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Created February 22, 2018 13:19
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Monty-Hall with Probability-Monad in F#
type Probability = double
type Distribution<'a> = ('a * Probability) list
type Event<'a> = 'a -> bool
let printDistribution (v : Distribution<'a>) =
let negate x = -x
v |> List.sortBy (snd >> negate) |> List.iter (fun (a,p) -> printfn "%A: %.2f%%" a (p * 100.0))
let sure (a : 'a) : Distribution<'a> =
[a, 1.0]
let uniformDist (ls : 'a list) =
let ws = 1.0 / float (List.length ls) (fun l -> (l, ws)) ls
let eventProbability (e : Event<'a>) (vs : Distribution<'a>) : Probability =
vs |> List.filter (fst >> e)
|> List.sumBy snd
let (>?) a b = eventProbability b a
module internal Operations =
let normalize (v : Distribution<'a>) =
let dict = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<_,_>()
let get a = if dict.ContainsKey a then dict.[a] else 0.0
let add (a,p) = dict.[a] <- get a + p
v |> List.iter add
dict |> (fun kvp -> (kvp.Key, kvp.Value))
|> List.ofSeq
module Monad =
let returnM (a : 'a) : Distribution<'a> =
sure a
let bind (v : Distribution<'a>) (f : 'a -> Distribution<'b>) : Distribution<'b> =
[ for (a,p) in v do
for (b,p') in f a do
yield (b, p*p')
] |> normalize
let (>>=) f m =
bind f m
type VertBuilder internal () =
member x.Bind(m, f) = m >>= f
member x.Return(v) = returnM v
member x.ReturnFrom(v) = v
member x.Delay(f) = f ()
let vert = Monad.VertBuilder()
let montyHall =
vert {
let! gate = uniformDist [1..3]
let! guess = uniformDist [1..3]
let opened = Set.ofList [1..3] |> Set.remove gate |> Set.remove guess |> Set.minElement
let switched = Set.ofList [1..3] |> Set.remove opened |> Set.remove guess |> Set.minElement
return (if gate = guess then "stick with it" elif switched = gate then "better switch" else "wtf?")
printDistribution montyHall
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