fwd_speed: number, bwd_speed: number, material: string, toggle: boolean): IEntity, IEntity, IEntity)
--[[ Creates a weld constraint ]]
type constraint.Weld = (function(ent1: IEntity, ent2: IEntity, bone1: number, bone2: number, forcelimit: number, nocollide: boolean, deleteent1onbreak: boolean): IEntity)
--[[ Creates a slider constraint. ]]
type constraint.Slider = (function(Ent1: IEntity, Ent2: IEntity, Bone1: number, Bone2: number, LPos1: IVector, LPos2: IVector, width: number, material: string): IEntity, IEntity)
--[[ Creates a rope constraint - with rope! ]]
type constraint.Rope = (function(Ent1: IEntity, Ent2: IEntity, Bone1: number, Bone2: number, LPos1: IVector, LPos2: IVector, length: number, addlength: number, forcelimit: number, width: number, material: string, rigid: boolean): IEntity, IEntity)
--[[ Attempts to remove all constraints of a specified type associated with an entity ]]
type constraint.RemoveConstraints = (function(ent: IEntity, type: string): boolean, number)
--[[ Attempts to remove all constraints associated with an entity ]]
type constraint.RemoveAll = (function(ent: IEntity): boolean, number)
--[[ Creates a pulley constraint. ]]
type constraint.Pulley = (function(Ent1: IEntity, Ent4: IEntity, Bone1: number, Bone4: number, LPos1: IVector, LPos4: IVector, WPos2: IVector, WPos3: IVector, forcelimit: number, rigid: boolean, width: number, material: string): IEntity)
--[[ Creates an no-collide "constraint". Disables collision between two entities. ]]
type constraint.NoCollide = (function(Ent1: IEntity, Ent2: IEntity, Bone1: number, Bone2: number): IEntity)
--[[ Creates a muscle constraint. ]]
type constraint.Muscle = (function(pl: IPlayer, Ent1: IEntity, Ent2: IEntity, Bone1: number, Bone2: number, LPos1: IVector, LPos2: IVector, Length1: number, Length2: number, width: number, key: number, fixed: number, period: number, amplitude: number, starton: boolean, material: string): IEntity, IEntity, IEntity, IEntity)
--[[ Creates a motor constraint. ]]
type constraint.Motor = (function(Ent1: IEntity, Ent2: IEntity, Bone1: number, Bone2: number, LPos1: IVector, LPos2: IVector, friction: number, torque: number, forcetime: number, nocollide: number, toggle: number, pl: IPlayer, forcelimit: number, numpadkey_fwd: number, numpadkey_bwd: number, direction: number, LocalAxis: IVector): IEntity, IEntity)
--[[ Creates a keep upright constraint. ]]
type constraint.Keepupright = (function(ent: IEntity, ang: IAngle, bone: number, angularLimit: number): IEntity)
--[[ Creates a Hydraulic constraint. ]]
type constraint.Hydraulic = (function(pl: IPlayer, Ent1: IEntity, Ent2: IEntity, Bone1: number, Bone2: number, LPos1: IVector, LPos2: IVector, Length1: number, Length2: number, width: number, key: number, fixed: number, speed: number, material: string): IEntity, IEntity, IEntity, IEntity)
--[[ Returns true if the entity has constraints attached to it ]]
type constraint.HasConstraints = (function(ent: IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Returns a table of all constraints directly connected to the entity ]]
type constraint.GetTable = (function(ent: IEntity): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns a table of all entities recursively constrained to an entitiy. ]]
type constraint.GetAllConstrainedEntities = (function(ent: IEntity, ResultTable: {[any] = any}): {[any] = any})
--[[ Make this entity forget any constraints it knows about. Note that this will not actually remove the constraints. ]]
type constraint.ForgetConstraints = (function(ent: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Returns a table of all constraints of a specific type directly connected to the entity ]]
type constraint.FindConstraints = (function(ent: IEntity, type: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the other entity involved in the first constraint of a specific type directly connected to the entity ]]
type constraint.FindConstraintEntity = (function(ent: IEntity, type: string): IEntity)
--[[ Returns the first constraint of a specific type directly connected to the entity found ]]
type constraint.FindConstraint = (function(ent: IEntity, type: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the constraint of a specified type between two entities, if it exists ]]
type constraint.Find = (function(ent1: IEntity, ent2: IEntity, type: string, bone1: number, bone2: number): IEntity)
--[[ Creates an elastic constraint. ]]
type constraint.Elastic = (function(Ent1: IEntity, Ent2: IEntity, Bone1: number, Bone2: number, LPos1: IVector, LPos2: IVector, constant: number, damping: number, rdamping: number, material: string, width: number, stretchonly: boolean): IEntity, IEntity)
--[[ Creates an invisible, non-moveable anchor point in the world to which things can be attached. ]]
type constraint.CreateStaticAnchorPoint = (function(pos: IVector): IEntity, IPhysObj, number, IVector)
--[[ Creates a rope without any constraint. ]]
type constraint.CreateKeyframeRope = (function(pos: IVector, width: number, material: string, Constraint: IEntity, Ent1: IEntity, LPos1: IVector, Bone1: number, Ent2: IEntity, LPos2: IVector, Bone2: number, kv: {[any] = any}): IEntity)
--[[ Basic checks to make sure that the specified entity and bone are valid. Returns false if we should not be constraining the entity. ]]
type constraint.CanConstrain = (function(ent: IEntity, bone: number): boolean)
--[[ Creates a ballsocket joint. ]]
type constraint.Ballsocket = (function(Ent1: IEntity, Ent2: IEntity, Bone1: number, Bone2: number, LocalPos: IVector, forcelimit: number, torquelimit: number, nocollide: number): IEntity)
--[[ Creates an axis constraint. ]]
type constraint.Axis = (function(Ent1: IEntity, Ent2: IEntity, Bone1: number, Bone2: number, LPos1: IVector, LPos2: IVector, forcelimit: number, torquelimit: number, friction: number, nocollide: number, LocalAxis: IVector, DontAddTable: boolean): IEntity)
--[[ Creates an advanced ballsocket (ragdoll) constraint.
Uses a ]]
type constraint.AdvBallsocket = (function(Ent1: IEntity, Ent2: IEntity, Bone1: number, Bone2: number, LPos1: IVector, LPos2: IVector, forcelimit: number, torquelimit: number, xmin: number, ymin: number, zmin: number, xmax: number, ymax: number, zmax: number, xfric: number, yfric: number, zfric: number, onlyrotation: number, nocollide: number): IEntity)
--[[ Stores info about the constraints on the entity's table. The only difference between this and [constraint.AddConstraintTable](/gmod/constraint.AddConstraintTable) is that the constraint does not get deleted when the entity is removed. ]]
type constraint.AddConstraintTableNoDelete = (function(ent1: IEntity, constrt: IEntity, ent2: IEntity, ent3: IEntity, ent4: IEntity): nil)
--[[ Stores information about constraints in an entity's table. ]]
type constraint.AddConstraintTable = (function(ent1: IEntity, constrt: IEntity, ent2: IEntity, ent3: IEntity, ent4: IEntity): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER or MENU then
type concommand = {}
--[[ Used by the engine to run a console command's callback function. This will only be called for commands that were added with [AddConsoleCommand](/gmod/Global.AddConsoleCommand), which [concommand.Add](/gmod/concommand.Add) calls internally. An error is sent to the player's chat if no callback is found.
This will still be called for concommands removed with [concommand.Remove](/gmod/concommand.Remove) but will return false. ]]
type concommand.Run = (function(ply: IPlayer, cmd: string, args: any, argumentString: string): boolean)
--[[ Removes a console command. ]]
type concommand.Remove = (function(name: string): nil)
--[[ Returns the tables of all console command callbacks, and autocomplete functions, that were added to the game with [concommand.Add](/gmod/concommand.Add). ]]
type concommand.GetTable = (function(): {[any] = any}, {[any] = any})
--[[ Used by the engine to call the autocomplete function for a console command, and retrieve returned options. ]]
type concommand.AutoComplete = (function(command: string, arguments: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Creates a console command that runs a function in lua with optional autocompletion function and help text. ]]
type concommand.Add = (function(name: string, callback: (function(...any): any), autoComplete: (function(...any): any), helpText: string, flags: number): nil)
type cleanup = {}
if SERVER then
--[[ Replaces one entity in the cleanup module with another ]]
type cleanup.ReplaceEntity = (function(from: IEntity, to: IEntity): boolean)
--[[ Gets the cleanup list. ]]
type cleanup.GetList = (function(): nil)
--[[ Called by the `gmod_cleanup` console command. Allows players to cleanup their own props. ]]
type cleanup.CC_Cleanup = (function(pl: IPlayer, command: string, args: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Called by the `gmod_admin_cleanup` console command. Allows admins to clean up the server. ]]
type cleanup.CC_AdminCleanup = (function(pl: IPlayer, command: string, args: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Adds an entity to a player's cleanup list. ]]
type cleanup.Add = (function(pl: IPlayer, type: string, ent: IEntity): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER then
--[[ Registers a new cleanup type. ]]
type cleanup.Register = (function(type: string): nil)
--[[ Gets the table of cleanup types. ]]
type cleanup.GetTable = (function(): {[any] = any})
if CLIENT then
--[[ Repopulates the clients cleanup menu ]]
type cleanup.UpdateUI = (function(): nil)
if CLIENT then
type chat = {}
--[[ Plays the chat "tick" sound. ]]
type chat.PlaySound = (function(): nil)
--[[ Opens the chat window. ]]
type chat.Open = (function(mode: number): nil)
--[[ Returns the chatbox size. ]]
type chat.GetChatBoxSize = (function(): number, number)
--[[ Returns the chatbox position. ]]
type chat.GetChatBoxPos = (function(): number, number)
--[[ Closes the chat window. ]]
type chat.Close = (function(): nil)
--[[ Adds text to the local player's chat box (which only they can read). ]]
type chat.AddText = (function(arguments: ...any): nil)
if CLIENT then
type cam = {}
--[[ Sets up a new 3d context using orthographic projection. ]]
type cam.StartOrthoView = (function(leftOffset: number, topOffset: number, rightOffset: number, bottomOffset: number): nil)
--[[ Sets up a new 2D rendering context. Must be finished by [cam.End3D2D](/gmod/cam.End3D2D). This function pushes a new matrix onto the stack. ([cam.PushModelMatrix](/gmod/cam.PushModelMatrix))
Matrix formula:
local m = Matrix()
m:SetScale(Vector(scale, -scale, 1))
``` ]]
type cam.Start3D2D = (function(pos: IVector, angles: IAngle, scale: number): nil)
--[[ Sets up a new 3D rendering context. Must be finished by [cam.End3D](/gmod/cam.End3D).
For more advanced settings such as an orthographic view, use [cam.Start](/gmod/cam.Start) instead. ]]
type cam.Start3D = (function(pos: IVector, angles: IAngle, fov: number, x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, zNear: number, zFar: number): nil)
--[[ Sets up a new 2D rendering context. Must be finished by [cam.End2D](/gmod/cam.End2D).
This is almost always used with a render target from the [render](/gmod/render). To set its position use [render.SetViewPort](/gmod/render.SetViewPort) with a target already stored. ]]
type cam.Start2D = (function(): nil)
--[[ Sets up a new rendering context. This is an extended version of [cam.Start3D](/gmod/cam.Start3D) and [cam.Start2D](/gmod/cam.Start2D). Must be finished by [cam.End3D](/gmod/cam.End3D) or [cam.End2D](/gmod/cam.End2D). ]]
type cam.Start = (function(dataTbl: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Pushes the specified matrix onto the render matrix stack. Unlike opengl, this will replace the current model matrix. ]]
type cam.PushModelMatrix = (function(matrix: IMatrix, multiply: boolean): nil)
--[[ Pops the current active rendering matrix from the stack and reinstates the previous one. ]]
type cam.PopModelMatrix = (function(): nil)
--[[ Tells the renderer to ignore the depth buffer and draw any upcoming operation "ontop" of everything that was drawn yet.
This is identical to calling `render.DepthRange( 0, 0.01 )` for `true` and `render.DepthRange( 0, 1 )` for `false`. See [render.DepthRange](/gmod/render.DepthRange). ]]
type cam.IgnoreZ = (function(ignoreZ: boolean): nil)
--[[ Returns the currently active model matrix. ]]
type cam.GetModelMatrix = (function(): IMatrix)
--[[ Switches the renderer back to the previous drawing mode from a 3D orthographic rendering context. ]]
type cam.EndOrthoView = (function(): nil)
--[[ Switches the renderer back to the previous drawing mode from a 3D2D context. ]]
type cam.End3D2D = (function(): nil)
--[[ Switches the renderer back to the previous drawing mode from a 3D context. ]]
type cam.End3D = (function(): nil)
--[[ Switches the renderer back to the previous drawing mode from a 2D context. ]]
type cam.End2D = (function(): nil)
--[[ Switches the renderer back to the previous drawing mode from a 3D context.
This function is an alias of [cam.End3D](/gmod/cam.End3D). ]]
type cam.End = (function(): nil)
--[[ Shakes the screen at a certain position. ]]
type cam.ApplyShake = (function(pos: IVector, angles: IAngle, factor: number): nil)
if CLIENT or SERVER or MENU then
type baseclass = {}
--[[ Add a new base class that can be derived by others. This is done automatically for:
* widgets
* panels
* drive modes
* entities
* weapons
* gamemodes (with prefix "gamemode_") ]]
type baseclass.Set = (function(name: string, tab: {[any] = any}): nil)
--[[ Gets the base class of an an object.
This is used not just by entities, but also by widgets, panels, drive modes, weapons and gamemodes (with "gamemode_" prefix).
The keyword **DEFINE_BASECLASS** translates into a call to this function. In the engine, it is replaced with:
local BaseClass = baseclass.Get
``` ]]
type baseclass.Get = (function(name: string): {[any] = any})
if SERVER then
type ai_task = {}
--[[ Create a new empty task. Used by [Schedule:AddTask](/gmod/Schedule:AddTask) and [Schedule:EngTask](/gmod/Schedule:EngTask). ]]
type ai_task.New = (function(): ITask)
if SERVER then
type ai_schedule = {}
--[[ Creates a schedule for scripted NPC. ]]
type ai_schedule.New = (function(name: string): {[any] = any})
if SERVER then
type ai = {}
--[[ Translates a task name to its corresponding ID. ]]
type ai.GetTaskID = (function(task: string): number)
--[[ Returns all members of a given squad. ]]
type ai.GetSquadMembers = (function(squad: string): {[any] = any})
--[[ Returns the amount of members a given squad has. ]]
type ai.GetSquadMemberCount = (function(squad: string): number)
--[[ Returns the squad leader of the given squad. ]]
type ai.GetSquadLeader = (function(squad: string): INPC)
--[[ Translates a schedule name to its corresponding ID. ]]
type ai.GetScheduleID = (function(sched: string): number)
type achievements = {}
if CLIENT or MENU then
--[[ Used in GMod 12 in the achievements menu to show the user if they have unlocked certain achievements. ]]
type achievements.IsAchieved = (function(AchievementID: number): boolean)
--[[ Retrieves name of given achievement ]]
type achievements.GetName = (function(achievementID: number): string)
--[[ Retrieves progress goal of given achievement ]]
type achievements.GetGoal = (function(achievementID: number): number)
--[[ Retrieves description of given achievement ]]
type achievements.GetDesc = (function(achievementID: number): string)
--[[ Retrieves progress of given achievement ]]
type achievements.GetCount = (function(achievementID: number): nil)
--[[ Returns the amount of achievements in Garry's Mod. ]]
type achievements.Count = (function(): number)
if CLIENT then
--[[ Adds one to the count of ragdolls spawned. Once this count reaches 2000, the 'Dollhouse' achievement is unlocked. ]]
type achievements.SpawnedRagdoll = (function(): nil)
--[[ Adds one to the count of props spawned. Once this count reaches 5000, the 'Creator' achievement is unlocked. ]]
type achievements.SpawnedProp = (function(): nil)
--[[ Adds one to the count of NPCs spawned. Once this count reaches 1000, the 'Procreator' achievement is unlocked. ]]
type achievements.SpawnedNPC = (function(): nil)
--[[ Adds one to the count of how many times the spawnmenu has been opened. Once this count reaches 100,000, the 'Menu User' achievement is unlocked. ]]
type achievements.SpawnMenuOpen = (function(): nil)
--[[ Adds one to the count of things removed. Once this count reaches 5000, the 'Destroyer' achievement is unlocked. ]]
type achievements.Remover = (function(): nil)
--[[ Adds one to the count of friendly NPCs killed. Once this count reaches 1000, the 'Bad Friend' achievement is unlocked. ]]
type achievements.IncGoodies = (function(): nil)
--[[ Adds one to the count of innocent animals killed. Once this count reaches 1000, the 'Innocent Bystander' achievement is unlocked. ]]
type achievements.IncBystander = (function(): nil)
--[[ Adds one to the count of baddies killed. Once this count reaches 1000, the 'War Zone' achievement is unlocked. ]]
type achievements.IncBaddies = (function(): nil)
--[[ Adds one to the count of balls eaten. Once this count reaches 200, the 'Ball Eater' achievement is unlocked. ]]
type achievements.EatBall = (function(): nil)
--[[ Adds one to the count of balloons burst. Once this count reaches 1000, the 'Popper' achievement is unlocked. ]]
type achievements.BalloonPopped = (function(): nil)
if CLIENT or MENU then
type GWEN = {}
--[[ When used in a material skin, it returns a color value from a point in the skin image. ]]
type GWEN.TextureColor = (function(x: number, y: number): {[any] = any})
--[[ Used in derma skins to create a rectangle drawing function from an image. The texture of the rectangle will be scaled. The texture is taken from SKIN.GwenTexture ]]
type GWEN.CreateTextureNormal = (function(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number): (function(...any): any))
--[[ Used in derma skins to create a rectangle drawing function from an image. The rectangle will not be scaled, but instead it will be drawn in the center of the box. The texture is taken from SKIN.GwenTexture ]]
type GWEN.CreateTextureCentered = (function(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number): (function(...any): any))
--[[ Used in derma skins to create a bordered rectangle drawing function from an image. The texture is taken either from last argument or from SKIN.GwenTexture ]]
type GWEN.CreateTextureBorder = (function(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, left: number, top: number, right: number, bottom: number, source: IMaterial): (function(...any): any))
local m = Matrix()
type_assert<|m * Vector(1,1,0), IMatrix|>
local ent = ents.GetByIndex(5)
type_assert<|ent:GetPos().x, number|>
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